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2nd & 3rd Flr., Agustin Bldg., Poblacion, Cabiao, Nueva Ecija
Partnership with San Antonio High School, Poblacion, Cabiao, N.E.
Tel. No. (044) – 333 – 1462



Name: _________________________________ Grade: __________________ Date: ______________

Instructor: Ms. Melanie D.R. Miranda

General Direction: Read carefully each sentence/phrases given. Write on the blank provided the concept being
Take note: Wrong spelling will NOT be given a point and ERASURES are NOT accepted.

I. IDENTIFICATION: Identify what is being defined or described. (20 pts.)

____________________1. It is the process where two nuclei collide to produce new ones.
____________________2. It is an opium tincture used as a painkiller.
____________________3. It is a natural fusion reactor, and transmutates light elements into heavier elements
through stellar nucleosynthesis, a form of nuclear fusion.
____________________4. He successfully carried out a nuclear transmutation reaction a reaction involving the
transformation of one element or isotope into another element.
____________________5. Are elements whose atomic numbers are greater than 92.
____________________6. He proposed that all four – air, fire, water, and earth, were the primordial substances.
____________________7. It is a device that is used to speed up the protons to overcome the repulsion between the
protons and the target atomic nuclei by using magnetic and electrical fields.
____________________8. Was a protoscientific tradition practiced in Egypt, Asia, and Europe.
____________________9. The atomic number of the nucleus increases by one while its mass number remains the same.
____________________10. Their dipole moments add up to zero and they cancel out.
____________________11. He was as an English physicist who demonstrated that the atomic number.
____________________12. Produces daughter nucleus with an atomic number reduced by two and a mass number
reduced by four compared with the parent nucleus.
____________________13. Their dipole moments do not add up to zero or do not cancel out.
____________________14. A famous Islamic alchemist, used controlled experiments in his investigations.
____________________15. One of the foremost alchemists was believed that the organs of the body worked
____________________16. It was a speculative science with goals of finding the elixir of life and transforming base
metals into gold.
____________________17. He first used the term element. He treated the four elements geometrically and named
them Platonic solids.
____________________18. It is the conversion of one chemical element or an isotope into another chemical element.
____________________19. It is a reaction in which the nucleus emits radiation and transforms into a new nucleus.
____________________20. It means having dipoles, a positive and a negative end.


Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on the blank provided at the left side of the
test paper.

___1. Which hich of the following describes the primordial substance?

A. It is the substance that makes up aether.
B. It is the substance from which everything is made of.
C. It is the substance that is made up of fire, air, water, and earth.
D. It is the substance from which Platonic solids are made of.
___2. Which of the following statements are true about Aristotle’s notion of elements?
I. Each element, air, fire, water, and earth, has two distinct characteristics.
II. Every material in the world is made up of elements.
III. Every material in the world is made up of the same element.
IV. Each element, air, fire, water, and earth, can be described using geometrical shapes.
A. I only
B. II only
C. I and II
D. III and IV
___3. According to Aristotle, which of the following are true about aether?
I. It is the sixth element that makes up matter.
II. It is the finest among all the elements.
III. It makes up everything on Earth.
IV. It the “quintessence,” associated with the heavenly realm.
A. I and II
B. II and IV
C. III and IV
D. II and III
A Greek philosopher believed that everything on Earth is made up of primordial
substance X. He described X as hot and dry and shaped like a tetrahedron.
___4. Which among the following primordial substances is most likely X?
A. fire
B. earth
C. water
D. air
___5. What are the contributions of the Greek philosophers to the development of the field of
I. They studied the substances that make up matter.
II. They studied naturally-occurring and radioactive elements.
III. They developed a method to create the fifth element, aether.
IV. They conceptualized the idea of elements.
A. I and IV
B. II and III
C. III and IV
D. I and III
___6. Which of the following was believed by the alchemists as the material that could transform base metals
into gold?
A. philosopher's stone
B. elixir of life
C. elixir of immortality
D. laudanum
___7. Which of the following is not a contribution of alchemists to modern chemistry?
A. isolated metallic zinc
B. invented steel and gunpowder
C. discovered subatomic particles
D. developed distillation and extraction
___8. Which of the following steps will not help you identify if molecule is polar or nonpolar?
A. Draw the structure or shape of the molecule.
B. Identify the polarity of the individual bonds present in the molecule.
C. Determine the net dipole moment.
D. Change some of the atoms in the molecule.
___9. Which of the following statements does not describe a polar molecule?
A. It has a positive and a negative end.
B. Its bond polarities do not cancel out.
C. The atoms in the molecule have same electronegativities.
D. The net dipole moments of the bonds do not add up to zero.

___10. What factors describe the polarity of a molecule?

A. bond length and molecular size
B. bond polarity and molecular size
C. bond length and molecular shape
D. bond polarity and molecular shape


1. The Chinese were able to invent . Also, through their experiments with sulfur,
mercury, and arsenic, they were able to create such as mercuric sulfide.
2. The Egyptian documents on alchemy contained manufacturing of and
3. Recall that in , there were four vacancies in the periodic table corresponding to the
atomic numbers 43, 61, 85, and 87.
4. The newly synthesized element was named Technetium (Tc) after the Greek word “
" meaning “ ”
5. A is a particle accelerator that uses alternating electric field to accelerate
particles that move in a spiral path in the presence of a magnetic field.
6. In 1940, , , and
discovered element with atomic number 85.
7. Early in 1940, proved that an element having an atomic number 93
could be created.
8. The three essentials or tria prima, , , and .
9. In , Moseley published a paper on the arrangement of the elements in the Periodic table
based on their atomic numbers.
10. The word element came from the Greek word which means
11. Major accomplishments of Indian alchemists included ,
, and .

 The primordial substances
1. Air –
2. Fire –
3. Water –
4. Earth –
 Platonic solids.
5. Air –
6. Fire –
7. Water –
8. Earth –
9. The Universe –
 Element with two qualities.
10. Air –
11. Fire –
12. Water –
13. Earth –



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