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Lesson 1

Physical fitness enables us to perform up to our potential. Fitness can

be described as a condition that helps us look, feel and do our best. More
specifically, it is the "ability of the human body to function with vigor and
alertness, without undue fatigue, and with ample energy to engage in leisure
activities. Physical activity is any movement made by the muscles of the
body that requires exertion of energy such as running, swimming, dancing,
etc. Exercising is considered physical activity but more structured and
planned. Regular physical activity promotes a healthy lifestyle as it improves
our health and help lower risks of illnesses. It is necessary for us to engage in
physical activities to enhance our level of fitness. Many of us exercise and do
physical activities at home and at the gym. Some of these include aerobic,
muscle strengthening, and bone-strengthening activities, all of which are
good for body composition. It is also important to know the nature of these
physical activities for a better understanding of what it does to our body.

In this lesson, I have learned a lot of things about the activities that will
help us be physically healthy and fit. These are aerobic, muscle and bone-
strengthening activities. Aerobic activities increase our heart and breathing
rate and cause us to sweat profusely and breathe harder. These activities
help lower the risks of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and osteoporosis.
Muscle-strengthening activities are exercises in which group of muscles work
or hold against a force or some weight. These activities help build good
muscle strength. Bone strengthening activities can increase bone density
throughout our skeletal system. It is important to understand that bone-
strengthening exercises do not only focus on bone health, it also focuses on
improving muscle strength, coordination, and balance.

Being fit is bone-strengthening and requires a proper plan, much effort,

and discipline. To be physically fit, it is important to engage in these physical
activities. Remember that before you start doing these activities, be sure to
do a dynamic warm-up to avoid injury. Always remember that health is

Lesson 2

Our body needs a specific amount of energy when we do physical

activities. When we exercise, a low or high amount of energy is supplied to
muscles depending on the duration, intensity, and nature of the exercise. It
is important for our body to get the energy it needs to effectively perform
physical activities.

In this lesson, I have learned all about the three energy systems that
help energize our body to do and perform physical activities. These energy
systems are Anaerobic A-Lactic Energy System. This energy system is a
dominant source of muscle energy for high-intensity physical activities. It
provides immediate energy without requiring any oxygen. Anaerobic Lactic
Energy System supplies energy for medium to high-intensity physical
activities but do not require oxygen. Aerobic Energy System is mostly used in
sports and activities. It provides energy for low-intensity physical activities. It
requires much longer oxygen in muscles in doing physical activities like long-
distance swimming, running and playing sports.

Most physical activities use these energy systems but there are times
when one energy system dominates during a specific type of physical
activity. With this lesson, I have found out that all energy systems are active,
but are changing during the activity depending on its duration and intensity.
Upon engaging in physical activities, all these energy systems may be in use
but in varying degrees.


Lesson 3
Many people are trying to live their lives with a healthy lifestyle. Do
various things to become fit and achieve their desired physique, especially
those who are in the showbiz industry, without knowing and understanding
the consequences they might face in the future. Our health becomes at risk
and prone to different illnesses that can affect our capacity to do physical
activities and daily tasks. We need to realize that there are some common
health practices, particularly when dealing with stress, that need to be
corrected right away, especially among us teenagers.

In this lesson, I have learned some stress coping measures shown in a

person’s eating or sleeping habits. These are eating habits, sleep, and stress
management. Eating habits, there is nothing wrong with eating. It only goes
wrong when we eat less or more than what our body needs, and when we
eat unhealthy foods, that may lead to being underweight, overweight and
obese. Sleep management, sleep is very important to everyone’s health to
become productive every day. However, a lot of people, especially teens
including me, are practicing bad sleeping habits. These habits are staying up
late at night because of social media and eating before sleeping. These
habits result in being unproductive in school and even at home. Stress
management is very important. Stress is part of our lives. It happens for
many reasons, too much school works, fatigue, and loneliness. It is
inevitable; hence, needs to be handled properly, because if not, it can lead to
many serious health concerns such as heart disease.

It is important to be aware of our health and avoid bad health practices

as early as now or we will suffer the consequences later.


Lesson 4

Eating healthy is important for everyone especially teens. A healthy

diet is the key to being fit. It is unlike any diet. You will feel so pure,
balanced, and alert. It even prevents some health issues. You will love your
body and your body will love you if you start eating healthy. Healthy habits
help prevent certain health conditions, such as heart disease, stroke, and
high blood pressure.

As a teenager, it is even more important to eat healthy. You are

growing. While growing you are hungrier because you need the extra
calories to grow. Eating healthy is important. It can prevent and control
health problems. It can help you stay balanced and improve your mood. As a
teen, you need to be eating more because you are growing but that doesn’t
mean you can’t eat a balanced diet. It provides the necessary nutrients that
your body needs to grow. A healthy diet is the key to a happy, long, and fit


Lesson 5

Stress is a common problem that affects almost all of us at some point

in our lives. Learning to identify when you are under stress, what is stressing
you, and different ways of coping with stress can greatly improve both your
mental and physical well being. Ivancevich and Matterson define stress as
“the interaction of the individual with the environment” According to Beehr
and Newman, stress is a condition arising from the interaction of people and
their jobs and characterized by changes within people that force them to
deviate from their normal functioning. Stress is a dynamic condition in which
a person is faced with a lot of constraints while functioning in the
organization. Stress causes discomfort, which leads to disequilibrium in the
individual’s mindset. Stress is not always negative in nature. In a broader
sense, it is discomfiture whether it creates problems.

In this lesson, I have learned a lot of things related to stress and its
characteristics. Stress is our body’s way of reacting to an external stimulus
such as discomfort and it activates the sympathetic nervous system, which
brings about a fight or flight response wherein cortisol and adrenaline is
released in the bloodstream. The effects of stress differ for each individual,
based on their ability to adjust to certain changes from the environment and
the people around them. Some are able to cope easily, but others have a
hard time resulting in many serious health concerns and even death.

It is true that stress is inevitable and eliminating it entirely from one’s

life is impossible but it is manageable. Regular exercise is sometimes done
to manage stress. Spending time with family and friends also helps relieve
stress. Keeping your body physically active can help reduce the fight and
flight response often triggered by stress. There is no chance to live life
without stress. But you have the power to deal with it, to control it and use it
in your favor. Without stress, there is no growth. So find a way to control
stress and reduce it. And after every stressful situation, you need some rest
and renewal to balance yourself and your health.

“In times of stress, the best thing we can do for each other is to listen
with our ears and our hearts and to be assured that our questions are just as
important as our answers.” - Fred Rogers


Lesson 6

This lesson helped me determine my current health status. Assessing

one’s health status will help a person be informed of his or her strengths and
weaknesses leading to observe a healthy lifestyle and select appropriate
activities for improvements. To maintain general and overall fitness, we
should develop health-related fitness components and that includes
cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance,
flexibility, and body composition.

Healthy living is a combination of many things, including good

nutrition, regular exercise, and a positive attitude. Taking care of your body
and feeling pride in your accomplishments can improve both your physical
and mental health.


Lesson 7

With this lesson, I was able to understand the principle of physical

activity. The FITT principle of training suggests that overloading is the key to
muscle development and that entails doing more than the body is used to.
The benefit brought about by overloading will only last if the overloading is
continuous, otherwise, the muscle development will go back to its original
state. It is important to take into consideration the FITT principle in achieving
optimum fitness development. FITT stands for frequency, intensity, time, and
type. It sets the guidelines in your physical activity program and used as
basis for your fitness routine for better results.

The more frequent activity is done, the greater the chances of fitness
development. Exercise execution is also relative to intensity. Selection of
appropriate activities will help you achieve the desired results by being able
to specify the target muscles for development. Engaging in physical
activities in different settings can help avoid boredom, thus making activities
more exciting and interesting.


Lesson 8

Upon engaging in physical activities for health and fitness

improvements, we need to monitor the effort we are exerting. It is because
our effort given in doing physical activities contributes to the achievement of
our fitness goals. And by monitoring our efforts, we will be able to know if we
are reaching at least a moderate intensity level and at most a vigorous one.
We should always remember that our body is challenged to do more
than what it used for changes to occur. We will be able to monitor our efforts
through physiological indicators. These are those signs that are physiologic
in nature or have to do with bodily processes. These physiological indicators
are very important, however, depending on your fitness goals and personal
preferences, each indicator has its own advantages.

Healthy living is a combination of many things, including good

nutrition, regular exercise, and a positive attitude. Taking care of your body
and feeling pride in your accomplishments can improve both your physical
and mental health.


Lesson 9

As we engage in moderate to vigorous physical activity, we need to

observe some personal safety precautions to avoid certain conditions related
to physical activity participation. These conditions include dehydration,
overexertion, hyperthermia, and hypothermia.

In this lesson, I have learned further informations and complications

regarding the conditions I have mentioned above. These conditions are
usually associated with exercising in different types of environment, like a
hot or cold environment. Each of these conditions should be taken seriously
because each poses health risks to an exerciser. However, dehydration and
overexertion may be experienced when exercising in environments that do
not have extreme temperatures. We should always remember that health is


Lesson 10

In this lesson, I have lerned a lot of things about first aid. First aid is
the immediate care given to an injured person or to someone who suddenly
become ill. It deals with self-help and proper home care, especially if medical
assistance is not immediately available. Its goal is to alleviate suffering,
prevent further injury or danger and prolong life. And when performing first
aid to a person, we need to have a first aid kit. First aid kit is a set of supplies
and equipment used to administer first aid. It is usually located in strategic
places in school like the clinic, gym, playground, and security stations.

As we participate in physical activities, it is important for us to know

the resources of our school and community in case of emergencies. Being
familiar with it makes response to emergencies more immediate and
effeciient, thus lessening the severity of the injury. These emergency
resources include the first aid kit mentioned above. We should always put in
our mind that health comes first.


Lesson 11

In this lesson, I have learned about the different types of equipments

and facilities that are usually found in a gym.

As we engage in physical activities that will help maintain the fitness of

our body, we are to use different kinds of equipments and facilities. These
will help us throughout our activity to be successful. And as a courtesy to
other individuals who also make use of these equipments and facilities, we
always need to observe the proper manners or etiquette inside a gym. The
facilities that are mostly used are playing court or field, dance areas or
studios, and gym or weights area. These specific facilities have their own
etiquettes to be considered. So, as we use these facilities, we should always
follow their etiquettes to avoid any commotion and misunderstanding.


Lesson 12

As we become involved in physical activities, we can elevate our

participation by joining events that promote health and fitness as well as
address health issues like diabetes, obesity, nutrition, smoking and many
more. By joining these events, we can learn more about these health
concerns. The usual objective of these events is to raise funds for awareness
about health issues. Participating in these events not only increases our
activity but also gives us an advocacy to work on. Fun runs, dance events,
competitions, or marathons, sports tournaments, summer sports clinic and
outdoor recreation events like cycling events, triathlon, marathons and
football are just some of the events. These events are much better than
always facing gadgets for it will help you become a healthy person.


Lesson 13

In this lesson, I have learned how important participating in physical

activities is. I have also understood the health benefits of participating in
physical activities.

Many kids and teenagers nowadays find it hard to be physically active,

and I’m not an excemption. I know that these physical activities will help me
be fit and healthy but I find it very tiring and just a waste of time. But as we
go further in this lesson, I have realized that it is very important to
participate in physical activities. As teenagers, we just need some
motivations to do these activities for it has a lot of advantages to us. These
will help improve heart health and fitness, develop strong muscles, develop
strong bones, develop good posture, and many more. It is important to know
and understand that engaging in these activities are far much better than
always facing gadgets.


Lessong 14

This lesson helped me identify the potential careers for health and
fitness even though I’m not that interested. The health and fitness field
offers many career opportunities. Individuals interested in helping others
maintain their physical well-being may pursue degree and certification
programs in this field of interest that might be very beneficial to them.

We should always remember that in choosing our career, we need to

choose the career that we think is best for us and something that really
fascinates and interests us. Though we may face challenges along the way to
our dreams, it would be easier for us to succeed knowing that we want and
we enjoy what we are doing.


Zumba is an external activity done outside of school. It is an up beat

aerobic dance session where you dance to gain stamina. The most
challenging thing about Zumba is the speed at which the instructor goes at.
Also the steps he does is unknown to the students, making it more difficult to
stay to the beat and follow the dance movements he makes exactly.
Attending the Zumba dance was a great and fantastic experience. It was a
really creative and fun way of exercising, actually more fun than facing a
gadget. What makes this all the more fun is the company, the people around
you, having fun and doing the exact same exercise would decrease the
insecurities and increase all the laughs, and enjoyment. According to Dr.
Ratini, “Zumba is one of the most fun and versatile fitness crazes to come
along in a long time. Classes can be geared for just about any fitness level.
Though most Zumba involves high-impact moves like bouncing and jumping,
it can be modified to meet your needs.”

“Sometimes in life confusion tends to arise and only dialogue of dance

seems to make sense.”― Shah Asad Rizvi


I learned that, although some high school students study calculus in high
school in preparation for college, others come to the subject with no prior
knowledge. Success can depend on their understanding of algebra and
trigonometry. To prepare for the rigors of calculus, many students take a pre
calc course. Pre calculus is the study of the mathematical prerequisites for
calculus, including algebra, trigonometry and analytical geometry. The
unusual thing about pre calculus topics is that they don’t directly involve
calculus. Instead, they give students a strong foundation that will be used
throughout their calculus studies.

I realized that, one way to get a better understanding of the concepts

covered by precalculus is to check a sample course syllabus. And also, for us
to be very good in precalcalculus we need to practice. Beyond the academic
and intellectual value, the subject taught me real values. Precalculus taught
me how to be careful with every step of my equation. It made me realize that
one mistake will lead to the discrepancy of the next. Because of all the step-
by-step procedure that is needed to come up with the correct answer, I
learned how to think more critically. Not that I do not want a good grade
because who does not want a good grade, right?; but precalculus drove me
to study the lessons not for the sake of my grades but for the sake of
knowledge itself. I know that I am careless. I know that there are times
wherein I will experience mental block. Being a student in this subject has
given me the opportunity to practice the areas where I am weak, to make
myself a better individual, to step out of the box and face the things that are
still unknown to me.

Based on my realization, precalculus is very mportant to all of us, the

students that are taking STEM for the reason that all of those students that
are going to take a certain course in college that is connected to STEM all
includes the lessons that they are about to learn in this subject. Students
that are planning on taking a course that is more focused on the academic
side such as for example Engineering and Architecture, they will have
mathematics in the majority of their subjects which is very important since
these courses focuses more in analyzing solving and measuring. In Pre-
Calculus, the students will learn how to properly observe and investigate
patterns, formulate proper mathematical statements, formulate and solve an
accurate situational problem which includes circular functions, how to
properly apply trigonometric identities in solving situational problems and
many more. These are only some of the lessons that the STEM students will
learn for the whole semester. And by the end of the semester we will at least
be ready to learn ,basic calculus which is more advance than Pre-Calculus.

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