Production Operation Management and TQM

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Production Operating Management and TQM

By: Grace Carticiano

Production management decreases the reputation, goodwill and image of business organization.


Routing refers to deciding when to start and when to complete a particular production activity.


The success and survival of the business depend on the selection of product and its design.


Quality and cost control should be given a lot of importance in the production industry.


It refers to the value that each worker or employee creates per unit of his input

a. Labor productivity

To produce useful goods and services that will satisfy the needs and wants of customers is not an
objective of production management.


Production management is not related to operations management.


Production management helps in the expansion of business.


Production management facilitates the optimum resource utilization


Which of the following is true with regards to capital productivity?

Select one:
a. With the given level of input and efficient use of existing technology, output increase can be achieved.

Strategy formulation for in corporate, business and functional levels are the same.


No business organization could exist without operations management and supply chain.


Production management helps in the expansion of business.


Monitoring performance and providing feedback means to check progress towards a purpose is being
provided by the measurement system.


The focus of logistics is the flow of goods and materials from the suppliers, through the business
organization and to the customers, with efficiency and cost effectiveness as its ________ priority.

Select one:

c. First

For small, large or nonprofit organization, strategy formulation does not vary while strategy
implementation varies among the different sizes and types of industries.


The following are retrenchment strategies for the corporate level except for

b. Strategic alliance

Production management helps to maximize the production costs.


It refers to deciding when to start and when to complete a particular production activity.

Select one:

a. Scheduling

Finding out whether the actual production is done as planned should be done by the customers.


Level of inventories must be monitored by the production manager because if there will be
overstocking, the working capital will be blocked and spoilage, wastage and misuse of materials may


Which of the following function of productivity measurement and alignment is described in this

Together with the cost data, productivity analysis helps in the evaluation of proposed changes to
existing processes or products and introduction of new ones.

Select one:

a. Support innovation

Measuring and managing personnel or employee productivity are important things that should be
considered by employer.


To match the demand for the product, right production capacity must be selected by production


Planning is not needed in production management.


Production management is important to business organization but not to the customers and to society.


It refers to evaluating how the manufacturing of goods was done and if there is a need to take corrective

c. Process evaluation

When there is the resources of productivity are measured separately, there is

a. Partial productivity

Refers to the use advanced manufacturing technology ( CIM, additive manufacturing, robotics,
mechatronics and automation, micro and nano factories, sustainable and green manufacturing), JIT,
TQM, human capital perspective and human resource management. Businessmen should realize the
importance of integrated production management system because it has a potential of decreasing costs
and increase output which in turn can make profit increase.
Select one:

a. Integrated production management

Which of the following does not belong to advanced manufacturing technology?

Select one:

a. Packaging

It is an act of creating something useful.

c. Production

Examination of trends which is a form of productivity analysis helps determine problems _________
they become crisis and enable to have early adjustment and corrective action.

d. Before

Which of the following does not belong to the importance of production management to business

b. It helps in introducing old products.

Which of the following is the 4th function of production management?

b. Production planning

The first step in the strategic management process is ________ .

d. Environmental scanning

It refers to the value that each worker or employee creates per unit of his input.

d. Labor productivity

Forecast or time estimates are past oriented.


Through demand forecasting, an organization is enabled to take various decisions related to the
business such as the production process planning, raw material purchasing, fund management, and
product price decisions.

Select one:


Demand forecasting also enables the government to coordinate activities related to import and export
and plan international trade.

Select one:


Demand forecasting aids in fulfilling the post-decided objectives of any business organization.


Demand forecasting helps in the long-term planning.

Select one:


A qualitative forecasting method wherein ideas and opinion of group of high level managers or experts
is pooled.

d. Executive judgment

Which of the following are the critical decision making that business firm can do because of demand

c. Plant capacity decision, determining the raw material requirement and ensuring the labor and capital

Which of the following does not affect the process of demand forecasting?

c. Caprices of management

Economic viewpoint has nothing to do with obtaining demand forecasts.


Demand forecasting is not important in deciding for business expansion.


Useful forecast about future uncertain events are not essential.


A time series model of forecasting which refers to weighted average procedure wherein weights decline
exponentially as the data become older.

b. Exponential smoothing

Demand forecasting aids in estimating the ________ requirement in the future so that the raw material
regular supply can be maintained.

c. Raw material

Most of the business organization's decisions are made under no risk and certainty conditions.


It refers to the trends in the analyst following like number of analyst following a firm within a period of
time and the dispersion in their forecasts.

b. Analyst following

Demand forecasting aims to help the business organization to estimate its financial requirements.

Select one:


Demand forecasting is a sales estimate during a specified time in the future based on the proposed
_________ plan and a set of a specific uncontrollable and competitive force.

d. Marketing

It is a systematic process which involves demand anticipation for the organization's products in future
under set of uncontrollable and competitive forces.

c. Demand forecasting

Demand forecasting plays a critical role in budget making by estimating the cost and expected income or

Select one:


Most of the business organization's decisions are made under risk and uncertainty conditions.

Select one:


Which of the following items need to be forecasted in business?

b. The prices of raw materials, the prices of supplies and required products, prices of competitor and the
general market prices.

Demand forecasting's objective which refers to helping in setting the sales target that will serve as the
basis for evaluating sales performance.
c. Controlling sales

Demand forecasting helps in ensuring the proper liquidity within the firm.


Because business firm estimates the current demand for the products that it offers in the market, it
enables the business to move ________ to achieve the set goals and objectives.

b. Forward

Demand forecasting aids an organization in controlling its production and activities related to


Usually forecasting errors do not lie at the root of all important tie and cost tradeoffs of scheduling


Which of the following does not include in the time series models in quantitative forecasting?

d. Regression

Forecasting can play a relevant role in many areas in business.


Types of goods do not affect the process of demand forecasting.


Business organization sets prices of products according to its ________ in the market.

Select one:

a. Demand

Which of the following is not included in the short-term objectives of demand forecasting?

d. Deciding the production capacity

The business operations of a certain business firm and the industry where the business belongs are
_________ of variation in forecast accuracy.

a. Causes

Technology level constitutes a relevant factor in obtaining demand forecasts which are reliable.

A business firm may not make demand forecasts for different regions and fix sales targets for each


It means prediction the future as accurately as possible. , available information which includes historical
data and knowledge of any future events that might impact the forecasts should be given.

Select one:

a. Forecasting

Personal biases which sometimes contaminate qualitative methods are usually encouraged in
quantitative approach in forecasting.


These are utilized in strategic planning wherein market opportunities, environmental factors and
internal resources should be taken into account.

b. Long-term forecasts

When, how and where to launch the product should be decided because these will determine its early
market impact.


Documenting the specification of products should be done in product and service designing.


It refers to the planning, acquisition, utilization and control of physical resources employed in the
provision of goods and services.

_____ ~Organization management

b. Production management

Most of the business organization's decisions are made under no risk and certainty conditions.


The size of the plant should conform to the organization's sales requirement.


The right production process must be selected.

Which of the following factor affecting demand forecasting is described in this sentence: If a rapid
technology change is present, the existing technology or product may become obsolete.

a. Level of technology

Businessmen should realize the importance of integrated production management system.

Select one:


Business organization could exist without operations management and supply chain.


Managers must act in the present to control and monitor the project phase evolution with a comparison
on the milestones to targeted dates of completion.


When output grows faster than capital inputs, productivity grows.


Forecasting is always an important part of planning, strategy and operation.


Specific direction and guidance to the worker toward productive activities are provided by the
measurement system.


Quality and cost control should be given a lot of importance in the production industry.


Which of the following is not included in the importance of production management to business

a. It helps to maximize the production costs.

Prices of goods acts as a minor factor which influences the process of demand forecasting.


Lifespan of the product in the market should be forecasted.

Production management helps the business to face competition in the market.


It refers to the trends in the analyst following like number of analyst following a firm within a period of
time and the dispersion in their forecasts.

d. Analyst following

Types of goods do not affect the process of demand forecasting.


All products follow all five stages of product life cycle.


Total productivity provides a systematic structure and framework to business organization and
profitability increase.


Production management facilitates the optimum resource utilization


Forecast or time estimates are past oriented.


A more sophisticated and detailed business analysis are required for a new product idea that survives
the new product development screening stage:


To ensure that building and selling the right product to the right person with the right message at the
right price and through right channels is materialized, research is conducted on _________.

Select one:

a. market size, competitors, trends and customers.

Services are the tangible form of product.


These consumer products are bought most frequently by final consumers.

d. Convenience products
Demand forecasting plays a critical role in budget making by estimating the cost and expected income or


A less sophisticated and brief business analysis are required for a new product idea that survives the
new product development screening stage.


Release of products with defects should be considered by a manufacturing firm.


There is no need for a manufacturing firm to integrate environmental issues in designing its products.


Success of business usually never lies on the goods and services they offer in the market.


Human resource requirements are met easily through demand forecasting.


Functional area in an organization which is responsible for the production of goods and services to

d. Operations area

Usually forecasting errors do not lie at the root of all important tie and cost tradeoffs of scheduling


Which of the following does not included in the decisions related to business that can be made through
demand forecasting?

d. Marketing goods and services

Service is not highly visible to consumers.


Quantitative approaches in forecasting are subjective.


It refers to something that is being made and with a purpose to be sold to consumers.
c. Product

To satisfy the demands of customers which is to have a good quality products at cheapest prices,
production manager should continuously improve quality of products.

Select one:


The consumer products which costumers usually compare on the price, quality and style in the process
of their selection and purchase of goods and services.

d. Shopping products

Which is not true about demand forecasting?

c. It is unsystematic process which does not involve demand anticipation for the organization's products
in future under set of controllable and uncompetitive forces.

All products are tangible.


Product reliability can be improved by making conduct of product testing less priority.


The fourth step in generating new products.

d. Launching and commercializing new products

Inefficient and cost ineffective flow of goods and materials from the suppliers, through the business
organization and to the customers is the focus of logistics.


Which of the following does not included in the qualitative methods of forecasting?

Select one:

a. Moving average

Aside from the physical item, customers buy satisfaction.

Select one:


Which demand forecasting objective is described in this sentence: It aims to help the organization to
determine the size requirement of the plant for production.

Select one:

a. Deciding the production capacity

In screening ideas, business firm should consider _________.

c. Competition, company's existing products , needs of the market and their shortcomings

The last step in the product design process.

c. Production ramp-up

Which of the following is not true in routing?

b. Deciding when to start and when to complete a particular production activity is included in routing.

Through demand forecasting, an organization is enabled to take various decisions related to the
business such as the production process planning, raw material purchasing, fund management, and
product price decisions.

Select one:


Through production documents, costs are increased.


By making own estimates called guess estimate or taking the help of market research agencies or
specialized consultants, business organization can forecast demand.

Select one:


The main objective of any business firm in designing its product and service is to earn more profit.


Which of the following does not belong to the ways on how to get information on the needs of

Select one:

a. Estimate the price of the product

Level of inventories must be monitored by the production manager because if there will be
overstocking, the working capital will be blocked and spoilage, wastage and misuse of materials may


Production management helps in the expansion of business.


Production is an act of creating something _______.

Select one:

a. Useful

Which of the following are the benefits of introducing new products effectively?

d. Greater market share, price premium, quick reaction to competition and present of industry standard.

Personal biases which sometimes contaminate qualitative methods are usually encouraged in
quantitative approach in forecasting.


Which of the following does not belong to the right production process that should be selected in
managing the production?

d. Marketing strategies

Demand forecasting helps business firm to hire human resource according to how much is required.


Examination of trends does not determine problems in production.


Production management is important to business organization but not to the customers and to society.


Demand forecasting helps in ensuring the proper liquidity within the firm.


It refers to measure of ability of a business firm to produce goods and services from the given number of
resources: capital, human resource, land, knowledge and time.

Select one:
a. Productivity

Level of competition influence the demand forecasting process.


Success of business usually lies on the goods and services they offer in the market.


Effective product strategy is an output of market research.


Products which are introduced by the business firms into a product category where the business had not
been doing business up to this time

b. New category entries

Competition, company's existing products, needs of the market and their shortcomings should not be
considered by the business.


Understanding one's competitor is a bad idea.


Which of the following steps to follow in the product and service designing should be done after
translating the needs and wants of customers into product and service requirements.

c. Refine existing products and services.

Basically, product and service designing has

a. legal, ethical and environmental issues.

Designers of product actually work with other professionals such as marketers and engineers.

Select one:


Modifications that can be made to existing products should be identified and what can be adapt for new

Select one:

In idea generation, listing of customer needs and the identification of ________ are done.

d. existing weaknesses in one's products, gaps in your product range and product areas.

In prototype and market testing, which of the following should be considered?

d. Consult the experts.

Which of the following statement is true with regards to quality?

Select one:
a. Quality is "fitness for intended use"
Total quality management (TQM) is an overnight process.

Select one:
Quality control process will be far less effective without sound leadership.

Select one:

It refers to excellence degree of provided product or service

Select one:
a. Quantity
b. Management
c. Total
d. Quality
The policy in quality is authorized by top management and but not forms an element of the
corporate policy.

Select one:
Quality assurance serves as tool for management so as to provide confidence in
manufacture/supplier in contractual situation.

Select one:
How a product looks, sounds, feels, tastes or smells is a matter of reflection of individual
preference and personal judgment.

Select one:
With the objective to fulfill requirements for quality, _________ are used as operational
techniques and activities.

Select one:
a. Quality assurance
b. Quality controls
c. Quality management
d. "Quality circles
The first principle in total quality management (TQM) which refers to the level of quality is
determined by the customer.

Select one:
a. Continual improvement
b. Integrated system
c. Process-centered
d. Customer-focused
In this principle of total quality management, all employees participate in all activities in the
business organization towards the achievement of common goals.

Select one:
a. Process-centered
b. Total employee involvement
c. Integrated system
d. Continual improvement
Quality leaders do not prioritize attention to internal and external customers.

Select one:
Discouraging teamwork is a must for quality leaders.

Select one:
Poor planning can hinder total quality management.

Select one:

Performance, features and warranty are not part of product quality.

Select one:

Transformation to total quality management starts when a business organization is already

aware that product or service quality must be improved.

Select one:
Quality is sum of characteristics and features of products which bear on its ability to satisfy
implied or stated _________ needs.

Select one:
a. Sellers'
b. Customers'
c. Manager's
d. Suppliers'
It refers to an improvement to the traditional way of doing business

Select one:
a. Production management
b. Total quality management
c. Strategic management
d. Operations management
"Quality circle" is a _________ group of employees with the same work, in the same work area
or doing similar work type who meet voluntarily in regular basis , for about an hour every
week to identify, analyze and resolve work-related problems, leading to improvement in the
total performance and work life enrichment.

Select one:
a. Small
b. well-known
c. Big
d. Hidden
It refers to primary operating characteristics of a product.

Select one:
a. Reliability
b. Conformance
c. Features
d. Performance
Quality management includes_________ such as operations and evaluations.

Select one:
a. strategic planning and resource allocation
b. strategic planning and other systematic quality activities.
c. strategic planning, resource allocation and other systematic quality activities
d. Resource allocation and other systematic quality activities.
It is really individuals who are managing themselves because many individuals are working
on a variety of projects.

Select one:
When all the business requirements have been gathered, logical database models are
basically determined by the logical database models.

Select one:
It names, identifies and defines a property or a characteristic of an entity type.

Select one:
a. Attribute 
b. Entity type
c. Relationship
d. Domain
In the KAIZEN event method, individuals who are skilled in the method and tools such as
process or quality improvement experts are the ones who lead a team.

Select one:
Physical database modeling depends on the software already being used in the business

Select one:
If the system mission is to introduce a strict order in production-like processes, the best
process view to use is the workflow.

Select one:
In analyzing the data, there will be no uncertainty.

Select one:
For compiling business requirements and representing the requirements as a model, logical
database modeling is required.

Select one:
It is a way of looking at and then controlling the processes which are present in the business

Select one:
a. Business marketing management
b. Business accounting management
c. Business process management 
d. Business organization management
The third stage of the DMAIC process.

Select one:
a. ANALYZE the process so as to determine variation root causes, defects or poor
b. ANALYZE process performance by addressing and eliminating root causes.
c. MEASURE process performance
d. IMPROVE process performance by addressing and eliminating root causes.
In implementing DMAIC process, there should be no skipping of crucial steps so as to
increase the chance of a successful project.

Select one:

Question 3
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Question text
If the system mission is to introduce a strict order in production-like processes, the best
process view to use is the workflow.

Select one:

Question 4
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Question text
Data representation defines a data type such as string, integer, floating point, time, date or
other standard data type of an extended definition which assigns customer properties and
constraints to a base type of data.

Select one:

Question 5
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Question text
It is a set of partially ordered activities intended to reach a goal.

Select one:
a. Business management
b. Business course
c. Business process 
d. Business venture

Empowering people is not a need at all because they have it already but business
organization must help the said employees to take on their power.

Select one:
If the system mission is to navigate each process to its goals and objectives, utilization of
input/output flow is advised.
Select one:
The business content of a data model is created in the physical data model.

Select one:
When the system mission is to integrate existing subsystems ________ .

Select one:
a. the best process view to use is the workflow.
b. the best process view is the input/ output flow. 
c. agent-related view is advised.
d. utilization of state flow is advised.
For compiling business requirements and representing the requirements as a model,
physical database modeling is required.

Select one:
Business process develops in time but do not focus on dynamics.

Select one:
In identifying relationship, the primary key of parent entity is inherited by the child entity as
a non-primary key attribute.

Select one:
Project management decisions should be based on a concrete basis of quantitative data and
objective fact measurement which should only be influenced by experiences and intuition at
the later date and should be applied to that specific context.

Select one:
Logical database modeling deals with the actual database designing which is based on the
requirements gathered during logical database modeling.

Select one:
To propel support information more precisely and rapidly to a "strategic" level of decision
that must be "human" and cannot be eliminated, project management actions which are
based on data should be modeled in advance with greater ease and communication.

Select one:
In the data collection, the collected data will be filtered, grouped together and processed.

Select one:
It is data-driven strategy utilized to improve processes.

Select one:
a. Logical database modeling
b. Logical and physical database modeling
c. DMAIC process 
d. Physical database modeling
A process dynamic view wherein order of activities is the focus of this dynamic view.

Select one:
a. Input/output flow
b. Workflow
c. Agent-related workflow
d. State-flow
These are utilized to find non-compliances to requisites or defects.

Select one:
a. Efficiency metrics
b. Quality metrics
c. Productivity metrics
d. Response metrics
Entity relationship diagram demonstrates the _________ between the different data
categories and shows the different data categories required for the database development.

Select one:
a. relationship
b. difference
c. commonality
d. disaffiliation
It refers to a coordinated effort to achieve product or service that did not exist before a
given level of quality.

Select one:
a. Project
b. Service
c. Product
d. Performance
The stage of maturity of a data-driven approach which includes decisions on how you will
make the measurements.

Select one:
a. Support for decisions
b. Data analysis
c. Data collection
d. Choice of measurement metrics for the project
The first stage of data driven approach to project management is ________ .

Select one:
a. Support for decisions
b. Data analysis
c. Choice of measurement metrics for the project
d. Data collection
A composition of logical data model which is a representation of a person, thing, place,
event or interest concept to a retailer.
Select one:
a. Entity types
b. Attributes
c. Relationships
d. Domains
Anytime when there is facility expansion of a space reduction, layout planning is performed
layout planning is performed.

Select one:
A factor that may influence the choice of business location which refers to cost with regards
to getting the raw materials for the business production or stocks for sale

Select one:
a. Energy cost
b. Transport cost
c. Labor cost
d. Land cost
In choosing a location, there is only one option and that is to buy the place for the business.

Select one:
Which of the following business premises is not suited for production operation business?

Select one:
a. Manufacturing plant
b. A small office
c. Warehouse
d. Storage facility
In choosing a location, there is a need to research on the future competitors.

Select one:
The image of the site where the business will be located has nothing to do with its success.

Select one:
This should also be considered especially when the business where specialist skills are

Select one:
a. Customer service
b. Site suitability
c. Expansion potential
d. Labor skills
The following are the strategic importance of business location except for

Select one:
a. Decision made relatively infrequently
b. Short term decisions
c. Important impact on variable and fixed costs
d. Global in nature
The second step in choosing for business premise?

Select one:
a. Decide between the two: buying or leasing the business premises.
b. Organize the procurement or purchase or lease of the said premises.
c. Find and inspect business premises which will suit the present and future needs and
activities of the business.
d. Choose a location.
It is the place where the business is situated

Select one:
a. Structure of the business
b. Location of the business
c. Layout of the business
d. Design of the business
Which of the following is not included in the reasons why a certain business will be
choosing to change the business premises?

Select one:
a. To lower the business costs
b. To be more convenient for your customers.
c. To have more business space
d. To have venue for relaxation
The type of business premises for the business depends on its activities.

Select one:
In choosing a location, consider the present but not the future needs of the business.

Select one:

In choosing a location, it is a good idea to find out about the vicinity or area and if there are

Select one:
a. planned and future development.
b. planned and future development, rates and zoning in the area.
c. planned and future development and rates in the area.
d. planned and future development, rates, zoning and business activity in the region.
To minimize material handling and transport during manufacturing, effort should be made
because they are just no value added activities.

Select one:
Which of the following is not included in the objectives that should be balanced in choosing
a business location?

Select one:
a. The potential income or revenues
b. The customer service to provide
c. Future competitors of business
d. Operation costs
There is no need to consider the government in locating the business because they will not
be regulated by it and the government will never provide special assistance to high
unemployment assistance.

Select one:
The businessman should first gather data and information about the demographic and
economic features and characteristics of the areas as prospective location for the business.

Select one:
Community factors are financial factors to consider in choosing a location.

Select one:
One factor in choosing a location which refers to the nearness of the market in the business

Select one:
a. Raw material
b. Market
c. Transportation cost
d. Land
The third step in the workforce planning is _________.

Select one:
a. Analyze the organization's talent supply
b. Consider the future needs
c. Find the solution
d. Identify gaps.
The goal of ergonomics is the elimination of discomfort an injury risk due to work.
Select one:
It is an HRM practice which refers to Providing employees with such things likes shares of
company stocks and profit-sharing programs.

Select one:
a. High wages
b. Employee ownership
c. Information sharing
d. Employment security
Human resource professionals and line managers are both responsible for HRM practices.

Select one:
The starting point of the theoretical analysis which will be carried out is the result of the
strategic plan.

Select one:
Which of the following is the first step in designing a job?

Select one:
a. Implement the new job design gradually.
b. Analyze tasks.
c. Design the job.
d. Assess current work practices.
There is no guarantee that the worker is able to accomplish what is required in a safe and
healthy fashion if there is a properly designed job.

Select one:
A visual workplace is defined by devices designed to visually share information about
organizational operations.
Select one:
There are 5 HRM practices that can enhance competitive advantage.

Select one:
It refers to how a team or an organization do the analysis of workforce and determination of
steps which should be taken to prepare for future talent needs

Select one:
a. Sales planning
b. Strategic workforce planning
c. Training
d. Measurement practices
Which of the following is not a role of HR professionals?

Select one:
a. Establish HRM procedures and methods.
b. Monitor and evaluate HR practices.
c. Advise and assist managers on HRM-related matters
d. Implementing HRM practices.
The first phase of employment cycle is _________.

Select one:
a. Selection phase
b. Middle selection phase
c. Post selection phase
d. Preselection phase
To protect workers and laborers in the Philippines, Labor Code of the Philippines PD 555
was created and amended.

Select one:
It is utilized to assess how tasks or the whole job is organized within the work environment
and then ensure that these are well-matched to the employee's attributes.

Select one:
a. Job analysis
b. Job design
c. Job selection
d. Job participation
Implementing the new job design gradually is the last step in job designing.

Select one:
Ethics allows individuals to be inconsistent in our judgment

Select one:
Effective human resource management can gain a competitive advantage over competitors.

Select one:
Which of the following job design changes should be implemented at the group level?

Select one:
a. Promotion channels
b. Perceivable contribution to end product
c. Job preparation and auxiliary tasks
d. Optimum work cycle
Which of the following does not belong to work organization?

Select one:
a. Granting over work
b. Giving additional tasks/responsibility to the worker
c. Re-arrangement or replacement of work
d. Job rotation
A business firm should attempt to deliver a "perfect order" to every customer once in a

Select one:
To reduce the total cost of owning materials and services, manage supply sources _________.

Select one:
a. uniformly
b. strategically
c. systematically
d. effectively
Which of the following does not belong to 7R's of fulfillment?

Select one:
a. Right condition
b. Right quantity
c. Right employee
d. Right customer
There are _________ principles of supply chain management.

Select one:
a. Eight
b. Ten
c. Seven
d. Nine
As the network designers, supply professionals are in the key position to develop more
sustainable methods and processes.

Select one:

Which of the following does not boost customer service?

Select one:
a. Customers expect the appropriate assortment of product and quantity to be delivered.
b. Customers expect goods to be available at the right location
c. Right time of delivery
d. No support after the sale
Supply chain managers are valued by business firms because they do not help control and
reduce supply chain cost which can result to dramatic increases in business profits.

Select one:
The 5th process in the supply chain management.

Select one:
a. Production
b. Planning
c. Procurement
d. Customer interface
Business firms value supply chain managers because they increase the utilization of large
fixed assets such as warehouses, plants and transportation vehicles in the supply chain.

Select one:
Supply chain management improve financial positions.

Select one:
To gauge collective success in reaching the end-user effectively and efficiently, adopt
channel-spanning performance measures.

Select one:

A business firm should attempt to deliver a "perfect order" to every customer every time.
Select one:
In this process, the objective is to create a long and short-range supply chain strategies
which are effective.

Select one:
a. Production
b. Procurement
c. Planning
d. Distribution
A strategy for a sustainable chain which consist of three related aspects of selection,
evaluation and development.

Select one:
a. Supply chain collaboration
b. Social initiatives
c. Global governance and accountability
d. Supplier relationship
It involves electronic transfer of data so as to support tactical, operational and strategic

Select one:
a. Commercial
b. Public relation
c. Advertising
d. E-procurement
Every product which reaches an end user represents the single effort of one business

Select one:
Decrease outsourcing is the result of globalizing the operation of companies in order to
source products and services from low cost and better quality suppliers.

Select one:
Another term for the MAKE process.

Select one:
a. Procurement
b. Production
c. Planning
d. Distribution
It refers to the active management of activities related to chain activities so as to maximize
customer value and a sustainable competitive advantage will be achieved.

Select one:
a. Supply chain management
b. Logistics management
c. E-procurement
d. Vendor selection
A series of key activities and processes are involved in the supply chain management.

Select one:
Scheduling is of utmost importance to large scale industry as it brings out efficiency in the
operations and at the same tie reduces cost price.

Select one:
Manufacturing schedule is prepared based on the involved type of manufacturing process.

Select one:
The following are the PROS of yield management except for _________.

Select one:
a. Competitive advantages are increased through different price factor utilization
b. Sales are improved through price optimization.
c. There is a wide price options.
d. There are important solutions for companies in minimizing revenues.
It refers to a marketing activity which includes doing an aggregate plan for the production
process in advance for about 6 to 18 months for the management to have an idea on what
quantity of materials and other resources are to be purchased and when.

Select one:
a. Scheduling
b. Aggregate planning
c. Human resource planning
d. Vendor selection planning
Who will do the work is determined by routing while loading determines where and
scheduling determines when it shall be done.

Select one:
In this step, the execution of the schedule plan as per the route chalked out.

Select one:
a. Follow-up
b. Dispatching
c. Inspection
d. Loading
It refers to the process of the right capacity type to the right kind of customer at the right
price at the right time with the purpose of maximizing yield or revenue.

Select one:
a. Sales management
b. Cost management
c. Resource management
d. Yield management
Which of the following is not included in the strategies under level plan?

Select one:
a. Utilizing inventories and back-orders to absorb demand peaks and valleys
b. Utilizing inventories in better way to absorb the peak of valleys and demand.
c. Utilizing a constant manpower and produce similar quantities each time period.
d. Minimizing finished good inventories by trying to keep pace with demand fluctuations.
To match demand period using regular time production is the objective of the constant
workforce strategy.

Select one:

Another term for yield management.

Select one:
a. Resource management
b. Sales management
c. Marketing management
d. Revenue management
An approach wherein developing several aggregate plans are included here and these are
based on the intuition and experience of the planner and /or as the result of analyzing an
aggregate plans and modifying it so as to try to produce a better alternative aggregate

Select one:
a. Linear decision rule
b. Trial-and-error approach
c. Linear programming
d. Transportation method of linear programming
The manufacturing schedule serves as the basis for all subsequent activities related to

Select one:
The second step to follow in aggregate planning process is _______.

Select one:
a. Create and improve alternative procedures and calculate the total cost for each individual
b. Identifying organization policies that are important
c. Determining capacities for each period.
d. Determining demand for each period.
Yield management has no disadvantage.

Select one:
Matching supply and demand of output over the medium time range up to approximately 1
year into the future is the concerned of aggregate planning.

Select one:
It refers to prescribing of where and when each operation necessary to manufacture the
products is to be performed.

Select one:
a. Scheduling
b. Aggregate planning
c. Yield management
d. Forecasting
Number of workers in constant workforce is maintained in this strategy throughout the
planning horizon.

Select one:
The second step in production scheduling is ________.

Select one:
a. Preparation of manufacturing schedule
b. Scheduling of job order manufacturing
D: Production control
c. Preparation of master schedule
Greater importance in job order manufacturing is acquired by scheduling.

Select one:
The main aim of production schedule is to schedule the amount of work which can easily be
handled by plant and equipment without interference.

Select one:
It refers to the systematic process which business organizations use every time they want to
conduct a study or the product's function.

Select one:
a. Value engineering
b. Value
c. Value analysis
d. Value engineering analysis
Determining the cost and select those ideas which can be practically implemented are
usually involved in the process of _________.

Select one:
a. Analysis
b. Innovation
c. Information
d. Evaluation
A well-planned idea is used by value engineering analysis wherein the basis of the study is
the product function.

Select one:
__________ form the basis for value analysis.

Select one:
a. Features
b. Qualities
c. Costs
d. Prices
Value engineering helps business organizations in optimizing construction expenses.

Select one:
Value analysis process step wherein identification of what is to be analyzed is done.

Select one:
a. Orientation/preparation
b. Information
c. Analysis
d. Innovation
The proportion of purpose to expenditure.

Select one:
a. Feature of the product
b. Characteristics of a product
c. Value of the product
d. Price of the product
One of the objectives of value analysis is to keep the production costs up.

Select one:
Value analysis may change the present stage of the product or operation while in value
engineering, changes are executed at the initial stages only.

Select one:
One of the elements of Just-in-time is the irregular workforce meeting.

Select one:

There is no need to include plan in the action monitoring.

Select one:
Value engineering helps business organizations except for __________

Select one:
a. Placing workers in high position.
b. Minimizing paperworks.
c. Improving quality management
d. Developing attitudes in staff.
Which of the following is not true to value analysis?

Select one:
a. In value analysis workers, subcontractors and engineers come together to make a team
with knowledge and experience.
b. It indicates product application at its design stage.
c. Value analysis worked out mostly with the help of knowledge and experience.
d. Value analysis may change the present stage of the product or operation.
It is necessary to prepare report which summarizes the work that has been done, including
specific proposals and conclusions.

Select one:
One of the objectives of value analysis is to keep the _________ of the product.

Select one:
a. Characteristics
b. Uniqueness
c. Price
d. Feature
Value engineering worked out mostly with the help of knowledge and experience while
value analysis requires specific technical knowledge.
Select one:

The first step in the value analysis process.

Select one:
a. Evaluation
b. Orientation/preparation
c. Analysis
d. Information phase
In JIT scheduling, schedules should be communicated inside but not outside the business

Select one:
The objective of value engineering analysis is to improve the value of the end product.

Select one:
It aimed to identify functions given by a product or part of it.

Select one:
a. Analysis
b. Implementation
c. Information
d. Innovation
Issue on production orders for starting the operation is involved in dispatching.

Select one:

Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text
The objective of value engineering analysis is to improve the value of the end product.

Select one:

Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Who will do the work is determined by routing while loading determines where and
scheduling determines when it shall be done.

Select one:

Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
The manufacturing schedule serves as the basis for all subsequent activities related to

Select one:

Question 5
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
It aimed to identify functions given by a product or part of it.

Select one:
a. Information
b. Implementation
c. Innovation
d. Analysis 

Question 6
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
To provide the foundation for the entire value engineering study, completing the
information is essential.

Select one:

Question 7
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text
One of the objectives of value analysis is to keep the production costs up.

Select one:

Question 8
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Value engineering helps business organizations except for __________

Select one:
a. Developing attitudes in staff.
b. Minimizing paperworks.
c. Placing workers in high position. 
d. Improving quality management

Question 9
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
It refers to prescribing of where and when each operation necessary to manufacture the
products is to be performed.
Select one:
a. Scheduling 
b. Forecasting
c. Yield management
d. Aggregate planning

Question 10
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
In any business, core processes need to be managed with cross functional decisions and

Select one:

Deciding on what to benchmark is the last step in the process of benchmarking.

Select one:
When all the business requirements have been gathered, logical database models are
basically determined by the logical database models.

Select one:

Question 5
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text
One factor in choosing a location which refers to the nearness of the market in the business

Select one:
a. Raw material
b. Market 
c. Transportation cost
d. Land

Question 6
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Business organization aside from having best employees should have an effective leader
which may put the firm in the best possible position which can lead them to success.

Select one:

If a business firm has products and services with "high quality", it cause them to market the
said product ineffectively.

Select one:
Business process management is not a one-time exercise.

Select one:

Question 11
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
DMAIC is a method for best practices and at the same time, a method to discover best

Select one:

It is not a good idea of looking for other business in the locality that might complement
products and services to be produced by the business.

Select one:

Question 13
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
In implementing DMAIC process, there should be no skipping of crucial steps so as to
increase the chance of a successful project.

Select one:
Question 14
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text
The business firms around the business location should be considered too because this will
ensure that these will benefit the company itself

Select one:

Question 15
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Quality is sum of characteristics and features of products which bears on its ability to satisfy
implied or stated customer's needs.

Select one:

Question 16
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
It is a set of partially ordered activities intended to reach a goal.
Select one:
a. Business venture
b. Business process 
c. Business course
d. Business management

Question 17
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Partnering is when there is a short-term commitment between two or more business firms
with a purpose of specific goal and objective attainment by maximizing the participant's
resource effectiveness.

Select one:

In choosing a location, it is a good idea to find out about the vicinity or area and if there are

Select one:
a. planned and future development and rates in the area.
b. planned and future development, rates, zoning and business activity in the region. 
c. planned and future development, rates and zoning in the area.
d. planned and future development.

Question 20
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
It refers to primary operating characteristics of a product.

Select one:
a. Reliability
b. Features
c. Performance 
d. Conformance

Question 21
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Business process develops in time but do not focus on dynamics.

Select one:

Question 22
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Cellular layout is the other name for product layout.

Select one:
Project management decisions should be based on a concrete basis of quantitative data and
objective fact measurement which should only be influenced by experiences and intuition at
the later date and should be applied to that specific context.

Select one:

Question 25
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
It is data-driven strategy utilized to improve processes.

Select one:
a. Logical database modeling
b. Physical database modeling
c. Logical and physical database modeling
d. DMAIC process 

Question 26
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Discouraging teamwork is a must for quality leaders.

Select one:

Question 27
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Total quality management (TQM) is an overnight process.

Select one:

Question 28
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Plant layout designs must be created in a way that the need of manufacturing parts in
batches is removed.

Select one:

Question 29
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
In choosing a location, consider the present but not the future needs of the business.

Select one:

Question 30
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
The type of business premises for the business depends on the activities of its competitors.

Select one:

One of the objectives to achieve in performance measure is to identify which processes

needs improvement.

Select one:
For compiling business requirements and representing the requirements as a model,
physical database modeling is required.

Select one:

Question 34
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Effective communication is one of the keys to motivation because employees need to know
that they are important individuals and members of the business organization.
Select one:

Question 35
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
It refers to a coordinated effort to achieve product or service that did not exist before a
given level of quality.

Select one:
a. Performance
b. Product
c. Service
d. Project 

Question 36
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text
Empowering people is not a need at all because they have it already but business
organization must help the said employees to take on their power.

Select one:

Question 37
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
Community factors are financial factors to consider in choosing a location.

Select one:

Question 38
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Practices on any performance management should not be viewed as a partnership.

Select one:

It names, identifies and defines a property or a characteristic of an entity type.

Select one:
a. Relationship
b. Attribute 
c. Domain
d. Entity type
How a product _________ is a matter of reflection of individual preference and personal

Select one:
a. looks
b. looks and sounds
c. looks, sounds, feels, tastes or smells 
d. looks, sounds, feels
Indexes and constraints are included in the logical database modeling

Select one:
In the data collection, the collected data will be filtered, grouped together and processed.

Select one:

Question 46
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text
Process layout is recommended for batch production.

Select one:

Question 47
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text
It is a way of looking at and then controlling the processes which are present in the business

Select one:
a. Business process management 
b. Business marketing management
c. Business organization management
d. Business accounting management

Question 48
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Small screening designs seem to be particularly favored by Taguchi adherents.

Select one:

Question 49
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Site suitability should also be considered especially when the business where specialist skills
are required.

Select one:

Deciding on what to benchmark is the first step in the benchmarking process.

Select one:
A factor that may influence the choice of business location which refers to cost with regards
to getting the raw materials for the business production or stocks for sale

Select one:
a. Energy cost
b. Labor cost
c. Land cost
d. Transport cost 

Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Which of the following does not belong to the benefits of assembly line balancing?

Select one:
a. Improved and efficient process
b. Minimum or zero ideal time
c. Potential decrease in costs and increase in profits
d. Increase inturnover rate 

Question 3
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Concurrent engineering is a short term strategy and with a long term benefits too to
business firms.

Select one:

Involvement of employees increases labor and management problems.

Select one:

Question 5
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Physical database modeling depends on the software already being used in the business

Select one:

Question 6
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
There is no need to consider the government in locating the business because they will not
be regulated by it and the government will never provide special assistance to high
unemployment assistance.

Select one:
If the system mission is to navigate each process to its goals and objectives, utilization of
input/output flow is advised.

Select one:

Question 9
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Customer needs are constant.

Select one:

The second step in choosing for business premise?

Select one:
a. Organize the procurement or purchase or lease of the said premises.
b. Choose a location. 
c. Find and inspect business premises which will suit the present and future needs and
activities of the business.
d. Decide between the two: buying or leasing the business premises.

Question 11
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text
In DMAIC process, learning is built from permanent to temporary solution for difficult

Select one:

Question 12
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
With the objective to fulfill requirements for quality, _________ are used as operational
techniques and activities.

Select one:
a. Quality controls 
b. Quality management
c. "Quality circles"
d. Quality assurance

Question 13
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
The stage of maturity of a data-driven approach which includes decisions on how you will
make the measurements.

Select one:
a. Choice of measurement metrics for the project
b. Data collection 
c. Data analysis
d. Support for decisions

Question 14
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
The first quality control circles were organized for the purpose of quality improvement in

Select one:
a. 1975
b. 1960 
c. 1990
d. 1980

Question 15
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
The image of the site where the business will be located has nothing to do with its success.

Select one:

Continual improvement drives the business organization to be both less creative and
unanalytical in finding ways to become more ineffective and uncompetitive at meeting
expectations of stakeholders.

Select one:
The businessman should first gather data and information about the demographic and
economic features and characteristics of the areas as prospective location for the business.

Select one:

Question 19
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Which of the following statement is true with regards to quality?

Select one:
a. Quality is "fitness for intended use" 
b. Quality is the partiality of characteristics and features of a product or service which bears
on its ability to satisfy given needs.
c. Quality is not recognized in the whole universe.
d. Quality is meeting or exceeding manager's expectations.

Question 20
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
DMAIC process covers how one study, identify, change and do monitoring the business
processes so as to ensure that they run smoothly and may be improved overtime. It is open
framed in terms of daily work flow.

Select one:

Question 21
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
In the KAIZEN event method, individuals who are skilled in the method and tools such as
process or quality improvement experts are the ones who lead a team.

Select one:

Question 22
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Product layout is recommended for batch production.

Select one:

In selecting the supplier, see to it that it has a customer satisfaction and organization
credibility track record.

Select one:

Question 24
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text
Quality assurance serves as tool for _________ so as to provide confidence in
manufacture/supplier in contractual situation.

Select one:
a. Suppliers
b. Management 
c. Competitors
d. Customers

Question 25
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
If the system mission is to introduce a strict order in production-like processes, the best
process view to use is the workflow.

Select one:

Question 26
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Statistical process control is one of the best technical tools for improving the quality of
products and services.

Select one:

Question 27
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text
Poor ________ can hinder total quality management.

Select one:
a. organizing
b. directing
c. controlling
d. planning 

Question 28
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
It refers to excellence degree of provided product or service

Select one:
a. Management
b. Quantity
c. Total
d. Quality 
Question 29
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text
A lot of wasted energy, time and confusion may result from a effective layout.

Select one:

Question 30
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text
In this principle of total quality management, all employees participate in all activities in the
business organization towards the achievement of common goals.

Select one:
a. Integrated system
b. Total employee involvement 
c. Continual improvement
d. Process-centered

Question 31
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
They are the agents who actually perform the activities.

Select one:
a. Reluctant participants
b. Prepared participants
c. Passive participants
d. Active participants 

Question 32
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Anytime when there is facility expansion of a space reduction, layout planning is performed
layout planning is performed.

Select one:

Question 33
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text
Quality control process will be far less effective without sound leadership.

Select one:

Question 34
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text
The other name for product layout

Select one:
a. Functional layout
b. Assembly line layout 
c. Cellular layout
d. Project type layout

Question 35
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Plant layout designs must be such that the customers must have a clear vision of workers
and the manufacturing system once the production manager walks through the plant.

Select one:

Energy costs are important also in running a business that's why should be considered in
looking for a business location.

Select one:
Logical database modeling deals with the actual database designing which is based on the
requirements gathered during logical database modeling.
Select one:
Poor planning can hinder total quality management.

Select one:
Cost of land and the size of the land that can be used to locate the business is an important
factor to consider

Select one:

Question 42
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
The following are the strategic importance of business location except for

Select one:
a. Important impact on variable and fixed costs
b. Short term decisions 
c. Global in nature
d. Decision made relatively infrequently

Question 43
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text
It is really individuals who are managing themselves because many individuals are working
on a variety of projects.

Select one:

Question 44
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text
If workers can be able to perform multifunction by operating multiple equipments at the
same time, multifunctional workforce can be achieved.

Select one:

Location of a business can lead to its success.

Select one:

Question 47
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
If the system mission is to introduce a strict order in production-like processes, the best
process view to use is the workflow.
Select one:

To minimize material handling and transport during manufacturing, effort should be made
because they are just no value added activities.

Select one:
Operating costs of the location are the main concerns of demand factors that should be
considered in choosing the location for the business.

Select one:
There should be a realization that achievement of competitive advantage through the
workforce is not a one day shot deal.

Select one:
There is a guarantee that the worker is able to accomplish what is required in a safe and
healthy fashion if there is a properly designed job.

Select one:
A visual workplace is defined by devices designed not to visually share information about
organizational operations.

Select one:
Which of the following does not belong to the group?

Select one:
a. Processing the order
b. Storage 
c. Organizing order
d. Ordering the items

Question 8
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Communication is the key for relationship between and among the following:
management/supervisors, customers, and colleagues/employees.

Select one:

One of the objectives of value analysis is to keep the production costs down.

Select one:

Question 11
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
_________ in a supply chain context involves any change in the product or process which
results in increased efficiency.

Select one:
a. Innovation 
b. Social initiatives
c. Supply chain collaboration
d. Stakeholder engagement and diversity

Question 12
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Supply chain managers are valued by business firms because they help control and reduce
supply chain cost which can result to dramatic increases in business profits.

Select one:

Principle of total quality management wherein a series of steps which take inputs from
suppliers, both internal and external and transforms them into outputs that deliver to
internal and external customers is a process. In order to detect unexpected variation,
definition of steps required to carry out the process and continuous monitoring of
performance measures are done.

Select one:
a. Process centered 
b. Integrated system
c. Customer focused
d. Continual improvement

Question 19
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text
Scheduling is of utmost importance to small scale industry as it brings out efficiency in the
operations and at the same tie reduces cost price.
Select one:

Question 20
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
In the pre selection phase, employees are selected by the organization.

Select one:

One of the less rewarding new product development phases is the prototype testing.

Select one:

Question 23
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
It refers to deciding when to start and when to complete a particular production activity.

Select one:
a. Planning
b. Control
c. Routing
d. Scheduling 
Question 24
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text
It is not the supply professionals who are in charge of developing more sustainable
methods and processes as net work designers, methods and processes.

Select one:

These should also be considered in choosing a location especially when the business where
specialist skills are required in choosing a location.

Select one:
a. Labor skills 
b. Customer convenience
c. Site suitability
d. Expansion potential
Demand forecasting as a passive process helps in determining the products needed, where,
when and in what quantities.

Select one:
Value engineering may change the present stage of the product or operation while in value
analysis, changes are executed at the initial stages only.

Select one:
The end point of the theoretical analysis which will be carried out is the result of the
strategic plan.

Select one:
To match the demand for the product, right production capacity must be selected by
production management.

Select one:

Question 36
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Just-in-time (JIT) originated in _______.

Select one:
a. China
b. Korea
c. Japan 
d. Philippines

Mismatching supply and demand of output over the medium time range up to
approximately 1 year into the future is the concerned of aggregate planning.

Select one:

Question 47
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text
In the selection phase, _________ are selected by the organization

Select one:
a. Suppliers
b. Employees 
c. Competitors
d. Managers

Question 48
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text
Total quality management (TQM) is an overnight process.

Select one:

Question 49
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text
_________ was the first one to introduce the value engineering analysis during the World War
II era.

Select one:
a. Uniliver Philippines
b. Procter and Gamble
c. Meralco
d. General Electric Company 

Question 50
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Question text
Success of business usually lies on the goods and services they offer in the market.

Select one:

Production management is not related to operations management.

Select one:


A type of productivity wherein many of the resource inputs are available within the business
organization, while few others are purchase are present in the production process.

d. Total factor productivity

It refers to something that is being made and with a purpose to be sold to consumers.

d. Product

Because business firm estimates the current demand for the products that it offers in the market, it
enables the business to move ________ to achieve the set goals and objectives.

d. Forward

Production management helps in the expansion of business.

Select one:


It refers to something that is being made and with a purpose to be sold to consumers.

b. Product

Marketing area is responsible for securing resources related to finances at favorable price as well as the


When, how and where to launch the product should be decided because these will determine its early
market impact.

Select one:


Which of the following does not belong to the right production process that should be selected in
managing the production?

c. Marketing strategies

Success of business usually never lies on the goods and services they offer in the market.


It refers to deciding when to start and when to complete a particular production activity.

c. Scheduling

Which of the following does not affect the process of demand forecasting?

d. Caprices of management

In screening ideas, business firm should consider _________.

Select one:

a. Competition, company's existing products , needs of the market and their shortcomings

Modifications that can be made to existing products should be identified and what can be adapt for new

Select one:


Types of goods do not affect the process of demand forecasting.


All products are tangible.


Usually forecasting errors do not lie at the root of all important tie and cost tradeoffs of scheduling


It refers to the trends in the analyst following like number of analyst following a firm within a period of
time and the dispersion in their forecasts.

b. Analyst following

Lifespan of the product in the market should be forecasted.

Select one:


It refers to the value that each worker or employee creates per unit of his input.

c. Labor productivity

Alignment of product mix is not needed in developing new products.


Selecting the right product to produce followed by selecting the right design for the product.

Select one:


In scheduling process, forecasts of demand are also required.


In conducting preliminary analysis, graphing the data should be the end point.


Financing is an integral part of activities related to decision making of management.

Product may be in the form of product or service.

Select one:


What might happen if the level of inventories will not be monitored by the production manager?

c. there will be overstocking, the working capital will be blocked and spoilage, wastage and misuse of

Good product design can provide competitive edge.

Select one:


Which of the following should be the first thing to do in generating new products?

Select one:

a. Generating and screening ideas for new products.

With the given level of input and efficient use of existing technology, increase in output can be achieved.

Select one:


Which of the following is not an example of a convenience product?

b. Bags

Which of the following is not a cause of variation in forecast accuracy?

d. Instability of operations among industries is varied.

Production management is important also to customers and society because of the following except for

c. Lower standard of living

Finding out whether the actual production is done as planned should be done by the manager.

Select one:


Issues in designing products and services become important when there is a potential harm to the
Select one:


This demand factor is important to consider because a business has a future goal of expansion and if the
space is limited, it will not materialize one of the proofs of business success which is the expansion.

Select one:

a. Expansion potential

Which of the following is not included in the 3 key areas to focus in transforming performance

b. State of being stagnant

The fourth stage in the DMAIC process.

b. IMPROVE process performance by addressing and eliminating root causes.

The fourth step in the business process management.

b. Monitoring

Ineffective communication during times of organizational change and as part of day-to-day operation
plays a big part in maintaining the morale and motivating all level employees.


Quantity is a measure of satisfaction of customer with the product or a service in QFD.


The horizontal processes interconnecting the different functional specialties which are often organized
into vertically structure department are the focus of TQM.

Select one:

a. Integrated system

Using process layout, the job becomes less challenging and less interesting because there is the diversity
of tasks and variety of job.


Poor planning can hinder total quality management.

b. Domain

Probability of malfunctioning or failing of a product within a specified time period reflects this

d. Reliability

To have more business space, a business firm may choose a new business premise.

Select one:


Teambuilding can be done by business organization as a part of the empowerment process.

Select one:


A Manufacturing layout which is possible where an item is being made in different sizes and shapes.

a. Combination layout

Which of the following does not belong to the group?

b. Center flow

The image of the site where the business will be located has nothing to do with its success.

Select one:

a. Providing a new and outside view

Buying or leasing the business premises are the possible options of choosing for business premise.


Which is true with regards to employee involvement?

d. Employees with the use of their expert knowledge of the process, make better decisions.

If a business firm has products and services with "high quality", it cause them to market the said product

It is the process of influencing an organized group towards accomplishing its goals.

c. Leadership

Employees with the use of their expert knowledge of the process, make better decisions.

Select one:


It is the place where the business is situated

d. Location of the business

An updated marketing plan should be considered so as to be able to select or choose the best location
for the business of course in line with the business goals and objectives.


Resource arrangement in facility may relevantly affect business productivity.

Select one:


Project management decisions should be based on a concrete basis of quantitative data and objective
fact measurement.

Select one:


Which of the following is not included in the characteristics of quality leaders?

Select one:

a. Prioritize attention to internal and external suppliers

Quality is "fitness for intended use".

Select one:


It refers to giving of assignment to proper number of workers or machines for each assembly line
operations so as to meet required rate of production with minimum or zero ideal time.

b. Assembly line balancing

DMAIC can be implemented as a stands alone improvement procedure in quality or as a part of other
process improvement initiatives.


The automotive industry began to emphasize Statistical Process Control (SPC) in ________.

d. 1980

In the identifying relationship, the primary key of parent entity is inherited by the child entity as a non-
primary key attribute.


It is the subjective dimension of quality.

Select one:

a. Aesthetics

The culture and actions of an entire organization will be transformed by changing the supplier's actions.


Deciding on Business location is usually made frequently.


Examples of these factors are the professional services and schools.

Select one:

a. Local services and amenities

In choosing a business location, the entrepreneur or business man should carefully assess the
environment which is right for the business.

Select one:


If feedback on quality problems is faster and surer, ________ quality products can be manufactured.

b. high

________ are used to integrate the quality discipline into the activities and culture of the business firm.

d. Data, strategy, and effective communication

Time gap between the in and out in the process time is longer when process layout is utilized.
Select one:


Cost but not the size of land should be considered in locating the business.


When the system mission is to integrate existing subsystems, the best process view is the input/ output

Select one:


The following are the barriers of total quality management except for

b. Presence of leadership for quality

Which of the following is not a characteristic of a DMAIC process?

Data-driven, structured problem-solving and a customer-focused framework.

b. Non-structured problem solving

Which of the following is the second step in re-designing of layout?

b. Analyze the defined problem

Performance appraisal with an objective to improve employees' performance let them know how they
are doing and provide a basis for_________ and other purposes related to the future of employees.

d. salary increase, promotions, counseling

Employees in the business organization should be empowered.

Select one:


Employees with the use of their expert knowledge of the process, make worst decisions.


In group layout, the material or its major components remain in a fixed location and machinery,


ISO 9000 can help a business organization in satisfying its managers.


Implementation of concurrent engineering can be challenging but the competitive advantage means it is
beneficial in the long term.

Select one:


Layout evaluation criteria wherein plant layout designs must be created in a way that the need of
manufacturing parts in batches is removed.

b. Work in progress inventory

It refers to the making decisions on the best physical arrangement of all resources that consume space
within a facility.

b. Layout planning

Which of the following does not belong to supply factors that can influence the choice of business

b. Labor skills

Another term for distribution process.

d. Move process

In this step, the execution of the schedule plan as per the route chalked out.

c. Loading

The third stage of the product life cycle wherein the product has already stabilized standard for the
production such product.

c. Maturity

In this method, the business firm produces a product or service that is preferred by buyers.

b. Product differentiation

These blend elements of operations, marketing and financial management into a highly successful new

b. Multidisciplinary handling strategies

The end point of the theoretical analysis which will be carried out is the result of the strategic plan.

An overall management function aspect which determines and implements policy on quality.

b. Quality management

Competitive advantage is being created through product differentiation if the customers of business
organization are not willing to pay enough to cover any extra cost in the production.


The focus of this process dynamic view is on agents.

c. Agent-related workflow

Total quality management (TQM) is an overnight process.


Which of the following is not included in the group of PROs and CONs of yield management?

Select one:

a. Opportunistic behavior on the part of customers can be created.

The American Society for Quality Control was recognized in _________.

b. 1946

_________ allows individuals to be consistent in our judgment, provide reasons for beliefs and to
examine opinions critically.

c. Ethics

The goal of ergonomics is the increase of discomfort an injury risk due to work.


Value engineering helps business organization in _________.

b. Improving quality management

Measuring and managing personnel or employee productivity are important things


Forecast or time estimates are past oriented.


It supports the contract stage. It enables the closing of deal with the supplier if the two parties agree
already on price.
d. E-auctioning

business firm should attempt to deliver a "perfect order" to every customer always.

Select one:


There is no need for a business firm to deliver a "perfect order" to every customer every time.


_________ is a method of designing and developing products wherein the different stages run
simultaneously rather than consecutively.

c. Concurrent engineering

The manufacture, conversion or the assembly of materials into finished goods or parts for other
products are involved in this process.

b. Production

Planning and booking advertising is nota must


Issue on production orders for starting the operation is involved in _________.

Select one:

a. Dispatching

What production management function which deciding on the type of machines, material handling
system, type of technology, etc is included?

b. Selection of production process

The key principle to _________ is to install vital information visually as close to the point of use as

c. Visual workplace

Mismatching supply and demand of output over the medium time range up to approximately 1 year into
the future is the concerned of aggregate planning.


Success of business usually lies on the goods and services they offer in the market.

To match the demand for the product, right production capacity must be selected by production

Select one:


It is a set of international standards on quality management and quality assurance which is developed to
aid companies' document effectively the quality system elements to be implemented so as to maintain
an efficient quality system.

Select one:

a. ISO 9000

These should also be considered in choosing a location especially when the business where specialist
skills are required in choosing a location.

Select one:

a. Labor skills

Matching supply and demand of output over the medium time range up to approximately 1 year into
the future is the concerned of _________.

b. Aggregate planning

It is an internet based application through which electronic messages are exchanged between and
among people.

Select one:

a. Electronic mail

New product designing relies on a problem-solving approach and goes through an analytical process so
as to improve the quality of life of the product user and his interaction with the environment.

Select one:


Employer satisfaction is a significant determinant of sustainability and high service quality.


There is a need to include plan in the action monitoring.

Select one:


Marketing new product approach which includes identifying the price for an entry-to market, a premium
price and a minimum sale price.

c. Develop a pricing strategy

Who will do the work is determined by loading while routing determines where and scheduling
determines when it shall be done.

Select one:


_________ was the first one to introduce the value engineering analysis during the World War II era.

c. General Electric Company

Assessing and choosing job candidates are involved in the selection process.

Select one:


Finding out the best and the most economical operation sequence to be followed in the process of
manufacturing is the main objective of routing.

Select one:


A _________ is defined by devices designed to visually share information about organizational


b. Visual workplace

There is just one activity involved in the supply chain management.


It is the time between when analyst submits an estimated projects sales forecast and the company
announcement of the actual estimated projected sales. It relevantly affects the accuracy of forecasts.

c. Forecast horizon

The Preparatory work of KAIZEN event method is completed by the process or quality improvement
expert ad is centered on the define and measure phases.
Select one:


The systematic process which business organizations use every time they want to conduct a study or the
product's function is the _________.

Select one:

a. Value engineering analysis

The main aim of production schedule is to schedule the amount of work which can easily be handled by
plant and equipment with interference.


It is an HRM practice which enhances competitive advantage wherein the decentralization of decision
making and participation and empowering worker in controlling their own work progress are

c. Participation and empowerment

Which of the following does not belong to the group?

Select one:

a. Decreases fixed assets

Candidates for employment may be recruited internally and externally.

Select one:


Yield management has pros and cons.

Select one:


Ethics allows individuals to be consistent in our judgment.

Select one:


There are _________ R of logistics

c. 7
In this stage, data gathered in the business and market research to start shaping the marketing strategy
should be used.

b. Scope your marketing strategy

Which of the following does not belong to the group?

c. Detergent powder

To match demand period using regular time production is the objective of the constant work zero
inventory strategy.

Select one:


To help operations manager in determining the status of a project, an easy to use graphical tool is used
and that is the _________.

b. Gantt chart

The material or its major components remain in a fixed location and machinery, tools, mean and other
materials are brought to this location.

Select one:

a. Fixed position layout

Value analysis worked out mostly with the help of knowledge and experience while value engineering
requires specific technical knowledge.

Select one:


A visual workplace is defined by devices designed not to visually share information about organizational


A well-planned idea is used by value engineering analysis wherein the basis of the study is the
_________ function.

d. Product

This concept was introduced during the Industrial Revolution.

d. Work specialization
HRM practice which refers to providing employees with such things likes shares of company stocks and
profit-sharing programs.

c. Employee ownership

Ineffective human resource management can gain a competitive advantage over competitors.


Scheduling is of utmost importance to small scale industry as it brings out efficiency in the operations
and at the same tie reduces cost price.

Select one:


It revolves around all the issues which are related to satisfying customer's needs, planning customer
interactions and fulfilling orders perfectly.

c. Customer interface

Communication is the key for relationship between and among the following: management/supervisors,
customers, and colleagues/employees.

Select one:


Supply chain management has nothing to do with improving the business financial positions.


Every product which reaches an end user represents the single effort of multiple business organizations.

Select one:


Productivity and quality are exclusive.


It is a business practice with techniques and structured methods.

Select one:

a. Business process management

It is usually applied in hotels, rentals, freight transport and telecommunications.

Select one:

a. Yield management

Which of the following does not belong to non-human resources?

d. Workers

It is a focused methodology for carefully listening the customers' voice and then effectively responding
to those customer's needs and expectations.

b. Quality function development

Value engineering may change the present stage of the product or operation while in value analysis,
changes are executed at the initial stages only.


The first step to follow in forecasting task wherein understanding of the way the forecasts will be used,
who requires the forecasts, and how the function of forecasting fits within the organization requiring the
forecasts is required.

c. Define the problem

Issue on production orders for starting the operation is involved in auditing.


These are the supplemental characteristics to a product's basic function.

Select one:

a. Features

that should be considered by employees.


Listing of customer needs and the identification of existing weaknesses in one's products, gaps in your
product range and product areas.

Select one:

a. Idea generation

In the _________ layouts, group resources are being layout based on the similar functions or processes.

b. Process
No one is responsible for developing and implementing HRM practices.


This prevents machine breakdown and avoids production halts.

Select one:

a. Maintenance and replacement of machines

Only human resource professionals are responsible for HRM practices.


Most of the business organization's decisions are made under risk and uncertainty conditions.

Select one:


A process which stimulates everyone in the business organization with an objective to achieve greater
satisfaction in the work environment.

c. "Quality circle"

Which of the following aspects is not included in management control?

d. Competitor management

The key principle to visual workplace is to install vital information visually as far to the point of use as


An individual who belongs to an organization should have no knowledge of work ethics.


Expanding output with a little required output may be achieved as the organization adopts new
organizational structures, develops and applies new technologies and approaches.


Implementing the new job design gradually is the fourth step in job designing.

Select one:


Demand forecasting as a passive process helps in determining the products needed, where, when and in
what quantities.


Productivity measurement and alignment function wherein examination of trends which is a form of
productivity analysis helps determine problems before they become crisis and enable to have early
adjustment and corrective action.

b. Diagnose problems

In the pre selection phase, employees are selected by the organization.


By providing workers with the necessary skills through _________ gives assurance that employees and
managers can perform their jobs competently and firm's commitment to its employees is demonstrated.

d. Training

Step in Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle which means to implement the change in a scale which is small.

b. Do

Less importance in job order manufacturing is acquired by scheduling.


It is all about the measuring the whole system in a certain firm if each part is working good - if the
output is greater than the input in processing the said output.

Select one:

a. System productivity

If a business firm has products and services with "poor quality", it cause them to market the said
product ineffectively.

Select one:


_________ is interpreted as accounting control and operating control.

b. Inventory control

A representation of a person, thing, place, event or interest concept to a retailer.

b. Entity types
A strategy for a sustainable supply chain which identifies and quantifies the materials used and waste
sources released in the environment along the entire supply chain of 68 the product or process - from
raw material stage to customer stage and finally to the end of life disposal.

c. Product life cycle assessment

Qualitative forecasting method wherein ideas and opinion of group of high level managers or experts is

Select one:

a. Executive judgment

One of the less rewarding new product development phases is the prototype testing.


It is not the supply professionals who are in charge of developing more sustainable methods and
processes as net work designers, methods and processes.


It refers to available facilities for storing goods produced in a firm which ensures maintenance of quality
of the said goods until they are transported to the customers' place.

c. Storage

It refers to the degree to which a design of a product and operating characteristics meet established

c. Conformance

Non-human resources may include capital, land and equipment.

Select one:


Through demand forecasting, the number and types of employees needed to carry out successfully its
overall plan are estimated.


_________ is a well-documented determinant of forecast accuracy. Larger firms usually have more
accurate forecast.

Select one:

a. Firm size
In business world, customers associate poor quality with the _________ and not to the suppliers so the
quality of the supplies needs to be consistent.

Select one:

a. Business firm

It is a weighted average procedure wherein weights decline exponentially as the data become older.

b. Exponential smoothing

In every business, demand plays a critical role in the areas of management.

Select one:


Process thinking is the focus of fundamental part of TQM.

Select one:


One factor in choosing a location which refers to the availability of manpower which might attract
business firm to an area especially if the manpower has the skills which required by the company.

c. Labor

In _________ statistical data and accumulated expertise of people who collect the data and use
forecasting are required.

Select one:

a. Gathering information

These are mostly sold to other industrial users which include raw materials, components and etc.

Select one:

a. Materials and parts

To protect workers and laborers in the Philippines, Labor Code of the Philippines PD 442 was created
and amended.

Select one:


Another name for project type layout.

b. Fixed position layout

HRM practices for managing people effectively once they have "come through the door" are being
developed by the organization during this phase.

b. Post-selection phase

For large and small businesses, location decisions are not important.


For compiling business requirements and representing the requirements as a model, logical database
modeling is required.

Select one:


There are _________ steps to follow in assessing the viability of new product.

Select one:

c. 7

Speedy execution of job at each center point is enabled through this scheduling.

Select one:

a. Scheduling of job order manufacturing

Assigning workloads to each assigned work station in a manner that the every work stations has
approximately same amount of work to be done is the purpose of _________.

c. Line balancing

_________ refer to line extensions in the company's current markets such as new cell phone or tablet
computer introduced by Apple.

d. Additions to product lines

The master schedule serves as the basis for all subsequent activities related to scheduling.

Select one:


An overall management function aspect which determines and implements policy on quality.

b. Quality management
_________ is the major thrust of TQM.

d. Continual process improvement

Which of the following does not belong to the group?

Select one:

a. Determine the minimum sale price.

The product life cycle stage wherein forecasting is critical and product and process reliability should be

c. Growth

A business firm should attempt to deliver a "perfect order" to every customer always.

Select one:


It refers to company's own new product development efforts and it can be in the form of original
products, product improvements, product modifications and new brands.

c. New product development efforts

It is a top down leadership approach which entails top management transparency and accountability
towards all stakeholders of the extended supply chain.

c. Governance

It means transfer of responsibility of satisfying to employees.

d. Employee involvement

Through ________, an organization is enabled to take various decisions related to the business such as
the production process planning, raw material purchasing, fund management, and product price

b. Demand forecasting

A series of key activities and processes are involved in the _________ management.

c. Supply chain

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