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<title> Online Recipe Book </title>
<body Background="images (13).JPG">
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<p><H2><center><marquee align=" left"
Behavior="alternate" direction="left"><strong><font color="white" size="10"
face="Freestyle Script"> Online Recipe Book
<hr ><size= "11" width= "2000" color= "red"
<center><font color ="blue" size="5" face="Times New
<li><a href="#Asian">Asian Recipe</a></li>
<li><a href="#American">American Recipe</a></li>
<li><a href="#European">Eropean Recipe</a></li>
<hr ><size= "11" width= "2000" color= "red"
<hr ><size= "11" width= "2000" color= "red"
<td colspan="3">
<a name = "Asian"><p class="header"><center><strong><font
size="30" face="Script MT Bold" color="gold" ><b> Asian's Recipe
</b></font></strong></center><a href="#top"><strong><font color="red" size="3"
face="Arial" align="left">[back to top]</font></strong></a></p>
<hr ><size= "11" width= "2000" color= "red"
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<br><marquee onmousemove= this.stop(); onmouseleave=
this.start(); behavior=" scroll " direction="right" scrollamount="4" >
<a href="#Beef Momos" title="Beef Momos" ><img src="Beef
Momos.JPG" border="2" height= "250" width="250"></a>
<a href="#Pot Stickers Traditional" title="Pot Stickers
Traditional" ><img src="Pot Stickers Traditional.JPG" border="2" height= "250"
width="250" ></a>
<a href="#Cream cheese Barfi" title="Cream cheese
Barfi"><img src="Cream cheese Barfi.JPG" border="2" height= "250" width="250"
<hr ><size= "11" width= "2000" color= "red"

<ol type= I>

<a name="Cream cheese Barfi" ><p><b><strong><font size="10"
face="Tempus Sans ITC" color="copper"> Cream cheese Barfi
<p><b><font size="4" face="Tempus Sans ITC" color="white">
- Asian's Dessert </font></b></p>
<p><b><font size="4" face="Tempus Sans ITC" color="white">
- Sweetened Cream Cheese Cake </font></b></p>
<p><b><strong><font size="5" face="Comic Sans MS"
color="white"> Ingredients:</font></strong></p>
<img src="Cream cheese Barfi.JPG" align="right" border="2"
height= "250" width="250" title="Cream cheese Barfi">
<font size="4" face="Comic Sans MS" color="white">
<ul type= "square">
<li> 1.5 lb cream cheese
<li> 1.5 lb sour cream
<li> 1 can sweet condensed milk
<li> 1/2 cup sugar
<li> 1/3 cup sifted flour
<li> 1/4 teaspoon baking powder
<li> 1/4 teaspoon salt
<li> 1/4 cup almonds, coarsely chopped
<li> 1/4 cup cashews, coarsely chopped
<li> 1/4 cup golden raisins
<li> 1/4 cup coconut, coarsely chopped

<p> <b> <font size="4" face="Tempus Sans ITC"
color="white">Procedures: </p>
<ol type = *>
<li> In a food processor, combine cream cheese, sour cream,
condensed milk, sugar, flour, baking powder, and salt to a smooth paste-like
mixture. Pour into a large bowl. To the cream cheese mixture, add almonds, cashews,
raisins, and coconut; fold in thoroughly. Butter a baking dish well and pour the
mixture; smooth out the surface and bake at 325oF for 15 to 20 minutes, or until
the top is lightly brown. Chill it overnight in refrigerator. To serve, cut into 2-
in. cubes and top it with whipped cream.
<a href="#top"><font color ="red" size="3"
face="Arial"><ul>[back to top]</ul></font></a>
<hr ><size= "11" width= "2000" color= "red"
<a name="Pot Stickers Traditional"></a>
<ol type= I>
<p><b><strong><font size="10" face="Tempus Sans ITC"
color="copper"> Pot Stickers Traditional</font></strong></font></b></p>
<p><b><font size="4" face="Tempus Sans ITC" color="white">
- Asian's Appetizer </font></b></p>
<p><b><font size="4" face="Tempus Sans ITC" color="white">
- "This traditional recipe is from the area of Northern China. Wonton wrappers are
stuffed with finely chopped vegetables and pork, then fried and served with a spicy
dipping sauce." </font></b></p>
<p><b><strong><font size="4" face="Comic Sans MS"
color="white"> Ingredients:</strong></p>
<img src="Pot Stickers Traditional.JPG" align="right"
border="6" height= "250" width="250" title="Pot Stickers Traditional">
<ul type= "square">
<li> 1/2 pound ground pork
<li> 1/2 medium head cabbage, finely chopped
<li> 1 green onion, finely chopped
<li> 2 slices fresh ginger root, finely chopped
<li> 2 water chestnuts, drained and finely chopped
<li> 1 teaspoon salt
<li> 1/2 teaspoon white sugar
<li> 1 teaspoon sesame oil
<li> 1 (14 ounce) package wonton wrappers
<li> 5 tablespoons vegetable oil
<li> 3/4 cup water
<li> 1 tablespoon chili oil
<li> 1 tablespoon soy sauce
<li> 1 teaspoon rice vinegar

<p> <b> <font size="4" face="Tempus Sans ITC"
color="white">Procedures: </p>
<ol type = *>
<li> Crumble pork into a large, deep skillet. Cook over
medium high heat until evenly brown. Drain and set aside.
<li> In a medium bowl, mix together the pork, cabbage,
green onion, ginger, water chestnuts, salt, sugar and sesame oil. Chill in the
refrigerator 6 to 8 hours, or overnight.
<li> Place a tablespoon of the pork mixture into each of
the wonton wrappers. Fold the wrappers, and seal the edges with a moistened fork.
<li> In a large, deep skillet, heat 3 tablespoons vegetable
oil over medium high heat. Place the pot stickers into the oil seam sides up. Heat
30 seconds to a minute. Pour water into the skillet. Gently boil 7 to 8 minutes,
until oil and water begins to sizzle, then add remaining oil. When the bottoms
begin to brown, remove pot stickers from heat.
<li> In a small serving bowl, mix together the chili oil,
soy sauce, and vinegar, adjusting proportions to taste.
<a href="#top"><font color ="red" size="3"
face="Arial"><ul>[back to top]</ul></font></a>
<hr ><size= "11" width= "2000" color= "red"

<a name="Beef Momos" ></a>

<ol type= I>
<p><b><strong><font size="10" face="Tempus Sans ITC"
color="copper"> Beef Momos</font></strong></font></b></p>
<p><b><font size="4" face="Tempus Sans ITC" color="white">
- Asian's Main Menu </font></b></p>
<p><b><strong><font size="4" face="Comic Sans MS"
color="white"> Ingredients:</strong></p>
<p><b><strong><font size="4" face="Comic Sans MS"
color="white"> Dough</strong></p>
<img src="Beef Momos.JPG" align="right" border="6" height=
"250" width="250" title="Beef Momos">
<ul type= "square">
<li> 3 c All purpose flour 1 c Water
<p><b><strong><font size="4" face="Comic Sans MS"
color="white"> Meat Filling</strong></p>
<ul type= "square">
<li> 1 lb Extra lean ground beef
<li> 1 ea Onion; chopped 1/2 lb Daikon, spinach or
cabbage, -chopped fine
<li> 1 Garlic clove; minced
<li> 1 ts Fresh ginger; grated
<li> 2 ea Green onion; chopped (white -and green
both; no roots)
<li> 2 tb Fresh cilantro; chopped
<li> Salt
<p> <b> <font size="4" face="Tempus Sans ITC"
color="white">Procedures: </p>
<ol type = *>
<li> Mix flour and the water; knead and form into a ball.
Let rise covered with a wet towel or plastic wrap for 30 min. Bring a large pot of
water to the boil. Cut dough into 12 – 18 pieces and roll into small flat circles.
Mash together all filling ingredients. Place a spoonful of filling on each dough
circle, folding over and crimping to seal. Place momos in a steamer and steam on
high for 30 min.
<li> Serve with a mild tomato salsa, “Tsal”, made from
chopped tomatoes, cilantro, green onions and garlic, and/or Sriracha sauce and/or
soy sauce.
<a href="#top"><font color ="red" size="3"
face="Arial"><ul>[back to top]</ul></font></a>
<hr ><size= "11" width= "2000" color= "red"
<hr ><size= "11" width= "2000" color= "red"
<td colspan="3">
<a name = "American"><p
class="header"><center><strong><font size="30" face="Script MT Bold" color="gold"
><b> American's Recipe </b></font></strong></center><a href="#top"><strong><font
color="red" size="3" face="Arial" align="left">[back to
<hr ><size= "11" width= "2000" color= "red"
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this.start(); behavior=" scroll " direction="right" scrollamount="4" >
<a href="#Jambalaya" title="Jambalaya"><img
src="Jambalaya.JPG" border="2" height= "250" width="250"></a>
<a href="#American Ceviche" title="American Ceviche"><img
src="American Ceviche.JPG" border="2" height= "250" width="250" ></a>
<a href="#Bluebarry Lattice Pie" title="Bluebarry Lattice
Pie"><img src="Bluebarry Lattice Pie.JPG" border="2" height= "250" width="250"
<hr ><size= "11" width= "2000" color= "red"

<a name="Bluebarry Lattice Pie" ></a>

<ol type= I>
<p><b><strong><font size="10" face="Tempus Sans ITC"
color="copper"> Bluebarry Lattice Pie</font></strong></font></b></p>
<p><b><font size="4" face="Tempus Sans ITC" color="white">
- American's Dessert </font></b></p>
<p><b><strong><font size="5" face="Comic Sans MS"
color="white"> Ingredients:</font></strong></p>
<img src="Bluebarry Lattice Pie.JPG" align="right"
border="2" height= "250" width="250" title="Bluebarry Lattice Pie">
<font size="4" face="Comic Sans MS" color="white">
<ol type= "square">
<li> 350g (2 1/3 cups) plain flour
<li> Pinch of salt
<li> 3 1/2 tablespoons caster sugar
<li> 225g unsalted butter, chilled, chopped
<li> 80ml (1/3 cup) iced water
<li> 375g blueberries
<li> 1 tablespoon cornflour
<li> 1 teaspoon finely grated lemon rind
<li> 1 1/2 tablespoons raw sugar
<li> Ice-cream or custard, to serve
<p> <b> <font size="4" face="Tempus Sans ITC"
color="white">Procedures: </p>
<ol type = *>
<li> Place the flour, salt and 2 tablespoons of the caster
sugar in a food processor. Add the butter and pulse until the mixture resembles
fine breadcrumbs. Add the water and process until the mixture just starts to come
together. Turn onto a lightly floured surface. Knead until just smooth. Wrap two-
thirds of the pastry in plastic wrap, then wrap the remaining pastry in plastic
wrap. Place in the fridge for 1 hour to rest.
<li> Meanwhile, combine the blueberries, cornflour, lemon
rind and remaining caster sugar in a large bowl. Grease six 12cm (top measurement)
pie dishes.
<li> Preheat oven to 200°C. Roll out large pastry portion
on a lightly floured surface until 5mm thick. Cut six 15cm discs from pastry. Line
dishes with pastry, allowing edges to overhang. Divide blueberry mixture among
pies. Roll out remaining dough on a lightly floured surface until 5mm thick. Cut
into 1cm-wide strips. Brush edges of pies with water. Arrange strips in a lattice
pattern over the filling and press to seal. Trim edges. Place in the fridge for 30
minutes to rest.
<li> Brush top of pies with water. Sprinkle with raw sugar.
Place on a baking tray. Bake for 20 minutes or until light golden. Reduce oven to
180°C. Bake for 15-20 minutes or until pies are golden. Cool in dishes for 10
minutes. Serve with ice-cream or custard.
<a href="#top"><font color ="red" size="3"
face="Arial"><ul>[back to top]</ul></font></a>
<hr ><size= "11" width= "2000" color= "red"
<a name="American Ceviche"></a>
<ol type= I>
<p><b><strong><font size="10" face="Tempus Sans ITC"
color="copper"> American Ceviche</font></strong></font></b></p>
<p><b><font size="4" face="Tempus Sans ITC" color="white">
- America's Appetizer </font></b></p>
<p><b><font size="4" face="Tempus Sans ITC" color="white">
- "This is more of a ceviche gazpacho because it is marinated and served in clam
and tomato juice rather than on a tostada or chips. It is served in a tall beer
glass or tall ice cream sundae glass. Have fun improvising this recipe. Serve with
chips." </font></b></p>
<p><b><strong><font size="4" face="Comic Sans MS"
color="white"> Ingredients:</strong></p>
<img src="American Ceviche.JPG" align="right" border="6"
height= "250" width="250" title="American Ceviche">
<ul type= "square">
<li> 1 (16 ounce) package cooked medium shrimp,
peeled and deveined
<li> 2 (8 ounce) packages imitation crabmeat, cut
into 1-inch pieces
<li> 5 tomatoes, diced
<li> 3 avocados, peeled and diced
<li> 1 English cucumber, peeled and cut into bite-
size pieces
<li> 1 red onion, diced
<li> 1 bunch cilantro, chopped, or more to taste
<li> 4 limes, juiced
<li> 2 jalapeno peppers, seeded and finely diced
<li> 2 cloves garlic, pressed
<li> 1 (64 ounce) bottle tomato and clam juice
<li> salt and ground black pepper to taste
<p> <b> <font size="4" face="Tempus Sans ITC"
color="white">Procedures: </p>
<ol type = *>
<li> Mix shrimp, imitation crab, tomatoes, avocados,
cucumber, red onion, cilantro, lime juice, jalapeno peppers, and garlic together in
a container with a lid; pour tomato and clam juice cocktail over the salad and mix.
Season to taste with salt and black pepper.
<li> Let the salad marinate overnight in the refrigerator;
stir again before serving.
<a href="#top"><font color ="red" size="3"
face="Arial"><ul>[back to top]</ul></font></a>
<hr ><size= "11" width= "2000" color= "red"

<a name="Jambalaya" ></a>

<ol type= I>
<p><b><strong><font size="10" face="Tempus Sans ITC"
color="copper"> Jambalaya</font></strong></font></b></p>
<p><b><font size="4" face="Tempus Sans ITC" color="white">
- American's Main Menu </font></b></p>
<p><b><strong><font size="4" face="Comic Sans MS"
color="white"> Ingredients:</strong></p>
<img src="Jambalaya.JPG" align="right" border="6" height=
"250" width="250" title="Jambalaya">
<ul type= "square">
<li> 1 tablespoon olive oil
<li> 1 chorizo sausage, thinly sliced
<li> 1 brown onion, finely chopped
<li> 1 small red capsicum, seeded, finely chopped
<li> 1 small green capsicum, seeded, finely chopped
<li> 1 celery stick, trimmed, finely chopped
<li> 1 tablespoon Cajun seasoning
<li> 500ml (2 cups) passata (tomato pasta sauce)
<li> 250ml (1 cup) chicken stock
<li> 2 x 250g pkts microwavable white rice
<li> 12 medium green prawns, peeled leaving tails
intact, deveined
<li> 1/4 cup chopped fresh continental parsley
<p> <b> <font size="4" face="Tempus Sans ITC" color="white"
align="left">Procedures: </p>
<ol type = *>
<li> Heat oil in a large, deep frying pan over medium-high
heat. Cook chorizo, stirring occasionally, for 2 minutes or until crisp and golden.
Transfer to a plate lined with paper towel.
<li> Cook the onion, combined capsicum and celery, stirring
occasionally, for 5 minutes or until soft. Add the seasoning and cook, stirring,
for 1 minute or until aromatic. Add the passata and stock. Bring to the boil.
Reduce heat to medium-low and simmer, stirring occasionally, for 10 minutes or
until the mixture thickens.
<li> Meanwhile, prepare the rice following packet
directions. Use a fork to separate the grains.
<li> Add the prawns and rice to the pan. Cook, stirring
occasionally, for 5 minutes or until the prawns curl and change colour. Stir in the
parsley and chorizo.
<a href="#top"><font color ="red" size="3"
face="Arial"><ul>[back to top]</ul></font></a>
<hr ><size= "11" width= "2000" color= "red"
<hr ><size= "11" width= "2000" color= "red"
<td colspan="3">
<a name = "European"><p
class="header"><center><strong><font size="30" face="Script MT Bold" color="gold"
><b> European's Recipe </b></font></strong></center><a href="#top"><strong><font
color="red" size="3" face="Arial" align="left">[back to
<hr ><size= "11" width= "2000" color= "red"
<hr ><size= "11" width= "2000" color= "red"
<br><marquee onmousemove= this.stop(); onmouseleave=
this.start(); behavior=" scroll " direction="right" scrollamount="4" >
<a href="#Grilled Turkey Breast with Fresh Sage Leaves"
title="Grilled Turkey Breast with Fresh Sage Leaves" ><img src="Grilled Turkey
Breast with Fresh Sage Leaves.JPG" border="2" height= "250" width="250"></a>
<a href="#Tapenade" title="Tapenade" ><img
src="Tapenade.JPG" border="2" height= "250" width="250" ></a>
<a href="#Chocolate Mousse Cake I" title="Chocolate Mousse
Cake I"><img src="Chocolate Mousse Cake I.JPG"border="2" height= "250" width="250"
<hr ><size= "11" width= "2000" color= "red"
<a name="Chocolate Mousse Cake I" ></a>
<ol type= I>
<p><b><strong><font size="10" face="Tempus Sans ITC"
color="copper"> Chocolate Mousse Cake I </font></strong></font></b></p>
<p><b><font size="4" face="Tempus Sans ITC" color="white">
- European's Dessert </font></b></p>
<p><b><strong><font size="5" face="Comic Sans MS"
color="white"> Ingredients:</font></strong></p>
<img src="Chocolate Mousse Cake I.JPG" align="right"
border="2" height= "250" width="250" title="Chocolate Mousse Cake I">
<font size="4" face="Comic Sans MS"
<ul type= "square">
<li> 1 cup white sugar
<li> 2 cups butter
<li> 1 cup water
<li> 1 teaspoon instant coffee granules (optional)
<li> 1 pound semisweet chocolate, chopped
<li> 8 eggs
<li> 1/2 cup heavy whipping cream
<li> 1 tablespoon confectioners' sugar
<li> 16 whole almonds, toasted (optional)
<p> <b> <font size="4" face="Tempus Sans ITC"
<ol type = *>
<li> Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease
a 9-inch springform pan and wrap bottom with aluminum foil.
<li> Heat sugar, butter, water, coffee, and chocolate in a
3-quart saucepan over low heat, stirring constantly, until chocolate is melted and
mixture is smooth; remove from heat. Beat eggs in a separate bowl; gradually pour
in the chocolate mixture, whisking constantly. The batter will be very thin.
Transfer batter to prepared pan.
<li> Bake in the preheated oven until a wooden pick
inserted in center comes out clean, about 45 to 50 minutes. Cool completely. Remove
sides of pan. Cover cake with plastic wrap and refrigerate until chilled, at least
4 hours.
<li> Remove plastic wrap. Beat whipping cream and
confectioners' sugar in a chilled 1 1/2 quart bowl until stiff. Garnish top of cake
with whipped cream and, if desired, whole almonds. Refrigerate any remaining cake.
<a href="#top"><font color ="red" size="3"
face="Arial"><ul>[back to top]</ul></font></a>
<hr ><size= "11" width= "2000" color= "red"
<a name="Tapenade"></a>
<ol type= I>
<p><b><strong><font size="10" face="Tempus Sans ITC"
color="copper"> Tapenade</font></strong></font></b></p>
<p><b><font size="4" face="Tempus Sans ITC" color="white">
- European's Appetizer </font></b></p>
<p><b><font size="4" face="Tempus Sans ITC" color="white">
- "Classic Mediterranean dish using black (preferably Kalamata) olives. This dip is
great with pita bread triangles." </font></b></p>
<p><b><strong><font size="4" face="Comic Sans MS"
color="white" align="left"> Ingredients:</strong></p>
<img src="Tapenade.JPG" align="right" border="6" height=
"250" width="250" title="Tapenade">
<ul type= "square">
<li> 1 clove garlic, chopped
<li> 1 3/4 cups whole, pitted kalamata olives
<li> 1 (2 ounce) can anchovy fillets, rinsed
<li> 2 tablespoons capers
<li> 1 teaspoon chopped fresh thyme
<li> 1 teaspoon chopped fresh rosemary
<li> 3 tablespoons lemon juice
<li> 4 tablespoons olive oil
<p> <b> <font size="4" face="Tempus Sans ITC" color="white"
align="left">Procedures: </p>
<ol type = *>
<li>Combine garlic, olives, anchovies, capers, thyme,
rosemary and lemon juice in an electric blender. Slowly drip the olive oil into the
blender while you are blending the ingredients together. Blend until a paste is
<a href="#top"><font color ="red" size="3"
face="Arial"><ul>[back to top]</ul></font></a>
<hr ><size= "11" width= "2000" color= "red"

<a name="Grilled Turkey Breast with Fresh Sage Leaves"

<ol type= I>
<p><b><strong><font size="10" face="Tempus Sans ITC"
color="copper"> Grilled Turkey Breast with Fresh Sage
<p><b><font size="4" face="Tempus Sans ITC" color="white">
- European's Main Menu </font></b></p>
<p><b><font size="4" face="Tempus Sans ITC" color="white">
- "A new favorite of my husband and mine! The sage leaves make this dish complete.
You can also use chicken breasts with this recipe." </font></b></p>
<p><b><strong><font size="4" face="Comic Sans MS"
color="white" align="left"> Ingredients:</strong></p>
<img src="Grilled Turkey Breast with Fresh Sage Leaves.JPG"
align="right" border="6" height= "250" width="250" title="Grilled Turkey Breast
with Fresh Sage Leaves">
<ul type= "square">
<li> 3 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
<li> 3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
<li> 28 leaves fresh sage
<li> 4 skinless, boneless turkey breast halves
<li> sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to
<li> 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
<li> 3 tablespoons unsalted butter
<li> 2 lemons, halved
<p> <b> <font size="4" face="Tempus Sans ITC" color="white"
align="left">Procedures: </p>
<ol type = *>
<li> Mix lemon juice, 3 tablespoons olive oil, and sage
leaves in a large container and place turkey breast halves into the marinade. Allow
meat to marinate for 30 minutes at room temperature, turning turkey breasts over
<li> Preheat grill for medium heat and lightly oil the
<li> Remove turkey breasts from marinade and reserve the
marinade and sage leaves. Sprinkle turkey on both sides with sea salt and black
<li> Grill turkey breasts on the preheated grill until they
show grill marks, the meat is no longer pink inside, and an instant-read meat
thermometer inserted into the thickest part of the breast reads at least 160
degrees F (70 degrees C), about 30 minutes. Turn turkey pieces over after 15
<li> While turkey is grilling, heat 2 tablespoons olive oil
with unsalted butter in a large skillet over medium-high heat until hot and
bubbling. Pour reserved marinade, including sage leaves, into the oil and butter
and cook, stirring often, until the marinade has evaporated and the sage leaves are
crisply fried, 10 to 15 minutes.
<li> Transfer grilled turkey breasts to a cutting board and
season again with salt and black pepper if desired; thickly slice the turkey on the
diagonal and arrange on a platter, topped by fried sage leaves and garnished with
lemon halves.
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face="Arial"><ul>[back to top]</ul></font></a>
<hr ><size= "11" width= "2000" color= "red"


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