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Disaster Advances Vol.

13 (3) March (2020)

AHP based Flood Hazard Zonation and Risk Assessment

in the Bhagirathi River Basin, India
Gourav Piyush1, Kumar Rajesh2* and Gupta Akhilesh3
1. Department of Environmental Science, School of Basic Sciences and Research, Sharda University, U.P. INDIA
2. Department of Environmental Science, School of Earth Sciences, Central University of Rajasthan, Ajmer, Rajasthan, INDIA
3. SPLICE, Department of Science and Technology, Technology Bhavan, New Delhi-110 016, INDIA

Abstract system. Uncontrolled and unexpected human interference

Bhagirathi River basin of Garhwal Himalaya has due to developmental activities has increased the frequency
witnessed several devastating floods in the recent past. of hazards which causes destruction of life and property.
The aim of the study is to identify the flood vulnerable Globally the average annual loss by the natural hazards is
estimated as 314 billion US dollars and 88 million
zones of Bhagirathi River basin with the help of
populations were affected during the period of 1997-2017.38
multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) based analytic
hierarchy process (AHP) under geospatial The Himalayan mountain chain of south Asian region is
environment. Saaty’s nine parameters based highly susceptible to natural hazards due to climate change,
normalised arithmetic averages comparison matrix geotectonic activities, uncontrolled population growth,
have been used to calculate the consistency ratio (CR). unplanned infrastructure devolvement and inadequate
For this study, 0.06 CR value has been calculated that natural resource management. The Himalayan Mountains
indicates the realistic degree of consistency in the pair- are fragile, so its degradation process also triggers
wise comparison study. The flood hazard zonation and destructive events like rock fall and landslide and it becomes
risk assessment map of Bhagirathi River basin have worst in case of earthquakes incidences. Various studies on
Himalayan glaciers are being carried out for understanding
been prepared on the basis of rank and weight based
the glacial dynamics, glacial facies measurements30, glacio-
on CR values. The risk analysis shows that 5.11% area hydrology34. Micronutrient nanoparticles, trace metals15,27
of the river basin is falling under a very high-risk zone and hydro-geochemical28 for understanding the weathering
whereas 19.90 % area is found under high risk zone. process and rock dynamics in the glacial basins influence a
Most of the agricultural land (89%) is found under high lot the glacier melt water quality.
to very high-risk zone; contrary to the agricultural
status the maximum forest cover (99.24 %) falls under During monsoons, the Himalayan regions are highly
moderate flood risk zone. susceptible for cloudburst and flash floods leading massive
mass movement in the existing river basin. Excessive
The demography analysis says that out of 690 villages, perception and high volume of water flow due to the melting
616 (89 %) villages with 164,400 (80 %) populations of snow and glaciers from upstream region of the basin are
responsible for the flood and flash flood to the lower region
are falling under high to a very high-risk zone.
of basin. Steep slopes and quasi-circular morphology of
Educational institutions (831 with 81.2 % share), mountain convert the floods into flash flood especially
hospitals/health centres (153 with 91.1 % share), and during the high precipitation period.7,24,37,39
road (1237.41 km with 91.3 % share) are falling under
high to very high flood risk hazard zone. There are 5 In the Himalayan region, floods occur when rainfall pouring
operational and 21 under construction hydropower is more than 100 mm per hour in a small area for a long
projects making a total capacity of 4163 MW duration that may cause rapid hydrologic response4. In
Bhagirathi River basin. These projects come under addition to this, the cloud burst also enhances water level of
high risk during flooding. The results of this study can basin and the water flow reaches up to its peak in very less
be very useful to the policy makers and government time which leads to major floods in area.5,12
organizations for flood forecasting, monitoring, risk
In the Himalayan regions, the State of Uttarakhand has
assessment, preparedness and rescue planning. experienced several tragic flood events that claimed
considerable loss of life, property and infrastructure for
Keywords: Flood, Multi Criteria Decision Approach example Vijaynagar Rudraprayag in Didihat Pithoragarh in
(MCDA), Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), Flood 2007, Munsiyari Pithoragarh in 2009, Almora in 2010,
Hazards, Geospatial, Bhagirathi basin. Kapkot in 2010, Asi Ganga Uttarkashi in 2012, Okhimath in
2012, Kedarnath tragedy in 2013 and Chamoli and
Introduction Pithoragarh in 2016.10,31
The natural hazard is a very common scenario in our earth
The Bhagirathi River basin of Uttarakhand has been the most
*Author for Correspondence flood affected region in Indian Himalaya under natural

Disaster Advances Vol. 13 (3) March (2020)

hazard category due to high precipitation and rapid glacier Information System (GIS) which helps to provide more
melt. It has been observed that the temperature of the hilly accurate results for decisions makers.23,25,29,40 (The GIS
districts of Uttarakhand has experienced enhanced warming based Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is the most
of 0.51oC within the last 100 years as compared to other suitable MCDA tool for flood vulnerable study which helps
regions. The change in regional energy budget is the in decision making on the basis of several criteria.9,29 The
alarming situation for the Himalayan population to reduce AHP method has also been adopted in this study to assess
impacts of flood.22 vulnerability to the flood.2,11,14,18

To recognize the extent of vulnerability towards the flood in Study area

the region, an exercise has been carried out to find out the The Bhagirathi River basin lies between 30° 20' 17.1" to 31°
flood vulnerable area of Bhagirathi River basin by using 27' 26.46" N and 78° 9' 19.58" to 79° 24' 59.43" S in the
Multi-criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) or Multi-criteria North region of Garhwal Himalaya of Uttarakhand State in
Decision Making (MCDM) under a geospatial environment. India. It originates from Gangotri glacier at Gaumukh and
MCDA is a mathematical technique based on numerical merges with the Alaknanda River at Devprayag. The
algorithm and the results depend on its input criteria and the geographical area of this basin is about 6170.82 km2and the
assigned weight.17 The critical responsible factors for flood length of the river is 205 km. The climate of this basin is sub-
like climatology, hydrology, geology, physiographic, tropical type with temperature ranging from 0 °C to 30 °C.
morphometric and anthropogenic activities were considered The valley experiences the monsoon rain during July to
for the identification of vulnerable areas under the MCDA. September. The highest rainfall is recorded in the month of
The weight value is assigned to each factor in range of 1 to August of the monsoon period. The location map showing
9 to reflect their relative significance. glacial lakes, settlement, hydropower projects (operational
and under constructions) and roads has been shown through
Further, to evaluate the effective factor for flood fig. 1.
vulnerability, MCDA has been combined with Geographic

Figure 1: Location map of Bhagirathi River basin showing glacial lakes, settlement, hydropower projects
(operational and under constructions) and roads.

Disaster Advances Vol. 13 (3) March (2020)

Methodology and Data The conceptual framework of AHP based flood hazard
The Bhagirathi river basin is highly vulnerable to hazard in zonation mapping and risk assessment under geospatial
Garhwal Himalaya, it has a large concern of floods, therefore environment are given in fig. 2. A flood hazard assessment
an attempt has been made to prepare a flood hazard zonation map has also been prepared to analyze the impact of flood
map to evaluate flood risk and its impacts on the river basin on local environment, population, infrastructure and various
based on nine causative physical factors such as drainage amenities like roads, bridges, hydro-power plant, schools,
system, intensity of perception, soil, land-use and land- colleges and hospitals.1
cover, slope, aspect, profile curvature, geology and
elevation. It is a mathematical method for translating weight A large amount of data is required for this kind of study as
matrix into relative factor under geospatial environment. The there are several parameters together that trigger the flood.
inputs for AHP are the pair wise comparison matrix and the The sources of all inputs data along with its detail has been
outputs will have relative weights for input factors. presented through table 1.

Figure 2: Conceptual framework of AHP based flood hazard zonation mapping and risk assessment
under geospatial environment

Table 1
Source input data used for flood hazard assessment in the Bhagirathi River basin of Uttarakhand State of India.
Data Type and Resolution Year Source
30 m (visible, NIR, SWIR), 8 may 2015, 21
15 m (panchromatic) April 2016
12.5 m spatial resolution
Annual rainfall India water &
RAINFALL 1991 -2015
portal & TRMM
GEOLOGY MAP 1:250,000 1989 GSI, 1989
SOIL MAP 1:250,000 2002 NBSSLUP, 2002

Disaster Advances Vol. 13 (3) March (2020)

For ease of understanding during GIS analysis, unique codes data by supervised classification using ERDAS IMAGIN
have been assigned to each criterion like ‘RF’ for rainfall, processing software (Fig. 4). The soil map has been derived
‘DR’ for drainage, ‘ST’ for soil type, ‘LC’ for land-use and from National Bureau of Soil Science and Land use Planning
land-cover, ‘SL’ for slope, ‘AS’ for aspect, ‘GE’ for (NBSS and LUP) of 2002 (Fig. 5) and the geology map (Fig.
geology, ‘PC’ for profile curvature and ‘EL’ for elevation. 6) has been updated based on the Geological Survey of India
(GSI) map of 1989.
Results and Discussion
Criteria selection and database generation: The selection The surface elevation (Fig. 7a), slope (Fig. 7b), aspect (Fig.
of appropriate criteria/factor for flood hazard zonation is the 7c) and profile curvature (Fig. 7d) have also been delineated
most important part for AHP based multi criteria decision by ALOS PALSAR 12.5 m spatial resolution digital
analysis (MCDA).The AHP based MCDA in combination elevation model (DEM) using arc hydro tool in ArcGIS
with geographical information system (GIS) provides spatial software.
solution for complex multi aspects problems providing more
accurate numerical results, that can be a vital input for flood Criteria based weight assignment: The objective of this
management, planning and mitigation.21 There are nine study is to find out the flood vulnerable zones with the help
responsible factors such as drainage system, intensity of of MCDA based spatial decision under nine responsible
rainfall, soil, land-use and land-cover, slope, aspect, profile factors that trigger flood in the Bhagirathi River basin. These
curvature, geology and elevation, were considered for the factors are also called attributes and the performance of the
flood hazard zonation and risk assessment of the Bhagirathi objective is equally dependent on these multiple attributes.
River basin. Weight assignment for flood responsible factors using multi
criteria decision method (MCDM) is decided under their
The drainage density and rainfall pattern maps of the study relative importance influencing the flooding.26
area have been prepared to assess the drainage
characteristics. The drainage density has been calculated The expert’s advices are important to determine weights of
from drainage network generated by 12.5 m ALOS each criterion using the geometric mean method:
PALSAR DEM whereas the rainfall pattern map of 24 years
(from 1991 to 2015) has been derived by Tropical Rain Geometric Means = ((X1)(X2)(X3)(X4)....(Xn))*1/n
Measuring Mission (TRMM) and India water portal website
(Fig. 3a and 3b). where X and n are individual scores and sample size (number
of scores) respectively. AHP method is used to assign
The land-use land-cover map of year 2015-16 has been relative weights on the basis of Saaty’s scale influence 1 to
prepared from LANDSAT-8, OLI optical remote sensing 9 (Table 2).

Figure 3: (a) Drainage density map and (b) average annual rainfall pattern of Bhagirathi River basin

Disaster Advances Vol. 13 (3) March (2020)

Figure 4: Land-use – land-cover map of Bhagirathi River basin of year 2015-16 prepared from LANDSAT-8,
OLI optical remote sensing data

Figure 5: Soil map of Bhagirathi River basin derived from National Bureau of Soil Science and Land use Planning
(NBSSLUP, 2002)

Figure 6: Geology map of Bhagirathi River basin based on the map by Geological Survey of India (GSI, 1989)

Disaster Advances Vol. 13 (3) March (2020)

Figure 7: GIS thematic layers derived from 12.5 m ALOS PALSAR DEM. (7a) surface elevation map, (7b) slope
map, (7c) aspect map and (7d) profile curvature map

Table 2 soil type (ST), land-use land-cover (LC), slope (SL), aspect
Gradation scale for quantitative comparison of (AS), geology (GE), profile curvature (PC) and elevation
alternatives29 (EL) with assigned weight have been presented through table
Option Numerical value(s)
Equal 1 The value of each row is compared with each corresponding
Marginally strong 3 column to define the relative importance to obtain rating
Strong 5 values. For example, rainfall intensity is more important than
Very strong 7 land-use, soil and elevation that is why we have assigned
Extremely strong 9 gradation of 2 for land-use land-cover, 3 for soil and 4 for
Intermediate values to reflect elevation. The row of pair wise comparison matrix shows the
2, 4, 6, 8 importance of that factor in comparison to the corresponding
fuzzy inputs
column. The diagonal elements are equal to ‘1’in pair wise
Pair wise square comparison matrixes of nine criteria (9 x 9) comparison matrix.
under AHP method for rainfall (RF), drainage density (DR),

Disaster Advances Vol. 13 (3) March (2020)

Sensitivity analysis: The objective of this sensitivity After calculating the priority vector and relative criteria
analysis is to find out the efficacy of the decision model with weights, the final weightings are determined as the
the given criteria weights. This is used where uncertainty normalized values of the Eigenvector and presented through
persists, there are two important factors for considering table 5. These weights are based on averages that provide an
sensitivity - one is weight and another attribute. Assigning approximation of the Eigenvector of the pair wise square
weight is more important because they are in the form of matrix. The determined Eigenvector is an estimation of the
numbers and showing the decision makers confidence level. relative weights of the criteria. The weights for all nine
For this study the priority vector values are calculated shown thematic layers have been calculated as 0.214, 0.178, 0.147,
in table 4. 0.127, 0.106, 0.082, 0.066, 0.049 and 0.31 by calculating
nine parameters based pair wise index matrices (Table 5).

Table 3
Pair wise square comparison matrixes under AHP method for nine criteria of rainfall (RF), drainage density (DR),
soil type (ST), land-use land-cover (LC), slope (SL), aspect (AS), geology (GE), profile curvature (PC)
and elevation (EL).
RF 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 4.00
DR 0.50 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.00
ST 0.50 0.50 1.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 4.00
LC 0.50 0.50 0.50 1.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 4.00
SL 0.33 0.50 0.50 0.50 1.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 4.00
AS 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.50 0.50 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00
GE 0.50 0.33 0.50 0.33 0.33 0.50 1.00 2.00 3.00
PC 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.50 1.00 3.00
EL 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.33 0.33 0.33 1.00

Table 4
Pair wise square comparison matrixes with priority vector values
RF DR ST LC SL AS GE PC EL Priority vector
RF 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 0.214
DR 0.50 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 0.178
ST 0.50 0.50 1.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 0.147
LC 0.50 0.50 0.50 1.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 0.127
SL 0.33 0.50 0.50 0.50 1.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 0.106
AS 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.50 0.50 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 0.082
GE 0.50 0.33 0.50 0.33 0.33 0.50 1.00 2.00 3.00 0.066
PC 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.50 1.00 3.00 0.049
EL 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.33 0.33 0.33 1.00 0.031
SUM 4.25 5.75 7.42 8.92 11.42 15.17 16.83 21.33 31.00 1

Table 5
Normalized matrixes showing weights of Bhagirathi River basin
RF 0.235 0.348 0.270 0.224 0.263 0.198 0.119 0.141 0.129 0.214
DR 0.118 0.174 0.270 0.224 0.175 0.198 0.178 0.141 0.129 0.178
ST 0.118 0.087 0.135 0.224 0.175 0.198 0.119 0.141 0.129 0.147
LC 0.118 0.087 0.067 0.112 0.175 0.132 0.178 0.141 0.129 0.127
SL 0.078 0.087 0.067 0.056 0.088 0.132 0.178 0.141 0.129 0.106
AS 0.078 0.058 0.045 0.056 0.044 0.066 0.119 0.141 0.129 0.082
GE 0.118 0.058 0.067 0.037 0.029 0.033 0.059 0.094 0.097 0.066
PC 0.078 0.058 0.045 0.037 0.029 0.022 0.030 0.047 0.097 0.049
EL 0.059 0.043 0.034 0.028 0.022 0.022 0.020 0.016 0.032 0.031
SUM 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000

Disaster Advances Vol. 13 (3) March (2020)

Consistency Ratio (CR): The priority and normalize aggregate the criteria.8 In weighted Lenoir combination
matrices are showing the typical pair wise comparisons (WLC) method, the accuracy of result depends on expert’s
matrixes of the factors as well as the weighted factors. There interface. It is a combination of weighted averages of
is no common opinion on individual’s judgment on degree parameter decided by the experts. All nine criteria thematic
of consistency achieved; Saaty29 suggested a thumb rule to layers have been rated into five classes on the basis of their
verify our opinion on calculated scoring called Consistency degree of involvement to flood hazard, value ‘10’ is given
Ratio (CR). The CR value ≤ 0.1 in the compression matrix for very highly responsible rating for flooding, ‘8’ is highly
is accepted otherwise the matrix needs to be revised. responsible for flood hazard, ‘6’ stands for moderately
responsible for flood hazard, ‘4’ is less responsible for flood
CR =CI/RI hazard and ‘2’ stands for very less responsible factor value
for flood hazard and accordingly the map is shown through
where CR= Consistency Ratio, CI= Consistency Index, RI= figures 8a to 8i.
Random Inconsistency Index.
As observed within nine physical parameters, the rainfall
The consistency index (CI) is calculated as: intensity is the most responsible factor for flood hazard in
Bhagirathi River basin. The high rainfall intensity enhances
CI= (λ-n) / (n-1) the chances of flood, the other parameters in association with
rainfall increase the risk factor of hazards, not only for flood
where λ = priority vector multiplied by each column total but also cloud burst and mass movement. Each criterion has
(9.71); n= number of criteria/factor (9). been sub classified into five value classes between ‘2’ to
‘10’, the value ‘10’denotes the highly sensitive for flood and
Hence, ‘2’denotes the less sensitivity for flood. The AHP based
weights have been calculated for each criterion as per
CI= (9.71-9)/ (9-1) Saaty’s28 pair wise comparison matrix (Table 7).
CI= 0.09
Weighted Linear Combination: All nine thematic layers
In order to assess the Consistency Ratio (CR), Random were integrated under geospatial environment to simulate
Indices for matrices of various sizes are used, the (RI) in flood vulnerable areas (Fig. 8). The highest score is
table 6 is the Random consistency index. representing more vulnerable areas where the lower score is
with the less vulnerable areas; each responsible parameter’s
Table 6 rating is multiplied with its given weight and the weighted
Table of random Inconsistency index29 averages are added as per Weighted Linear Combination
method to derive the final output map:
n RI n RI n RI
1 0.00 5 1.12 9 1.45 S = Σwixi x Πcj
2 0.00 6 1.24 10 1.49
3 0.58 7 1.32 11 1.51 where S – Composite suitability score, xi –Factor scores
4 0.90 8 1.41 12 1.54 (cells), wi – Weights assigned to each factor, cj – Constraints
(or Boolean factors), Σ – Sum of weighted factors and Π –
Consistency Ratio (CR) has been calculated by Satty’s Product of constraints (1-suitable, 0-unsuitable).
formula CR =CI/RI where RI is the random consistency
index whose value depends on the number (n) of factors Applying these in GIS raster calculator, we get:
being compared; for n = 9, RI = 1.45 (Table 6).
S =((RF * 0.21) + (DR * 0.17) + (ST * 0.14) + (LC * 0.12)
CR= 0.09/1.41 = 0.06 + (SL * 0.10) + (AS * 0.08)+ (GE * 0.6) + (PC * 0.04) + (EL
* 0.03) * cons_boolean (thematic layer representing 1 for
The CR (0.06) less than 0.1 is indicative of a realistic degree flood and ‘0’ for no flood).
of consistency in the pair-wise comparison and as a result,
the weights 0.214, 0.178, 0.147, 0.127, 0.106, 0.082,0.066, RF, DR, ST, LC, SL, AS, GE, EL and cons_boolean
0.049 and 0.31 have been calculated for precipitation, thematic layers representing the factors and constraints were
drainage, soil, land-use land-cover, slope, aspect, geology, prepared. In ranking method, every criterion under
profile curvature and elevation respectively. consideration is ranked in order of decision maker’s
preference. To generate criterion values for each evaluation
AHP based GIS data integration: For flood vulnerable unit, each factor was weighted according to the estimated
zonation mapping, Weighted Linear Combination (WLC) significance for causing flood. The inverse ranking was
method was adopted because of its application flexibility and applied to these factors.
higher degree of accuracy probability maps.20 WLC is the
most commonly used decision rule in accordance to

Disaster Advances Vol. 13 (3) March (2020)

Table 7
Nine classes and their corresponding weights and ratings
Criteria Class Rating Weights
> 2214 10
2214-1609 8
Rainfall intensity (RI) 1609- 882 6 0.214
026 - 286 4
286 > 2
> 3.525 10
3.525 - 2.994 8
Drainage density (DR) 2.994 - 2.382 - 1.693 6 0.178
2.382- 1.693 4
1.693 > 2
Medium to deep, loamy soils, slightly to severely eroded
and moderate stoniness associated with rock outcrops
Medium to deep, loamy soils, severely eroded associated
with deep loamy soils
Shallow, loamy soils, moderately eroded and strong
stoniness associated with loamy - skeletal, severely 6
Soil type (ST) eroded and moderate stoniness 0.147
Shallow, loamy-skeletal soils, moderately eroded and
moderate stoniness associated with sandy skeletal soils, 4
severely eroded and moderate stoniness
Rock outcrops associated with shallow, loamy soils, very
severely eroded and strong stoniness, Glacier, associated 2
with rock outcrops
Wetlands/ Water bodies, Built-up 10
Agriculture 8
Landuse/ landcover (LU) Forest, Barren/ Uncultivable land 6 0.127
Grasslands/ Grazing Lands 4
Snow and Glaciers, Barren/ Uncultivable land 2
0-50 10
50-100 8
Slope (SL) 100-150 6 0.106
150-200 4
200 < 2
North 10
North-East 8
Aspect (AS) East 6 0.082
South-West 4
West 2
Pt1/3, Proterozoic III 10
Pt2, Proterozoic II 8
Geology (GE) Pt1, Proterozoic I 6 0.066
Pt3E, Proterozoic I, Vindhyan 4
Pt3, Pt3E, Granite & granitoid complex 2
Flat 10
Very Concave 8
Profile Curvature (PC) Concave 6 0.049
Convex 4
Very Convex 2
545-1921 10
1921-3001 8
Elevation (EL) meters 3001-4158 6 0.031
4158-5093 4
5093-6756 2

Disaster Advances Vol. 13 (3) March (2020)

Figure 8: Rating map of Bhagirathi River basin for AHP based GIS integration, (8a) rainfall intensity,
(8b) drainage density, (8c) soil type, (8d) land-use land-cover, (8e) slope, (8f) aspect, (8g) geology,
(8h) profile curvature and (8i) surface elevation.

Flash flood hazard zonation: The AHP based flash flood The result of GIS based AHP analysis for flash flood hazard
hazard zonation analysis is the comprehensive illustration of zonation is more reliable because it is based on two
flood extent in the Bhagirathi River basin which has been principles, first the root factors responsible for flooding and
shown through figure 9. In addition, the cumulative impact second the multi criteria analytical hierarchy process in
of a flash flood on inhabitation of downstream and geospatial environment. The combined approach of GIS and
environment has also been evaluated in the Bhagirathi River MCA with consistency ratio (CR=0.06) validates the level
Basin and presented through figure 10. of accuracy more than 90% because as per Satty’s29
consistency ratio principle, the value 0.06 falls much below
The results of the analysis were verified with pre historic the threshold value of 0.1 and it indicated a very high level
flood events for four locations on the way from Uttarkashi of consistency. The changing rainfall patterns in the basin
to Gangotri like Bhagirathi flash flood on 06.08.1978 (30.74 are one of the major factors for floods which have been
N, 78.53 E), Gyanshu nala flash flood on 25.06.1980 (30.73 analyzed through 24 years rainfall pattern form 9991 to
N, 78.42 E), Uttarkashi flood event on 26.11.1991(30.73 N, 2015, the frequency of average annual rainfall has been
74.44 E) Asi Ganga flood on 30.03.2012 (30.81 N, 76.62 E). observed increasing to more than 1300 mm in the years of

Disaster Advances Vol. 13 (3) March (2020)

1991, 1993, 2012, 2013, and these historic years have Flood Susceptibility area distribution: The susceptibility
experienced the flood events. to flood or flash floods in the study area has shown that out
of 6170.82 km2 basin area, 315.40 km2 is very highly
For example, the average annual rain fall more than 1300 susceptible to flood whereas 1228.10 km2 area is falling
mm has been noticed as a major flood event in the year 1991 under highly susceptible followed by 1180.12 km2, 1186.71,
(26 December 1991, Uttarkashi flood), 1993 (30 July Kewer km2 2260.50 km2 as moderately, low and very low
Gadhera Almora flash flood), 2012 (3 August 2012, Asi susceptibility respectively towards the risk under flood. The
Ganga flash flood) and 2013 (12 June 2013 Kedarkharak result is also presented through figure 12.
flood, and on 1 July 2013 Uttarkashi flood) in the last 24
years during monsoon seasons. These results have been Flood hazard zonation and risk assessment: For better
presented through figure 11 where high intensity rainfall in understanding, the flood hazard zonation map of Bhagirathi
low time period is responsible for aggravating the condition river basis has been divided into two separate part: one is NE
of flash flood and the flood year has received a high amount part of the study area (Fig. 13 a) and the other one is SW part
of annual rainfall (Figure 11). of the study area (Fig. 13 b) on the basis of physiography and

Figure 9: Flood hazard zonation map of Bhagirathi River basin graded between very low to very high risk of flood.

Figure 10: Flood hazard risk zonation and assessment map of Bhagirathi River basin where the industrial
infrastructure and settlements are vulnerable to the flood depending on the intensity of flood

Disaster Advances Vol. 13 (3) March (2020)

Average Annual Rainfall

600 Average Annual Rainfall

0 1999

Figure 11: Average annual rainfall pattern from 1991 to 2015 source (IMD)

Flood Susceptibility area distribution of Bhagirathi River Basin


Area in km2




Very Low Moderate Very High
Low Risk High Risk
Risk Risk Risk
Area in km2 2260.50 1186.71 1180.12 1228.10 315.40

Figure 12: Flood susceptibility area distribution of Bhagirathi River basin showing various hazard categories
and the respective areas of the basin.

Figure 13: (a) NE part of flood hazard map (b) SW part of flood hazard map, showing the impact of flood on
settlements and hydropower projects along with glacier lake locations

Disaster Advances Vol. 13 (3) March (2020)

The NE part of the basin is higher in altitude and it is covered forest cover (3766.61 km2), the status of forest in the
with glaciers. Because of harsh conditions, the vegetation is Bhagirathi river basin is quite satisfactory as the maximum
very less as well as the habitation is very sparse. It has been forest cover 3737.97 km2(99.24 %) falls under a moderate
analyzed by the remote sensing techniques that 305glacier flood risk zone. However, only 0.68 % (25.75 km2) of the
lakes are mapped on the Gangotri glacier catchment, the forest is spread under high to very high-risk zone (Table 8).
cumulative area of these lakes is about 1.55 km2.3
The SW part of the Bhagirathi river basin is rich in
The SW part of the basin is the downstream part of demography and infrastructure, this is the lower catchment
Bhagirathi River, there exists a large number of unplanned part of Bhagirathi River basin; during monsoon season the
habitation and infrastructure on both side of the Bhagirathi vulnerability of this part is very high and the chances of
river and its tributaries; during monsoon season this region extreme events may increase the risk because of the
is highly vulnerable to flood and its associated hazards. additional presence of hydropower reservoirs and glacier
There are five operational hydropower projects of 1182 MW lakes in the upper reaches. Out of 690 villages/settlements in
installed capacity and 21 are under construction with the basin, 616 (89 %) villages having 164,400 (80 %)
estimated capacity of 2981 MW (Fig. 1) in this region which populations have been found under high to very high-risk
are of great concern, if flooding/flash flooding takes place. zone. To serve facilities for a total population of 204,725
This vulnerability assessment map is helpful for (Census, 2011) in the Bhagirathi River basin, there are 1001
preparedness in advance and devises management practices educational institutions (school/college), 168
to reduce the flood impact in lower catchment area. hospitals/health centres, 89 villages and 1355 km of
connecting roads are developed by the Government and by
Further to this, flood hazard risk assessment map (Fig. 10) non-Government agencies.
very clearly shows that lower part of Bhagirathi River basin
is highly vulnerable for flood hazards during monsoon. In After the flood risk hazard analysis on demography and
addition, the risk may increase due to cumulative effect of infrastructure of river basin, it has been found that 831 (81.2
glacier lakes bust out and cloud burst activities in the basin. %) educational institutes, 153 hospitals, 81 (91%) bridges
and 1237.41 km (91.3 %) of roads are falling under high to
The total geographical area of Bhagirathi River basin is very high flood risk hazard zone whereas 28,491 population
6170.82 km2 and total 690 villages are situated in this basin. of 49 villages/settlement, 124 schools/ colleges, 9 hospitals,
The flood risk assessment map of the Bhagirathi River basin 84.03 km of road length and 4 bridges are found under
shows that 25.10% (1543.49 km2) area is falling under high moderately flood risk zone (Table 9).
risk zone while 5.11 % of total area (315.40 km2) falls into
very high-risk zone. The remaining 74.99 % of the area Conclusion
(4627.33 km2) falls under moderately to low risk zone. The Bhagirathi basin of Uttarakhand has been witnessing the
overall contribution of agriculture and forest land in the devastating flood events for the last several years. The loss
Bhagirathi River basin is 302.35 km2 (4.90%) and 3766.61 of life, property and infrastructure under the flood/flash
km2(61.04%) respectively. Total agricultural land is 302.35 flood conditions have retarded the economic growth of
km2. Most of the agricultural land of 269.10 km2 (89%) is people and entire developmental work in the basin.
found under high to very high-risk zone. Out of the total

Table 8
Flood risk hazard assessment of agriculture and forest land distribution in terms of area covered in the
Bhagirathi Basin of Uttarakhand state of India
Total Area
Flood Number Forest
under hazard Total Agriculture Agriculture Forest
S.N. Hazard of land
category Area (%) Land (km2) Land (%) land (%)
zone Villages (km2)
Very Low
1 2260.5 36.63 25 0 0.00 0.33 0.01
2 Low Risk 1186.71 19.23 0 10.94 3.62 2.56 0.07
3 1180.12 19.12 49 22.3 7.38 3737.97 99.24
4 High Risk 1228.1 19.9 473 219.58 72.62 20.85 0.55
Very High
5 315.4 5.11 143 49.52 16.38 4.9 0.13
Total 6170.82 100 690 302.35 100 3766.61 100

Disaster Advances Vol. 13 (3) March (2020)

Table 9
Flood risk hazard assessment on demography and infrastructure of the Bhagirathi River basin, Uttarakhand, India

Flood Number of
Institutions Roads Hospital/Heal
S. N. Hazard Settlement/ Households Population Bridges
School/ km th Services
zone Village
Very Low
1 25 77 77 0 2 27.74 0
2 Low Risk 0 2240 11757 46 2 5.33 6
3 49 5425 28491 124 4 84.03 9
4 High Risk 473 24935 118992 568 61 970.95 129
Very High
5 143 9865 45408 263 20 266.46 24
Total 690 42542 204725 1001 89 1355 168

This study brought forward the vulnerability map and under high to very high-risk zone. But contrary to the
susceptibility to the flood under different conditions of agricultural status, the maximum forest cover 3737.97
monsoonal behavior in terms of precipitation as well as the km2(99.24 %) falls under moderate flood risk zone.
other influential factors like drainage density, soil type, land-
use land-cover, slope, aspect, geology, profile curvature and In the demography status as per the census 2011, there are
elevation. This is further influenced by the higher melting of 690 villages in the Bhagirathi River basin and 616 villages
snow and glaciers under increased warming in the mountain having a population of 164,400 have been found under high
regions as well as the glacial lakes in the upper catchment of to very high-risk zone. The flood risk hazard analysis on
the basin which contributes high discharge in the basin and demography and infrastructure of river basin paints an
intensifies the flood. alarming picture that 813 educational institutes (81.2 %),
153 hospitals (91.1 %), 81 bridges and 1237.41 km of roads
The result in terms of identifying the flood vulnerable zone, (91.3 %) are falling under high to very high flood risk hazard
susceptible risk to different parts of the basin has been zone. However, 28, 491 population of 49 villages/settlement,
presented through several maps and tables which are very 124 schools/colleges (12.4%), 9 hospitals (5.3%), 84.03 km
useful and the awareness will reduce the risk on life and of the road (6.2 %) and 4 bridges are found under moderate
property. The analysis has been performed on multi criteria flood risk zone.
decision approach (MCDA) under geospatial environment
and brought very authentic results compared with the earlier In addition, under the changing climate, the higher melt of
flood hazards conditions in the basin. Analytic Hierarchy glaciers in the upper region is prone to the formation of lakes
Process (AHP) has been used to calculate the weights of (supraglacial of moraine dammed) and any chances of
responsible causative factors like drainage, perception, soil, bursting of these glaciers can increase the chances of flood
land-use land-cover, slope, aspect, profile curvature and in the downstream catchment. The glaciers melt water has
geology. additional impact together with the monsoonal rainfall in
flooding or sometimes my convert to flash flood in the form
The priority weights assigned to the causative factors were of Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF). The SW part of the
under the Saaty’s29 nine point parameter of analytic basin is the downstream part of Bhagirathi River having
hierarchy process (AHP).The value of consistency ratio large habitation and infrastructural development in the form
(CR) has been calculated as 0.06 and this has been of several hydropower projects. During monsoon season this
acceptable because it is below threshold value 0.10 and the region is highly vulnerable for flood and its associated
result gave the accuracy of more than 90 %. hazards.

The results show that out of the total geographical area There are five operational hydropower projects of 1182 MW
(6170.82 km2) of Bhagirathi River basin, 44.13% (2723.62 installed capacity and 21 are under construction with an
km2) area of basin falls under flood risk zone in which estimated capacity of 2981 MW (Fig. 9) in this region which
19.90% (1228.10 km2) are under high risk zone while 5.11 are of great concern in case of flood or flash flood. These
% (315.40 km2) of area falls under very high risk zone.The vulnerability assessment maps are helpful for preparedness
remaining 74.99 % of the area (4627.33 km2) falls under in advance and devise management practices to reduce the
moderately to low risk zone. The overall contribution of impact in lower catchment area. Further to this, flood hazard
agriculture and forest land in the Bhagirathi River basin is risk assessment map (Fig. 10) very clearly shows that the
302.35 km2 (4.90%) and 3766.61 km2 (61.04%) respectively. lower part of the Bhagirathi River basin is highly vulnerable
Most of the agricultural land of 269.10 km2 (89%) is found to flood hazards during monsoon. In addition, the risk may

Disaster Advances Vol. 13 (3) March (2020)

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