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Churches and Christians need to lead the way in being proactive

and peaceful regarding the Coronavirus, as well as share great

resources and helps like these
By Pastor Todd DuBord

With increased concern and spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), churches and
Christians need to lead the way in being proactive, prudent and peaceful, not panicked.
There are two real extremes when it comes to the spread of the Coronavirus: first, that we
stick our heads in the sands of ignorance and pretend like it doesn’t exist. Second, that we
become excessively obsessed with its spread so that we act irrationally and add to the
I don’t have to inform you of the very real global spread of the Coronavirus. Here are the
most recent national stats and local stats for our own Plumas County. These clearly call for us as
individuals and community leaders to do more and work ahead of the curve (growth).
What I want to do here is to inform you of how we are being proactive and taking
precautions to further protect you and your loved ones at Mt. Lassen Community Church and Mt.
Lassen Theatre.
The Elder Board of the Church and the Mt. Lassen Theatre Committee met together and
separately last night and made the following decisions:

• We’ve already had an extra team of cleaners this past week exhaustively scrub
and sanitize the theatre, its seats and paths of traffic.
• We are adding extra hand, air and surface sanitizers in our theatre and our
Children’s Education classrooms
• We will be repeatedly sanitizing surfaces and seats in the theatre and classrooms
before, in between and after movies, Church services, classes and other usage.
• We are asking all people and children entering the theatre and classrooms to use
hand sanitizers which will be made available at the entrances/exits.
• We are temporarily suspending our greeting times during our Church Services
and encouraging people to minimize their physical contact with others during
fellowship gatherings (including movies, church serves and bible studies)
• We are respectfully requesting those who are sick or have sick family members
(especially with any fevers or respiratory problems) to stay at home and refrain
from attending movies, church services and bible studies in that particular week
• We are asking all Church leaders to become familiar with the CDC Guidelines for
faith-based organizations and communities, and lead with diligence others under
your care
• We are asking all Church family members to share and demonstrate the
proactiveness discussed here and yet also maintain God’s “peace that passes all
understanding” discussed below

Like many of you, I have watched countless news segments and health professionals talk
about the risks of the Coronavirus. One universal talking point from CDC officials as well as top
medical experts in institutions like John Hopkins and the Mayo Clinic is this: Despite the real
dangers of diseases like the Coronavirus, H1N1, Mers, and Ebola, we are still far more likely to
become ill (and suffer consequences) from influenza (flu) or even the common cold.
It’s truly staggering to think that, from October 1, 2019, through February 22, 2020, the
CDC estimates that at least 32,000,000 Americans have contracted the flu, 14,000,000 of those
ended up in medical facility visits, 310,000 were hospitalized and 18,000 people have died.
Can you imagine the panic if 18,000 people have died from the Coronavirus? And why
hasn’t there been panic over such tragic annual numbers of deaths from the flu? Because we’ve
adjusted to its annual presence, because we take precautions to its spread, and because we refuse
to allow its tyranny over our minds, bodies and spirits. We fight it but also refuse to allow it to
keep us from living and experiencing the many great blessings of this life, including great
movies and Church Services.
Comparatively speaking, the risks of Coronavirus remain low. Those greatest at risk
continue to be elderly with pre-existing conditions of bad health. Children remain lowest at risk,
though we remain vigilant to protect them most of all.
Six years ago, when we started Mt. Lassen Community Church, I remember some people
heckling us that we were deploying safety teams to oversee every Church Service and movie.
Now, we are commended for doing so. We, as your church leadership, will continue to be as
precautionary and proactive with any other threat, wherever enemies potentially reside, because
God’s people and our community are worth it, amen?!
One last very critical point. The truth is, despite the current threats on the planet and
terrorist fears from without or within, Christians and churches are to live prudently and
proactively but not fearfully. In fact, fear is the antithesis of faith in a God who loves us and has
even promised to protect us (Exod. 14:14; Isaiah 52:12).
You’ve heard it said, and it’s true that there are at least 365 “fear nots” in Scripture—one
for each day of the year. For example, God speaks to us in Isaiah 41:10: “So do not fear, for I
am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will
uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
Philippians 4:5-7 reminds us even now: “The Lord is near. So, do not be anxious about
anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests
to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and
your minds in Christ Jesus.”
In fact, when the Disciples were caught in their own storms of life, Jesus spoke to them
words that apply just as much to us in our storms today, even health crises: ”But Jesus
immediately said to them: ‘Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.’”
He is with you! He is with us! And His blessing of peace still applies right now in our
lives from John 14:27: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the
world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”
Friends, when it comes to the Coronavirus or any other “terrorist threat” that comes your
way, be precautionary. Be proactive. Be protective. Be prudent. But don’t be fearful and don’t
be anxious. Live your life by faith in God’s love, knowing He has your life (and health) also in
the palm of His hands, and nothing (or no one) can take you out of His eternal security (John
As I said to my family during my 7-month fight against prostate cancer last year, “God’s
got this! Now, let’s go fight with Him!”
If you need a little more encouragement during this Coronovirus season or for anything
else confronting your life, I encourage you in particular to be at one of the Church Services at
Mt. Lassen Community Church this Sunday (Mar. 8, 8:30 and 10:10AM), where I will be giving
the encouraging message, “Fear Not!” (If you live at a distance or are sick, you can watch it
with our multimedia via our LIVE stream from the front page of our Church website.).
I look forward with you to upcoming Spring movies and Easter season Church Services
with lots of love in our hearts but few handshakes! J

God’s Grace, Peace and Protection be on you and yours,


P.S. Here are lots of further resources to help you and your loved ones regarding precautionary
and proactive measures against the Coronavirus. Please share them on your social media:

COVID-19 Readiness Resources

• Daily updates on Coronavirus from Plumas County Public Health Agency

• Visit for the latest information and resources about COVID-19
• COVID Situation Summary
• Prevention and Treatment
• What to Do If You Are Sick
• Pregnant Women and COVID-19 FAQs
• FAQs: Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) and
• Stigma Related to COVID-19:
• Handwashing: A Family
• Handwashing: Clean Hands Save Lives

CDC Interim Guidance for Specific Audiences

• Get Your Household Ready for Coronavirus Disease (COVID-

• Interim Guidance for Administrators of US Childcare Programs and K-12 Schools
to Plan, Prepare, and Respond to Coronavirus Disease (COVID-
• Interim Guidance for Administrators of US Institutions of Higher Education (IHE)
to Plan, Prepare, and Respond to Coronavirus Disease (COVID-
• Interim Guidance for Businesses and Employers to Plan and Respond to
Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
• Interim Guidance for Travelers

CDC Communication Resources

• Interim Guidance: Public Health Communicators Get Your Community Ready for
Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
• Print Resources
• Buttons and Badges

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