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Questions for the role of the

Finance and Operations


 Numbering each answer according to the questions, give your answers on a different PDF document
labelled with your full names and date
 Each of your answers should be not more than 150 words
 Use Times New Romans 12 and make sure to justify your answers
 Time for completion: 1 hr

1. a.Why would you like to join our organization? Why do you think our organization can
be the
Mary’s Meals right employer for you?
b. What motivates you to be involved in charity work as Mary’s Meals? Compassion?
Achievements? Cross Cultural experience? Career of service? Other? Describe.

2. Describe your commitment to self, work, family, and your personal values.

3. What technical skills and knowledge areas are your strongest?

4. The ability to work independently within a structured team is essential to the position.
This will require the successful applicant to be self-starting, able to prioritize tasks, be a
good communicator, as well as showing considerable initiative. Can you give us some
examples where you have worked within a team environment and demonstrated these

5. Do you consider yourself a macro or micro manager? Explain.

6. Do you have any preferences toward an assignment in a specific


7. The starting salary for this role is KES 227,449.79/=, what would be your comment?

8. Are you willing to be based in Lodwar, Turkana County?

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