Case Study

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Background of the study

Summary of the Denver international airport controversy

- The city of Denver embarked on one of the largest public works project in history.

- The project had many problems such ah flawed baggage system costing the city millions of dollars.

- much complicated problems arise when the subcontractors filed a lawsuit against the California based
construction firm Ball, Ball and Brosamer (3B's).

- 3B use a substandard mixture for concrete.

- Two subcontractor filed lawsuit against Ball, Ball and Brosamer also known as 3B's claiming that the
company owned them money.

- CSI trucking responsible to haul the sand and gravel used in the concrete did not receive their
payment because it would leave record of improper receipt 3B's altered the recipe for concrete used in
runway and apron construction in order to save money and increase their profit.

- Denver official and FBI investigate the case and found out that from the test of the core sample the
concrete had correct strength.

- Denver district attorney official claimed that the inspection report was falsified.

- Fort Collins, Colorado, Company, Empire Laboratories test report had been falsified five to six time to
hide result. Four employees of Empire claimed the altering of test data was standard operating

- Question about short cement content in 3B's mixture resurfaced in the November Denver Post article.

- Batch plant operator claimed that they were tipped off before inspection so during inspection it would
appear that they were using correct recipe for concrete.

II. The main problem would be the dishonesty of the batch plan operators and 3B's and the lack of
responsibility of DIA officials.

- Their action resulted to the runway being substandard or low quality.

- The cost cutting done by the 3B's which made them use an improper mixture of concrete for the
- With the runway being low quality or substandard. It has lesser durability and this may endanger the
safety of the ones using it in the near future.

III. Alternative courses of action

Solution 1

- The DIA could just put another layer of mixture of concrete to the runway but it will not guarantee
that it will prolong the life span or durability of the said runway. Furthermore, they will have to stop
their operation for maybe and they will have to allocate a budget. Find another contractor to do the said
project without having assurance that it will preserve the life time of their runway.


They could replace their runway by another one where they will use a proper mixture of concrete this
time. There are a lot variables needed to consider with this solution as the same tragedy may happen
again. There could be another dishonesty just to gain huge profit once again and it will bring you back to
square one. Moreover, you will once again need to use a lot of money without being assured that this time
everything will be alright.


The DIA could try to reach to an agreement with 3B's instead of filing a lawsuit against them. In this
agreement, the 3B's needs to replace or work on the runway again in order to make sure that it is more
durable. Since we cannot guarantee that the 3B's would agree to the said terms, this solution may not be
feasible. It is highly likely that the 3B's would reject the said agreement as it will not benefit them.


Therefore we conclude that the DIA should replace their officials with people who are honorable and honest.
Through this solution, if they will have to face the same problem as the one given then they are assured that
no member of them would take part. If ever they think about having their runway replaced or put under
maintenance to prolong it's life span they will be assured that their officials would be responsible and will
take pride on their job. Thus, something unethical will be prevented from happening.

Recommendatio 1.2

The resesrchers conduct a possible ways to resolve a problem base on the construction of "Runway
Concrete at the Denver International Airport". And here are some commendations (do's and don't s)
before and after the construction base on the case of runway concrete at the DIA...
For the contructor:

• Contructor must ensure the honesty of his/her worker base on the dishonest and irresponsible act of
3Bs on their job. In that case, contructor must replace DIA officials to the honest and responsible one.


• Purchaser must responsible to the materials use in a project to meet its specification. Don't lessen or
shorten a required materials for the project or else it brings damage or accident.

For Engineer:

• If the work is done, make sure that the construction of the work is in good condition.

- the worker must do a test of a material.

- make sure that the project meets its specification

- make sure that the project has a strength to last long to prevent accidents

If the project does not met its specification, has no strength, and defective; resolve it immediately and
redo the project again.

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