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Transcript About Dark Web (Or Deep Web)

Excerpt transcript from Youtube entitled

“3 Scary Deep Web Stories That Actually Happened”
Uploaded last 3 September 2016
[words in brackets are edits of mine - Jing]

“VICE Hires a Hitman”

The Deep Web has a host of advertisements for all kinds of services, including hitmen for hire.
These anonymous online figures claim to be willing and able to locate anyone in the world and do
them in for the right price with no questions asked.
In 2012, one of the reporters from VICE was able to get it touch with an alleged contract killer to get a
better feel for the Deep Web assassination process.
Using encrypted emails, the reporter pretends to be the wife of an abusive ex-husband.
She claims to want to have him killed so that she can gain full custody over their child.
The killer does not make any judgments and simply says that he would be happy to help.
He asks for money up front using bitcoins, which is the anonymous Deep Web e-currency of choice.
Once a proper price is negotiatied, the hitman next asks for a photograph of the target and the last
known address.
They talk about “special requirements” which is a code word for either torture or any special
circumstances under which the victim is supposed to die.
When the hitman [messaged through chat based on the screenshot provided by VICE] that he can get
results within two weeks, VICE decides to end the conversation then and there.
Fortunately, the reporter used a picture of a deceased family member along with a fake address, so
nobody could really be harmed.
They never did find out who they were speaking to.
This report is just one of the many hitmen services the Deep Web supposedly offers.
Unfriendly Solution was another alleged hitman organization that was run by somebody who claims
to have been a hitman for seven years.
It was shut down in 2014, though it remains unclear if it was by the site’s owner or the FBI.
Other strange Deep Web hitmen websites sites include the “Charity for Donald Trump Assassination”,
which is allegedly accepting Bitcoin donations to kill the notorious presidential candidate.
[Trump was still a presidential candidate at the time of this clip’s upload.]
Perhaps one of the most infamous Deep Web hitmen organizations ever was the Besa Mafia, which
claimed to be able to murder or otherwise severely injure any target on earth with no delay.

[Screenshot from the Besa Mafia read on their “About Page” provided by the YouTube clip entitled “3
Scary Deep Web Stories That Actually Happened” Uploaded last 3 September 2016]
We are the Albanian Mafia. We are present in the USA (Rudaj Organization), in Europe and in Albania.
We have members in each and every country and we have expanded online as many other
organizations. We are using the security of DeepWeb and Bitcoin.

Besa Albanian Mafia: Hire a Killer or Hitman

If you want to kill someone, or to beat the shit out of him, we are the right guys. We have professional
hitmen available through the entire USA, Canada and Europe and you can hire a contract killer easily.
Most of our gang members are drug dealers but they do contracted killing when they are short on

No undercover cops here. No risks of getting caught, because we are professional killers: We don’t ask
you for your name, we don’t want to know who you are are or where your live. Besa Mafia does not
need your credit card or bank account. You pay by Bitcoin to escrow, and money is held in escrow
until job is completed.

Our website is protected by Deep Web, our website IP is not public and Police and FBI can’t shut us
down. Our professional hitmen for hire do not disclose their identity and they do not meet customers.
They do the job and get payment.
Beat up or break bones
You remain 100% anonymous, by using Tor Browser your IP is not revealed to us, we don’t need any
information about you.]

When the website was recently hacked, 38 different customers and 3-thousand personal messages
from a professional sounding company were leaked to the public.
One of the messages from a customer requests that the target gets beat up ‘badly so there will be
bruises and some blood but don’t to anything else’.
Another simply says, ‘I want her dead’ and goes on to discuss the price.
The owner of Besa Mafia has released an official statement declaring that the website was fake.
Whenever someone contacts them for a hit, the admin says, they send all of the information straight
to the local police department for review.
However, many people believe that this is just a cover up story, and that the Besa Mafia was a
legitimate murder-for-hire service.
Others believe that the Besa Mafia is completely unstoppable and undoubtedly continues to operate
to this very day.
Either way, if this website was to be believed at all, then the way they recruit new hitmen is by having
them commit a crime on video and submit it for the mafia to review and is having them commit a
crime on video and submit it for the mafia to review and approve of .

[Clip then attached an excerpt of one of these ‘try-out’ videos.]

Excerpt transcript from Youtube entitled

“3 Scary Deep Web Stories That Actually Happened”
Uploaded last 3 September 2016
[words in brackets are edits of mine - Jing]

“Cannibalistic Desires”
Most people want to find someone that they can have children and grow old together with, but Arwin
Meiwes had a version of love that was much different.
He was obsessed with the idea of eating another man’s body.
In 2001, the German could not contain himself anymore and took to the Deep Web to fulfill his
darkest desires.
He found an online forum morbidly names the Cannibal Cafe that seemed perfect to satisfy his urges.
Although the disclaimer at the top of the website made it clear that the Cannibal Cafe was for
‘fantasies involving consenting adults’ only, Armin was absolutely serious when he posted a short
blurb outlining his peculiar tastes.
It read:
‘Looking for a well-built 18-to-30-year-old to be slaughtered and then consumed.’
Imagine Armin’s surprise when his inbox was instantly flooded with eager responses.
He later estimates that as many as 200 different people replied back, all of them happily agreeing to
be murdered and eaten.
Figuring out who was serious and who was roleplaying was a long and arduous process.
It took Armin months to interview and sort out potential recruits.
Bernd Brandes had typed a short but intimate response on the Cannibal Cafe forums that instantly
caught Armin’s attention.
‘I am 36 years old,’ he wrote. ‘175 cm and weight 72 kg’
He then added, ‘I hope you are really serious about it because I really want it.’
The two began messaging each other, and soon they had fallen in love with a passion and hunger that
only two people with a fetish for cannibalism could share.
Bernd lived nearby, and they arranged a date and time that was most convenient for him to be killed
and eaten.
The two could not be happier about the fatal relationship and regularly bantered back and forth.
On the day before their date, Bernd wrote ‘I’ll bring myself for breakfast’, at which point Armin
replied, ‘I’ll have an appetite - rely on it.’
Bernd arrived at Armin’s farmland estate and entered a soundproofed slaughter room.
Here, they discussed a mutual interest in computers while smoking cigarettes and drinking coffee.
It was as if they were old friends and nothing out of the ordinary was about to happen.
Bernd suddenly began to have a change of heart and wanted to leave.
He was persuaded at the last minute by his cannibal lover to stay.
They had physical relations with each other and then Bernd chased 20 sleeping pills with half a bottle
of liquor and prepared to die.
When he passed out a short time later, Armin put Bernd in a bathtub.
He set up a camera and recorded every last moment as he calmly removed Bernd’s genitals and fried
them to eat.
He then read a Star Trek novel as he waited for Bernd to die in the bathtub, checking his friend’s vital
signs every 15 minutes to see if he had finally passed.
When hours had passed by, he grew tired of waiting and stabbed his lover in the neck to hurry things
Then he chopped him into pieces to save for later.
Oh, and he buried the head in his garden, too.
Armin later recounted to authorities in detail how he prepared for his first act of cannibalism.
First, he decorated the table with the nicest candles that he could find to set the right kind of mood.
Then he bit into a cut of rump steak that had been taken directly from Bernd’s back.
He described the taste of Bernd to authorities as pork, yet much stronger.
It was a taste he had yearned for over 40 years to taste.
He had first thought of eating someone when he was a small child.
Psychologists say that Armin and others like him sexualize cannibalism as a way to keep people in his
life forever.
As a child, Armin was abandoned by his entire family at a young age and grew very bitter as a result.
This was around the time that he began to think about eating people for the very first time at just 8
years old.
To put it very simply, eating people was Armin’s way of making sure that he could never be left by
them again.
You would think that Armin would have been satisfied for a while after this encounter, but he was not
done yet at all.
Emboldened by the relative ease of his recent kill, he quickly went back to the Deep Web to find more
people to devour.
Unsurprisingly, he eventually creeped out enough people with his confessions that one person alerted
the authorities and explained to them that a man was going around openly admitting to murder and
cannibalism online.
When police traveled to Armin’s farmhouse to investigate further, they could find nothing out of the
ordinary at first.
It seemed like he was going to get away with his crime.
When they looked at his freezer, however, they saw that it had a false bottom.
Underneath there was a weird-looking meat inside.
At first, Armin said that this was from a wild pig he had killed and slaughtered, but they quickly
determined that his was human flesh - Bernd had been frozen and was being saved for later.
At his trial, Armin said that the only thing he was guilty of was giving Bernd a nice death.
In fact, since they were both consenting to do this, Armin argued that no murder had taken place at
This was a mercy killing instead, his lawyers argued.
They had Bernd on tape giving consent to be killed right up until the very last minute.
His ‘victim’ - if he could be called that - appeared at ease the entire time.
[A little disclaimer since the reason why I don’t always get to update research daily due to my Bar
Review sessions and day job, in criminal trials, the goal is either to find a way to acquit the accused of
the crime charged against him or have the accused convicted for a lesser crime. Apparently in
Germany, mercy killing has a shorter sentence than murder. I can’t that the same rules apply where I
am from though. - Jing]

A judge reluctantly agreed that this was technically not murder under the current laws, but rather
simply a case where two lunatics accidentally discovered each other and followed through with a sick
Still, Armin was sentenced to a mere 8 and a half years in prison at first.
Later, he was put on a retrial and given a life sentence.
Although this story happened 15 years ago [at the time of the clip’s upload], there are still plenty of
websites centered around cannibalism.
Some of them are how-to guides for preparing bodies to eat, and others offer advice for disposing of
the non-edible parts.
One can only imagine how many people have actually put the advice to good use, and how many
more Armins there are out in the Deep Web looking to meet their Bernd.
One last thing: in an ironic twist, news outlets have since reported that the cannibal has allegedly
gone vegetarian.

“The Australian Monster”

In 2011, con artist Peter Gerard Scully knew that his days of scamming the Australian public were
coming to a close.
He had an upcoming trial date to face 117 separate charges for fraud and deception, so instead of
accepting his fate with some semblance of dignity, he instead decided to escape all the way to the
Philippines and start a life as a professional pedophilic murderer.
Once away from the Australian government’s reach, Peter considered his options.
He was rich by the impoverished country’s standards and could buy whatever he wanted - which, in
Peter’s case, were small children to commit unspeakable acts with.
[The Philippines is not as impoverished as the YouTube clip claimed to be. But Scully knew which parts
of the Philippines are poor enough to do whatever it takes to earn or find a better place for their kids.
Scully exploited the fact that some parents are too poor to take care of their own kids and would view
some men like Scully as a benevolent caretaker, if only they knew better. More on the details of the
crimes later.]
Peter quickly learned that getting children in a poor country full of starving youth was almost too
To achieve his sick goals, he recruited older teenagers - who were usually also prostitutes - to lure
other victims back to his home with the promise of giving them food.
He had two main girlfriends in particular who regularly supplied him with other neighborhood
children to prey upon. [One of the girlfriends was named in other reports as the latter parts of this
research will then mention.]
Sometimes, desperate parents would even knowingly give their children to him, but only with the
understanding that he would provide them with the food, shelter, and education that they
themselves could not afford to provide.
Peter could obtain a child in this manner for as little as one 5-pound bag of rice.
[A bag of rice weighing at 5 pounds was enough to feed a family for a day if that family has a dozen
children, more or less. That bag of rice would cost around 2 US dollars and 20 cents or so, depending
on the exchange rate since good, polished white rice at the moment have a market value of a US
dollar per kilogram. The rate is somewhat stable since a US dollar would be more or less 50 Philippine
pesos. So in effect, a child’s life is estimated at 2 US dollars and 20 cents.]
If the family knew his true intentions, however, they would have never done this.
One of Peter’s girlfriends came back with two young cousins for him.
Peter had the cousins wear dog collars and do unspeakable acts as he filmed and assaulted them.
His girlfriend covered their faces with a pillow while they screamed.
The following day, he told the cousins to dig their own grave and prepare to die.
According to Peter’s girlfriend, at this point she felt sorry for them and released them from their
They escaped, but others were not so lucky.
Not only had Peter been abusing children this entire time up to this point, but he was also using the
Deep Web to profit off of their misery.
He made a members-only website to share a series of custom videos and distribute them throughout
Europe and both North and South America.
Anonymous Bitcoin transactions were used to do this.
It is also believed that he used live feeds of kidnapped children to take orders from pedophiles from
around the worlds and do as they instructed.
These shows were also recorded and sold.
As these horrifying videos made their way around the Deep Web, authorities were so angered that
they formed an international task force specifically designed to identify Peter and take him down.
Peter’s face was always blurred and his girlfriend wore a mask, but one detective was able to
recognize Peter’s Australian accent.
[The masked girl was mentioned in the videos as “Savage Girl”.]
They now had a country of origin for their suspect.
It was their first clue in identifying the man responsible for these videos and taking him down once
and for all.
Dutch police were able to identify 8 children in the videos as well as the country that it was made
Authorities knew that they were now looking for an Australian man who had moved to the
They were also able to identify his girlfriend despite her mask.
[More on Savage Girl later.]
There were 15 filming locations total, and 5 of the settings were inside houses.
Using frame by frame footage, the task force was able to identify the 5 separate houses by matching
specific areas of the interior, such as the stairs, tiled floors, and windows with those seen in the video.
One of the creepiest locations would be a bare attic.
The walls form into a triangle shape and there is a picture of the Virgin Mary on one side of the room,
and another section that is entirely covered in newspaper comic strips.
To imagine that this is one of the many locations where the innocence of countless children was taken
is horrifying.
One of the properties belonged to Peter, a man with a voice that matched the videos.
They now had their man.
Eventually, they were able to identify Peter’s home address and rushed to arrest him.
He seemed to be relatively calm about the entire situation.
When he was captured, he only asked for cigarettes and did not say much else.
The children in the video were almost all identified and rescued, though at least one remains at large.
Sadly, one victim was positively identified as deceased.
Her remains were found in a shallow grave under the kitchen floor of a house that Peter had at one
point rented.
She was made to dig her grave before Peter strangled her.
Her death is believed to have been recorded and sold on the Deep Web.
One of Peter’s girlfriends brought the authorities to where the girl was.
She says that she wasn’t around when it happened, but that Peter told her about it later.
In reality, however, she carried out a lot of the abuse herself.
She was the one wearing the mask in the video.
She and Peter are both awaiting trial.
Peter has since tried to entirely pass all of the blame onto his girlfriend, saying that she is the active
one in all of this, and he was merely passively letting her fulfill her wishes.

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