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Alphabet Letters
Walking Kabbalah – Divine
Hebrew letters are not just ordinary letters. Each letter is a symbol, full of Paradox Video
many inner meanings, from literal straightforward meaning, to deeper
spiritual meaning. Understanding the letters provides essential insight into
the deeper meanings of the Torah or the Bible.
After studying the letters in depth it is not uncommon for many people to
feel that the letters express some direct spiritual communication that goes
beyond words. In kabbalistic circles, meditation on the letters is commonly September 2017
practiced to encourage this type of rapport with the letters.
January 2017
Looking into the deeper meanings of the letters can transform and deepen
our learning and can lead us to deeper levels of spiritual experience.
Kabbalists will study for many years to realize the great inner spiritual December 2016
meanings of the letters, so it is important to realize that this article is a tiny
entry point into a deeper eld of study, which could be followed for a July 2016

Aleph Meaning – 1st Letter of June 2016

the Hebrew Alphabet

May 2016
Aleph is the rst letter of the Hebrew alphabet and signi es the
number one. Aleph indicates the Oneness and Unity of the Creator. It hints
that beyond the illusion of separation and duality is underlying Oneness – February 2016
that nothing is separate and the Creator is the source of everything.
The shape of the Aleph is two Yods ‫י‬, one above and one below, with a
December 2015
diagonal line, the Vav ‫ו‬, between them, representing the higher world and
the lower world, with the Vav separating and connecting the two.
November 2015
Aleph represents the creation of something from nothing. It is the essential
symbol of beginnings and ultimate reality that cannot be talked about,
timeless, spaceless, and present everywhere. It is the One that cannot be
divided, representing perfection beyond human comprehension.

Beith Meaning – 2nd Letter of

the Hebrew Alphabet
Beith is the 2nd letter of the Hebrew alphabet, signifying the
number two. Beith is the rst letter of the story of creation, starting the
entire Torah/Bible –‫ברא בראשית‬.

Beith represents the beginning of duality, with the One Creator bringing
forth a created world, so that there can be both a giver (the Creator) and a
receiver (the created world) for the Creator to bestow upon. This creates a
dramatic leap from Absolute Oneness to the ability for there to be two. It
also creates the possibility for all duality and opposites – yes and no, hot
and cold, man and woman, up and down, etc.

Beith’s literal meaning and form denote a house, and it represents the
universal concept of a container or vessel. Thus the created world is meant
to house within it the spiritual. The physical world is meant to be a place for
the Creator’s glory to manifest. The body is meant to contain the soul,
allowing it to act in this world. The dual world actually contains within it the
Ultimate Oneness, but concealed. The Beith is the tool, the source of all
building, containing and then bringing forth all of the other letters.

Gimel Hebrew Meaning –

3rd Letter of the Hebrew
After Beith establishes the existence of two opposites, Ghimel is the
3rd principle which arises to resolve and harmonize these opposites. Ghimel
links and balances between the Aleph and Beith. It is a dynamic balance
between opposing powers, so Ghimel is a letter of constant transformation,
change and motion, and translates literally as camel, an animal we associate
with motion and travel between faraway places. Ghimel includes the
opposites of both giving and receiving, and reward and punishment,
creating balance and motion between these opposites.

Ghimel resolves the giver and receiver (Aleph and Beith), so it represents
giving and receiving. It represents kindness and cultivation, the organic
nurturance that causes things to grow (Hebrew Gamol ‫ גמול‬means nourish
until ripe, ‫ – גמילה‬wean child, ripen fruit ). ‫ גמול‬also means giving and the leg
of the Ghimel is said to represent the rich man running to give charity to the
poor (represented by the 4th letter ‫)דלת‬. It signi es the Creator’s eternal
benevolence to all creation, manifested with abundant life and prosperity.

The Ghimel also represents reward and punishment. The word ‫גמול‬
represents the giving of both reward and punishment. The laws of the
created world are based on the rule of judgment – blessings are able to ow
to those who do good, while wrongdoing blocks the receipt of goodness and
abundance. Thus both kindness and justice are maintained in balance.

Dallet Meaning – 4th Letter of

the Hebrew Alphabet
Dallet ‫ דלת‬is the word for door, gate and indicates resistance
and the state of sel essness and humility needed to pass
through it. It indicates how to pass through the gates to know
one’s own mystery of being and return to the power of the
Aleph – the One source of all creation and being. The Dallet is in the shape
of a bent over man, signifying the humility and receptiveness. It represents
Bitul, the self-nulli cation, or nulli cation of the ego, necessary to realize
ones inherent connection to the Creator. Also, it is the structure, form and
the diligence required to receive.

Dallet is also Dalit ‫דלית‬, the poor man, who receives from benevolence of
the Creator, represented by Gimel. It is the realization that as humans, we
having nothing of our own, but are entirely dependent on the creator and
that every breath and movement is given to us from Him.

Finally, the Dallet represents structure. Its form of a horizontal and vertical
line represents a grid, giving structure to the form. It is shaped like a stair-
step, the structure and overcoming of resistance needed to study. When
Dallet is in someone’s name it indicates strong will, diligence, perseverance,
patience, ability to concentrate, organization, planning, building. It shows us
the structure and stability required to receive.

Hei Meaning – 5th Letter of the

Hebrew Alphabet
Hei represents divine revelation, the breath of the Creator
(Psalm 33:6 – By the word of the LORD the heavens were made, and by the
breath of his mouth all their host.) The world was created with the utterance
of the Hei. It represents the gift of life and creates the verb of being (‫היה‬
Haya – being). It is divinity, the spiritual life that comes about through the
rst four letters. It represents the life essence in all creation. It symbolizes
the e ortlessness of the world and is the symbol of divinity, gentility, and
speci city. It contains within it the freedom of choice. Hei is one of the
letters of the Holy Name, giving it a special signi cance within the Aleph-

Vav Meaning – 6th Letter of the

Hebrew Alphabet
Vav is the power to unite everything that is separated in
creation. Literally Vav means hook or peg and the Hebrew letter is a vertical
line ‫ו‬. It represents the Kav, the vertical line extension of the Creator’s
perfection into the created world, in order to constantly direct it, guiding the
cycle of existence step by step, until eventually the perfect Oneness of the
Creator which underlies all of creation is revealed. Vav is related to the Orr
Yashar, the direct light of the Creator, entering the world.

As the connector, Vav contains the power to connect heaven and earth. It
can be considered like a hose, or a tube, which connects and bestows all the
energy of the shefa ‫ שפע‬abundance from above down to the created
beings.   It represents the ladder of Jacob Yaakov – rooted in earth, with its
head in the heavens. It is the extension of the essential dot Yod ‫י‬, which all
of creation comes forth from. The Vav can teach us the state of constant
presence needed to connect our own heaven and earth (physical and
spiritual aspects).

Vav represents the number 6 and represents the six days of the creation of
the world, as well as the six physical dimensions (right left, front and back,
up and down). The Vav is also representative of the male phallus, the
fertilizing agent, bringing life, abundance, continuity, and addition.
Zayin Hebrew Meaning –
7th Letter of the Hebrew
The Zayin is shaped like a sword and is the symbol of spirit, sustenance, and
struggle. It represents the 7th day of Shabbat (Sabbath), the day of rest and
spirituality, which completes the process of the 6 days of creation. It
includes the six days and six directions of physical reality, but also stands as
a unique 7th principle or energy, the spirit which activates the physical. The
Zayin is the source of all movement. It is an impregnating principle, which
activates the creation.

Zayin is drawn with a Vav with a crown on top of it. The Vav is related to the
Ohr Yashar, the direct light of the Creator coming down into the created
world. The Zayin relates to the Ohr Hozer, the returning light, which follows
the path of the vav to return and then spreads out when it reaches the
crown. The Zayin impregnates all of life and allows the Vav to spread,
opening the eld of every possibility

Shaped like a sword, the Zayin represents all movement. It represents the
struggle between opposites, the struggle for existence, the struggle for
sustenance (‫)מזון‬. It is the struggle between Yaakov Jacob and the angel. It is
the power within a person that causes them to speak, initiate, live.
Interestingly, Zayin is also the source of rest. It teaches us to harmonize
between the spirit and perfection related to the 7th day of rest, and the
matter of the 6 days of work.

Heith Meaning – 8th Letter of

the Hebrew Alphabet
Heith is the letter of life ‫חיים‬. It represents in nite possibilities.
It is undi erentiated substance and energy, containing all the possibilities
that could come into being. Heith indicates the ability of the human to rise
and go beyond nature. It is related to the Neshama, the soul. It represents
the power of choice which is given by the soul, as well as the qualities of
charm and grace ‫ חן‬which stem from the soul.

Heith is like a revolving gateway, a power to enter a higher level, to enter the
mysteries of one’s soul, and then return to worldly consciousness. The

ancient form of the letter looks like a ladder  , indicating the ability to go
above and beyond limitations. And as the letter for 8, it also signi es
transcending nature, as represented by the 7 days of creation. It is the
essence of the human being to break through nature, to spiritual
realization. It is also in the word for prophecy hazon ‫חזון‬, and wisdom
hochmah ‫חוכמה‬.

Teith Meaning – 9th Letter of

the Hebrew Alphabet
Teith, the 9 Hebrew letter has a literal meaning of basket or
nest, and is the symbol of the good ‫ טוב‬in all creation. It has to do with
purity and impurity, teaching us to choose the good, and also the realization
that even within the bad things that happen, there is hidden good. Teith
also represents femininity, pregnancy. It includes the kindness and mercy of
creation and the principle that everything is eternal and nothing is ever lost.

Teith’s essence is feminine, representing the number 9 for the 9 months of

pregnancy, and shaped like a womb, a spiral, a container where things
change and transform. It is the eld of manifestation, the essence of the
feminine that contains all in her. The in nite is contained in Teith and it
brings about the nite.

The Teith contains the Hesed (kindness and mercy) of creation. It teaches us
to distinguish between the good and the bad, and by choosing the good to
clean and purify and thereby to do that which is impossible, to erase the
bad deed that was done. It contains the principle that nothing is lost,
nothing is wasted, and all is eternal. The Teith is the container that creates
the ability of Tikkun – that all souls are attracted to life with one purpose –
to restore all to good as at the beginning.

 Yod Meaning – Tenth Letter of

the Hebrew Alphabet
The 10th Hebrew letter Yod is a dot or point. The Yod
represents the Creator, the single point from which all of creation emerges,
and the Unity within multiplicity. It is the foundation of all foundations, the
hidden Divine spark which causes everything to be. It represents the power
of the spirit to govern and guide the matter.

Yod is a symbol of the Holy One, the Creator, since the holy name starts
with Yod. Small in form, the meaning of the Yod is great. According to
kabbalistic tradition, all of creation came forth from a single point – a point
which represents God’s in nite presence inside of the nite world.

Yod also represents the idea of Unity within Multiplicity, of one whole that is
comprised of parts. Yod as we see is a single point, but its value is 10. It
shows us that many grains of sand are used to make one pot, many pages
make up one book, many drops of water make up the ocean. There are
many occurrences in the world, but they all stem from One God, perfect and
indivisible. It also represents the 10 Se rot. In Yod, the multiplicity returns to

The yod is an in nite dot, the essence of all life. It is the foundation of all
foundations. Everything comes from it and returns to it. It is a hidden dot
beyond imagination – formless, the source of all thought, beyond all
thoughts, beyond time and space. It is the secret hidden principle of the
universe that we can’t perceive. It is the Divine spark of life that is in every
single being. It cannot be grasped, but is in every cell of your body, causing
you to exist. It has no mass or density, time or space. In it is the power of
the spirit to govern and guide the matter of the material world.

Khaf Meaning – 11th Letter of

the Hebrew Alphabet
Khaf, the 11th letter of the Hebrew Alphabet, means literally
the cupped palm of the hand. It is like a cupped, outstretched palm, ready
to receive. The shape of all containers – a bowl, a cup, a jar, is based on that
basic curved shape, and Khaf represents the idea of a container. It
represents form. A house is a form that contains the goings on of the
people inside it; a body is a form which contains the life and energy of the
person. The forms of the physical world are where the spiritual essence of
life is able to manifest. The Khaf also teaches us to shape ourselves- to bend
the ego and shape our character.

The Khaf is what gives form to the matter. It contains all the possibilities of
containing, building, and forming all existence. It is the letter of formation,
bending the straight line into a curved shape. It also symbolizes the crown
of the Torah – Keter ‫כתר‬.
Khaf teaches us to bend and govern our tendencies, and to shape our
character. It teaches us humility, that we must bend our ego and the
resistances in our character. It teaches us molding, sorting, comparing. We
must bend the matter to the spirit and the spirit to the matter, constantly
connecting the thought of wisdom, with the action and doing of it. It is not
enough to have a thought to do good, you must nd a way to manifest it in
reality. The Khaf also teaches us about what we contain. Do we contain
worries and negative thoughts? Or do we contain what we most aspire to, in
order to make it into a reality?

Lammed Meaning – 12th Letter

of the Hebrew Alphabet
Lammed, the 12th letter of the Hebrew Alphabet is the symbol
of learning. It is translated literally as the word for learning and also sta or
goad. It is located at the center of the aleph-beith and represents the heart
Lev ‫ ;לב‬in kabbalah learning is mostly done with the heart and soul, not just
the mind. The Lammed indicates that spiritual learning is the heart of
human existence. Man’s course in life is to learn and express spiritual
teachings and practice with every breath of life.

Lammed reaches higher than any of the other Hebrew letters, like a
lighthouse high in the air. The shape of the lammed is an undulating
movement, and the lammed represents constant organic movement,
constant change. Lammed is the lightning strike of energy descending down
the two sides of the Tree of Life. Lammed teaches us to learn from
everything in life. After one has governed their tendencies in Khaf and no
longer has the blockages of the ego interfering, they can begin to learn the
spiritual perfection of their own self, and to learn the laws, will, and ways of
the Creator. This is the process of learning to align with the will of the

Mem Meaning – 13th Letter of

the Hebrew Alphabet
The letter Mem is water mayim ‫מים‬, the waters of wisdom,
knowledge, the Torah. Representing both waters and manifestation, it is the
ability to dive deep into the wisdom. It is said that in every person is the
thirst for the words of the Creator, which are the waters of life. The open
mem refers to the revealed aspects of providence, while the closed mem
refers to the concealed part of the celestial rule that nonetheless guides us
and all of existence. Mem also represents the time necessary for ripening
and indicates to us the importance of balanced emotions and of humility.

Mem corresponds to the number 40 and represents the time necessary for
the ripening process that leads to fruition. (40 days for the development of
the embryo, 40 years in the desert before reaching the holy land, 40 years
development before Moses was prepared to be the leader of Israel).

The mem also teaches us about balanced emotions – balancing the watery
motions of our feelings. And it is about humility – water is the substance
that always runs downhill to the lowest place.

 Nuun Meaning – 14th Letter of the

Hebrew Alphabet
The Nuun is the symbol of faithfulness (ne’eman ‫)נאמן‬, soul
(Neshama ‫)נשמה‬, and emergence. The nuun stands for
humility, as it is bent both above and below. It represents the
soul Neshama, the heavenly spark housed in the earthly
container of the body. In Aramaic, Nuun means sh, so Nuun can be
thought of as the sh that swims in the waters of the Torah, represented by
Mem ‫מ‬. It is connected to fertility, continuity and the ability to increase and
multiply. Nuun also stands for the 50 Gates of Wisdom of Binah.

Nuun indicates constant presence and the humility of the soul. The soul is
silent, bent, and humble constantly giving light but staying hidden. The
Nuun shows that to be bound to the Creator’s will, not our own personal
egoistic way, we must bend above and below. Nun shows the relationship
between the body, which is impermanent, and the soul, which never dies. It
can teach us about the nature of time and space.

Nun also represents ow, teaching us to be supple and exible like the sh
instead of resisting change. If we can be aware of the inner guide, the
Neshama, we need never fear because the Creator is always present with

Samekh Meaning – 15th Letter

of the Hebrew Alphabet
Samekh is the symbol of support, protection, and memory. It
means to lean upon, support, uphold. The perimeter of Samekh denotes the
Creator and its interior denotes his creation, who he constantly supports
and upholds and protects. It represents the Orr Makif Surrounding Light of
Kabbalah, indicating the general providence of the Creator, surrounding and
sustaining all of existence, even as we perceive ourselves as separate. The
Samekh is the container of all forms.

Samekh teaches us circular thinking. It tells us to think for the good of the
whole, not just one’s self (an ability which comes from the Neshama soul),
and to be inclusive of everything and everyone. It is the principle that the
wisdom is not contained in just one vessel, in just one person, but is
distributed in all beings. The Samekh teaches us that in order to know out
Creator, we have to get out of our limited selves, out of what we know and
the limitations of the physical, so we can get in touch with our essential
inner self. We must empty ourselves in order to be lled.

The Samekh teaches us that once we have learned to clean ourselves of all
the negativities and distortions, controlled the ego, found true humility and
learned to listen to the inner voice of our souls, that we are automatically
guarded, supported and helped. The combination of Nun and Samekh ‫נס‬
Nes means miracle. Once we have learned the lessons of these two letters,
we can discover what the miracle really is.

 Ayin Meaning – 16th Letter of

the Hebrew Alphabet
The Hebrew letter Ayin means eye and correspondingly, the
Ayin has to do with vision and bringing forth lights that are hidden. Ayin
teaches us to see beyond and relates to time. It is the aspect of the
visionary, to see not just what is happening in front of us, but to envision
beyond that – to know one’s direction 5, 10, 100 years ahead and beyond.
The pronunciation of the Ayin is also very signi cant – it is often
mispronounced as a silent letter similar to the Aleph, however Ayin’s correct
sound is a guttural throat sound which stimulates the thyroid gland.

Ayin is included in a great number of words associated with time (‫– עת‬
time,   ‫ – שעה‬hours,  ‫ – עתיד‬future,   ‫ – עבר‬past,   ‫ – רגע‬moment, ‫ – עוד‬until, ‫עד‬
– eternity) and vision. As an example, my kabbalah teacher told a story once
of his grandfather as a very old man, out in the yard of the family house,
moving large rocks, clearing the land, creating a garden and planting trees.
My teacher asked – “Why was my grandfather planting those trees? He was
too old and they would not mature in time to feed him.” It was because he
was planting them for the next generation ahead, beyond himself. That is
vision. It teaches us to understand the cause and e ect in our lives- how
past actions lead to future outcomes, and how to think for the future.

Ayin implores us to open our eyes, to see beyond the physical. The Ayin is
meant to take us from dark to light. It urges us to break through the walls of
limitations in order to see what is not yet visible to us.

For Ayin’s correct sound, check out this video.

Peh Meaning – 17th Letter of

the Hebrew Alphabet
The Hebrew letter Peh means mouth and refers to the power
of speech. In Kabbalah, speech is actually considered to be a spiritual
power, which can cause good or evil depending on how it is used. In a
certain way, what one thinks is how one is, and what one speaks has the
power to become. Violent words lead to violent actions. The quality of the
speech is considered to be the quality of the life’s essence and creative
existence. The Peh teaches us to view our words as precious as gold, not to
be spilled haphazardly.

The shape of the Peh is a Khaf with a Yod inside of it. This represents the
spiritual spark of the Neshama soul, contained inside the physical body.
With words and silence we can communicate the essence of our soul and
existence. This requires that the inner and outer life match – that the
physical existence is fully aligned manifesting the spiritual intentions of the
soul within it. As it says in the Talmud Baba Metsiah “Don’t say one thing
with the mouth and another with the heart.” The Yod is also the Nekudah
SheBaLev, the point in the heart which spiritual awakening begins from.
However, alignment of the physical with the spiritual level is no easy task.
The normal balance of a human life is perhaps 1% or less spiritual and 99%
physical, but the kabbalists say that right balance between these two would
actually be the reverse.

The power of the Peh is a double-edged sword. As it says in Proverbs 18:21

“Life and death are in the hands of the tongue.” Because of this, the Peh
represents the requirement to govern one’s own nature. Routine speech,
speech to manipulate, all the distortions of speech must give way to viewing
speech as a miracle, as gold too precious to be spilled. Then speech can be
used for its true purpose – to speak one’s destiny and to activate spirit
through the thoughts and the speech.

Tsadde Meaning – 18th Letter of

the Hebrew Alphabet
The Tsadde represents the Tsaddik, the person who is just, as well as the
righteousness of the Creator. The Tzaddik strives to be true, loving justice
and fairness, straight and fully honest with their conscience. The idea is that
the world is broken so every person must face their own evil and learn to
restore it.   The literal meaning of Tsadde is a shing hook.

Righteousness and humility are the two de ning traits of the Tsaddi. The
shape of the Tzaddi is a Nuun with a yod riding on top it. This signi es that
the Essence of the Creator, who animates all matter, guides and dwells
within the one who is humble, as symbolized by the Nuun. Another key trait
is hiddenness. The Tzaddik is hidden because they appear as an ordinary
person, despite their great spiritual stature.

Khof Meaning– 19th Letter of

the Hebrew Alphabet
The letter Khof (also spelled Kuf, or Qof) originally meant the
back of the head, or the eye of a needle and which also means monkey. It is
the symbol of both the sacred Kedushah ‫קדושה‬, and the profane – the
Klipah ‫קליפה‬, the peel, cover, or husk which represents the negativities in
the world. Khof has to do with the requirement of removing the husk of the
super cial to reveal the holiness within.

In Hebrew, Khof means monkey, a creature which resembles a human but is

purely animalistic, with none of the higher capacities of a human. This
indicates the requirement for a human to overcome his purely animalistic
nature and to emulate the image of the Creator he is made in, to realize his
true spiritual nature beyond just the physical. The Khof is the only letter
which extends below the line of the other letters, indicating descent into the
lower world, but also the ability to ascend from there.

Kuf is also ‫ – הקפה‬circle, go around. Khof represents all the cycles of nature,
changing seasons, monthly and yearly cycles. It is the constant movement,
circulation, and change of life. It could also represent that through the cycles
of life that we see – evolution, growth, change, su ering, happiness, life
experience – we are constantly worked on in order to evolve and realize our
true spiritual nature.

Reish Meaning – 20th Letter of

the Hebrew
The Reish, the 20 Hebrew letter, means head, leader and
beginning. It is the symbol of choosing between greatness and degradation.
In it is the word for poor ‫ רש‬Rash, but when it is lled the power of the
Aleph it becomes Rosh ‫ראש‬, head or rst, expressing the Firstness, Oneness,
and Eternity of the Creator, and the qualities of being a leader, not a

Reish is a container, just as Beith(2) and Khaf(20) are containers. But while
Khaf represents forms such as a cup or house, Reish(200) represents
containing the in nite, exponential growth. It also represents the constant
transition, ow and change of life. It is like a constant ow of energy,
breaking through, breaking down into pieces, and building anew.

The Reish also relates to the Reshimo ‫רשימו‬, the spiritual DNA we are meant
to explore in life. It contains the secrets of Beresheet ‫בראשית‬, the beginning.
As the word ‫ ראש‬Rosh Head, it also refers to the secrets of the Crown Keter
‫כתר‬, the highest of the Sephirot.

 Shin Hebrew Meaning –21st

Letterstof the Hebrew Alphabet
Shin, the 21 Hebrew letter is the letter of re and
transformation. Shin literally means tooth and its shape is 3 branches of
ame. These are the 3 pillars of the tree of life, reaching high like ames,
purifying and changing the condition of our lives, teaching us to become
aligned with the Whole of Creation. It also represents the right and left
extreme opposites and the requirement to balance them by following the
central pillar, the middle way.
Both the tooth and re meanings of Shin refer to it as a process of
transformation, breaking down, grinding into particles, building anew,
cooking, the ring of a clay pot into a form. The whole process of
transformation, healing, breaking and restoring. The re also represents the
unchangeable, the unmovable, and thus is a symbol of divine power. The
spirit constantly transforms the matter, yet remains unchanged itself.
Matter changes constantly, yet the spirit within does not change, so all of life
is a process of learning to align with that unchangeable essence. Shin is the
ame of the spirit, which we must keep always burning within us.

Finally, the Shin teaches us balance. It is composed of 3 Vavs, the 3 pillars of

the tree of life. The right pillar is of kindness and mercy, the left of strict
justice and truth. The world cannot continue without both, so we must
balance between the two. In all aspects of life, we must nd the middle way
between the opposites and extremes.

Tav Hebrew Meaning – 22nd

Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet
Tav is the last letter of the Hebrew Alphabet. Meaning mark,
sign, omen, or seal, it is the symbol of truth, perfection, and completion. It
represents the restoration Tikkun ‫ תיקון‬of all of existence. It is a return to the
essence and purpose of one’s life. It represents completion, before
beginning again with the original Oneness of the Aleph.

The Tav shows us that the end was set from the beginning, as Tav is the nal
letter of ‫ בראשית‬Beresheet, “In the Beginning”, the rst word of the
Torah/Bible. It is the idea that the Creator set in motion all of existence in
order to reach a nal state of perfection, the ful llment of all of creation. It
is also the completion of Truth ‫ אמת‬Emet.

However, as soon as the Tav is reached, we begin again immediately by

going back to the Aleph, the one source of everything. The end is never
really the end, but the beginning of something new.

How Many Letters in the Hebrew

There are 22 Letters in the Hebrew Alphabet, 27 if the nals are included (5
letters have nal forms in which the letter is written di erently when it
comes at the end of a word). 

Hebrew Alphabet PDF


Kabbalist Samuel Avital, Gathering of the Sparks Kabbalah Seminars – 20xx
to 20xx

2. The Hebrew Letters


Linda August 9, 2016

Does it matter where the letter is? For example do you consider a nal
mem the same as a regular one. For example HaShamayim. Do I look at
this word as having 2 mems or do I look at the word as having one regular
mem and one mem so t?


Devorah September 6, 2016

Hi Linda, here is a response from Kabbalist Samuel Avital:

Samuel’s response:
Does it matter where the letter is?
Yes, the placement of every letter is very important. Consider your
own placement. It matters if you are in the house, or if you are in
the garden. When you are in the garden you cannot make a meal
like when you are in your kitchen. Same for the letter, placement is

We see that in the Hebrew verb that contains three letters, it is

important where every letter is. We have the in nite possibilities to
compute and discover more insight from that verb. If we take the
verb to walk, HE, LAMED, KHAF (so t) the letter HE represent the
traveler, the middle letter LAMED represent the way, and the last
letter KHAF the destination. From this, you can sense and
experience the in nite possibilities to use that verb according to
the Hebrew letter code, if you are familiar with it.

For example do you consider a nal mem the same as a regular

one. For example HaShamayim. Do I look at this word as having 2
mems or do I look at the word as having one regular mem and one
mem so t?
Yes , the last letter MEM is so t, and it is sealed totally while the
other MEM is open. So the word SHAMAYIM has two mems one
open and the other sealed. This is signi cant.

Another insight for this word that many interpret as sky or heaven
can be looked di erently and can reveal an obvious knowledge
that scientist today are still guessing about.
That is: SHAM = there. MAYIM = water. THERE IS WATER. As you
know, scientists are still guessing if they will nd water in space or
in another planets etc. Hopefully, they will catch up to the
beautiful knowledge of the Kabbalah and nd someday that which
we call space is WATER. Contemplate and explore more for


Eliezer Kraiman June 14, 2018

Breaking news Shamiyim exists in both Amharic and

Arabic(they are related to Hebrew you know).

Strona Autora December 6, 2016

Thanks , I’ve just been searching for information about this topic for ages
and yours is the best I’ve found out so far.


myler toledo December 24, 2016

in these conversation.
that we lead so many opinion,this guide,about hebrew letters,to know
somethings about life of a person..


jim February 21, 2017

enjoyed my visit…explored the letters and more, good help! thanks, jim.


emmett smith April 20, 2017

there is a dual story in genesis, one a totally spirit creation, and then a
physical creation that is the illusion that one must overcome. First the
illusion of separation from your true life source-god, must be overcome.
You only are separated by your own ignorance(lack of knowledge)


Rochelle Levine September 22, 2017

Stunningly beautiful! Thank you


Belinda mary hughes October 26, 2017

I nd myself drawn to the kabbalah , even though i am a christian, as it
describes things on a much deeper , more profound level, than the bible
or other religious teachings. many years ago, i had an enlightnment
experience, in which i perceived, that everything that existed, was but a
tiny fraction of a great oneness, that was part, of every part, of every atom,
that had created all things from its’self & of it’sself , & existed in all things.
the description of aleph is the same concept.


MICHAEL Sonlight December 11, 2017

Thank you!


Sam Bowman January 25, 2018

I love this! Thank you. It’s some of the best help in understanding the
letters that I’ve seen. I’d like someone to help me with the word vision from
Proverbs 29:18. I’d like to know what the Hebrew letters are that make up
this word. Thank you.


sidney ‫ אוֹר‬February 17, 2018

A lovely article, reminscient of a lovely book

by Edward Ho man: “The Hebrew Alphabet: A Mystical Journey”


Samara Smith April 6, 2018

Beautifully written. Lines up with Genisus and the 7 days of creation. The
numbers in the order of creation all have meanings and it all ties together.
The Creator puts His Signiture on it all. This was fascinating. Thank you.


william sanford May 4, 2018

I have a very simple question, “if the aleph tav is simply a direct object
pointer, why isn’t it in every verse throughout the old testament that has a
transitive verb with direct objects”? I emailed the rabbis in Israel that have
the web site, “ASK THE RABBI”, and asked them what they thought of the
aleph tav and they gave me quotes from the writings of the most famous
Jewish rabbis down through history, like Akiva, and R.S. Hirsch who
believed and taught the aleph tav was a mark of the hand of the Almighty
with profound spiritual signi cance. There are over 200 chapters in the old
testament with no aleph tav’s and hundreds of more chapters with only
one or two aleph tav’s and few people know this. All this evidence supports
the aleph tav as being something extraordinary, at least, in biblical text.


George August 16, 2018

I love the Zohar.


M.David Damodar October 20, 2018

Thank God I have all of the meanings it’s so much bene ted in all my
preaching. Thank you very much


Arindam Gupta October 24, 2018

Hebrew is a mystical journey, thanks!


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