12) 510 PC Oct04 Qar-Mid Open PSJ

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4 – 15 September 2004

Dammam, Saudi Arabia


Mid-Session Exam – Open Book
1. A vessel with 60 inches ID is to be provided Std. torispherical
heads. The heads shall be formed with crown radius and min.
knuckle radius as follows (head thickness = 1.2 inch):

a. 60 inch, 4 inch
b. 60 inch, 3.6 inch
c. 25 inch, 3 inch
d. None of above

2. A pressure vessel with nominal diameter 1200 mm was

inspected for ovality of shell. A opening of 200 mm I.D. exists.
The permissible ovality at the vessel cross section which is 150
mm from center of the opening is:

a. 12 mm
b. 16 mm
c. 14 mm
d. 18 mm

3. A pressure vessel has design pressure = 300 psi. Its safe stress
values at ambient and designed temperatures are 19,800 psi and
18000 psi respectively. The minimum hydrostatic test pressure
and inspection pressure respectively for above will be:

a. 450 psi, 390 psi

b. 390 psi, 330 psi
c. 429 psi,330 psi
d. None of the above

4. A vessel is to be pneumatically pressure tested to a pressure of

250 psi. What are some of the essential requirements for this

a. While pressuring, increase the pressure stepwise.

b. While pressuring, reach the test pressure without stopping,
so that pressure does not fall during pressurisation

c. Ensure that test pressure is retained till completion of
inspection of all welds using soap sud.
d. All of above.

5. For a Pressure vessel with MDMT = 2 deg. C, is to be

hydrostatically tested. The test shall be conducted at a

a. 32°C to 48°C
b. 32°C to 120°C
c. 19°C max
d. 19°C to 48°C

6. General “mill under tolerance” according to ASME Sec., VIII

Div. 1 for the plates is

a. 0.01” or 6% (whichever is smaller)

b. 0.1” or 6% (whichever is smaller)
c. 0.1mm or 6% (whichever is larger)
d. None of the above is a correct statement

7. Following two combinations of nozzle pipe diameter and shell

thickness are to be checked for reinforcement requirements

Case 1:
Vessel wall thk = 1/2 " and nozzle size 4” N.D. (4-1/2” OD)

Case 2:
Vessel wall thk = ¾" Nozzle size 2” N.D. (2-3/8” OD)

According to ASME Sec. VIII Div 1, separate reinforcement pad

calculations must be performed:

a. For both cases

b. For none
c. Calculations required for 1 but not for 2
d. Calculations required for 2 and not for 1

8. Check whether Impact testing is required or not for following two

plates . Plates are to be used for Storage vessels which will be
Hydrotested. Vessels do nor undergo temperature / pressure
fluctuations or cyclic loading during service.

Plate-1: M.O.C. Sa 515 Gr.70, thk=0.5”, MDMT= +10°F
Plate-2: M.O.C. Sa 516 Gr.70, thk=1.0” MDMT= - 5°F

a. Both require impact testing.

b. Both do not require impact testing
c. only Plate -1 requires impact testing
d. Only Plate-2 requires impact testing

9. In establishing a “Mandatory Quality System” manual which of

the following need not be included as mandatory requirement.

a. Organisation and reporting Structure

b. Control system to ensure that only Qualified procedures
and welders are employed in repair/ alterations.
c. Control system to ensure that only the qualified NDE
personnel and procedures are employed during inspection,
repair, alteration
d. Frequency (interval) for Internal and External in-service

10. For vessel 0.75 inch thick, MDMT specified was (-45ºF) and
material of construction used was SA 516 Gr 60.

a. Specify impact testing of material

b. Impact testing of material need not be specified
c. Specify impact testing of vessel after PWHT
d. Specify impact testing of vessel after fabrication , prior to

11. For the given configuration, reinforcement area available in shell

will be:
Data: t = 16 mm
tr = 15 mm
tn = 8 mm
d =112 mm

a. 1680 mm sq
b. 112 mm sq
c. 224 mm sq
d. None of above

12. For given configuration, correct minimum weld dimension (x)

required as per ASME Sec. VIII, Div. 1 shall be:

a. 10 mm
b. 12mm
c. 14mm
d. none of above

13. The minimum PWHT temperature and minimum holding time for
1.5 inch thick welded joints P no. 5A plates shall be.

a. 13000F, 1.5 hr.

b. 12500F, 1.5 hrs
c. 11000F, 1.5 hours
d. None of above

14. A standard seamless (E=1) torispherical head (1 inch nom. thk)

is to be used for construction of new pressure vessel with 72 inch
ID, and design pressure = 300 psig. Material of construction has
allowable stress of 20,000 psig. Which of the following
statements is most appropriate? (Corrosion allowance is nil.)

a. Conforms ASME Sec. VIII Div. 1

b. Does not conform ASME Sec. VIII, Div. 1
c. Depends on opinion of Vessel engineer
d. Torispherical head is not permitted for use by code

15. A seamless (E=1) 2:1 Ellipsoidal head 60 inch ID, 400 psi design
pressure, (corrosion allowance = 0) and (S = 20000 psig) when
new, was provided thickness of 5/8”. Your assessment is:

a. Head was designed correctly as per ASME Sec. VIII, Div. 1

b. Head was not designed correctly. Thickness is inadequate.
c. Depends on the opinion of third party inspector
d. None of the above

16. What is the alignment tolerance of a Category “A” weld joint,

where the thinner of the two plates is 1-1/2” thick?

a. 1/16 t
b. 1/8”
c. 3/16”
d. 1/8 t

17. What is the maximum reinforcement permitted for a 1 inch thick
circumferential weld?

a. 3/32”
b. ¼”
c. 3/16”
d. 1/8”

18. A seamless shell (1 course) with two seamless elliptical heads

are combined to form a vessel. Spot radiography was performed
on the attaching type 1 welds. What joint efficiency / quality
factor must be used for the head and shell calculations? (Assume
circumferential stress governs.)

a. .90
b. .85
c. 1.00
d. .70

19. A rounded indication ¼” diameter was found during spot

radiography of a 1/2” thick vessel weld. Your interpretation
would be that:

a. The indication is not acceptable to ASME VIII, UW – 51.

b. The indication is not acceptable to spot radiography ASME
VIII, UW – 52.
c. The rounded indications are not a factor in the
acceptability of welds not required to be fully
d. The rounded indications are not a factor for fully
radiographed welds.

20. What is the length of a discontinuity permitted in a weld joining

0.575” thick plates when found by the radiographic method (RT
– 1)

a. 1/3t
b. ¼”
c. ¾”
d. 1/3”

Questions 21 – 24 are from this set of conditions.

A 250 psi (Design Pressure) vessel is to be pneumatic tested in
accordance with the original ASME Section VIII, Div. 1 rules. The
material is SA-516 – 70 and has a design stress of 12,000 psi and
stress of 17,500 psi at ambient test temperature.

21. What is the pneumatic test pressure required?

a. 455 psi b.401 psi c.375 psi d.313 psi

22. What is the minimum temperature (°F) at which a fabricated

vessel can be tested?

a. 10 degrees above operating temperature

b. 10 degrees above MDMT
c. 30 degrees above MDMT
d. 30 degrees above zero

23. What is the first stage pressure reading of the vessel gauge
when pneumatically tested?

a. 401 psi
b. 227 psi
c. 187 psi
d. 201 psi

24. What is the pressure reading when inspection is preformed?

a. 401 psi
b. 412 psi
c. 364 psi
d. 318 psi

25. ASME Section VIII, Division 1 magnetic particle nondestructive

examination personnel shall be qualified in accordance with:

a. Section VIII, Division 1 (Appendix) standards

b. Section IX
c. SNT-TC-1A
d. ASME Code, Section V

4 -15 September 2004
Dammam, Saudi Arabia


Mid-Session Exam – Open Book
Answer Key


1 B ASME VIII, UG – 32 (j)
2 B ASME VIII, UG – 80 (a) 2
3 C ASME VIII, UG – 99 (b) and (g)
4 A ASME VIII, UG – 100 (d)
5 D ASME VIII, UG – 99 (h)
6 A ASME VIII, UG – 16 (c)
7 C ASME VIII, UG – 36 (c), 3 (a)
8 B ASME VIII, UCS – 66 and UG – 20 (f)
9 D API 510, 4.3
10 A ASME VIII, Fig. UCS - 66
11 B ASME VIII, Fig. UG – 37.1
12 B ASME VIII, UW – 16, Fig (p)
13 B ASME VIII, UCS – 56, Table for P5
14 A ASME VIII, UG – 32 (e)
15 A ASME VIII, UG – 32 (d)
16 C ASME VIII, UW – 33 (a)
17 C ASME VIII, UW - 35
18 C ASME VIII, UW – 3 and UW – 12 (d)
19 C ASME VIII, UW – 52 c (3)
20 B ASME VIII, UW – 51 b (2) a
21 B ASME VIII, UG – 100 (b)
22 C ASME VIII, UG – 100 (c)
23 D ASME VIII, UG – 100 (d)
24 C ASME VIII, UG – 100 (d)
25 A ASME VIII, App. G

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