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34.20 SSL-ID W#16#xy74 - Status of the Module LEDs

If you read the partial list SSL-ID W#16#xy74, with standard CPUs (if present) and with the H CPUs,
you obtain the status of the module LEDs.
If the H CPUs are in a non-redundant H mode, you obtain the LED status of the CPU addressed. If the
H CPUs are in the RUN-REDUNDANT mode, the LED status of all redundant H CPUs is returned.

The header of partial list SSL-ID W#16#xy74 is structured as follows:

Contents Meaning
SSL-ID The SSL-ID of the partial list extract
W#16#0174 Status of an LED.
You select the LED with the INDEX parameter.

System Software for S7-300/400 System and Standard Functions Volume 2/2
732 Reference Manual, 05/2010, A5E02790053-01

Contents Meaning
INDEX LED ID (only relevant for SSL-ID W#16#0174)
W#16#0001: SF (group error)
W#16#0002: INTF (internal error)
W#16#0003: EXTF (external error)
W#16#0004: RUN
W#16#0005: STOP
W#16#0006: FRCE (force)
W#16#0007: CRST (cold restart)
W#16#0008: BAF (battery fault/overload,
short circuit of battery voltage on bus)
W#16#0009: USR (user-defined)
W#16#000A: USR1 (user-defined)
W#16#000B: BUS1F (bus error interface 1)
W#16#000C: BUS2F (bus error interface 2)
or BUS5F (bus error interface 5) with the CPUs 414-3 PN/DP,
416-3 PN/DP and 416F-3 PN/DP
W#16#000D: REDF (redundancy error)
W#16#000E: MSTR (master)
W#16#000F: RACK0 (rack number 0)
W#16#0010: RACK1 (rack number 1)
W#16#0011: RACK2 (rack number 2)
W#16#0012: IFM1F (interface error interface module 1)
W#16#0013: IFM2F (interface error interface module 2)
W#16#0014: BUS3F (bus fault interface 3)
W#16#0015: MAINT (maintenance demand)
W#16#0016: DC24V
W#16#0080: IF (init failure)
W#16#0081: UF (user failure)
W#16#0082: MF (monitoring failure)
W#16#0083: CF (communication failure)
W#16#0084: TF (task failure)
LENTHDR W#16#0004: one data record is 2 words long (4 bytes)
N_DR Number of data records

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A5E02790053-01 733

Data Record
A data record of partial list extract SSL-ID W#16#0074 has the following structure:

Name Length Meaning

cpu_led_ID 1 word x Byte 0
 Standard CPU: B#16#00
 H-CPU: Bits 0 to 2: rack number
 Bit 3: 0=standby CPU, 1=master CPU
Bits 4 to 7: 1111
x Byte 1: LED ID
led_on 1 byte Status of the LED:
0: off
1: on
led_blink 1 byte Flashing status of the LED:
0: not flashing
1: flashing normally (2 Hz)
2: flashing slowly (0.5 Hz))

System Software for S7-300/400 System and Standard Functions Volume 2/2
734 Reference Manual, 05/2010, A5E02790053-01

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