Maybe Not Smart But From The Hearth 1

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OS 7] SBE Hells. Selcome 1a my new cine [tis called Mayoe aot smart but nthe heart. bu fou'tovgally lake the name, so af T make wp somettiag better, Toit change it. My name is Vedran, and sore af you might know me Crom some other activities T did in the pas king aa A cane calica Make & Change togethe: arith uy nase. and we did 4 indues in 4 years. althought 4th wicue ie nol printed yet. Make & Changs was pretty BIg. amd iW Cesatian, and it wes cot like this zine at We Will hopefully pul out also #5, but nat sos and #2 want it ro be “all about Croatian punk scene” issue. We are trying to cover alt activities. tanda. tines, people le write about All these political changes from personal point at view... Et Will be mre like a back, But more about at next tine &nout a yesr ago | yiaitwd also a distribution ot records. tapes and Literature together with my Exiend Maske from Pula. aad this is still going on-and tt 1s if you want me to distribute some of your reieases just write. and we'll see about it. 1 also play in hardcore band My Life/My Dreams. but because of many personal changes and because of problems with equipement, our reheargals are very rare, We dad only tew gigs, and our last recordings are more (han ¢ year old I want this zine to be about what I see and feel. and what 1 think about, I would alsa Like thia zine t6 he 4 place where You could find some informations about what other people in punk/hardcare I will review everything I get for free or for exchange. This time 1 reviewed stuff that friends sent Be In last Sve months, Future issues could be Lotaly different than this. It depends on how [I feel. ana what Im thinking about. I'll maybe do some interviews. or write only about politics. or only about personal stuff, ar only about music. T'm doing this mainly because of tun. and intention is not really te make you come to @ conclusion, Everything I wrote is Just wy view on things. other people will probably have different views. so don't take it as a truth. I will mayne print some parts of the letters | receave in next issues, so teil me if you don't want your letter to be printed I way thinking abouc the language a lot rag az in Croatian language is better in some way. I can oxpress myself better in Croatian, ant “supporting the lacal ne: yo impvertant for me. | think th "people whe are doing > more energy in spreading them in thetr daily eres nen To used, to do my pres sine, L managed to sold thas 100 cvpies Lo peuple whe Are dwk ante punk 2 around here are not interes mach an reading gtuct an Eng BO it IS Very Important to keep someching im start with this. Beginning of new school year. summer is er. and I also had e birthday what means that Im aiso maly one year older... It's a new beginning T quess. 1 like think thia te a new beginning, I was too bad at school, so iney almost didn't let me to keep a status of regular student. id L know L could do better. I was just sleeping/watching Tvs ing nothing too much. I hope this is changed now. T cleaned room. and I started a new note book tos keep notes of mail. d money I owe from distro, I even cut cy haar. I repeared mailbox which was broken for almost e veer. go mow I can ceave my mail in Riseka, to stop bather my father with letters erything look so new, I hope I will keep this optimistic »eling I now have for a long time, 1 hope it will be longer an after all “new" beginnings in the pest. I just can't stop sling like I could do much more things ;: I would be better ganized. And when I'm trying to organize my time better, 1 n't stop thinking that I’m just wasting time on organizing. j sted of just doing things. But now everything seems just fine, | though I didn‘t start studying tor exam I have in 2 weeks. like new beginnings so much = a ee ce tine MEDIAS RES 46 Zin [wk is fuckin’ great. There 25 noth fide, but it ig dust so cute * eatian, you 2k ae ie ieee ote contasne big piece on homosemual ity. terviews with CitizeN Fish and Ex-CathedréA. raper hematotes (Sigh czech rep.. Slovenia & Croatis, and sone writings one Gg Tegel isction (fanaly one who goes beyons usual Soe aeys to talk about Legalise: : Voge lsat ion rie ind other etuft. } lot of informations and aes tor tuch @ small zine. Englieh version ie @ bit dit erent. chugs Tel good fer me. The only thing that T don k really, Vik 28S Ree cles chal Marko is taking from e-mail. It io better he ie writing something from his heed ing really new & special If you read croatian, you — Marko Strpié. RakuSina 3. 10006 Zagreb. croatia/ 3 ~ + state. ay = So Intagy Sa 2 ¥ father c psteMOMth. Here an toresg wet SPPLESt days ina yene peuhtage 1s very oc. 2PE* IN Croatia uhere 1 Se senvvine hg QU 8 YER" for all eae Te! one SSO tere 28g vane 13 20 obnmilies here a ,2re making their * greet: People wilh gine COMPELIT ion, sigs eS “hole thing about. SFEME vane” ond tnat ee ZOU chais vies 8S YOM Vieit val tage, yPeuple care co mich Made tehe then and you will say oS, Fer wtueg re £2 MUCH About et : ein ap ras, nd fruits. vegatahigtt®, Vine. Tea phe Thane ees, ee ete. Mp cet lly care ere a : Sr spa : abou by didn't nawt 200k of ars has some apple trace’ ave ime tonds tn anit. ready to nian t few Bunch o when ve went e © of vine makes it would be digass, S ioe teat takes Posse happy “pee detenter, thinking about c-l4_ 82. PAPe in vid tages *, RU just cece sok with me, y;) Se =oks 56 stupid tome (FE PIE sho St ortoPunk Fautival. Metelkove equate Toml6 7/68 4 a pas able ata of Sa SEE TT eer T heard so many stories how lagt year’s annaversary celebration in Metelkova squatt (Ljubi jana/Slovent ia) was great so [ was hoping to sea some Interesting things & hawe o good tame, But it was just poring. Well, maybe alsu because of rain and lack ot electricity. but everything seemed go “dark”, And 1 Curnet vut to be an ordinary gig with more er less boring bands. ist day we 6 pretty late, 30 : J ouas dark, and the gig just started. [ wae heping ly see more - i people from Craataa. but then it was just, few of them there, Some : mare came during the night and in the morn T don't remember alt the honda because | vas trom inside to the coort yard and didn't z realiy listen ta wha, womebody play. I remenicr thet V OkowiH vere Gk that forat aignt. and WasserdichT ware nice as alveys (1 stilt think chey ore the best hardcere band in Stoveni ia&Croatia tagetherd. Rain. Mos. of the people are drunk. A fot of talking, but nothing real told. Guly sleeping that first nagat yoo great. and I'd like to then Rupa for letting us sleep in hig vow. the other day started Better Like mornings much more on happeniags Jake this one, “cause people are not too drunk in the morning. We covk a little walk through Peek. then played some card games. and then people from Bad juatick - | (he band from Pozeqa) came {they hed & gig might before in Trieste (italy) with Apatridl. Night was a bat better than first one. Be Justicé were playing, and I don't know I resily lika their songs, + but Imisa something in their gigs. recordings are somehow better. : And then what I remember if FPakofholaN, Crogtian punk heroes, and os they play songs that can wasily be remembered. people who knew them : fad really a qood time. PunkreaS from [taly were great, they are melodic. happy. with some ska parts too. They managed to turn the depressive 2 situation into happy dancing for a lot of people. Lobotomia, the other pana fram Ttaly were trying to do eometting Like Craes T Think, but they : tere not really good if it. And I remember one other stovenian bend, but, Tferget thesy name, who polayed nice music, but I didn't Vike their preformance. Thia night I also managed to eat come quite delicious vegan + Good, but not real food serving was available like last year. And T also had & funny conversation with one guy who wes like “I'm algo snareniar. mo and don't care about nationality and atutt. but T atill think Serbs Gre somehow different: people and it is better that they are not enymere in Croatia". and he waid the he have a& godd friends Serna. and he like. Serbien bands and stuff, ge 1 don"t really know how con he think that Serbs in general ave bad, Sleeping that 2nd night was net that good as first on but you know after 2 days occupied with mostly drunk erowd Metelkova didn't really look nice, I don't know, T think Unis place 9 giving 30 many possibilities, but there are som fe actions. Yeah, its fot really ty right te whine about it. as I'm not doing anything thet shows that I‘ll be any better in their situation. I don’t know. this whole festival was only about getting d@runk. or I don't know probably Using some other Aarugs too, and it's not onmly my opinion, ag I aways complain about people Always getting drunk, but Enis time a jot of . § people noticed it. All together didn't show Metelkava in a good Light. T hope next year it will be better... ce eo Woy ie seo voice"? why 83 T pretending you just to hear your besides c excuse” sal Ling 28" to call Feavon you. other yeu? heart te ae And fu things to da Sometimes with no 7 just want to he 4" TRA mt | Ca terre ee Sete cos Rava s LE iva oem ay Teday an-otd friend visited me. [ naven"t Seen him Lor more than a year, He is hare krana bhakta. and ne is traveling a lot from temple to tomple, and so I'm net seeing Bim very often lately We used to be close once. Keally. We went to school together we Wore Ploing in the same band. we went to gigs together, we used to get drunk together, and then we both hecame straight edge but last few years our lives went in difterent directions. And sometimes I really miss the old times. Well, he came, and first what he said was " fot you are. are you still vegetarian? I'm not fat at all. but back in high-school I was alwaya skinny. so I've propably changed... Well. I think everyhody change IT said “Well, last few years I was trying to he vegan...” and then he started the old. well known “milk atery", But [ wag fot really inte going through this discussion one more tims, so I changed the v, subject... I really wont to talk about the “uld limes". and he was like “I don't want to remember", s@ we were talking about god. and g interested in that, but I wasn't. It just scemt ta rude telling ham now he is only repeating the fairy-toles I heard hunderd times. Then we went to the temple, and some guys there even remembered me, he aithough I wasn't there for almost 9 year. They tried to sell me ane nev book. and ¢ wanted to trade, but they were not interasted ! in anything trom my distro. Then we went to taka a wilk We were talking a lot, but we din‘t say much. It isso different than years ago Te ds’ aluc wo different than unac 7 thought st would be now. It's) ok for me. and it's ok for him. No problems at all. Then he said f something like “if you only knew what is real neture of women, you =} would never speak to them", and then they way Uhey are not sexist?! Anyway. we went separate ways again. I don't know when T will see 2 him again. meybe tomorrow, maybe never. It’s just atrange how Life is going on. how things are developing. and it's tuckin’ different than what I could ever imagine. And I thought my life sucked last iP year, but after tabcing with this guy and going through experiences “aj Thad again, I realized that it was great life. So many things, 80 many people, i really have no reason to be dinantiatied about 11 those hait-gods and demoms and I waz pretending that L'm w TRUE #1/2 0 zine Definetly better than Bila’s first zine “Naked”, put T stilt think he can Go it even better. This one is pretty pig. 48 hi pages.and it contains interviews with X-ActO.Cruncil Sedat iv fauserdichT, 33 Years Qld ScuM. Deheti PreciedniK, Doad Ideas Directed Crew, Butehers Bill, Verbalni DelikT. ZAP, AntitudE, Why StakIA and ML/MD (fT think We did more interviews than Pensaraalg.but what can we ao? such « clever guys like us..-}- Riso there are some antos inside.a lot of reviews and articles cr) Zine and they said. ameng S siways under the grou Pe, ff aead and ave closes “ probably people kalkeng shat ‘guntrres. but the dt [say things lake thes j “strange”. Now people | about vegetarianism (mostty from medical point of view). anti ti drug legalisation end some mare... For me,the best part {n this zine is an article about that Bila teok from C.0.5.7" Dd iot of informations But mostly “heard it all kefore”. and f don't really lake publishing pamphlets or taking articles from gines or records. I suggest Bila te put more of his epininions ja next isaue, and to ask more unusual questions in interviews english, 1 think this zine could have a great future. /Mario Bilankoy. Sukoi%. morte 8 eee | there was thas public eo = [Pere as nee a unde o writen mostly in croatian but some articles are 3186 in Croatia 0 TE af we 0 ce EP ge ‘ae lectur fpgia few days ag6 ep Grugs ond oeeult wavvounded Oy i jow aiaco clubs art Lee they era disturbing th gad PT “Senna thece are Whe chat aisy 39 oehe eee ee nok neve steer they St oak diererane. you are ff you ety Taman wey are FNS? oh ren taking drugs. and maybe ten why there ais a PLANER al gre, see TEDey istoa f auene, Heyes # Te snould start mak se gig ca top of skyscrapers 7 | ao we would pe closer t | revolution Se 4 € he would support ovr & god, and he id upp So... here T am aitting im trent of this computer. wanting te write something about palitics. as politica (apeeially local stuff) is at the moment ane of the things that are oceupying my mind quite often. And not onty mine, these days everybody talk only about politica. T went te school yesterday ag I had one exam. and people there instead - telking “how did you answer 3r@ question", they were all “wnat do you Ulink who will win elections"... Well. at a8 elertion time al the moment here. I have to write something about 2t although I think : most of you won't understand it anyway. Real power in Croatia ia in hands of one party. HOZ. what ay a matter of Tact means in handa of one man. our hig brother, president, rather of 1} Crcacn. leader ef Creatzen army, F, Tudimen. Tudjman want te be Tito ipresident sf Yugoslevie from 1945 ‘till death}, bur times are not realiy exactly like 50 years ago. so he is mut resliy sucteding. Anyway he maued 42 gain enough Voices tu have pouer LO decide sayshing an . Parlament without Itatening to what other parties say. guy the. 35 the war 23 comming to at's wend, people think more about social Situatiar. so it's almost the time of mass atrakes,.. But thea he . went to miiatery operation in part of Croatia which waz in Serbs hands last few vearg. Most of thane Serbs used to live in thet parts of Croatie tor ages. but they were alse superted with ary trem Serbia while forming their own state, Krajing, A€tion wna successful tor Tudsman. 5 moat ef the Serbs run avay without fisnting, so there waa, net a lot af victims, It's hard to say now what is really tate Meking etsnical clean wtate ig not realiy positive, but stiil there are Croats who were originaly from those parts, and row they con return to their homes. Some are returning home. soma nave to leave at. T believe that same kind of agreement between Tudgmsn & Milosevic do exist. airhough they won't admit that. So. now ve have most of Croatia "sree". and now we have to linten ahout Croatian Army for months, best Army in Lhe world. Biggest power in Balkan. Craata are made wath. special qualities. like pertect soldiers. but at the same tame, people who care a lot atout justice. Tudsman gave thousands of medals for this action (and tor one before). andé dia you know that Tudjman's son in owner of factory: that prosuees medals? So thax was this great action (Gluja-Storw, first one was called Blijesak-Flaah and an there is stall ene small part occupied sumbody said next aetion will be called Grom-Thunder, s¢ tirst letters give word hog. unet as croatian word for god - one more prooi that geed Was onlycroat ian side}, anc nuw Fudiman has to talk about Bosnia, snout division of territories with Milogevid, in Deyton. and so this as the best moment for elections. People still think about victory. noone think about About hunger and stuff like that, se Tuajman believe Chat now he can provide 70% in parlament and after that there iz ng more need for parlament. Last meeting of parliament was meaningless lixe athers. DZ wrote new law about elections, end others could just talk against ite but this iew passed even berore it came to partament. At the moment rhete 2 ose election campaign going on. Each party hes ies 1 newer of course we have to (agops we really rave tol wateh our president for wwe more hour. Franyo; Pranic! Franae: People are Cae a ee ng aust ORdeKinG how long sie) L siand thin amie. Going MAL TS hescming more & more the best sciurias “| Kathe. ty10/95, It 28 go aunny and hot lass tew days. if we only knew that weather ip RUE be Vike this 2 weeks 230 when we decided to qe vintage But then, ® fhere wae a lot of raining, and everybody were atrosq ef hail, so 2 Thaptnedy Sid vantage sooner then they thought they could aed 30 T fhey Rad to put mare sugar tato vine. Anyway, aden 12 ike, a don't know, auduut or someching, 30 7 decided to take a {atric trip te al Places E wanted to vieit tor aa long, bul neves had time. Kotle 19 iow oe ere ace Hse twld about temas abandoned village ancoy Ces history» fee fthe POE oF foleza. ant 1 was always intereutod te neetee and ~ Sng Tort if) Today was not ressty the right thing. neenuse 1 ect wath a £0F. and T nad to get nace bevore dace fo wish I could find more free time sometime in sarscg tu take 3 walk thorugh these parts. “Aan I Rope thet To wil. fic; the time to read mies eps the History ay yoof Glogolatic writires in, igtria. Ketle is nor really abandoned aa ce ee odd Me: Reese coire are people who ecill simone come fe vasat their iand, but 1 think only one famaly really Live there, gg Mane a Mee even them mt they were there when tee chee tee and ' pandin. Village ie really ste. There is @ small creek near che 4 vajlage. and to enter the on the stones. i ARK wor P both zines They write lite an and so on who ef you I recomend | others ean sS.NOTHING £7 =; [| Two most original croatian but there are some from bike tours and gigs tagether in punk ag fuck design (this means Kes. rot to forget gome arty stories yt zane Zanes did opiit issue again. I Like @ tor. beth Ivan and Had2i are really good an writing in so relaxed style. Thia is is not really good, interesting Witings like one about meaning of pomibrlities of changing it on telter. and one aneut standards in underground scene. which should be against etandards {here are some reviews or zines. backs and music. raports and seme eco writings and more, and ait o design at ally she way. Lb dent knew they are fuckin’ great a Fead Croataan, but cise write as Ivan and Hadi are great pen pals. and they guys is writing dialogs. bu this gine tor everyane (if y are alse doing a most underground of whole u aderground labels in Croatia. Carrot productian...), and Twanaga, tried to write a book? 1 park. Aleksandar-Hazy Vel jkovie, Drzicecva 6. PS Nothing, teh ee RVI ONE F STOIE “Lz ker This ts a band where Ivan (Ps Nothing zine) a: play, with some m have you guys aver think you could srite a great one 10000 Zagreb, Croati: Ivar Mienjak ir. Markusevecks 157, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia 4 pee ena” tape jadz1 (Spark zine) re ipients, and as [ really ensey thear zines 1 thought this could algo be very interesting. but At ia net raatiy, Crvi Ne Postoze. an I see it are about having fun playing | anatrum tn a park. They prohahly had a lot of tun, tut patener font know them personaly well, this tape will probally be x ci Optimistic part review ia that there are some good Ss. a few good songs. 8 capels parts are great. and some chords tos T think they gongs. I don I guess this again, order Ivan Mucn jak cen make really a good tape ifthey ery ro make real t mean changing the atyle, Juat work more on songs. la not their intention. [f you want to teel ¢hi this tape . Markusevecka 187, 10000 Zegreb, Croatia pon 2 wok 3 HIATUS /I1.bastries, 13.10.'95/ Like always wren going to gigs in Slovenage Tm afraid of ' crosaing the border. { dian't have this teer once, but then fs ! they didn't let me pass tne border when I went to ace Active PL mindS. ond again few months aftor when I went te see Dirt. aot T hate this border eo much. [ hota giving those cops there a {weling that T depend on thear gooe will. 1 would like to } a Bay fuck your berder, I don’t need to pasa it... but still and I bike to travel, and. T like going to gage go much Shit. Anyway. Loday 1 was lucky. They asked questions. like glways.and they didn't aiss tha chance to show how they have ti & t power to turn us back if they want. friends {rom Pula whe b Meat with train were not chat lucky Hell KrusheR didn't come so my friends SMC (the only crust Band in Creatia for now) pened @ gig. They hove really good songs, and some parts are fuckin’ great, and insovating. What you usually don't oxpect from a crust band But they need te practice more. and te make mare songe. so they won't have eo reapeat Enklava sengs 3 or 4 times. You sure know Hiatus?! But if you only listened to their records, you have to asec them live, 1 just stood there, they were great. and only things that disturbed me were people constantly stepping on my feats, and Hiatus Singer saying some things before the songs so quietly that T managed ta hear just few usual words like “homofobia”, "police. “bastards”, st¢ but ig vas moathy just “unmunhmum". Well. after the gig game oid story aqoin, tao cold outside, too much gmoke inside, we stayed for few meré hours and then driving home car with 4 more people who are too drunk to bo awake. Well. it is probably better that they are siceping, than telking Bullshit. Foreign bands are 30 great.., It's not tnat T don't a i fF 1 like local bands, it's just thaf I've geen them all so many aE | times. and most of them are making a lot of mistakes while ett playing... I mean, T don't cere much about how goad sowebody ° fan pley af instrument, but I feel so great when watching a bend I that sound like one. When all the members know exactly whal to rt ao, when they understand each other perfuctly. I'd like to sew more hands like HistuS. I'd like to see more fereign bands . playing in Croatia too. so that I don't have to pags that i stupid border. saree “4 . nore Sa ee te Neen | +> Re tne ESE COME The old story. Should 1 buvear. che @lect rene} Protey siete eg teae el! political yartiea in Croatia ene? boycotting reall Sy to say how they all auck, but io . $ ¥ a solution? Tt Tcann't thangs. cnethrne Bo ey emit TeSEly sure about all this. With myself about nat Pertict eat eye T can only be sattiefied 4k ge t # soot impor tanec erating HDZ from making dictatorship is the ‘orc ry used th 7 for counting the votes, If you vate tor pertiga oho gendt method spony voices te pase Sk. your voices are geing to bi oe wat There abe yee (og WOES Against HDZ you don't have many poneipi li se fares tbe Te iptrlaneya Miata oti Rular party, ex-commini * i had= be leaders in nds. bat beet party made of peopte whe used to : left the wing part Party and are now siete etyhap. Hot much of a choice, but what to aa? f thig eo Ems ersin Poel ante TEE SEY beater Duar etd, eho Seated Eo ale thee aae Ng, Eh tons "BRe Snoumn - more i OF lesa be against ha: to ha zn parlament. and We somebody who Ts Agathe Ge ban fame entt Me could do now ise state. azet. rit WITL be a Line onae Ond stuff like that don't disappear? Mace reg for something. until thee Us hes Co hoes SqoReee 5, gate fe beng ‘ enough te boscott with a venules” ©? Dope EMAt ance we'll be strong ers Pistia s Art And Musae featival. Pula, 20,21710795 I don't know why T even went there. I a, really glad when I thought Germany wd Bias this featival during the summer’ crests went to Germany, but then the military operation came, and so they decided te MOyDS eeee ayel MM vetober. Probably during the summer Ge wit to carpe atven aice. because Pula ison the sea. and a tee ot people are LORIE OEM MEANT ENE Summer. So. AGM fearival is ane ae chose Sherk competztion character for s6 called valrercatiee nda. There are hands playing. there are People voting. They nave band nace gomiston whe decide which hand is the nest and chan thig fa the magia ot Of 919 and recurding otters, aa they ara Presented in the media as the ‘winner of AGM festival". don"t know. -_ this Seekend looked boring from the neginig Nothing is happing nowhere so I guoss this was only thing to de, beaides watching TV, and T Was Feally into going out, First night was Spent in looking for some ren TOF She gas to go home, Zelika & Martina Managed to get me « Racket for both days for tree. Firat day trom Ovsre ce singer. and second from Why StaklA manager. People were rea, ly generous in the Loun $0 We get quite s lot of money in just hour or two. T don't know realty who played which day. but whee T Femember is a band vho played a BlondiE cover. and their style is pretty similar to BlondiE too. ana than OverfloW (I never liked their gigs, and 30 this time too) Why StakIA were nice They play aome kind of guitar polse and they are much better live than on the tape. They have gone feeling. S1uM are playing rap. and they are doing it great, put bering. os they are pure cover of usa scene ParaF are like old Chay roemegoMs And fram new wave generation. end of the ype ach they formed ¢ band together this year for tne gig ic Rijeka, but it gcema that they ensoyed it so they played also here. They are stij} | Saying SThis is our last gig ever”. but it seem: thay will do some mor | after thig one too, T really liked them in Rijeka. but here... They are becoming pathetic They are like “Our time Was great. you have to Feve ee eget seeing gigs then", and "We are legends’ aze you have to be very grateful for seeing us live, as we are old guys with familly and stuff, aad We dre still managing to play”. And what sucked the most is their "Rj jeka is the best, Rijeka has the best arene" attitude. It would be betrer af the gig in Rijeka was the last ong, Td really say that ParaF as one of greatest bands trom old generation I Niadno PivO didn't play whale gig as someone throw something on the tn the midate ep earted Biveding. T didn*t really seen tt a 2 was | an the middie of an interesting conversation with Ana. girl f haven't geon for months. 90 we had a lat of storias to tell to *achother HiadnO PavO really suck, But-still they didn't deserve such thing az | thorwing bottle or something on them. FokofbolA were announced, but, i they didn't play, and that's so fuckin' great ther they refued to Play on such place, And Jast band was Elvis J Kurtovich & Se jo Sexon band, they are from Sarajevo, and they are fuckin’ great. 1 don't know. people are somehow starting to mies these bands from other parts ef Yugonlavia, Thosé people ware involved in series of TV shows and theatre preformances called “Top Lista Nadrealista* which waa very Popular st that time, You know, they were felling about war in Yu. _ and big wall in Sarajevo (like one in Berlin} years after it happened boas Sf thane nae through humor. And now, after it resliy happened some of those people are in Croatia, some in Serbia. some aut of Yu . some Head, and so this shuw looked like it is trae another tims. They were both happy and sad, just great. A lot oe emotions. I just hope they Mit} pet stare to Lalk about old tines too mich luke ParaP, and they will not play Legends too much. hil together. not really bad = \ 2a Sem aay ‘aatercin: part, this whole A&M festival art besides “music” but I sobehow missed it. Tt vas i think Something about comics. Rut only thing I really enioyed was meeting ao many known people. Festival itwelf sucked. Next year 1 Nope they'll an yf during summer, when I am out of Croatia. And yea. Woks! U Gapall won. They are from Pagin, whach J is ay hometown. ao T know trom well. They are good people. Dut they ' are just not in the game “scene” as I am, They say they play punkshe. at least they were saying that vhen they started. UL they are more into big labels and stuff. Now I chink they managed to succed, they even got an offer for CD from TRIP records. which i9 actuolly part of Croatia records. which ig the biggest record company in Croatia. And last time T spoke to guys from Vokal U Grpsu, they were onty talking about new recordings. new festivals. tours. Its funny how peapla change. They : became musiciana in vest meaning of the word. and I don't knew how to talk to them about some other stuff, we always came an the "band wubiect’. BLL ape ca - Ths HarrivS. Palach-Ri eka 23/10/95 Strange. Foreign band in Rizeka, and punk-roeck, I have to see this But on the half way to gig piace, clun Palach, there a pre election meeting of IDS (focal concurents to HDZ on elections), and it actually ® Aeems interesting so 1 stavet. They were talking a lot of politics. ut also some jokes too, ang soue bands played, ruck bands who support Univ party. I don’< resily like IDS, They are doing pretey : Similar in Istria whet KOZ zs doing am Croatia. ANd all together there is too much hate amon: people. But it seems [DS are the only concurenta to HDZ, spactal.y now when they joined together with | peanant party whieh is pretty strong in ether parts of Croatia. IDS | Mill be absolut winners an istrie for sure, but that's only 2 seace f 1 J in parliament, so I guess maybe it is the best to vote for them. since I'm just trying to do the best I can against HDZ taking abaolur power in parlament. what directly meang one man state. Dictatarahyp. [ sust don't know what to do. {05 suck. They all suck. IDS have some good thinga in their program. [:<- multi-cultural, multi-ethnical society, bur stitl they ore pro purt vapitelism, and are too much inty insisting on diferences between Istris and Zagreb... Fuck politics. Just few meters away The HarrieS froo Holland are playing punk rock. I came when they started. and it was al] crowded. T am a0 surprised Paiach ig usually motz crowded. It suck when thare are sa many people. You can't walk normaly. It aise suck when there are just few people, as it is boring. From this tail on. Palach has free entrance on most of 1 the nights, soa lot of students are here. and it doesn't really matter whe is playing. HarrieS are great in their job. They sound optimistic. they are having fun, you ©. see ik... And they are really giving a lot of themselves. Atmosphere isnot really good for dancing, but 1 had great time. T just love small gigs Like this one. EE Bath BOT ET ae yom IT took a little walk through the city cetre today. and surprise! - Today is the day when Tudjman 38 comming to Rijeka. People with: HDZ flags on the streets. Music tm the air. Cope on every corner. and they even made a real blockade on the main square amd they were checking 260 many people. Shit. I forgot my identity card. I don't wont to have problems with cops ao I'm taking some other strests, not really the min one. And. cam you believe. 1 think thi is normal?! President is comming. 30 it is normal to have more cops on the strevts than people. How can L think thet? Hew can T except Situations like that eo easy? I have to walk wherever 1 want, and it tos not normal thet cops are asking me questions... QUES ASS Ss CR fs SORE ORS SH SH" SER SSRE SE (AS 1) SBS 0) 19 * dn for tte wreeheba. Qo wIaiE mp father and s1eter A day whed HDZ iz leprasent ing ‘muing elect iena. There are tends pitying amie. Erere we pul itieiahg wskiag specchosm, amt there pleyig Deer sor sii. A Lot ot qwophe wens there TO get some o. we ee dada: really ingnaze to tay thorg peaple wick baer: wetter sever Mos ah oatens and Phey wall gyt alsa on chase erk igs taupe wear yore for SOT here, people here hate BBE. par atest pecple berg love seer so why dent use the poss ibility 1 ase RCE bor tres? fowag talking avout Chat with gome frrenas and cee are all like cwe wont vote for HBZ. sur vneee Le here why SY ice Gb? We are nat helping HU w7Qu Jranking thenr beer? got Loatril thing that it 19 wrong te arias beer om rats Pre i bee Lie neering, as sithnuzh you maybe Goat wwypert HOE) ascl EAtihg cnere and partasipat ing in thear pregram without +h isking ou are srcoming part oz tne crowd, Grows has very pews: tal Activity on people's minds, aod T helieve that people do remember | pre elaetion meetings alse if they don’t really 49 06 with fult ort cousneas. Pde believe that being passive part of a crowd of ee eee necting you are helping him And siso if this won't really Relp HOC. l danmat want to M6 part of the crowd. I den’® wane to be Dart of afything where my andividuality con t exist. 7 wea & need ee ven at T drank beer. whet I'm not Aoing. I want go there ine Miring even if they gave away free extraccelicious soy milk. ' rsty. i went EEE Bazin locks 30 Sosemn, SAIS nee prearam Gwnatl) ior an on this FF Socialism, 40 au really opi tat ke ee webh 3 but 90 468 sound pet " fan sound PENTET yyy sourelaere ato just state © . things. ait it all, Mare oe tne EERE Ae ‘ gine cat provide Yor noid 3 TMI, Chekenoi®. * bad Sick OE Thang cia OL MUP Serta . just, wWorKA NT come capitalssm. YOU esident Yor! for sure work Bn TiS age, 1 Go phiaical. work Beal MOFK Oba0) Oo tg of of th and most Mim working c16s4: nave a right to choose? can you forb ° id someone to love poople tr Povaogclanse T gwany at Tas im ow sith a oergen aneyne can be a minister. jon't care. 1 think only possible change o 2 3 at ing anyone Cipate is"otep lasainy onze besidea yourself, everyone can perticipate hanging the world, Ef difference between workers and ruler! an gnanging the vortee a! Garttneir mint, this iene aitterence ae etl Lote many workers Who are greedy just like rulers. And if e lange, and 1 believe they could, rulers coul n : ¥ could alse ce some reviews anside oo Alitogethor it is well written zine at hes profesional Outlook. but it's just womenow not so close to ay eae ke Sevin Red used ro be. It's Like eny other political ; paganda, concentrated only about defending their idesa with EE Wich to learn frém others. - no FS Jory Koch, PO Bow 201024. 42216 Wuppertal. Germany 2 ™ Semober 31/10/1995. This was supposed to be an ordinary qe Be one of the “themes of the month” together with talks in byton and elections in Croatia) Well, wasn't in Zagreb since summer Beton fought thie gig 1s nace sefawion Fo S50 old friends. and Se je really boring here in Rizeka, I west with the car, because [nad to drive my granny te the semecery next morning. I don't doe of tt i a tradition in other CoUnLe see. going &6 semetary © Koy Of Mjuess it ig because it is ® christ ion tradition .So.every’ tae Bone and me are heving 4 great tame. 00 the road from Zagr 12 Bimober we took one guy who was hacening « and 40 he took us on ceetee, Samonor looks nice. Nice architecture. People are starting cor ierive on the gig place. A let of people. Nobody really believed te hy people will come. Bnds errived. Hula, esS By Noise. Se eecaichT, Dak'o'braZ anc BeermachT. This, 0% betually a birthday farty for singer of Deatness by 10.8 nd then police came. I wos party reyiaed to see police. 04 they are overyanern. T guess we all era to see them everywhere ve go. 7 think teday they decided to meh user bo feel them, They are angry. They dgn’t Like haw people who es 100% aoe ga ineade the burlding. A lot of gig report, but it turned out And so they tela ne I Ea tage a fe ew oft nbsedcsd. iia slivad ik fet People were inside, ana they payed the entreaace and everything. was still waiting outside on the fresh ais for the begining of ene gr And so when police started to shouth how's aust go inside, I went to the door, but them other policeman cane. ani he was lake. everyone go sulside, gig ig canceled, there 19 no perniasi¢n to do a gig. Sut an this place there are always gig. not punk fanaa and singers, ered wey er had a permission. but this time thes asked tor it. ut, | guess { only fool can believe that permission is ¥-2. reasom for canceling ihe jig. And I was surprised that they dat thos today, Everychang wan cm i don't know, there ere more fights anc trieen Dottles ane aan scufE in fron to disco club in Pazin each dunday. And those cer wet really angry. They seid “you have 15 oan ar the street ase co qcoma". L stayed. T wanted to see whac or), en. ant car away from the street. which was at 7 a aurprised Row people are not really s:*= Tyke with cattle. wail. chat 2 prossh inpression at Chaos Days in Hannover, mut. ion't really nave s csset t “twhine about it ‘cause | was probably amon; che biggest covaras th. Tim just saying thet returnig cups in the same siyle they are ac ig an this case justified, 7 am pacifist int everything. out rz Self defence is essential for living dign:tied life Most of decided to go away. which waa probably bess decision they cou seqGore were resisting too. but very few. So coos decided that pesople are mBOVINg away too slowly so they decided to st some force te pasat wea thea they decided to use stacks, and after it one cop started irom the automatic gus, I was just few mectre from this cop. renima—o— him. and I didn’t know to leugh or te cry Then this guy came to m+ and ne wan like “go avay until special pou:ca didn't cama. they w je Net as polite ae Tam". Se T took a ear and went te 8 center © Samobor. I found Fines and guys from WossestichT there. end tren Siocal guy said where is one safe pub, so | They ore hip-hop bend, and a aamn good one, 1 trink. Just like : oo they are comming from the streets of NY, and chat's why F don't af {Like them. Why does he: (singeri have to talk ke he was born in black neighborhood in a poor family? Why can't Ae be who he really jis and still piay rap? And i think hear lyrics suck, they ere a | like “I wonna fuck my neighbor, Batch.” and sther mache shit. But FF 4 ~ music a9 great, 1 asounds to me like a creas between Cypress Hiil . and Snoop DogG, although I didn’t listen te many rap bands. When will the day whea beang good doesn't mean being & good copy of USA é bands. came. People with real talents are spending too many’ time . wanting to be like somebody inatead being just who they are. Neo” A. And Unie Rock Caffe (it's a small pup. and 1 vas there today for “, the first time) suck. T mean place looks really cool, but they sometines play somé nazi hands, Marko said lice this is nothing, cers §ust Musie, they are not really fightans or something... But 4 what the fuck. I hate nazi qusic, T hate nas. ideas, and least what f can do is to never so there again. And you, if you evar come \ TB Rijeka don't go there. we need to show thes thet we de care, \ \ \ and that it 18 not frrelevant what symbols sotebody wear or what ¥ music does he/she Listen. Nazi symbols and musts are in my mind the | game as holocaust, and I hate them, T don't want to listen to them, and 1 don't want to be near them. 1 think this 15 my right to de, YY ue ee 2 . my * > or & |. oMinfair. From this year on. HDZ deci _ ¢reats wno don't 1ive a and niow nothings a ete fo think that the fonous 12 seats are te bet example how elections facd ta change the election Taw. Sienough they were creating the last 076, put it aechs that for ae elections they are going to de everything t6 Keep th leading Sixtus in parliament. This time they Gecidedm to give 12 seats for an Croatia But have status of Croatian eitizens. Other parties were against this stupid lew. but HDZ was pushing it in lest necting OF old parliament. wit’ Croats in other countries helped a lot during tha War. hey have their representatives in parlament- a ig victim of past. and 36 there are more creats outside Croatia then ingide. It's just like those old sick right wing minds are trying te snow Croats as god's choosen people. put, victims of unfair political situations in the past. Somebody said an parlament how Croats are second in emigration. right after jews. Anyway after those numbers: which wore fe¥ milions, they came to number of 300,000, vf which only 70.000 actualy gave their votes £O tue he (more than 90% to HDZ of course) - and most of them are somes wno live in Bosmie. What means Chat their parents also lived there. and their parents too. and so on, so there is ne talk about, Shigrations, But. never mind. people faik how it igruafair. but fothing really happens. And oné wore, thing. when they decided about jeetng in Croatia. they made 4 tow that proviodes about i seat in parliament om about 150.000 people. So, 1 guess peapie in Bosnia have more rights to decide about life of people in Croatia, Funny game ser folitie, but unfartanetty it's noe ceiy game, But thewse elections to pen that somethsng is going on Detter 3h People's minds. HZ is sroeTe geding party in parliament bue they don't have 70% as they A planed, na tey lost in almost all big towns. That's why they also een eg jection unitys an the wey wnat they separated big towng on holt, and punt some villages in the sama election unity with part of the abalut winers onty in rular parts of the country. And there were also jocak éleckions in Zeqred. where HEZ Jost their Leading posityon, T Gon't really believe that changes lest Dasible through elections, real eheaged Tmean, but 1 think in elections we can make better conditions For further changes. re eunting HOZ Le Rave absolut power vos Ee only rompartant Caing a= ywine there wit be ne uae to have Par Jament. We 4Fe 50 close bre man decides everything town. ag they knew they are to situatien wher Things o feema now now Ti) Bull RE things ing fee ane as are a pened ales betase® onl Te year win ng". but SPEMTBE “how rood to Buch money tt It or anc ge — GRY WALK #2 Ewe T have to say that T expec’ Slovenian zine.but still it is not bad at all. ood, end they sre with Different Life (organization That stands for husan/enimal rights and ecology) Kent McClard, Gavran (Serbien anarcho group) and Desturbing ForesigntS. Besides interviews JW. contains grouple and interestang article Qhout squatting, and what's New with etelkova squat in Ljubl sang ff you read slovenian (T theught 1 do. et now 1 think that’s net 100% cathy, you want consider your meney bet ied if you order this. T hops Finegdejan will put more 30 HOES Spinions cut of their preing: Cyway, you could contect thes also cause they are doing 0 yaitripution, and are planing te release some seem as, and they are (or were?) Cee g organizing gigs in Maribor You $hould visit this squat 37 Maribor, it is a great one Tine Kra¥evec, Btantetova 30. 62000 Maribor, Slovenija oF Dejan Petegar Smetanova 62, 62000 Maribor. Slovena je ree FREAKS ORATURE #1 SIE rerho suat brought me Wie zine. 1 seve him the money to pey want for our rehearsal room (ne te playing wrth me in ME/MD) - rene gave me zines for diatro,so it jooked lake drug declers ontene movie. Well, Marko had be que ana 1 went home to read Chie before going out. 1f 2s really interesting. even more than wnat. [ expected. & lot of 260 stuff, what is OK. people sheuid know moré abgut polutier O47 mother earth 1s facing. sett eynink it would be maybe Detter to write about some pit eer things chen “Shell in Niger sa’, OF wasted paper it feris". Or... Well, maybe this 38 interesting too, but I'm ret peally sure that making ¢cology ‘trend (what it is. and Tet ePgise big bausiness by the way) will really change sNacthing, 1 think bigger problem je 1p peoples minds, We Should rejeet things bascause we S00 that they make too much polution, and not because 2t 48 cool to do geome of these pectpositive things, Besides those Pe™ articles (some of them ceo Peenily interesting to read). there Sie reports from were reo atien cities. interviews with bands Like No Comment. some Crebix, which are not that interestang cause they ort toe eid. and you can also read shout “Den Treagy kitehen (great exemple of what we could do to make our lives and (arent ment better and more interesting): and sole infos. sEV ieee, comics, inspirative art (1ike blank page that shows how in social Lite of Razeka’s students) etc. There is eso noes article ebout tolerance. byt 7 atill don't agree with pict Ghout tolerance for fascista 1 Peal at is all OK when you just talk bout it, put 39 reai lifa when I see just a you Ivo! 1 feel pain, ‘cause T cant forget the pain they nae) im not saying thet ve ehould punt’ fescasts, but 2 ca iee in right to self defence, end we nave to Stop them berore it is tno ate. And their Ypooy life conditions” they eeeetn childneod are not excuse at 81) When I look better. Meee zine ie really good, lot of realing {het sade me thinking. tnigoe Marko will overgrow idea that be ANd eco activist Beans you have to be member of €¢o orgenization. Fuck sembership you there if algo e great article about Taving in your room agen your computer and missing 5° Rly things the outside world waengive you. communication and atult Un, it's almvst 7. cor ohere iz a party outside. begining 9° @. eo what am T and wg ot home? Zine is in croatian. and if you can understand the language you should order its ager Vuékovid, D-RubeS: 45, Sizi8 Kastav, Croatia or Marke Mrakovéié. Furigevo 46. 51000 Rijeka ¥- Totes) an ntcl/ NOM, thie vey goes am soca ae L hear enray ee Goten? hy dual © fis hang sound whew! Sey PRES picture? why a ands Uo yaw tisten ene tee you for the ts T know those bonds ate ac’ emo Brust. when ts their ones? iy de Y kaoo oon Petdary woe YoU, MN* ae coc au T pana’ treat’ aan shoe ae fetter? wey door knoe how tae fies Betore aan i TS EeDT ASS TREN TES Wee os exci eowane ag fake) BES even ABB Ua tectig hear at ALL beers, Lake Peeetystt all before ike + those talks ag ¢ = are a0 fuckin’ « tb move May ane gklat EB wets you know. woe ace pay Luck? ana there eee Fact ou bin nethinge, tar Poe ,feeldging heard te enpamene. MAGS to be ISarned. ng ary eae Take heard in this circles wher Im mova ng have to move away? Sometimes when, mu weliig everyahing 86 few, so but when I ow chinge are in feet re so furkas Similar. aimoct the came Sieg ped TO feel that eg Just wasting the ¢ me. T don't know it this feeling that You could spent chis day. "year, MoM TE have. ofeen ropa Shad MEY. Kore tuettament. more pietur gs es, 2 words. More. but vnat 1 get is gust more of Pasta ae- tL see people 3. just system tere. ‘cau barthady he buys Do I advert isments want to consume a is a drinking ewlt inking. I'm not for s long jal needs, but he cher thing: Needs whenever we be de that about physica 4iV@, becuse without our t really b ¢ there 1a ng this want, an now J gue. (I'm nor talking at Things), and ni eds there and a pos t by Ink ado FT realty system to OMpHitated t fun? 1 People around m Tam told to wa ity to have me rey firat thing is ta puy ak to make a party for his fri Fdcore gig one of the main things to do really naed to drink to have tradition and what nk don't know i don't know what 1 really Sha now we he drinking, Pun 2a about, 3 about everytni ng. You see somoane you one of our (human) imeem, it's like all 8 possihie ¢ LAOMAL or spi d for a syer When prenea When someone goe. 9. when organizi ALL th drank, drink, to tu. ibility te satisfy tot a ystem needs ua to And need to army i PURK oF 5 39 provide enough drink. drank ——— recente SS ee. yome addresses you could cont ~ - Na girls from Ooigek teastern Croatial are starting a zine and need jelp. co write & send 8 . Jelena Gazibara. PoteSin 26 31000 Ooijck. Croatia nt Yabo! Resume Tapes, from Sarnia cleased a compilation tape with hc bands from all over Europe (Stand bein Crivits.Permanent Scar .Spit Acid.,.and much more). Send orders to to Jeremié Mihailo. Wuka Keradtifa 6/12. 11300 Smederevo, Serbia/YU op Price 25 6.50M Europe.s5.5 wWorid ‘7+ Stefan is doing regular néewssheet rovering local scene (SplinteR} & mailorder distribution (EmpowesR): be ttefan, Kuypenevijwer 8, 243] Laakdal, Belgium *** Send some vegan recipes for a cookbook to Strpit Marko. kakuSina 4.10000 Zagreb. Croatie. ¥ tou can order In Medias ReSsInfinite OnieN split zine on same add. *** tne of the greatest he bands if Croatia in ay eyes; aD Justack gust ccorded their demo, It comes with booklet & maybe a t-shirt too, write fp Sliver Sertié. A.GMato%a 16,55400 PoXega. Croatia *** Zebié Zelyko, tg L.Matatida 6, 10260 Seavete. Croatin in atarting # vine with funny vane “Wasaaly Kendinaky” *** t eR RTE ae CLT MENSTRUAL FADS Mate Bore 13% cOHOR Panel erry cothforgame wallabie) we G wresnadie & se-unable fwominy pat Fiend \ bone @ Made for.5 «20 are rick of suppartng the Feminine tation _ Bonantes # 63 rou Hecaratng Stet yt ik emt oath? wembatatedngers of be? S2feach 32 fag SOF patch — eo +e yf ne en ra BE whan ET ~ £ montna to make voyaoend since F started with this At arad them arround. 1 a sity have much to say in this Malt Come to my mind during ext this issue are realty just pointicsa # , it. but whet the fuck so Iku Twas terrible wi BNOW on, SO Wr I'S UE rd RULE E a) croaTiA I rhage Oa) Vilina indavatka kugiea, & ida obiavtieng: | TROBECOVE KRUSNE PECs "BS" (1992) rye {neobyavijeni LP, uz SEXU, najbole domaée AP RNAd canarienn | Post new wave grupe) V@GD@@BUDDAH| #0) 202 RLU.R. + dlarba ir oredstave £1992.) fenteott agon {new egelambijentatni projekt) picnicollection — i “F VOGOGOBUOOAH - “OCTOCONAL EXPERIENCE (1992) “eeHLIWHI": 72 minete salervam esabjejonit isimaba Hunkijazziunderground na tragu Rip Rig & Panic j Defunkt) ih BY fh ai cos SUMSKI - "LOY NA ULE C1993.) {minimalizarvetna/crtitioukafunder ground) . KA Gos: GONE BALD - SESUS IS COMNG SOON” 134) MA 0 {spor noise, ex ZG-grupe Achtung Bichtung | Ha Det Bra, djeluju u Amsterdamu) WKA006 "KERERE AQUARIUM 92-98" (1994) ' (kompilacia prvin pat izdanja; oko 55 minuta + DAd, DOBI . informacie 0 svim grupamay FPA tamestales ledisie pean SAGO? KUAKA 22 -"KUAKA 27- (1994) (maxi-single zagrebackog dua; kvalitetan, animijv jake noise § ntam strojem) ne WA O56 GONE BALD "FAIRY-TALE AOOICT" £1956.) ‘ (drugi studiski material snimijen u uN i GAFA Rl vansest chad eh an amsterdamskom squatu) a eal cella Si eee er Ce igh eae el eee ieliow 4 105k Asien, } “ot RV bebe jevime; + CONE EAD a reine sere octse-poak grape itt ee aa es fad rrr) tu (spontana no-tech ren A@AGI Ja Hank srou,snizijgena na ektufen a priradd} ROT? FOLAROED "Instant. kezorien” kaze ts (one-nua-pop machine 1nd 20 ajededje'uz logorsku vat super pop,stvarno} FAUT NE LOSLOM ausien (widenodtarauprl joa Lago, otraga i MOY Pan Se ne jpenetton uu gjiee de rade nogne Oke) E2 ENJOY QUE SUN aus Ji cs ™ stew "Gurrot" Logo,ae le- Ciae nutpis sinli pis.) EKOLOLKE GLOYKE Evewy TOZ-ave ekoloskit Prahvutl jive olavie) EROLOSKE BAITOE (set od 12 Prizodi drogin bogied, aude by TO2) stukoden-se mogu nubeviti i ranzing “Spurk™ te "P,S.tHothing™, ake wus raring juvite s¢ du va svopeiao posedinoste n auén jal 2 FlArkusewveékea 1,57, 10000 zagreb i

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