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Department of Education

Cordillera Administrative Region

Ifugao Division
Alfonso Lista, Ifugao
A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English 9

Grade and Section: 9A Date: February 7, 2020

A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature and other text types serve as
means of preserving unchanging values in a changing world; also how to use the features of a full-length
play, tense consistency, modals, active and passive constructions plus direct and indirect speech to enable
him/her competently performs in a full-length play.
B. Performance Standard
The learner competently performs in a full- length play through applying effective verbal and non-verbal
strategies and ICT resources based on the following criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery and Dramatic
C. Learning Competency EN9V-IIe-27: Give the appropriate communicative styles for various situations (intimate, casual,
conversational, consultative, frozen).
EN9V-IIf-28: Determine the vocabulary or jargons expected of a communicative style.
D. Objectives 1.) Students are expected to identify the fossilized error when speaking and writing.
2.) Participate in class discussion
II. CONTENT Fossilized errors in English Grammar
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Hand-out
2. Learners’ Materials
3. Textbook
4. Other Learning Resource -youtube, web links, video clip,teacher-made powerpoint presentation
A. Reviewing previous lessons A. ELICIT
or presenting a new lesson Prayer
The teacher recalls the past lesson through alternative-response questions:
(If the answer is Preposition for Location, students will show the finger heart.Otherwise, and if the
answer is preposition for location, students will do the Sandara wave.)
1. along? 2.exept? 3.beneath? 4.under? 5.about?
6. despite? 7. below?
What is the importance of studying preposition?
B. Establishing the purpose of B. ENGAGE
the new lesson The teacher shows PLEXER puzzles for the students to answer.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
The teacher gives a simple discussion about the images and leads the students to the new lesson.
C. Presenting Examples/ The teacher shows a short video clip and gives guide questions for the students to find out from the clip.
instances of the new lesson 1. What is fossilized error?
2. Why is it so called fossilized error?
3. Is fossilized error can be accepted in English grammar? Why?
4. What are the common scenarios that a person commits a fossilized error?
Teacher gives further elaboration and examples in order for the students to comprehend with the
1. My TIN number is being processed.(explain)
2. The ATM machine is not working.(explain)
3. Erase the board please!(explain)
4. Live fish for sale here.(explain)
5. The research was submitted last last week.(explain)
D. Discussing new concepts C. EXPLORE
and practicing new skills #1 Students are tasked to analyze 10 arousal questions and identify the fossilized error from each sentence.
Instruction:Identify the fossilized error in each sentence.
1. The teacher will report next next week.
2. The birthday celebrant is wearing red gown.
3. May I borrow your USB please?
4. I’m using red lipstick and pink blush-on today.
5. They are disseminating the informations.
6. Let us witness an intermission number to be rendered by 9A students.
7. I found my scratch paper that I used during the exams
8. Let us bow down our heads and let us pray.
9.I’m playing my stuff toys.
10. The heavy equipments are from Japan.
Teacher will check the students output and explain each sentence.(give the proper way of saying the
E. Discussing new concepts Students will be grouped into 3 and each group will be given set of ten sentences.
and practicing new skills #2 Instruction: In 10 minutes, Analyze each sentence and Identify the fossilized error. Present your output in
front and give explanation why do you think your answer is the fossilized error.

1. Lanie went to the internet shop to Xerox her birth certificate. NO ERROR
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2. If in case China will attack us, the military can defend our country. NO ERROR
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
3. The man who is laying on the bed is Blaine. NO ERROR
1 2 3 4 5 6
4. “Can you please open the door?” The man requested from his wife. NO ERROR
1 2 3 4 5
5.Between the news writers of the Philippines, I think Kendalle Himoldang is still the best.
1 2 3 4 5
6. The story of Oedipus has a moral lesson. NO ERROR
1 2 3 4 5 6
7. Burn the chicken then cook ‘pinikpikan’. NO ERROR
1 2 3 4 5
8. I ordered 1 glass of ice tea. NO ERROR
1 2 3 4 5
9. Oncologists are the experts in treating cancer. NO ERROR
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
10. May I call on our next guest, Dr. Gonzales.NO ERROR
Excellent 1Very
2 Satisfactory
3 4 5 6
Satisfactory 7
Needs Improvement
F. Developing mastery (leads D. EXPLAIN
Correctness 15
to formative assessment) 13 11 9 Students present and explain
(15) their output.
All answers presented 1-3 4-5 answers 6 or answers were The following rubrics will be
werecorrect. answer/answers were presented presented incorrect used.
was/were incorrect.
G. 10
Finding practical 8
application of concepts and Teacher supplements students’ output through a powerpoint presentation.
Every answer was
skills in daily living 1-3 answers 4-5 answers 6 or more answers were not
H. Making generalizations and was/were not were not
What is fossilized error in English grammar? explained well.
explained. explained well. explained well.
abstractions about the lesson Why is it important to study this particular topic?
I. Evaluating learning F. EVALUATE
Instruction:Analyze each sentence and identify the fossilized error.Give the proper way of saying the
1. He is standing behind your back.
2. May I request everybody to please stand up?
3. She is now a matured person.
4. I will bring you to the airport tomorrow.
5. ”Please turn off the lights.” Mother commanded.

J. Additional Activities for G. EXTEND

application and remediation Make an advance review to our next topic which is Figures of speech.

A. No. of Learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my supervisor
can help?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use which I wish
to share to other teachers?

Prepared: Checked: Noted:

Subject Teacher Master Teacher I, English Principal II

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