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o How do you feel when you read these texts?

o What are the major similarities and differences between them?
o Should the fact that the Exodus occupies a significant place in the Bible
and the Qur’an have implications for the relationship between Jews,
Christians, and Muslims? If so, what might those implications be?

The Book of Exodus The Qur’an

Jewish Publication Society Based on Muhammad Asad’s
Tanakh The Message of the Qur’an

1:9And 28:4Behold, Pharaoh exalted

[Pharaoh]… said to his
people, “Look, the Israelite people himself in the land and divided
are much too numerous for us. its people into castes… He
1:11So they set taskmasters over deemed one of these groups so
them to oppress them with forced utterly low that He decided to
labor; and they built garrison slaughter their sons and spare
cities for Pharaoh: Pithom and [only] their women… 28:5But it
Ramses. 1:22Then Pharaoh was God’s will to bestow favor
charged all his people, saying, upon those [very people] who
“Every boy that is born you shall were deemed [so] utterly low in
throw into the Nile, but let every the land, and to make them
girl live.” forerunners in faith, heirs [to
Pharaoh’s glory] 28:6and to
3:7And Adonai … [said to Moses] establish them securely on earth,
...3:10Come, therefore, I will send allowing Pharaoh and Haman1
you to Pharaoh, and you shall and their hosts to experience
free My people, the Israelites, through those [children of Israel]
from Egypt.” 5:1Afterward Moses the very thing against which they
and [his brother] Aaron went and sought to protect themselves.
said to Pharaoh, “Thus says
Adonai, the God of Israel: Let My
Elsewhere the Qur’an identifies
Haman as one of Pharaoh’s chief
people go that they may celebrate advisors. This figure is not to be
a festival for Me in the confused with the biblical figure with
wilderness.” the same name in the Book of Esther.

From EXODUS CONVERSATIONS ~ How the Exodus Speaks to Jews, Christians and Muslims
An Interfaith Commentary and Passover Haggadah, Page 1
The Qur’an
The Bible
7:103…We2 sent Moses [and his
5:2But Pharaoh said, “Who is brother, Aaron] with Our
Adonai that I should heed Him messages to Pharaoh and his
and let Israel go? I do not know great ones, who willfully rejected
Adonai, nor will I let Israel go.” them. Behold what happened
7:19And Adonai said to Moses,
in the end to those spreaders of
“Say to Aaron: Take your rod corruption! 7:104And Moses said,
and hold out your arm over the “O Pharaoh! Verily, I am an
waters of Egypt—its rivers, its apostle from the Sustainer of all
canals, its ponds, all its bodies the worlds, 7:105so constituted
of water—that they may turn to that I cannot say anything about
blood…” 7:22But when the God but the truth. I have now
Egyptian magicians did the come to you with clear evidence
same with their spells, from your Sustainer: Let, the
Pharaoh’s heart stiffened and he children of Israel go with me!”
did not heed them—as Adonai 7:128[And] Moses said to his
had spoken. 7:23Pharaoh turned people: “Turn to God for aid, and
and went into his palace, paying have patience in adversity.
no regard even to this. [And God Verily, all the earth belongs to
sent six more plagues against God: He gives it as a heritage -
Egypt—Frogs, Vermin, Wild to such as He wills of His
Animals, Cattle Disease, Boils, servants; and the future belongs
Hail—and after each Pharaoh to the God-conscious!” 7:129[But
promised to let the Israelites the children of Israel] said, “We
leave, but he changed his mind have suffered hurt before and
every time.] 12:21Moses then since you have come to us!”
summoned all the elders of [Moses] replied, “It may well be
Israel and said to them, “Go, that your Sustainer will destroy
pick out lambs for your families, your foe and make you inherit
and slaughter the passover the earth: and thereupon He will
offering. 12:8They shall eat the see how you act.”
flesh that same night; they shall
eat it roasted over the fire, with 2“We” in the Arabic language is used as
unleavened bread and with an expression of respect.
bitter herbs.

From EXODUS CONVERSATIONS ~ How the Exodus Speaks to Jews, Christians and Muslims
An Interfaith Commentary and Passover Haggadah, Page 2
The Bible The Qur’an

12:22Take 7:133Thereupon We let loose

a bunch of hyssop, dip
it in the blood that is in the upon them floods, and [plagues
basin, and apply some of the of] locusts, and lice, and frogs,
blood that is in the basin to the and [water turning into] blood –
lintel and to the two doorposts. distinct signs [all]: but they
None of you shall go outside the gloried in their arrogance, for
door of his house until they were people lost in sin.
7:134And as each plague struck
morning.12:23For when Adonai
goes through to smite the them, they would cry: “O Moses,
Egyptians, He will see the blood pray for us to your Sustainer on
on the lintel and the two the strength of the covenant
doorposts, and Adonai will pass which He has made with you! If
over the door and not let the you remove this plague from us,
Destroyer enter and smite your we will truly believe in you and
home.12: 24“You shall observe will let the children of Israel go
this as an institution for all with you!” 7:135But whenever We
time, for you and for your removed the plague from them,
descendants. 12:27…you shall giving them time to make good
say, ‘It is the passover sacrifice their promise, they would break
to Adonai, because He passed their word.
7:136And so We inflicted Our
over the houses of the Israelites
in Egypt when He smote the retribution on them, and caused
Egyptians, but saved our them to drown in the sea,
houses.’” 12:29In the middle of because they had been heedless
the night Adonai struck down of Our messages. 7:137By
all the first-born in the land of contrast, to the people who [in
Egypt…. 12:31… [Pharaoh] the past] had been deemed
summoned Moses and Aaron in utterly low, We gave as their
the night and said, “Up, depart heritage the eastern and
from among my people, you and western parts of the land that
the Israelites with you! Go, We had blessed.
worship Adonai as you said!

From EXODUS CONVERSATIONS ~ How the Exodus Speaks to Jews, Christians and Muslims
An Interfaith Commentary and Passover Haggadah, Page 3
The Bible The Qur’an

14:23The Egyptians came in And [thus] your Sustainer’s good

pursuit after them into the sea, promise to the children of Israel
all of Pharaoh’s horses, was fulfilled as a result of their
chariots, and horsemen. patience in adversity. And We
14:27Moses held out his arm utterly destroyed all that
over the sea, and at daybreak Pharaoh and his people had
the sea returned to its normal wrought, and all that they had
state, and the Egyptians fled at built. 7:138And We brought the
its approach. But Adonai children of Israel across the
hurled the Egyptians into the sea….
sea. 14:28The waters turned
back and covered the chariots 44:30And, indeed, We delivered
and the horsemen— Pharaoh’s the children of Israel from the
entire army that followed them shameful suffering 44:31 [inflicted
into the sea; not one of them on them] by Pharaoh, seeing
remained. that he was truly outstanding
among those who waste their
own selves; 44:32and, indeed, We
chose them knowingly above all
other people, 44:33and gave them
such signs [of Our grace] as
would clearly presage a test [of
their ultimate faith].

(For a more extended

comparison of the Exodus in the
Bible and Qur’an see

From EXODUS CONVERSATIONS ~ How the Exodus Speaks to Jews, Christians and Muslims
An Interfaith Commentary and Passover Haggadah, Page 4

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