DRRM Article

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DRRM: disaster risk reduction management

Have you ever seen yourself in a A disaster’s severity depends not

just on how much impact a hazard
life and death situation?
has on society and the
Imagine yourself in that scenario, environment but it also includes
are you the one saving the lives of our choices.
the many? Or are you the one
These choices include the actions
being saved?
and the decision of the people and
-------------------------- their attitude towards the problem
---- in the given scenario.
Disaster. One word that gives fear DRRM is the concept and the basic
to the mind and heart of the training that would help to reduce
Filipino people. But in reality it the possible risks in disasters
must not be the one we should be through systematic efforts and help
afraid of but instead it must be one the people to enhance their
we the Filipinos must give time and capability in improving emergency
be prepared for. preparedness.
Disaster in different countries were The national service training
caused by people’s lack of program (NSTP) conducted
background knowledge of natural different activities during the first
hazards, the failure to educate the semester regarding the basic
people in emergency training in DRRM. The general goal
preparedness, lack of equipment of these activities were to educate
and even the failure in monitoring and train each individual the basic
the warning system. knowledge as they face the
incoming disasters and to mold
DRRM or disaster risk reduction them to become discipline,
management aims to lessen the independent, concern and be a
possible damage caused by the better person.
different natural hazards like the
earthquakes, floods, tsunamis,
droughts and even cyclones,
through an ethic of prevention.
Disasters usually follow natural

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