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Chapter V

In this chapter, the researchers’ conclusion and analysis with regards to the results and
analysis of the data will be shown. The effectiveness and importance of the conducted
study will be determined in this area. More emphasize and conclusive interpretations
are being stated in this part. Recommendations regarding to the necessary changes
and improvements towards the study are also included in this part. With this the
researchers are able to address the future generation about the shortcomings and
negligence of the study.
Due to the evident and undeniable emergence of jewelry-making industry in
Meycauayan, delving into a deeper discovery and understanding about its process may
impart awareness and consciousness among citizens around the place. Upon
conducting the study, the researchers were able to consider some factors such as
safety, efficiency and benefits regarding the two practiced processes in gold smelting
which are the Mercury-free gold smelting process and Amalgamation process. Data
provided by the respondents were used in order to prove that gold smelting method
being used in small jewelry-making businesses in Meycauayan is safer and more
efficient process compared to the conventional amalgamation process.
Upon evaluating the gathered data, it is highly evident that the present jewelry-
making process in Meycauayan is an ideal process and must be recognize by
numerous jewelry-making business. Also, upon analyzing the outcomes of this study, it
can be proved that processes followed in gold smelting such as amalgamation and
mercury-free process have significant effect to the place where they are operating.
Accordingly, the two said processes involve particular tools and elements in order to
filter the gold and its impurities and these main catalysts were mercury and lead. Based
on the answers given by the respondents, researchers distinguished that the answers
were interconnected and leading to a positive perception and experience on using lead
in gold refining process. With most percentages favoring the mercury-free process, the
researchers were able to conclude that having knowledge and experience about the two
processes, the jewelry makers/owners of both of the business still chose Mercury-free
process because of its advantages not only for them but also for the community they
Going back to the research questions, correspondents were successful to answer
the queries properly in a way that the results of the data analysis enabled the
researchers to conclude something purposeful and essential. In terms of the first
research question that aims to find out which among the two process of gold smelting is
safer, the researchers conclude that the majority of the answers indicate that the
Mercury-free process is definitely safer since, according to the answers of respondents,
considering the long years they are doing their job, them didn’t having any diseases or
health problems together with the community around them, proved that using lead is not
as dangerous as using mercury. This particular finding supports the principle of McGuire
(2017) which states that, lead is definitely safer than the mercury. When it comes to the
second research question that tackles the efficiency and reliability of the refining method
operated in Meycauayan, jewelers also considered the Mercury-free process. Based
from the respondents, in terms of market value and process, Mercury is indeed more
expensive than lead. Becker (2017) was able to observe in his study that gold refining
and recovery are the ways that are being considered in terms of acquiring sufficient
amount of gold instead of mining, aside from the fact that gold refining is efficient
process itself compared to mining, it also take into account the tools needed in order to
make the process possible.
Since majority jewelers from both business utilized the Mercury-free method, in the last
research question that emphasized the advantages and benefits of the two process,
respondents were able to give various benefits that the said process is providing. The
leading benefits are inclined to health and environment which can be related to the
researches of Aris et. Al (2014) and Abbey et. al (2016) which pertains to the harmful
effects of Mercury and Nitric Acid to people’s health and environment. The present gold
refining process in Meycauayan disregarded or eliminated these elements since lead is
used as an alternative.
Having basis to the research of Hoffman (2015) which stated the amalgamation
process is one of techniques and methods followed by miners and jewelers, the
researchers became concerned on how the process work, the same as what process is
being used by the jewelers in Meycauayan. Upon discovering the harmful effects of
amalgamation and the efficiency of lead usage in gold smelting, after some thorough
investigations and observations in the establishments of “F & A Delos Santos Jewelry
Tools Supply” and “Leny Buy & Sell”, the researchers were able to conclude that
Mercury-free gold smelting process is more convenient to use as it is considered safe,
efficient and favorable to the community.

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