Global Citizenship Education NSTP Online PDF

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Philippine Normal University

National Service Training Program 11

Literacy Training Service (PNU-NSTP LTS)

NSTP LTS 11 (Online Classroom)

Watch the following videos in this link:
Brief descriptions of the videos are provided below for your overview:

Video 1 Title: Shot@Life Supports United Nations’ Efforts to Provide Global Childhood

Description: Often related to distance and hardship in transit, many parents in developing
countries will overcome tremendous obstacles for the chance to vaccinate their children.
This video from Shot@Life follows the journey of the vaccine and a parent in a remote
village in Haiti.

Video 2 Title: Harvesting Hope for the Future

Description: “When our children have school meals, they stay in school and have the
nutrition to learn. That’s why the United Nations World Food Programme connects schools
to us – we, the local farmers.” As this video from WFP USA shows, through the work of
WFP, homegrown school meals provide fresh, locally-sourced ingredients so children in
school can succeed and farmers can thrive.

Video 3 Title: Will You Stand With Eva?

Description: Eva Tolage is 15 years old. Her village in Tanzania asked the government to
help provide clean water to her community, but they never received a reply. Eva’s voice
deserves to be heard. The ONE Campaign asks you to #StandWithEva.

Video 4 Title: #FörSofia

Description: Meet Sophia. She represents the children in crisis situations who are too often
forgotten. This is her story, shared by UNICEF Sweden, to remind us that we can’t leave
vulnerable children behind.

PNU NSTP 11 (LTS) Online Class I-14/Submission

Philippine Normal University
National Service Training Program 11
Literacy Training Service (PNU-NSTP LTS)

Video 5 Title: What is the World’s Deadliest Animal?

Description: There’s a lot of hype around how deadly sharks are, that’s for sure. But can
you guess what animal is actually the most dangerous to humans? The answer provided
in GOOD Magazine’s recent Data Video may surprise you. Watch this data visualization
highlight 15 lethal creatures who account for millions of human fatalities per year.

After watching the videos, you are expected to reflect on the following questions:

1. What specific issues did the set of videos show or portray? Why are they
considered “global issues”?

2. Aside from these issues, what other global issues and problems do Filipinos
experience every day? (Name at least 3 issues and provide brief explanation
how these issues affect day-to-day life)

3. How can ordinary citizens participate or contribute in providing

solutions/actions to minimize if not totally eradicate these issues and

4. State at least five (5) issues or global challenges that are considered global
issues and problems according to the Millennium Project.


 Submit your answers/reflection in pdf file and send in the Google Classroom
on/before December 14, 2019 (soft copy only).

Maria Jenivie V. Berba
NSTP Faculty

PNU NSTP 11 (LTS) Online Class I-14/Submission

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