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Examining the lifestyles, attitudes,
digital and purchase behaviors of
affluent consumers


What’s inside
03 Introduction

04 Key insights

05 Understanding affluent consumers

08 Attitudes & lifestyle

10 Tech behaviors

15 Media consumption

20 The purchase journey

27 Notes on methodology

29 More from GlobalWebIndex


GlobalWebIndex Audience reports are designed to examine the digital behaviors of a All figures in this report are drawn from GlobalWebIndex’s Social Grading Segmentation ranks
particular group – showcasing trends over time as well as analyzing how the audience GlobalWebIndex’s online research among internet respondents based on their answers to a number of
in question compares to the overall internet population. In this report, we place the users aged 16-64. We only interview respondents aged questions relating to their lifestyles, professional lives,
spotlight on affluent consumers. 16-64 and our figures are representative of the online and personal circumstances. Respondents in each
populations of each market, not its total population. country are divided into five quintiles – with the 1st
This report focuses on: Note that in many markets in Latin America, the Middle quintile containing those of the highest social grade.
East and Africa, and the Asia Pacific region, low internet Affluent consumers are defined as the 1st quintile in
penetration rates can mean online populations are each market. This means that affluent consumers scored

01 Understanding affluent consumers – what is this audience’s

demographic profile?
more young, urban, affluent and educated than the total
the most highly across characteristics relating to wealth,
educational achievement, working status, vacations,
device ownership, and car ownership. For more
Each year, GlobalWebIndex interviews over 688,000 information on GWI’s Social Grading Segmentation,

02 Attitudes and lifestyle – what attitudes, behaviors, and

interests define this group?
internet users aged 16-64 via an online questionnaire for
our Core dataset. A proportion of respondents complete
please download this document.

a shorter version of this survey via mobile, hence the This definition rendered a sample of 23,261 respondents
sample sizes presented in the charts throughout this from 42 countries. To re-create this audience, clients can

03 Tech behaviors – how do they feel about technology? And what

kind of devices are they using?
report may differ as some will include all respondents
and others will include only respondents who completed
access our Audience Builder on the platform.

GlobalWebIndex’s Core survey via PC/laptop/tablet.

04 Media consumption – where do affluent consumers spend most of their time

online? What social media platforms do they use and how do they use them?
Throughout this report we refer to indexes. Indexes are
used to compare any given group against the average
(1.00), which unless otherwise stated refers to the global
average. For example, an index of “1.20” means that a

05 The purchase journey – how are affluent consumers shopping online? How
does this audience discover and interact with brands online? What drives
given group is 20% above the global average, and an
index of “0.80” means that an audience is 20% below the
them to purchase and promote a brand? global average. 3

Key Insights

01 02 03 04 05
Affluent consumers are They’re early adopters of They’re big users of Social media plays a Personal relationships and
highly ambitious, career- new, smart technology – traditional and digital forms key role in the purchase involvement are key to
driven, and value status. but also show signs of tech of entertainment. journey – especially for engaging this group and
frustration. product research in driving brand loyalty.
This audience is 1.2x as likely as the This group has embraced all digital
emerging regions.
average to say they’re career oriented Affluent consumers are key backers of channels, while still remaining active users This group is highly brand-oriented.
and that money is the best measure of smart technology. They’re 89% more likely of traditional media. Overall, they spend Considering this group spends most Close to 3 in 10 will promote a brand
success. They’re highly motivated to than average to own a smartwatch and longer on all forms of media compared of their time per day on social media, online if they’re directly involved or have
succeed and place significant value on have also taken a strong liking to smart to the average internet user. They’re it makes sense to see that social media a personal, one-to-one relationship with
status and exclusivity. Affluent consumers home products. While they’re keen to avid users of both online and linear TV, plays a key role in their purchase a brand. It’s critical that brands actively
are willing to pay more for products, and embrace the latest technology, we’re also spending roughly 3 hours and 40 minutes journey. In particular, social media is an involve this group and take their opinions
are more likely to turn to premium brands seeing signs of frustration with across both per day. increasingly important product research on board to make them feel valued.
that boost their status and image. technology emerge. tool for younger affluent consumers in
emerging markets like Latin America and
the Middle East and Africa. 4
Affluent consumers

affluent consumers

Who are affluent consumers?


Full-time worker 79%

55% 45%
Urban 79%
17% of affluent
Suburban 16%
Male Female consumers are
Rural 5%
CEO/president of
their company, rising
35–44 45–54
to 20% in North

Married 68%
Single 20%
In a
18% relationship 10% *Full-time parent/
stay-at-home parent
25–34 Divorced/
widowed 2%

Question: Which of the
following best describes
PARENTAL STATUS your gender? | How old are
you? | What is your current
working status? | Where is
Self-employed/Freelancer 10%
your household located? |
25% 16% Part-time worker 5% What best describes your
Parents 66% marital status? | How many
Student 2%
55–64 children do you have?
Retired 2% Non-parents 34% Source: GlobalWebIndex
Q3 2019 Base: 23,261
Parent* 1%
affluent consumers
31% 10% Unemployed 1% aged 16-64 6

Who are affluent consumers?

% of affluent consumers who own the following

Car ownership Cash/savings/pension 82% Globally, affluent consumers make up 16% Even though the majority of this group are
None 9% of the online population. Although they parents, they’re highly work-oriented;
display a fairly broad array of demographic a theme that’s evident throughout the
Stocks/shares 43%
One 53% traits, they have a noticeably high report. Just over 90% are in full-time work, part-
representation among full-time working time work, or self-employed compared to just
Real estate/property* 43% males, aged 25-44, married with children, over 70% of internet users globally. They also
Two 29%
and living in an urban environment. have considerable decision-making power –
54% are decision makers and 29%
Three + 9% Mutual/Managed Investment Funds 38% We see great differences in gender across are senior-decision makers in their line of
regions, though. The largest gender gap is work. Unsurprisingly then, the majority of
Property ownership in North America where only 37% of affluent this group are educated to university or
Gold 35%
consumers are female – the Middle East and postgraduate level.
Own outright Own with mortgage
Africa isn’t too far behind at 39%. In APAC, we
Bonds 22% see a much more balanced picture with 52%
21% None of affluent consumers being men and 48%
*Other than the
being women. house that you live in
Annuities 21%

One 66% of affluent consumers

51% Cryptocurrency 15% Question: How many cars/
think their personal finances vans does your household
own? | How many houses/
will get better in the next properties do you own? |
Two Art/antiques 14% What kind of savings/
6 months (14% more likely investments do you have?
17% Source: GlobalWebIndex
than the global average) Q3 2019 Base: 23,261
10% Other 2% affluent consumers
11% Three+ 4% aged 16-64 7
Affluent consumers

Attitudes & lifestyle


Ambition and status underpin this group

THEY’RE AMBITIOUS, CAREER-DRIVEN, AND BRAND-ORIENTED Affluent consumers are a highly ambitious, with 70% of them saying they tend to buy the
% of affluent consumers who agree with the following statements (sorted by over-index) career-driven, and status-oriented audience. premium version of a product. Unsurprisingly,
They’re 1.2x as likely as the average to say only 6% fall into the economical segment
they’re career oriented and that money is (those who seek value above all else in their
I am proactive about investing money 67% 1.38 the best measure of success. Looking at our purchases) which shows that this audience
attitudinal segmentation, we also see they’re prioritizes brand status over price. This
I would buy a product/service simply for the experience 1.6x and 1.5x as likely as the average to fall suggests they’re a prime audience for luxury
51% 1.33
of being part of the community built around it into the cosmopolitan and status seeker brands as they’re highly brand-conscious and
segmentations, respectively. don’t shy away from paying more for what
I like to keep up with the latest fashions 61% 1.31 they want.
Additionally, this group is highly image-
Other people view me as adventurous 63% 1.30 oriented and brand-aware. Around 2 in 3 say Given that they’re wealthy, well-educated,
they like to keep up with the latest fashions primarily senior business people, it makes
and over half like to stand out in a crowd. This sense that they over-index for business and
I tend to buy the premium version of a product 70% 1.29
audience likes to make an impact, and brands finance related interests. They’re 1.5x as likely
can help them along the way. It’s clear they as the average to be interested in investments,
I am a brand conscious person 64% 1.29
value premium well-known brands that will business, and gambling. Their business
enable them to stand out among their peers, mindset is also reflected in their reasons for
I tend to opt in for personalized using the internet. Their biggest over-indexes
62% 1.28
loyalty rewards from brands
are business-related networking (Index 1.48),
Over 1 in 3 have visited an managing finances/savings (Index 1.45),
I am a risk taker 59% 1.26 online casino, gambling, and business-related research (Index 1.42). Question: To what extent
Considering this, along with their
betting or lottery service do you agree/disagree
with the statements
I like to stand out in a crowd 54% 1.25 engagement in banking online, it’s a clear
via any device in the past indication that they’re also a key audience for
below on your perception
of yourself? (Somewhat/

I tend to buy brands I see advertised 56% 1.23 month (1.4x the average) the Fintech sector. strongly agree)
Source: GlobalWebIndex
Q3 2019 Base: 23,261
affluent consumers
aged 16-64 9
Affluent consumers

Tech behaviors

Technology is central, but there’s a caveat

32% of affluent consumers remotely controlled doorbell, and 47% own a SMART TECH IS KEY
smart utility product like a remotely controlled % of affluent consumers who own the following devices (sorted by over-index)
have tracked their screen
thermostat (they’re 23% more likely than
time or set limits for certain average to own a smart security product).
Smartwatch Virtual reality Smart home Smart Smart TV
headset/device product wristband
apps in the last month
We also see some key differences emerge in
(1.4x the global average) 24
their attitudes toward technology. Our data
shows that around 2 in 3 say having the latest
Looking beyond smartphone ownership, which technological products is very important to
is in line with the global average, what really them (Index 1.25), they feel more insecure
24% 7% 19% 17% 49%
makes this group tick is smart tech. They’re without their mobile phone than their wallet
considerably more likely to own a range of (Index 1.17), and that it’s critical for them to IDX 1.89 1.70 1.69 1.61 1.25
smart devices: 24% own a smartwatch (Index be contactable at all times in their private
1.89), 19% own a smart home product (Index life (Index 1.15).
1.69), and 49% own a smart TV (Index 1.25).
Smartwatch/smart wristband ownership is All of this highlights just how central TECH IS VITAL, BUT FRUSTRATION IS SETTING IN
particularly high in APAC, with 29% of affluent technology is in their lives, but, perhaps % of affluent consumers who agree with the following (sorted by over-index)
consumers there owning a smartwatch and more interestingly, we’re also seeing signs
21% owning a smart wristband; while in North of tech frustration emerge. Over 2 in 5 say
America, smart home product ownership is the that technology makes life more complicated Having the latest technological products is very important to me 65% 1.25
biggest of all regions at 26%. This is likely down (18% more likely than average) and around Question: Which of the
following devices do you
to the popularity of smart home assistants in 1 in 3 say they don’t understand computers I just don't understand computers and new technology 32% 1.22
own? | To what extent do
this region. or new technology (22% more likely than you agree/disagree with
Technology makes life more complicated 42% 1.18 the statements below
average). Considering that we live in an always-
on your outlook on
Looking at the specific smart home devices on society, while simultaneously dealing with technology and the web?
affluent consumers own, 66% own a smart widespread data privacy breaches, it’s little I feel more insecure without my mobile phone than my wallet 64% 1.17 (Somewhat/strongly agree)
Source: GlobalWebIndex
speaker like an Apple HomePod or Amazon wonder that affluent consumers are feeling Q3 2019 Base: 23,261
Echo, 48% own a smart security product like a worried and overwhelmed. It's critical for me to be able to be contactable at all times in terms of my private life 68% 1.15 affluent consumers
aged 16-64 11

Online privacy is on the agenda

TOP AD-BLOCKING ONLINE PRIVACY BEHAVIORS As highlighted already, in the past month (rising to 69%
MOTIVATIONS % who have done the following in the last month affluent consumers are growing for 16-24-year-olds). On a regional
% of ad-blocking affluent consumers increasingly more concerned level, APAC and the Middle East
who say they use ad-blockers for the with technology and its impact and Africa are leading the way for
following reasons Affluent consumers Global average on their lives. We live in a time ad-blocking behaviors (61% and
where the next data breach story is 56% respectively). Across all the
never too far away, and it’s created privacy measures we track, affluent
Used a private browsing
47% There are too many
ads on the internet
window (e.g. Chrome
Incognito, Microsoft In 53% 63%
a general unease and wariness
among this group. Just over 3 in 5
consumers are using them more
than the average internet user.
Private window) are concerned about the internet The main reasons for ad-blocking
eroding their personal privacy and among this audience are sheer

Too many ads are close to 7 in 10 worry about how frustration with the number of ads
annoying or irrelevant their personal data is being used on the internet and their irrelevance.
Deleted cookies from by companies.
51% 57%
your internet browser It’s important for marketers to bear

45% Ads are too intrusive As a result, they’re taking action to

protect themselves online. Over
in mind that this group is very open
to interacting with brands. Marketers
60% of affluent consumers have should focus on building upon their

Ads take up too used a private browsing window natural keenness for interaction
much screen space Used an ad-blocker to stop and 56% have used an ad-blocker in a way that’s not intrusive and
49% 56%
ads being displayed
is relevant to them. As users’
expectations continue to evolve,
Ads sometimes
Our attitudinal data any brand will do well to keep
Question: In the last

month, which of these have

contain viruses reveals that 67% of transparency and user control front-
you done? | Why do you
use an ad-blocker?
or bugs
Used a Virtual Private affluent consumers of-mind in everything they do – it’s Source: GlobalWebIndex
30% 40% key to building brand trust. Q3 2019 Base: 23,261
Network (VPN) or fit the privacy affluent consumers
Proxy Server aged 16-64 and 12,121
conscious profile ad-blocking affluent
consumers aged 16-64 12

Unplugging is the new luxury

Not so long ago, computers were a luxury. In Across a range of mature markets, we found move away from technology among the most U.S. consumers in the top
1984, Apple’s first Mac cost the equivalent of that higher-earning internet users spend less affluent internet users will redefine the luxury
more than $6,000 today. Fast forward to 2019, time on mobile, desktop, and TV. From custom market, placing human contact at the center
income bracket are nearly
and a basic Chromebook can be bought for research In the U.S., those in the highest of it. Marketers looking to forge a sustainable twice as likely as middle
$200. Computers and connectivity are no income bracket are also much more likely path for luxury need to keep this in mind, and low-income earners to
longer reserved for the affluent and to remove social media apps or email from and consider more customized, humanized
high-powered. their phones, and reduce the amount of TV experiences. To learn more about this and
prefer human interaction
they watch. the latest trends, clients can download our for customer service
As we mentioned earlier though – with greater Connecting the Dots report here, which
access, comes concern about technology’s The practical implications of this trend span covers the must-know trends for 2020.
effect on our lives and our health. A desire to across consumer and B2B industries. As
unplug is fast emerging among the wealthiest technology leads to more jobs becoming
consumers. As with many commodities before automated, many experts predict that high-
it, the human touch is increasingly becoming touch, ultra-humanized jobs and services will
a premium. become extremely valuable. On top of this, the

OPTING OUT OF TECHNOLOGY IS OFTEN Bottom 25% (< $32k) Middle 50% ($32k-$85k) Top 25% ($85k+)
% of internet users in the U.S. who report
Removed social media apps from my phone 23% 23% 41%
having recently done the following
Question: Have you
recently done any of
the following things in
Removed my email from my phone 9% 10% 12% order to take a “break”
from technology?
Source: GlobalWebIndex
September 2019
Reduced the amount of TV I watch 37% 30% 51% Base: 2,138 (U.S.) internet
users aged 16-64 13

The smart home gets even smarter

Image credit: Samsung

At the latest CES in Las Vegas this year, Samsung devices, and makes real-time decisions. It’s unclear
unveiled their new smart product called Ballie, a when Ballie will launch or what the price point will be,
tennis ball-shaped robot. It gave consumers an but considering affluent consumers are big adopters
exciting look into the future of smart assistants, or of the latest smart tech, they will be a key audience to
“life companions”. Unlike current voice assistants such reach. Of course, maintaining privacy is very important
as Amazon Echo which wait passively for instructions, for this group so it’s something Samsung, and other
Ballie actively moves around the home, responds players, will need to prioritize.
to its owner’s mood and needs, directs other smart 14
Affluent consumers

Media consumption

Entertainment habits
Affluent consumers are spending users of online press, spending just shy DIGITAL VS. TRADITIONAL MEDIA
longer on all forms of media of 30 minutes longer per day reading Average time spent on the following each day in hh:mm
compared to the average internet online news than physical print. This is
user. They’ve embraced all digital the case across all regions. Affluent consumers 02:36
channels, while still remaining active
Global average 02:24
users of more traditional media. This group is also particularly keen
on music streaming, spending 01:51
They’re avid users of both online close to 2 hours listening per day. 01:42
and linear TV, spending roughly 3 When we look at the digital content
01:26 01:21
hours and 40 minutes across both they’ve paid for in the past month,
per day. While they’re still spending we see that 41% have paid for a
longer watching linear TV than music streaming service (Index
online TV (roughly 15 minutes 1.59), 38% have paid for a movie or
more), the gap between the two TV streaming service (Index 1.40),
is smaller than it is for the global and 30% have paid for a music
internet user. From a regional download (Index 1.49). Overall, DIGITAL MEDIA Music streaming Social media Online press OnlineTV/streaming
perspective, linear TV outperforms social media is where they spend
online TV in all regions except APAC. the most time online per day, which
we’ll take a deeper dive into next. TRADITIONAL MEDIA Radio Games consoles Physical print press Broadcast/linear TV
Looking at our media segmentation
(which groups users based on how
long they typically spend on social 76% of affluent
media), we can see that affluent consumers watch 00:51 Question: On an

consumers are 1.4x as likely as the 01:03 average day, how

subscription services 01:10
01:09 long do you spend on
average to be high/heavy readers of different types of media?
physical print press, however this is less like Netflix at least 01:23 Source: GlobalWebIndex
01:38 Q3 2019 Base: 23,261
important than other forms of online weekly (1.3x the 01:57 affluent consumers aged
media. For example, they’re heavier 01:59 16-64 and 145,271 internet
global average) users aged 16-64 16

Social media behavior

Affluent consumers are spending the greatest to their usage of work-related platforms like TOP SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS
portion of their time on social media per Slack (Index 1.35), LinkedIn (Index 1.33), Viadeo % of affluent consumers outside China who have accounts/use the following social media platforms
day at 2 hours and 36 minutes – just over 10 (Index 1.38), and Yammer (Index 1.29).
Members Visitors/users
minutes longer than the global average.
Perhaps more surprisingly, this group is Facebook 79% 88%
We see some differences with age. Consistent also keen on visual-led social networks like
with global patterns, younger affluent Instagram and Pinterest. Close to 7 in 10
consumers spend longer on social media use Instagram and over 1 in 3 use Pinterest YouTube 83% 88%
than their older counterparts. For example, each month. Their love of visual content
16-34-year-olds are spending 3 hours and 8 is something that brands can tap into, Facebook
58% 76%
minutes on social media per day compared to by showcasing lifestyles and promoting messenger
1 hour and 17 minutes for 55-64-year-olds. inspiration. This could be especially useful
considering this group values status. WhatsApp 61% 72%
Outside of China, Facebook remains the Additionally, affluent consumers are highly
biggest platform by membership overall, with engaged with brands on Instagram – a quarter
Instagram 69% 71%
YouTube in strong second place. If we focus on of them have commented on a brand’s photo
those who have visited or used services in the or video clip and clicked on a product tagged
past month, YouTube rises to the top position. by a brand/seller in the last month. Their Twitter 57% 69%
It’s the only major social service to have more eagerness to interact with brands is something
people visiting than those who are a member, we’ll touch on more in this report.
LinkedIn 44% 58%
revealing that significant numbers of its visitors Question: On which of
the following services do
are either not logged into their accounts, or
are not members in the first place. Affluent 1 in 3 affluent consumers who Skype 39% 50%
you have an account? |
Which of the following

consumers also have an average number use Instagram have visited a sites / applications have
you visited or used in the
of 11.7 accounts compared to the global
company, brand or product’s Pinterest 37% 45%
past month via your PC /
Laptop, Mobile or Tablet?
average of 8.6. This could be partly attributed
page in the past month Source: GlobalWebIndex
Q3 2019 Base: 20,456
Snapchat affluent consumers aged
30% 44%
16-64 (excluding China) 17

Why are they using social media?

% of affluent consumers who say the following are the main
reasons they use social media (sorted by over-index)

IDX We’re now sharing huge amounts of While affluent consumers over-index compared
content online, but the way we’re sharing it to the global average for sharing their opinion
To promote/support charitable causes 1.43 19%
is changing. Social media sites were once a and details of what they’re doing in their
place where users would comfortably share daily life, they’re doing so less nowadays. For
To network for work 1.36 31% details about their personal life to hundreds example, 40% of affluent consumers in 2016
of followers. Fast forward to 2019, and we’re used social media to share their opinion
To watch/follow sports events 1.30 27% seeing users go to social media with more compared to 32% in 2019 – a 20% decrease.
of a purpose in mind. Affluent consumers
To share details of what I'm doing in my daily life 1.25 in particular over-index for purpose-driven
social media activities. They’re 1.4x as
likely as the average to use social media to
To follow celebrities/celebrity news 1.19 22% promote/support charitable causes and to
use it to network for work (19% and 31%
To research/find products to buy 1.14 33% do, respectively). Additionally, we’re seeing
social media’s role in the purchase journey
To share my opinion 1.13 30% becoming more prominent; around 1 in 3
say they use social media to research/find
products to buy.
To make sure I don't miss out on anything 1.13 24%

Question: What are your

General networking with other people 1.11 33% main reasons for using
social media?
Source: GlobalWebIndex
To stay up-to-date with news and current events 1.08 41% Q3 2019 Base: 23,261
affluent consumers
aged 16-64 18

Why are they using social media?

At the same time, entertainment-related TOP 5 FOLLOWING ON SOCIAL MEDIA
activities like keeping up with news and % of affluent consumers who follow these
watching sports are on the rise. To put this people/organizations on social media
in perspective, using social media to watch/
follow sports has jumped by a massive 180% in
the same timeframe – 28% currently use social
media for this reason compared to just 10% People they
back in 2016. know in real life 52%

When we look at who they follow on social

media, the fact that a higher share of affluent
consumers say they follow brands they like
they like 45%
than all 15 other options we track, except for
people they know in real life, shows just how
keen they are to interact with brands on
social media. News/media
organizations 39%

Affluent consumers
are 1.6x as likely as the
Contacts relevant
average to follow journalists to their work 37%
and entrepreneurs/business
people on social media
Question: Who do you
follow on social media?
Actors 36% Source: GlobalWebIndex
Q3 2019 Base: 23,261
affluent consumers
aged 16-64 19
Affluent consumers

The purchase journey


Mobile commerce
In line with their behavior to adopt month compared to 27% globally. used or scanned a QR code in the more likely than average to post a 45% of affluent
new tech, this audience also By region, this spikes to 47% for the past month (compared to 38% for review of a product via their mobile
consumers aged
follows the latest trends for mobile highly tech-savvy, mobile-first, and the global average). Usage of QR (41% do). This again reinforces just
commerce. For all stages of the younger internet users in APAC, codes reaches a high for 35-44s how vocal they are about brands 25-34 have used
purchase journey – from researching and drops significantly to 27% in (52%), but even among 55-64s, it and products they’ve used. Around a mobile payment
and buying, through to reviewing – North America, making it the only remains relatively high (40%). two-thirds of this group say they like service in the
the mobile is now the go-to device region to under-index for this to seek an expert opinion before
for affluent consumers. mobile activity. Mobiles are key for a whole host purchasing products, which shows
past month
of commerce activities among this they also rate the opinion of others.
Our data shows that 40% of Usage of QR codes has also gained group. Not only are they searching
affluent consumers have used a traction again in recent times. Close and buying products online using
mobile payment service in the last to half of affluent consumers have their mobiles, they’re also 22%


% of affluent consumers who have done the following on their mobile in the last month % of affluent consumers who have done the following
in the last month on these devices

Any device


Asia Pacific Europe Latin America Middle East & Africa North America Question: Which of these
Used a mobile
have you done on your
payment service 83% 55% 83% 62% 62% 41%
47% 31% 38% 36% 27% mobile in the last month? |
such as Apple Pay In the past month, which of
or Samsung Pay the following things have
you done on the internet
via any device?
Source: GlobalWebIndex
Used/scanned Purchased a Searched for a Posted a review
Q3 2019 Base: 23,261
a QR code product online product or service of a product,
51% 46% 58% 43% 33% affluent consumers
you want to buy company or service aged 16-64 21

How do they discover brands?

% of affluent consumers who find out about brands
and products in the following ways

Search engines 37%

Similar to the average internet that online advertising can still be Vlogs are an effective
user, search engines are the most effective for this group.
popular form of brand discovery
source of brand
Ads seen on TV 31% among this group and and the Again, we can see just how brand- discovery for around
go-to for 37% of affluent consumers. oriented this group is with 27% of 1 in 5 affluent
This is followed by ads seen them using brand/product websites
on TV and word-of-mouth and 26% using online retail sites
consumers in APAC
Word-of-mouth* 30%
recommendations, which are more for discovery. This audience is also and Latin America
or less on a par with each other. particularly receptive to influencers,
However, this audience especially in emerging regions.
Brand/product websites 27%
under-indexes for discovery via For example, around 1 in 5 affluent
ads seen on TV compared to the consumers in APAC (Index 1.47) and
global average. the Middle East and Africa (Index
Online retail websites 26% 1.43) find out about brands through *Word-of-mouth
It’s clear they value the opinion of endorsements by celebrities or well- recommendations from
friend or family members
others as 1 in 4 turn to consumer known individuals compared to
Consumer review sites 25% review sites for brand discovery just 7% in North America. A similar
(1.3x the global average). Notably, percentage in APAC, Latin America,
Question: How do you
even though this audience has a and the Middle East and Africa typically find out about
new brands and products?
greater tendency to ad-block, 1 in 4 also use posts or reviews from
Ads seen on social media 25% Source: GlobalWebIndex
are still discovering brands through expert bloggers as sources of Q3 2019 Base: 23,261
ads seen on websites, suggesting brand discovery. affluent consumers
aged 16-64 22

Where do they go for product research?

In line with how they discover post on social media. Affluent TOP METHODS OF ONLINE PRODUCT RESEARCH TOP 3 OVER-INDEXES
brands, search engines remain the consumers in these regions over- % of affluent consumers who find out more information
top option for online research for index significantly for engaging about products/services using the following
close to half of affluent consumers. with brands on social media,
Search engines 48%
Notably, unlike the global average, whether that’s sharing a brand’s 19%
consumer reviews overtake social post, uploading a photo/video to a (e.g. Twitter)
networks overall. This is driven by brand’s social media page, or IDX 1.37
older affluent consumers though asking a question to a brand on Consumer reviews 39%
– younger consumers aged 16-34 a social network.
Online pinboards 16%
still opt for social networks over
(e.g. Pinterest)
consumer reviews. This jumps to Within social media, their preference Social networks 36% IDX 1.33
over half for 16-34s in Latin America, for visual forms of media influence
and just under half for this group their product research habits too.
in the Middle East and Africa. Micro-blogs like Twitter (Index 1.37) Specialist/independent 26%
Product/brand sites 36%
This showcases the increasingly and online pinboards like Pinterest review sites
important role that social media (Index 1.33) are two of their biggest IDX 1.32
plays in the purchase journey over-indexes. Above all, affluent
for younger internet users consumers are not simply buying Price comparison websites 32%
Affluent consumers are
in these regions. products, they want to be actively
involved with brands and social 1.5x the global average
It’s in these emerging regions that networks are the perfect avenue Mobile apps 29% to provide ideas for a
Question: Which of the
social platforms provide important to foster these relationships. new product/design following online sources
brand-consumer touchpoints do you mainly use when

as well. For example, affluent

and 1.4x as likely to you are actively looking
Specialist/independent review sites 26% for more information
consumers in APAC, Latin America, interact with a brand about brands, products,
or services?
and the Middle East & Africa on a messaging app Source: GlobalWebIndex
are 1.5x as likely as the average Q3 2019 Base: 23,261
to click on a brand’s sponsored affluent consumers
aged 16-64 23

The young and

wealthy are driving luxury

China now accounts for a third of global luxury Collectively, this young, affluent audience has the
spending, with these figures driven by growing potential to shape which brands deserve their (and
ecommerce sales in lower-tier cities. Younger others’) loyalty, making for powerful advocates in
generations like Gen Z (aged 16-22) are key to online spaces. It’s no wonder then that around 2 in 5
the growth of China’s luxury market. In the past of this group in China turn to social media for product
month alone, 42% of affluent Gen Zs in China have research. Additionally, close to 3 in 4 affluent Gen Zs
purchased clothes online – more than any other in China posted a review online in the past month,
age group and 39% more likely than the average 1.2x the average internet user. This not only highlights
internet user. just how vocal they are when it comes to brands, but
it reinforces the importance of social platforms in their
purchase journey. 24

What motivates them to make a purchase?

Convenience and monetary twice as likely to want this than TOP ONLINE PURCHASE DRIVERS
rewards are the primary purchase average). This is largely due to the % of affluent consumers who say the following would motivate them to complete a purchase
drivers, with half picking free fact this region is primarily cash-first.
delivery and 2 in 5 selecting
coupons and discounts. However, We already know that this group
they’re actually less likely than
average to say this.
values direct communication and
involvement with brands so it’s 50% 40% 37% 37%
no surprise that a live-chat box to Free delivery Coupons & Easy returns Reviews from
Looking beyond convenience, speak to a company is important discounts policy other customers
examining where they over- for over 1 in 5 affluent consumers
index helps us to go further and (Index 1.29). Incorporating easy
understand what else makes this ways to communicate should be
audience tick. Emphasizing their
need for status, this group is 1.3x
something that brands consider in
order to effectively keep this 35% 33% 31%
as likely as the average to be group engaged.
Quick/easy online Loyalty points Next-day delivery
motivated by exclusive content checkout process
or services (23% do). Suitably, for
such a socially-engaged group, Affluent consumers
the option to use the “buy” button aged 25-34 are
on a social network is a key driver TOP 5 OVER-INDEXES
1.3x the global
(Index 1.31), this notably increases in
importance for affluent consumers average to buy a
1 2 3 4 5
in APAC and the Middle East product if they know Question: When shopping

and Africa. Another key regional 23% 18% 21% 20% 20% online, which of these
the product/company features would most
difference for MEA is the ability to IDX 1.33 1.31 increase your likelihood of
1.29 1.24 1.20
pay with cash on delivery (they’re is environmentally buying a product?
Exclusive Option to use Source: GlobalWebIndex
friendly Live-chat box so Click & Collect "Guest" check-out
content/services "buy" button on Q3 2019 Base: 23,261
you can speak to delivery (with no sign-in required) affluent consumers
a social network the company aged 16-64 25

What encourages them to advocate a brand?

TOP BRAND ADVOCACY MOTIVATORS Quality and rewards like discounts and free Access to exclusive content
% of affluent consumers who say the following would motivate gifts top the list for brand advocacy, which is or services is 1.4x more
them to promote their favorite brand online in line with the average internet user. Aside
important than average
from these factors, the key to really gaining
their loyalty lies in enhancing their status and for affluent consumers in
High-quality products 52% emphasizing exclusivity. This group is 1.3x APAC and Latin America
as likely as the average to promote a brand
if it enhances their online reputation/status brand online if they’re directly involved or
and 1.2x as likely to promote a brand if they have a personal, one-to-one relationship with
Rewards (e.g. discounts, free gifts, etc) 41%
get access to exclusive content and services. a brand. Close to 2 in 5 will do so simply out
Exclusivity also shines through when looking of love for the brand. Given this, it’s absolutely
at what they want brands to be – they’re 16% vital that brands listen to these consumers
When I've received great customer service 40% more likely than average to say they want – 45% want brands to listen to customer
brands to be exclusive. feedback and 40% want to feel valued.
Successful brands should focus on involving
Love for the brand 37% Their relationship with brands goes beyond this group in the process as much as possible,
simply making a purchase – they’re not for example engaging them in product design
passive bystanders, but want to actively or as influencers. They’re a vocal group,
participate. Close to 3 in 10 will promote a who know what they want, and brands stand
When something is relevant to my own interests 37%
to reap serious rewards if able to engage this
TOP 3 OVER-INDEXES lucrative audience.

The feeling of taking part/being involved 28% 1 2 3

Question: What
23% 26% 28% would most motivate
you to promote your
IDX 1.31 1.23 1.22 favorite brand online?
When I have a personal/one-on-one relationship with a brand 28%
When something Access to exclusive When I have a Source: GlobalWebIndex
Q3 2019 Base: 23,261
enhances my online content or services personal/one-on-one
affluent consumers
reputation/status (e.g. music, videos, etc) relationship with a brand aged 16-64 26


Notes on methodology This report draws insights from GlobalWebIndex’s Q3 2019 wave of research across 46 countries, with a global sample of
145,271 respondents; and a sample size of 23,261 affluent consumers across 42 markets.

All figures in this report are drawn from OUR QUOTAS Total sample (Q3 2019) | Affluent consumers
GlobalWebIndex’s online research among
Argentina 1,565 195 Netherlands 1,311 207
internet users aged 16-64. Please note that we To ensure that our research is reflective of
Australia 4,056 677 New Zealand 1,298 200
only interview respondents aged 16-64 and our the online population in each market, we
Austria 1,291 186 Nigeria 958 0
figures are representative of the online populations set appropriate quotas on age, gender
of each market, not its total population. and education – meaning that we interview Belgium 1,282 195 Philippines 1,627 206

representative numbers of men vs women, of 16- Brazil 2,355 351 Poland 1,875 319
OUR RESEARCH 24s, 25-34s, 35-44s, 45-54s and 55-64s, and of Canada 2,301 391 Portugal 1,288 193
people with secondary vs tertiary education.
China 15,215 2,805 Romania 1,309 202
Each year, GlobalWebIndex interviews over 688,000
Colombia 1,330 216 Russia 2,273 557
internet users aged 16-64 across 46 markets. To do this, we conduct research across a range
Denmark 1,257 192 Saudi Arabia 1,537 149
Respondents complete an online questionnaire of international and national sources, including
that asks them a wide range of questions about the World Bank, the ITU, the International Labour Egypt 1,788 261 Singapore 2,714 436

their lives, lifestyles and digital behaviors. Organization, the CIA Factbook, Eurostat, the France 5,152 882 South Africa 1,548 202
We source these respondents in partnership with US Bureau of Labor Statistics as well as a range Germany 5,176 873 South Korea 1,278 194
a number of industry-leading panel providers. of national statistics sources, government
Ghana 847 0 Spain 5,114 885
Each respondent who takes a GlobalWebIndex departments and other credible and robust third-
Hong Kong 1,813 301 Sweden 1,314 189
survey is assigned a unique and persistent identifier party sources.
India 7,594 1,319 Switzerland 1,291 187
regardless of the site/panel to which they belong
and no respondent can participate in our survey This research is also used to calculate the ‘weight’ Indonesia 1,855 257 Taiwan 1,783 375

more than once a year (with the exception of of each respondent; that is, approximately how Ireland 1,269 191 Thailand 1,570 437
internet users in Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, many people (of the same gender, age and Italy 5,363 152 Turkey 1,536 299
where respondents are allowed to complete the educational attainment) are represented by
Japan 1,877 876 UAE 1,804 239
survey at 6-month intervals). their responses.
Kenya 958 0 UK 10,146 1,854

Malaysia 1,533 188 U.S.A. 25,037 4,375

Mexico 2,619 407 Vietnam 1,604 350

Morocco 947 0 27


GlobalWebIndex’s Forecasts for 2019 based on 2017 ITU data.


Australia 88% New Zealand 93%

GlobalWebIndex’s research focuses exclusively on the internet As GlobalWebIndex’s Core Research is conducted among 16-64 Austria 88% Nigeria 36%
population and because internet penetration rates can vary significantly year-olds, we supplement the internet penetration forecasts for a country’s
Belgium 89% Philippines 64%
between countries (from a high of 90%+ in parts of Europe to lows total population (reproduced above) with internet penetration forecasts
of c.20% in parts of APAC), the nature of our samples is impacted for 16-64s specifically. Forecasts for 16-64s will be higher than our Brazil 71% Poland 79%

accordingly. forecasts for total population, since 16-64s are the most likely age groups Canada 94% Portugal 78%
to be using the internet. China 59% Romania 72%
Where a market has a high internet penetration rate, its online
Colombia 66% Russia 80%
population will be relatively similar to its total population and hence MOBILE SURVEY RESPONDENTS
Denmark 97% Saudi Arabia 83%
we will see good representation across all age, gender and education
breaks. This is typically the case across North America, Western Europe From Q1 2017 on, GlobalWebIndex has offered our Core survey on Egypt 54% Singapore 85%

and parts of Asia Pacific such as Japan, Australia and New Zealand. Where mobile. This allows us to survey internet users who prefer using a mobile France 85% South Africa 62%
a market has a medium to low internet penetration, its online population or are mobile-only (who use a mobile to get online but do not use or
Germany 88% South Korea 95%
can be very different to its total population; broadly speaking, the lower own any other device). Mobile respondents complete a shorter version
Ghana 48% Spain 87%
the country’s overall internet penetration rate, the more likely it is that of our Core survey, answering 50 questions, all carefully adapted to be
its internet users will be young, urban, affluent and educated. This is the compatible with mobile screens. Hong Kong 91% Sweden 96%

case throughout much of LatAm, MEA and Asia Pacific. India 42% Switzerland 96%
Please note that the sample sizes presented in the charts throughout
Indonesia 39% Taiwan 83%
This table provides GlobalWebIndex forecasts on internet penetration this report may differ as some will include both mobile and PC/laptop/
Ireland 87% Thailand 58%
(defined as the number of internet users per 100 people) in 2019. This tablet respondents and others will include only respondents who
forecasted data is based upon the latest internet penetration estimates completed GWI’s Core survey via PC/laptop/tablet. For more details on Italy 62% Turkey 71%

from the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) for each market our methodology for mobile surveys and the questions asked to mobile Japan 92% UAE 95%
that GlobalWebIndex conducts online research in. respondents, please download this document.
Kenya 43% UK 96%

Malaysia 83% U.S.A. 80%

Mexico 69% Vietnam 55%

Morocco 69% 28
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Jason Mander Chase Buckle Katie Gilsenan
Chief Research Officer Trends Manager Consumer Insights Manager
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