Sea Swells December 2010 Issue

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December 2010

W elcome to the
December 2010 issue of
Looking Back
the Sea Swells Log!
At the end of November 20+
At 2010
TSSC members dove with

AquaCat Cruises in the Baha-

mas. It was a very successful

A s I sit down to write my
last Anchorline article
and reflect back on this past
a well planned event or an off-
the-cuff last second get-
together. What’s most impres-
In This Issue:

trip, and we enjoyed great dives year, I find it hard to believe it sive to me is that when a call ANCHOR LINE 1
and the company of our buddies has gone by so fast (especially for support, whether it may be
last week on the Aqua Cat). I a question on the email list, to DIVE LOG 1: 2
and the boat crew. An account am truly honored to have been donate to help feed a family NY Aquarium Expedition

of the trip is included in this given the chance to serve as during the holidays or a beach LOOK! 2
the president of The Scuba cleanup, TSSC shows up in Sea Stories 2010
newsletter. The trip is also the
Sports Club, which has been in force to pitch in.
reason why this issue of the existence for almost 40 years DIVE LOG 2: 3
serving the local dive commu- Looking forward to next year TSSC Takes Over
SeaSwells Log is published there will be a healthy mix of The AquaCat
AFTER our December meeting board members between ex-
First I want to thank all the perienced and new volunteers. Holiday Party Recap
and holiday party. Those with the experience not
past-presidents that have
served to shape our club into only know what worked out DIVE IN: 6
We thank Dr. Jen Fu for his well for us these past few 2010 Dive Schedule
what it is today. Much has
years, but also what could Local Dive Shops
presentation on diving with changed over the years but the
primary goal has always re- have been better. Trust me CLUB NEWS: 7
disabilities in November, and
mained the same; to serve lo- when I tell you that when Activities
Dennis Chamberland for shar- cal divers and our community things do not go as planned, Social Events & Program
ing his vision of undersea colo- from Westchester and sur- they are reviewed and the dis- List of 2010 Directors
rounding counties. Our foun- cussions start on how to put
nization of ‘Aquatica’ in Decem- BTS NEWS: 7
ders have even gone on to cre- together a better event next BTS 2011 Information
ber. ate Beneath the Sea, which time.
brings together divers from ON-LINE: 8
What I find most exciting are Eco-Friendly Dive Gear?
The best wishes for the around the world every year
the new additions to the TSSC
for one weekend in March.
Holidays and a happy Board of Directors that next PROGRAM NOTES: 8
Next I would like to thank all year’s president and vice presi- January: Lenny Speregen
New Year!
members of the board that dent, Nick Lappano and De-
worked together with me to fill nise Kurz have been able to
See you in January 2011! assemble. They include mem- Enjoy the rest of the Holi-
the 2010 calendar with a
bers that have been around for days and have a Happy New
healthy mix of dive opportuni-
a while serving for their first Year! I am looking forward
ties, social events and some
time and some brand new to 2011 at The Scuba Sports
pure adrenaline pumping ac-
members that have agreed to Club and diving often with
join and serve. It will be these everyone again.
But most of all we all need to board members that will bring
thank you the members of
TSSC, who support us in all
new ideas to TSSC on how to
make our club even better for
Jim Sacci
we attempt to do, whether it’s the next generation of divers. 2010 President

Visit Our Website At:

New York Aquarium
2010 Dive Team Expedition
week would be filled with encounters and sleeping reef fish. I was particu-
with many diver favorites; including larly surprised by the amount of lion-
B eing a scuba diver continues to
open a world of opportunity and
experience as I practice this exciting
hawksbill turtles, Caribbean reef squid,
black grouper and the endemic animal of
fish encountered while diving. They
were seen on every dive. Our dive
Cozumel, the splendid toadfish. The masters were very practiced
sport. For several years I have been reefs of Cozumel appeared particularly in dispatching these invasive preda-
fortunate to be part of the New York healthy, teaming with large schools of tors, many using hand made inven-
Aquarium volunteer dive reef fish. Night dives off the resort pier tions. Everyone on the trip had an
team. Members come from diverse were full of encounters with yellow tail enjoyable time. We are already look-
walks of life. They include computer stingrays, sea horses, spotted morays, ing forward to our 2011 expedition.
programmers, social workers, scien-
tists, healthcare providers, business The New York Aquarium volunteer
people, etc... What this diverse group of dive team can be a gateway to adven-
people have in common is a love of the tures such as these. For more infor-
ocean, a love of scuba diving, and a mation see
commitment to the venerable New getinvolved/volunteers/
York Aquarium. Recently members of nyaquarium/60537 .
the dive team made their third
dive expedition. The destination is one
For more information about Scuba
many members of the Scuba Sports
Club Cozum el s ee ht t p: //
Club are intimately familiar with. The
island of Cozumel.

Our base of observations for the

week was Scuba Club Cozumel. The
Allan Rios

Sea Stories 2010

Allan and leopard seals. Shipwreck explor- dience members with his pro-
Rios ers Heather Knowles, David Cald- gress on Seabase 1.
well, Kim Fisher, Steve Gatto and
This past November, a spe- For those TSSC members
cial event took place at the who attended it was an
Explorer's Club in Manhat- opportunity to mingle
tan. On a fall weekend, the with the very best of the
venerable institution was adventurers and explor-
once again the scene of a ers that are found in div-
gathering of the best ocean ing and exploration to-
explorers and scientists day.
from around the world. The
reason was the yearly "Sea For more information see
Stories" event that is now a
must go event for any
scuba diver with a yearn to I will definitely be there
learn and explore. next year!
Tom Packer regaled us with tales of
Photographers Joe Romeiro and maritime disasters and treasure
Amos Nachoum graced us with dra-
matic images of sharks, whales,
hunting. TSSC friend Dr. Richard
Cooper was also there, updating au-
Allan Rios
Page 2 December 2010 Sea Swells Log
TSSC Takes Over
The AquaCat!
D ecember 4th finally arrived and
with it The Club’s trip to the Ba-
hamas. The seed for this trip was
4th dive at 4:00
Dinner at 6:30
Night Dive at 8 PM
After this orientation, the briefing for our
first dive at Dog Rocks Wall was held on
the Alfresco Deck, above the Dive Deck.
planted way back in March at Beneath This process would be repeated many
the Sea. Joann took the lead in promot- These times would vary somewhat times during the week. The divemaster
ing the trip and getting the information from day to day, but this represents leading the dive would draw a diagram of
out to the members who handled their what the basic schedule would be. the dive site which showed everything we
own reservations, etc. needed to know to successfully dive.
Our bags were transported to some
mysterious location and all was These diagrams were also pretty humor-
ready for a week of adventure. ous at times with amusing caricatures of
the underwater denizens. Within 10 to 15
I shared a cabin with Bob, Dan and minutes of the briefing the first divers
Dennis who were kind enough to splashed into the clear blue water and our
tolerate my penchant for going to week of diving had begun.
sleep late and getting up early. We
were the only ones to share a cabin
in quad format and it went quite well
once we figured out where we could
Twenty one Club members converged on stash all of our junk.
Nassau, flying out from various airports
in the Metropolitan area. I flew out of At about 5AM the engines were
JFK at 9:59AM on JetBlue. After a started and the ship headed out to
flight of about 2 ½ hours we touched the Exuma Cays where we would be
down in Nassau. Clearing immigration making most of our dives. I think the
and claiming our bags went smoothly sound of them woke just about every-
and shortly thereafter we were on the one, but most of us settled back to
bus provided by AquaCat tours. It took sleep after the initial interruption.
about 20 minutes to reach the boat at
Paradise Island. Our bags were then At 7:15 breakfast was served, fol- On that first dive and thereafter we would
taken aboard and stored on the Dive lowed by a dive orientation which see most of the fish which one would ex-
Deck until we were allowed to board at told us about the protocols which pect in the waters of the Caribbean al-
6PM. Some of us took advantage of the would guide us through our diving though strictly speaking the Bahamas are
time to do a little sightseeing or simply activities for the week. The briefing north of the Caribbean Sea and actually
hung out at the outdoor bar in the Ma- was thorough and informative but located in the Atlantic east of southern
rina. also loose and relaxed. I was happy Florida. We all noticed the quantity and
to see that the “Scuba Police” would size of the lionfish which were much larger
At 6 PM we boarded the AquaCat to not be with us. Make no mistake, the than those which I had observed in other
begin our week at sea. We assembled crew was professional and our safety areas such as Bonaire, Roatan and The
our dive gear and had dinner (one of was their primary concern, but they Keys. I wonder how the proliferation of
many excellent meals which we would would also let us do our own thing. this voracious invader has affected the
enjoy during the week), stowed our stuff quantity of fish which we encountered. I
in our cabins and attended an orienta- can certainly vouch for their healthy appe-
tion briefing to learn about how the ship tite as I witnessed them devouring smaller
operated and what to do in case of vari- fish on several occasions.
ous emergencies. We also found out
what the daily routine would be like: Some of the sites were bordered by drop-
offs some of which plunged off into the
Breakfast at 7:30 depths. It was quite thrilling to look out
1st dive at 8:30 over the wall into the deep blue. There
2nd dive at 10:30 were also numerous channels and a num-
Lunch at 12:30 ber of swim throughs which made the
3rd dive at 2:00 dives interesting.
Continued Page 4

Page 3 December 2010 Sea Swells Log

TSSC Takes Over…, At the twin sites of Danger and Amber- for seven of us when a mooring
continued jack Reefs we were treated to numerous shackle broke and the surface current
Caribbean Reef Sharks on two dives. We swept the boat away from us. Dan
swam with these graceful predators in a made it back to the boat on his own,
After diving, we took off our scuba units natural environment which was an ex- however the rest of us (Jim, Joann,
and left them at our seats. The crew tremely stimulating experience. Charlie, Vreni, Pat and myself) had to
sprang into action to fill our tanks for the be rescued by Alex, the female dive-
next dive, using numerous fill whips In addition there were several excur- master, using the AquaCat’s small
which enabled them to reload our cylin- sions, using the ship’s inflatable chase dinghy. No one panicked and despite
ders with regular or enriched air. boat, Magic, which provided an alterna- being very crowded on the small boat
(Speaking of the tanks, aluminum 63s, tive to diving. we made it back to the ‘Cat without
80s and a few 100s were available.) With any additional drama.
this arrangement, we never had to disas- Among these was a visit to a small
semble our gear for the whole week. We beach on Allen’s Cay where some of us Another mishap of note occurred
would simply take it off, leave it at our interacted with and fed the rare rock when Cindy suffered some ill affects
station and it would be ready to go for the iguanas. These creatures had become after our early dive on Thursday
next dive. acclimated to the presence of humans morning. This was the one dive on
and eagerly came out to be consume the which we encountered somewhat
Speaking of go, we were all responsible handouts offered to them. rough seas as a front was moving
for our own “roll call”. through the area. After spending the
On another occasion, some of the group day on oxygen she was transferred by
went fishing from Magic. Although small boat back to Nassau on Friday
their success at catching anything was morning where she had the pleasure
limited, a good time was had by all. of taking a ride in the hyperbaric
chamber. Jim accompanied Cindy to
Almost everyone went on the shore ex- and from the chamber. She returned
cursion to Exuma’s Land & Sea Park to the boat late Friday evening and
where we followed the same paths which was feeling well enough to join us for
pirates had walked several centuries our evening dinner at the local Fish &
ago. The vistas were breathtaking. Fry. However, Cindy was not allowed
There were also some interesting pic- to fly for 72 hours. Charlie kindly vol-
A tag with each of our names was placed tures taken which will hopefully never unteered to stay with her in Nassau.
on a board on the Dive Deck. Before en- be distributed for public consumption.
tering the water or going on one of the By Friday afternoon, our bags had
excursions we would place our tags on Most of the night dives were made at reappeared and before retiring for the
another board and return it to the “On the site of the last day dive which made night we started (or finished) packing
the AquaCat” board upon our return. for an interesting contrast. However, on for our departure the next morning.
one of the night dives we encountered On Saturday we left in two groups at
We would usually dive a site and then swarms of Sea Wasps, a type of box jel- 8:30: and 11:00 to head to the airport
cruise to the next site which would be lyfish. Only three of us dove that night. to return home. There are US Cus-
within 30 to 90 minutes away. Longer My two companions, Alex and Charlie, toms agents at the Nassau airport
distances were usually traveled in the made it through the gelatinous crea- and the first group, which I was in,
early morning as the engines could be tures without any issues but this was was able to check in, clear security
powered up in the early morning and we one creature encounter which I did not and pass through US Customs in less
would be at the new dive location in time miss as I was stung on my lips, ankles than 45 minutes. It was really
for the first dive at 8:30. Because of the and the area of my face not covered by painless. We hung out in the airport
numerous shallow reefs we would not my face and mask. Luckily these jellies for a couple of hours trading tales and
usually travel in the dead of night when are much less toxic than their deadly reminiscing about the week’s experi-
there was no light. Australian brethren and by the next ences before boarding our return
morning the pain had subsided. flights to the US.
The schedule was pretty non-stop and we
visited many of the Exuma Cays and This happened the day after one of our Like all previous Club trips which I
dove 20 different sites. dives provided an unexpected adventure had been on it was a great experience
At Cut Thru City some of us were thrilled which was made expo-
to encounter wild porpoises on the on the nentially better by
dive (As I was at another area of the site, sharing it with such a
I missed them.). great group of people.

At Split Coral Head a medium sized Ti-

ger Shark joined us for an afternoon visit. Nick Lappano
(I missed that too since I was again some-
where else on the site.)

Page 4 December 2010 Sea Swells Log

tive and delicious desserts on offer— related and community causes. He will
the competition was fierce! receive his official award at Beneath
The Sea next March, as well announce
During the course of the evening a his selected charity.
number of other awards was handed
W hat happens when you put 35
scuba divers in a room with a fire
blazing in the hearth, videos running on
Denise Kurz, who also celebrated her
Congratulation to all the winners!

birthday on the same day, was the Following the awards we were treated
the big screen, a buffet of scrumptious to an extremely interesting presenta-
overall winner of the “2010 First Dive
food, and holiday cheer? tion on planned undersea habitats by
Story Telling Contest” and she re-
ceived the 2010 SeaSwells Award for Dennis Chamberland. His vision is to
Pandemonium ensues, of course, but a colonize the bottom of the sea, a three-
her contribution. Vreni Roduner,
happy one! December 8th marked TSSC’s Bernie Schmitt and Fred Gambino dimensional region he calls ‘Aquatica’.
annual Holiday Party, and what an event tied for second place. The slide show provided an overview of
it was! 35 club members responded to the the preliminary stages of the program
invitation to celebrate the season, enjoy- Tom Butcher was honored as the as well as future plans for a perma-
ing the camaraderie of like-minded indi- nent, modular underwater habitat. A
“2010 Newcomer of the Year”.
viduals. place to bring kids and pets, as well; a
Cindy Fisher received not one, but feasible sounding extension of Jacques
two awards: one, the “AquaCat Iron Cousteau’s dream of undersea coloniza-
Woman Award”, as well as the “2010 tion.
Chamber Maid Award”, thanks to
her selfless research into Bahamian Of course, there was also a lively dis-
recompression medicine. cussion of our recent AquaCat livea-
board trip. Nick showed a selection of
his photos, and we viewed the
(hilarious) ‘official AC video’ again.
However, this reporter feels that the
photo presentation was incomplete and
would like to add this very important
image (the identity of the individuals
has been protected):
Apropos individuals: nobody can ever say
scuba divers are dull. Just look at the
energy and creativity poured into cos-
tumes, desserts, awards, songs, photos
and videos we enjoyed last night! There
was a contest for “most creative holiday
costume”—won by our future social direc-
tor Tabitha Constantino for her flashing
solar Santa-esque outfit (it helped that
she screamed the loudest during judg-
ing). She also won the “best song” contest
(though hers was the only song…)! The
“most creative dessert” category was won
Susan and Louie Caputo were hon-
by yours truly for a gingerbread shark No, there was no award for this, but
ored with a Certificate of Apprecia-
with vanilla-rum icing! Though I must nevertheless, these (very anonymous)
tion for their assistance at various
admit there were many other, very crea- TSSC events. guys truly deserve applause for being
such good sports!
And last, but not least, the results of
Thank you to everyone who made this
the “TSSC Diver of The Year 2010”
year’s holiday party special! It was a
were revealed. According to current
great kick-off to the holiday season.
VP and next year’s president Nick Lap-
Remains to be seen if we can top this at
pano it was a close race between pro-
next year’s event (no pressure at all,
gram director Allan Rios and fellow
nominee yours truly, but in the end,
Allan Rios ‘took the crown’ for his con-
Happy Holidays!
tinuing efforts to provide TSSC with
exciting programs at our membership
meetings, involvement in various dive- Ruth Emblin
Page 5 December 2010 Sea Swells Log
Club Dive Schedule
All dates and programs are subject to change without prior notice. For more details and updates, either contact
Jack Kurz or the dive coordinator shown, or refer to our website at

Date/Time: Location Description Contact/Organization

See you in 2011!


The listing of local dive shops is provided to you as a reference and public service.
For each shop’s specialty, dive training and trip programs, please call or visit their website.

Aqua Visions Scuba Captain Mike’s

118 West Boston Post Road Diving School
Mamaroneck, NY 10543 530 City Island Ave
Tel. 914-381-1884 City Island, NY 10464 Tel. 718-885-1588

Ski and Scuba Connection Abyss Scuba

26 Saint Roch Ave 222 E Main Street
Greenwich, CT 06830 Mt. Kisco, NY 10549
Tel. 203-629-4766 914-244-3483

Marsh Scuba Supply

93 Lauer Rd.
2037 Central Park Ave 2672 Gerritsen Ave Poughkeepsie, NY 12603
Yonkers, NY 10710 Brooklyn, NY 11229 Tel. 845-452-8994
Tel. 914-779-2966 Tel. 718-769-0099

Pan Aqua Diving (2 locations): Captain Saam’s Scuba Cougar Sports

460 W 43rd St., New York, NY 10036 School 917 Saw Mill River Rd.
Tel. 212-736-3483 863 E Main St., Ste B Ardsley, NY 10502
and Stamford, CT 06902 Tel. 914-693-8877
461 Federal Rd., Brookfield, CT 06804 Tel. 203-32 SCUBA
Tel. 203-775-3573 Durland Scuba Committee & School
Venture Crew #53
Rex Dive Center The Dive Shop 35 East Grassy Sprain Rd. Ste 204
144 Water Street 439 Federal Rd. Yonkers NY 10710
Norwalk, CT 06854 Brookfield, CT 06804 Tel 914-961-1263
Tel. 203-853-4148 Tel. 203-740-9166

Page 6 December 2010 Sea Swells Log

Who’s Who at TSSC December Program
in 2010 Directors Meeting:
Wed, Dec. 1st, 2010 at 7 pm, loc. TBA
General Meeting:
President: Jim Sacci Director At Large: Michael Noel Wed. Dec. 8th, 2010, at 6.00 pm
Vice President: Nick Lappano Membership: Denise Kurz Victor’s Restaurant, Hawthorne
Newsletter: Ruth Emblin
Treasurer: Cindy Fisher Program Notes:
Webmaster: Jim Sacci TSSC Holiday Party &
Secretary: Joann Bohannon Program: Allan Rios Dennis Chamberland—Atlantica Expedi-
Social: Judy Simek tions Leader,
Legal Advisor: Robert Schrager
Executive Director: Bill Noel
Dive Planning: Jack Kurz
Founder: Armand Zigahn January 11 Program
Education/Safety: Bob Bak Co-Founder: Soliman Shenouda
Enviro/Legislative: Peter Peale List Maintenance: Anne Judge Directors Meeting:
Jan 4th or 5th (TBA), 2011 at 7.00 pm
General Meeting:
Wed. Jan. 12th, 2011 at 7:00 pm
35th Anniversary Victor’s Restaurant, Hawthorne
Program Notes:
Beneath The Sea 2011 Lenny Speregen
Equipment Specialist, Safety Diver

The Largest Consumer Early Bird Ticket Purchase: Programs may change without prior notice. See for updates.
Scuba & Dive Travel Show tickets.html
in America

BTS is a not-for-profit corpora-

tion dedicated to increasing
Schedule of 2011 Workshops now
online at:
htt p://www.doubleknot .com/
awareness of the earth's oceans openrosters/DocDownload.aspx?
and the sport of scuba diving. id=86887 For details on individual
events, please go to
As an award-winning organiza- Workshop Speaker Bios:
htt p://www.doubleknot .com/ Date Description
tion, BTS helps promote environ-
openrosters/DocDownload.aspx? March BENEATH THE SEA
mental conservation and the pro-
id=86888 25-27, Meadowlands Expo
tection of marine wildlife through
2011 Center
grants to other nonprofit groups.
Transportation & Hotel Info: Secaucus New Jersey
Through its international poster
htt p://www.doubleknot .com/
contest for children, called Ocean openrosters/vieworgpagelink.asp?
Pals, BTS helps educate children orgkey=862&linkkey=37744
on the wonder and delicate na-
ture of our oceans. General Information: TSSC Is The
Beneath The Sea's annual exposi- Official Dive
tion in March will feature semi-
nars and workshops, lots of great
Beneath The Sea will be held from Club
March 25th to 27th, 2011, at the
door prizes, a film festival show- Meadowlands Expo Center in Se- of
casing the work of world- caucus, New Jersey.
renowned underwater videogra-
phers, great parties, and exhibits
and demonstrations by hundreds
See you in
of manufacturers, dive clubs, dive March 2011!
shops, resorts, and much more!

Page 7 December 2010 Sea Swells Log

Sea Swells Log, 20 Tinker Hl, Putnam Valley NY 10579 Dive Club

Is Eco-Friendly Dive Gear In Our Future?
T he year 2010 is coming to a close
and I would like to thank everyone
who helped me maintain the standard
of our newsletter, the TSSC SeaSwells
I don’t usually promote specific prod-
ucts in our newsletter, but as an eco-
conscious person I believe that the story
cally wear in colder waters. The suit pro-
vides added warmth and moisture-
wicking properties for divers.
Log throughout the year. I enjoyed below merits a mention.
working with you, and it was my pleas- I’ve often looked at my gear and won- According to Susan Long, DUI President,
ure to publish your submissions, and dered how much of the materials used “Divers are very concerned about the
in dive equipment or manufacturing environment. We selected this particular
many very entertaining stories I re-
processes used are actually eco- material to use in these liners as a way
ceived from you in the last few months.
friendly. Other sports segments, such to do something to continue to protect
Thank you again to the many members our world’s resources.”
as the ski and snowboard industry,
who entered this year’s Story Telling
have begun working on sustainable
Contest. We will have yet another one in Long said that to her knowledge, DUI is
materials and reducing the carbon
2011, so don’t just yet retire your pens, the first company to introduce an “eco-
footprint of their production. However,
or keyboards and mice! The theme will friendly” product, but that since it is
you do not hear much about sustain-
such an important concern, that others
be announced next spring, and I hope ability in dive gear. Therefore I was
in the dive industry would also likely
you will find a little time to share yet happy to read about one step in the
begin introducing “eco-friendly” products.
another stories with your fellow divers. right direction:
And if you have not entered any of our From DUI's ECODiveWear dive-liners are not
former contests—it is about time! We’d only highly effective for scuba diving, but
In what is being billed as one of the the product can also be worn in other
love to hear from you.
diving industry’s first “Eco-Friendly” recreational or outdoor environments.
Finally, I would like to wish you all a product, Diving Unlimited Interna- For more details, visit the DUI website
very enjoyable holiday season and a tional (DUI) has introduced a new un- at http ://www.d
happy New Year! dergarment that is produced with 75 dw_ecodivewear.html
percent recycled materials.
See you in 2011!
DUI's ECODiveWear is made with This is definitely a step in the
Ruth Polartec PowerDry and is designed to
be worn underneath the traditional
right direction. I hope that
other manufacturers will fol-
drysuit undergarment that divers typi- low suit in the near future.

movies as a stunt actor. His list of

January Program Notes: credits include Miami Vice, Bette
Middler's Artyfacts, Nickelodeon’s
Lenny Speregen Pete-n-Pete, as well as numerous
commercials. When he is not actu-
ally underwater, you can find him
at the local shop talking and

A n instructor at the age of 22,

Lenny attended Commercial Diving
School in 1979 and has worked in the
breathing diving, or customizing
some new piece of equipment.
Mr. Speregen is an Associate mem-
recreational and commercial diving ber of The Undersea and Hyper-
field ever since. His list of clients in- baric Medical Society.
cludes the Diving Equipment Marketing
Association, several local dive retail- Lenny Speregen
ers, and several diving engineering Equipment Specialist, Safety Diver
houses in Connecticut. He is certified L.S. Industries
to work on nearly every brand of diving
equipment currently on the market and
has over 20,000 repairs completed to
date. He is also a member of the His-
torical Diving Society and the Northeast
Equipment Diving Group. Mr. Speregen
has performed on television and in the

This newsletter is a publication of The Scuba Sports Club of Westchester, NY—Issue 12/2010 Material may not be reprinted without explicit permission by TSSC.
Page 8 December 2010 Sea Swells Log

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