Social Innovation Fundamentals

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“Making education the platform to

advocate these changes.”

Social Innovation Fundamentals
Social Innovation

“A novel solution to a social problem that is more effective,

efficient, sustainable, or just than existing solutions and for
which the value created accrues primarily to society as a
whole rather than private individuals.”
Social Innovation

a concept which integrates various innovative solutions to

address the most pressing problems that society faces,
issues such as poverty, unemployment or the environment.

Innovation for Social Change

Social Innovation
Social Innovation Fundamentals

“Concepts designed to raise awareness about issues

affecting the triple-bottom line and enables the development
of innovative and impact-driven solutions that addresses
societal problems.”
Global Issues Human Centered Design Social Entrepreneurship

Stakeholder Management Sustainability Social Impact Assessment

Global Issues

"Issues that transcend national boundaries and cannot be

resolved by any one country acting alone.”
Human Centered Design

“a process that starts with the people you’re designing for and
ends with new solutions that are tailor made to suit their needs.”
Social Entrepreneurship
“is about applying practical, innovative and sustainable solutions
to benefit society in general, with an emphasis on those who are
marginalized and poor.”
Stakeholder Management
“Is the systematic identification, analysis, planning and
implementation of actions designed to engage with
“about the ability to meet the needs of people and their
communities and organizations not just in the near term but
over the long term. It’s about people and their needs, not just
about technology, the environment or “being green.””
Social Impact Assessment

"can be defined in terms of efforts to assess or estimate, in

advance, the social consequences that are likely to follow
specific policy actions (including programs/ projects and the
adoption of new policies), and specific government actions.”

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