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Lesson 2. Space tourism M.s. Oumayma B.

Pre-reading Stage

Discuss the following questions

Are you for or against space travel justify your opinion
Would you travel into space if you could afford it
Do you think a space travel into space is worth the adventure or is it a waste of money
Do you think space tourism will be widespread in the future

While reading Stage

1-Read the first and last sentence of the text and guess the topic p 42
2-Read the text and answer the following question
1 The type of the text is narrative\descriptive\argumentative\expository
3-Match each paragraph with its appropriate title
a- The first client of space adventure Paragraph 1
b- The completion between the two companies Paragraph 2
c- The dominating countries of space tourism Paragraph 3
d- The success of the first flight Paragraph 4
e- The secret future space tourist Paragraph 5
Lesson 2. Space tourism M.s. Oumayma B.

You may use the following expressions [not only ….but also, I think, I strongly believe, to my
belief, One can hardly deny that, needless to say that, On one hand, on the other hand,
whereas, nonetheless, however…]

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