TEW4 WFRP 1e - Something Rotten in Kislev (2018)

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Mystery and Death 1n the Frozen East

Ken Rolston

Additional Material
Graeme Davis

Cover Art
Richard Dolan

Internal Illustration
(ffl Paul Bonner � Ian Cooke
f H � Martin McKenna
·t· Tim Pollard � Maz Shepherd
Publisher: Dominic McDowall Scanning: Jon Hodgson

Published by Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd


ISBN: 1-899749-19-5
Designed in the UK
Printed in the USA

Originally produced by Hogshead Publishing Ltd, under No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any
licence from Games Workshop Ltd. All contents of this book means except for the purposes of review without prior permis­
are copyright 1988, 1999, 2018 Games Workshop Ltd. sion in writing from the publishers and the copyright-holders.
All rights reserved. 'Warhammer' and the Games All characters, settings and events are fictitious.
Workshop logo are registered trademarks, and 'Warhammer
Fantasy Roleplay', 'The Enemy Within', 'Shadows over All artwork in all Warhammer FRP products published by
Bogenhafen', 'Death on the Reik', 'Some­thing Rotten in Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd and the imagery contained
Kislev', 'Middenheim', 'City of Chaos', 'Power Behind the therein have been produced either in-house or as work for
Throne', 'Carrion Up The Reik', 'Empire in Chaos' and hire. The copy­right in the artwork and the images it depicts
'Warhammer City' are trademarks of Games Workshop Ltd, remains the ex­clusive property of Games Workshop Ltd.
used here under licence and with permission.
SO -=-- -=-METI-1 =..:= -=-=--=IN=--=-=G--=RO -=--= =--=r:....::.TE=N�IN:...:......=..:K=IS=-=LE=-V_:_____::3 rHE CHAMPIONS OF DEArH
The Kis lev C-ampai gn (4) - A CHOICE OF EVILS IN
The En emy W i thin Ca mpa ign (5) BOLGASGRAD 4
Sta rtin g the Ad ventu res(6) Start i ng the Ad ventu re(77)
Prepa ring the Cover Story (78)
_ KI S L E V
___:_:_ = -' _________________:_ 7 The Journey to Bolgas grad(79)
The Lan d(7) The Town of Bolgas gra d(81)
Kislevi te National Iden ti ty (10) Map Key (82)
A Timelin e For Kis lev (11) Locati on s 1 6 2: The Prince's Manor, The Temple of the
Socia l Classes (13) Anci en t Allies(82)
The Life of the Kis levi te Peasan t(16) Loca ti ons 3-5: The Old Ga rris on Barracks, The Other
Side Inn. The Stork and Stoa t Inn(84)
..= ..:;__HE ..:..;_ =-=BE -= =--=--AS = :.....;T==--C=HI L=D==--------�17 Loc a ti on s 6 6 7: The Physician. Vla di mir Slepov (86)
Sta rting the Ad ventu re(18) Locati on 8: Julius Olva ga 's Resi dence(87)
The Village of Voltsara (19) Other Loca tions(88)
En coun ter Sequence(22) Olvaga and the Ma p(88)
En coun ter 1: The Pro ud Fa ther (22) The Temple of the Ancient Allies(90)
En counter 2: The Anci en t Spirits (24) Getting in to the Temple (90)
Encounter 3: Wa ltzin g with Father Bear(29) The Cult of the Ancien t Allies (97)
Map Key (30) Zuvass in the Undoer(97)
Encounter 4: The Beas t Child(32) Necoho the Doubter(98)
Encoun ter 5: Ta ckling the Beas tmen(36) The Cat a combs(99)
The Beastmen (38) The Spi rit Reservoir(100)
Ancien t Ruins in the Northern Old World(40) The Cha os Garden (101)
Encounter 6: The Dwarven Temple(41) Ra di ci's Labora tory (101)
The Un derground Cha mbers(43) Note s on Chaos Pla nts and Poti on s (102)

Concludin g the Adventure (46) The Lower Level (103)

The Holdin g Cell(104)
DEATH TAKES A HOLIDAY 4 Durgul's Quarters(106)
.c:...::_--=--=--=--===-=-==----------=.:.... 7
- - _ _ '-'--- _ _ "---' _ _ c..: _ The Final Conflict(I 09)
Sta rt in g the Ad ventu re(48)
Chernozavtra - The Colon y of Bla ck Fortunes(48) Swearing the Oath(111)
Hobgoblins of the Steppes (49) Concluding the Adventu re(112)
The Goblinoi ds (51) In ha bi tants of the Temple(119)

Hobgoblins at the Ford(52)

The Dolgan Peoples(55) MAPS
On the Other Side of the Ford(56)
I. Kislev and the Eastern Empire
2. Major regions of Kislev 8
The Dolgans(57) 3. The VilJ.ge of Voltsm 20
The PCs Scout the Town (60)
4. Kislev, Voltsan md the Stone Circle
5. The Fores! Clearing 20
Inside Chemoza vtra(61) 5A. The Forest Clming {larger version) 142
A Tourist Gui de to Chernoza vtra(62)
6. The Dwarven Temple
7. The Hobgoblin and Dolgan Camps 52
Encountering Annandil(65) 8. Chernoz,vtn 63 6 143
An Audi ence wi th the Master (67)
9. Bolgasgnd 6 The Prince's Manor 83
Locations 3-7 85
The Inha bitants of Chemoza vtra(71) Loc,tion 8 87
Lea ving Chemozavtra (72)
10. The Temple of the Ancient Allies
II. Cahcombs - Uppcr Level 100
Conclus ion and Experien ce Poin ts (73) 12. Cahcombs - Lower Level 104
Welcome to Something Rotten in
Kislev. In this Warhammer Fantasy
Rolcplay supplement, adventurers
travel from The Empire to K.islev, at the
behest of no less a personage than the
Graf of Middenheim.
The Tsar of Kislev has a problem - a
renegade city with reports of dead
people walking the streets. Sounds bad.
And the Graf of Middenheim owes the
Tsar a favour. So when he asks
Middenheim to send a force of Knights
Panther, the Graf docs not hesitate. He
scours the jails, rounds up a likely­
looking group of scum, and inducts
them into the Knights Panther without

A Number of attacks in melee
Armour points
Ballistic Skill WHAT THIS HOW TO USE
Complexity rating of lock
D Damage
Dex Dexterity Something Rotten in Kislev is made Something Rotten in Kislev can be
DotR Death on the Reik adventure
up of the following elements: used in a number of ways:
EP Experience Points - source material on K.islev, providing
ES Effective Strength of weapon
1. To continue the Enemy Within
essential background detail for this campaign: At the end of RJwer Behind
Fel Fellowship new area of the Old World and
GC Gold Crown the Throne, the adventurers are quite
GM Gamesmaster complementing the information likely to have been thrown in jail in
I Initiative provided in the rulebook ; Middenheim while the Graf and his
Inc Intelligence - information on nature spirits and advisers consider what to do with them
Ld Leadership connected magic, as practised in rural and their dangerous knowledge. The
M Movement K.islev; introductory material on p5 provides a
MCoC Middenheim: City of Chaos link between these two adventures.
sourcebook - Six pregenerated intermediate-level
MP Magic Points player characters, complete with 2. As a mint-campaig n in its own right:
NPC Non-Player Character backgrounds and ready for use; The three adventures in this book are
p Parry designed to be run in sequence. Using
PBtT Power Behind the 1brone - Three complete adventures with all the alternative introduction on p4 and
adventure necessary maps and handouts. (if you wish) the six pregenerated player
PC Player Character
R Range of missile weapons characters supplied with this book,
Rid Reload rate of missile The Three Adventures Som ething Rotten in Ktslev can be
weapons The Beast Child played as a three-part mini-campaign or
S Strength A remote farming village is threatened a campaign start for intermediate-level
SoB Shadows over Bogenhafen by Beastmen. Unknown to most of the characters, in their 2nd-4th careers.
adventure inhabitants, the village has the key to its
T Toughness own salvation. Can the adventurers 3. As a series ofone-offadventures - the
TEW 1be Enemy Within campaign uncover the secret and deal with three adventures in this book can be
sourcepack (part of SoB) the threat? played equally well as one-off
W Wounds adventures, independently of any
WFRP Warbammer Fantasy Death lakes a Holiday campaign sequence, or as episodes
Roleplay rulebook Vital information must be gained from which can be dropped into an ongoing
WP Will Power a renegade Wizard. The town where he campaign where player characters have
WS Weapon Skill lives is under siege. So are the besiegers. completed at least two careers.
Note: where applicable, weapons listed And that's just the beginning...
among an NPC's possessions are 4. As a Ktslev sourcebook- the material
followed by details of modifiers to The Champions of Death in this book will be valuable regardless
Inittattve, Weapon Sktll, Damage and A town is in revolt. The dead walk the of how the adventures are played, and
Parry. Note that Hand Weapons (one­ streets. Something is seriously wrong. should be sufficient to allow a K.islev­
handed axes, swords, clubs, maces and Not the least of it is that the townsfolk based campaign to be set up. This
hammers) have no modifiers. are perfectly happy to have the dead can either be developed from the
An asterisk ( •) after a characteristic in

walking the streets. What is going on? adventures presented here, or be started
the profile of an NPC means that the And why? What can be done? These are with new characters, leading up to
effects of a skill such as l-e,y Strong have just some of the mysteries the these intermediate-level adventures in
been included in the score.
adventurers must solve. due course.
The Kislcv Campaign

The following material contains two PLAYERS' "I am the Ri tter Eberhardt von
different introductions. The first Kreuzzug,'' he says, wasting no time with
assumes that you are using this book as INTRODUCTION preambles, "You will call me Sir. I have
the start of a new campaign, with the the honour to serve the ancient and
pregenerated player characters supplied A key turns in the lock of your cell with noble Order of the Knights Panther in
in the tear-out section at the back of a grating sound, and the door opens to the capacity of adjutant, and you
the book. Note that advances which admit a tall man in full plate armour. He . . . people have been discharged into my
have already been taken are marked '' • '' holds an elaborate helmet under his arm, care. From the time you left your cell,
with a tall crest representing the head of you have been under martial law.
The second assumes that you are using what looks like a Beastman. The drink­
sodden jailer fawns round him as if he "I am aware of your crimes, your abilities
this adventure as part of the Enemy and the equipment you owned when
Within campaign, following on from were royalty - which he might well be,
for all you know - and beyond him, in arrested. As your jailer said, you are not
Power Behind the Throne. ordinary criminals. But you are criminals
the passage, you can see several more
You may need to alter certain details men, identically armoured. He looks you nonetheless, and I have the power to
slightly to fit your own game - feel free up and down with an expression of have you summarily executed here or
to do so if necessary. disgust, then turns to the jailer. returned to your cell to await execution
in due course. Remember that .
If you intend to use this book as a series "This the best you've got?" The jailer
of unconnected one-off adventures, you somehow manages to cringe and grin at "I also have the power to offer you an
will not need an overall scene-setting the same time. amnesty. It pains me to waste it on scum
introduction. Simply refer to the notes like you, but if you 're the best
at the beginning of each of the "Oh, the werry best, may't please yer Middenheim can offer, so be it . If you
three adventures. lordship, the werry best . 'Course, they accept the amnesty, you shall be
looks a bit rough, but give 'em a wash inducted into the Order - at the lowest
down an' some fresh clothes, an' I think level, I'm glad to say - and you shall await
yer lordship'd be surprised . An' yer further orders in the quarters which have
should've seen the gear they 'ad when been set aside for you. Of course, you
they was taken - not yer ordinary have the option to refuse the amnesty,
criminals, yer lordship, an' no mistake.'' and allow the process of law to take its
natural course. The choice is yours."
The man tosses the jailer a handful of
gold coins, and motions you out of the Some choice, you think.
cell. In the passage, you are surrounded GM: allow the players to react to von
by a dozen heavily-armed men, and Kreuzzug as they wish - some of the
marched across the Square of Martials to characters (Ruby in particular) may
a solid-looking building with the sign of have quite a lot to say to him and about
a panther's head hanging outside - the him, and you must react on bis behalf.
headquarters and barracks of the Order Bear in mind that be is a Knight and
THE KISLEV of the Knights Panther. a professional soldier, be is dealing with
You are marched into a large room, hung criminal scum, and be bas upwards of
CAMPAIGN with banners and with racks of weapons a hundredfully-armed Knights on call.
lining the wood-panelled walls. Only It is anticipated that the PCs will
when you are there does the man deign eventually agree to bis terms, albeit
GM'S INTRODUCTION to address you directly. with some misgivings.

If you are using the pregenerated player

characters supplied with this book, they
all meet up for the first time in a cell in
the city of Middenheim. Give the players
their character sheets and background
notes from the tear-out section at the
back of the book, and let them introduce
themselves to each other. After about ten
minutes, proceed with the events in the
Players' Introduction below.
If you are using other characters, you
must arrange for the party to be arrested
and thrown into a cell in Middenheim,
minus all weapons, armour and other
equipment. How you bring this about is
up to you - you might have them
mistaken for a notorious group of
Outlaws by the Roadwardens or the City
Watch, or implicated in a crime they
didn't commit, or anything else you like.
Give them a couple of days to cool off,
and then proceed with the events in the

Players' Introduction. Have a look at the
pregenerated characters anyway - we
rather like them, and you might even be
able to use them as NPCs sometime .
The Enemy Within Campaign

By the end of Power Behind the Throne,
the PCs will probably have amassed a
great deal of embarrassing information
about various dignitaries in the city of
Middenheim. Despite the fact that they
will have been instrumental in saving the
city from the machinations of the Cult
of the Purple Hand (and, in all
probability, they will have saved the life
of Graf Boris Todbringer as well), there
is a good chance that they will end up
being thrown in jail while the Graf and
his advisers decide what to do with
them. The basic options are given on p93
of Power Behind the Throne.
If the PCs have ended Power Behind the
Throne in jail, use Players' Introduction cell swings open, and the grimy and flea­ How long bas be been rehearsing that
J below. If they have not been thrown ridden jailer beckons you outside. little lot, you wonder. Well, what it boils
in jail, use Players' Introduction 2. down to is tbat you don't matter, not
Don't be afraid to alter minor details to "Come along, me beauties," he cackles,
when all tbe high-ups are busy covering
fit in with the state of affairs that exists his breath foul with the smell of wine
their own backs. You could have told
when you start playing Something and rotting teeth, "Them Upstairs wmts
them that - and in fewer words, too.
Rotten in Kislev. a word with you, they do!" You briefly
consider making a break for it, but "...But at the same time, we can hardly
If you have not played Power Behind the discard the idea as a dozen fully-armed
Throne, and would rather get straight on overlook the enormous debt of gratitude
Knights Panther fall in around you. that we, and the City-State itself, owe to
to Kislev - well, we think you're missing
out on something good, but you can do GM: now continue with Players' your actions..."
it if you really want to. Simply arrange Introduction 2 Ah, so they've found a way of getting
for your PCs to be arrested and thrown rid ofyou without actuallykillingyou,
into jail in Middenheim, and use the and they're going to make it look like
section headed The Kislev Campaign on an honour.
page 4. You may need to change certain PLAYERS'
details to fit your PCs, but it's nothing
that the average brilliant and inventive
INTRODUCTION 2 ''...And in recognition of your invaluable
services to Middenheim, it has been
GM can't handle. After a couple of days with everyone decided to accord you the honour of
being kept well away from you, you are induction into the ancient and noble
escorted up to the great Throne Room Order of the Knights Panther..."
PLAYERS' on the ground floor of the Palace, where
Knighthoods all round, eh?Hmmm, the
the Graf awaits you with his remaining
INTRODUCTION I advisors. Beneath the veneer of rank and three Midden Marshals don't look too
power, you can plainly see that some of convinced. Wonder bow long it took to
You sit in your cell, reflecting bitterly on them are nervous. Law Lord Ehrlich talk them into that? All right, then -
the injustice of it all. If it weren't for you, steps forward. where's the catch?
who knows what could have happened
to Middenheim, and Graf Boris ''We - ah - regret the necessity for "... Middenheim, as you may be aware,
Todbringer - and The Empire itself, come keeping you incommunicado over the has a number of treaty obligations to the
to that. And what thanks do you get for last few days, but there were some very Tsar of Kislev, including military aid in
your pains? A cold, damp, musty cell, far-reaching issues of security that time of need ..."
hard bread and brackish water, that's needed to be discussed before anything
what. Still, what was that proverb about further happened ..." Here it comes.
trusting the gratitude of princes? In other words, they're worried about ''...And in view of the exceptional - and
You should have known, really. You bow much you know, and they have somewhat unusual - abilities you have
managed to uncover enough dirt on finally decided what to do with you. recently shown, you are to fulfill our
enough people to bring the city crashing Ehrlich continues. treaty obligations in Kislev at the
down around their ears. They must be personal request of the lsar himself.''
"...And you must appreciate that the
worried about what you might do if you
security of the City-State, and by Aha. Well, it could be worse. Servesyou
turned against them. Well, they're going right for choosing the adventuring life.
extension the security of Nordland and

the right way about turning you against the north of The Empire as a whole, must Kislev, eh?From wbatyou've heard, tt's
them, that's for sure. of necessity take precedence over the cold, miserable, always raining unless
Your musings are interrupted by the grate interests of any individual or group of it's snowing, and they're all completely
of a key in the lock. The door to your individuals...'' mad... It'll be different, ifnothing else.
Starting the .Ad'YCnturcs


The PCs will not have enough time to After they have been given any necessary
undertake any training or change careers equipment, the party will be given a set
ONCE A KNIGHT... after their induction into the Knights of travel papers and letters bearing the
Panther, but the Order may be willing to seal of the City of Middenheim, and told
Before the first adventure gets under supply them with a certain amount of to take them to the lsar of Kislev, who
way, the PCs are billeted in a small equipment for their mission. Bear in will issue them with further orders. They
barracks-block (set away from mind, though, that the order only has are to set out at first light.
everything else) in the headquarters of certain types of equipment available, and
the Knights Panther, where they find all The journey from Middenheim to Kislev
will not give a character something is a long one - nearly a thousand miles
their equipment , plus a change of he/she already has - a second sword, for
clothes. They are ordered to clean in all. First, there is a road journey of over
example. Do not allow players to make 250 miles to 'Iltlabheim, and then a river
themselves up and report to the main unreasonable or extortionate demands.
hall in an hour. journey of some 550 miles up the
The following equipment is available: Tulabec and the Urskoy to Kislev itself.
It is possible that some characters may Horses - normal riding horses only. The journey will take from three to four
t r y to escape at this point, but the Mules and/or ponies can be made weeks, of which about three-quarters
Panthers' headquarters is well-guarded available for Dwarf or Halfling will be spent on the river.
and the sentries are just itching to prove characters. One mount per character, no
that they are not merely decorative. One The papers which the party carries state
pack or draft animals. Mounts come with that they are on the Graf's business, and
way or another, all the PCs will be saddle and bridle, but no barding.
assembled in the main hall at the will prevent any problems arising with
appointed time. Armour - sleeved mail coat, breastplate, the Roadwardens, the River Patrol or
chain mail leggings, plate leggings, mail other official bodies. They are also
The induction is hurried and sparsely coif, helmet (not crested), shield. These exempted from any tolls on their route.
attended, consisting of the PCs taking are all-Human sized, and only the coifs,
the oath of the Knights Panther, and How you handle the journey is up to you.
helmets and shields may be used by There are three basic options:
completely lacking in pomp and Dwarf or Halfling characters. One of
ceremony. The players should form the each piece of armour per character. 1. You might simply assume that after
impression that the Knights Panther three weeks and D8 days, the party
would really rather not be doing this. Weapons - sword, axe or mace, dagger, arrives in Kislev and presents itself at the
flail, lance, halberd. One of each type of Tsar's palace.
weapon per character. A character must
have the relevant Specialist Weapon skill 2. You might run the journey in a semi­
to be given a flail, lance or halberd. abstract fashion, with the occasional
tll€ oath oi: tll€ kntGhts pantll€R encounter played out in detail. Some of
I, (name), SWEAR seroRe S1GmaR anO I Other equipment - saddlebags (holds the ideas in the RiverLife o/Tbe Empire
UIR1c, ano m the witness or this 150 encumbrance points, nothing larger section of Death on the Reik might be
comp.my hell€ <;atheReO. to S€llY€ the than 18" in the longest dimension), used here, and the road journey might
ancient anO noBle OQOEQ � the kmc,hts blanket, mess tins and cutlery, lantern, be spiced up with attacks by Beastmen
pantheRtllUly anO µ.ithµ.illy unto 0€.Uh.
( OBSEllVIOG the laws or the OQOEQ:
. to seRve ano pRotect GRar BORIS
I 2-pint bottle of fuel oil, one-man tent. or Outlaws, or other incidents of your
own devising .
3. You might run the entire journey as
too&QlngEQ, his 1:aimly, hlS IEGltlmatE
an adventure in its own right, with
SUCCESSORS an0 hlS appomteO �ICEQS
with my l1J:e; various incidents, diversions and sub­
..- " plots of your own devising. This option
- to RenOeR run ano unquest1onmG demands the most work and playing
SEllVICE to my SUPEQIOQS IO the OQOeQ time, but may be a good way to start if
anO to thos€ they may appomt OV€Q me; you intend to play Something Rotten
in Kislev as a campaign in its own right.
- OEVER to sUUER any PEQSOn OQ th10G I
8€.\QIOG the maRk or Chaos to live while l The rest of this book takes up the story
theJl€ IS 8Q€ath IO my l!OOy. when the party arrives in Kislev.
the OROEQ has my oath, which only
OEath may 8Q€ak. let all hell€ PRESErlt
. 8€.\Q witness.

After each character takes the oath, a

medallion on a chain is hung around his
or her neck. It is of gold, and depicts a
rearing panther, with the background
and the panther's spots filled in with
black enamel. Each medallion is worth
15GCs (perhaps more to those who
could make evil use of them), but any
character selling a medallion to a non­

Panther will have betrayed the order -
and as the last line of the oath implies,
such treachery is punishable by death .

KISLEV (See Map 2)

Kislev is a poor country, low in natural
resources. It can be roughly divided into
three geographical regions: forest,
mountain and steppe.
The forest is an extension of the Great
Forest and Forest of Shadows of The
Empire. The soil is poor, requiring deep
ploughing, and the forest is dotted with
bogs and marshes, with frequent sand
and clay deposits. The best settlement
sites are along the river basins, where
the soil is relatively good and
communications are reliable. The bulk
of Kislev's population is distributed
along these river basins, and few care to
live deep in the forests.
The mountain region, consisting of the
northern end of the Worlds Edge
Mountain range is rugged and largely
uninhabited by Humans, except for the
occasional trapper and adventurer. The
ancient Dwarven cities and underground
complexes deep in the heart of this range
are variously rumoured to be abandoned
or tenanted by Goblins and degenerate
Dwarven clans.
The steppe is a vast grassland plains amongKislevite farmers is "Spring rain flora tends to be mixed forest,
region east of the World's Edge comes in the summer. So does summer supporting a fauna much like that of The
Mountains. The soil is black and fertile, rain and autumn rain." Empire's Great Forest, with abundant
but the climate is harsh, and the growing deer, elk, boar and other large mammals.
season short. The Gospodar nomadic To the north, and along the western
peoples originated from this region, slopes of the mountains, the forest is
which is now sparsely inhabited by the RESOURCES predominantly coniferous, supporting a
related Dolgan nomadic tribes and variety of valuable fur-bearing animals,
various nonhuman races, notably The mountains are supposed to be rich and along the northern margins, vast
Goblins and Hobgoblins. in mineral resources, but exploiting migratory herds of reindeer are hunted
these has proved impractical so far.
and herded.
Contact with the surviving Dwarven
communities in the mountains is The most dangerous common animals
sporadic, transport is difficult, and are the pack wolf and the brown bear.
Kislev has long, harsh, brutally cold marauding bands of Goblinoids add to Fortunately, the bear is solitary and
winters, short springs, short hot the natural hazards. generally shy, although a wounded
summers, and wet, cold autumns. bear or one with cubs can be
Temperatures range from 30 ° C in the Kislev's rivers and lakes are valuable
extremely dangerous.
summer to -20 ° C in the winter. resources. Because of the gentle
gradients of the forested western region, The pack wolf is another matter. As well
Much ofKislev's precipitation comes in the rivers are numerous, broad, and as preying on domestic animals and
the form of snow during the bitterly cold navigable for great distances, and form unwary travellers, they are domesticated
winter. In midwinter, though, there is the backbone of the communications by the Goblinoid races. The rarer great
little snow, since it is too cold for the system. Fish are an important resource wolf is similar in disposition, but its
atmosphere to hold a significant amount for many remote communities, which greater size and strength make it a far
of water. At lower elevations, snow also trade furs along the rivers to eager more dangerous threat.
remains on the ground until late spring; markets throughout the Old World. In
in the mountains, many passes are only earlier periods these rivers were also The grasses of the steppes support a
open for a few weeks in late summer and important trade routes from the Old variety of herd animals, the most
early autumn. World to the East, but current political important of which is the plains bison.
conditions make seagoing trade more The Dolgan nomads depend on the
The rest ofKislev's rain falls during the economical and secure. bison for most of their material needs.
short , hot summer, accompanied by The Dolgans also domesticate several
fierce late summer storms which breeds of large dog - which they use in
regularly flatten crops and render roads herding, hunting, and raiding - and the
and tracks impassable. Periodic spring FLORA AND FAUNA sturdy plains pony, which is generally

droughts often make matters worse; rain inferior to the Old World horse, but
is scarce during the short growing The flora and fauna of the forest and better adapted to the harsh climate of the
season, and the autumn downpours can mountain regions are similar to those of steppes. The steppe Goblins also
only harm the crops. A common saying The Empire. To the south of Kislev the domesticate the plains wolf.
Transport 111d C.Ommwlliatiou


The bureaucracy has decreed that all
,�rr "" , ,,. , , '"'- '('.
""t"\f � NORTHERN CHt\0S WAS�,

travellers in Kislev must have

identification and authorisation to
travel, but only members of the peasant TUNDRA
class, outlaws, dissidents and adherents
of political factions currently in
disfavour have trouble obtaining the
necessary papers.
Travel is actually more reliable in the
winter - road surfaces are fro:zen hard and
smooth with packed snow and ice, and
frozen rivers provide easy passage for
sleigh and sledge traffic. Timber felled THE STEPPES
in winter is dragged to the frozen rivers
and floated downstream on the white
water of the spring thaws.
Long-distance transport is predom­
inantly along the excellent river systems
of Kislev - by boat in the summer, and
by sledge in winter. In spring and
autumn, the treacherous condition of
the half-frozen rivers keep THE TUNDRA THE TRANSLYNSK
communic_ations to a minimum. The
harsh winters and wet summers, and the This vast frozen plain supports only the A little north of the river Lynsk, the
vast bogs and marshes of the western hardiest of plants and shrubs along the southern edge of the Taiga gives way to
northern margin of the taiga, and further mixed forest. Various colonies have
forests, make roads largely impractical
for long-distance communications. The north, lichens clinging to the sunny side been established, exploiting the
only major road between Klslev and The of rocks are the only natural vegetation. comparatively fertile soil and tolerable
Empire is the road from Middenheim to climate. Fur trading is still important, and
Because the Tundra borders on the Chaos together with a good river transportation
Erengrad through the Forest of Shadows, Wastes (indeed, it is difficult to say where network, these advantages have enabled
and frequent reports of attacks by one ends and the other begins), it is pos­ some colonies, such as Bolgasgrad, to
mutants, Goblins and Beastmen have sible to find all manner of creatures of
made this an unpopular route. prosper. However, the increasing
Chaos there, as well as Chaos warbands frequency of Chaos attacks from the
In western Kislev, each town has a and Chaotic landscapes more bizarre laiga now threatens the security of these
network of roads and tracks connecting than the PCs have ever seen. The adven­ colonies, and the present running-down
satellite villages, farm communities, and tures in this book do not stray into the of Translynsk garrisons does nothing to
colonies, but rivers are still the most Tundra, but there is great potential for ease the situation.
convenient and economical means of you to set adventures of your own there.
communication over longer distances. Some of the more prosperous colonies
are now recruiting mercenaries and
Most peasants own draft animals and
wagons, but riding horses are generally THE TAIGA other warrior-types on their own
restricted to the wealthy and those account, and a party of adventurers
whose profession demands them. This region of coniferous forest is might find employment as recruits or
inhabited only by trappers, adventurers, advisors to one of these militias. Some
In addition to the roads, there are many and creatures of Chaos. Attempts at bolder forces have even been known to
less formal paths and tracks between colonisation have failed because of poor mount search-and-destroy patrols in the
settlements, and the woodsmen and soil and climate, not to mention attacks southern fringes of the Taiga.
trappers follow well-established foot and by mutants, Beastmen, and others, in
horse trails into the deeper woods and Some colonies have been abandoned or
addition to the region's natural destroyed, and various rumours about
the mountain foothills. Such wayfarers dangerous fauna - wolves and bears. lost treasures are in circulation
tend to travel in well-armed groups.
There is a steady demand for adventurers throughout the Translynsk. Some may
In the steppes, most travel is by pony, in the laiga; hunters and trappers can even have a basis in fact. Additionally,
although some Dolgan tribes favour make a good living if they can survive there are families and mercantile
small hide-covered boats for river travel. the natural and unnatural hazards of the organisations in Kislev proper who
Even the poorest Dolgan owns his own region, and there are almost always might be prepared to pay for an armed
pony; a traveller on foot is regarded with opportunities for guard and mercenary reconnaissance of an abandoned or
open scorn. work with trading posts and fur traders. razed colony, either in search of people
or objects, or to assess the potential for
Being located close to the edge of the resettlement.
wastes, the laiga is also an ideal hunting­
ground for Witch-hunters and others of
similar disposition; there are rumours
of actual Chaos enclaves hidden deep

in the forest - fortified settlements from

whence Chaos Warriors, Beastmen and
other atrocities come forth to raid
and destroy.
The Grat Forest

Periodic attempts to colonise this fertile
region of the steppes just east of the
mountains have met with limited
success, mainly because of Dolgan and
Hobgoblin raids, and a lack of real
support from the state. Colonists make
little distinction between Human and
Hobgoblin nomads, since both raid in
equal measure, and the Hobgoblins are
very civilised by Goblinoid standards.
The Dolgans, under pressure from
Hobgoblin expansion from the Dark
Lands on one side and Kislevite colonists
from the other, greet strangers with
suspicion. Co-operation between the
Dolgans and colonists varies with the
personalities and attitudes involved,
though the groups occasionally unite
THE GREAT FOREST THE FOOTHILLS against the Goblinoids.
This is a continuation of the mixed Rugged and forested, the hills are In times gone by, the great overland trade
forests of the Empire, and is even less sparsely settled along the edge of the routes to Cathay and the east ran across
desirable for cultivation, with numerous Dobryrion, and almost uninhabited the steppes; many indeed are the
bogs and marshes, poorer soil, and more along tlle lower slopes of the mountains. merchants who dream of the route re­
dangerous wildlife. As in The Empire, The few settlements are currently in opening, and the profits which would
bands of Goblinoids and Beastmen still desperate straits with a recent increase come to anyone who could achieve this
lurk here. in Goblin raids. Goblins seem to be are literally incalculable. Of course,
migrating westward from the mountains protecting the route from Dolgan and
As well as the potential for Chaos-hunts, and settling in the hill regions, with the Hobgoblin raiding would be a problem,
there are rumours of ancient Elven and gloomy prospect of future raids into the but this might be reduced by treaties and
Dwarven ruins in the forest, predating more settled regions of Kislev. diplomacy, while there would be a
the first Human occupation of the region thriving market for caravan guards.
(see pp40-46 for one example); Human W hat is causing the migration, and
scholars might pay highly for plans, whether it can be t urned back , is
artifacts and other information while unknown, and government bodies - or
Elves and Dwarfs may have their own even concerned powerful groups such
reasons for seeking out such ancient as mercantile concerns - may pay well
sites. The rumours are suitably spiced for information and evaluation. Local
with ghosts, daemons, ser vants of powers are beginning to mount punitive
Chaos, uncountable treasures, explorers raids and recruit militia, and adventurers
who never returned, and so on. of almost all kinds may be able to find
employment. Various mines and ancient
Dwarven sites will have been taken over
THE DOBRYRION by the Goblins, and may require clearing
and exploration.
This region of long-established
agricultural sett lements and tamed
forestlands is home to the vast majority
of Kislev 's population. Towns and This northern extension of the Worlds
villages along the road from Kislev to Edge Mountains has been abandoned by
Praag form the backbone of the region, the Dwarfs and occupied by Goblinoids
with innumerable small settlements for centuries. The Goblin migrations
spreading westward to the borders of suggest that something significant is
The Empire and eastward to the Worlds happening here - precisely what is
Edge Mountains. anyone's guess.
The servants of Chaos must work Powerful, well-equipped and well­
secretly in this region, but, as in The organised parties of adventurers may be
Empire, corruption has found its way able to get into this region, explore and
into all levels of society, and traces of investigate, and get out again in one
secret cults may be uncovered. Increased piece. If so, their information could be
Chaos activity in the forested regions has of the utmost value both to Kislev and
led to a general nervousness which to the security of the northern Old

means that caravan guards and other World as a whole. Also, there is the
mercenary types are in constant demand possibility of finding and clearing lost
- attacks on road and river traffic are Dwarfholds, or contacting holds that
more frequent than they used to be. have been isolated for centuries.
Kislcvitc Nitional Identity

The priesthood played an important

role in uniting the Gospodars when
they settled in the forest regions OF KISLEV
centuries ago. The Ungol conquerors
interfered little with the workings
of the priesthood, permitting it to The Gospodars
remain a source of comfort and security Driven about, dispersed, enslaved and
for the peasant class. Now the scorned by more aggressive peoples
priesthood and the Tsar are mutually throughout history, the Gospodars see
supportive, forming the central political themselves as victims or unwilling
and ecclesiastical authority of partners in society, and the Norse
metropolitan Kislev. aristocratic minority as rich bullies.
The Tsar is a national embodiment of the Their traditional response to
patriarchal model of authority familiar oppression is passive resistance or
to all Gospodar nomadic peoples. Like evasion . Famous for laziness and
a patriarch, the Tsar is perceived as the dishonesty, they respond to all authority
absolute authority (in fact, the owner) with distrust and cynicism disguised
of his land and family, the lands and with ill-natured co-operation. Cunning
peoples ofKislev. The normally cynical and deceit are honoured weapons for
Kislevite peasant has a peculiarly meeting chalJenges.
romantic view of the Tsar as a wise,
benign, and courageous protector, and
KISLEVITE tends to ascribe the evils of his everyday
life to the corrupt bureaucracy and
NATIONAL arrogant aristocracy rather than to any
fault of the Tsar.
IDENTITY But more than any other factor, it is
external threats which hold Kislev
The Gospodars have never had a together as a nation. All the mutually
coherent cultural identity. Each clan was hostile social classes and political Gospodars see themselves as harsh
organised around its clan chiefs and factions close ranks into a coherent realists; principles and ideals are looked
elders, and their shamanistic religion had nation of unified will when faced with on as childish fancies. For example,
no central authority. Only in times of a foreign invader. As a result, the periods consider these Gospodaric maxims:
war would a strong chief unite a group of greatest national, social and economic "Another's tears are water."
of clans, - and seldom effectively, as is development often coincide with
witnessed by the successive waves of devastating wars. When the invader "Fear not devils - fear your neighbour."
Gospodars driven from the steppes into disappears, so does the consensus, and "An honest man, like a fool, is a menace
the forest regions and dispersed in lands the people are left with the bitter taste to his friends."
unsuitable for their nomadic, herd­ of a devastated homeland and a slow
dependent culture. recovery to a pre-war standard of living. "Beat your own people and others will
fear you."
The Ungols had a more coherent cultural This periodic waxing and waning of the
identity, but one based around the national will, along with the inherent Gospodars are also great sceptics in
concept of their war-chief, the Khan. agricultural poverty of western Kislev, matters of religion, though immensely
The Khan had absolute authority over accounts in large part for Kislev's superstitious and fearful of sorcery. They
all Ungol clans, and maintained it with relatively slow political, economic, and observe a multitude of rituals in
an iron hand and considerable technological development when placating the various spirits and
imagination. Stories about pyramids of compared with The Empire, which has supernatural entities of the natural
skulls and the devastation of whole enjoyed an unprecedented stability world, while dutifully but insincerely
villages are still used to frighten wayward and political coherence for the last attending temple service and mouthing
children. However, when the Ungol two centuries. platitudes at their priests' command.
hordes no longer moved from place to
The Gospodars comprise most of the
place, raiding and making war, the Ungol
peasant class and urban lower classes.
war-chiefs lost their authority. The
More successful individuals sometimes
Ungol warrior class disappeared,
blending into the culture of their S OCIAL enter the bureaucratic class, where they
express their cultural personality in the
Gospodar subjects.
The Kislevite Norse culture remains
S TRUCTURE surly and uncooperative passive
aggression of bureaucrats. Others
distinct only in the north along the InKislev, racial heritage and social class occasionally enter the priesthood,
Lynsk, and particularly in Erengrad, are very important. Race and class bringing their talents for political
where the Norse aristocracy still stereotypes run true to form; Kislevites intrigue and insincerity.
maintain close ties with their Norscan see one another clearly in these terms:
Gospodars are generally 5'0" - 5'6" tall,
relations. Throughout Kislev, Norse
"Whining Gospodar. One hand with a few as tall as six feet. Build varies
racial features predominate in the
clutching your knees and the other widely from lean to heavy, and hair
aristocratic and military classes, and the
knifing your back." colour tends to black or dark brown,
Gospodars perceive them as a benign,
with sparse facial hair. In the cities, most
but distinctly separate ruling minority. "Bah, he's just a typical bureaucrat. Can't
speak Old Worlder with only a hint of
trust the scheming rat - except to be
Three elements serve to bind the Gospodar dialect; in the provinces the
greedy and lazy."
various peoples of Kislev into a dialect is stronger, and hard for non­
nation: the priesthood, the Tsar, and "An Ungol? Work? When he could get Kislevites (and indeed non-Gospodars)
external threats. his woman to do it? Phfah!" to follow.
Kislcvitc Natiocw Identity

The Ungols The Norse

Though the Ungol hordes once ruled a The traditional ruling aristocracy of
sizeable portion of the world, their Kislev is drawn from Norse roots. Always
descendants are accorded scant respect a minority, the warlike Norse have
from modem Kislevites. The virtues of nonetheless ruled the Gospodars and
the Ungol warrior have little place in Ungols in the north since the 1500s and
modem Kislevite society. over all of Kislev since the reign of Igor
the Terrible four centuries ago. In the
The place where the Ungol heritage
past two centuries, however, the
should be an asset is in the military class,
bureaucracy and priesthood have from
particularly in the cavalry, but the
time to time been controlled by
traditional strengths of the Ungol
Gospodars, leading to occasional
horseman - great mobility, superb
archery, subtle and unconventional
tactics - have been forsaken even there, The rest of the Old World is usually
in favour of more prosaic use of massed thinking of the Norse military class
heavy cavalry. Many trappers, traders, when it thinks of the bold Kislevite
and other independent adventurers are warrior. Indeed, Norse Kislevites are
of Ungol descent, and they have a among the most formidable Human
reputation for a resilience, self-reliance troops in the Old World. However, they
and ruthlessness that serves them well are only a minority in the armies of
in the wilderness. Kislev, serving either as officers or in
elite units of well-armoured, superbly­
The majority of Ungols, however, form
the lowest tier of whichever class they
trained medium infantry. The Dolgans
inhabit. They may be found in all classes Norse Kislevites are generally self­ The Dolgan peoples are a group of plains
(though they are rarely aristocrats), assured and contemptuous of other barbarian clans living in the Wheatlands
sometimes in positions of authority, racial groups, indigenous and foreign, Colonies region.
occasionally distinguish themselves holding only their Norscan relatives as In the steppes, Dolgan culture centres
through individual feats of heroism or equals. They respect two kinds of social around the herd and horse. Herders
industry in the military or bureaucracy. prominence: firstly, wealth and concentrate on preserving the tribe's
They are more successful than most in rulership; and secondly, martial prowess, animals and supplying the
dealings with the Dolgan nomads. as personified in the Norse berserker. tribe's needs - a respectable but
unglamourous business.
In religious matters, the Ungols tend to By the same token, they tolerate a
be superstitious but irreligious. They wide range of anti-social behaviour - Horse warriors are the aristocratic elite
share the awe of the supernatural which drunkenness, insolence, fits of sullen of the Dolgans. Though they help keep
is characteristic of the Gospodar, but depression and manic enthusiasm - the herd together on the move, they have
seldom make any pretence to piety in the if it is balanced by the virtues they no other mundane responsibilities. Their
state cults of Ulric, Taal, and Rhya. respect. Woe to the peasant or foreigner main concern is to keep themselves at
who runs afoul of a berserker when he the peak of fighting condition, so that
Like the Gospodars, Ungols are usually they can protect the tribe from raiders
is in his cups.
5'0" - 5'6" tall, with black or dark brown and acquit themselves well in the martial
hair. Most are lean and wiry of build. Norse Kislevites are generally taller and contests which take place during the
They have darker complexions, and broader-built than Gospodars and summer clan encampments.
moustaches and beards, when worn, Ungols, and have thick blonde or red
tend to be long and straggly. Ungols hair. Hair is worn long, and almost all Horse warriors are normally over six feet
maintain their culture and traditions males cultivate long, dense beards. Many tall, compared with the average height
more carefully than Gospodar or Norse, Norse Kislevites speak both the of 5' 6" to 6'. They tend to be loud,
Gospodaric and Norse dialects of Old boastful, arrogant, and exasperatingly
and have their own version of the
cheerful - like the spoiled, adolescent
Gospodar Old Worlder dialect. This is Worlder; Norse is regarded as the
thugs they are.
spoken with a strong Eastern twang, and aristocratic dialect, and aristocrats will
has an extensive additional vocabulary, often emphasise their Norse accents to Dolgans are seldom encountered west of
particularly concerning horses and remind other natives and foreigners of the Goromadny. They have little use for
cavalry warfare. their place in society. western Kislev, and western Kislev has
little use for them. The exception is the
Dolgan lichnostyob (translated as
'superfluous lout' or 'picaresque
homicidal maniac adolescent'), a horse
warrior either too violent or too cheerful
for the tribe to put up with. Such young
warriors are sent out from the tribe to
lead a life of heroic adventure
somewhere else, and such outcasts may
be found making life difficult
throughout western Kislev. As
mercenaries and adventurers, they have
their uses, but they are generally more

trouble than they are worth.
The Dolgan language is distinct from Old
Worlder, but has some slight similarities
� ���-.. with the Ungol dialect.
A Timclinc for Kislcv

- IC) Event along the Urskoy and Upper Taal and Rhya along major
Talabec are abandoned. rivers, often at sites of former
-6250 T he western primeval forests Goblins occupy abandoned Elven and Dwarven
are settled by Elves. Mountains settlements in western forests, settlements.
and steppes uninhabited. raiding Dwarfs, Elves, and one
-6000 Mountains colonised by 1500 First wave of Gospodar
another. Goblin artif acts are peoples driven through the
Dwarfs. often found in the vicinity of Northern Pass from Farside by
-4500 Collapse of Warpgates. First ancient Dwarven river forts. pressure from Ungol moving
major Chaos incursion. -1000 Goblin culture established into the steppes from the
-3500 Elven colonies established throughout western forest and region of northern Cathay.
along coast. Dwarfs expand mountain regions, extending Contact with monastic
into Worlds Edge and Black into forests of the modern missions provides nomadic
Mountains and begin river Empire. Centres of demon Gospodars with agricultural
trade with Elven culture. worship established on technology and a core of
Iraces of the Elven colony at ancient Elven and Dwarven cultural unity. Norse princes of
Erengrad are scarce, sacred ground. Many centres the Ropsmenn peoples raid
presumably covered by later of modern Chaos-god Gospodar settlements along
structures or subsided in worship are based on ancient the Lynsk River and establish
marsby ground. demon-worship sites. themselves as a ruling
-3000 Elves and Dwarfs exploit the minority in Erengrad.
-500 Tribes of Human barbarians
western forest. Minor move from southinto western 1750 T he Ungol hordes move into
settlements grow up along
forests of modern Empire. the western forest region .
rivers. Ruinsfrom thts period
Large settlements are T hey are subdued by Norse
are scarce.
established along rivers and princes in the north, but
-2150 Increasing tension between coastlines. Goblins withdraw become rulers along the
Elven and Dwarven cultures. into forest wilderness, but Talabec and Urskoy. Cult of
Major Dwarven and Elven continue to raid Human Ulric is established under
fortifications along river settlements. Prince Vermund in North,
routes contest freedom of while priests of Taal and Rhya
movement in forest region . 0 Goblin armies are driven into
remain dominant under Ungol
Ruins of Dwarven river the mountains by united aristocracy. Talabheim faction
fortresses may befound along Dwarven and Human forces.
of the Empire maintains empty
the Urskoy and Upper Isolated Goblin tribes survive
pretext of Kislev as an eastern
Talabac. in the deep forests, but
frontier province, but without
substantial Goblin settlements
-2000 Dwarven expeditionary forces any real power.
disappear east of the Worlds
drive Elves from forest region
Edge Mountains. Sigmar 1900 In the north, a loose
and besiege Elven coastal Heldenharnmer grants Krugar, confederation of states
colonies. chief of the Talabec tribe, develops, ruled by Norse
-1600 One by one the Elven coastal sovereignty over lands along Ropsmenn princes and
colonies are destroyed, their the Talabec ''as far as the centred on the city-state of
refugees withdrawing into the Eastern Mountains, where Erengrad under Ingjald the
forests. As the Dwarfs prepare springs the mighty Talabec.'' Red. Ungol warbands threaten
to reduce the great Elven T he mountains remain the Talabheim. T he Emperor in
fortress at L'Anguille, they nominal holdings of the Talabheim acknowledges the
receive reports of Goblins Dwarven Warlords. In fact, the sovereignty of the Ungol chief
invading the northern Worlds forest and mountain regions UtiUa over all lands east of
Edge Mountains. T he are inhabited only by Goblins. Talabheim. T he Ungol capital,
Dwarven forces are Dorogo, becomes a
immediately recalled, but are 500 Unsuccessful attempts by
Krugar's descendants to cosmopolitan city, with
decimated on route by overland contacts with Araby,
starvation, Goblin raids, and exploit the forest lands.
Modest trading posts the Dwarven realms and
brutal winter storms. Cathay.
Dwarven adventurers sttll established at the sites of
search for the rematns of the modern Kislev and Erengrad, 2000 T he Ungol aristocracy is
Second Army, satd to have but the region remains slowly assimilated into the
been isolated and destroyed without substantial Human Gospodar culture. T he
along the Urskoy. settlement. Ropsmenn princedoms
-1500 Dwarven realm shattered by 1000 Plague and civil disorder in establish overland trade with
volcanic activity in the south Dorogo.
T he Empire make plans for
and Goblin incursions along colonising the forest region 2100 Igor the Terrible, prince of
the length of the Worlds Edge impossible. Trappers and Erengrad, cordially invites the
Mountains. Isolated Dwarven adventurers travel extensively Prince of Dorogo to join the
Confederacy of Kislevan

kingdoms survive, or migrate along rivers as far as the
to Black and Grey Mountains. headwaters of the Talabec. States. W hen the prince
Gradually the surviving Imperial culture and authority politely declines, Igor sends an
Dwarven trading settlements is represented by missions of army to reduce Dorogo. Igor
A Timclinc for Kislcv

renames the city Kislev, and
embarks on a forty-year
consolidation of the various
minor states and principalities
of southern and central Kislev,
uniting the region under a
single name and ruler for the
first time. Over several decades
Igor builds the Kremlin, the
prince's fortress on the Hill of
Heroes in Kislev overlooking
the Urskoy River.
2134 Igor's campaigns of conquest
and consolidation are stalled in
the foothills of the Worlds Edge
Mountains and in the Farside
steppes region. Nonetheless,
Igor declares both territories
part of the Confederated States
of Imperial Kislev, and
proclaims himself and his
progeny Tsars of all Kislev.
2247 After several increasingly weak
and ineffectual Tsars, a
coalition of government
bureaucrats and priests
conspires to govern Kislev
through puppet lsars. The first
agricultural colonies are
established in Farside, with
mixed success.
2300 An entrenched bureaucracy
and a priesthood increasingly
concerned with temporal
power contributes to the
general deterioration of the
central government. Remote
princedoms and Erengrad
continue to enjoy relative
prosperity. Raids by Dolgans 2300- During this period of relative and the aristocracy, despite
and Hobgoblins cause failure of 2400 stability, central and southern the opposition of the
all but strongest colonies Kislev prosper under the conservative priesthoods and
in Farside. Romanoff dynasty. The north the bureaucracy.
2302-3 Chaos hordes pour across the is slow to recover from 2475- Chaos activity north of the
Lynsk. Praag falls, Erengrad the Chaos incursion, and present Lynsk increases steadily. The
survives with the aid of allied continues to be plagued by princes of the northern
Norscan princes, and an army periodic external and internal colonies appeal to the central
of mutants and Beastmen conflicts with Chaos-inspired government for additional
besieges Kislev. Emissaries forces. The last of the Farside troops and funds for
from lsar Alexis appeal for aid colonies is abandoned. fortifications. Troops are
to Magnus the Pious, Emperor 2400- Erengrad and other major withdrawn to deal with large
in Nuln. After two years of 2475 urban centres along the Lynsk bands of Beastmen and
campaigning, the Imperial gradually recover. Colonies are mutants raiding central and
army under Magnus turns the re-established north of the southern Kislev. Bolgasgrad,
tide in the crucial battle of Lynsk. These colonies, the largest trans-Lynsk
Grovod Forest, and the siege of designed to serve as buffers colony, protests and secedes
Kislev is lifted. Then, with against future Chaos from the Kislevan confeder­
Kislevite forces and Norscan incursions, are heavily fortified acy. Increased Goblin activity
allies, Magnus drives the Chaos with substantial military along the Worlds Edge
armies across the Lynsk into garrisons. A series of Romanoff Mountains. The Dolgans
the Chaos Wastes. Tsar Alexis Tsars of varying ability unite under War Chief Darok
declares Magnus a Hero of the culminates in the psychotic Hookhorn and declare war

People and swears everlasting Ivan Romanoff, who is on all Goblinoids. Endless
brotherhood between the murdered by a fanatic priest. and inconclusive raids and
peoples of the Empire Radii Bokha rises to power reprisals ensue, with no
and Kislev. with the support of the military peaceful resolution in sight .
Socw Classes

SOCIAL CLASSES countryside, it is the aristocracy who There are still elite units of Ungol light
own the land, and they order the lives horse-archers, but they have become
of the tenant farmer, labourer, artisan largely ornamental, since the type of
The Aristocracy and merchant on their estates. The Tuar's warfare they were designed for - swift
estates are administered by Imperial raids, daring skirmishes, and elaborate
This is predominantly Norse, with bureaucrats, a class of civil servants manoeuvres - has been replaced by large,
exceptional Ungol military and ruling which apes the privileges and culture of disorganised shock assaults in difficult
families dating from the period ofUngol the aristocracy, but which is held in wooded terrain.
dominance. contempt by the old Norse families.
Since the Chaos incursion of 2302,
The aristocracy of Kislev is in decline.
various religious-military orders
The bureaucracy and priesthood are The Military dedicated to the eradication of Chaos
growing in influence over the Tsar, and
The military was once an aristocratic have developed in Kislev.
aristocratic families have begun to find
their hereditary landholdings lost to preserve, a gentleman's army The Order of the W hite Wolf has
rising government and priestly power occasionally s welled with peasant expanded into Kislev from The Empire,
brokers. They retain great traditional militia. Now, in the modern army, the where it is well-known as a chapter of
prestige, however, and can continue to infantry is increasingly important, and elite Templars ofUlric. In Kislev, scarcely
look down their noses at the nouveaux the military is now open to the sons of less ferocious, Templars of the W hite
riches from other classes. the bureaucratic and peasant classes. The
Wolf tend to be loosely-organised groups
officers, heavy cavalry, and elite heavy
The wealth of the aristocracy in of berserkers - indifferent to tactics, but
infantry are still predominantly Norse
agricultural Kislev resides in their great aristocrats, while Gospodars andUngols impressive in hand-to-hand combat.
estates. Both in the towns and the are the foot-sloggers. Another elite military order is the
Brotherhood of the Bear, an order of
Ranger-Templars following Taal and
specialising in skirmish actions in forests
and rough terrain. Surprisingly, this
consists largely of Gospodars.
The Gryphon Legion was an elite cavalry
unit formed during the war against
Chaos, but has since won most of its
battle honours as a mercenary force in
the employ of The Empire. It is sworn
to return to Kislev if the Tsar should so
command, but the general feeling in the
Kislevite military hierarchy is that the
time and distance involved would make
this option practically useless.

The Priesthood
Traditionally a land of few gods but
much superstition, Kislev has two main
cults; that ofUlric (also known as Olric),
introduced by the Norse, and that of Taal
and Rhya, whose presence dates back
beyond recorded history.
The cult of Ulric is preferred by the
military and the aristocracy, while the
cults of Taal and Rhya maintain close ties
with the peasantry. However, religious
faith is in decline. Lip-service is still paid
to these two cults, but Gospodar
cynicism ensures that religious devotion
is mostly perfunctory and lacking in
conviction. The priesthood has become
increasingly political, and generally little
more than an extension of whichever
faction it supports at the moment.
The greatest weakness of the priesthood
is its failure to protect its followers from
famine or Chaos. It preaches that the
droughts and Chaos hordes are an
admonishment for Jack of faith, that
these natural and unnatural disasters are
tests of the peasants' piety, which will

be rewarded in due course. The peasants
have little reason to praise the gods as
their children star ve and the Chaos
hordes rampage all but unchecked .
Social Cusses

The Bureaucracy its appearance is most evident in of improving their status. Most, however,
Originally just an extension of the Tsar conspicuous consumption. Bureaucrats are individuals who prefer the freedom
and the aristocracy, the bureaucracy has often dress in ostentatious, expensive and challenge of road and wilderness,
built its own independent power base - clothes of dubious taste, in imitation of and who hate the routines of rural and
a vast, convoluted and glacier-slow civil styles from The Empire, and especially urban life.
service. Nothing can be done in Kislev Bretonnia. They throw huge feasts and Members of this class occasionally
without an army of scribes, clerks, balls, decorate their homes lavishly and remain in colony settlements for short
inspectors and - most important - tax garishly, and waste money on luxuries periods, or take temporary employment
collectors. Anything you can buy or sell, and frivolities. The aristocracy look on with established mercantile concerns
or even look at, has a tax on it. These these gross displays with patronising government agencies or individuals, but
taxes are nominally the rightful bounty contempt; the peasants regard them as they are footloose and restless at heart.
of the Tsar, who is, after all, the owner depraved. They take great care not to become too
of the nation of Kislev. The practice falls dependent on the luxuries of civilisation
some way short of the theory. The Intelligentsia or the generosity of their employers,
The power of the bureaucracy has waxed This small group represents the elite taking pride in their independence and
and waned over the last two centuries. thinkers and artists of Kislev, including their ability to live off the land.
Weak, passive Tsars allow the ambitious clerics, scholars, physicians, mages, and W ith the ever-present threat of
to entrench themselves with loyal other educated and professional people. Beastmen, mutants, and Goblins abroad
supporters and decrees favourable to They are often individually powerful or in the forests and foothills, the freemen
their interests. Strong, energetic Tsars wealthy, but, since the intelligentsia make a habit of avoiding conflict or
maintain control with shrewd politics, generally views politics with contempt, attacking from ambush. This style of
careful appointments, secret agents, and it has relatively little effect on warfare contrasts with the current
ruthless purges from time to time. government policy. The only thing military style of direct, ferocious assault,
The current Tsar, Radii Bokha, rose to members of this class seem to have in and there is a great degree of mutual
power with the aid of the military and common is their vague notion of the contempt between the military and
the aristocracy, despite the opposition necessity for improving the quality of freemen. Freemen have also been known
of the priesthood and the bureaucracy. life - an ideal which jars strangely with to adopt the methods of the hostile
Bokha dedicates the bulk of the tax their well-known and thinly-disguised groups they confront - terrorist brutaliry,
revenue to campaigns against Chaos contempt for the other classes. grisly trophies, midnight raids and so on
hordes, mountain Goblins and plains Otherwise, race, culture, wealth and - "fighting fire with fire", as they see it.
Hobgoblins. Since these campaigns are personalities vary immensely. Some say that they are little better than
largely unsuccessful, the bureaucracy the beasts and monsters they fight.
sees this as an opportuniry to undermine The Freemen "Says that, does they? Well, send a few
Bokha's power base and try to install The freeman class includes adventurers, of them out here without their polished
someone more sympathetic to their aims. frontiersmen, mercenaries, colonists, armour and their lackeys and their
The bureaucratic class is busily trying to traders, itinerant artisans and other hordes of troops. See how well they do
gather unto itself some of the glamour individuals of low social status who when it comes down to basics. Then
and prestige of the aristocracy. However, travel for a living. Among the freemen maybe they'll speak more respectful of
since the wealth of the bureaucrats is are the more adventurous and ambitious those that know the ways of the wild."
neither hereditary nor rooted in the land, peasants, who leave the land in the hope
The Peasantry
Traditionally, the Kislevite peasant had
an unlimited right to travel as they
pleased, and if a landlord was too harsh,
or rent too high, they were free to set off
in search of a more reasonable and
generous master. In practice, this meant
that the peasants tended to stick where
they were, because the risk of wandering
into a worse situation was so great, and
because of the natural pessimistic
fatalism of the class.
Nowadays, the peasants are increasingly
restricted by the bureaucracy's decrees.
They must obtain the Tsar's permission
(ie the bureaucracy's permission) to
travel or obtain a new landlord. This
permission is theoretically available to
anyone, but in practice it is very hard to
obtain - the process requires peasants to
confront their landlord with specific
complaints, and substantiate them before
a board of examiners.
The personality of the peasant is the

personaliry of the Gospodar (see above).
Cynical, deceitful, and fatalistic, they
expect little good from their gods, their
masters, or their fellow man .
The Life of a Kislevite Peasant


Normally the peasants work the fields in the spring, summer, Many customs reveal the peasant preoccupation with social
and autumn, struggling from dawn until dusk to make best place and precedence. A social superior (the Vladely or his
use of the short growing season. They wear long linen shirts, overseers, an itinerant priest, or a revered village elder) is
tied at the waist, with loose linen trousers and boots of bark referred to as olets ('father') - "Good day, Olets Pyotr". An
or felt. In winter, they wear great sheepskin coats against equal or inferior is referred to as brat('brother')- "Hey, brat,
the biting winds. The women's garb varies only in the watch where you 're swinging that scythe!" When greeting
substitution of a generous linen skirt for the trousers, and a superior, it is customary to bow - the deeper the bow, the
the colourful kerchief over their bound-up hair. greater the honour shown. Equals, friends, and distant
relatives receive only a perfunctory duck of the head.
During the short growing season, the peasant works long
hours in the field for the Vladely (Master or Steward), tending GM: Peasants may use these customs to insult bureaucrats
his own vegetables in the dim light of dusk. As the light dies, and foreigners subtly, with ironic or perfunctory gestures
he may gather with his neighbours to gossip and to grumble accompanying apparently deferential language.
about the weather or the Vladely and his overseers. The peasant's faith in the cult of Taal and Rhya is superficial
and pragmatic. When he prays, fasts, makes sacrifices, pays
In the long winter, the peasant spends most of his time respect to the beautiful corner, he expects results. When
in his small cabin, gossiping and grumbling, and seeking
nothing happens - when famines and droughts grind on
distraction in kvas - a modestly vile spirit made from regardless, Beastmen and mutants continue their raids, and
fermented bread. the hard lot of the peasant continues to worsen, the cult
GM: The drunken peasant, insolent and sure of doom, priests just preach humility and passive acceptance of fate.
is a commonly-encountered NPC in rural villages beset On the other hand, he is earnest in their superstitious
by the forces of evil or Chaos. When drunk, the peasant reverence for the ancient spirits of the field, river, and
speaks more carelessly to foreigners - and more woodland (see p25).
informatively. See pl9. Hospitality to strangers - or even relatives - is not an element
In summer and autumn the peasant's diet is enlivened by of the peasant ethos. When life is so hard, open-handed
fresh vegetables from his garden, but during the rest of the generosity may mean starvation for your own family, and
year he dines on bread, cabbage, beet soup, and cucumbers. others are expected to look out for themselves.
The fast days ordained by the cult of Taal and Rhya at the Paradoxically, though, the Kislevite peasant is capable of great
summer and winter solstices are seen as a great hardship, compassion for the wretched and helpless. Stories of
and honoured more in the breach than in the obser vance. kindness to the sick, the lost, and the destitute abound in
Kislevite folklore. A poor peasant takes on the burden of
The peasants' log cabins are simple and sparsely furnished, another more miserable than himself, at the risk of the whole
with a table and a few benches. The peasants sleep on large family starving; the benefactor is repaid ten-fold when the
earthen stoves gathered around the sunken central hearth, wretched starveling is revealed as a prince, or the guardian
where fires burn all night during the winter. The cabins have of a hidden treasure, or a deity in disguise, searching for (and
no chimney; the smoke drifts out through a hole in the centre rewarding) Human virtue.
of the roof.
Such compassion may even extend to blameless mutants; if
One corner holds a shrine dedicated to Taal and Rhya; this a mutant can still be perceived as Human, the peasant may
is referred to as the 'red comer' or 'beautiful comer' because see its plight as even more wretched than his own. This is
it is often the only spot of colour in the cabin. No entering one reason why the persecution of mutants has not assumed
guest may speak until he has made obeisance to the shrine the same proportions in Kislev as it has in The Empire, and
by bowing deeply and pressing a bit of the earthen floor to why "harmless" mutants like Georgiy Pyotrovitch (whom
his lips. we will meet shortly) are allowed to live.
GM: This ritual is an official cult adaptation of the older GM: Exploit this narrative element in Kislevite campaigns,
rituals revering the Domovoy (see p25). A careless reference presenting PCs with chances to befriend the wretched, then
by a peasant to "Grandfather Spark" during.this-Common rewarding them later with triumphantly revealed wizards,
ritual might provide an introduction to the Kislevite heroes, or messengers of the gods who help the PCs in their
ancient spirits for an inquisitive foreigner. hour of greatest need.

"My peasants are terrified," says Ivan
Ilyitch Hertzen, Steward of the Tsar's
estates in the village of Voltsara.
"They cower in their huts, and the
fields lie unp loughed. Even their
vegetable-plots ·Jie untended. A
brother and sister found; insides
scooped out like fruit . Two more
children missing. If I don't get a
crop in, the folk starve, and I get fried
on a grate.''
"If you'd seek the wild men in their
forest, you'd best speak with the
charcoaler Pyotr Pyotrovich,'' says Oleg
the Overseer. "They say his boy is one
of them - the touch of lzeentch on him,
sure, and his whole family. 'Set a stoat
to catch a stoat,' they say, but a bad
business it is, sure."
In these hard times, hard men are
needed. Seeking the Beastmen in their
forest sanctuary is bad business indeed,
but that's the business of freelance
adventurers, agents of the Tsar, and
sworn enemies of Chaos.

The village of Voltsara is under attack
from a band of Beastmen. Their lair,
deep in the forest, is practically
impossible to find unaided, and the
adventurers must obtain the help of a
peasant family in contacting their son,
a mutant who lives wild in the forest.
Through this Beast Child, the
adventurers may locate the encampment
of the Beastmen who have been preying
on the villagers.
First, however, the distrustful peasant
parents must be persuaded to help. Then
the adventurers must learn first-hand
about the a ncient spirits of nature
worshipped by the Kislevite peasants,
and obtain their aid in locating the Beast
Child. Once found , he must be
persuaded to overcome his suspicion
and fear of all Humans. And even if the
adventurers can persuade the Beast Child
to aid them, they may need the aid of
the darkest, most perilous forest and
water spirits to deal with the Beastmen.
This adventure is also an opportunity to
learn about the Kislevite peasant, his way
of life, his personality and his
superstitions; this information will be
vital to the adventurers' success. A
number of essays are presented in the

course of the adventure, to help the GM
run the adventure and to serve as
reference material for campaigns based
in Kislev.
Starting the Adventure

With that, the PCs are ushered out into

a side-room, where one of the Tsar's
advisors will come to them after a few
minutes. He addresses them in lightly­
accented Old Worlder.
''Tsar Radii Bokha, Tsar of all K.islevites,
Father of the People, instructs me to
bid you welcome, honoured Knights
Panther.. .''
It may be no more than his accent, but
there may have been a hint of sarcasm
in his speech.
"...To the east of here, about three days'
journey along the river, is an estate called
Voltsara, under the Stewardship of one
Ivan Ilyitch Hertzen. Something has
disturbed the villagers there - you will
report to the Steward for your orders,
and resolve the situation there in a
satisfactory manner. Having done so, you
will return here to report and receive
further instr uction s. My name is
STARTING THE V ladimir Ilyitch Bogdanov, and you will
ADVENTURE 'Jsar: V ladimir Ilyitch, who are these report to me personally.''
people? Are you absolutely sure
that their papers were in order? Is Bogdanov will entertain no questions,
This adventure can be started in a responding to enquiries by suggesting
number of ways, according to how you there a chance that they might
have stolen them? that the PCs will find better answers in
are using it: Voltsara than he is able to give. He will
Advisor I: It seems not, Father of the give the PCs a document which proves
The Enemy Within Campaign People. We must conclude that that they are agents of the 'Bar, and point
or The Kislev Campaign these .. . people are either the out that their boat leaves in an hour, so
When the PCs arrive in K.islev, the papers Knights Panther you requested that this would be a good time to eat and
they are carrying, and their Knights from Middenheim, or forgers of prepare for the journey. His suggestions
Panther insignia, will ensure that they exceptional ability... are given the force of commands by the
have no trouble in reaching the Tsar's dozen Knights of the W hite Wolf who
palace. Assuming that they still have Advisor 2: And the facts seem to point attend the party at all times.
them, of course - if they have been lost to the former conclusion, Father
or stolen in the course of the journey, of the People. For if they were As an Isolated Adventure
feel free to hold things up for days as the clever enough to forge their
bureaucracy looks into the matter. But documents and insignia, they In Kislev: There are t w o main
in the end, they should be able to verify would surely be clever enough to possibilities here, and you may be able
that the PCs are who they say they are, present a more convincing to devise others if you need to:
and they will be granted an audience appearance. The Tsar (or his ministers, or his agents)
with the Tsar himself. hire or draft the adventurers in the city
Tsar Radii Bokha is a big-built man in his (Murmurs of agreement) of K.islev, promising a healthy reward for
fifties, with a thick moustache and loyal service, then dispatch them by boat
collar-length black hair. He seems Tsar: Hmmm . Our Brother of to Voltsara - the last couple of paragraphs
unimpressed as the PCs are shown into Middenheim shall hear more of above can be used for an introduction,
his throne room, escorted by a dozen this. Giyorgi Petrovitch, it seems with little alteration.
knights of the Kislevite Order of the to me that they will not be suitable
for our problem. Since they are Ivan Ilyitch Hertzen, Steward of the
W hite Wolf. If any of the PCs tries to 'Bar's estates at Voltsara, advertises in the
address the Tsar directly, or speaks here, though, what can be done
with them? surrounding area for ''Bold adventurers
before being spoken to, one or more and doughty Chaos fight-ers, wanted to
knights will jab them in the ribs with a rid Voltsara of the scourge of mutant
sword-pommel. If they persist, the sharp Advisor 2: Well, Father of the People,
there has been a petition from one raiders. All expenses covered, reward on
end of the sword may come into play. successful completion.''
Ivan Ilyitch Hertzen, Steward of
The Tsar looks at the adventurers your estates at Voltsara. There have
narrowly for a few moments, and then been some killings there, and the Elsewhere: Rural life in K.islev is little
turns to the little cluster of advisors peasants are all terrified of different from rural life in forested areas
ranged around and behind his throne. Beastmen. of Bretonnia, the Wasteland or The
There is a low conversation - too low to Empire. Replace the Tsar's Steward with
hear, but it seems clear that he is Advisor I: And, Father of the People, a local landowning noble, and change
somewhat disappointed in the 'Knights that will allow us to judge their the names to suit the culture. The ancient
Panther' from Middenheim. Any abilities. In case their appearance spirits would be known by other names
character with Acute Hearing or Lip is deceptive. in other countries, but would have

Reading skill and the abilit y to similar personalities and powers. The
understand the Kislevite dialect of Old Tsar: Good. Let it be done. Dwarven temple and its subsequent
Worlder will be able to overhear the Goblin occupation are plausible in any
following on a successful Int test: of the countries listed above.
The Village of Voltsua


The village of Voltsara, like most rural The arrival of strangers in Voltsara, or
in any remote Kislevite estate or village,
The Drunken Peasant
villages in Kislev, sprawls along a wide,
unpaved road. Small cottages - no more is normally a big event. If the visitors are As the adventurers make their way up the
than one-room log cabins - lie along the expected, someone from the Manor will road toward the Manor, a cottage door
road, with individual vegetable patches be waiting at the boat-houses to greet the opens and a peasant half-falls out,
behind. At the end of the road, at the top visitors. Even if they arrive unexpectedly, running backwards at high speed, arms
of a rise, is the Steward's substantial children playing by the river will dash windmilling for balance, laughing
Manor house, the barns, farm to the village with the news, and a crowd uproariously. He slams into the PC of
outbuildings, beehives, orchards and will gather to gawp at the travellers. your choice (ideally the one most likely
artisans ' shops. to take offence),· bounces off, and
However, as the adventurers approach collapses on the road. The PC must make
At the foot of the rise is the village shrine the village, the area appears deserted. an I test to remain standing. If the test
to Taal and Rhya, where village elders Any native Kislevite, and any Ranger is failed, then the road bas to be muddy,
preside over festivals and services, where character, will realise that this is unusual or dotted with less pleasant substances.
sacrifices of grain and livestock are - other characters will realise on a This will not make a very good
made, and where itinerant priests hold successful Int test . Kislevite NPCs - impression at the Manor.
ceremonies during their periodic visits. boatmen, guides, hirelings - will wonder
This sacred ground protects the village out loud what has happened - plague? The peasant makes several unsuccessful
from the malicious actions of the ancient special festival? massacre? The attempts to stand, talking all the time:
spirits - or so the priests say. adventurers must make their way up the "Ah-hah-hah-ha! Humble greeting, Olets
Nonetheless, the peasants are careful to
road to the village on their own. The Furriners, and welcome to.. .'' (sweeping
honour the ancient spirits in the fields
cottage doors and shutters are all closed gesture) "...the doomed village
and barred, and no one is working in the of Voltsara."
of rye - the source of the estate's wealth
fields - very unusual for this time of year.
- which surround the village. Attempts to bow low, and plunges
face-first into tbe road surface.
About a mile from the village is the River
Urskoy, a dock, a few small boats, and Approaching a Continues talking.
storage and work sheds. Peasant Cottage "Come to get your arms pulled off, eh?
If the adventurers approach a peasant Well, you've come to the right place. And
At the edge of the fields are light woods,
cottage, their reception depends on their why worry? Old lzeentch is glad to grow
where woodcutting, charcoal-burning
apparent social class and their behaviour. you a couple of new ones - any size and
and hunting are the main activities. They
The door will not be opened unless colour you want."
are open and well-lit; sunlight filters violence or a report to the Steward - the
through the forest canopy onto glades Vladely - is threatened. Belches loudly, looks surprised, tben
and light undergrowth, and well-worn pleased witb himself. Laughs briefly,
paths wind among denser thickets and If the adventurers are firm and self­ then scowls at tbe PCs.
stands of older trees. assured, they will be treated as social
superiors - ''Aye, Olets, the house on the ''Don't know why everyone's so gloomy.
Beyond lies the darker, older forest. No hill and the Vladelyyou'll be wanting.'' Priests say everything is under control.
sun reaches the damp, littered floor. No problem at all, no, my good fathers.
Corpse-white fungi bloom from rotting, If threatened, the peasants co-operate Taal and Rhya protect us poor peasants.
fallen trunks, and dense undergrowth sullenly, but remind the adventurers Sure. Sure.''
makes travel almost impossible away (through barred doors) that the Vladely
from the few tracks and paths. Some won 't take kindly to the harming of his If the PCs try to question him, he laughs
paths lead to other villages, some to labourers. ''Naught of my affair, Brat. Up very, very hard, halts abruptly in mid­
abandoned settlements, some to the road. And take care with my door, laugh, coughs, looks distressed, then
quarries, and some to ancient clearings, please, 'less you're ready to fix it after.'' deposits his lunch on a convenient pair
ruins and stone monuments of obscure of PC boots and passes out.
If the adventurers are too polite or
origin. It is here in the deep forest that deferential, the peasants will be bolder, GM: Tbis encounter is strictly to annoy
the ancient malevolent spirits abide, and and make snide comments about their tbe PCs and give a bint of danger to
the servants of Chaos lurk.
ignorance. "I can see how you might come. Tbe drunken peasant bas no
think that the Vladely lives here. Easy information tbat could not be obtained
THE STRANGERS mistake. All rich folk live in little shacks. more easily and reliablyfrom Hertzen
ARRIVE (Sec Map 4) Everyone knows (snigger)." at tbe Manor. However, iftbe PCs do not
kick bis teeth in for bis cburlisb
If the PCs enquire about the village's behaviour, you may decide tbat be is so
The easiest way to reach Voltsara is by problem, the peasants are fairly tight­ grateful (after sleeping off bis stupor
boat along the Urskoy. Footpaths run lipped, insisting that they talk to the and realising that be might bave died),
parallel to the river, but carry the risk of Vladely. However, they will let slip these tbat be offers bis services as a bearer. If
attacks by Beastmen and other forest few details: so, be is tbe only peasant willing to aid
denizens. - t welve peasants have been killed, tbe adventurers, and be manages to do
GM: Feel.free to improvise night attacks several in broad daylight , but no so only by fortifying bis courage witb
on tbe adventurers' encampment and witnesses to the attacks have survived; kvas. Sucb a colourful, drunken NPC
other incidents. Ifyour players are fond may be of little use, but can be
- the killings were grotesque and brutal, entertaining and - wbo knows - may be
of afight, a river ambush by Beastmen

evidently carried out by something with drafted in an emergency as a
- like tbe incident Messing About on very great strength;
the River in Death on the Relk - is a replacement PC, transformed by a
good open-with-action encounter toget - everyone agrees it must have been a personal crisis of courage into
theirjuicesflowing. band of Beastmen. hero material.
• . AA l

The Manor

The adventurers should continue to the
Manor and confer with Hertzen (see
If they have been sent here by the Tsar,
the terms of their service are already
arranged, but they were ordered to
report to Hertzen, and will find him and
his staff valuable sources of information.
If they are here as mercenaries, they
should arrange a contract for their
service. Hertzen will open with an offer
of 50 gold ruples (the same value as
Imperial gold crowns), but may be
bargained up to double this amount.
Give the PCs a + 10 bonus to their
Bargain test if they've spoken with
peasants and learned the seriousness of
the problem, since Hertzen initially tries
to understate the problem to keep his
offer low.

The Steward's Tale "Nothing happened, not right away. lead you to the monsters. Not too keen
Ivan Ilyitch Hertzen greets the Then, four weeks ago, we found the on the idea myself - Pyotrovich is old and
adventurers on the spacious porch of his mutilated corpses of several senile, and not likely to set you on his
Manor (with only a modest amount of woodcutters. 'That's what got Alexis,' we own son - but I said I'd mention it to you,
fussing and preening) and explains the said, and started keeping a watch, and and so I have."
recent events that require the restricting travel in the Old Woods. Since Hertzen arranges for the adventurers'
adventurers' services. Attempts to then we've lost twelve people: five of accommodation, and has the overseers
interrupt are met with polite them children, two of them men taken inform the peasants of their status.
bewilderment - no-one interrupts the in broad daylight . No-one has seen
Vladely - and immediate resumption of ''These people are in my service. Obey
anything - at least, no-one who lived to
his narrative, with no acknowledgement them as you would obey me, or answer
tell about it - but the hoof-marks and tom to me for it."
of any comment or question. brush look like Beastmen. Little else
After terms have been settled (if with the power to rip limbs off and Normally, adventurers will be housed in
necessary), Hertzen will brief the PCs scoop the guts from a man, except bears, outbuildings and fed with any artisans
as follows: and this is too regular to be bears. or overseers who don't live with their
families in the somewhat nicer cottages
"So good of you to come. Things are a "We've not much idea of even where to near the Manor. Any adventurer clearly
bit of a mess here, you know - peasants start looking. Oleg - one of my overseers of superior status (Initiates, Scholars,
with bits tom off, half-eaten tots floating - has this idea that you should talk to the Wizards, Nobles, etc) will be offered
in ponds, beehives apparently gobbled charcoaler Pyotr Pyotrovich. Says his son lodgings in the Manor, and fed with the
whole - quite disconcerting. The Lady is one of them, good chance, and could Steward's family.
and I have been quite concerned. Handy
as I am with a blade (demonstrating with
afew broad flourishes), l doubt I'd be Ivan Ilyitch Henzen, Steward of Voltsara (Noble)

I� l�tl�l 31! 1�'4131t ffri�l�l�fttl�I

much good against hordes of Beastmen
and worse. The priests assure me that
we're safe here with the Manor's shrine
to Taal and Rhya - a certain protection
against the servants of Chaos, they say Skills: Blather, Charm, Etiquette, Heraldry, Luck, Public
- but nonetheless, we're a bit... bothered, Speaking, Read/Write, Ride - horse, Specialist Weapon -
don't you know. Fencing Sword, Wit.
"It really started about three months ago, Possessions: As necessary.
when Alexis - my foreman as was, rest
his soul - came back saying he'd found The steward of the Voltsara estate is a rising member of the bureaucratic class.
an old stone circle. Never said where. He Such nouveaux riches tend to dress ostentatiously in highly ornamented,
was digging around, looking for a good embroidered garments of fine linen, and affect the elevated diction and manners
site for a charcoal-pit, when he fetched of the upper class - generally achieving a rather tasteless and unintentionally­
up some stonework, he said. Came home comic parody of the aristocratic style.
at dar k , and set off again the next To stage this, a Monty Python-style upper-class-twit manner of speech is effective,
morning at first light. Never saw him with wide, flamboyant gestures and a mock-modest style of politely but
again. Sent four overseers and a team of

deprecatingly calling attention to the luxuries and extravagant crudities they
labourers, but we couldn't find Alexis or surround themselves with. "Sorry to greet you in these old rags, (rattle of
the place. I was sorry to lose Alexis, but jewellery, pluck at the fine lace of the sleeves) but I've only just been informed
there wasn't much I could do. A lot can of your arrival."
happen in these woods, you know.
Encounter I: The Proud Father

To Business adventurers, but a Loyalty (to Hertzen) 3. Father Bear. A one-sided contest to
After telling his story, Hertzen invites the test must be taken before the overseer settle a bet between two of the Spirits.
adventurers to go directly to work. He agrees to come, and the test must be 4. The Beast Child. Honourable and
expresses little interest in plans - "No, repeated whenever something compassionate dealings with the Beast
no, don't bother me with details, just unpleasant , mysterious, threatening or Child may earn his trust, producing
do it." terrifying occurs (with healthy penalties, information about the location of the
as you see fit). Profiles for t ypical Beastman encampment, and possibly
If the adventurers request help or peasants and overseers are given on
equipment, he arranges to provide it winning his aid against the Beastmen.
through his overseers, if the request is 5. The St o n e C ircle. A stealthy
reasonable (ie, easily replaceable, approach may permit the adventurers to
inexpensive, close to hand, and plausibly
pick the first few Beastmen off one by
useful). For example, riding horses are one. They must face the Chaos Warrior
not available (except, perhaps, to
gentlemen or others of comparable SEQUENCE and his pet Daemon - or be content
to let these formidable enemies
station), but draft or pack animals would escape. Or, the PCs can opt for a straight
The adventure is conceived as a assault on the Beastmen - probably
be no problem. sequence of encounters, each leading to resulting in the loss of some adventurers
Additional hands are another matter. The the next and/or providing useful and the failure of the mission.
peasants refuse to go out of the village, information or other resources, leading
day or night. They might be forced by finally to a dramatic climax with lots of 6. The Dwarven Temple. Once the
threats or violence, but would be of little hewing and cleaving, horrible monsters, Chaos Warrior and his Daemon are
help, sneaking off at the first dreadful magical creatures, and ancient taken care of, the PCs can cleanse the old
opportunity, and certainly no use loot. The sequence of encounters and Dwarven ruin and lay to rest the ghosts
in a fight. resources to be gained are as follows: that haunt it. They can investigate the
Goblin burials there, and possibly
However, if an adventurer of great I. PyotrPyotro vich. His co-operation recover valuable treasure.
personal charisma and heroic stature teaches the adventurers about the
wishes to persuade a peasant to willing While it will be easier for the PCs if the
ancient spirits.
service, test on (PC's F el + Ld, minus players tackle things in this sequence, it
peasant's Int + WP: Blather + 10, 2. The Sp irits. Successful dealings with is quite possible to bring things to a
Charm + 10), Hertzen will gladly grant the spirits can guide the adventurers to successful conclusion another way. So
permission for the peasant to go with the Beast Child, and provide potential don't worry if the players miss
them. Hertzen might be persuaded to allies against the Beastmen. On the way, something or insist on doing things their
order an overseer to accompany the this may lead to... own way.


Pyotr Pyotrovich and his wife Annya Pyotr is over 80 years old, and Annya remember - on days when their minds
Ivanova live in an old, ramshackle nearly 70, but both are fit and wiry, and were clear - that Pyotr was once
cottage on the edge of the fields, to the remarkably spry for their age. Annya something of a warlock.
north of Voltsara and the river. For almost never speaks - she never talked Unlike the other peasants of the village,
decades, they have worked as charcoal­ very much, and she's not about to start Pyotr isn't cowering behind barred
burners, supplying the cooking stoves of now. Pyotr is just the opposite - doors; he's out in the forest , as usual,
the village. incessantly chattering to himself and to with his axe and his mule, chopping
anyone who will listen about the wood for charcoal. Annya is bustling
Pyotr has been touched by Chaos, weather, the decline of the aristocracy, about doing her ordinary chores. Both
though in such a mild form that its only the hardships of old age, and the seem to have an almost supernatural
manifestation is eccentricity in foolishness of priests. There's nothing he energy for their age.
behaviour, a fault that could easily be loves better than a long chat about
passed off as the curse of old age. GM: The players may well make too
theology, but all his conversations tend much of this. Pyotr and Annya are
Of course, there is also his son, Georgiy to turn into monologues. simply unusually spry old birds. But if
Pyotrovich, the Beast Child. Georgiy is Pyotr is quite an authority on the spirits the players want to see Chaos or sorcery
35 years old, and scarcely changed since of nature that inhabit the fields, forests, at work here, let them.
he fled the village 23 years ago. Georgiy and waters around Voltsara. Such Pyotr and Annya believe that they are
was always slow-witted and uneasy in knowledge has been allbut lost over the protected from Beastman attacks by their
Human Society, but no-one ascribed his past t wo centuries - the priests have son, who ran off into the forest 23 years
defects to the taint of Chaos. Now that managed to wipe out the last vestiges of ago. They believe that he is the leader

the servants of Chaos plague Voltsara, its nature-worship in most peasant of the Beastmen who are now attacking
folk imagine they always saw the touch communities. Pyotr doesn't talk very the village. The truth is that they have
of Chaos in Georgiy, and, for that matter, much about it, though, and only the just been lucky in escaping the attention
in his father as well. oldest men of the village might of the Beastmen - so far.
Encounter 1: The Proud Father

Pyotr and Annya go through three phases adventurers are shrewd enough to swear - Georgiy is the leader of the Beastmen.
in their reaction to the adventurers: by all the gods at once (or on some other
Untrue, and even admittedly illogical,
equally solemn oath) not to harm if Pyotr is forced to consider the
1. Amiable but casual sociability:
Annya offers the visitors a cup of kvas Georgiy, Pyotr and Annya will be contradiction between bis assertion
and asks them to wait until Pyotr returns particularly cooperative. that Georgiy is a good boy, and that the
from the woods to eat. Pyotr chatters If the adventurers persuade the couple Beastmen are slaughtering children.
pleasantly with the adventurers when he to help them, here's what Pyotr can tell - The only way to communicate with
returns to the cottage. about his son. The notes in italics are for Georgiy is through the spirits of nature
"Well, well. Travellers from the great your reference only. which govern his wild home. Pyotr has
world outside. Welcome indeed. W hat - Georgiy is a good boy, just a little taught Georgiy everything he knows
is the news in Kislev? Is Radii still Tsar? dull-witted. about the spirits, and with Georgiy's
Pah! Waste of good cabbage, that man. special gifts, he is more in tune with
I could make a better Tsar from a sheep Essentially true. Georgiy is no threat to nature than ever Pyotr was.
dropping." other people. He is dull-witted, but bis Dead on.
gift with the spirits of nature
2. Suspicious hostility: W hen Pyotr compensates somewhat for bis mental Pyotr offers to act as an intermediary
and Annya realise that the adventurers with the spirits of nature.
are on the trail of the Beastmen, and are
looking for their son, they immediately - Pyotr and Annya haven't seen Georgiy "Used to be quite a warlock, you know.
assume that Georgiy is in danger, and for years, but they sense his presence Probably a bit rusty. And all I can do is
become formally polite but around them, as though he were right call the spirits for you - they may come
unco-operative. in the room with them, and he is or they may not - we've not spoken for
protecting his parents from any years. Can't say whether they'll be
''No. No idea where he is. Been missing friendly. They've been neglected, I'm
for t wenty-three years this spring. Beastman attacks. afraid. The priests forbid the old magics.
Haven't seen him at all." Partly true. Georgiy keeps a watch on I dare say I'm the only one left who
3. Cautious, sceptical co-operation: bis parents from the forest, and bis knows the observances.''
If the adventurers persuade Pyotr and acute senses and sensitivity sometimes ''But I warn you - the stronger the spirit,
Annya that the survival of the village is seem almost magical. However, be bas the more greedy. A little house spirit is
at stake, and that they are responsible for nothing to do with the raiding grateful for stewed grain and cordial
protecting their neighbours from the Beastmen - Pyotr and Annya have respect . The Forest Lord wants a bit more
marauding Beastmen, Pyotr will tell simply been lucky in avoiding attack than that for his services - sparing your
what he knows about his son. If the so far. life is generous, in his book."

Encounter 2: The Ancient Spirits


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Give the players the Ancient Spirits scale until they find someone who The Leshy is the most subtle in tone -he's
handout (pl27) and let them digest it, can help them for a reasonable price. comic in speech and manner, but his
or present the information as a If asked his opinion, Pyotr suggests insensitivity to the pain and death about
monologue by Pyotr. In either case, make this procedure. him should be slightly chilling.
sure the players have the handout as a Cheerful and impulsive players may
reference; they must make decisions 2. Use Pyotr to guide the adventurers if
choose to start at the top and work their they are confused or careless. Pyotr
based on their knowledge of the way down. The personalities of the
ancient spirits, and having the expects the adventurers to do all the
powerful spirits and the bargains they bargaining and pay the spirits' prices, but
information before them may inspire offer may discourage them a bit.
them to enlist the ancient spirits' he's basically kind-hearted, and doesn't
aid in later encounters. want to see anybody ripped in half for
Staging Spirit Encounters approaching a Vodyanoy tactlessly.
The spirits are colourful NPCs as well as
WHERE TO START potentially valuable sources of aid. Milk 3. Initially, the adventurers are only
them for all they're worth. Specific ideas interested in getting help in making
are given below for playing each spirit, contact with Georgiy, but this is a good
When the PCs have had their basic opportunity to put notions into their
introduction to the ancient spirits of but here are a few general tips:
heads about potential resources for
Kislev, they need to consider the process 1. The weaker the spirit, the lighter the later encounters.
of contacting the Beast Child. They don't presentation. Domovoy and Maciew are
know which spirits are likely to be cute, cartoonish characters, a bit peeved 4. Each type of spirit is given a distinctive
helpful, or what the costs and risks at being neglected for so long, style of verbal delivery. The more
might be. The most practical and mischievous in spirit, but basically hammed-up your delivery is, the more
cautious method is to start with the friendly to Humans. There's nothing clearly the individual spirits' characters
weakest , least threatening spirit, funny at all about the Poleviki and are defined in the players' minds. Put on
working their way up the power/risk Vodyanoy - they are cruel and sinister. a good show.
Encounter 2: The Ancient Spirits

THE ANCIENT SPIRITS Grandfather Spark: (high-pitched

squeak) "Oh, no! Spark make home
warm! Spark keep milk fresh. Spark
Summoning Spirits warn people about leaky roof. Spark
Any character can automatically learn keep stove clean. Spark guard babies
the rituals required to attract the from rats. Spark do nice things for nice
attention of the Ancient Spirits. No people. Spark like doing nice things."
magic points or special ingredients are
required, but due reverence and respect Krogar: "Huh. Dumb spirit. Maybe bore
must be paid, or the Spirits will simply enemy to death. Yuk, yuk."
not appear. Lo c ating Georgiy: (squeaking
Note that no profiles are given for the sorrowfully) "Oh, Georgiy has gone
ancient spirits. This is because they away, far away from home, far, far away.
should never be needed. If you want a So sad, so sad. So far away, so sad, so sad.
spirit to be able to do something, then No, no, can't help. Sor r y, sorr y.
it can do it; if any character is so foolish (Brightening) But find bread crust Pyotr
as to attack a spirit, the spirit will lost, yes, yes, can help, see?'
disappear, probably leaving a few
unpleasant spell effects behind in its The Domovoy will be little help in
wake and returning later to take a suitable locating Georgiy; he stays close to the
revenge. Remember that spirits are not house. However, playing on the
monsters, to be dealt with according to sentimental theme of helping Pyotr find
the PCs' abilities; they are immortal his long-lost-son might persuade the
beings - albeit weak ones - and mortals normally timid Domovoy into
should treat them with due respect. accompanying the adventurers in their
search for Georgiy. His abilities are very
limited, but he'll give freely of them
when the mission is the preservation of
home and family.
(Grandfather Spark)

Petty Magic: A Domovoy can cast the (Grandfather Barn)
following spells, at will and with no
Magic Point cost: Zone of Warmth,
Magic Flame, Glowing Light, Zone Powers
of Warmth. Beast Empathy - an ESP-style ability to
Spe c ial Magic: A Domovoy can communicate with domestic beasts and
summon a Fire Sprite (size I Fire beasts familiar with man (ie rats, crows,
Elemental) at will and with no Magic etc). He can understand their
Point cost. Fire Sprites have the motivations, see through their eyes, hear
following profile: through their ears, and request services,
which are generally granted if not too
difficult or dangerous.

The Fire Sprite is always under the GMing Notes

Domovoy's control when it appears. The Maciew is generally useful only in
See WFRP p 2 54 for full rules for defence of beasts or farm. If one appeals
Elementals. to his sense of mischief, he may be
persuaded to pester one's enemies.
GMing Notes Verbal Delivery: high-pitched voice,
Domoviye are primarily useful in the but abrupt and old-mannish; clears his
defence of hearth and home, though throat and hrrumphs a lot; sharp and
they may be convinced to travel by scolding when complaining about
playing on their tender hearts and their neglect; sour and grudging when making
hunger for human warmth and affection. a deal; completely deadpan when he
Verbal Delivery: high, squeaky, pixie plays his practical jokes, making it
voice; sulky when neglected or treated difficult for the players to decide
harshly, bright and excited-when folks whether he's just kidding around or
are nice and complimentary. really being plain nasty.
Adorably Cute Dialogue: Grandfather Impish Mis chief: Throughout the
Spark is cute. Way too cute. Make the dialogue with the Maciew, little
players sick. For instance: annoying things happen to the characters

Krogar the Barbarian: "Ugh. Little - a little pinch, a belt buckle unfastens,
squeaky thing. What magic you do? objects seem to move around inside
Make fireball bake pony - poof? Make pouches, and so on. The Maciew
enemy sleep so throat slit easy?" stonefacedly pretends complete
Encounter 2: The Ancient Spirits

bewilderment if the characters mention PC: "Can you call him to us? Can you
these events, and indignantly rejects any help us find him?"
suggestion that he is responsible.
However, a solemn promise to dance and Polevlk: • 'We can do so, come the
sing at the full moon causes the tricks harvest" (Others join in) "Come the
to stop. harvest, earth is thirsty, feed us, feed us
and we'll tell."
Locating Georgiy: (high-pitched)
"Hrrumph. Boy's been gone for ages. PC: "lf we give you the harvest, can you
How do you expect me to know where locate Georgiy?"
he is? Think I have time to wander about? Polevlk: "Bring the harvest, talking
Got work to do here with the animals. later. Feed us, feed us and we'll tell."
Hrrumph. And little thanks I get for it,
too. Bah. No respect for tradition, (When a sacrifice of b lood bas
these days." been made:)
The Maciew is no help in finding Polevik: "Georgiy sleeps with Father
Georgiy, and is absolutely unwilling to Tree, sleep in peace with Father Tree.
leave the barn. Thirsty, thirsty, more of harvest. We shall
make your weapons keen. We shall make
your blade-cuts clean."
PC: "So where's Georgiy?"
POLEVIK Polevlk: "Thirsty, thirsty, more of
harvest. We shall make your weapons
(The Grainfathers) keen. We shall make your blade­
cuts clean."
Powers And so on, endlessly repeating the
The Poleviki have the power to bless request for 'harvest,' and ignoring the
weapons (see below). They can also characters' questions.
bestow a Curse, causing the victim to The Poleviki reveal that Georgiy is in the
cut himself whenever he fails a 'to hit' forest - the only useful information they
roll by 20 or more when using a have. However, each character who
sharp weapon. offers 2 W points of blood sacrifice may
have one weapon blessed so that it can
GMing Notes wound any creature normally immune
The Poleviki are modest but bloodthirsty to non-magical weapons and cause an
spirits, with a nasty, impatient additional + I point of damage until
disposition. They are risky to deal with sunrise the next morning. This should
unless the summoner is prepared to prove useful in any encounters with
sacrifice his blood. the Beastmen.
Verbal Delivery: a sinister, rhythmic, Any character who threatens or verbally
droning, whispered chorus, often abuses the Poleviki cams the Poleviki
repeating a phrase to emphasise the curse so that any hit roll missed by 20
rhythm; when answering specific more means the character cuts himself.
questions or making proposals, one The only way the curse can be lifted is
Polevik speaks alone, while the others to atone with a major blood sacrifice
murmur unintelligibly behind him. (D6 W) to the Poleviki.
Whispering and thirsty: W hen the
Poleviki are summoned, the wind rises,
whipping the grass at the edges of the
field. The Poleviki appear as hundreds
of stalks of grain with faces, arms and
legs, stepping just to the edge of the
grass, murmuring quietly with a sound (Lord of the Forest)
like the wind rising and falling across a
field of tall grass. Powers
Locating Georgiy: The Poleviki cannot Elemental Magic Spells: Assault of
help the characters find Georgiy, but they Stones, Clap of Thunder, Cause Rain,
will never admit it as long as they believe Banish Elemental, Become Ethereal,
they can use the situation to gain more Create Quicksand, Dust Storm,
blood sacrifices - 'harvests' as they Summon Air Elemental.
call them.
Illusion Spells: Bewilder Foe,
Polevikl: "Harvest come? Harvest Confound Foe, Illusionary Woods,
come? Earth is thirsty. Why this call?" Illusion ofMightyAppearance, Illusion
PC: "Can you tell us where we can find of Darkness.

Georgiy Pyotrovich?" Druidic Spells: Animal Mastery, Heal
Polevlk spokesman: "W here is Animal, Giant Animal Mastery, Hail
Georgiy? Little Georgiy ? We know Storm, Tang letborn, Animate Tree,
where. We hear the wind." Create Bog.
Encounter 2: The Ancient Spirits

Father Bear Lesby: "Quite so, quite so. Ho, ho, ho.
Father Bear is Leshy's constant Now, stop all this bother about bowing
companion. He speaks and reasons like and scraping and tell me what you
a human - or a spirit - for the Leshy's desire.''
amusement, conversation, and flattery. PC: ''The least of favours from your
Father Bear takes the form of a huge puissant highness. We beg your aid in
brown bear, and is a spirit being himself. locating one of your subjects, a Georgiy
Pyotrovich, whom we are told is in your
Lesby: "Ah, Georgiy. Excellent fellow.
Leshy can give Father Bear any or all of A bit daft, you know, and doesn't speak
his magical powers at will. a word - but terrific with animals. Simply
terrific." (Looks about) "Let me sit
down." (Grabs a metre-thick tree-trunk,
GMing Notes snaps it like a twig, and sweeps it back
An exceptionally powerful and and forth through the stand of timber,
dangerous character to deal with . In shattering trees and crushing an
impish good humour he could squash assortment of cute woodland creatures
you like a bug, or leave you stuck in - squirrels, raccoons, and perhaps a
quicksand, chuckling to himself about Bambi-like fawn - then plops his
his sense of humour. If you run the style massive haunches down on the
of campaign where characters resulting heap of debris. 1be fawn's legs
occasionally need the help of demigod­ poking out under one haunch is a nice
level beings, Leshy is a good choice - detail)''Now, about our mutual friend?''
dangerous and callous enough to PC: "(Gulp) Ah - do you suppose you
discourage players from over-using him, could call him here so we could have
but powerful enough to be worth the risk word with him?"
when you're in a tight spot.
Lesby: (Sky darkens, forest falls silent.
Leshy leans forward and peers
Verbal Delivery: booming, cheerful, exceptionally intently into the PC'sface)
lordly; speaks in gracious and courtly "Is there any question about whether I
diction, as befits a king; apparently jolly could call one of my subjects?"
and good-natured, but instantly roaring
and growling when offended or PC: "Oh .... Oh, no, no, no! A mortal's
annoyed; stand, lean over the players, foolish choice of words, sire, forgive me.
and speak too loudly at them, patting Would you call him here?"
them on the head and smiling just­ Lesby: "Much better." (Leaning back)
a-bit-too-broadly. "Now, I suppose I could be convinced
to do this. Of course, I might require a
The Lord and His Chamberlain: Once small service of you, first ..."
the summoning ritual is completed,
there is a brief silence, then the sound
of something massive making its way
through the undergrowth.
The Leshy is preceded by his servant and
companion, Father Bear, who suddenly
plunges into view before the characters
and rises threateningly on his rear legs. Locating Georgiy: The Leshy has a
Then the Leshy arrives behind the standing bet with his friend the
characters, appearing silently and Vodyanoy that Father Bear can beat any
towering over them like Godzilla. The ten mortals with one paw tied behind his
Leshy appears to be substantial, but he back. He thinks he can get the bet
moves through the forest w ithout doubled for a smaller number of mortals
disturbing a leaf. He stands over thirty - say, a party the size of this one.
feet tall, but leans over the characters and Leshy offers to find Georgiy and bring
peer at them intently during the him to the adventurers if they'll help him
audience. out with the wager on Father Bear. And
Father Bear: "His majesty, the Lord of if - implausible as it seems - they win,
the Forest, and Ruler of all he surveys." his Majesty offers to grant them one
(Pauses briefly, nodding significantly f-0
further favour - subject, of course, to his
the characters - their cue to do some
judgement of the propriety of the favour
serious bowing and scraping)
If the PCs want to find Georgiy, they have
PC: (Bowing low) "Greetings, your no choice. Since it's a 'friendly' fight, all
majesty, and best wishes for your health combatants are fighting to stun (WFRP,

from myself and companions. We come pl25). Even though, the chance of death
to you on a mission of great urgency, and is significantly reduced, but the players
feel fortunate that you have been so may be understandably reluctant to
gracious as to give us audience." accept the conditions of the bargain.
Encounter 2: The Ancient Spirits

Leshy is surprised if the characters are Vodyanoy is likely to have been made
reluctant to accept his generous offer • under the effect of his charm, and will
perhaps they think they are going to die turn out badly for the bargainer. Those
on the spot for a second - then he who have made deals to serve Vodyanoy
graciously offers to let them think it are villains or fools. Vodyanoy works on
over, and return the next day if they're a smaller, more personal scale than the
still interested. Gods of Chaos, but he is every bit as evil
• a good choice for the power behind
Here are the conditions of the fight. The small-town, Stephen King-style
characters would be smart to ask for the horror tales.
conditions beforehand, but they're Verbal Delivery: always smiling,
going to have to accept them anyway, so speaking ever-so-softy-and-sweetly, with
no harm done if they neglect to ask. an exaggerated rising-and-falling tone
of voice:
I. No armour or weapons. Father Bear "It's EVER so nice to enjoy the
gets to use his fingernails and teeth, just CHARMing visits of our little MORTAL
like the PCs, but everyone is fighting friends, YESsss...'' (leaning very close to
to stun. the faces of the players, batting the
2. Father Bear has one paw tied behind eyelashes charming ly, rubbing the
his back. bands compulsively}; when offended or
annoyed, suddenly exploding into a
3. No spells -Father Bear would have an flurry of verbal and physical violence.
unfair advantage. The quiet tone is meant to make the
players nervous and suspicious · so
4. There is a time limit of five minutes exaggerated and polite that it must
(30 rounds). be insincere.
5. The arena is marked out with stripped An All-Around Rotten Guy: When
sapling poles, the terrain to be agreed on summoned, Vodyanoy's blandly-smiling
by Leshy and Vodyanoy (see p29). Any face rises to the surface of the water
contestant leaving the designated square slowly, as if from a great depth. He
is disqualified, and may no longer take paddles around like a fat European
l,:,- part in the contest. banker, doing a lazy backstroke and
playfully splashing the adventurers. He
6. Victory conditions are as follows: the is ever so polite and reasonable; his mask
first side to disable or remove or drive never slips. That's his trademark - he
the contestant(s) of the opposing side out never has witnesses to his evil acts. His
of the square is the winner; if neither victims die in solitary agony, battered to
side can achieve this in the five minutes, death with his gaily-ribboned club, or
the contest is declared a tie. held beneath the water by his puffy, fish­
belly hands. This is the old Edgar Allan
Poe trick - the horror you never see, but
VODYANOY know it lies there lurking...
( Grandfather Drowner)
Petty Magic: Sounds
Battle Magic Spells: Level I - W ind
Blast; Level 2 - Hold Flight, Mystic Mist; Locating Georgiy: Vodyanoy doesn't
Level 3 - Cause Fear. know where Georgiy is, but he won't let
Elemental Magic Spells: Level I - on - he knows he can probably find out
Breathe Underwater, Walk on Water; from Leshy. He offers to help find
Level 2 - Cause Rain, Clap of Thunder, Georgiy - in return for a little present -
Part Water; Level 4 - Animate Water,
say, a nice looking girl, young, shapely,
Summon Water Elemental .
sweet disposition ...

Illusionist Spells: Level I - Assume His intentions are honourable; he just

Illusionary Appearance, Bewilder Foe;
wants to drown the young lady · the
Level 2 • Hallucinate. equivalent of a proper marriage
ceremony for a Vodyanoy. He won't
Charm: make a successful WP test or admit it, of course, but Pyotr will take
accept Vodyanoy's appearance and the characters aside and whisper an
statements as real and reliable. explanation. Hopefully, the characters
will decline this offer; if so, Vodyanoy
will propose a contest identical to the
GMing Notes one offered above by the Leshy. If the
A Vodyanoy is a tool more dangerous to characters agree, Vodyanoy summons his
the wielder, unless the wielder's purpose friend Leshy, introductions are made,

or personalit y is as evil as the and the contest is begun. See above
Vodyanoy's. Any deal made with a under Lesby for details of the contest.
Encounter 3: Waltzing with Father Bear


Setting Up
A detailed map of the Contest Area is
given on page 142 of the hand-out
section. Photocopying it at 150% will
make it the right scale for use with 25mm
minatures, if you want to play out the
contest that way.

Skills and PC Actions
If a PC attempts an action that requires
a skill he does not have, make his life
miserable. Make him explain precisely
what he does, then find some reasonable missile. Then there are annoying can pass an I test and land on his feet.
excuse to hose him. When I say hose penalties for improvised weapons; -10 Otherwise, he just lies there for the rest
him, I mean he makes the test at some to hit, short range - 2 yards; long range of the round. In the following round, he
minute fraction of some appropriate - 5 yards; extreme range - 10 yards, to­ can get up and move normally - and
attribute (eg, when hiding in a thicket, hit and damage penalties for long and may escape Father Bear if he has a
test at lot -50). extreme range and for intervening cover better Initiative.
Why be so nasty? So the skills become (see Damage and To Hit Modifiers,
valuable, and the characters develop a WFRP). In addition, using the attacker's Special Notes for Father Bear
burning desire to acquire them. Then it's Strength vs Father Bear's Toughness
means the player has to roll high to Father Bear is not subject to frenzy. He
a big deal when a character enters a new
cause any damage at all. is way too polite and civilised for that
career and gains some new skills. A
sort of behaviour.
fervent interest in acquiring skills and Nonetheless, throwing rocks is good
careers keeps players interested in Don't forget, Father Bear has his left paw
therapy for frustrated characters, and a
playing WFRP a lot and developing their tied behind him. Reduce WS, I and DEX
lucky roll could make it all worthwhile.
characters - so you won't hose them the by 10, and Sand T by 1 - (p27). When
next time they get in a tight spot. engaged by multiple attackers, Father
Fighting in the Pond
Bear can only attack victims to his front
Scouting the Contest Area or Stream or right flank.
The contestants are not allowed to Characters (or bears) attempting to fight
in the pond or the stream must pass a Father Bear is a gentleman. He will never
examine the contest area before the
terrain test at the beginning of the round. kill when he can disable. Wherever
event. Any sneaky attempt to do so will
If they fail the test , they may not attack, possible, he tries to shove or toss his
be discovered by Leshy and punished
opponents out of the area rather than
(see Cheating, below). and they suffer penalties as though they
were moving at the highest allowable batter them.
Improvised Weapons movement rate for that terrain.
The conditions are 'no man-made All attacks in the pond (shallow or deep) Cheating
weapons', but if the PCs pick up rocks also suffer a -10 to hit penalty and a -1 If Leshy catches someone cheating, the
and throw them, or pick up tree limbs damage penalty, because it's tough to get culprit is turned into a donkey for the
and use them as clubs, that's fine by in a real blow in the water. duration of the contest. The character
Leshy and Vodyanoy. PCs must first make retains all his normal attributes, except
a successful I test to locate a suitable Evicting Characters he cannot use improvised weapons,
weapon. This is summarised in the from the Contest Area and must make all attacks as an
Terrain Chart at the end of this section. unarmed man.
The adventurers are not going to push
Clubs: Once you've found a club, you Father Bear anywhere. Period. Unless Cheating includes using man-made
can continue to whack with it until you your players are cleverer than I am. weapons, shield, or armour.
succeed in hitting, when you make a
Risk test. If it fails, the club breaks and Father Bear need only succeed in a Setting everything on fire is also a
you have to get get a new one. grapple, then drag a victim over to the popular trick. Leshy, Lord of the Forest,
boundary and toss him out. Once Father takes a dim view of such tricks. Phut -
Clubs are useful. With a club, PCs don't Bear has succeeded in a grapple, he may Donkey time.
suffer the -20 penalty to hit, and can move at Standard rate, dragging the
parry at a + 10 bonus, though damage Leshy appreciates ingenuity and a certain
character with him.
is still with the -2 penalty. low cunning, so he may not punish
Father Bear can throw characters a particularly clever cheating. On the
Rocks: Throwing rocks i s less distance of 9 yards. To throw a character, other hand, a really boring performance
impressive than using a club, though it Father Bear must pass a Grapple test. If might strike Leshy as cheating.

may be done from a distance, which can the victim also passes a grapple test, he
be appealing. is only thrown 1D6 + 3 yards. If this WARNING: Don't get too cute with
Each time you want to throw a rock, you means that he falls inside the area Leshy intervention. Leave the cute stuff
first have to test against I to find a suitable boundary, he gets a chance to flee - if he to the players.
Encounter 3: Waltzing with Father Beu

MAP KEY Forest: Several old oaks with fat,

twisted trunks rising only 20 yards
The Shrine: A small ancient wooden
shrine to Lesby. Four old logs support
Read the italicised text aloud for the above theforestfloor. However, the leafy a wooden roof over the yard-tall altar
branches form a canopy that blocks with its carved wooden figure. The
players. Do not elaborate, except to offer light, and only a few small shrubs,
interesting but irrelevant detail to shut structure looks rather rickety.
young oaks, and clumps of low grass
them up. The only way they 'll really clutter the ground. The wooden figure is so worn and
know the ground is when they can get poorly-carved that it is unrecognis­
Moving along the forest floor is only able. The figure is supposed to be
out on it . moderately difficult -but it's still no place Leshy, and the shrine supposed to be
Trail: A rough, ancient trail, cluttered to run safely. dedicated to Leshy, but it is so old and
with roots, loose stones, and clumps Climbing trees is moderately risky, but decrepit that Leshy doesn't care
of weed. a good strategy, considering that the bear what happens to it . The shrine has T 4
Unlucky runners may trip and fall prone. has a paw tied behind his back. However, and D 10 (WFRP, p 77). Hiding
Leshy and Vodyanoy consider tree behind it is a bad idea, because
Clearing: Wild grasses and weeds up climbing boring - therefore, cheating. Father Bear will knock it over in
They permit Father Bear to climb the tree short order. Climbing on top of it is
to a foot tall, slightly uneven surface. even a worse idea; it falls over
as though he had both paws available.
Weeds and grasses may hide potholes and The characters may complain, but there's immediately, resulting in a fall of
damp spots to trip a runner. little thev can do about it . two yards.

Stream: A swiftly-moving, shallow, Pond: A brown, muddy pond, with Boulder: The boulder is only a yard
rocky stream, with low banks covered clumps ofreeds growing along the north above the pond surface at its highest,
with cobbles and gravel. and west banks. A briskly flowing but it looks smooth and slippery.
Certainly a better route than running streamflows into the pondfrom the west
and out to the east. To climb onto the boulder, a Risk test
through dense thickets, though it may must be passed. Unlike failure of a test
not appear so on first glance. The chlmps of reeds indicate shallow to enter other terrain, failure to climb the
water of 1-2 feet in depth (Int test). Until boulder means you remain in the water
Thicket: An exceptionally dense thicket they get in and move around, they will at the same spot . Climbing onto the
of woody shrubs 5-8 feet tall. Dense not be able to guess the depth of the boulder is automatically successful
undergrowth includes vines and briars. water elsewhere. The shallow part of the if aided by someone on the boulder.
pond is mucky, and the footing
Very tough going, but excellent for treacherous. The deep part of the pond
hiding - + 20 bonus for those with is seven feet deep, with a stony bottom. Characters may make running Leaps
Concealment Rural skill (in addition to from the boulder (See Leaping, WFRP,

other bonuses listed on p 48 of the p 75). Characters test upon landing for
rulebook). Make the test privately and do new terrain entered (shallow or deep
not announce the results to the player pond, according to the length of
- let him sweat it out . the jump).
Encounter 3: Waltzing with Father Bear

wanted was for folks to fall down for Test also when entering different terrain.
MOVEMENT NOTES dramatic purposes, and these rules do If you pass, continue normally. If you
No changing rates in the middle of a that just fine. fail, move 2 yards through the new
round . W hatever rate you begin the terrain and undergo any penalties
You need not move your full rate. If you indicated. Exception: Whenever you
round with is the rate at which you enter wish to stop before entering difficult fail a test while on the boulder or
terrain throughout that round. The terrain and making tests, that's fine. climbing onto the boulder, you end up
reckless will go far and fast if they're in a deep pond next to the boulder:
lucky, and will fall down a lot if they're Test after covering 2 yards (l") of
unlucky. The cautious will not go very any terrain. If you pass, continue Characters pushed back into new terrain
far but will not fall down as much. We normally. If you fail, end movement in combat must test for the terrain they
could have used more complex, realistic after 2 yards and undergo any enter. The test is made as if moving at
rules, but it would slow up play. All we penalties indicated. the maximum rate allowable.


Terrain Max. Move Test Penalties Improvised Weapons Notes

Trail, Clear run 1+50 stumble rocks

standard none none
cautious none
Pond(Shallow) cautious I stumble none
½ cautious none
Pond(Deep) swim(¾ cau) none none
drown(2yd/rd) T flounder
Boulder ½ cautious Risk fall and flounder none see Climb, WFRP
Stream standard I stumble rocks
cautious none
Heavy Brush cautious s entangled none
Forest standard 1+30 stumble clubs
cautious none
Great Oak ½ cautious Risk fall none see Climb, Fall, WFRP
Shrine ½ cautious Risk fall none see Climb, Fall, WFRP

Notes on the table

Stumble: fall prone; I+ 50 test to rise next turn, then move normally.
Entangled: S test to move next round.
Fall: into water; no damage, but floundering, if no Swim skill.
Flounder: pass T test and move 2 yd/rd; fail and no move; non-swimmers in deep water are drowning(WFRP, p 74).

floundering character may be automatically dragged from deep water to an adjacent shallow pond or boulder space. Neither
the floundering victim nor the rescuing character may perform any other action during that round. Can't let those little
Dwarfs drown, can we?
Eacountcr ◄: The Beast Child


If the adventurers are healthy enough after the contest with Depending on how successful the adventurers were in the
Father Bear, go directly to this encounter. If not, allow them contest with Father Bear, Leshy is either cheerful and generous
some time to recover. Leshy graciously offers to summon or sour and grudging in making good his promise. The
Georgiy for them when they're feeling better, and the winner following example assumes that thecharacters won; Leshy lost
of the bet may decide to heal the adventurers if they have put his bet with Vodyanoy, and - owing them a favour in addition
up a particularly good (ie, entertaining) show. Hertzen's wife - is in a nasty humour. If the adventurers lost, Leshy is all smiles
has the Heal Wounds skill to speed the process, if no PC is and sunshine, fulfilling his end of the bargain with good­
so blessed. humoured generosity.
Lesby: (Sulking, plopped down on a thicket of crushedfir trees,
grumbling to himself) ''Can't trust foreigners. Always cheat.
Sneaky tricks, can't fight fair like decent folk... Oh. There you
are. Come to collect, eh?" (Grumble, grumble) "Well, then,
let's get it over with."
Leshy reaches up, plucks a bird out of the air, and hands it
to an adventurer. It is profoundly dead, squashed flat.
''Pfeh. Bother.'' (Reaches up again and grabs a bird a trifle
more gently, and bands it to an adventurer) "Here. And don't
lose it." (Gets up and starts to leave)
Adventurer: " Er, ahem. Uh, excuse me, sire. Uh... how does
it work?"
Lesby: (Leans over threateningly) "WHAT?"
Adventurer: "Um... work? How does the little bird work?"
DON'T YOU KNOW ANYTHING?" (Pause; continues as if
explaining to a very small child) "Just whisper his name,
and the bird will go and find him, and then he'll come
to you. If he knows what's good for him." (Snarl) "Hope
you lose the bird. Serve you right." (Turns and stomps off
into the forest)
Leshy has magically transformed the bird into a paging
device, which can find and summon any of Leshy's
subjects who understand Human speech. If your players
are prone to experimentation with devices like this, you may
prefer to limit contact to Georgiy, Father Bear, and Leshy
himself. Only Georgiy automatically comes when called.
Father Bear might come, depending on the circumstances.
Leshy is very likely to come - if only to teach the mortals a
lesson for their presumption.
More adventurous GMs may give the bird the ability to
contact other spirit beings like Vodyanoy, and creatures like
Dead adventurers may be replaced in the following ways: the Beastmen - Leshy considers them his subjects because
NPCs from '\oltsara: Hertzen may order or permit overseers, they live in his domain. You might improvise a variety of
peasants or craftsmen to join the party in protecting Voltsara. nature spirits (Father Tortoise, Grandmother Trout, Mr Beaver,
After the adventure, such characters may obtain permission etc), and have wandering Druids and Druidic Priests within
to continue as adventurers, may sneak off without permission calling distance. Bear in mind, though, that the only designed
or may return to the status of NPCs. Appropriate careers function of the bird within this adventure is to summon
include: Labourer, Servant, Fisherman, Gamekeeper, Georgiy. Broadening the scope of this magical paging device
Herdsman, Hunter, Woodsman, Artisan's Apprentice, Scribe. might be lots of fun, but if you let things get out of hand you're
Established NPCs include the drunken peasant from pl9 on your own.
(Labourer) and Oleg the Overseer (Bodyguard, ex-Labourer).
Newly created characters "just passing by": The more
time the characters need for healing, the more plausible the
coincidental arrival of other travellers along the river. Almost
any career might be appropriate, with a proper rationale
provided by the GM and player.
Newly created characters sent for by the adventurers If Leshy is peeved with the PCs, he doesn't explain the bird's
or Hertzen: If the characters spend a week or more healing, abilities beyond telling them to speak Georgiy's name. If he's
enough time passes for a message to be sent downriver and pleased with them, he may describe its workings in more
a summoned individual to arrive by boat. Again, almost any detail, and warn them against paging anyone but Georgiy,
career is plausible. unless they are willing to pay the price of the summoned party.
Eacoutcr ◄: The Bast Child

This is extremely simple. Stand in tbe forest anywhere and
whisper Gcorgiy's name into the car of the bird. Since Gcorgiy
has been nearby all along, tracking his father, be appears on
the spot in seconds. If the players infer some magical instant
transportation, let them. You're not misleading them.
Not really.
Georgiy appears, poking his head through the undergrowth
about 2 5 yards from the characters. Pyotr, seeing his son again
for the first time in decades, is shocked into immobility by
Gcorgiy's naked, bestial appearance. He steps forward, his son
withdraws a step, and the tableau freezes again.

Georgiy Pyotrovich
A baby-faced wilderness hermit in his late thirties, Georgiy
appears to be an idiot. Clad only in hair and dirt, crouched
like an animal, Georgiy's half-human appearance is almost
more monstrous and shocking than that of a Goblin or
Beastman. He doesn't seem to focus on or recognise objects
or people, and he doesn't appear to pay attention to words
spoken to him. He timidly withdraws when anyone comes
closer than a few yards from him, and he has a way of
slipping out of sight when not carefully watched.
GM: As Georgiy, your bead is constantly bobbing and
weaving, looking anywhere but at those speaking to you.
Never make eye-contact witb tbe players. Speak not a
word; answer all questions witb gestures, emphasised witb
grunts and murmurings. Tbe more exaggerated and
eccentric your performance, tbe better - Georgiy is a
mental defective, a hermit, and in intimate contact witb
Tbe Beyond. If tbe players don't quite know wbat to make
ofyou, you're on tbe right track.
Georgiy Pyotrovich - the Beast Child
The presence of Pyotr is enough to reassure Georgiy that the
M.WSBS S T W I A ld Im a WP Fel adventurers mean him no harm (false though that impression
may be). However, at the first sign of hostility, or the first
5 • 25 25 2 3 6 55 25 25 21 25 05 strongly-expressed assertion that Chaos creatures must be
exterminated, Georgiy senses hostility and darts away into the
Skills: Acute Hearing, Charm Animal, Concealment Rural, forest. He has learned to associate the word 'Chaos' with
Dodge Blow, Excellent Vision, Flee!, Fleet Footed•, Follow himself and the fact that other Humans don't like him.
Trail, Night Vision, Silent Move Rural, Sixth Sense.
GM: Since Georgiy senses intent and not action, tbis requires
Possessions: Nil careful judgement. If, for example, tbe party includes a
Witch Hunter, you might rule tbat Georgiy senses tbis
Although Georgiy docs not speak and is slow-witted in character's bosttltty to Chaos, no matter bow tbe character
Human terms, he has an almost supernatural degree of may behave outwardly - unless tbe player clearly and
perception and sensitivity. His Stxtb Sense is remarkably emphatically stated an intention to remain open-minded
developed, to the extent that he can sense the proximity beforehand. Likewise, if a character bas always been
of living creatures, and of things which are 'wrong', such compassionate, even to Chaos beasts, an aggressive statement
as Beastmen. or action migbt not alarm Georgty.
His lack of verbal communication has sharpened his other As long as Pyotr is with the PCs, and they do not display
faculties, and he can read body language with a precision hostility, Georgiy accepts and trusts them. If the characters
that almost amounts to mind-reading. Any conscious or summon or encounter Gcorgiy later, when Pyotr is not present,
subconscious display of anger or aggression on the part the condition of trust and acceptance will continue.
of the PCs will intimidate him, and if he becomes frightened However, Georgiy flees from any sign of hostility. He may be
he will run off into the forest, returning only when summoned again and again, but each time he is slower in
summoned with the bird. returning and more reluctant to help. If Pyotr is convinced
While Georgiy docs not possess the Demon Lore or that the adventurers arc trustworthy, he may intervene on their
Magical Awareness skills, he can often sense things as if behalf after a misunderstanding, but, if he suspects that they
he had them. All be will be aware of, however, is that he intend to harm Gcorgiy, he will refuse to help them any further,
has suddenly developed a good or bad feeling, and he will and will warn Gcorgiy not to trust them.
act accordingly. Tbe key to Georgiy is his timidity and his If the adventurers willingly alienate Georgiy, it does not mean

rapport with nature - he is always nervous and uneasy in that the adventure has failed. Georgiy will still lead the
the presence of other Humans, and it takes little to make adventurers to tbe Beastmen - but he won't bother to warn
him run off. them about the Bcastmen on watch or the W.U-rior of Chaos
and his Daemon pet .
Encounter 4: The Beast Child

Scene 2: The Beastman Band (see p38)

Hold up one finger. The Chaos Warrior again, gesture height
about 6' 6" (Granax Blood-drinker).
lwo fingers. Indicate big teeth, long snout and tail. Height
about 5'10" (Snarler).
Three fingers. Indicate curling horns. Height about 6'
Four fingers. Indicate short, square muzzle with teeth, flex
arm to indicate strength. Height about 5' 8" (Pug/ace).
Five fingers. Crouch over and scamper along on all fours like
an ape, stopping and scratching under an arm to make the ape
image clear. Indicate long, curling horns high above head.
Height about 6' 2" (Apeman).

Scene 3: The Beastman Encampment and Routine

Georgiy grabs twelve stones and arranges them in a rough
circle, using leaves for trees to make a rough copy of the map
on p20. Keep some objects handy for this, like dice or chunks
of chocolate. Then he scratches a square beside one stone, and
mimes opening a trapdoor.
At a distance of twice the circle's diameter, Georgiy places a
leaf, then mimes a tree with many branches, using sweeping,
arching hand gestures. Then he holds up two fingers, gestures
a long snout with a hand, and points up into a nearby tree.
Snarler is the main lookout, in a tree near the Stone Circle.
Georgiy indicates with sweeping hand motions a series of
Georgiy's Story paths that go around and through the circle, over and over
When the adventurers ask Georgiy to help them find the again. He holds up five fingers, crouches like an ape, then
Beastman lair, he goes through a pantomime. He understands repeats the series of hand motions indicating the paths.
Human speech, but he doesn't talk. Ever. Pyotr can help resolve
Apeman walks regular patrols. If the adventurers wonder
any breakdown in communications, but don't let him do all
about time and schedule ofpatrols, Georgiy is puzzled, and
the work for the PCs -let them interpret Georgiy's pantomime
can't seem to figure out what the characters want. Apeman
themselves, using Pyotr only if they are completely stumped.
doesn't ever sleep, so be is constantly patrolling.
Running this encounter requires you to leap about like a mute
wildman as you use Georgiy's pantomime to communicate Georgiy then indicates Goatface and Pugface, then
with the players. Loosen up. The more undignified your points at a number of places inside the stone circle, away from
performance, the more convincing. the trapdoor.
Finally, Georgiy indicates the big sword and horned helmet,
Scene 1: Alexis's Murder then points at the trapdoor and mimes opening it and closing
Shamble cheerfully along with an imaginary shovel resting it behind him.
on one shoulder. Stop, look down, kick something, dig. Look The Warrior of Chaos stays underground while the other two
up, watch sun run across sky from east to west. Dig some more. Beastmen alternate watches within the circle.
Look up, shrug shoulders, put shovel on shoulder, walk away.
Shamble back cheerfully with shovel. Dig some more.
Suddenly pitch forward as if hit from behind, turn, lift arm
to ward off blow, smashed flat to ground. Lie still as if dead.
Rise to full height, look powerful and menacing. Signify great
sword and horned helmet with hand gestures. Gesture as if
commanding other creatures. Signify follower, dashing off into
the forest, sweeping brush and leaves with hands, apparently
obscuring a trail or tracks.
The creature with sword and helmet again. Peer closely at the
earth, then gesture to a follower. Follower again, scratching
and scrabbling at the soil.
Leader again, opening a trapdoor. Descend a spiral staircase,
walking in circles and gradually crouching until almost
Repeat spiral stairs, carrying a large burden on shoulders. At
bottom, reach overhead as if pulling a trapdoor closed.
This is Alexis discovering tbe stone drcle - Georgiy was an
eyewitness. Alexis dug all day, went borne, returned the next

day, continued digging, was attacked by Beastmen and killed
almost instantly. The Warrior of Chaos ordered bis followers
to obscure Alexis 's tracks. He then searched for and found
tbe trap door, where be descended with Alexis's body.
Encounter ◄: The Bust Child

If asked what he can do to aid the adventurers, Georgiy is a

little more tentative. He figures he'll just lead the adventurers
to the Beastmcn, and they'll do the rest. He is particularly
terrified of the Chaos Warrior and Daemon.

Georgiy as a Resource
Georgiy has i.ero offensive potential. He runs. He would only
fight if something were chewing on him, and even then he
might faint instead.
Georgiy is, however, a superb scout and surveillance device.
He can generally come and go without being seen as long as
there is enough forest cover or darkness, and he knows
instantly if he has been spotted.
Georgiy cannot volunteer to perform these services. He simply
doesn't understand. To exploit his abilities, the adventurers
must tell him what to do specifically and in detail. For example:
PC I: "Georgiy, go and scout the Beastman camp."
Georgiy: "Ughn?" (Head cocked to one side inquisitively)
PC I: "Go and see what they are doing."
Georgiy: "Uhgn." (]rots off into forest. Doesn't come back.
Must be summoned with the bird.)
PC I: "Why didn't you come back and tell us what they
were doing?"
Georgiy: "Ughn?" (Head cocked inquisitively)
PC 2: (administers scholarly smack on back of bead to
PC I) You told him to go and see. He did. You didn't tell him
to come back and report. He didn't."
PC I: "Phah! Chaos-tainted imbecile..."
Georgiy suddenly looks warily at PC I, then darts off into the
Scene 4: The Pet Daemon forest and must be gently coaxed to return.
Then Georgiy looks thoughtful - a bit frightened. He shudders,
then pantomimes the Chaos Warrior towering over an
imagined victim. He then falls to the ground and pretends to
be the victim-Apeman. He then stands up and is the Chaos
Warrior again. The Chaos Warrior holds one hand
threateningly over his head, then sweeps it diagonally to the
ground nearby. Georgiy then dashes to the indicated spot and
crouches into a ball. He begins to unfold, his face contorted
in a hideous leer, and his arms and legs bent grotesquely.
Georgiy reaches out with one horribly twisted hand, as though
to touch the cowering Beastman victim - then Georgiy
suddenly becomes Georgiy again, and dashes full speed into
the forest. When he returns he looks shaken, and holds his
hands over his eyes.
Georgiy witnessed the Chaos Warrior threatening Apeman
with Gnawvenom, a lesser Daemon of Kborne bound to bis
service. Georgiy fled in terror.
Did the Chaos Warrior or Daemon notice Georgiy fleeing?
That's up to you. If you want the encounter to be tough, then
they are aware that a Human knows of their location, and the
Beastmen on watch are extra vigilant. If the adventurers need
every break they can get, the Chaos Warrior and Daemon were
too distracted to notice Georgiy 's panicked flight.

If asked where the Stone Circle is, Georgiy points vaguely
north, away from the river to the south, then pantomimes
leading the characters to the site. Georgiy can't make a map
reliable enough for them to locate the spot without his help.

If the adventurers want to know what is underground, Georgiy
shrugs. He doesn't know, and is not particularly interested.
If asked if he will help to slay or drive off the Beastmen,
Georgiy nods vigorously - he does not like them at all.
Encounter 5: uckling the Bcastmcn


If they want a long life and a happy The PCs can make deals with the Vodyanoy
retirement , the PCs are going to have to following spirits: Like Leshy, Vodyanoy will be attracted
be very organised about this. by a wager. He is only interested in
Ideally, they should eliminate the first The Polcviki Human sacrifice; no matter how minor
two Beastman sentries - Snarler and The Poleviki can enchant one weapon the favour, he expects payment in
Apeman - without letting them sound an per PC for 24 hours, in return for 2 W Human souls if the PCs lose. If the PCs
alar m. Then, they want to take on points of blood sacrifice (see p26). don't survive to pay off, he'll accept their
Goatface and Pugface at the Stone Circle, Weapons enchanted by the Poleviki will service as undead. Either way, they're
while keeping the Chaos Warrior and his be able to wound creatures which are out of the game. He might provide
pet Daemon trapped underground. immune to non-magical attacks, and will similar services to those listed above for
Finally, they should get the drop on the cause + I damage per hit. Leshy (except granting the use of his
Chaos Warrior before he and his subjects), but you should remember that
Daemon can reduce them to a stain on his tastes run to the brutal and grotesque.
the floor. Lcshy His price is high, but if you want top­
Leshy and Vodyanoy are gamblers, and drawer slaughter, Vodyanoy's your best
That's the theory. will probably be willing to bet on the choice. Too bad you can't trust him.
To achieve this, the PCs have the outcome of the contest , if the stakes and Some examples of proposals he might
following resources: odds are attractive. Leshy is more likely accept are:
to wager against an oath of fealt y,
obligating the loser to serve him for a - Engaging the Daemon in a personal
Georgiy year and a day. He might be willing to duel. No contest. Vodyanoy is out of the
Georgiy can lead them to the location help in one of the following ways: Daemon's league. This essentially
of each Beastman and - provided no-one leaves the PCs vs. the Beastmen - a
sneezes or steps on a twig - let them set - Loaning the party Father Bear's services reasonable proposition.
up surprise attacks. Or he can help the for an evening (or the aid of one or more
PCs set up ambushes and traps and lead of Leshy's other animal subjects). - Joining the PCs in his fatman form or
the victims right into them. - Using any of his magical spells or in any shapechanged form they choose.
powers to attack the Beastmen. Leshy is He's certainly a formidable fighter, but
not very generous in this kind of favour he may lose interest in the middle of the
Ancient Spirit Allies - too unimaginative for his tastes. battle, or decide that watching a PC being
The PCs might have to con the ancient pulled apart might be amusing, or he
spirits into cleansing their land of the vile - Using any of his magical spells to pull might even join the other side if he
Beastmen. The spirits will cheerfully a prank on the Beastmen. This is much thinks the sides are uneven - or not
observe that they might as well cleanse more to Leshy's taste - he may even be uneven enough.
their land of vile Humans. They don't generous if the plan is entertaining and
par ticular ly prefer Humans over brutal enough.
Beastmen. While Humans do sometimes - Making a personal appearance to scare
have an appealing sense of humour, the Beastmen to death. This will appeal

Beastmen are much more entertainingly to his ego and his sense of humour. He
murderous and violent. The PCs won't won't actually interfere - beneath his
get anything for free - they will need to dignity, you know - but hanging around
make deals with potential spirit allies. and looking awesome - that's classy.
Encounter 5: 'Leiding the Bcutmcn

Other Possibilities can't see him until he is within 35 yards The Warrior of Chaos
of them. Therefore, the PCs have time It takes the Chaos Warrior five rounds
Local lalent to run him down before he spreads the
Hertzen might be willing to provide to make it up the stairs to the trapdoor
alarm. If they have deployed between the
reinforcements from among his tree and the circle, they will almost after he hears the alarm. He summons
overseers and workers. Treat Hertzen certainly succeed in silencing him before the Daemon while he's on the way
(and his son, if you choose to improvise the alarm is raised. (costing him 4W points), and the two of
one) as Noble and Squire NPCs. Hertzen them reach the trapdoor together.
can muster two overseers (treat as Because of the way the stairs are situated,
Artisan's Apprentices) and 10 labourers only one creature can push up on the
(treat as Yokels). They are not door at a time. The Chaos Warrior is the
adventurers, and have little aptitude for first to reach the trapdoor, and it never
warfare. They should die like flies. They occurs to him to let the Daemon try.
also decrease the chance of a successful
surprise attack - they will almost Each character trying to open or close
certainly insist on setting out with the trapdoor must make a Strength test
torches and dogs and a lot of shouting. each round. If at least one character
If they do fight, and die, let them die above succeeds, the door stays closed.
nobly and pathetically, and make the PCs If all characters above fail, and the
feel responsible for their deaths. Poor, opponent below succeeds, the door is
brave fools. opened partway - a second success is
necessary to open it completely. You may
modify tests if the PCs have spiked the
Send for the Cavalry
door shut, used a spell like Magic Lock,
The PCs may decide this is too big a job piled rocks on it, or done anything
for them, and call for help. This is so similarly devious.
sensible - and so unheroic - that you can't
let them get away with it. The Beastmen ' M W hen the trapdoor is opened partway,
sink every boat sent on the river, and eat Apeman it is open about one foot. Once the door
every foot messenger. He provides all the meat for the camp is this far open, the one below gets a + 30
during his wanderings. Each time he bonus to throw it all the way open in the
THE CONFLICT goes out, he brings back something - next round. Even if he fails, it still
squirrel, rabbit, deer, etc. Because he remains partially open until the Chaos
Refer to the map on page 20. You can always follows the same route, a trap may Warrior fails a test and one or more
either set up the scene with miniatures, be set for him. The effect of the trap characters above succeed.
scribble rough maps on scrap paper, or depends on its type; a deadfall, for After 5 rounds trying to push his way
run the combats abstractly. example, might kill him instantly, while
a snare might simply trap his leg or out, the Chaos Warrior loses his temper,
If the players do a good job of planning snatch him up into a tree. Use of the Set and tries to smash his way through
to handle Snarler and Apeman Trap skill gives him a -20 penalty to the door. See WFRP, p 77 for smashing
separately, you can run those combats notice the trap. through doors. This trapdoor has
as free attacks by all concerned for the T 4, D 8.
first round, automatically winning and Apeman's screech is easily recognised as
conferring the + 10 b onus for the an alarm by the other Beastmen. Once the door is partially opened, a
second round. These combats could However, in each round that he is hit - maximum of one character can attack
be over quickly. whether wounded or not - he is too the Chaos Warrior with a hand-to-hand
distracted to screech. In the first round weapon or with magic. He will probably
On the other hand, the battle at the Stone after being attacked that he is not ignore these attacks and continue trying
Circle probably should be set up with successfully hit, he screeches his head to open the trapdoor so his Daemon can
figures and markers, because so much off - and there goes the element of be brought into play. However, if Father
depends on keeping the trapdoor closed surprise. Nonetheless, a good plan - Bear is attacking, for instance, the Chaos
while the PCs deal with the two either a trap or a thumping-Sood ambush Warrior may defend himself.
Beastmen on the surface. If the Chaos - should prevent the alarm being raised.
Warrior and Daemon join their If the Chaos Warrior loses half his
colleagues in a spirited defence, things Wounds points before he even gets out
could look grim for the PCs. Goatface and Pugface of the trapdoor, he retreats back into the
These two will be difficult to ambush, underground temple, there to make a last
Here are some tactical notes for each of because one of them is always actively stand with his Daemon.
the opponents (detailed on pp38-39): watching. They will try to raise the alarm
as soon as they realise that something is If he gets out of the trapdoor, he fights
Snarler seriously wrong - when confronted by to the death with his Daemon pet beside
He perches in a tree and snoozes most superior numbers, for instance. The PCs' him. W hen the Chaos Warrior dies, the
of the time. However, he has very keen best option is to cut them off from Daemon wails in desperation, and
hearing, and wakes at the slightest reaching the trapdoor, weakening them immediately vanishes - if it has not
sound. Silent Move Rural: test once with missile fire and fighting hand-to­ already succumbed to instability.
when approaching the tree and once if hand only as a last resort. If the situation
trying to climb the tree. To climb the tree looks hopeless (if the trapdoor is blocked
a Risk test is also required; falling makes and the PCs have a plan that takes
a lot of noise automatically. good advantage of their numerical
Snarler's call is remarkably similar to that superiority), they take off into the woods
and will hang around just out of sight

of a fox. How unfortunate - his
colleagues do not recognise his cries as (unaware that Georgiy can track them),
an alarm until they see him running and will return if the tables tum, or if
toward them. Toe distance from the tree the PCs leave themselves open to
to the circle is 100 yards; his colleagues counter-attack.
The Dustmen

THE BEASTMEN Beastman 3 - Apeman

M'WS8S S T W f A
Beastman 1 - Snarler
4 71• 25 3 5• 11 30 2
M W:$-BS s 'T w I A
Mutations: Bestial Face (Ape); Homs (gore attack); Resilient
4 41 25 3 5• 11 60· 2 29 24 29 24 10
(T + I); Weapon Master (WS + 30•); Magic Immune (see
Mutations: lllil; Agility (I + 30•); Bestial Face (dog - bite below).
attack); Blood Rage (T +1•, and see below). Equipment: shield (IAP, all locations); sword.
Equipment: Mail shirt and helmet (IAP, body and head); shield Special Rules: Magic Immune - all Magic tests are passed
(IAP, all locations); axe (hand weapon). automatically. Also, the Beastman is allowed a Magic test to
Special Rules: Blood Rage - subject to frenzy if there is a withstand the effects of any spell which does not normally
wounded creature (including self) within 24 yards. Frenzy lasts permit a Magic test . Magical weapons used against the
for 2D6 turns_ even if no blood is to be seen. If there are no Beastman count as non-magical.
enemies in sight, then the frenzied Beastman must make a
successful Cl test or attack the nearest friend. The test may
be repeated if this opponent is slain.

Beastman 2 - Goatface Beastman 4 - Pugface

4 41 25 3 4 11 30 2 29 24 29 24 10 4 41 25 4• 4 11 30 29 24 29 24 10

Mutations: Bestial Face (goat - gore attack); Cloven Hooves, Mutations: Bestial Face (dog - bite attack); Strong (S +I•).
Magic Resistant ( +20 bonus to all Magic tests). Equipment: axe (hand weapon).
Equipment: plate breastplate, backplate and armpieces (IAP
body/arms); 2-handed mace (I -10, Dam +2),
The BcastmCD

Granax Blood-drinker - Warrior of Chaos

M '7S 8S S T W I A,
4 59 49 7• 3 10 60 2 89 89 89 89 18

Chaos Gifts: Chaos Armour (2AP, all locations, and sec

below); Irrational Hatred - wizards (sec below); Strength (S
+ 3 *); Skin ofKhomc (bright red skin); Mark ofKhomc (skull­
runc on forehead); Magic Resistant ( + 20 bonus to all Magtc
tests); mark of Kbomc (duplicate - given to Apcman).
Equipment: Chaos armour (2AP, all locations, and sec below);
non-magical shield (IAP, all locations); Chaos sword (sec
below); skull chalice (sec below).
Skills: Granax bas no remaining skills - all have been lost in
his service of Chaos.

Chaos Armour:
Granax' Chaos armour counts as magical armour, giving him
2AP of protection on all locations. It docs not encumber him
at all.
In addition to its protection against physical attacks, the
armour gives Granax a + 10 bonus to all Magic tests. This bonus
is cumulative with the + 20 bonus for bis magtc resistant gift,
giving him a total bonus of + 30. This gives him an effective
WP of 119 for Magtc tests. If he rolls 00 on a Magic test, he
should test again, trying to roll 19 or less. Of course, his chance
of success may be reduced by the expenditure of additional
magic points, in the normal way.
If Granax is killed, and any other character attempts to use
his armour, it will function only as magical armour with 2AP
on each location. The armour will only fit a Human character
between 6ft and 6ft 2in tall and of average or heavy build.
Adventurers who use the armour may find that walking around Dethlaeziou'aoer (Gnawvenom)
looking like a Warrior of Chaos can lead to some unpleasant
Blood-Letter - Lesser Daemon of Khome
M WSBS S T 'W I A Id Im Cl 'WP Fel
Chaos Sword:
Granax's sword is aDeathdea/er, a Chaos blade plunged into 4 50 42 4 3 5 60 2 89 89 89 89 01
the blood of a specific type of creature during its forging. If
the sword hits a creature of that type, it automatically kills it - Special Rules: Gnawvenom is invulnerable to non-magical
only Fate Points can prevent this. Granax's Deathdealer will attacks; and its own anacks count as magical. It has 6 daemonic
automatically kill any spellcasters it hits. Power Points, which means that six times per day it can make
a WP test to avoid the effects of a magical anack (only effective
Skull Chalice: against spells which allow Tests: see WFRP p135)
The skull chalice is a special item from which Granax has Gnawvenom is subject to lnstabiltty.
gained his nickname. As well as being usable as a normal (well,
almost normal) drinking-cup, it may be used once per day Gnawvenom is subject to frenzy and subject to hatred of
to summon Gnawvenom, a lesser Daemon of Kbomc which creatures and followers of Slaancsh and other spell casters,
has been bound to it. To do this, it must be filled with 4 W but is immune to all other psychological effects except those
points of fresh blood; the Daemon appears through a small caused by greater Daemons and deities; it has a + 10 bonus
temporary gateway created in the chalice itself, seeming to to all Fear and Terror tests except those caused by Kbome's
form itself out of the blood. The summoning is automatically greater Daemons, the Blood-Tbirsters. It causesfear in living
successful and without risk to the summoner, although - if creatures.
the summoner is not a follower ofKhomc - the Daemon will Gnawvenom regenerates in the same way as a 1roll (WFRP,
attack him/her as soon as it appears. Having been summoned p 229).
with the chalice, Gnawvenom must check for tnstabtltty
every round. Gnawvenom attacks with weapon/claw or claw/bite. Its bite
is poisonous, and it can spit poison up to 10 yards. The poison
affects all creatures as the most appropriate toxin (WFRP, p
82); the bite carries D6 doses and the spit D3. A separate Polson
test is allowed for each dose..
Gnawvenom is armed with a Hellblade; a raz.or-cdgcd magical
short sword. This terrible weapon docs quadruple normal
damage; on a successful hit, roll 4D6 instead of one. When
used against followers of Slaanesh, a Hellblade drains 2D6

Magic Points or Daemonic Power Points (as appropriate) from
its victim on a successful bit. When the bearer of a Hcllblade
is slain, the weapon dissolves into a reddish slime, evaporates,
and is gone.
Ancient Ruins in the Northern World


The ruined temple featured in this
adventure is an example of the Dwarven
ruins to be found throughout K.islev and
the northern Old World, dating from the
period of Dwarven and Elven co­
operation before the disastrous Dwarf­
Elf Wars of -2000 to -1600 IC.
There are few remains above ground
from this period. The Elves built in
wood, except along the coasts, so
nothing has survived. A handful of sites
protected by Elven magics are known to
scholars, however, and others may
remain to be discovered. Even the stone
architecture of the Dwarfs has largely
disappeared from the surbce, although
remnants may be found where Dwarven
structures were incorporated into later
Human structures.
On the other hand, Dwarven tunnels and
underground complexes may be found
wherever the underlying rock permits
their construction, and many of these
sites remain largely intact, though many
more are lost and forgotten. Dwarven
records at Caraz-a-Carak list many names
and places, some familiar and some
forgotten, but these documents are not
generally available for study except to
Dwarven scholars.
GM: We thought you might be grateful
for an excuse to litter the Old ffl>rld with
the dungeons that made this hobby
great. We expect you to furnish them
with history and conte nts in keeping
with the ge nerally high tone of the
WFRPcampaign, but... well, we can't
keep an eye on you all the time.

Encounter 6: The Dwarven Temple


witnessed by pick-marks on the tomb We can't let the players do something

THE TEMPLE'S HISTORY walls, abandoned tools, etc - but the boring, no matter how sensible it is. Sets
would-be robbers were scared away by a bad precedent.
Origins the Ghosts of the Dwarf and the
sacrificed Goblin slaves. So, in this case the Chaos \v.u'rior makes
When the Dwarfs had trading posts a special plea to his god. In a few hours,
along the Urskoy five thousand years a column of red light stabs down from
ago, this was a small, isolated stone The Temple at Present the heavens, dissolving the trapdoor and
temple, built on the only substantial The dome and supporting arches, everything on it and forcing the guard
outcrop of bedrock near a small trading exposed to the elements, collapsed (or guards) to make a Ten-or test. The
settlement. The foundations of a dozen about two thousand years ago, covering Chaos Warrior escapes, swearing
or so stone buildings are now all 10-15 the site with rubble and fragments of
feet below modem ground level. vengeance on the PCs.
the upper lens. The ground-level
The temple was modest by Dwarven construction sealing the main shaft
remained intact, with the trapdoor Seal the Trapdoor, Hang Around in
standards, except for the two remarkable Force to Guard the Site, and Go
glass lenses - one set in the dome, the covered by debris. The stumps of the
twelve pillars supporting the dome have Down After Him After They've
other set at the bottom of a shaft - Rested: Sensible and heroic. See below.
designed to divert sunlight deep weathered severely, and now resemble
underground to the chambers dedicated the crude stone circles erected by the
to five minor spirits of the Dwarven early Humans. Within a few centuries, Going Underground
pantheon, each the patron of a specific the site would have been all but
The Chaos Warrior may be a follower of
precious stone. indetectible, and the temple has not been
disturbed since its collapse. Khome, but he's not stupid. He knows
In their day, these chambers were richly that the PCs will probably come down
ornamented in the stone sacred to their Alexis came across the pillar-stumps after him, so he sets up a trap.
respective spirits. Howevei; construction while searching for a site for a charcoal
kiln, and mistook them for an ancient He hides in the dark just inside Radial
was interrupted by the outbreak of the Chamber 1, and his Daemon hides in the
Dwarf-Elf War, and the temple was stone circle. By chance, he discovered
the trapdoor beneath the jumbled dark just inside Radial Chamber 5. They
used as a fortified supply depot. Work wait until the PCs enter the central
rubble, and had just finished uncovering
continued fitfully, and regular
worship was maintained, for several it when the leader of the Beastman band chamber, where they face the Ghost of
hundred years. chanced upon him and killed him. Gruffneck. Under cover of this
convenient diversion, they charge the
Then, about -1600 IC - the time of the hapless PCs.
The Beastmen's Excavations
Dwarven withdrawal to the mountains
in response to the increased Goblinoid With the aid of his Daemon, the Chaos Once the trap is sprung, the Chaos
act ivity before the Goblin Wars - Warrior has broken into the tombs of two Warrior does his best to fight clear of the
construction halted altogether. The of the four Goblin chieftains buried here, underground chambers, cutting a way
temple was abandoned, and everything but has touched nothing. Neither is through anyone between him and the
of value was removed. much impressed by the Ghosts in the stairs; the Daemon does likewise. If they
tombs - they have grown accustomed to make it to the surface, they run for the
them, and realise that they pose no deep forest. The PCs may pursue, but
Goblin Occupation physical threat. they will eventually outdistance them
Sometime in the 8th century before and escape. Even horses will give the PCs
Sigmar, the site was occupied by Goblins.
no advantage - the Chaos \v.u'rior knows
During the 75 years or so of the Goblin COMBAT the forest well, and can move through
occupation, the temple was re-dedicated
to an assortment of Goblin deities. Four IN THE TEMPLE dense undergrowth where horses would
Goblin chieftains were buried in state in be slowed to a walking pace.
It is possible that the Chaos Warrior will
four of the radial chambers, with their
armour, weapons and other valuables. As stay in the underground chambers when
the PCs attack the Beastmen (see p37). Curtains for Our Heroes?
is the custom, slaves were sacrificed to
In this case, the PCs have several options: Looks like the PCs are goners?
guard their master's wealth, and the
Goblin shamans placed various Go Down After Him: Hooray for the Well, if they aren't very careful, yes.
tradit ional signs on the tombs to heroes. And good luck. See below. There are a few useful things they can
protect them. do - and a few lucky things a generous
Seal the Trapdoor: If they seal the
To consecrate the tombs, a Dwarf Chaos Warrior underground, the PCs GM can offer - that may hdp them out.
prisoner named Gruffneck was tortured may decide that they've done enough.
and sacrificed on the lower lens of the However, the Chaos Warrior will Georgiy
lighting device. His Ghost continues to eventually escape, given time. He may Georgiy will need some persuading, but
haunt the site. well risk everything in a carefully­ he is willing to accompany the party
planned attack on the PCs, with his down the stairs ifhe can go at the back
The site was abandoned when the Daemon.
residents were driven away by a more of the group. He can be persuaded by
powerful Goblin tribe. The newcomers Seal the Trapdoor and Go for Help: reassurance that the party will protect
avoided the site altogether - perhaps Depending on how they seal the door, him, or by chiding him for leaving his
because of its reputation for being how tough a guard they leave, and who father and Voltsara menaced by the
haunted. There were some attempts to they expect to help, not a bad plan. Beastmen. He will not be persuaded by
rob the tombs during this period - Boring, but sensible. threats and accusations of cowardice.
Encounter 6: The Dwarven Temple

If Georgiy descends the stairs, he will be Spirit Allies Note that Father Bear will take no part
overwhelmed by the emanations of the Any weapons enchanted by the Poleviki in an underground battle, although he
Chaos Warrior, the Daemon and the will still be good for an underground will be happy to wait at the trapdoor for
various Ghosts. The ghosts terrify him; battle, if the PCs don't wait until dawn. the Chaos warrior and his Daemon to
he grabs the nearest PC and gestures come out.
desperately for the party to leave at once. Vodyanoy will absolutely refuse to go
If they leave, Georgiy may be questioned underground. However, if things are Other Good Ideas
on the surface. Otherwise, try to answer going spectacularly badly for the PCs Concentrate on the Chaos Warrior,
questions, but refuse to descend you might decide that he gets bored W hen the Chaos Warrior dies, the
any further. waiting on the surface and decides to Daemon is automatically sucked back
When questioned, Georgiy can point out flood the whole of the underground into the realm of Chaos. This
the rough positions of the Chaos Warrior complex. Water starts gushing up from information is available to any
(hand gesture for sword and horned the floor, and any living creature spellcaster, or any other character with
Demon Lore or Theology skill, on a
helmet) and the Daemon (contorted, underground has 3 rounds to make it to
leering face). More importantly, he successful lot test.
the top of the stairs. They might be
indicates the presence of a ghost by treated to a brief image of Vodyanoy Carry lots of light: Each light source
doing the old 'Oooh! Ooooooooh!' paddling about in the rising water and after the first gives the PCs a + 5 bonus
routine, a rising and falling voice, and laughing delightedly to himself. to any Fear tests made against Ghosts.
swooping about with arms outstretched Run for it if things go badly, Arrange
like a cartoon ghost. He then looks Leshy might be prevailed upon to help
for the toughest party members to cover
thoughtful, and repeats his ghost in some way, but this will constitute yet the retreat, get back out, and sit on the
routine, then scampers over and grasps another favour and must be negotiated trapdoor.
a PC's hand, shakes it for a second, then as before (see p36). He might have tree­
scampers away again. This is probably roots erupt from the walls of the Remember, at all times, that the GM's role
the first time Georgiy has voluntarily is not to wipe the party out. Certainly,
complex, bringing whole areas down careless or idiotic actions should lead
touched a PC. Emphasise the uniqueness (PCs must make a Risk test or take a
of the event by commenting as Pyotr, if swiftly to their inevitable reward, but
S 4 hit from falling masonry), or he might don't kill everybody. Just make them
the players miss the significance. summon a Swarm to invade the think you're going to - and then the
Georgiy is trying to indicate that the complex. Needless to say, the Swarm will players will feel so happy and clever
Ghost of Gruffneck is a friend. If any affect PCs in the complex normally, if when they win free, that you'll become
player remarks out loud that there may they are slow in leaving. their favourite GM.
be a friendly Ghost in the underground
complex, the PCs will be immune to the
fear and fleeing effects of Gruffneck's
ghostly presence.

Is There a Dwarf in the House?

If there is a Dwarf in the party, Gruffneck
senses his presence as soon as he sets foot
on the stairs. He calls out in Khazalid:
"Know, 0 Dwar f, that this was a
temple of your ancestors, before the
Greenskins used my life to dedicate
it to their filthy gods and before the
coming of the Beasts. Redeem it, and
release me. STONE AND STEEL!"
As Gruffneck raises the battle-cry, the
Dwarf feels a powerful tingling, with
every hair standing on end. This is a
Blessing from Grungni - the character
gains Frenzied Attack skill and an extra
Attack for the duration of the battle.
If there is no Dwarf in the party, and you
can't stand missing out on the
"Blessing" trick to give your players a
big magical boost for the coming heroic
combat, then assume that the Dwarven
deity, Grungni chooses a Human - ideally
one who has shown friendship to the
Dwarfs in the past. A disembodied voice
sounds in the character's head:
"Greetings, (name) Dwarf-friend.
For the friendship you have shown

/ ,,
my people, you have my blessing. j f

Aid them now by cleansing this
temple of its centuries of filth.''
' , f·
The character then receives the blessing
as above. I ,J l I
jl ,
/ {
The Underground Chambers

THE UNDERGROUND CHAMBERS crudely plastered and painted with crude Goblin script. Where
this plaster has fallen away, a dark, red-and-white sworled
marble, etched with lengthy Dwarven inscriptions, is revealed.
The following notes presume the area is being examined in
poor light - torchlight or magical light. If there is no light at Full Search: (30 minutes) But for the crude plaster that has
all, the areas must be searched by touch, and the descriptions fallen from the walls, nothing of interest is found on the floors.
improvised accordingly. A map of the temple complex is given Concave facets on the hemisphere correspond with the
on page 143, and you are welcome to photocopy it for your archways. It is other wise unblemished, and extremely
own use. hard. There is no evidence that it is a secret door or
Information is divided into four levels - that taken in at a Rapid otherwise movable.
Glance, the results of a Careful Look, further information
revealed by a Rapid Search, and detailed information revealed Among the rubble on the floor are ancient tools - picks, shovels
by a Full Sean:h. The last two categories take the indicated and the like - their handles apparently rotted away.
amount of time, and require successful tests to be made (see The Dwarven stonework on the walls was once ornamented
WFRP, p 71). with an inlay, now missing. There are also numerous sockets
You may decide to allow relevant skills (eg Mining, History) where decorative gems may have been removed. There are
to modify Search tests for the purposes of revealing specific no traces of the missing materials among the rubble.
information; for example, a character with Mining skill might The temple is probably older than the oldest Human buildings
notice constructional detail while overlooking other things the characters have ever seen. Characters with History skill
if a borderline result is rolled for his Search test. may convince themselves on a successful Int test that it pre­
For the Radial Chambers, Rapid Glance assumes that no dates Human occupation in this region).
character actually enters the chamber; Careful Look assumes
entering the chamber and looking or feeling around; Rapid
Search assumes that objects are ex:imined, but not moved; Full
Search assumes that objects are picked up and/or removed to
the central chamber where they can be examined under
better light.
The Central Chamber
Rapid Glance: (as viewed where the stairs enter the central
chamber) This circular chamber is about 30' in diameter, with
walls rising as a vertical shaft for 50' into the darkness. A
translucent hemisphere 6 1 in diameter rests on a polished
circular platform in the center of the chamber. Five archways
are spaced regularly along the wall. Clockwise from the stairs,
arches 1-2 are partially unblocked, arches 3-4 are completely
blocked, and arch 5 is completely unblocked. A hazy formless
film, like smoke, hangs above the hemisphere.
Careful Look: A ghostly Dwarf, his face distorted in the agony
of death, lunges from the centre of the chamber and suddenly
fills your field of vision.
Encounter the ghost of Gruffneck the Dwarf. Make any Fear
tests. Those who fail are paralysed with fear - no action this
round, and no action in succeeding rounds until a successful
Fear test is made see WFRP, p 68).

Gruffneck - Dwarf Ghost

Gruffneck is subject to instabtltty outside the temple, but is

immune to psychological effects. He causes Fear in living
creatures (but see the notes on p42). He is immune to non­
magical weapons, and cannot cause physical damage himself;
any living creature 'hit' by him must make an immediate Ld
test at a -10 penalty or flee.
Rapid Search: (10 minutes; presumesfear has been overcome)
The stonework is generally of high quality, probably Dwarven.
It has been covered with clay and painted, but most of the
clay has fallen from the walls, revealing Dwarven inscriptions.
Archways l-2lead intolong, dark chambers. They were sealed
with inferior stonework, and recently broken open.
Archways 3-4 are likewise sealed with inferior stonework, and
still sealed.

Archway 5 has never been sealed.
The translucent hemisphere is apparently made of glass
beneath the obscuring dark stains. The pedestal has been
The Underground Clumbers

Rapid Search: The walls bear the remains of inscriptions and

traceries like the walls of the central chamber. Near the rear
wall is a delicate pile of debris (I Test to avoid stepping in it)
- the decayed remains of the sacrificed slaves. No artifacts
accompany the remains.
At the rear wall is a bier. Delicate remains lie on the bier, along
with the remains of ornamented leather armour, a shield, a
sword, and three pieces of jewellery.
Full Search: Zoobag has been reduced to a skeleton, and his
leather jerkin crumbles to dust at a touch, as do most of his
bones - only D6 teeth and a few fragments of the skull remain.
His shield, of wood and leather, also crumbles at a touch.
Nothing remains of the scabbard and fittings which
presumably once accompanied the sword, and the sword itself
is pocked with rust (-1 damage, roll D6 each time the sword
hits anything, on a 6 it shatters). The three pieces of jewellery
are a silver nose-ring - blackened by tarnish - worth 5 GCs,
a gold cloak-pin set with garnets worth 25 GCs, and a carved
amber arm-ring worth 7 GCs. On the floor by the side
of the bier is a single iron spearhead - the shaft has long since
rotted away.

Radial Chamber 2:
The Tomb of Dunggrub the Spellchucker
Rapid Glance: A light shining through the hole in the
masonry reveals a bier at the far end of the passage, as in Radial
Radial Chamber 1: Chamber I. On the bier lies the corpse of a Goblin, strangely
The Tomb of Zoobag the Great dressed. Its robe has faded to the same green-brown as its
Rapid Glance: A 4' x 4' hole has been made in the stonework withered flesh, and rotted through in places, but an assortment
blocking the archway. Light seems unable to penetrate the of bones can be seen, still stitched to the fabric with leather
darkness behind - no detail can be perceived, even with Night thongs. Beside the bier are three leather bags; one of them
Vision . The air inside is very cool, causing condensation on has rotted through, and a Human skull can be seen grinning
the surrounding stone. Objects thrown into the space out of it .
disappear soundlessly. Magical Sense indicates the presence Careful Look: This will broadly confirm the results of the
of unearthly beings within. Rapid Glance above. There appears to be a skeleton on the
floor of the chamber beneath the bier.
Careful Look: A mass of horribly mutilated Goblins
presses upon you. One reaches inside your chest and squeezes Rapid Search: The bones stitched to the Goblin's robe are
your heart. of all shapes and sizes, and a character who has followed a
When the chamber is entered, make Fear tests. Those who career as a Physician, Physician's Student or Grave Robber will
fail drop as though dead, their hearts stopped - briefly - by realise on a successful Int test that some are humanoid, and
fear. Those who pass black out briefly, but awaken still some are apparently Human. Others seem to come from a
standing, still seeing the ghostly Goblins, but convinced of variety of animals. Under the bier is the complete skeleton
their insubstantiality. of what appears to be a Goblin - closer examination is
impossible without moving it. The walls were apparently once
Goblin Ghosts decorated with gems and inlays like the rest of the temple,
but these have all been removed
GM: You may like to frighten the players with tricks of the
light in this chamber: There are no weapons around, and
The mass of ghostly Goblins counts as one entity, with the the PCs may conclude - correctly - that the Goblin burled
profile shown above. They are subject to instability outside here was a shaman. They may also conclude - incorrectly
the radial chamber, but are immune to psychological effects. - that the shaman may still be mobile. Their flickering
They cause Fear in living creatures, are immune to non-magical torchlight will cast weird shadows on the walls of the
weapons, and cannot cause physical damage; any living chamber, and ifone of the PCs thinks be saw the mummified
creature 'hit' by them must make an immediate Ld test at a corpse move, let nature take its course.
-10 penalty or flee.
Full Search: Everything in this chamber will crumble to dust
GM: If Gruffneck has befriended the party, you might decide at a touch. There is nothing of value here.
that he takes on the ghostly Goblins. Run the combat between
GM: If you played with tricks of the light earlier, then the
Gruffneck and the Goblins as a normal combat - they can
odds are that the PCs will have done something rash like
wound each other normally - giving each side S 3 and giving
attacking the corpse in some way. This, of course, will cause
Gruffneck the benefit of his racial Hatred of Goblins
everything on and around the bier to fall to dust, which will
automatically (cannot beforcedfrom combat, always presses
bang in the air for a while. In the flickering torchlight, it
attacks, and causes + 1 damage on each bit). Atbougb neither may seem to coalesce, and form itself into weird shapes. We

side is armed, ignore the normal unarmed combat penalties know there's nothing dangerous in here, and Magic Sense
for this combat. skill will reveal nothing, but the dust will take a good ten
Lights of any kind will not shine in this cursed chamber. minutes to settle - and in that time the PCs will always have
Examination must be done by touch. a bad feeling about this chamber: .. Enjoy it .
The Underground Chambers

Radial Chamber 3:
The Tomb of Shagrack the Toad-Eater
Rapid Glance: Nothing is visible until the blocking is
removed. The masonry has T 6, D 10, but 5 D will create a
hole large enough for a Human-sized being to crawl through.
A light shining through the hole in the masonry reveals a bier
at the far end of the chamber. On the bier rests the body of
a Goblin; it appears to be perfectly preserved, but its clothing
has decayed almost to nothing. On the floor of the chamber
is a pile of bones and debris.

Careful Look: The mass of debris contains crumbled bones,

fragments of leather and fabric, and the occasional piece or
corroded metal. As soon as any living creature enters the
chamber, it gathers itself together into four Goblin Skeletons.
This process takes one round (during which the Skeletons are
treated as prone), and then the Skeletons attack. The corpse
on the bier never moves.
Careful Look/Rapid Search: Any character entering the
Goblin Skeletons chamber will automatically disturb some of the mould at
almost every step; roll on the following table each turn for
M WSBS S T W I A l.d 111.t Q WP Fel each character who enters:
4 25 17 3 3 5 20 18 18 18 18
D10 Roll Mould Type
The Skeletons are subject to instability and stupidity, but 1-3 Harmless
immune to all other psychological effects. They cannot be 4-5 Purple Mould
forced to leave combat. They cause/ear in living creatures. 6-9 Yellow Mould
Wounding hits from Skeletons have a 35 % chance of causihg 0 Fluorspore
infected wounds.
Note that spore clouds near the doorway may spill over into
Rapid Search: There is little in here except dust and a the main chamber. See WFRP, p 237 for spore effects. It's quite
perfectly-preserved Goblin corpse. Any clothing it might have possible that the players will come up with something clever,
had has rotted away, leaving only mouldering scraps and the like using a Flight spell, to avoid disturbing the fungus. This
occasional corroded piece of jewellery. Again, the walls bear is fine, but remember that Fluorspore and Purple Mould are
the marks of stripped-out ornamentation. triggered by proximity rather than contact.
A careful look/rapid search will confirm the impression that
Full Search: The Goblin corpse wears a tarnish-blackened the chamber is full of various moulds and fungi. The outline
silver ring set with a polished yellowish-white stone. There of a body on a bier can just be made out beneath the blanket
is also a pair of gold sword-fittings, worth 10 GCs each or 35 of mould at the far end.
GCs as a pair. The sword to which they once belonged is now
rusted beyond use. Full Search: A full search carries the same dangers as a rapid
The ring is an Amulet of Enchanted Jade; although it search. If the party persists, then the body on the bier will
could not prevent the demise of its wearer, it has kept the body fall to dust the moment it is touched. This will cause an
in good condition down the centuries - the Goblin appears immense cloud of spores to erupt , filling the entire chamber
to have been dead for no more than a couple of hours. and billowing out into the main chamber to fill the air within
W hen the ring is removed, the body will begin to a 2-yard radius from the doorway. Anyone caught in the cloud
decompose normally. will suffer the effects of all three kinds of spores at once -
characters in the main chamber are allowed an I test to dodge
the cloud, characters in the radial chamber are not. Serve
Radial Chamber 4: them right.
The Tomb of Ragzod Bonechewer In theory, there is no way that the PCs will be able to search
this chamber, short of doing rash things with fire (remember,
Rapid Glance: Nothing is visible until the blocking is though, that at the far end of the chamber the mould is damp)
removed. The masonry has T 6, D 10, but 5 D will create a and coming back in a couple of hours after things have settled
hole large enough for a Human-sired being to crawl through. down. If, through extreme cleverness or sheer, dogged
Unfortunately, the creation of a hole will also disturb the Red persistence, the PCs succeed in searching the chamber, they
Mould which is growing in the chamber. A cloud of red spores will find D6 Goblin teeth intact, a rusted and useless sword,
billows forth 3 yards from the hole, obscuring vision into the and a plain gold ear-ring worth 5 GCs. Players may complain
chamber and causing anyone in the way to make an immediate long and loud, but hopefully they will learn that some things
I test or be blinded for 206 hours (WS, I and Dex reduced are best left alone, and reward is not necessarily in proportion
by 25 each, opponents gain + 25 to hit in any combat). Human to risk.
and Halfling characters affected by the spore cloud gain 1D6
Insanity Points.
Radial Chamber 5:
The spores hang in the air for 3 rounds before settling. Once
they have settled, a light shining into the chamber will reveal
Shrine of Llabella Amethyst
that the walls, floor and ceiling are densely coated with moulds This chamber is completely empty and featureless, having been

and fungi of various colours, and at the far end (which appears str ipped of ever ything valuable when the temple was
to be damper than the rest of the complex) is a shapeless mass abandoned by the Dwarfs. As in the rest of the complex, there
of multicoloured mould which may once have been a bier are signs of gems and inlayshaving been removed, and various
and a body. smearings and other graffiti left behind by the Goblins.
Estimating The Temple's Value

ESTIMATING THE Bogdanov will see the PCs almost

immediately, and will listen to their
TEMPLE'S VAWE report, nodding in the right places but
giving little away. If you wish to continue
Apart from the (almost negligible) with the next adventure in this book,
intrinsic value of the artifacts in the carry on to the Players' Introduction on
Goblin tombs, this site is of considerable p48; if not, you can have Bogdanov send
value to Dwarfs, and scholars of any race the PCs into the next adventure,
who are interested in Dwarven history.
whatever it might be.
Knowledge of the temple's location,
backed up with plans of the
underground complex and rubbings or Experience Points Awards
tracings of the vanished decoration, The following experience points awards
might fetch a considerable price from should be made at suitable points during
such parties. This is left to you to handle, the adventure - either at the end of a
but if the PCs manage to find a playing session, or at the end of the
prospective buyer, a final price in the
adventure itself.
region of 500 GCs for the temple's
location would not be out of the
question. Note, however, that few Roleplaying
Dwarfs would stoop so low as to sell this Each character may be awarded up to 100
knowledge to fellow Dwarfs, and that EPs for good roleplaying, bright ideas,
selling it to Humans would be a minor and so on. Aim for an average of about
betrayal of the whole Dwarven race and 50 EPs each, awarding 100 only to
its heritage. So if a PC Dwarf is overcome characters who have been astoundingly
by avarice in this deal, other Dwarfs will resourceful and well-played.
react accordingly. Grungni would not be
too happy, either - and might exchange Plot Objectives
the blessing (p42) for a curse (see WFRP, W inning the trust of Pyotr and Annya -
pp 194-195). 50EPseach
Dealing successfully with nature spirits:
Grandfather Spark (the Domovoy)
- 10EPs each
THE ADVENTURE Grandfather Barn (the Maciew)
- JO EPseach
This adventure can end in one of two The Grainfathers (the Poleviki)
main ways: - 25 EPs each
Uncle Water (the Vodyanoy)
lithe Beastmenhave been dealt with - 25 EPseach
successfully: Hertzen will make good Lord of the Forest (the Leshy)
any promise of payment. He may also - 50EPseach
entertain the PCs to a lavish banquet, at Defeating Father Bear - 50EPs foreach
which they will have ample opportunity ch aracter stillin play at theend of t he
to raise eyebrows by using the wrong contest, 20EPs for characters out of
cutlery and so on, and chat ter
incessantly until everyone is bored to play
tears. If the adventure forms part of the Not defeating Father Bear - 10EPseach
campaign sequence, the PCs will be sent
back to Kislev to report to Bogdanov; if Winning Georgiy's co-operation - 50EPs
not, they are free to go on to their next each
adventure. Dealing with the Beastmen piecemeal -
H any of the Beastmen has escaped: Tuking the Beastmen on all together and
Hertzen may insist on a few days spent winning - 20 EPseach
fruitlessly searching the forest, leaving
you free to invent further incidents. The Finding the Beastmen and running for
Chaos Warrior and his pet Daemon may help - 10EPseach
still be around, and may take any
opportunity for revenge. Hertzen may Befriending the ghost of Gruffneck -30
decide to withhold some or all of any EPseach
promised payment until he is satisfied For each burial chamber explored - 20
that the threat has been dealt with. At EPseach
last, though, the PCs will be sent back
to Kislev or allowed to go on their way.

Reporting to Bogdanov

The PCs' journey from Voltsara to Kislev
should be fairly free of incident,
although the Chaos Warrior may stage
an attack if he is still alive.
On a bluff overlooking the Zapadryek-1
River in the midst of which stands the
island bearing the walled town of
Scabback settled down with his bowl of
gruel, gesturing over one shoulder at the
town walls of Chernozavtra on the
island across the ford.
"Strange lot, them," he said, "All
runnin' round like Snotlings on
Gigglespore -an' all deader'n Duggrat's
muvver. Sum all wet an' dangly, sum
all dried up an' leathery, bits o' meat
danglin' all about. 'Orrlble. 0/' Chuff
sez 'e seen 'em at all hours of the night,
dancin' an: clackin' 'eir tee/ and
moanin'. Glad I got river 'tween 'em
and me, damn sure."
Scabback's companion nodded
vigorously in agreement, "Yeah!" he
said, splattering Scabback with bits of
gruel, "Mus' be sum reel bad necro­
wotsit in der."
"/ dunno about no necro-wotsit,"
snarled Scabback. "Ifyer asks me, it's
magic, dat's wot it is!"
He thrust a spoon of gruel in his mouth.
"Akk! Pthui! S'orrlble! Wonder where
0/' Chuff gets this meat..."
Meanwhile, at the Dolgan camp beside
the walls of Chernozavtra:
''Dafa say burn ghosts out," said Kahu
as he combed his pony's mane. "Arda
laughs. 'Fire no good last time Dafa try
it,' say Arda, 'why should it work now!'
Arda laugh some more, then take his
braves back to camp. Council argue all
night, but no Arda and braves, no point
to talk."
''So, we sit here, city of ghosts in front,
army of greenskins behind, supplies
running short, and chiefs squabbling
like children. Clan/athers must weep to
see it."
"Yes, moy brat." Kahu nodded sadly.
"Not for nothing is this place called
Chernozavtra - T he Town of the Black
Tomorrow. W hen the dead walk the
streets, it can mean only one thing - the
day of reckoning is coming. Soon, soon
we will weep alongside our

"That may be, myfriend,"said the other
"But at least we can take some of the
Greenskins with us..."


Chernozavtra was one of Kislev's ADVENTURE
Wheatland Colonies, on the eastern side
of the World's Edge Mountains. Plague
The Enemy Within Campaign THE COLONY OF
claimed the entire population, but most
of them are still up and about thanks to or The Kislev Campaign BLACK FORTUNES
the Necromancer Annandil, also known Returning from Voltsara, the PCs report
as Gurthgano Gorthaudh, the only living to Bogdanov at the palace. Mter hearing
inhabitant of Chemozavtra. their report, he tells them of their next
mission. HISTORY
For one reason or another - outlined in
the following sections - the PCs must "On the edge of the Steppes is a colony Founded in 2252 IC, the colony of
enter the lost colony and find Gurthgano. called Chern ozavtra. You will be Chernozavtra had everything necessary
supplied with a map and any guides for success. The island on the
They must overcome several obstacles:
that are necessary. You will set out for Zapadryeka River was a perfect site -
Firstly, the colony's dead population has Chernozavtm at first light tomorrow,
convenient for river travel and trade,
a standing instruction to take any living and when you get there you will seek out
people who enter and turn them into one Gurthgano Gorthaudh. Give him
easily defended from Dolgan or
more undead. this message - Sulring Durgul is
Goblinoid raiders, and surrounded by
involved in Bolgasgrad. He will instruct the dark, fertile soil which gave the
Secondly, Chernozavtra is about to you further." colony its name - "Black Tomorrow".
become the centre of a battlefield; on The name proved all too apt, but not in
opposite sides of the ford by which it This is all the information that the PCs the way intended.
stands, a large group of Dolgans and a will be given. Bogdanov will say no
band of steppe Goblinoids led by more, but characters who are able to Throughout its first five decades, the
Habblo's Hobgoblin Heroes stand eye-to­ speak Eltharin will recognise that the colony showed promise, but was
eye, each waiting for the other to make name Gurthgano Gorthaudh is in that plagued by Goblinoid and Dolgan raids.
the first move. language, meaning "Death Commander When the tow n walls were finally
of the Dread Mound". completed in 2270, the colonists hoped
The PCs must first make their way that things would look up.
through or past the Hobgoblins, where They set out early the next day, so there
they may become embroiled in the is no time to learn skills, but any By the end of the century, Chemozavtra
controversy which is currently raging - experience points earned in Voltsara may was among the richest and most
wipe out the Dolgans, or should they let be spent on characteristic advances at successful of the Wheatlands colonies.
them pass on payment of a toll? this time. Its position was strengthened by a treaty
with the neighbouring Dolgan tribes,
Next, there are the Dolgans - and they allowing the Dolgans to hold their
are bound to be suspicious of a group of As an Isolated Adventure...
traditional clan gatherings upon the
non-Dolgans coming from the same In Kislcv island so long as they maintained good
direction as the Hobgoblins. The PCs Here are two possible introductions to relations with the colonists.
will need Dolgan help to get into this adventure; you may be able to devise
Chernozavtra, but again they will be others if necessary: Then, in 2302, Chaos poured from the
caught up in a controversy- one faction north. As the Wheatlands and steppes
An entrepreneur hires a group of
wants to rid the colony of its undead adventurers to recover a few objects from were cut off from the rest of Kislev, the
inhabitants, and - hopefully - gain divine the ruins of a colony wiped out by nearby Dolgan tribes fled to the walled
favour for a battle with the Hobgoblins, disease several decades ago. The colony for protection. The combined
while the other wants to ignore the dead entrepreneur fails to mention that the forces of the colonists and the Dolgans
people (who, after all, never venture inhabitants of the colony - though quite managed to hold out for nearly four
outside the walls) and concentrate on the dead - are still up and about. months before the Chaos hordes finally
Hobgoblin problem. stormed the walls. There were no survivors.
The bureaucracy wishes to investigate
Having made their way through a series garbled reports of life - or undead - in After Chaos was beaten back in the 23rd
of diplomatic minefields, the PCs must a lost colony. It hires a group of freelance century, Chemozavtra stood empty and
enter Chemozavtra and find Gurthgano, adventurers, not wishing to draw in ruins. A hundred years later, the
dodging the undead guards whose sole attention to the exercise. They have a colony was re-established, and within a
aim in unlife is to convert all living brief to investigate and report - and to decade or so, Chemozavtra seemed back
matter within reach to unliving matter remove any threat they find. on the road to success. Then, in the
like themselves. winter of 2478, plague struck. The
All going well, the PCs will obtain an Chemozavtra can be set in any remote population of the island was all but
audience with Gurthgano, and may frontier of the Old Worlds. The wiped out. Cher nozavtra's isolated
receive infonnation and materials which Hobgoblins and Dolgans can be replaced position gave the plague no chance to
will be valuable to them later. They may by any moderately civilised but mutually spread, but the colony was abandoned
also win his aid in escaping the city - hostile bands of Goblinoids, humans, or once again. The dead were left where
possibly a harder task than getting in. other intelligent creatures. they fell.

Hobgoblins of The Steppes

The Coming of the THE HOBGOBLIN However, the four junior officers on this
Necromancer expedition lack Habblo's subtlety. They
Anrumdil The Necromancer, heard of the
HEGEMONY are ambitious, and eager to gain
disaster of Chernozavtra, and established battlefield reputations. They believe that
In the centuries since the Goblinoid Habblo is past his prime, that he has lost
himself there immediately. W ith an races were pushed eastwards across the
almost unlimited supply of tireless his stomach for battle, and that he should
Worlds Edge Mountains at the end of the hand over command to a more vigorous
undead labourers, he soon put the town Goblin Wars, certain racial groups have
to rights. Because of the cold, none of successor - one of themselves.
made significant cultural, socio­
the corpses had decomposed economic and military advances, Habblo is in a delicate position. It might
significantly, and they were ideal for his competing with Humanity and other be safer to go along with the hotbloods,
purposes. Soon, the dead colony had races all the more effectively. The most but he is too proud to allow his juniors
been transformed into a perfect base for successful group is the Hobgoblin to force his hand. Also, he knows that
his operations. In time, he adopted the Hegemony, which has risen to - privately - Chief Grunguts would like
name Gurthgano Gorthaudh in honour dominance over the northern part of the to cool down the war with the Dolgans
of his power. Dark Lands, and is extending its and get back to the business of extending
When the Dolgans returned, they were influence into the steppes of eastern the clan's wealth and influence by trade.
immensely surprised to find signs of life Kislev. His problem is, how to resolve things
in the colony. Venturing closer, they satisfactorily while avoiding a mutiny.
The Hobgoblins have become a very
were even more surprised -and horrified effective military elite, ruling a slave­
- to see the familiar faces of colonists based society where the lesser
they knew had died in the plague. Goblinoids have been forced to learn
The strictures of Zemlya, one of the aspect s of argicult ure and herding The PCs' arrival brings the political
stronger nature spirits in the Dolgan copied from Human cultures. The level tension in the warband to ahead. Habblo
pantheon, are clear on the practice of of efficiency does not approach that of would be content to extract a piratical
necromancy. This travesty of nature had Human agricultural and pastoral toll from them in return for permission
to be ended immediately. After societies, but this is still a great
to cross the ford, but his lieutenants will
strengthening their courage through revolution in Goblinoid terms.
take every opportunity to goad the PCs
prayer and heavy drinking, the Dolgans From this simple but far-reaching into a fight.
prepared to assault the colony of economic advance, the Hobgoblin
the dead. Hegemony has gone on to encourage the If a PC attacks any Goblinoid, the band
development of craftsmanship, and has will respond by attacking all the PCs.
For almost twenty years, they have been
begun to trade slaves and other goods to Swift action by other PCs may or may
trying. However, most of those who have
eastern Human societies. The habitual not prevent disaster, depending on the
attempted to enter the town have never
returned ... well, not alive, at any rate. raiding which effectively closed the circumstances. For example, if a PC
The holy battle against undeath has run overland trade route between the Old simply punches a Hobgoblin lieutenant,
out of steam, and most of the clan World and the far east has lessened as and is immediately grabbed by his mates,
gatherings are spent arguing over what the Hobgoblins begin to realise the value the PCs will be taken into custody and
probably-futile move to make next. of trade. brought before Habblo, who may be
sy mpathetic, or may be bought cheaply.
The Hobgoblin Hegemony is an On the other hand, if a Hobgoblin
efficient, if harsh, regime, although it lieutenant is slain, even Habblo may be
cannot validly be judged in Human unable to prevent the slaughter of the
terms. Seen in the context of Goblinoid PCs.
history, it counts as a major advance on
every front . The Hegemony consists of If, however, a PC challenges a
a limited (but occasionally variable) Hobgoblin, the Hobgoblin is honour
number of tribes, each ruled by a bound to accept the challenge. As
hereditary chief Habblo, you determine the conditions of
the challenge combat . Remember,

Habblo would not be unhappy to see one
of his t roublesome subordinates

humbled or killed by a mere Human (or
whatever) - a sign of weakness on their
ENCOUNTER part would undermine their position
and strengthen his own.
(See Map 7)
OF THE Habblo's Hobgoblin Heroes are officially

on a punitive mission, sent by Chief The primary problem-solving, action­
Grunguts of the Grag-A-Mugar Clan in adventure element of this encounter is
reprisal for Dolgan raids on Hobgoblin the conflict between the PCs and the
The Hobgoblins of the steppes are the trade and slave caravans. However, belligerent lieutenants.
most culturally advanced of the Habblo wants to extract a toll from the
Goblinoids in regular contact with Dolgans, along with oaths to refrain from However, the real fun of this encounter

Humanity; indeed, some go so far raiding in future. A practical soul, he is an opportunity to roleplay a meeting
as to claim that they are closer to prefers getting rich to fighting any day, of two traditionally hostile cultures -
Humanity than they are to the other and he suspects that the Chief Human and Goblinoid. The PCs arrive
Goblinoid races. will approve. at dusk, and the decision about whether
Hobgoblins of The Ste ppes

to let them cross the ford is postponed The Lieutenants Sample Dialogue: "Oy, Muggerlips,
until the next morning. During the These hot-bloods are like young, getcher face out that pot an' pass it
evening, the PCs have ample swaggering samurai - loud, aggressive, round! Okay, Burnie, so you've come to
opportunity to wander around, examine abusive, impulsive, interested only in learn how to fight, huh? Best place for
the Hobgoblin camp, and chat with warfare and dominating others. They are it. Starters, we're bigger'n you. An' tuffer.
the personnel. feared and hated by the rank-and-file, but An' meaner. An' badder. An' greener..."
Scholarly PCs can learn a lot about their tough image is generating a Other Hobgoblins put in various words,
Goblinoids at first hand. Warrior types measure of respect for them. Habblo until the conversation shift s into a
will be interested in the unit 's hopes they will live long and hard locker-room chant - "We're mean green
organisation, and the quality of its enough to learn wisdom. killin' machines, the baaadest muthas
soldiers. Students of novel experiences They hope to spark an incident that will you ever seen...'' The chant goes on for
and storytellers will be interested stir the warriors to battle-fervour. If the as long as you can continue to improvise
in chatting with creatures seldom PCs can be goaded into a fight, the words for it, and breaks down into much
encountered in so peaceful an Hobgoblin band will get their battle­ back-slapping and drinking.
atmosphere. blood going, and Habblo will have a hard
Here's an opportunity to award lots of time restraining them from outright war. Goblin Wolf Riders
experience points for roleplaying. Lean, quiet, competent - the hard-bitten
Sample Dialogue: 'Hah. 'fypical Burnie Hollywood cowboy type. W>lf riders are
Don't miss it. - natter, nattei; natter. (Poke in belly)Soft. rough and uneducated, but surprisingly
And be honest. GMing Goblinoids is fun. (Squeeze Jaw) Good talkers. (Squeeze
intelligent and thoughtful. They stick
What refreshingly crude and cheerful arm) No fight. (Poke at nether regions)
together when off-duty, and use afew,
creatures they are. Nothing there."
well-chosen words when addressing
outsiders. They have an even and
Hobgoblin Regulars professional attitude toward leaders and
GOBLINOID These troops are something like other Goblinoids.
ROLEPLAYING NOTES American football players or Marines. Sample Dialogue: (Long pause)
They are strongly built, towering over "Dolgans raid us, we raid them.
Here are some roleplaying tips for each the Goblins who serve them and taller They stop, we stop. (Pause) Got to look
of the Goblinoid types in the warband. than many Humans. Off-duty, they are after ourselves."
approachable, even friendly to those
A tough, shrewd, war-weary line officer,
they consider their equals. In battle, they
are dedicated to being the toughest, the Wagon Crews, Cooks,
loyal to the chief who keeps him and his meanest, the most vicious. and Labourers
family well-fed and well-respected. His At all times they are competitive and These are skilled workers, therefore
growling tone and uneducated accent are mindful of reputation, and banter valuable and decently - if roughly -
pure Goblinoid, but his personality and endlessly among themselves, sometimes treated. They tend to be nervous,
character have some almost Human indulging in friendly fighting. They are intimidated by the rough horseplay of
facets. He always appears to make instant casually contemptuous of puny Humans, the Hobgoblins. They will bait and mock
decisions, but on close examination and think only slightly better of the hot­ the Humans - from a safe distance - but
these decisions are usually parries to give blooded lieutenants. Habblo ("the if challenged, they run away. They divide
him time to weigh things up. A s a Boss") is admired, trusted and respected, their time bet ween avoiding the
successful leader, he is loved and trusted and the lesser Goblinoids are treated by larger Goblinoids and tormenting the
by the rank-an�le, but the contempt turns as children or as inanimate objects smaller ones.
of his lieutenants could spread into for kicking, throwing, playing catch Sample Dialogue: "Oi, Humie!"
mutiny, and he knows it. with, and so on. (Accompanied by clod of earth, or
Habblo would be content to charge the something less savoury ifpossible) "Not
PCs a crippling toll for crossing the ford. so brave now, iz yer? Not now yer seen
He would also like to give them a greenboyz yer own size an' bigger, eh?''
message for the Dolgan leader, stating his (Laughs all round) "Scared you'll get
terms for allowing the Dolgans to cross smacked? Better talk nice, or the
-one bison for every five people, and an bigguns'll smack yer!" (Laughter, more
oath sworn by each tribal leader to missiles, gestures, etc)
abstain from raiding Hobgoblin caravans
for one year. These terms are steep, but Lesser Goblins
they are modest compared to the
These are unskilled slaves. Al ways
losses involved in forcing a crossing cringing, scuttling to obey, fawning
against the Hobgoblins. in the hope of escaping worse
Habblo will try to protect the PCs from mistreatment. Play these repulsive little
the bullying of the lieutenants - the last beasts for sympathy value. Make players
thing he wants is an incident that might want to free them from their torment -
stir up outside trouble - but he mustn't but make them realise that a bitten hand
appear to be coddling them, or the is the best thanks they could expect.
lieutenants will accuse him of being a These slaves are also a reminder that, for
''Burnie-lover''. all their Human-like aspects, Goblinoids
are cruel and callous creatures, beyond
Sample Dialogue: "Humph. Tryin' to

the Human capacity for such vices.
sneak across in the dark, eh? Lock 'em
up, an' bring 'em to me first thing in the Sample Dialogue: "Me do, me do! No
morning. First thing, y'hear? Or heads smack little (name). Good Gobbo, do
will roll." quick, do right, no smack!"
The Goblinoids


Skills: Disarm, Dodge Blow, Speak Additional Language - Old Worlder,

Street Fighting, Strike Mighty Blow, Strike to Injure, Strike to Stun.
Possessions: Sleeved Mail Coat (I AP, body/urns/legs), Mail Coif
(I AP, head), Helmet (I AP, head), Mace, Sword, Dagger. Hobgoblin Lieutenants (4)
Psychology & Special Rules: Subject to frenzy, and animosity to
other Goblinoids. Night Vision 10 yards.

Krowbag - Habblo's Aide Skills: Disarm, Dodge Blow, Speak Additional Language - Old Worlder,
Specialist Weapon•, Street Fighting, Strike Mighty Blow.
Possessions: Mail Shirt (I AP, bodyhrms ), Helmet (I AP, head), 1\vo­
handed weapon•, Sword, Dagger.
Skills: Speak Additional Language - Old Worlder. • Lieutenant no. I has a 2-handed flail, 2 and 3 both have two-handed
swords, and 4 has a two-handed axe. All have the necessary Specialist
Possessions: Leather Jerkin (0/1 AP, body), Sword, Dagger. Weapon skills to use them.
Psychology & Special Rules: Animosity to other Goblinoids, Hate Psychology & Special Rules: Subject tofrenzy, and animosity to
Dwarfs, Fear Elves unless outnumbering them by 2: I or more. Night other Goblinoids. Night Vision 10 yards.
Vision 10 yards.
Goblin Wolf Riders
Habblo's Hobgoblin Heroes

Skills: Animal Care, Animal Training - wolf, Marksmanship - short

Skills: Disarm, Dodge Blow, Street Fighting, Strike Mighty Blow. bow, Ride - wolf, Speak Additional Language - Old Worlder, Specialist
Weapon - Lance (Relates to use of spear from wolf-back only).
Possessions: Mail Shirt (I AP, bodyhrms), Shield (I AP, all locations),
Helmet (1 AP, head), Hand Weapon, Dagger: Possessions: Wolf with saddle, Spear, Short sword, Dagger, Short
Bow, Leather Jerkin (0/1 AP, body).
Psychology & Special Rules: Subject to frenzy, and animosity to
other Goblinoids. Night Vision 10 yards. Psychology & Special Rules: Animosity to other Goblinoids, Hate
Dwarfs, Fear Elves unless outnumbering them by 2: I or more. Night
Vision 10 yards.

Goblin Troops

Skills: None relevant.

Possessions: Leather Jerkin (I AP, body), Shield (1 AP, all locations)
or short bow, Hand Weapon, Dagger.
Psychology & Special Rules: Animosity to other Goblinoids, Hate
Dwarfs, Fear Elves unless outnumbering them by 2: I or more. Night
Vision 10 yards.

Lesser Goblin Slaves

Skills: None relevant.

Possessions: Nil.

Psychology & SpecialRules: Animosity to other Goblinoids, Hate
Dwarfs, Fear Elves unless outnumbering them by 2:1 or more. Night
Vision 10 yards.
Hobgoblins At The Ford


a high bluff along the river, half a mile Attempts to Scout and Avoid
APPROACHING north of the island (see Map 7). The PCs the Ford
CHERNOVAZTRA can see the Dolgans encamped before
Successful use of Silent Move/
the walls. Figures can be seen moving
Concealment Rural and other relevant
The road to Chernozavtra follows the about both inside and outside the walls,
skills will allow the PCs to scout the
Zapadryeka river south along the high but no-one enters or leaves the town.
Hobgoblin camp unnoticed. The scout
bluffs overlooking the river. Neglected The Hobgoblin camp is not visible.
must approach in heavy cover along the
since the colony was wiped out, the road
is overgrown and faint. There are, Habblo has posted Wolf Rider lookouts river beneath the edge of the bluff to
however, signs that heavy wagons have round the Hobgoblin camp, and the PCs avoid the Wolf Rider lookouts. If the
passed this way recently. Characters with scout understands the Goblinoid tongue,
Follow Trail skill may make an Estimate will be spotted unless they are very he may pick up snatches of conversation
test at + 10 to estimate the nature of the cautious, successfully using skills such (Listen test - soft noise) which can
Hobgoblin force that passed this way as Silent Move/Concealment Rural. The provide an inkling of the situation, as
(see p51). Wolf Riders report to Habblo, who sends described on pp 47-48. Otherwise, he
them to apprehend the Humies and puts may only report on the nature and
The first sight of Chernozavtra is from the camp in a state of readiness. disposition of the Hobgoblin forces.


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A Warm Welcome

There is no safe or practical way to THE HOBGOBLIN CAMP that his character goads a lieutenant into
approach the island except across the attacking, give him a gold star - Habblo
ford. The rapid current around the island W hether under the escort of the Wolf will publicly announce a challenge
makes swimming dangerous for those Riders, or approaching the ford on their match to settle the matter, and will then
with Swim skill, and deadly to those own, the PCs' first view of the camp will chew the lieutenant out in private for
without it. No small boats or canoes are be as shown on Handout 2. undignified conduct.
available. It would be impossible to cross After a few minutes, Habblo, hearing the
the river unnoticed by the two forces The road to the ford leads down through
a narrow defile, and two Wolf Rider disturbance, leaves his staff tent. He
which are now glaring at each other speaks in the Goblinoid language,
across it. camps occupy commanding positions
on the scrub-covered cliffs above. quietly but with authority. Everyone is
Having said that, truly ingenious and Archers at these points are in soft cover, immediately silent. The lieutenants
determined characters could find a way and have a clear line of fire to the ford glower impatiently. If no PC understands
to avoid the Hobgoblins, but it should and the road. his tongue, replace the italicised text
be risky and uncertain in prospect. For with improvised Goblin gobbletalk.
example, building a raft is a crackpot Set back from the cliffs on either side of
"Woz goin' on? I sed bring 'em ter me
idea. Do they have axes? Rope to lash the the road are corrals for the Yak herd
straight off You four better watch
wood? Do Goblin patrols see or hear which supplies the Goblinoids on the yerselves or I'll nailyer to a board an'
them at work? Can they control the rafts march. Close to each corral are the
use yer fer shields. Orright, wot you lot
on an unfamiliar river? quarters of their Goblin handlers. gawpin' at? Aincher got work ter do?
In general, avoiding the ford should be Behind a barricade are the tents of the Get goin."
more risky and difficult than main Hobgoblin encampment. Two large Then Habblo turns to the PCs, speaking
encountering the Hobgoblins, but let the tents stand on either side of the road; on in heavily-accented Old Worlder.
PCs try, if they have a plausible plan. the right the mess tent, and on the left
Then, when the plan fails, let the Habblo's staff tent. "Foller me. Bring yer gear."
Hobgoblins capture them, and get the Habblo takes the PCs into the tent and
victims back on track. The PCs' escort will cheerfully point out
the disposition of the camp. Make sure questions them in private about their
you do this, for three reasons: business. He listens to everything they
A WARM WELCOME First, to impress the Goblinoids' strength
have to say, no matter how ridiculous,
and does not speak until they have
Five Wolf Riders, armed with spears and upon the players and dispel any idiot­ finished.
bows, approach at a leisurely trot. Four heroic notions they may be hatching;
halt thirty yards away, and the fifth "Orright," he says at last, "Yer stayin' 'ere
Second, so that they will know that the overnight.'' He offers no explanation and
proceeds to within comfortable hailing Dolgans would be slaughtered attacking
distance. They are cautious, and will brooks no argument, simply ignoring
from the ford - this knowledge will be any interruptions.
return to the camp for reinforcements important later on;
at the first sign of hostility. "There's rules", he continues. He counts
Third, as the PCs talk with their escort, them off on his fingers with an ease the
If the PCs do not attack, the fifth rider the players should begin to realise that
addresses them in heavily-accented Old PCs will never have seen in a Goblinoid.
the Goblinoids are not just a nonhuman
Worlder: rabble little better than animals, but an "One: yer weapons stay wiv me. Yer
"Welcome, travellers. What want here?" organised force, and a dangerous, gerrem back when yer go.
If the PCs state their business, the rider competent foe to be respected. "Two: One o' my boyz'll look after yer.
proceeds with his formal invitation and Wiv 'im, yer safe. W ivout 'im, yer dead.
warning. If they refuse to state their The Reception Maybe eaten, too.
business, they only get the warning. As the PCs enter the camp, they are faced "Three: I say c'mere, you c'mere.
Invitation: "Follow please. Captain with a silent crowd of Goblinoids in full Runnin'. No talk, no nuffink.
Habblo want talk. Put away weapons. No battle-array, gathered along the road in "Four: Keep away from them four
harm, Captain says." poses of idle menace and curiosity. A bossboyz. They gimme enuff trubble
Warning: ''This land under protection of short way into the camp, the four wivout you lot addin' more."
Habblo's Heroes. Habblo say jump, lieutenants step out of the crowd and
everyone jump. You start something, we confront the PCs, ordering them off their Habblo ignores any questions about
finish it." horses if they are mounted. They make Chernozavtra or the Dolgans.
the most of this opportunity to goad and "Talk ter Krowbag 'ere. 'E don't tell yer,
His message delivered, the rider waits insult the 'Humies', much to the
briefly for the PCs to follow. If they yer don't need ter know. Geddit?"
amusement of the crowd. For example:
decline to follow, he withdraws with his
fellows, but the PCs are watched "Halt! Drop yer weapons!" (Picking one
constantly thereafter by this Wolf Rider up) "Hah, call this a sword?" (Smashes
squad. Suspicious acti vities are it on a rock) "Pah. No good, is it?"
immediately reported, and two squads "Ugh. You female?" (Prod) "Dear oh
of Wolf Riders are dispatched to dear. Your lot got no future, then."
challenge or attack, according to
circumstances. If the PCs insist on "Right, strip 'em off, see wot they got.
tur ning down the Hobgoblins' An' mind yer look everywhere." (Grin)
invitation, you might have them Continue this abuse long enough to
suddenly find themselves surrounded by allow the players to develop an abiding

a horde of Goblinoids with no chance hatred for the lieutenants. If a fight or
at all of fighting their way out. Then the challenge develops, good. If the PCs
messenger rides forward again. keep their temper, or give as good as they
"Captain Habblo wait. You come now." get, good for them. If a player is so clever
A Warm Welcome

It is now the PCs' move; theyhave been

challenged to a formal combat. As the
challenged side, they have a good
position to dictate terms; since the
lieutenants forced the confrontation,
they would lose face by haggling too
much over terms.
Obviously unfair terms will be dismissed
summarily ("How about us six, in full
armour, against three of you, without
armour?"), but modestly uneven
matches will be accepted ("Fine. Krogar,
barehanded and no armour, against any
one of you, barehanded and no armour.
Fight until disabled or surrendering. Any
blow struck after surrendering is foul,
and we' II kill you all. Krowbag is
witness. Swear?").
If the PCs don't offer terms, the weakest
lieutenant challenges the weakest
Exploring the Hobgoblin The Hobgoblins have staged two human, full weapons and armour, no
Camp successful raids on Dolgan holds barred . If the PCs refuse, the
lieutenants try another torrent of abuse,
encampments, slaughtering the
Krowbag, Habblo's aide and escort to the inhabitants and stealing the herds, and then depart after spitting on the toughest
PCs, is an old and scarred Goblin. He have challenged several Dolgan PC. Lacking any response from the PCs,
speaks Old Worlder quite fluently, with warbands in indecisive skirmishes. But the lieutenants will leave them alone for
only a slight trace of an accent, and will they don't consider this to equate to a the rest of the day. If they accept, one
be the most cultured Goblinoid the PCs state of war-in their eyes, it is legitimate lieutenant slips off to sneak the
have ever seen - in some ways. He will reprisal. Krowbag knows Humans well challenged PC's arms and armour from
give the answers below if asked the right enough to realise that they wouldn't see Habblo's tent.
questions. If pressed further, he smiles, things in this light, and will not tell the
shrugs and says "Can't say." End of Krowbag does nothing to stop the fight.
PCs the full story. He knows that Habblo will be told what
discussion. Krowbag lets the PCs go
where they like, and answers all The Current Situation: "We got the is happening fairly soon, and suspects
questions about the warband. He has ford, we say who goes and how much he will welcome the excuse to discipline
been ordered to impress the PCs with its for. The Dolgans can cross in peace if the lieutenants for disobeying orders
strength, since Habblo hopes that they they want, provided they meet the terms. the traditional penalty for which is a
will provide useful messengers to the So far they ain't even tried to talk." slow death. Besides, the Humans
Dolgans. The PCs will not be told about the terms. were warned.
Krobag's answers are as follows. The Habblo bas not communicated with the Use the standard critical hits table unless
italicised text is for your eyes only. Dolgans because be bas not decided the PCs have specified that the fight is
what be wants to do. He will do nothing won when one combatant is disabled
Chernozavtra: "Been abandoned for until be bas made up bis mind, and be
decades. It belongs to no-one." or surrenders.
knows that the Dolgans will not attempt
Habblo would like to occupy to open any negotiations - they may The Hobgoblin is a straight-forward,
Cbernozavtra as a military outpost, but attack, but that is a different matter. unimaginative fighter. "Strike early,
doubts that be could keep the supply line strike bard, strike often" is his motto.
The Hobgoblin Forces: As mentioned The PCs ' best bet is unconventional
open to it. Since be can't occupy it, be above, Krowbag will happily tell or show
intends to deny it to the Dolgans. tactics. The lieutenants may
the PCs anything about the Goblinoid unconsciously consider some tactics
Gurthgaao Gorth audh and force. You should improvise this, unfair (throwing rocks, climbing trees,
Animated Dead in Chernozavtra: referring to Map 7 on page 52. using magical weapons or spells), but the
"There have been rumours. No-one PCs can use any tactic that does not
knows for sure. We see Humans walking More Abuse from the violate the agreed terms.
about on the walls, but no-one goes in,
no-one comes out." Lieutenants On the other hand, if a PC is a physical
At some during the PCs' tour of the match for the Hobgoblin, the PC may
Habblo bas never beard of magical camp, they run into the lieutenants feel honour-bound to fight fairly. This
power sufficient to animate a townful again. This time, they find the PCs alone will earn the respect of the spectators,
of dead people, but be doesn't dismiss with Krowbag. There is an exchange in and will earn a favourable report from
the possibility. If the rumours are true, the Goblin tongue: Krowbag.
all the better - be doesn't have to keep
the Dolgans out ofthe town. Ifnot, then Lieutenant: "Hab! Look wot we got After a few rounds (five to ten,
Habblo is interested in talking to ,ere!" depending on how the combat is going),
wboever's in charge of the town, with Krowbag: "You 'eard the Boss. Leave Habblo arrives, furious.
hopes of striking a deal to keep the 'em alone, 'e sez." In Goblinoid: "WOZZIS DEN? I TOLD
Dolgans out. Lieutenant: "Zog off, Gobbo -you ain't YOU FOUR ALREADY. GET BACK TER
The Dolgans: "We're not at war with tellin' us wotter do." YER TENTS AN' DON'T EVEN BELCH

them - for starters, they're all still alive, (Then, to PCs, in heavily-accented Old 'LESS I TELL YER!"
know what I mean? They just keep Worlder:) ''Allo, Humies. Boss not 'ere In Old Worlder "Humies. Krowbag. My
attacking our caravans. If they keep it up, now. Oh dear. Fun before. Wanna do tent. Now."
we'll rip 'em." surnmink about it?"
Wading The Ford

At Habblo's Tent
The PCs are disarmed (if necessary) and
left with a dozen Hobgoblin guards
while K.rowbag reports to Habblo. After
about half an hour, the PCs are
summoned before Habblo, with their
guards, at swordpoint.
"Right," he says, clearly still fuming, "I
bin sweet as Yakliver ter yers. An' wot
'appens? Yer go an' make me wanter kill
yer. Slow. You tell me why not." He sits
He has already decided what to do with
the PCs, but for now he is going to enjoy
the spectacle of them pleading for their
lives. You should enjoy it, too. Go on -
make the players entertain you for once. Then the PCs are marched into the water. Nomadic Life
The Hobgoblins make it dear that they The Dolgans depend on their herds of
After a suitable interval of pleading, will not be allowed back on this shore.
Habblo silences the PCs with a gesture. cattle and bison for meat. Goats provide
Well, they did want to go to milk and cheese, and wild grain, root
"Yer stayin' 'ere the night. One more Chernozavtra.. . vegetables and berries are gathered.
peep out of yer an' yer gets tied up.
Sunup, yer pays three golds each an' goes The tribe travels in horse-drawn wagons,
'cross the river." THE DOLGAN PEOPLES setting up camps every week or so, while
the riders range with the herds, moving
At any breath of protest, Habblo snaps Dolgan - meaning "the Real People" - them daily to new pastures. A typical
"Old 'em" in the Goblinoid tongue. The is the name by which the various Human camp consists of a ring of tents, with
PCs are securely held by their guards nomad tribes of the steppes call corrals for goats and horses outside the
while K.rowbag systematically removes themselves. Related terms are cbegan ring, and cooking and working areas
six GCs (or the equivalent) from each of (''worthless people'') referring to non­ inside. Tents are rectangular, made of
them. Habblo continues: Do lgan Humans, and cbetegan leather sheets over light wooden frames,
("worthless beasts") referring to non­ and are about 15-20 feet long.
"Now, in return fer not killin' yer, you humans. Each tribe carries the name of
lot do a little job fer me." He hands a the chief spirit honoured by their The morning meal is cheese and meat
scroll to one of the PCs. shamans - for example, the Heama left over from the previous night. The
"Thassa message fer the Dolgan Boss. Dolgan revere Heama, one of a number herd, scattered in the night, is rounded
You give it to 'im, an' if 'e can't read, you of fire spirits. up and moved on, travelling 10-20 miles
read it to 'im. Yer can read, cantcher? The Dolgans of the western steppes are
in a day. Herders take a light meal of dried
Wrote it in your natter an' all." If none meat, cheese and black bread in the
generally called "River Dolgans" by the saddle. Toward the end of the day, a beast
of the PCs can read, he makes them Kislevites. This is because their
memorise the message, which is given or two are cut out from the herd and
comparatively short seasonal migrations slaughtered. The prime portions - the
in Handout 3. (100-300 miles) follow the rivers of the "riders' cut" - are cooked and shared out
''Could be they won't like the terms, but western steppes for part of the way. immediately, then the carcass is taken
that's up t'them. They can starve over Occasionally, there is news of inter-tribal back to camp for the evening meal.
there, they can come over 'ere an' get war further to the east, but the River
ripped, or they can do things nice. All Dolgans are peaceful by comparison Daytime activity at the camp includes
the same t'me. You seen the boyz, you with the eastern tribes. Certain tribes repair and maintenance of equipment,
know 'alf them Dolgans won' t even have even come to terms with colonists food gathering, milking, cheese-making
make it 'cross the river. Don't wanter kill over right s of way and traditional and the weaving of the thick rugs and
'em all, but I can if they push it." encampment sites. blankets that furnish the Dolgan tents.
Habblo ignores any further questions
and sends the PCs off to spend the night
under heavy guard. The guards will miss
nothing, and any misbehaviour by the
PCs will lead to their being bound hand
and foot and tethered to a stake in the
middle of the tent.


Next morning, the PCs' equipment is
returned to them and they are marched
to the water's edge, where Habblo and
two squads of Hobgoblins are waiting.
Unless the PCs have already paid, Habblo

loudly demands the three gold coins
apiece. If the PCs resist, the Hobgoblins ·
hold them down while K.rowbag digs it
out of their gear.
On The Other Side of The Ford

The evening meal is a leisurely, social nature of the clanfather spirit, but will
affair, with meat, bread made from wild be drawn from the lists of Elemental and ON THE
grain, vegetables, cheese and haakt, a
liquor made from milk fermented with
Druidic spells. As GM, you will have to
design clanfather spirits and shamanic OTHER SIDE
crushed roots, fruits and herbs. The
entire tribe gathers for the meal, and it
spell use as you need them, using the
character of Dafa in this adventure OF THE FORD
is here that matters of family and tribal as an example.
business are discussed. The chief and
Elders may make decisions immediately Raiding MID-RIVER CHALLENGE
or may withdraw to the chiefs tent after
the meal for further discussion. Herd-raiding is an accepted Dolgan The PCs are marched into the river by
tradition, serving several purposes: as a the Hobgoblins, carr ying Habblo's terms
After the meal, watches are set, and the controlled outlet for tribal rivalries, as to the Dolgans. If they manage to survive
rest of the tribe retires to sleep. practice for warfare, and as a source of the next few minutes, they may actually
fresh blood for the herd. get to visit Chernozavtra like they
Society Traditionally, raids were a test of stealth wanted to.
Dolgan culture respects strength, and cunning rather than martial prowess. As they are about half-way across the
courage and horsemanship. Dolgan boys The ideal raid is discovered only when ford, a group of horsemen leave the
are trained to ride, fight and shoot as the victim counts his herd in the Dolgan main body and gallop to the river
soon as they can walk, and the tribal morning, and most involved more bank. They dismount, and after a rapid
leader is often chosen from among the posturing than fighting. The Kislevite discussion in Dolgan, they unlimber
mightiest warriors. settlers and Hobgoblins with whom the their bows and start to fire on the PCs.
Dolgans came into contact neither
Girls are normally taught to find and understand nor appreciate the tradition, These are warning shots, intended to
prepare vegetables, tend goats, repair and now the raids often tum into battles. make the PCs stop where they are. For
tents and perform similar tasks. Those Relations between the Dolgan tribes and the moment, none of the arrows will hit
who show fighting spmt and the rest of the world are almost anything. Roll a lot of dice anyway, and
horsemanship may become riders, but permanently strained. make the players understand that they
the fierce competition and emphasis on had better be very careful.
physical strength means that female Inter-tribal relations are also ailing. The
more settled tribes blame their fiercer So there Our Heroes stand, knee-deep
riders are a minority - albeit one regarded in the middle of a river, with barbarian
with awe. Female chiefs are not cousins for provoking wars with their
raids. Inter-tribal raids have become archers in front of them and cheering,
unknown, especially among the less grinning Goblinoids behind them.
warlike tribes. increasingly violent, with crippling
fatalities and some tribes seriously Now what?
A tribe can consist of from five to twenty weakened. Some tribes have adopted
families, each of six to twelve adults, raiding as their main occupation, Well, the PCs might think of shouting to
children and elders. In times of preying on colonists, travellers and the Dolgans, explaining that they're
prosperity, tribes may grow and divide; Hobgoblin caravans, while their herds friendly. W hat happens next depends on
in hard times, related groups may re­ are neglected. Raiding parties increase the language that they use:
unite and pool their herds. in size, tension mounts all round, and Dolgan: W hatever is said, the Dolgans
though the chiefs and elders are worried, stop firing, assuming that someone
Chiefs are elected by a meeting of the
they have not yet discovered a solution. sensible - at least a furriner who can
tribe, and are advised by an informal
council of elders headed by the tribe's speak real Dolgan - is approaching the
shaman. Sometimes a separate Warchief Warfare island. They remain cautious, however,
may be elected to lead the tribe in battle. Toiditional Dolgan weaponry consists of and insist that the PCs keep their
short sword, spear, shield and short bow. weapons sheathed and their hands in
sight. When they arrive on the island,
Shamans and Religion Though thought to be descended from
the PCs are disarmed, to await the arrival
the Ungol Hordes, the Dolgans no longer
The Dolgans worship a bewildering fight great wars under great Khans, but of Someone Important.
array of spirits under a wide variety of restrict themselves to skirmishing.
names, with no apparent distinction Old Worlder: The Dolganshave no idea
between nature spirits and ancestral Tactics are simple and opportunistic. what's being said. They stop shooting
spirits. Each tribe takes its name from Attacking horse-archers ride up to the and start shouting - but the moment a
one spirit, called the clanfather, which enemy, fire arrows, jeer and ride away, PC takes a step for ward, the arrows start
it especially reveres. hoping to provoke a pursuit. If this fails, flying again. After a while (long enough
a general mounted charge and melee for the players to reach the point of
The typical Dolgan knows little of the follows. Defensive tactics rely on circled despair but not long enough for them to
spirits; dealing with them is the role of wagons, massed bowfire and spirited do anything desperate), one of the
the shaman. The shamans guard their mounted sallies. The advantage in such archers steps forward. He points to the
mysteries jealously. Each tribal shaman battles is to the defender, but while PCs, holds up one finger, and beckons.
has several apprentices, who are camps may easily be defended, herds are One spokesperson is being invited to go
gradually trained to succeed him. more vulnerable unless terrain is ideal and talk - if more than one PC moves,
Dolgan shamans have magic use similar - valley ends, islands, river loops, etc. the arrows start to fly again. One PC is
to that of Druidic Priests. lypically their ·-\ allowed to the bank and disarmed to
await the arrival of Someone Important.
spells include Petty Magic and the
following level 1 and 2 illusionist spells: Any other language: The Dolgans start
A ssume Illusionar y Appearance, shooting for real, assuming that the PCs

Bewilder Foe, Camouflage Illusion, are dangerous furriners. This ceases the
CloakActivitiy, ConfoundFoe, Ghostly moment someone demonstrates an
Appearance and Hallucinate. Further ability to speak in a civilised tongue
spell use will depend on the precise .-,s:.__:::...___..LJr::___-"--'M (Dolgan or Old Worlder).
The Dolgans

Dolgan Horsemen

Skills: Animal Care, Animal Trainer - horse, 25% chance of

Marksman - short bow, Orientation. Ride - horse, 50% chance
of Strike Mighty Blow, 25% chance of Trick Riding, 25%
chance of Very Strong, 25% chance of Very Resilient.
Possessions: Riding Horse, saddle and harness, Hand
Weapon, Short Bow and ammunition, Dagger, Leather Jerkin
(0/1 AP, body/arms), Helmet (1 AP, head).

Dafa the Shaman - level 2 Elementalist

Even by Dolgan standards Dafa is an imposing character.
Standing well over 6 feet tall, his lean , angular frame is made
even taller by his headgear - a fur hat with a huge pair of bison
horns - without which he is seldom seen.
His fur-trimmed tunic is decorated with numerous symbols
and runes - showing his rank and lineage as well as providing
him with protection from the more malicious spirits with
whom he communicates.
Full of his own self-importance, he has no patience with fools.
T he rest of the tribe are in complete awe of his powers and
would not hesitate to sacrifice themselves for his sake.

Skills: Blather, Cast Spells (see below), Dance, Divining,
Dowsing, Identify Plants, Magic Sense, Meditation , Public
Speaking, Read/Write Old �rider, Speak Additional Language
- Old Worlder, Story Telling.
Possessions: Helmet (1 AP, head), Leather Jerkin (0/1 AP,
body), Hand Weapon, Dagger, Assorted bon es, spell
components etc.
Petty Magic: Glowing Light, Magic Flame, Marsh Lights, Sleep,
Sounds, Zone of Silence, Zone of Wannth.
Battle Magic, level 1: Aura of Resistence, Cure Light Injury,
Fire Ball, Wind Blast.
Elemental Magic, level 1: Blinding Flash, Cloud of Smoke,
Hand of Fire.
Battle Magic, level 2: Lightning Bolt, Mystic Mist.
Elemental Magic, level 2: Cause Fire, Extinguish Fire,
Resist Fire.
Magic Points: 32.

Dafa's Apprentices

I� l!:l�I! I� l�l:ol� ffi1�1�1�tffl��,

Skills: Animal Trainer - Hawk (Apprentice 1 only), Cast Spells
- Petty Magic, Divining (Apprentice 2 only).
Apprentice 1: Axe, Hawk, bag of spell ingredients.
Apprentice 2: Extensive collection of bones.

Apprentice 1: Magic Flame, Marsh Lights, Zone of Warmth.
Apprentice 2: Glowing Light, Magic Flame.
Magic Points: 5 each.
Someone Important

SOMEONE IMPORTANT "You have travelled far to us. You have Dafa the Showman Shaman
come at the bidding of other men, but Dafa has an intuitive grasp of the
After a few minutes waiting, a strange you do not know their true intentions. mumbo-jumbo and showmanship that
entourage approaches the riverbank. It You seek to challenge dark sorcery, but can turn a competent shaman into a
is led by three outlandishly-dressed you do not know its power. You are full mighty leader. He has a talent for
figures - important people obviously, - of the strength of the spirits, but you are improvisation and a sense of timing
and a number of Dolgans who are empty of wisdom.'' which any stage performer would envy,
apparently following them to see what and - combined with his actual magical
"I shall give you that wisdom. Before
they will do. The leading figure is a lean powers - these talents make him a real
you are tested, you must be taught.
middle-aged man wearing a fur hat force among the Dolgans.
decorated with huge bison horns, and Come, sit at the feet of the master, if you
would learn."
a tunic with various strange symbols GMing Dafa
dyed into it. Behind him are two younger Dafa steps forward, rests his hand on the
men; one dressed almost entirely in fur, shoulder of the toughest-looking PC, and - Always pretend you know exactly
with a hawk on his wrist, and the other what's going on. When confused,
gestures over his head, gently directing
with elaborately-stiffened hair who narrow your eyes a little and nod sagely.
the character to follow.
appears to be an avid collector of painted - Speak in vague terms that can be
bones. If the character follows, fine. The
interpreted in various ways, according
entourage, the PC and Dafa are headed to circumstances as they develop. Make
If a Dolgan or native Farsider is among for Dafa's tent. The other PCs, hopefully,
the PCs, the little troupe is identifiable every thing sound por tentous. For
will follow. Other wise, they stand example: "Youlmowyoufacedeath, but
as a particularly powerful and/or around and wait under guard until the
influential tribal shaman. Otherwise, the you do not yet know its face."
other PC returns. If the character doesn't
PCs will have to draw their own move, Dafa makes a pass with his hand - Use your omniscient (heh, heh)
conclusions. in front of the character's face (Sleep perspective as GM to anticipate
The leader of the entourage walks up to Petty Magic spell). You may give the PC developing situations, and pass the
the PCs, slaps himself on the chest and a Magic test or not, as you prefer. If the knowledge on to Dafa. He couldn't
says "Dafa''. Then, he speaks - in Dolgan character falls asleep, Dafa beams possibly have known without magical
if the PCs have demonstrated the ability broadly. powers - could he?
to understand it, in the Kislevite dialect -Always allow Dafa to buy time (to figure
of Old Worlder other wise. ''Fathers!'' he exclaims, ''The visitor has
out what to do next, to avoid difficult
been summoned to Dreamland, to
Interrupting Dafa is a bad idea. He questions, or whatever) by withdrawing
receive his education before the spirits. to the inner part of his tent to meditate.
gestures with a glare, and suddenly the Bear him to my tent, so I may watch over
sky rumbles as if the greatest his dreaming.''
thunderstorm in history were about to
break on the interrupter's head (the Petty If the character doesn't fall asleep, and "WELCOME,
Magic spell Sounds). His followers flinch doesn't offer to follow Dafa, the shaman WHITE-EYES..:·
and look around nervously. marches off to his tent with his entourage
- the PCs will be left standing until they Once one or more PCs are ushered into
go to visit Dafa in his tent. Impatient or
Dafa's Speech belligerent characters may start a fight,
Dafa's tent, Dafa dismisses his advisors
and apprentices. ''We shall be in
"The spirits have sent you to do their but there are plenty of Dolgans on the communion with the Great Spirits. Let
will. My prayers, and the prayers of my island, and if a PC kills a Dolgan, this us not be disturbed.''
tribe, have been answered. All praise to adventure becomes a fight for survival.
the Spirits of the Earth, Sun, Wind, and When only Dafa and the PCs remain,
You could simply let the Dolgans wipe Dafa casts a Zone of Silence spell for
Fire!" the PCs out, but it's far better to have privacy.
Entourage and bystanders murmur, ''All them overpower them and deliver them
praise! All praise!" to Dafa trussed up like turkeys. Before offering his aid, Dafa would like
to know as much as possible about the
PCs. The more he knows, the better his
bargaining position. As long as the PCs
talk, he'll ask questions - ''Who sent you?
What do you know about the cursed
town? How do you plan to deal with
If the PCs hesitate or refuse to answer
Daf a 's questions, Daf a will simply
smile and say, "I know things of the
Dead-W ho-Walk . Also, I can stop the
four t ribes of Heama Dolgan killing
If the PCs are still uncooperative, Dafa
will help them get into town anyway,
because it's in his best interests, but he
won't tell them anything about the tO'·\'n

or the Dolgans' experience there, au,1
he'll forbid other Dolgans from speakinr
with the foreigners on pain of tht
shaman's curse.
"Welcome White Eyes"

Once Dafa knows why the PCs want to "Dead men seem too heavy - like two Apa was driven from the tribe for the
get into Chemozavtra and has a rough men in one. Hard to move. Tried roping shame of being so terrified it drove him
idea of their abilities, he offers to aid and dragging one off wall - like dragging mad.
them. "I will tell you of the Dead-Who­ a tree."
This tale foreshadows the hostile
Walk.'' Frozen water elementals make zombies reaction the PCs will receive ifthey leave
dense and heavy.
The Dolgans and the town ali ve without ridding it of the
undead. If they leave alive, but fail to
Chernozavtra "One brave chopped an arm off and
cleanse the town, the Dolgan presume
threw it down before he was dragged
For the last 20 years, the Dolgans have away. When it hit the ground, it stopped. the PCs are cowards at best, or in league
been trying to rid Chemozavtra of the with the necromancer, and react
Arm was cold - like frost, but warmed
Dead-Who-w.tlk. Dafa has been no more quickly, then began to rot." accordingly.
successful than his predecessors in
ridding Chemozavtra of the undead, but The walls are the outer boundaries of The map Dafa gives the PCs (Handout
he has been far shrewder in justifying his the enchantments. Outside the walls a 4) is based on a map made by an old man
failure as The Will of the Great Spirits. zombie loses its frozen elemental, its who remembers having visited
animating enchantment, and its Chernozavtra in his youth. The map is
Dafa will share his knowledge about
contact with the necromancer. generally accurate in what it depicts, but
the Dolg an's attempts to deal with Annandil has altered the interior of the
Chemozavtra's undead. In addition, he ''Hear horrible voices in strange tongues
provides the PCs with a crude map of late at night inside walls. Demons, tower and barracks.
the town and offers to take the PCs on
a walking tour around the walls. Other Questions
At night, Gurtbgano's lteutenants
Dafa will also answer questions on
Anecdotal Information confer with the water elementals in the
Dolgan and Hobgoblin culture, though
Here's what Dafa tells the PCs about the wells. Occasionally, the Dolgans
with a decided bias in favour of the
Dolgans' experience of Chernozavtra's overhear.
Dolgans. He'll be vague and evasive
undead. Comments in it:tlics are for your "Old woman, foreigner, tall, dressed like about his own powers and abilities; if
eyes only. Remember, they only know trader, heavy backpack, came here five asked to aid the PCs in any scheme, he'll
Annandil by that name. years ago. Came on foot. Stayed two decline, saying his powers are disrupted
"Fire doesn't work. Wood and thatch weeks. Ate with braves. 'Walked around by the evil magics emanating from the
bum for a moment, smoulder, then go walls, made writing. Did no magic, but town.
out. Dead men don't burn - like wet smell of magic was strong on her. One
wood." morning, was gone. Sent braves to search And what does Dafa know? He has led
for trail, but they found no trace." the unsuccessful efforts to cleanse
Water elementals move from wells to Chernozavtra during the last twelve
walls in one round to smother fires. Sulring Durgul (see page 67) visited summer encampments, and was present
Each zombie is p reserved and briefly in disguise, but chose not to as an apprentice shaman for the
strengthened by a frozen water reveal himself to Annandil. preceding eight years. He was
elemental that inhabits the zombie's "Beastmen were here, many years ago, fortunately not present when plague
body, so fire cannot burn them. but no Chaos now." struck twenty summers ago, but he had
visited Chernozavtra with the tribe
"Can't kill dead men. Must disable by PCs may speculate on Chaos taint as the
during summer encampments since he
shattering limbs. Even then, parts still source of the undeatb curse, but Dafa
was born 38 years ago. He learned the
move about." bas seen no evidence of it.
early history of the settlement from
Cbern ozavtra's undead can't be "The spirit world here is disturbed. older tribe members who had spoken
"killed" by reducing their Wound Spirits will not draw nigh while such evil with learned settlers; his recollection is
points, see p62. forces prevail here. If the stinking hazy on details, but correct in outline.
"Dead men don't have weapons. Grab greenskins didn't block the ford, I might
seek a more tranquil spot to work my What doesn't Dafa know? He doesn't
and drag - where? We don't know. Next know that someone (Gurthgano) took up
day, new dead man on the walls. Not a magic.''
mark on him." s
This is Dafa excuse for his inability to
residence in Chemozavtra in the winter
after the plague. He doesn't know
communicate with the spirits which are anything about the inside of the town
Annandtl's orders are to p reserve the
the source of bis magical power. As GM, (other than what is on his map). He
victim's bodyfrom harm. Z.Ombies drag
you must decide if this is Just a doesn't understand any magic apart from
victims to the cold storage pit (see map
charlatan's excuse, or an accurate the spells he knows.
key) where they freeze to death.
account of the situation.
"Arrows useless. Stones bounce off ' The Hobgoblins and Their Offer
"Dolgan braves have entered the town Dafa is very interested in any details the
Frozen water elementals make zombies - over thirty since I have become Spirit PCs can give about the Hobgoblins'
very durable. Leader. One named Apa even entered strength and deployment. He offers to
and escaped. The others have joined the pay well (a couple of bison each) if the
'Dead men sometimes seem to think. dead on the walls. Getting in is not so
Avert eyes from religious sy mbols. PCs aid the Dolgans in getting rid of the
hard. A group of us stand near the walls Hobgoblins.
Mumble almost like words. But even and draw the dead to one side, then a
when head knocked off, seem to find brave climbs the other side. Apa, the Mad If the PCs mention the terms Habblo has
victims - maybe dead sense life." Hare, said there are many dead within offered for letting the Dolgan tribes
Zombies do have faint glimmerings of the fort. He ran from house to house, but leave, Dafa immediately dismisses the
intelligence, but never enough to come all were filled with the dead. He said he offer with scorn. However, he knows the
to full consciousness. They do indeed was filled with fear and cannot Dolgans cannot afford a fight with the

sense ltfe instinctively, even when remember his own name. Apa has gone Hobgoblins, so he begins scheming a
they've lost the body's organs of in search of his ancestors to atone for his way to accept the offer without the
perception. For example, severed bands shame. If you wish, we will help you appearance of a cowardly submission to
crawl toward living victims. enter the town." the Hobgoblins.
The PCs Scout In Town

A Walk Round the Walls As the PCs and Dafa stroll along the east Setting fire to a zombie with a fire
wall, they come upon a large pile of earth arrow or magic: Zombie looks vaguely
After the PCs have asked and answered surprised. Fire smoulders for a round or
any questions, Dafa leads them on a and rubble.
two, then goes out.
circuit of the town walls. As they walk, "Dead men throw earth from the walls
he will be happy to answer any further at night sometimes." says Dafa. "Started Setting fire to a thatched roof with
questions that may arise, passing on twelve years ago. Maybe they dig inside. a fire arrow or magic: The fire burns
information as given above. Strange - outside, you dig only a few feet for a round or two, then goes out.
Walking corpses shamble along the wall­ to reach water, same level as the river." Lassoing a 7.0mbie and pulling him
top, moving endlessly back and forth like over the wall: Clever PCs will have
enlisted a mounted Dolgan to haul on the
patrolling sentries.
rope. Zombie slams against the wall,
"See?" says Dafa, "Dead town-people, then falls down, out of sight behind the
dead Dolgans - even dead greenskins." parapet . The weight is immense, and
And he's right . All shapes, all sizes, all even a horse cannot haul that dead
ages are there. Feel free to improvise Typical PC Plans weight up over the wall. If the PCs go
whole hog - like they hitch the entire
details - an eye hanging out here, a Prudent PCs may be looking for a tricky
missing arm there - so that the players Dolgan tribe to one zombie - then let
way to avoid going into a walled town them drag the zombie over the wall. It
can get a feel for what their characters where there are lots of dead guys. They
are seeing. t witches, then begins to rot quickly.
may cook up schemes to drag all the Lughom (p71) orders all zombies on the
"They know life," he continues, "They zombies off the wall, destroy them with wall to crouch so they can't be seen or
are drawn to it somehow. When you fire arrows, crush them with thrown lassoed. If necessary, Lughom may call
walk close to the wall, they smell you rocks, burn down the whole town, Annandil to discourage persistent PCs by
and follow. We can use this to draw them tunnel under the walls, or pull the walls tossing some serious magic from the
to one side long enough for a brave to down stone by stone. tower top.
climb the wall, but new dead arrive
It is your job to frustrate their clever Burning down the gate: "We tried
quickly to fill the gaps."
plans and force them to go inside the that," says Dafa , but he dutifully
Dafa will call the PCs' attention to the walls where they can get chased around demonstrates. The Dolgans build a big
walls themselves, indicating the by zombies and have lots of fun and fire at the gate. The gate smoulders a bit,
inscriptions cut into the mortared stone. excitement. Of course, you also want like soaked wood, which it is.
"The old woman looked at these, made your players to enjoy cooking up clever Yelling for Gurthgano: Nobody
much writing. Cut deep, through clay schemes, so give them a good show answers.
into stone. Braves try to cut with knives, before their plans fail.
Aerial reconnaissance: Good idea.
nothing happens. Can't even scrape off Here are some things the PCs may try, Give the PCs details of numbers and
red colour." with some suggested responses: position of all zombies out-of-doors.

Inside Chcrnozavtra

Zoom-in-and-out scout ing: As above, Night Shift: Annandil doesn't sleep - he

so long as the PC are not siezed by the doesn't need to, and he doesn't like the
zombies (see p62). dreams he has, anyway. Instead, he
works 24 hours a day in the lab. Thus,
Tunnelling under the W2ll: First, make the lamps burn all night on the top floor
sure the PCs brought digging tools. of the tower. Sometimes, he talks to
Then, they go out and dig.The zombies himself as he works, chatting merrily in
pelt them with rocks. The PCs dig two all the various arcane tongues.
feet down and hit the river level. The
hole fills with water. A Walk with Lady Amr unmiriel:
Occasionally in the evening Annandil
Pulling down the walls: The walls are will leave his work for an hour and take
strengthened by the enchantments (i;'l the Lady for a little tour around the
Annandil has placed on them, but given ..Hey, look! They , re building
• • a ladder.1 ramparts. Only PCs who watch with
time, an army of sappers could bring endless patience should be treated to this
down the walls. Don't give the PCs time. Great id� a. Hey, let's help them tie it
. charming spectacle. Of course, who
If they start to set up an operation that together.
knows what they'll make of a short,
looks like it will take three or four days, "Oh, good. Good. See, he fell all the way clean-shaven figure in long robes
the Hobgoblins start raiding the Dolgans, from the top of the wall and didn't even dragging a tall, elegantly dressed zombie
the Dolgans leave the island, the let go of his sword. Well done, well lady around the top of the walls.
Hobgoblins take possession, and they done..." Remember, they think they're looking
forbid the PCs' from any more heavy
construction work. Perhaps, enraged at "Hey, LOOK OUT! The dead thing for an Elven necromancer named
behind you! Jump! JUMP!" Gurthgano Gorthaudh.They never see
the PCs uselessness as negotiators, any Elves, unless they get a good look
Habblo has a bunch of Hobgoblins throw Whenever the PCs are inside the walls, at the Lady, and she's too stiff and
the PCs over the wall. Then they have but high enough to look out over the mortified to look like a master
to get on with it. walls, they'll see the Dolgan audience necromancer.
still sitting patiently, waiting for
Dolgan Assistance and
something to happen. If the Dolgans see
the PCs, they wave and cheer, offering INSIDE
As the task of cleansing Chernozavtra is
advice and encouragement.
You can play this for laughs, as a device
a holy one, the Dolgans will be more Once one or more PCs manage to get
for making GM suggestions and
than willing to help the PCs. comments, or both. If the PCs are timid into Chernozavtra one way or another,
Trappings: The PCs are welcome to this part of the adventure is best played
and indecisive, the audience tries to goad
borrow anything the Dolgans might with a map on the table. If you
the PCs into action. If the PCs are clever
have. They don't have much more than and intrepid, the Dolgans cheer wildly. photocopy the map on page 144 at
their horses, tents and weapons. But 420% (so that it's 31" x 22") it'll be the
correct scale t o use with 25mm
anything they might reasonably be Routine Events miniatures. Alternatively, use counters
expected to have, they will happily lend The PCs may spend some time observing or a pen to mark the positions of the
to the PCs. the town before they take any action. If zombies on the map and ask the players
Volunt eer Labour: lf the PCs need help so, here are some events they may notice to indicate exactly what path their PCs
on projects that can be completed while watching from outside the walls. are taking through the town.
outside the town wall, the Dolgans are These events can also be used to
energetic and enthusiastic. Since they are complicate things after the PCs have
entered the town and are running around
trapped here by the Hobgoblins, there
isn't much else to do but watch the dodging dead guys. Details of all the On the whole, these animated corpses
NPCS are given on p71. are pretty much like Zombies, which
furriners, so the PCs always have a large they closely resemble. In fact, they've
and vocal audience che�g them on. The Changing of the Guard: Lughom been referred to as zombies (with a small
A request for a hand with a ladder will and Ologhugi change the zombie shifts 'z') throughout the last few pages.
bring a dozen Dolgans scurrying to help. between wall-patrol and digging at about However, there are certain important
On the other hand, Dafa refuses to let noon each day. 1\vo undead Hobgoblins, differences between these things and the
dressed up in gaudy necromancer outfits standard rulebook Zombie:
any Dolgans accompany the PCs over
five sizes too small for them, ordering
the walls. the dead guys around should give the 1. They can sense life at a range of 6
PCs plenty to talk about. yards (3 squares on the town
"We have tried for may years without
success. Perhaps you are chosen. We display). If they spend a round
Tour the Troops: Every hour or two thinking about it, they can
must not interfere." Lughom or Ologhugi take a stroll around distinguish animal life from Human
However, if you feel the PCs need help, the town. Lughom always takes this and other intelligent life.
a boastful brave might be persuaded in opportunity to argue with the Water 2. They never move at faster than
private that this is a blessed and Elementals, leading to some loud and cautious rate• 8 yards (4 squares on
honourable quest, and may ignore the venomous arguments in pidgin Magick
tongue; PCs can't make out a word that's the town display) per round.
shaman. 3. As soon as a zombie senses life, it
said, but the tone is unmistakable, and
The Gallery: For the Dolgans, this little the voice of the Water Elemental sounds waits for one round to make sure.
band of furriners is as entertaining as a like the roaring of ocean waves On the next round, it moves directly

circus. An interested crowd forms as played at high speed on a tape towards the life, and attempts to
soon as the PCs start to do anything. recorder.Sometimes Lughom and grapple it. The zombies never fight,
They are very vocal in their commentary Ologhugi walk the rounds together and only grapple. They are utterly
and support. bicker in the Goblinoid language. indifferent to any damage they take.
Tourist Guide To Chcrno:uvtra

4. They cause fear in a slightly TOURIST GUIDE TO The lower level is a combination tavern­
different way to normal Zombies. A and-kitchen. All the food or drink has
Fear test is necessary whenever a PC CHERNOZAVTRA rotted or been eaten by rats, but there's
comes into physical contact with a plenty of crockery and metal ware lying
zombie (being grappled, jumping or around. The strongbox still sits behind
falling on top of one, etc). Once a The Walls the bar, containing 6 GCs 10/4. The
character makes a Fear test Mortared stone, 18 feet high, with a zombies of the six most dedicated
successfully, no further tests are walkway 14 feet high, reached by stone drunkards of the town still gravitate to
necessary. steps. the tavern, sitting at the table and lifting
the empty tankards to their lips from
Zombie Grapple Attacks The Buildings(Map SA, p132)
time to time.
Each zombie has a 25% chance of Houses 1-10 Upstairs are the innkeeper's private
grappling a victim; characters with Timber-framed, mud-brick structures. quarters. The innkeeper's bedroom
Dodge Blow skill may avoid a grapple on contains a trunk of clothes with 80
Plank doors (T3, D7). Gently-sloping
a successful Initiative test. Note that a thatched roofs, 16 feet high at the ridge shillings hidden in a false bottom. The
zombie may only grapple a character in (Initiative test each round or fall doors to the innkeepers' rooms are quite
an adjacent square. through: 3 yards). sturdy and may be barred (T4, D10),
If a grapple attack succeeds, both perhaps giving a PC some time to smash
Each house has four zombies lying down his way through the thatched roof {T2,
combatants must make an immediate on the dirt floor of the ground level. If
Strength test. Results are as follows:
D5) with a stool and make an escape over
the PCs enter, the zombies take one the wall.
Both succeed or both fail: Neither round to stand up, then shamble after Outfitter (Map BC, pl32)
party moves; they are still grappling and them. At Lughom or Ologhugi's orders,
must repeat the test next round. these zombies rise and march outside to
chase intruders. If any PCs fall through
Zombie succeeds, PC fails: The PC is the roof into the upper storey, the
dragged 2 yards { l square) in the zombies take one round to rise and then
direction of the cold storage pit. climb the stairs to grab them.
PC succeeds, zombie fails: The PC Ground floor storage and workshop
wriggles out of the hold. areas may contain, at your discretion,
farming, blacksmithing, carpentr y,
Damaging Zombies stoneworking, or other craftsmans'
The Walking Dead of Chernozavtra are tools, as well as any goods listed as
extremely durable, thanks to the various Plentiful in WFRP, pp293-297.
enchantments which Annandil has used Remember, this stuff has been sitting The construction of this building is
in their creation. around for twenty years, and may not be similar to that of the houses and the inn.
in the best of shape. Six zombies are getting their beauty rest
Determine success, hit location and
damage normally. Attacks which cause The upper levels were living quarters, on the dirt floor. The lower level is a
1-4 W points of damage simply have no but none of the zombies have gone general store for a frontier town whose
effect. Attacks which cause 5 or more upstairs in two decades, so these areas citizens made their livings by hunting,
points may affect a zombie; roll on the are just the way the tenants left them - trapping, trading and farming. At your
Sudden Death Critical Hit Table a table, some stools, a few trunks full of discretion, PCs may find anything useful
(WFRP, p 125), using the + 1 column for clothes and modest possessions, and in those pastimes, as well as anything
a 5-point blow, the + 2 column for a some rotted bedding. Among these listed as Common in WFRP, pp293-297.
6-point blow, and so on. If a K result is personal effects may be found D6 GCs Upstairs is the comfortable residence of
obtained, the body area in question is worth of coins and trinkets. PCs who the former store owner and his family.
destroyed. The effects of destroyed body tumble through the thatched roofs or run A hoard of silver and gold worth over
areas are as follows: up here may be able to hold off attackers 300 GCs is concealed beneath a loose
for a while, since only one zombie can plank under the four-poster bed in the
Head . . . . . No effect. clump up the stairs at a time. bedroom.
One Arm . . Grapple chance reduced
to 10%. The Inn (Map 8B, p131) The Manor (Map 8D, p130)
Both Arms Grapple chance reduced
to zero.
Body . . . . . Move reduced to 2 yards (1
square) per round if at least
one limb is still intact, or
to zero otherwise.
One Leg . . Move reduced to 4 yards (2
squares) per round.
Both Legs . Move reduced to 2 yards (1
square) per round if at least
one limb is still intact, or This was the residence of the Governor­
to zero otherwise. Like the houses, the inn is a brick-and­
General of Chernozavtra, a member of
timber building with a gently sloping
Recoil all hit location rolls which indicate thatched roof, 16 feet high at the ridge. the corporation that rebuilt the town.

a body area which is already destroyed Characters on the roof must make an This is a brick-and-timber structure with
- for example, if the head has been Initiative test each round; failure a thatched roof 16 feet high at the ridge.
destroyed, no further blows can hit it, indicates a fall of 3 yards to the upper The doors are a little sturdier than
so reroll all further head hits. floor. Most doors are T3, D7. elsewhere in the town (T4, 010) .

Special Rules

Climbing Walls: without other aids, requires Scale Sheer

Surface skill. With ropes and/or ladders, move at ½ Cautious
Rate (takes 6 rounds), or move at Cautious Rate and make
a Risk test (takes 3 rounds). Meanwhile, the Zombies gather
to greet the climber at the top...

Streets: littered and irregular surface. Standard or Cautious

• no penalty. Run - I test or stumble and fall.

Inside Buildings, On Ramparts, Porches, or T imber

Roofs: Cautious - no penalty. Standard - I test or stumble.
Run - I test at -40 or stumble.

On Thatched Roofs: Cautious - I test or slide off roof.

Standard - I test or fall through roof. Run - I test at -40 or
fall through.

Zombie Routine
I. Sense Life
2. Move towards Life
3. Grapple
4. Drag grappled victims at 2 yards/round
5. Lugholm and Ologhugi arrive with reinforcements (sic 'em);
then move from hut to hut, calling out reserves from tower.

MAP 8: CHERNOZAVTRA Manor: Brick with shingle roof. Wide, shuttered windows Inn: Brick walls, thatched roof.
on upper floor; tall, narrow, shuttered windows on ground
Scale: ¼ " = 2yds floor. Ground floor: kitchen and tavern.
Positions of Zombies: • • First floor: Sleeping quarters.
Ground floor: stables, storage, and servants' quarters.
Upper floor, Governor's residence: open porch , Houses 1-10: Brick, t wo-storey dwellings. Low-peaked,
sitting/dining room, bedroom. thatched roofs (16-foot high at the apex). Tall, narrow,
Tower & Barracks: Mortared stone with white-washed, Upperfloor, town administration: staff living quarters and shuttered windows.
clay plaster. Tull, narrow, shuttered windows. Tower height town office.
· 30 feet. Ground floor: storage and workshops.
Upper floor: living quarters.
Ground floor: storage and stables.
First floor: barracks. Outfitter: Brick walls, thatched roof. The Walls: Mortared stone, 6-foot thick, 18-foot high.
Second floor: watch room. Wooden rampart, 14-foot high, accessed by wooden steps.
Roof level: timber floor accessed by trap door; 4-foot Lower floor: general goods and supplies. Inscriptions on outside wall etched into stone and :f
• crenellated wall. Upper floor: storekeeper's residence highlighted with a reddish stain (blood?). 00
Tourist Guide To Chemouvtra

On the ground floor are stables, a tack There is nothing of value here except for This requires an Initiative test with a
room, a storage room, and the servants' three history books and two collections -10 penalty; if the test is failed, a second
quarters. In the stables four poorly­ ofKislevan fables, somewhat mildewed test must be made, without the penalty.
preserved zombie horses stand in their but still worth 20-40 GC each. If this second test is successful, the
stalls. Four zombies stand around character has stayed on the roof but
looking busy, polishing buckles and The Guard Barracks and Tower fallen through 3 yards to the upper floor;
harness. Ologhugi stands around to (Map BE, pl29) if the test is failed, the character has
make sure they 're working hard. When fallen 5 yards to the street below. If
he hears a commotion outside, he runs necessary, one or more zombies will
out with his four zombies. Ologhugi break the character's fall, reducing
appears outside the stable door at the damage to 1 point (and adding + 10 to
beginning of round five; in round six he their next round's grapple attack). After
begins giving orders to his zombies; by all, braining yourself on the cobbles is
round seven he is running around not a suitably heroic way to die.
ordering zombies out of the other Beneath the guard barracks is a stable,
buildings and into battle. tack room, and storage area. Six zombie
Saddles, bridles, and other gear are in the horses stand in the stables. Six zombies
tack room. The storage room contains stand around waiting for orders. The
chests of summer and formal clothing storage area contains ten sets of shield,
and the other spare trappings of a poor sword and spear for a guard unit, and
noble, all mildewed and worthless, forty spears and shields for a militia unit,
except for buttons and ornaments worth This building is more solidly built than along w ith any other equipment a
3GC. The servant's quarters contain the others - timbers are thicker and bricks frontier guard unit might need. A door
small tables, stools, rotted bedding, and are larger, giving an impression of leads to the Tower and stairs lead up to
chests of servants livery, each with the barracks.
solidity. It is also more difficult to reach
10-100 (DlOxlO) Brass Pennies hidden the roof from the walls. The tower is The Guard Barracks above the stable
amongst the garments or bedding. about 30 feet high at the parapet, and and lower level of the tower sleeps 30
The southern half of the first floor is the while the guard barracks has a thatched troopers and 10 officers. A trooper's
residence of the Governor General - a roof just like the others in the town, it trunk might contain from 10-50 Brass
porch reached by an outside staircase, a can only be reached by jumping from Pennies in coin; an officer's trunk might
sitting room, a bedroom, and the another roof. contain 5-10 Shillings.
Governor's personal office. This area is
now the home of Lady Amrunmiriel and
her two ladies-in-waiting.
The Lady sits before a mirror in the
bedroom and combs her tresses (which
Annandil patiently glues or staples back
in after she tugs them all out). Her two
ladies-in-waiting are two rather plain­ STABLES
looking female zombies in ill-fitting,
tastelessly misarranged, but expensive­
looking garments. Neither the Lady nor
her ladies-in-waiting will chase the PCs;
they are exceptions from the general
zombie commands. UPPER LEVEL
Note: Any PC who bothers the Lady
Amrunmiriel with an axe or broadsword
is not going to be popular with Annandil.
This is his girlfriend, remember. Besides,
she's not doing anyone any harm ... BARRACKS
The Gover nor's personal office
connects with the bedroom and with the
staff offices next door. In this office are
the personal papers of the Governor, his
diary, which gives a full account of the
last days of the colony, and various TOWER LEVEL 3
official documents. In a wall safe
concealed behind a painting are 500 GC
and an Imperial seal of the Tsar of
Kislev (the possessor of this seal could
forge some pretty interesting
documents, I'll wager).
The northern half of the first
floor contains the b usiness offices
of the Governor-General. Here the
Governor and his staff ran the
affairs of Chernozavtra and the ladder to tnpdoor ill roof
surrounding region. .__________________________....J�
Encountering Annandil

The ground floor of the Tower was once

a guard station and barracks for ten
guardsmen, but it has been excavated as
a cold storage pit (see below). The walls
of this pit are kept frozen by water
elementals; this permits the zombies to
dig below the water level. Captured
victims are dragged here and dropped in
the pit, where they freeze to death.
Annandil has found that death by
freezing does the least harm to the
tissues, producing a superior zombie.
Further, the soul of a freezing victim is
not as traumatized as the soul of more
violent deaths. This gives Annandil a
good chance to summon the original
soul back into the original victim for
binding, thus producing a zombie with
most of his original mental faculties.
Lughom is here supervising 10 zombies
digging in the cold storage pit. If he hears
a commotion outside, he calls the
zombies out of the cold storage pit, tells
them to follow him, and goes out to the
courtyard to see what's going on.
Lughom appears outside the tower door
at the beginning of round five. In round
six he starts giving orders. By round
seven, he is running around other
buildings ordering zombies into combat.
Stairs lead up from the ground floor to Access to the roof of the tower is through
the Guard Barracks (see above). Stairs 1. Meat Locker Madness
a sturdy, barred trap door (T5, D20). The Once a PC is surrounded by two or three
from the barracks area continue up to the timber roof (T7, D30) is surrounded by
second floor of the tower, Annandil's zombies, he's a goner. Sooner or later
a four-foot-high parapet. On the roof are they'll succeed in grappling him, and as
living quarters. Since Annandil spends four zombies.
almost no time here, the area is quite a one or two make successful grapples,
mess. The only time he comes here is The toughness and damage points are others show up to help. Up to four
when he wants to dig something out of given here because it is a standard PC zombies can grapple an individual PC
a trunk, and he generally leaves trick to try to smash their way through at once, and all grapples must be
everything lying just where he tossed it. the roof of the tower. Annandil, who is broken for the PC to win free. So it's off
All he has saved from his former life are working just downstairs, is likely to to the tower.
his own favourite clothes (Elven tailoring annoyed by such rude behavior, but Captured PCs are dragged into the
cut down to Dwarf size), ten or eleven they'll find out about that soon enough. ground floor of the tower and dropped
trunks of the Lady Arnruruniriel's and a into the cold storage pit. The pit is 15
few odds and ends and momentoes from feet (5 yards) deep and sheer-sided, with
his foster parents. The rest of his stuff ENCOUNTERING ice-coated walls. Only characters with
- two wagon-loads of medical, magical, Scale Sheer Surface skill may even
and necromantic reference books, ANNANDIL attempt to climb out, and they must
laboratory equipment, and the various The PCs may get an interview with make a normal Risk test unless they
magical equipment, weapons, armour, Annandil in one of three ways: are using spikes or pitons of some
tomes and what-have-you he's collected kind. Twent y or so zombies stand
over the years - is upstairs in the lab. I. They may be grappled and dragged to around the top of the pit to make sure
cold storage by zombies, where Lughom, nobody escapes.
Stairs continue up from Annandil's living noting the distinctive nature of his
quarters to the upper floor of the tower, Curious PCs may marvel at the icy walls
captives, decides to check with Annandil around them. Magical Sense indicates
Annandil's laboratory. Stuffhangs from
before leaving them to die. Intrigued, that magic is at work, sure enough.
the walls and ceilings in gay profusion.
Annandil grants the PCs an audience in
Several partially dismantled zombies lie Lughom arrives, and peers down into the
his laboratory.
on four tables in the center of the room. pit to exchange witty remarks with the
You can almost see the floor around 2 . They may cause such a fuss that PCs once things are quiet in the
these tables, and little paths lead into the Lughom or Ologhugi summons the courtyard. "Nice day, eh? Cold enough
heaps of apparatus, bizarre tools, piles Master to deal with the intruders. After for yer? So what brings you folks
of notes, stacked reference books, and chastising the PCs and eliminating to Chernozavtra?"
trunks, crates, and cases heaped around threats to his town and zombies, This is the PCs' opportunity to ask some
the outer edges of the room. Annandil invites the PCs to an audience questions or make some empty threats.
If tidied up, disinfected, organised and in his laboratory. Lughom doesn't hesitate to tell the PCs
catalogued, the contents of this room are 3. They may elude the zombie hordes everything he knows; he doesn't expect

worth 20,000-50,000GCs to another and seek Annandil in his tower anyone to leave here alive. Here are some
Necromancer. On the open market, laboratory. Confident of his powers, sample responses to likely PC questions.
they might earn 500 GCs and a free trip Annandil refrains from blasting them "ls Gurthgano Gorthaudb here? Can we
to the gallows. until he has found out why they are here. speak to him?"
Encountering Anmndil

If Lughom feels that he can't cope, he

will run off and get Annandil. Annandil
activates his Invisibility Spell Ring, grabs
a couple of hisjewels offuwer(multiple
spell jewels, each loaded with one Flight
and two Sleep), and goes to the roof of
the tower. There, he takes in the
situation, and starts flying around
putting the troublemakers to sleep. If
necessary, he will use a few Steal Mind
or Cause Panic spells to keep PCs off­
balance, and then close in with the
Sleep spell.
Once his victims are sleeping peacefully,
Annandil sends a few zombies to drag
them to the lab for a little chat.

3. Uninvited Guests
If the PCs are trying to break into the
tower through the trapdoor or the roof,
or if they have entered Annandil's private
quarters without invitation, Annandil's
first reaction is surprise, then
indignation. he calls to the rude PCs in
Fan-Eltharin, the Wood Elf language:
"What do you think you're doing?" PCs
with Dwarf or Elf language skills should
note that the voice is clearly Dwarven,
but the language is clear, unaccented
Annandil can understand any response
in Old Worlder or any Eltharin dialect.
"Oh, yeah, the Boss is called by that Even if the PCs don't try to question If the PCs adopt a polite, apologetic
name sometimes - but he answers to Lughom or discuss their mission, he will tone, he is easily mollified, and invites
'Annandil', mostly- leastways round 'ere. note that this is an interesting bunch of the PCs in.
I dunno. He's pretty busy. Why would captives, and report to Annandil
he want to talk to you lot?" before letting them freeze to death. If the PCs don't respond, or are
So after tormenting them for a few aggressive or threatening, Annandil
"Why are we in this pit?" minutes, Lughom leaves, returning becomes angry. He becomes invisible
"Re-fit. First, yer frea.e t'death, then the about ten minutes later. He looks and uses the tactics described in the last
Boss catches yer souls an' sticks 'em back vaguely perplexed. section to put his unruly guests to sleep.
Then he has them delivered to his lab
in, an' does some necro-summink-or­ "Right, you lot," he says, "The Boss where he can give them a good tongue­
uvver, an' then y'll be Grade A deadboyz wants a word, right? Now you all drop
yer weapons, right? All of 'em. An' then lashing for their terrible manners.
jus' like me. Then the Boss'll give
yer a job." I pull yer up on the block'n'tackle one
at a time, right? An' I tie yer 'ands, right? 4. Unspeakable Acts
"You're dead?" An' anyone tryin' anyfink funny goes If the PCs have done something awful
"Yer. 'Urts a bit at first, but yer get used back in the 'ole, right?" like chopping Lady Amrunmiriel into
to it. The Boss sez I'm one of 'is better little bits, well .. . things will be a bit
Lughom is as good as his word, hauling sticky. By rights, you could have
jobs - could last a couple 'undred years. the PCs up one at a time and searching
Can't be bad, eh? Bit slower than I Annandil kill all the PCs, animate them,
them and tying their hands. Then, he and kill them again, over and over until
yooster be, but then I got lots more time and a guard of twenty or thirty zombies he thinks of something worse to do to
now, eh?" march the PCs upstairs for an audience them. But it would be a shame for it all
with Annandil.
''Please tell your Boss that we're here to to end here.
talk to him about Su/ring Durgul." One alternative is that Annandil has a
2. Pest Control hysterical breakdown; he flies around
Shrewd, dedicated and destructive PCs and sleeps all the PCs as described above,
"Sul-ring Dur-gul. He's someone the may cause more trouble than Lughom shrieking wildly about making them pay
Boss knows. Just tell him, right?" and his zombies can handle. For for their crimes with torments beyond
"Yer, s'pose so. Don't go 'way now, example, a party could stand inside a their wildest dreams. Then, when the
hur, hur." Zone of Sanctuary spell for an hour, PCs awake, they find themselves in
burning and smashing things, and none Annandil's lab. Annandil has cooled off,
Obviously, some of this dialogue will of the zombies or Elementals could do has realized that his obsession for Lady
change if you're not playing this very much about it . Or the PCs might Amrunmiriel has driven him mad, and
adventure as part of the campaign occupy a fairly secure defensive position has decided to forgive the PCs for

sequence, but if the PCs make an with limited access, and start their actions. Or perhaps he has
intelligent attempt to persuade Lughom methodically chopping attacking managed to repair the lady, cooled down
to let them talk to the Boss, you should zombies into pieces as they approach a little, and decided to let the PCs off
let it succeed. one at a time. with an earbending.
An Audience With The M1Stcr

AN AUDIENCE WITH "Everyone says necromancers arc evil. "I corresponded with the man for

I don't know. Perhaps I am evil, but I'm several years before I learned his real
no worse than the princes, emperors and name - Sulring Durgul. He explained that
The precise course of the interview will tsars whom the people honour and obey, he had taken another name to escape the
depend on why the PCs come to or the priests of the cruel gods that rule results of some past indiscretions... He
Chemozavtra in the first place, which in this world. You have come to me for didn't go into details, and I didn't ask.
turn depends on whether you are information and assistance. I have no "When Amrunmiriel died, in great
playing this adventure as part of the assurance that you, or those you serve, desperation I turned to my friend Durgul
campaign sequence. are not more evil than I am. I'm not for advice. He revealed that he had some
hurting anyone here. These corpses
The Enemy Within Campaign don't object. Some • like Lughom • arc
knowledge of the necromantic arts, and
he offered to share them with me if I
or the Kislev Campaign actually thankful. would keep his secrets. He was able to
The interview with Annandil proceeds "The Dolgans? They're just superstitious refer me to certain individuals practised
in six phases: savages. What claim have they to this in the arts, and arranged for priceless
1. Annandil Invites the PCs to Tell town? They'd leave it deserted and reference texts to be placed at my
their Story rotting for three-quarters of the year if disposal. It is not too much of an
If they don't volunteer any information, they did have it. I just want to be left exaggeration to say that I owe all of this''
Annandil specifically asks them what alone. Is that a crime? (gesturing around the laboratory) "to
they are doing here and why. As soon as "Therefore, I will only help you on Sulring Durgul.
the name of Sulring Durgul is condition that you swear that not to ''My correspondence with Durgul ended
mentioned, Annandil strokes his chin. reveal what I shall tell you to those who when I revealed to him that I was not of
"Well, well," he says in a slightly distant have already judged all necromancers the Elven race, that I was in fact a Dwarf.
voice, ''That's a name I haven't heard for evil, and that you shall not use your I had instinctively avoided mentioning
a long, long time." Suddenly he snaps knowledge against any necromancer this in my letters before. After the letter
back to reality. unless you have earnest proof that that in which I revealed my parentage and
necromancer is evil. past, I never heard from Durgul again.
"You have told me all I need to know," However, briefly thereafter, I was forced
he says, "Now I shall tell you a few "I warn you. Do not swear lightly. The
spell I shall use to bind the oath will to flee Tulabheim, so perhaps the failure
things. I should make yourselves of our correspondence was not
comfortable, as this may take visit a curse on any who prove false
of their word. altogether his fault.
some time.''
"Well? What say you?" "The following details about Durgul I
Use this opportunity to get the players think arc most important. He claimed to
to state in their own words how their Those who refuse to swear are forced to be over 5000 years old. He demonstrated
characters decided to come to leave the room in Lughom's custody. a knowledge of wizardry, necromancy
Chernozavtra and why. This reminds Those who agree to Annanctil's terms and alchemy far beyond my meagre
them of the objectives of their mission, may remain and receive his aid. learning, and had apparently travelled
which they may have forgotten in widely in the Old World and abroad. He
3. Annandil Tells of Sulring DurguI
the excitement of investigating and frequently expressed his hatred and
entering the town. "When I was learning about medicine,
I became interested in the writings of a contempt for his own Elven race, but, at
2. Annandil Tells his Story scholar named Justif ibn Haroon. The the same time, his statements often
Give the players a summar y of the name, as you will notice, is from Araby, revealed a deep reverence for the cultural
information headed The Ugly Elfling but at that time - a couple of centuries achievements of his ancestors.
(page 134), with a few words like, ago - he lived in a town called Parravon, "Durgul's personal obsession was his
"Here's a summary of the long tale on the Bretonnian side of the Grey search for the secret of immortality. He
Annandil tells. When he finishes his tale, Mountains. His knowledge of the assured me that the problem was a
the sun is coming up. Annandil brews a medical arts was profound, and it scientific one, not a religious one;
cup of tea for everyone.'' seemed also that he had an uncommon he scoffed at the worship of gods,
After Annandil has handed the cups knowledge of alchemy. calling them no more than particularly
of tea around, he finishes with a powerful and egotistical wizards
short speech. and demons.

An Audience With The Master

4. Annandil Offers Some Undead "The second type of necromancy is to control them, say, for military
Lore conjuration. This is basically purposes, where it's important that they
summoning undead from other take orders. If all you want is for them
Annandil offers the PCs a few brief tips
dimensions. This type of necromancy is to wander around and indulge their own
"...in case you ever come up against a
popular for military applications, bizarre impulses, they do just fine
real evil necromancer.''
because it's very quick and requires without controllers.
Note to the GM: Don't get the mistaken relatively little equipment or "Controlling undead is a two-part
impression that the following are training. It does require a lot of matter. First you have to communicate
"rules." These are just charming energy, and it doesn't last long. with them. The type of communication
notions we're putting into the player's I don't go in for conjuring - useless for depends on the type of undead. Most
beads. They can be true or false, just as long-term projects. undead can't hear, or can't make sense
you like. Suppose Annandil tells the PCs of what they hear, or something. So, with
"The third type - as I mentioned before
that you can melt a zombie by putting - is spirit summoning and binding, which bound-spirit undead you need to use a
salt on it. Maybe that happens in your sort of telepathy to communicate
is my speciality. Some say this is a sub­
campaign. Maybe it doesn't happen. directly with the spirit; with animated
discipline of demonology and theology,
Maybe it depends on what process was meat undead, you need to invest them
considering demons and gods as spirits
used to make the dead guy (alchemical with some kind of artificial senses and
on a larger scale. I don't bother too much
engineering, sorcerous animation, intelligence - which can be tricky.
with the theory - but I'm totally
necromantic conjuration, etc). It's up convinced that in practice there's a
to you. Also, let the players make notes "Having communicated, you have to
considerable difference between the persuade the undead to take notice. If
during Annandil's little lecture - and
humanoid, animal and ethereal spirits I you want to give orders, it's best to use
let them get by with just that later on.
use and the great big hairy ones that some sort of compulsion magic; all
If they 've written something down
demonologists mess around with. necromancers and cult undead
wrongly or misinterpreted an
important point, that's their problem. "For example, the zombies you have controllers have some sort of magical
seen here are all animated by spirits, ritual or spell that handles this. If you
The Three Basic Technologies of many of them by the original spirit that understand undead psychology, and are
Necromancy: ''The first type is meat inhabited the body in life. In some cases content to persuade rather than
animation. That's one of my specialities. - as with my lieutenant Lughom - the command, you don't need magical
Just about anything can be animated spirit was only separated from the body compulsion. All my Chernozav tra
using more or less the same technique: for a brief time, so there is minimum undead are under a general compulsion
stone, wood - or meat. You can either trauma in rejoining the body and spirit, enchantment field generated by the
use enchantment - pure magical force, with the result that the zombie retains runes on the walls, but with smart
articulated through runes, spells or most of the personality and skill - and zombies like Lughom, I get better
whatever - to do the animation, or you sanity - of the original being. Good perfor mance and motivation if I
can bind a spirit to your matter. work, that. I'm quite proud of it; don't explain what I want, rather than give
Enchantment is more complicated and know any other necromancer who's specific commands.''
time-consuming, but the practice is been so successful with this process. Combat T ips: ''A few things t o bear
pretty well established and documented.
"By the way, the reason this summoning in mind:
The spirit binding process is actually
much quicker and easier, but it's not process is not more well-known or 1. "Fire is not a very effective weapon
at all popular - but I'm getting ahead popularly-practiced is that it requires against most undead. They don't feel
of myself. some fairly exotic apparatus, much of it pain, and fire doesn't disable the body
enchanted by fairly obscure rune magics,
to perform the procedures with any
reliability. Without the apparatus, and
the appropriate literature on rituals and
safety procedures, the spirit is just as
likely to possess the summoner."

Sense Life Abilit ies of the Undead:

"Not a lot of people know this, but most
undead, regardless of their origin, seem
to have the ability to sense life. Further,
it seems that the undead can distinguish
between various forms of life. They can
be briefly confused by larger mammals,
but they quickly home in on intelligent
human or human-like life. I've done a
few experiments to determine range -
about six yards - and materials that block
the sense ability - only very solid or very
thick substances. I haven't decided quite
how it works, but it seems to be more
than just line-of-sight. One day I'll have
time to sort that one out ..."

Undead Controllers: "Most folks have

this idea that undead need a 'ff}/' lY. f. ·" '
necromancer to tell them what to do, or
they become quite useless. Nonsense.
111.� ;-�
Z½'/:. ·Ii•
i:i:1; 1
You only want a controller if you want ffil
An Audience With The Master

very quickly. However, more intelligent centuries-old Elven research. I've immunity is that tbe sword's wielder
and aware undead may retain a fear of considered a visit to Lothern, but I doubt becomes unable to see or bear any
fire from their earlier lives, and may they'd be welcome a Dwarf. undead creature upon drawing tbe
avoid it, so you can use it as barrier in sword, and accordingly incurs a -20 'to
some cases. 9. "I've read nothing on the subject of bit' penalty. When tbe weapon bits an
Chaos and undead - for instance, what undead creature, however, it causes
2. "Often it is quicker and more efficient double normal damage.
to encumber or restrain undead than to kind of undead would you get from a
destroy them. Many are so dumb they Beastman? It's an interesting subject, but
hardly safe to study. A wand of black wood, carved to as
can't open a closed door. Hang a rope to resemble a crow sitting atop a stake
across a corridor, and they may only be 10. ''Any creature can become undead, or post.
able to break through it by sheer mass provided that it has been alive at some
- they may never think to go around or point. Oddly, there's relatively little Any corpse touched with tbe wand
under it. knowledge on the subject , but the
becomes completely useless for any
principles are fairly simple. No reason necromantic purpose, including being
3. "Use the zombies' sense life ability broken up for ingredients for
against them. Bait them into shambling why you couldn't have an army of
undead elephants - if you could find necromantic spells. Tbe wand cannot
into traps and mud and other undo what bas already been done, so
inanimate menaces. enough dead elephants.
it bas no effect on undead, or upon body
4. "When in doubt, go for the legs. parts wbicb are ingredients for spells
5. Annandil Offers Specialist already in operation.
If they can't move, they're no more Equipment
than a nuisance. Halberds are quite
handy at this. "These odds and ends aren't much use A talisman of carved jet, T-shaped with
to me any more, but you might find a broad loop through which a silver
5. "With summoned undead, keep away them useful." chain passes.
from them. Let instability do your work
for you - sooner or later they'll vanish. Tbe information in italics is for tbe The character wearing tbe amulet gains
GM's eyes only, at least until tbe players a + 20 bonus to all tests made as a result
6. "Animated meat-style zombies are have worked out what each item does. of undead, except for magic tests
ver y durable, and therefore quite If asked about tbe properties of any against spells cast by undead
dangerous when properly commanded. item, Annandil will simply say "It will spellcasters. Additionally, tbe wearer is
Try to slow them down, and outflank help - what do you think it will do?" permitted an unmodified WP test to
them to get at their controller. rather peevishly. avoid loss of Strength points to
Wigbts, Wraiths, and other undead with
7. "Bound-spirit zombies are generally A sword, with a pommel of solid jet and similar abilities.
as durable as standard dancing-meat the guard set with car nelian and
types, but may also have varying levels chalcedony. Any character who wields A quiver of six arrows, whose heads have
of intelligence. Theoretically, right up to it will realise on a successful test against been dipped in silver and inlaid with a
all the mental and physical faculties they WS that it is superbly balanced. strange symbol in gold.
had in life. I'm nowhere near that level These magical arrows have no 'to
of achievement myself , but who Tbe wielder of the sword is immune to
all psychological effects caused by bit' bonus, but will cause any
knows what other researchers may undead while belsbe is holding tbe undead creature they bit to make
have achieved. sword drawn. This immunity extends an immediate instability check. Tbe
8. "Most of the extant scholarship and to such abilities as tbe hypnotic stare of check must be made regardless of any
technology on necromancy comes from a Liebe, and so on. Tbe reason for this protections that tbe creature may have

An Audience With The Master

against instability. Rolls of 1-4 have ''Hmmm• I suppose that if people came 'Tm doing no-one any harm here," he
their normal effect, but on a roll of 5-6 here to check out your report and found says, ''And I honestly think that you'd
the creature does not become stronger no trace of zombies and necromancers, have some difficulty in destroying all my
• instead it suffers normal damagefrom they might conclude that you're lying zombies and myself as well. I suggest that
the arrow. and you might get into trouble. I could you go back wherever you came from
always leave a letter behind, explaining
and tell them that there are too many
that you were telling the truth • would
Unconnected Adventure that help at all?" undead here for you to cope with. They
At the beginning of this adventure we might mount an expedition or
Annandil will make no at tempt to something, but by the time they get
listed a couple of reasons for the PCs to detain the PCs, and they are free to
be sent to Chernozavtra without here we'll all be long gone. There are
eave Chernozavtra, as covered in the
involving Bogdanov, Sulring Durgul and other places."
next section.
the main thread of the campaign
sequence. If you have taken up one of
these reasons, or invented one of your The PCs are ordered to clear the If the PCs insist on trying to destroy all
own, then obviously the interview with own of undead the undead in the town, or if they attack
Annandil will go a little differently. In This is clearly impossible. If the players Annandil, he will react as described on
any event, he will be quite happy to sit haven't worked this out for themselves p66, capturing the PCs, giving them a
down with the PCs and tell his story over by this stage, Annandil will take good talking-to, and then suggesting
a cup of tea • see the section headed them aside and gently point out that rather pointedly that they ought to leave.
Annandil tells bis story on p67. he'd be rather upset if they indulged in Leaving Chernozavtra is covered in the
Annandil's reactions to a few possible PC such vandalism. next section.
motivations are covered below.

The PCs have been hired to recover

"No problem at all," says Annandil.
"Have a look around, take as long as you
like, and if you can find it, you're
welcome to it. Hmmm · I'd better have
Lughom go with you, though, otherwise
the zombies will keep on catching you
and returning you to the ice-pit. And
Lughom will be able to get some of the
brighter ones to help you search, if you
want• some of them may even have seen
what you're looking for."
It is up to you to decide whether the PCs
will be able to find whatever they are
looking for. Things to bear in mind are
where they are looking and how likely
the thing is to have survived. For
example, they will be more likely to find
official documents in the Governor's
business offices than in a stable, and
documents in a safe or chest are more
likely to have survived than documents
lying loose on a desk.
Once the PCs have found what they
came for, or once they have given up
looking, they will be free to leave
Chernozavtra; this is covered in the
next section.

The PCs are ordered to investigate

and report
Annandil listens intentl y as the
PCs explain that they will have to
make a report about the situation
in Chernozavtra.
"Fine," he says at last, "If those are your
orders, then you'd better carry them out.
Of course, I'll be long gone by the time
anyone comes here to act on your report.
There are other places." He pauses in
thought for a second.
The Inhabitants of Chcmouvtra

The Zombies

I� 1�:1�:131 !I�I It ffi1ii11:111�fttlrrl


Psychology & Special Rules: See p61.

Lughom and Ologhugi may be observed going about their daily
routines (see Routine Events). They will probably be
encountered by PCs once they are overpowered by the wmbies
Lady Amrunmiriel on watch.
Annandil's lady love is a well-preserved elven zombie,
preserved by a frozen water elemental like the others.
Unfortunately, she deteriorated before Annandil perfected the
process. She still has her gorgeous strawberry blonde hair, but
her skin is grey, wrinkly, and flaccid.
The Lady is on auto-pilot now. All she does is sit around in Ologhugi
the bedroom of the governor's manor, gazing into a mirror
and combing her hair. Sometimes it comes out in clumps, but
Annandil glues it back in.
She is tended by two ladies-in-waiting, the two most beautiful Special Rules
zombies of Chernozavtra (which is not saying a great deal). Both Lughom and Ologhugi are subject to instability when
These lady zombies just stand around looking cute and outside the walls of Chernozavtra. They are also subject to
gathering dust. frenzy and animosity against other Goblinoids. They have
The Lady may be observed by anyone who looks through the night vision to 10 yards, and do not need to be controlled.
windows into the manor bedroom. She also may be observed They can control the other zombies of Chernozavtra.
taking her midnight promenades with Annandil (see Routine
Events). The Water Elementals
Upon arrival at Chernozavtra, Annandil animated the corpses
Lughom and Ologhugi of the plague victims, then, using one of his extensive
collection of magical items, summoned two Water Elementals
These Hobgoblin wmbies are Annandil's undead lieutenants. to preserve the wmbies and provide additional animation and
They are brighter than normal wmbies (indeed, they are quite durability.
difficult to tell from normal Hobgoblins, since Annandil bound
their own spirits back into their bodies shortly after death). Annandil summoned these two Water Elcmentals, bound them
Lughom was captured while looting Chernozavtra nearly to his service, then ordered them to summon their own
twenty years ago. He knows that Annandil can turn him off elemental vassals to provide the preservation and animation
like a light , so he is ever obedient to his master's every wish. for the Chernozavtra zombies. The tremendous magical
energies necessary to maintain control over these elementals
Ologhugi, a more recent zombie, is physically better preserved are provided by the enchantments inscribed in the walls
than Lughom, but was incredibly stupid even before his brain around Chernozavtra. The Elementals are forbidden to leave
died. He's quite powerful, but he requires very specific the area enclosed by the walls.
directions to perform even the simplest tasks.
Elementals are typically resentful and uncooperative servants,
Annandil has empowered his lieutenants to command the and twenty years of slavery have done nothing to improve the
walking dead of Chemozavtra. He leaves the day-to-day affairs temperament of these t wo. Nonetheless, they follow
of Chernozavtra in Lughom's hands, including supervising the Annandil's orders, since he has threatened to vapourise them.
Water Elementals in their duties of preserving the zombies and Further, if they perform satisfactorily, Annandil has promised
protecting against fire, and the zombie work crews excavating to release them and summon up a new pair of Elementals in
the cold cellar beneath the Tower. a decade or so.
Lughom takes great pleasure in ordering the dead guys and The Elementals do not like being bossed around by Hobgoblin
Water Elementals around. Ordering Ologhugi around, on the zombies. They are initially pretty ill-mannered with the PCs,
other hand, is exhausting and frustrating. Ologhugi is an but may aid them just to satisfy their defiant resentment of
exceptionally stupid wmbie Hobgoblin, but his personality their unwilling servitude.
also retains the stubborn arrogance common in tough,
powerful Hobgoblins. Lughom is convinced that Ologhugi PCs may overhear the Lughom arguing with the Elementals
intentionally misunderstands commands, and given the (see Routine Events). The Elementals may also be encountered
perversity with which Ologhugi follows orders, he may be by PCs investigating the wells or thrown as captives into the
right. Cold Cellar.
As a theatrical flourish, Annandil has gamed his two Hobgoblin Water Elementals, size 10
lieutenants in fancy hooded robes with all the legendary
trappings of necromancers (big gaudy rings, skull-and-bone
embroideries, and so on). Since these garments and trappings
were originally designed for Annandil's Dwarven frame, they

look a bit comical on the hulking Hobgoblins. If confronted Special Rules
by the PCs, Lughom might initially pretend to be the big See WFRP, p2 54. The Elementals are each in control of a large
necromancer, though a casual interrogation reveals him as an number of lesser Elementals (size 1). These are sent out to deal
impostor. Ologhugi is too dumb to lie. with fires and similar threats in the town.
l.uving Chcmouvtr,

LEAVING Characters without Ride skill need have

no fear, for Annandil will helpfully
incorporate the upper half of a Human
skeleton into their mounts, which will
Well, things haven't turned out too badly hold them firmly in the saddle so that
for Our Heroes, have they? There they they need not make a Risk test.
were, thinking that you were inexorably Once the PCs and their equipment are
railroading them into taking on a whole loaded onto these strange mounts,
townful of very-hard-to-kill zombies - I Annandil will go up to the parapet of the
wouldn't be surprised if a couple of the town wall, directly above the main gate,
players came right out and accused you and cast a Wind Blast spell on the area
of trying to wipe the party out. Sigh. But directly in front of the gate and across
now the PCs are equipped with all kinds the ford. l'wo zombies will stand in front
of top-drawer information on undead, of him, to shield him from any incoming
and a small armoury of bits and pieces missile fire.
for dealing with them. And they didn't
As soon as the spell takes effect, the gates
get wiped out. They're probably feeling will be opened, and the PCs' mounts
very good about it all. gallop out of the town and across the
There's just one tiny little problem. How ford, assisted by the magical tailwind.
are they going to get out? The wind also pins down the Dolgans
and Goblinoids, and prevents any missile
You see, the Dolgans are still outside the fire against the PCs.
town. They think that the PCs went in
to deal with the undead once and for all. Annandil will drop the spell as soon as
Now if the PCs haven't wiped out every the PCs are clear of the Goblinoid
last undead thing in the town, and yet encampment. By the time the first wolf
they come out alive, the Dolgans will riders set out in pursuit, the PCs will have
a lead of about 150 yards. If nothing goes
naturally conclude that the PCs have
wrong, they should be able to get away.
probably changed sides. So they will
kill them. However, there are a couple of things
that can go wrong. The wolf riders are
It would be churlish to spoil their shooting arrows at Our Heroes - with
moment of triumph, so let the players more enthusiasm than accuracy, it has to
discover this for themselves. Let them be said, but you never know. And then
come up with various plans for getting again, now that the undead mounts are
out; if they come up with something that outside the walls of Chernozavtra with
absolutely can't fail, fine. Here are a few their anti-instability enchantments,
of the ideas they might have: there's every possibility that they
might go unstable right there in the
Sneaking out at night won't work, - whether the Goblins have given up and
middle of the steppes. W hich could
because the Dolgans have a 24-hour broken off the chase.
be embarrassing.
watch posted - being caught between
Each PC takes an individual turn,
Hobgoblins and undead, they are You can play this all out in detail using
running through the following turn
understandably alert. the standard rules if you want. But if
sequence from beginning to end. The
that sounds too much like hard work,
The PCs will probably be able to arrange character with the highest Initiative
you can use this streamlined blood­
a diversion if they try, but there are an score goes first, the lowest last.
and-thunder last-reel chase system
awful lot of Dolgans outside the town, to round off the ad venture with a
and they won't all look the wrong way Movement
bit of excitement. At the beginning of the turn, the player
at just the right time.
nominates a number of squares, from
Sneaking out invisibly might work, The Chase Display 1-6. This is how far his character will
provided: (a) there is enough invisibility You'll find this on pl33 of the pull-out push his mount, in an attempt to pull
magic to go around; (b) everyone keeps section at the back of the book. It is ahead of the Goblins. The further you
very quiet; and (c) the PCs figure out a marked off in 10-yard inter vals, push your mount, the greater the risk
way to avoid leaving footprints in the representing distance from the pursuing that it will stumble.
soft sand or disturbing the water as they Goblins. Cut out one of the blank Roll a D6. If the result is more than the
wade across the ford. counters for each PC and write the PC's number of squares you want to move,
name on it. Then, put all the PC counters you move forward as planned - steadily
After two or three plans have failed,
in the '150 yards' space. widening the gaps between you and the
Annandil offers to help. He will help
earlier if asked, but won't act ually This system works in I-minute turns. pursuing Goblins.
volunteer until Our Heroes have re­ Each turn, we need to know four things: If the result is equal to the number of
entered the town hurriedly a few times, -how well each PC has managed to keep squares you want to move, you do not
amid a hail of arrows. He will gather ahead of the pursuers; move - the gap stays the same.
together the remains of six horses from If the result is less than the number of
around the town, and animate them for - whether the Goblins have hit anyone
squares you want to move, you move

the PCs to use as mounts. The horses all with the arrows they are firing wildly
back that number of squares - you
have a full set of legs, but apart from that after the PCs;
have pushed your mount too hard,
their condition leaves varying amounts - whether any of the PCs' mounts has it has stumbled, and you've lost ground
to be desired. gone unstable; as a result.
Conclusion ind Experience Points

Missile Fire PC hit: Roll D100 for hit location, and Goblins give up the chase. Look at the
The Goblins are firing wildly as they calculate damage as normal. The hit is position of the hindmost character;
gallop along in pursuit of the PCs. This at S3 . the number at the top of the display
missile fire is more worrying than is the number under which you must
dangerous, but there's always the chance Instability roll on a D10 for the Goblins to give up
that someone might get hit. Each turn, after firing, damage and the chase. Note that they will never give
movement have been worked out, have up while one or more PCs are within
After moving, each player rolls D100. On
each player check their character's 150 yards.
a roll of 06 or less, one arrow has hit!
Roll a D6 . On a 1-3, the PC is hit; on a mount for instability by rolling a D6.
4-6, the undead mount is hit. On a roll of 6, the mount is affected Mounts Destroyed
by instability; roll on the following Any character whose mount is destroyed
Mount hit: each time a mount is hit, roll table: must hop on the mount of the nearest
a D6. On a roll of 1-5, the beast is other character - place the two counters
1-2 mount crumbles together, at the position of the hindmost
unaffected by the arrow; on a roll of 6,
the arrow has done some damage - roll 3-4 mount loses 10 yards character. No mount may carry mo1e
on the following table: 5-6 mount gains 10 yards than two characters.

1-3 Mount slowed; move back 10 Breaking off Pursuit Getting Away
yards Finally in each turn, after all the Once the Goblins give up, the chase is
4-5 Mount severely slowed; move characters have moved, been shot at and over, and we have come to the end of the
back 20 yards had their mounts fall to pieces beneath thrilling conclusion to this adventure.
6 Mount destroyed them, you must check to see whether the There - wasn't that exciting?


Once the PCs have got away from
Chernozavtra and its problems, they can
Plot Objectives
do various things, according to how At the Hobgoblin Camp
you're using this book:
Avoiding a fight with a lieutenant ................... 50 EPs each
Enemy Within or Kislev Campaign:
the PCs' best option is to make their way Winning a challenge fight with a lieutenant................ 75 EPs
back to Kislev to report to Bogdanov to the character(s) concerned
once more. The journey is just as long
going back as it was coming, of course, Each piece of information obtained from Krowbag...... JO EPs each
and this time they will have to avoid the
Hobgoblins and Dolgans, who will be
after their blood. You could enliven the At the Dolgan Camp
journey further with incidents and
encounters of your own devising, as Each piece of information obtained from Dafa.......... JO EPs each
you wish. Each failed attempt to get into Chernozavtra........... JO EPs each
Your own campaign or isolated
adventures: at this point, the PCs are
fleeing for their lives, probably not too In Chernozavtra
concerned about where they are heading Succeeding in getting into Chernozavtra .............. 50 EPs each
so long as it's away. It should be easy to
set them up to walk straight into the next Each zombie put out of commission...................... JO eps
adventure you have lined up for them. to the character(s) concerned
Talking Lughom into fetching Annandil ............... 50 EPs each
EXPERIENCE Getting to Annandil's lab under their own power ...... JOO EPs each
Learning about undead from Annandil ...............50 EPs each
Roleplaying Each failed attempt to get out of Chernozavtra ......... JO EPs each
As always, you should reward good Succeeding in getting out of Chernozavtra
roleplaying and bright ideas - an average
without Annandil's help .......................... JOO EPs each

character should get about 30 points per
session for good roleplaying, going Getting away from the pursuing Dolgans .................. 50 EPs
down to zero for bad or ininspired play
and up to 100 for excellent play. per surviving character
The Champions of Death: A Choice of Evils

"I account myself a man of education
and experience. I learned my letters and
counting in the temple of Verena. I've
stood among the ruins of Praag, traded
in the markets of Altdorf, taken ship to
Araby and Cathay. But I bad never seen
the dead walk.''
Koraski drank evenly of the brandy. He
held the glass up to the light, studied its
colour, then set it down again. Around
the dinner-table, no-one stirred.
•� tower-flanked bridge crosses the
Lynsk to the lower gate' of Bolgasgrad.
I arrived at night; the bridge was
torch/it. The coach stopped, and a man
leaned in to see my papers. Behind him,
there stood - another.
"He never moved. He didn't just stand
still, be never moved. I couldn't see bis
face clearly - for which I'm thankful.
The arms holding the spear were bound
with cloth. W here it bad torn and
unwound, I could see skin, with an oily,
bluish-white sheen. Where the skin was
torn, there was darker. ..meat .. beneath.
"The smell was ... indescribable. The
locals pretend not to notice, but you'll
see them edge upwind, almost without
thinking. They call them 'deaders,' or
'dead ones' - they no longer have names
or identities. But sometimes you'll see
an involuntary flash of recognition.
I didn't stay there for a minute longer
than I bad to, I can tell you. And who's
responsible? Ulric only knows. But
there's naught between Bolgasgrad and
the Chaos Wastes save the peasants of
the Taiga, and precious little between
Bolgasgrad and Kislev itself- God Save
The Tsar! I tell you, the thought of our
first line of defence against raidersfrom
the Wastes being a city full of-, you
know, keeps me awake at nights. Who's
to say which side they'll be on Ifit comes
to it?"
Koraski looked across the flickering

candles at bis dinner-companions.
Then his � dropped abruptly to his
glass. Silence stretched across the table
like snow on the steppes. (l;l

SUMMARY STARTING THE "Over recent years, the Wheatlands

colonies have made repeated demands
The colony of Bolgasgrad has seceded for additional troops to protect them
from the 'Isar's rule, apparently under from Chaos, and some have even raised
the influence of one Sulring Durgul. The The Enemy Within Campaign their own militia. But Bolgasgrad has
adventurers are to contact - or discover or the Kislev Campaign gone too far. Dead men are said to walk
the streets alongside the living. Either
the fate of -Julius Olvaga, an agent of the
Tuar in Bolgasgrad, whose reports have The adventurers return from Bolgasgrad has fallen to Chaos from
suddenly stopped after a tantalysing Chernozavtra, and report to Bogdanov within, or it has made the most perilous
mention of the Temple of the Ancient as ordered. Again, they are ushered into allies. Embassies were sent to the Prince
Allies. The PCs must investigate, report a small side-room of the 'Isar's palace. of Bolgasgrad, ordering him to put an
and take what action they can to destroy Bogdanov hurries in, clear ly end to this business, deliver the
Durgul or thwart his plan. preoccupied with something else. He Necromancer for trial and reaffirm his
stops abruptly. oath of allegiance to the 'Isar - all were
Like all the Wheatlands colonies, politely, but firmly, refused. Technically,
Bolgasgrad is constantly threatened by "Where's Gurthgano Gorthaudh?" he
snaps. "You mean, you didn't bring him Bolgasgrad is in revolt.
Chaos. Repeated appeals for troops have
had no effect, and the citizens are back with you?" He closes his eyes and "Because of the - ah - strain on Kislev's
desperate. The ancient sorcerer Sulring mutters something rapid and inaudible military resources at present, we are not
Durgul, now a servant and priest of the - but clearly heartfelt - in the Kislevite able to send a punitive force. Instead, an
Renegade Chaos God Necoho, has dialect of Old Worlder. His mood will agent in the town was ordered to keep
offered them an army of tireless, fearless not improve if the PCs point out that an eye on the situation and report
undead warriors to guard their gates and they were ordered simply to convey regularly. His reports gave us the name
drive Chaos from their lands. It was an a message. of the Necromancer Sulring Durgul, and
offer they could not refuse... Bogdanov listens closely as the PCs relate established that the dead were indeed
Once they establish the facts, the what happened in and around walking the streets of Bolgasgrad.
adventurers are faced with a choice: Chernozavtra. He questions them in He hinted at some connection with
detail about the Goblinoids - their the Temple of the Ancient Allies,
Attacking Durgul could be suicidal; even and promised further information.
if an attack succeeds, Bolgasgrad will be strength and organisation, where they
Then - nothing. That was almost three
stripped of its undead guardians and left came from and their intentions - but months ago.
wide open to the forces of Chaos. appears not to be worried about the
prospect of a Dolgan-Hobgoblin war or ''You are to discover what happened to
Reporting to the Tuar might be no less a lost colony full of undead. our agent. His name is Julius
dangerous. Even if the adventurers can Mikhailovitch Olvaga. If he is lost, you
survive the consequences of telling a ''There will be another time for dealing
will replace him. Observe, report and
powerful ruler that a colony has rebelled with that." he says, "And at least the take what action you can. If you are able
because of his inadequate protection, it Dolgans and the Greenskins will keep to deal with Durgul yourselves, do so;
is unlikely that they could dissuade him each other occupied until Kislev is free otherwise, do what you can to stop him
from sending a punitive force. This force to act. But I was counting on you to enlist or delay his plans - whatever they might
would be severely weakened in Gurthgano's aid - are you sure he didn't be. At the very least, we must know his
destroying the undead, and would be mention anything about going to strengths and weaknesses.''
unable to stand against the hordes of Bolgasgrad?"
Chaos, which would surely not miss Bogdanov pauses for a moment, and
There is a pause as Bogdanov paces up takes a sheathed dagger out of one of the
such an opportunit y to attack the and down the room. As soon as a PC
weakened border. deep pockets of his robes.
begins to speak, Bogdanov cuts him
The simplest answer is to leave Durgul short with a gesture. "I have one thing which may help you.
and Bolgasgrad to their own devices, and Sulring Durgul is an Elven name; this
"Well," he says, "I don't see any other dagger is enchanted to be certain doom
go somewhere a long, long way away. remedy. You'll have to go to Bolgasgrad
Can the PCs live with the knowledge that to all Elves."
yourselves. You say he gave you some
they have left a cit y r uled - albeit This is the Black Dagger, a further
benignly for the present - by a equipment? I just hope it works. Very
well. You people get some rest and magical item to help the PCs in their
Necromancer and his undead minions? mission. It is described on p76.
Probably. Explaining to the Knights prepare yourselves for the journey. I will
Panther why they chose to desert in the speak to you again tomorrow.'' With that, the PCs are dismissed. They
course of a mission may be more of a The PCs are billeted in a stable belonging are provided with a guide to take them
problem - and once they fail to report to the Order of the White Wolf. The within sight of Bolgasgrad, and it is clear
back, the Knights Panther will be very stable has been cleaned hastily, and a that they are expected to leave the
interested in finding them. . . bunk for each character has been moved following day.
in, but that is all. The PCs are fed in the
servants' hall, and have the opportunity An Isolated Adventure...
to replace any equipment they lost in In K.islev
Chernozavtra. The PCs might become involved in this
Shortly after dawn the next day, a dozen adventure in a number of ways. Here are
Knights of the White Wolf rouse the PCs three suggestions:
and escort them to the chamber where
I. The PCs might be recruited as a special
Bogdanov is waiting. mercenar y force by the Tsar's agents. The

"Very well," he says, with a slight air of second part of the introduction above
resignation. "This situation is not of my can be used as it stands, and in addition
choosing, but we shall all have to make the Temple ofM6rr in Kislev will supply
ml the best of it. certain specialist equipment (see below).
Stuting The Mw:nturc

2. The PCs might be set on Durgul's trail Magical Equipment

by another wizard, or possibly a cleric The magical equipment supplied by the clerics of M6rr will be the same as that
of M6rr, with whom they have recently given to campaign PCs in Chernozavtra. In addition, the character will be given
had dealings. This NPC gives them the the Black Dagger (see below) with the explanation that the necromancer they seek
gist of the story as above, and offers to
is of the Elven race.
equip them with various magical items;
he/she cannot accompany them in
person because the mission relies on The Black Dagger GM's Notes
surprise -Durgul would be aware of this This is a plain dagger of black metal, I. Unknown to anyone still living, this
NPC's presence in Bolgasgrad almost with a glowing design inlaid into the dagger was made towards the end of the
immediately, and would take appropriate blade near the hilt; a Dwarf, or a Dwarf/Elf War by an artisan belonging
measures. character who has completed an to a fanatical cult of Dwarven assassins.
3. M6rr himself might speak to a Artisan's Apprentice - Armourer or This cult worshipped Krignar - a
character in a dream - ideally a character Blacksmith career will recognise Dwarven deity of war and racial pride
the workmanship as Dwarven on a - but had become corrupted by Kh:iine,
who has shown promise as a destroyer
successful Int test. Characters may the god of murder, one of whose demons
of undead and a champion of M6rr's
attempt to Estimate the dagger's age had appeared to them posing as Krignar.
principles. This adventure would be
- it is around 4,000 years old. Any character carrying the dagger will
highly appropriate for a trial or penance
set to a follower of M6rr. receive no benefit from any blessings of
Magical Sense skill will reveal that M6rr, or from spells cast by followers of
The dreamer stands before a hill in the the dagger is magical. A character with M6rr. However, the character will have
fork of a great river. Suddenly, the hill Rune Lore skill will be able to identify a dream in which a raven flies down,
spews forth a dark brown tide, like lava the rune as a Lesser Death Rune steals the dagger, and flies off with it -
from a volcano - a dark mass of seething versus Elves. a hint to ditch the item.
flesh, with limbs and faces forming and 2. Since Sul ring Durgul no longer
dissolving. The smell of death pours The glow of the active rune is quite
distinctive. In dim light, the dagger must inhabits the body of an Elf, this item will
from each mouth. The dreamer sinks in have no special effect on him. Hopefully,
the tide, then falls - seemingly forever - be sealed in thick, opaque material
(leather, wood, metal, etc) or the glow this will occur to the characters before
before stopping with gut-wrenching they try to use it.
suddenness in front of a stone portal, is easily seen.
with no doors. The character awakes 3. Sulring will want this item the moment
suddenly, sweating; it Is just before he sees it or hears about it. He's not
dawn. On the windowsill perches a particularly eager to use it, but he is an
raven, unusually large; it stares avid collector of runes and rune weapons.
unblinkingly for a few seconds, and then
takes off, flying to perch on top of the
local temple of M6rr.
The clerics at the temple have been told
to expect the character. A briefing at the
temple passes on all relevant
information, and the clerics supply
certain specialist equipment.
It is hard to imagine the voluntar y
acceptance of necromantic practices on
such a large scale in the Old World
except as a desperate defence against
Chaos. Kislev's border with the Chaos
Wastes makes this adventure feasible
there, but in other parts of the Old World
there is not such a direct threat from the
Chaos Wastes.
To relocate this adventure elsewhere, you
must t weak Sulring Durgul and his
minions in the direction of an evil or
chaotic alignment, and directly enforce
the acceptance of undead upon the
citizens of Bolgasgrad - either by some
form of magical mass mind control, or
by the threat of the undead troops which
Durgul controls. This will entail a certain
amount of work on your part, and will
change the adventure from a moral
dilemma with grim/comic overtones
to a straightforward kill-the-evil­
necromancer exercise.
The introductions above, though
designed for an isolated adventure set in
Kislev, may be used in any setting, with
a certain amount of adaptation.
Hurried Preparations

HURRIED active in Bolgasgrad at present, but no

confirmation or description of him has
reached us. That is all."
Since they have a little time in Kislev General information: If you are not
before setting out for Bolgasgrad, the playing this adventure as a sequel to
PCs are able to seek guidance and advice Death Takes a Holiday, you may want
at various temples. The temples in the to take this opportunity to pass on some
city of Kislev are listed below, together of the undead lore that appears in the
with the things that might be gained mouth of Annandil on pp67-69.
from each.
Mission Objectives
Mter the PCs have finished any prayer
or other preparations, Grigoriy
Smertovitch will take them aside before
they leave.
'' I realise that you take your orders from
the Tsar and his a�ents," he says, "But
there are questions raised by this
business to which our Temple would
very much like to have the answers. And
indeed, finding the answers will
probably help you to carry out the lsar's
"Firstly, what is the nature of the
necromancy at work here? If you can
find out how it works, you can find out
how to counteract it - and it goes without
saying that the Temple of M6rr would
be most interested in new necromantic
fill techniques and the means by which they
might be countered.
The Temple of Morr Can you help us? ''You have been given
the Black Dagger by the lsar's servant? "Second, this cult of the Ancient Allies.
This low, solid building of black basalt What is it, who leads it, what does it
Yes? Good. I trust it will help you,
stands almost at the very summit of the preach? What is its stance on
although I must admit that for reasons
Hill of Heroes, fronting the Geroyon or necromancy? And on the rights of the
I don't quite understand , I have an
Memorial of Heroes, a cenotaph carved dead to an undisturbed rest? We have
from the rock of the hill itself to uneasy feeling about that weapon. In
material terms, we have nothing else that been able to find out nothing. What hold
commemorate those who died fighting does it have over its members, to enforce
off the Chaos Incursion of 2302-3 IC. we can give you - although of course, you
are welcome to pray here and prepare this secrecy? The use of powerful
yourselves spiritually for your task." necromancy implies the existence of a
Questions and Answers library, and we have further proof in that
Enquiries here will be handled in the first GM: Grigoriy will pray with the PCs if the man Olvaga worked as a librarian
instance by Olga Pochorovna, the initiate requested to do so. See below for the prior to his disappearance. They must
on duty. The PCs will be permitted to effects of this. have ritual documents of some kind - the
pray in the Temple (see Prayer below), Will you come with us? "Were it for more of those you can recover for our
and Olga will answer any questions as me to choose, I should be happy to do inspection, the better. What you cannot
best she can. She can give accurate so. When I first heard of this recover, destroy.
answers on general points of the abomination I sought guidance of the
theology and ritual of the cult of M6rr, "Finally, I would just point out that there
Lord of Dreams, hoping to be chosen, are ways to destroy an organisation
but little else. If the PCs mention that but he gave me to understand that my
they are to set out for Bolgasgrad on without killing. Such killings would only
place was here, looking after the people swell the realm of theJealous Brother."
official business, Olga will realise their of the city and easing their passage to
importance and arrange for them to see him. Lions would come, he told me, in (GM: PCs may make an Int test to
Grigoriy Smertovitch, the chief priest. the clothing of mongrels - your pardon, realise that this is a reference to Khiiine
If the PCs do not mention their mission, friends, they were his words and not - T heology skill give a +JO bonus.
but ask many penetrating questions mine - and these lions would cleanse Followers of M6rr understand the
about undead and necromancy, Olga will Bolgasgrad." reference automatically).
become somewhat uncomfortable and
refer them to the chief priest anyway. What do you know about the cult of "Far better to sow doubt, undermine
the Ancient Allies? "No more than confidence, and thus turn people from
Grigoriy Smertovitch Moryevitch (all you, my friends. I am sorry."
clerics of Morr in Kislev take his name their misguided evil, that they may know
as an additional patronymic) is a tall, What do you know about Sulring the peace of M6rr in later days."
heavily-built man in his early forties. His Durgul? "Only a collection of
slightly bushy black hair is cut short, and fragments and rumours. We do not know Prayer
he has a formidable beard, reaching for sure whether he truly exists. He is The PCs may pray for guidance or

almost to his waist. He is unhurried of said to be a powerful Necromancer, and blessing in the Temple of M6rr if they
speech and action, and has a very deep to be many times older than is seemly wish; they will receive no further
and resonant voice. His responses to for a mortal. He is sometimes said to be information, but their chances of gaining
some common questions are as follows: of the Elven race. He is rumoured to be a blessing are as follows:
Hurried Preparations

Base chance 1% What do you know about Sulring Questions and Answers
Initiate of M6rr 2% Durgul? "Who? Oh, yes - that wizard Enquiries here will be met by Valentina
Cleric of M6rr, level 1 3% or whatever he is. Almost nothing. I Lupovna, one of the junior Clerics. She
level 2 4% should try the temple of Verena." is about thirty years old, with dark
level 3 5%
6% General Information brown hair that is beginning to show
level 4
The PCs will quickly realise that there flecks of grey and light brown eyes. She
Hours spent in prayer (not cumulative}: is very little new information to be is of medium height and compactly built,
1 +1% gained here. Magda will be happy to and wears a black cloak trimmed with
2 +2% allow anyone to pray here, though, and grey wolfskin. Her responses to some
3 +3% will pray alongside any follower of Taal common questions are as follows:
4 +4% or the Old Faith if requested. If there is
all-night vigil +10% a Druidic Priest in the party, she will be Can you help us? "You have already
aware of his or her spirit familiar, and been given all the help that is available.
Grigoriy prays with PCs +5% the familiar will take to her immediately. Beyond that, you must rely on your own
She gets on particularly well with cats, resources.''
You should also take into account each squirrels and otters.
character's past actions, and how well
they accord with the precepts of M6rr's Prayer What do you know about the cult of
cult - adjust the chance of a blessing by Any character may pray for a blessing in the Ancient Allies? ''Little. It is a closed
up to 5% either way. Note, however, that the temple; the chances of obtaining a organisation, and members are
Necromancers and characters of Evil or blessing are similar to those given for the committed - or impelled by some means
Chaotic alignment will not receive a Temple of M6rr above. If Magda prays - to give themselves over to it body and
blessing under any circumstances. A with the PCs, she adds +5% to their soul. After a member's death, their body
blessing will last for D6 uses, rather than chances. Again, blessings last for D6 uses continues to serve. There is an oath of
for 24 hours after it has been received. rather than for a fixed time. secrecy, which is enforced by a curse of
some kind. The temple is guarded by live
The Temple of Taal & Rhya The Temple of Ulric and undead guards. Our agents have
At the foot of the Hill of Heroes is a small The main Temple of Ulric in Kislev is been unable to penetrate their security.
walled park, a remnant of the forest within the palace complex, at the heart The Temple of Verena is the best source
which stood on the site before the city of the barracks of the Knights of the of information."
was built. A collection of circular White Wolf. The domed roof rises above
drystone buildings in a clearing at the battlemented walls, each decorated with What do you know about Sulring
centre of the park forms the chief temple a wolf's-head relief in the centre. The PCs Durgul? "An Elven name, apparently
of Thal and Rhya in Kislev. will be allowed to consult and pray here, referring to an ancient sorcerer. Again,
but - as always in the palace complex - the Temple of Verena is the best source
Questions and Answers they will be escorted by a dozen fully­
armed Knights of the White Wolf. of information."
Enquiries here will be met by Magda
Irenovna, one of the senior Clerics of the
cult. She is a slightly plump, matronly­
looking woman in her forties, with a
permanent twinkle in her grey eyes and
a speed and precision of gesture and
movement which is seldom seen in those
of her age and build. Her answers to
common questions are as follows:

Can you help us? "Well, so far we've

had trouble even helping ourselves. Our
mission has ceased to exist in
Bolgasgrad, md we can't seem to do a
great deal about it. I expect the Tsar's
people will have briefed you fairly
thoroughly, and of course the Temple of
Verena is the best place to go for
information. We're relying on you
people to help us, rather than the other
way around."

What do you know about the cult of

the Ancient Allies? "They're against
nature, for a start. Death's a part of
nature, and when people start messing
about with the dead it's against nature.
Of course it is. They've got a tight hold
on their followers, too - not a word's

come out about what they teach and
what they do. I should try the Temple
of Verena - if there's any more
information going, they'll have it." L__�i...wos.:J.L-__Jt...:i....:..._..:.:t.11>......-' _,__._._..___,_.®
Hurried Preparations

General Information: The Order of "Map, one copy.'' (GM: give the players Do you have any more information?
the White Wolf favours a direct assault Handout 7) "About a hundred years old, ''Well, I've put together what I can from
on Bolgasgrad - perhaps not surprisingly I'm afraid, but it should give you the the library and records office here; it's
- but the lsar has made it clear that troops general idea. The Lynsk forks here not much, but it's all we've got. I could
are not available. Little information is (point), and the town is in the fork, cast around the other Temples of Verena,
available here, and the priests will not protected by the river on two sides. The and see if anyone else has anything, but
generally be amenable to interrogation. Erengrad road, here (point) isn't much it could take weeks. And it's unlikely to
Those who wish to pray here, however, more than a track these days; I assume turn up anything new - we're nearest to
are quite welcome to do so. that's the way you'll approach. The the site, you see, and we're the mother
south fork (point) is only navigable for temple for Bolgasgrad, so all information
Mission Objectives a few miles east of Bolgasgrad, but the should come to us first.''
After the PCs have finished asking north fork (point) goes clear to Praag;
questions, Valentina Lupovna looks each it's an ideal site for a trading colony, apart What do you know about the Cult of
of them in the eye, and says with quiet from the threat from the Chaos Wastes. the Ancient Allies? "What I've told
intensity: you. From the lack of information, we
''The town sits in a little hollow between
''Find the heart of this cult of the Ancient two hills (point, point). Temple grounds can infer that they are secretive. Which
Allies. Find it and cut it out. Destroy on the west hill, Prince's manor, leads to the supposition that they have
everything you can. Let the world see stockade and watchtowers on the east. something to hide. Beyond that, it's all
how the White Wolf deals with rebels." The ground drops off sharply to the meaningless conjecture.''
north, south and west, with marshy
Prayer land along the river. East and south What do you know about Sulring
Any character may pray in the Temple beyond the river is passable farming Durgul? "Linquistically it's an Elven
of Ulric. The chances of obtaining a land, I'm told. name linguistically, and it's been linked
blessing are the same as given for the with several necromantic incidents -
Temple of M6rr. Note, however, that no "The bedrock is a softish sandstone. mostly of a minor nature - over the last
priest will pray with the PCs; the cult of Early settlers dug little caves in the hills,
few hundred years. One source dates the
Ulric in Kislev is even more but they're almost all abandoned in
first appearance of the name at five
individualistic than elsewhere in the Old favour of cosy stone houses.
thousand years ago - an outstanding
World, and the PCs are expected to trust ''Walls and towers were all timber when lifetime, even for an Elf. Sulring Durgul
in their own prayers alone. Blessings, if last we heard . Timber is cheap and could be one person, or a succession of
received, last for 06 uses rather than for plentiful, and stone walls don't keep people using the same name. What does
a fixed time. Chaos out any better. It seems they've that give us? An Elven Necromancer- or
put a pair of towers up on the bridge one using an Elven name for some reason
The Temple of Verena over the south fork (point) since the - maybe several thousand years old,
This colonnaded building stands almost Secession - looks like they're more afraid maybe not. You knew that already. In
directly opposite the Tsar's palace. The of armies from the south than the hordes fact, we don't know for sure that he's
Tilean-style architecture characteristic of of the north. involved in this business. All we know
the Temples of Verena contrasts strangely ''l'wo inns, here and here (point, point). is that he's in Bolgasgrad - the rest is
with the other buildings. Both supposed to be tolerable - if you conjecture.' '
don't mind dead people handling your
Questions and Answers
food (chuckle). Yes, they do all the Mission Objectives
Enquiries here will lead to the Chief menial work, it seems. Incredible, eh? "As you can see," says Stefan, growing
Librarian, who is introduced merely as Waiter, there's a thumb in my soup - HA­ suddenly more serious and intense, ''We
Brother Stefan. ha-ha-ha ... ahem. Seriously, though, know very little of what is happening in
Stefan is a small man of at least seventy, some travellers have found the water Bolgasgrad, or why it is happening. We
but the brightness of his button-black disagrees with them, so be prepared to know little of this Sulring Durgul and
eyes and the birdlike swiftness of his have the runs for a couple of days. little of the Cult of the Ancient Allies.
movements are somewhat at odds with
his venerable appearance. He greets the "You can also stay at the temple of the "If you can uncover any information -
PCs briskly and cheerfully. Ancient Allies (point) - dull, but cheap. anything at all - that will fill the gaps in
Seems you have to sit through all their our knowledge, lose no opportunity to
"Ah, the Tsar 's agents - welcome, mumbo-jumbo looking polite. The do so. If you manage to bring the
welcome! I've been preparing a few Prince is also said to welcome guests of situation to a satisfactory conclusion, the
snippets for you!" education and breeding .. . (looks PCs information you bring back may allow
If the PCs express surprise that Brother narrowly up and down) ". . . hmmmm. us to identify similar problems before
Stefan knows who they are without Since the Secession, he's probably had they arise, and enable us to take
being told, and that he seems to have few aristocratic visitors, so he might be appropriate action to prevent them. If
known they would visit the temple, he quite hospitable to strangers with news. you cannot resolve the situation
smiles a slightly mischievous smile. ''Condensed history, one.'' (GM: give the yourselves, your information will be of
"Well, really," he chuckles, "The Temple players Handout 8) "I've written in inestimable value to us in deciding what
of Verena failing in knowledge? That Reikspiel, so you should find it easy to to do next.
would never do would it? Dear me, no.'' read, if a little dry. Read it at your leisure, "I fully appreciate that you are agents of
it may help or it may not. Right - any the lsar, and answer to him. He has given
With that, he leads them into a small questions?"
book-lined office to one side of the you his orders already. But where you

annexe which houses the temple's Sample answers for common questions can do so without compromising those
library. He sorts rapidly through a small are given below; despite his manner, orders, please find out and bring back
stack of papers, and then launches into Stefa n knows little more than he has everything you can. Documents of any
the following discourse: already told. kind would be particularly valuable.''
Preparing The Cover Story

The PCs may pray for guidance and/or
blessings in the Temple of Verena if they

wish. No further information will be
forthcoming, but the chance of
obtaining a blessing is the same as given
above for the Temple of M6rr (p78). As always, you can play the journey out
Again, a blessing will last for D6 uses in full, adding one or more sessions to
rather than for a 24-hour period. the playing time of the adventure, or you
can simply tell the players that the
journey is uneventful and get straight
PREPARING THE down to business. We'll assume that
you're going for the latter option, but
COVER STORY feel free to make up any incidents or
encounters you like.
It should be obvious that the PCs will
need a plausible cover story, rather than
simply marching into Bolgasgrad
unprepared. If they overlook this, a
suggestion from Bogdanov is in order. The first sight ofBolgasgrad will be from
The cover story should give the PCs a the Erengrad Road to the southeast. Here
good reason to visit Bolgasgrad. They the South Fork is a rapid, deep river with
may travel as a party, or as several groups marshy banks covered in high grass. If
of individuals. Any equipment which anyone mentions that their character is
might arouse suspicion must be keeping an eye on the grass, give them
concealed, or in keeping with the cover an Observe test to spot the occasional
story. The Tsar is footing the bill, so the movement.
PCs can be fairly lavish in the trappings The PCs may decide to try and sneak into
they request. Any necessary documents town undetected. However, Bolgasgrad
will be provided. expects Chaos raids or reprisals from the
Tsar almost daily, and preparations have �-------------�®
One possible cover story, using the PCs
provided with this book, is given below. been made: Let them try sneaking in a couple of
You should encourage players to come Thirty zombies (identical to those times, and drop hints about the defences.
up with their own cover stories, making encountered in Chernozavtra - see p71) Let them catch glimpses of what looks
suggestions through an NPC only if you sit in the long grass, at random. They like an army of zombies hiding in the
think it's vitally necessary. sense life at 20 yards (Hide tests have no grass. If they wait for darkness, let them
effect on this), and move to grapple (Use hear the riverbanks resounding to the
Rolland: a merchant in the fur and rug
the rules on p61). Grappled characters howls of the guard dogs as they catch
trade. some hapless small animal.
are dragged to the bridge and dumped
Walter: Rolland's business partner and at the feet of the waiting guards. Each Or let them hear a call from a tower:
travelling companion. sneaking character has a base 75 %
Guido: servant and valet. chance of being able to evade them,
modified as you see fit according to the "Ho, strangers! For your own safety,
Ruby: servant and cook. character's actions. stay on the road! There is a defence
cordon in the long grass! And by the
DolganJim: driver and animal handler. In daylight, a character who is within way, there are n ow two dozen
Krogar: bodyguard and labourer. sight of a tower must make a Hide test crossbows pointing straight at you!
at -20 or be spotted by the sentry in Advance to the bridge, if you please!"
Necessary Trappings: at least one the tower.
wagon for goods and shelter, tents, Okay, two dozen crossbows may have
horses, rugs and furs, money, appropriate At night, dogs are released into the
marshes. They always find intruders, if been a slight exaggeration. But the PCs
clothing, and coaching from merchants won't know that. The guard wants them
in the fur and rug trade. the zombies don't find them first.
Approaching characters should roll a D6 to come quietly along the road to the
In the course of preparation, each each round. A roll of 6 indicates that D3 bridge, and if that means telling a little
character makes one Int test. If the test dogs have spotted the character, and white lie, so be it.
is successful, the character gains one skill attack immediately; a further D3 dogs By whatever means, then, let us assume
from an appropriate career. For example, arrive every round, attracted by the that you've persuaded the players to
in the cover story detailed above, Rolland noise. After D3 rounds, the zombies keep to the road.
might gain Haggle or Evaluate skill. arrive in force and grapple the
The players may spend more time on this characters; the dogs leave, being trained Encounter on the Road
exercise than you expect, but you to avoid zombies.
The road is blocked as a flock of sheep
shouldn't worry. They will enjoy being These defences are for use only if the PCs is herded across by a tattered and
spendidly devious, you shouldn't have persist in trying to sneak into town. You moderately decayed figure. Puffing on
to do anything more exhausting than should encourage them to stick to the his pipe, a contented-looking farmer
watching and chuckling, and everyone road, so that they can encounter the leans on the open gate. In the
should be happy. When you feel like farmer (see below) on the way. Besides, background, a horse draws a plough (or

getting the adventure back on the road, sneaking in like thieves or spies would harvesting scythe, according to the time
you can always have Bogdanov or blow the elaborate and exquisitely of year), guided by another stiff-legged
someone like him pop up and tell the PCs detailed cover story they spent so figure. The farmer pulls on his pipe and
to get going . long concocting. addresses the characters affably:
The Town of Bolgasgrad

"G 'day, Olets furriners. Sorry to keep ye,

but they'll be moved on soon enough."
(Gestures with pipe-stem at shepherding
zombie) "Ye'll not ha' seen workin'
deaders afore, I'll wager. Right handy, an'
no mistake. Slower'n a good dog, and
not so bright, but the sheep, they thinks
it 's man, and they pays it heed by
instinct." (Gestures at zombie in field) The smell is quite distinctive. The "You'll find that the citizens of
"No pay nor fodder needed, never tires undead of Bolgasgrad are treated with Bolgasgrad are proud of their town, and
nor goes poorly. Goes on day an' night, a var nish-like preservative that is interested in keeping it clean and quiet.
'appen ye wants 'em to. Lasts a goodly moderately successful. The mixed aroma This badge" - (points at bat) - "means
time, an'all -had that'un a year and more of this and decaying flesh is that I am an officer of the town militia;
and still 'e keeps goin'. Say what ye likes, overpowering at first , but one soon our dut y is to keep the town as the
I can see the good on 'em. They do say becomes accustomed to it. Thereafter, citizens like it. Anyone wearing this
'orses'll be next - now that'll be a thing, there may be bad moments when the badge is entitled to the full co-operation
right enough. Them as says it's wrong smell is accentuated by wind currents or of all citizens and visitors.
never done a day's wor k , that 's a particularly ripe corpse, but the PCs "I have to make certain things clear
what I say." are more or less unaffected, if constantly because of the circumstances. I hope you
aware of the odour. do not feel intimidated or insulted. If you
The last sheep wanders across the road are courteous and civil guests, you will
ahead of the zombie shepherd, and the The PCs are met at the bridge by Katya
Villanova, the equivalent of a find Bolgasgrad an excellent host. There
farmer swings the gate closed. are no taxes or tolls on entering. Enjoy
customs/border inspector. In good
"Well, g'day to ye. An' a good stay, an'all. weather, she is lounging in the sun; in your stay."
You just be sure to tell the folk where ye poor weather, she sits at a table under Katya is friendly and helpful provided
came from what a blessin' it is, t'have a wooden porch or huddles in warm furs the PCs don't preach or complain. She
deaders doin' the work. Better yet, tell inside the tower. In her late twenties, she can tell them where to find any shop or
'em t'come an' see fer theysel's!" (Gives is of medium height, solidly built but not service in the town, and offers
the zombie a pat on the back like a quite plump. Her strong, bony face is diplomatic but fair assessments of places
faithful dog). framed with a square-cut, shoulder­ to stay. If the PCs are pleasant , she will
The farmer is quite willing to stand and length mane of black hair, topped by a share local gossip, but will not mention
circular fur hat with a brass badge anything that might put the town in an
chat. He knows little about the middle unfavourable light or be used against it
and upper classes of Bolgasgrad, but he bearing the town's crest of a bear holding
a log. - such as Alexis II's illness or Alexis III's
knows the town routine, the defences, eccentricity. She praises the Chokins,
the inns and the general layout of the ''Welcome to Bolgasgrad. Your papers, Father Barismann, the other brothers of
town. He's a member of the Cult of the please?" (studies them casually) "Ah. the Ancient Allies and their supporters
Ancient Allies, and is happy to tell about Citizens of The Empire. You are aware for making Bolgasgrad the safest and
how his boy was cured of Chaos taint that Bolgasgrad is a free city, with its own most prosperous settlement in Kislev.
("Eyes out on stalks, be bad, just like a laws? Good. Most of our laws are She knows Julius Olvaga - "Lovely old
snail, but they priests soon got 'em back identical to the Tsar's laws. We respect fellow, but quite ill, I'm afraid. His sister's
in's bead where they belong"), and how your status as Imperial citizens; you'll looking after him, but they say he'll not
he delivered his father's body to the cult find life here is pretty much like outland survive the winter."
for consecration and animation. Imperial colonies. . ." (smiles) "only

better, of course. But a few warnings are
''Just meat , they priests says. Pa's got no in order:
further use fer it, an' 'appen he'd not
mind his body bein' useful to them he's "The laws against disturbing the dead
left behind. Better'n shovin' it down a have been extended to protect the
hole in the ground, right enough. Waste animated dead that guard our town and The notes on Bolgasgrad are not
not, want not, says I. Makes a change, perform other useful tasks. It is a crime exhaustive, since we don't intend this to
'avin' priests do the ordinary folks a to interfere with them. If you have strong be a 'town adventure' in the same way
good turn, an' no mistake. Didn't seem feelings about necromancy, it is best that as Shadows over Bogenbafen or Power
right at first, like, but when ye thinks it you keep them to yourself. There's no Behind the Throne. However, they
through an' gets used to the idea, I law against free discussion, but the should be sufficient for you not to be
wonder why we didn't do it donkey's people of Bolgasgrad have had enough caught off-guard if the PCs decide to
years ago." of preaching from outsiders. explore or turn the place upside-down
in a misguided search for something
"The only temple here is that of the or other. And, of course, there's nothing
Challenge at the Bridge Ancient Allies, but you are free to to stop you putting in some extra work
The one-wagon-wide wooden bridge is practice your own faith in private. You' re and covering the town in super-detail.
flanked by enclosed three-storey timber welcome to visit the temple, but we
expect you to abide by the restrictions We have also included some sample
towers on each side of the river. Each encounters, exploiting the novel effect
tower door is guarded by two zombies it places on non-believers.
of a town where zombies walking
armed with spears. The top floor of the "All are welcome in Bolgasgrad for one around is the normal state of affairs. Feel
tower is open, and is manned by one week. You will report to me each day, free to amend or ignore these, and to

crossbow-armed guard. The spears are either here at the bridge, or after dinner come up with your own. This is a unique
for show; the local undead generally at the Prince's house. For a longer stay, opportunity for the PCs to learn about
don't know how to handle weapons you will need the Prince's permission; undead without having to fight for their
unless they had such skills in life. appointments are arranged through me. lives all the time. Make the most of it.

This section details several locations of
interest and importance in the town.
The numbers refer to the GM's town
map (p83).

Set in extensive walled grounds, this
imposing two-storey building stands on
the eastern hill. The gatehouse is
manned day and night by four of the
town's militia, and strangers will not be
admitted unless they are accompanied
by Katya Villanova (see p81)
Prince Alexis II lives here with his wife,
her sister, and seven servants. All the
residents here are well-versed in the Alexis Chokin II, Prince of Bolgasgrad
Etiquette skill, and characters without
this skill may have to make frequent Fel
tests when dealing with them. The
Prince is more tolerant and worldly than
the others, and will have more patience Skills
with outsiders and members of the lower Blather, Charm, Engineer, Etiquette, Heraldry, Luck, Public Speaking, Read/Write,
orders - although this patience is not Ride - horse, Specialist Weapon - fencing sword, Specialist Weapon - firearms, Wit.
Sneaking around the manor looking for 2 pistols, fencing sword, dagger, the full resources of Bolgasgrad.
clues is not a good idea. Even if the PCs
manage to avoid the ever-watchful
servants, there are no clues here. All The Ladies - Princess Annya Dobryovna­
records, documents and other clues

I� 1�:J�I: I� 1;14 I� rm�1:1�ttt1:1

Chokin and Countess Magda Dobryovna
relating to recent events are stored in the
temple. Of course, the PCs don't know 1
this, so they will be quite likely to try 0
some subtle (or not-so-subtle)
investigation. Skills
If you are a really cruel GM, tell any Charm, Etiquette, Heraldry, Luck, Read/Write, Wit.
players characters sneaking round the
place, to search the room you are playing
in, letting them think that this is a staging As GM chooses.
trick to lend a bit of live, real-world
action to the adventure. It is, really, just The Servants - Ilya Broninko, butler, Olga Bortschova,
that. There are no clues, and the player

I� tt:1�:I: I: I;I 51�rttf�l�;I� 1::1�:I

cook, Katya Balyenka, ladies' maid, plus four scullions
is looking for them. When he comes
back empty-handed, tell him that his PC 1
comes back empty-handed as well. 3
Never let on what you're really doing;
players can sometimes get upset at this
kind of trick, and once you've explained
it, you'll never be able to use it again. As appropriate.

Prince Alexis II is a spry-looking, alert Possessions

86-year-old whose demeanour gives no As GM chooses.
hint of the fact that he is suffering from
a terminal disease. The doctor (see 6 improper for me to discuss these matters
below) is a notorious blabbermouth, and with you," or "Without a fuller
everyone in town knows, but no-one knowledge of the subject , I cannot
would tell a stranger.
comment," and that's that.
The Prince has been educated as an
engineer, and is skilled with firearms - The other members of the household
(Alexis' wife, sister-in-law, and servants)
he owns t wo pistols. As a charter
member of the Conventricle, he knows are normal gossips, but they know 2. THE TEMPLE OF
all its secrets, and the identities of the nothing of significance. They will not ANCIENT ALLIES
other members, but he would never discuss the cult of the Ancient Allies, and
reveal a thing to an outsidei:: He does not wouldn't breathe a word that might hurt This is the key location for the adventure.
lie; he simply says, "It would be the Prince or Bolgasgrad. See p89 for detailed notes.
Mip of Bolgisgud


-MARSH ,.,, ..,






Locations 3 - 5

3. THE OLD GARRISON second time around. If the PCs have

trouble at this point, Vladimir Slepov
Like most of the other townspeople,
Mikhail is a member of the cult of the
BARRACKS (see 7 below) can be used as an NPC ally Ancient Allies, and while he is always
to help them escape or point them at friendly and ready to gossip, he will not
This single-storey stone building used to the temple. say anything to the detriment of the
house the town's garrison before it was town, the cult or the use of undead. In
withdrawn by the Tsar. After the The Captain of the Militia is Grigor fact, if given the chance he will wax quite
secession, it was refurbished as the Kyriakin, a small, wiry man with an air effusive about undead labour - at least
Militia barracks and offices for the small of constant alertness. Like all the town partly because it gives him the chance
staff of town officials - the clerk, the Militia, he is a member of the cult of the to use some of his favourite jokes.
bailiff, and the Militia Captain. Ancient Allies, and will say nothing to For example:
Enquiries here may arouse suspicion, but an outsider which might be used against
the cult, the town or the Prince. "Wouldn't be without them. Dead
will achieve nothing else - the Militia as useful." (chuckle) "A bit on the slow side,
a wh ole is as tight-lipped as Katya of course. Not a lot of sparkle. A very
Villanova (p81). Searching the barracks grave demeanour." (chuckle) "What d'ye
will be extremely difficult; a successful 4. THE OTHER SIDE think of Bolgasgrad, then? Bit quieter
search might turn up a few records, but than the big city, eh? Bit of a dead and
they will be so sketchy as to be utterly Most of the townspeople have had the
obscure reference of the inn's name alive hole!" (chuckle - bellows at
useless. barman) "C'mon Grandad, look alive!"
explained to them, and not all of them
The PCs might find the cellar, which is think it is in good taste. That is hardly (guffaw) "Tried 'im cleaning the floors
hewn out of the sandstone. Its coolness surprising, since the innkeeper, Mikhail once, but he kept kicking the bucket!"
and even temperature make it ideal for (guffaw, knee-slap, falls off chair)
Naryshkin, is seldom considered a
storing zombies, and a reserve of fifty or Play Mikhail for all he's worth - no good
so is kept here in case of emergency. person of good taste.
at all as a source of information, but
Some are in near-perfect condition, Mikhail, a stocky man with a bald head,
while others are damaged and crudely strangely fascinating for his complete
small, twinkling black eyes and a black lack of taste and his appalling sense of
repaired. Stacked close together like walrus moustache, is one of those
shop-window dummies, they are humour. Prepare a few more tasteless
Bolgasgradniks who see the walking jokes in advance, and when you run out,
animated but inactive, awaiting orders. dead as a subject for black humour.
They will react if the .PCs try to destroy keep repeating them. Mikhail does.
Mikhail has an undead barman and an
them, however, and will grapple their undead cook. Neither is particularly No NPC details are given here, but if you
attackers (use the rules on p61) and proficient, but they certainly provide a need them, Mikhail has a standard
deliver them upstairs to the Militia. Human profile with a selection of skills
novel experience for visitors, especially
If the authorities ftnd it necessary to lock when Mikhail gleefully offers 'a stiff like Blather, Brewing , Comedian,
the PCs up, this cellar will be their Evaluate and anything else you think
drink'! Some visitors are offended and
prison. If this happens, the PCs must reasonable.
leave immediately, but those who remain
escape, or the adventure will bog down. seem to enjoy Mikhail's bizarre sense
Not only that, but after their escape they
must make straight for the Temple of the
of humour. 5. THE STORK
Ancient Allies to avoid further run-ins Otherwise, this is an undistinguished AND STOAT
with the people and authorities of inn. The food is so-so at best, and the
Bolgasgrad; these may well be fatal, rooms are ill-kept and barely hygienic. The nicely-painted sign with a rampant
stork standing over a stoat on its hind
Grigor Kyriak.in - Militia Captain legs is a hint of the inn's quality.
Innkeeper Daryenka Alendrova and her
plain but cheerful daughters are fine
cooks and h ousekeepers. All are
members of the Ancient Allies cult.
The girls are a bit less guarded with their
Skills gossip than most townsfolk, particularly
Disarm, Dodge Blow, Read/Write, Street Fighter, Strike Mighty Blow, Strike to when dazzled by the attentions of
Stun. dashing foreigners. They might let slip
that folks think the eccentric Alexis III
Possessions may have been 'put away' by his father,
Bastard Sword, Dagger, Shield (1 AP, all locations), Sleeved mail shirt (1 AP, or speculate ab out the daemons
body/arms), Helmet (1 AP, head). rumoured to provide the magical power
to fuel the army of walking dead. Most
of this is fanciful rubbish - they would
Typical Militia Officer
never reveal anything they thought was
true, for fear of breaking their oaths and
being punished by the oath curse. And
if any of the male PCs are considering
being cads, Mother Daryenka has a
Skills strong right arm and would cheerfully
Dodge Blow, Strike Mighty Blow. beat such types to death with a skillet.

No NPC details are given here, but if you
Possessions need them, all three ladies have standard
Spear, Hand Weapon, Sleeved mail shirt (1 AP, body/arms), Helmet (1 AP, head). Human profiles with a selection of skills
as you see fit.
Location Maps 3 - 7

omcE A rroWN a.ERK)

omcr c (BAILIFF)





locations 6 6 7

Slightly larger than the other houses of
the town, Vladimir 's residence is
distinguished by the small tower which
has been built onto one side. Vladimir
is a rangy, hawk-featured man in his
forties, with long, straight black hair and
penetrating dark eyes. His moustache is
very long and straight, the ends reaching
a few inches below his chin, which lends
him an almost oriental appearance.
Vladimir receives a handsome fee for his
services as tbe magical arm of the town's
defences, and supplements his income
with a little fortune telling, insomnia
treatments (Sleep spell) and other
magical odd jobs. lbis leaves him ample
time for his studies and experiments, but
he feels somewhat in the shadow of the
power that provides the town with its
undead troops.
Vladimir is one of the few residents who
do not belong to the cult of the Ancient
Allies - 'Never have anytblng to do with
an oath curse, Vladimir,' my old teacher
said. '1Hcky business, a lot of fiddling
and interpretation.' Besides, cults and
gods - you never know when priests are
putting words in their mouths to suit
their own purposes.'
Vladimir, a ver y modern thinker,
thoroughly approves of Bolgasgrad's
6. THE PHYSICIAN up in a book - could be invaluable to posture on politics and necromancy.
physicians everywhere.'' "The Tsar says look after yourselves -
Aleksandr Gapon is the local vet and Alex may comment as follows on the fine, but we'll do it our way and he can't
zombie repairman as well as the only health of these citizens: change his mind later. Besides, the
doctor. He's good enough by rural Alexis II: "Fit as a fiddle - for such an priesthood - they preach against Chaos,
standards, and pleasant-natured. old man, of course. Got quite a few years but what real effect have they had over
Alex is in his fifties, slightly below left in him, if he takes care of himself.'' the centuries? No, we need some fresh
medium height, and of medium-heavy (a lie to protect Alexis and the town). thinking. Their solutions have failed -
build. He has shortish grey hair and a they should stand aside with good grace
neatly-trimmed moustache. When the Alexis III: "Haven't seen him since he and allow other avenues to be explored.''
PCs arrive, he has a zombie with a took his vows and retired to the temple. The Historical Extracts (in Handout 8)
shattered leg laid out on the table, and Nothing wrong, I'm sure, or I'd have
fit in with his attitudes on the situation.
is experimenting with splints, wire and heard.'' (Mostly true, though It glosses
bolts, trying to get the deader back in over bis suspicions about Alexis III's "Would I practice necromancy myself?
working order. mental health). Not without proper training. And the
Alex is quite happy to chat to the PCs as Julius Olvaga: "Some kind of siezure, priesthood has driven that underground
he works, mainly about the fascinating I think. Hard to tell. He's in a bad way. very effectively. Result - a small number
opportunities his work with zombies has I can seldom make out what he's saying, of half-trained deviants with only half
given him. He has an exceptional if he's saying anything at all. Could hang an idea of what they 're at, running
practical knowledge of mechanical on a bit, or go tomorrow. You never around causing all sorts of grief. Which
anatomy now - ''One day I'll write it all really know in these cases.'' reinforces the association of
necromancy with evil, which drives it
Aleksandr Gapon - Physician further underground. The whole thing
feeds off itself. I thought about joining
the Ancient Allies cult, just for the
training possibilities - there's a very gifted
necromancer in there somewhere. But
they insist on this oath curse before you
even find out what you're getting into.
Animal Care, Carpentry, Cure Disease, Heal \lbunds, Manufacture Drugs, Prepare
I'm not going into it blind - wouldyou?"
Poisons, Read/Write, Scroll Lore, Secret Language - Classical, Surgery.
Vladimir has made an extensive study of
Possessions the undead of Bolgasgrad, and can fill
Medical Instruments. the PCs in on any details they may
have missed if they express an interest.
locations 7 6 8

Vladimir is also very interested in the PCs.

Vladimir Slepov - level 2 Wizard Before they leave, he will find some excuse to
step into the back room for a minute - "Got
•M. lVS 11$ S T W I I.4 lat Cl '\VP Pd a potion on the back burner.. . I'll be right
4 36 32 3 4 11 48 37 48 41 45 32 back.'' Then he will use his Magical Awareness
skill to find out if there are any spellcasters or
magical devices in the group.
Vladimir can be a very useful NPC later on,
Arcane Language- Magick, Cast Spells- Petty, Battle 1-2, Divination,
challenging the PCs, telling them that he knows
Evaluate, Herb Lore, Identify Plants, Magical Sense, Magical Awareness,
Meditation, Rune Lore, Scroll Lore, Secret Language - Classical. they're not what they claim to be, and
demanding to be cut in on the deal. If the PCs
Possessions get locked up, he can spring them, and if they
need a shove in the direction of the temple of
Working laboratory, Spell components for D10 castings of each spell the Ancient Allies, he can provide it .
known, Spell Book (see below), Scroll- Flight, Potion of Water Walking
(2 doses), Amulet of Thrice-Blessed Copper, Sword, + 3 damage, bane Vladimir would also make a suitable player
weapon (Elves), Jewel of Power - Become Ethereal, Wand of Jade. character replacement or supplementary NPC.
He won't approve of the party's motives or
Magic Points: 27 politics, but he is obsessed with curiosity about
the magic behind the cult and the walking
Spells Known dead, and the possibility of necromancy
Curse, Gift of Tongues, Glowing Light, Magic Alarm, Magic Lock, without evil. And, of course, he would not be
Marsh Lights, Produce Small Creature, Protection from Rain, averse to acquiring any magical hardware that
Reinforce Door, Remove Curse, Sleep, Sounds, Zone of Cold, Zone might be lying about - the necromancer's spell
of Silence, Zone of Warmth, Aura of Resistance, Cause Animosity, books, for example.
Cure Light Injury, Fire Ball, Flight, Hammerband, Steal Mind, Vladimir may also be persuaded to let
Strength of Combat, Aura ofProtection, Cause Frenzy, Cause Hatred, spellcasters learn spells from his book, sell spell
Cause Panic, Hold Flight, Lightning Bolt, Zone of Sanctuary, Zone ingredients, sell or trade magical items, and so
of Steadfastness. on. He will make sure never to come off worst
from any deal.




Location 8

8. JULIUS OLVAGA. OLVAGAAND Among various incoherent ramblings, it

is possible to make out snatches of sense:
TSAR'S AGENT THE MAP "Uhnn ... passages... secret passages.. .
false closet... robes ...where's my map?...
This is a typical example of the smaller wall ... not right, not right." Ivinia
cottages which make up the bulk of the Whatever else the PCs might decide to becomes afraid that Julius will reveal
town's buildings. Julius Olvaga came to do in Bolgasgrad, they must obtain the something about the Ancient Allies cult
Bolgasgrad 50 years ago as a clerk for a map of the temple of the Ancient Allies and bring the oath curse down on
fur merchant. SinceJulius' hobbies were which Julius Olvaga has started to himself, so she immediately tries to
history and languages, the temple prepare (Handout 9). This is in his house hustle the PCs out of the room.
authorities of Ulric and Taal-Rhya were and the PCs' instructions to find out
what has happened to Olvaga should If the PCs resist, Ivinia screams for help.
happy to have this dull but hard-working A couple of neighbours (unarmed
layman spend time in the temple library. encourage them to visit him. standard Humans) come to investigate in
In time, he was generally acknowledged Here are a few things to bear in mind: a minute (6 rounds); in two minutes an
as the chief authority on the temple's armed Militiaman arrives. The PCs are
collections of religious tex t s and 1. Olvaga's sister Ivinia does not know firmly told to leave the house
historical records. that he has been reporting on events in immediately.
When the state cults were renounced, the town or making a map of the temple, If they leave, the PCs' reputations are
Julius was given the choice of joining the but she noticed that he had been ruined in Bolgasgrad ("Terrorising old
new cult of the Ancient Allies or being working on something private just Ivinia? What cowardly thugs!"), and the
forever banned from the library he had before the siezure. She doesn't know only inn that will take them is the Other
grown to think of as his own. Despite what it is or where it is. Suspicious of Side (4).
deep personal misgivings, he became a strangers and protective of Julius, she'd
member of the Ancient Allies cult . If they refuse to leave, things become
never mention this to strangers unless serious. Militia reinforcements arrive,
Julius confessed his misgivings in a letter their cover story were particularly clever. with Vladimir Slepov (7) and a squad of
to an old friend living in the capital. After For example, "We're friends of Julius' zombies, and a mob gathers. It may take
high-level deliberations in the from the old days in Kislev. He said he a while, but with these odds it's only a
government and priesthood, he was had something important to show us matter of time before the PCs are dead,
contacted by one of the Tsar's secret when we came to visit. Do you know imprisoned in the old barracks (3) or
agents and persuaded to act as an anything about it?" chased out of town as outlaws.
informer. Fearful of the curse attached Imprisonment is by far the most
to Ancient Allies' oath, he revealed none 2. Olvaga's brains are scrambled. Magical preferable of these options; either
of their secrets, but he has otherwise attempts to read his mind will yield encourage the PCs to surrender by
been an excellent source of information. results like a television tuned to a dead stressing the size of the mob, or have
Several years ago, the elderly Julius, channel - white noise, the occasional them fight down to zero Wounds, spend
anticipating his death from old age, snatch of drowned-out gobbledigook, a Fate Point, and regain consciousness
decided to prepare a complete report on and random patterns in white, grey and in the old barracks. From here, the only
the Ancient Allies cult, to be sent after more white. way to continue the adventure is for the
his death when the oath curse could no PCs to escape from imprisonment and
longer hurt him. He began preparing a 3. One version of events is detailed go straight for the temple.
detailed map of the temple, working on below, where the PCs get the map with The best that the PCs can hope to get
it alone, at home, late at night . Three Olvaga's help. You don't need to do from an open visit is an idea of the layout
months ago, while walking back from of the house; they will have to work
the temple to the cottage he shares with things this way; if they want to search
the house, they can find the map for harder than that for the map.
his sister, Julius suffered a massive
siezure. Aleksandr Gapon, the town themselves. On the other hand, if you want to cut
doctor (see 6 above) examined him, but the business in the town down to a
was unable to provide any cure for his 4. Profiles and other details shouldn't be minimum and get on to the action
condition. Since then, Olvaga has been necessary for Olvaga and his sister. If you adventure in the temple of the Ancient
little more than a vegetable, lying in bed need them, use the standard Human Allies as soon as possible, then you could
unable to move or speak. profile, giving them any skills you think maybe let Ivinia know of the map's
are appropriate. You might like to reduce whereabouts (but not what it is), and
the profile slightly to reflect their age and give it to the PCs if they can convince
her that this is what Julius intended.
Completely up to you - you bought the
book, you do what you like with it.
It is quite conceivable that the PCs will
wander around Bolgasgrad in search of GETTING THE MAP
specialist goods or ser v ices. The
following craftsmen are available in There are various ways in which the PCs Breaking In
Bolgasgrad. They generally live in can handle this situation: After a polite but frustrating first visit,
quarters above their shops or the PCs may resort to breaking and
workshops. Other ser vices and Open Visit entering, or they may take it as a first
craftsmen might be available, at If the PCs visit Olvaga's house openly, option. In either case, you can make it
your discretion. Ivinia comes to the door. The PCs should hard or easy for them as you prefer.
One brewer; one carpenter/builder and have devised some excuse to see Julius. If you want to streamline the town
apprentice; one boat-builder; t wo If she is convinced, Ivinia takes them business and get on with the adventure
fishermen, with rowing boats; three fur upstairs and stays with them while they in the temple, then Ivinia is off at the

buyers (merchants), all from Kislev; one try to talk to Julius. Julius is moaning town market getting some fresh
tailor; one horsebreaker-cum­ quietly to himself, and a Listen test (30 % vegetables, the house is not locked, the
blacksmirh, with a forge, a small stable for a soft noise) is necessary to make out neighbours are looking the other way,
and an apprentice. what he is saying. and the map is easy to find.
Map 10: The Temple of the Ancient Allies

If you want to make the players work for

it, then Ivinia never leaves the house
(kind neighbours do all the shopping for
her), the doors and windows are all
bolted from the inside, and the map is
concealed under the mattress of
Julius' bed.
A compromise between hard and easy
might make it challenging to break into
the house, but when the PCs
enter Olvaga's room , he seems to
recognise them, and reaches weakly
towards them.

"The map..." he murmurs, "Under the

mattress.... must get the map to Kislev...''
Then, whether from the effort of !
speaking or because of the oath curse, I
he expires.
'· ,,
.... .. . - . ...
Ignoring Olvaga
If the PCs fail to visit Olvaga, or if they OF THE ANCIENT ALLIES
fail to follow up with a search of his
house after visiting, Olvaga comes to
them to deliver the map. Sure, the
siezure's made him little more than a
vegetable, but we can get him on his feet
for one last big scene. Play this big - 21. STORAGE
bulging eyes, mouth slackly open, stiff �
limbs and everything.
Julius appears at the inn (or wherever the
PCs are staying), barefoot , dazed, dressed
in his nightshirt and clutching a rolled­
up parchment. Perhaps he manages to :h 20. LIBRARY
wander up to a PC's room while the
other occupants of the inn are busy, or 7.
perhaps he totters over to them in the FlRE
middle of the evening meal, with several 6.
other guests as witnesses. Perhaps no­ SANITARIUM
one notices, mistaking him for a zombie.
Olvaga holds out the rolled-up map,
mumbling incoherently. Then he
keels over.
If there are no witnesses, the PCs can
ditch the body and look innocent if MAIN
anyone questions them. DOOR
If there are witnesses, the PCs will have DOORS
to hide the map quickly, convince the 9. REFECTORY
witnesses that there was no parchment,
and persuade them that Olvaga had no

special reason for dropping dead on top 18.
of them. This won't be easy, so give the CONVEN­
players the benefit of any doubt. After TRICLE

all, no-one in Bolgasgrad knows that 10. KITCHEN
Julius is a spy or that the PCs are his ABBOT'S QUARTERS
contacts. On the other hand, if the
players insist on being clumsy about
things, or if they are good at fast talking,
you might want to make them sweat a BACK .
little. But you should make sure that, one DOOR SECRET DOOR
way or the other, they get the map. They - opened by prmng
will need it for the adventure in the 2 stones al bee height
If the PCs are caught with the map, the

locals realise that espionage is afoot, the

Militia and a squad of zombies are

summoned, and the party are politely
but firmly taken to the old barracks ZOMBIE GUARD �
for questioning.
The Temple of the Ancient Allies

THE TEMPLE ''Then there was the great Incursion of

Chaos t wo hundred years ago. Some
"The cult of the Ancient Allies has done
the people ofBolgasgrad fur more good
OF THE buildings were left standing, but the
town was abandoned for about a
than the official cults ever did. Ha, ha,
of course I'd say that - I am a cleric of
ANCIENT century. the cult of the Ancient Allies, after all.
But you've had time to form some
"Just over a hundred years ago, Prince
ALLIES Alexis Chokin I was put in charge of
impressions of the place, and you can
judge for yourselves. The spiritual and
establishing a fort here under the Tsar's
By now, the PCs should have done a little practical support of the cult, and the
Chaos Forts policy. The colony was re­
basic scouting, and found out that no­ daring and foresight of the Chokin
establisbed, and the shrine 10 Shallya was
one talks to strangers about the cult of princes, have kept us safe so far. Even
rebuilt. It seems that it couldn't be re­
the Ancient Allies. They should have allowed us to tum Chaos back, in our
occupied, though, because followers of own small way. Given the choice
come to the conclusion that the only Shallya who stayed on the site
way to find out about the cult of the between the way things are now and the
experienced terrible dreams. The cults
Ancient Allies is to get inside the temple. way they were before, with the state cults
of Ulric and lllal-Rhya were successfuly
preaching piety and patience as the
To help them in this, they should also re-established, though.
Beastmen tore our heads off, I don't
have acquired a partial map of the temple
"In 2451, the Tsar withdrew the think it's surprising that our citizens
from Julius Olvaga. garrison, instructing us to look to our are happy.
own defence. This was happening a lot.
"If you really want to find out more, of
GETTING INTO Like the other colonies, we protested.
Like the other colonies, we were
course the cult of the Ancient Allies is
THE TEMPLE ignored. Alexis Chokin I, with his son always happy to receive new members."
and grandson Alexis II and III, looked
into certain defensive measures, and - to
Joining the Cult
Getting into the temple of the Ancient It's quite possible that the PCs will try
Allies is easy. They welcome visitors, and cut a long story short - Bolgasgrad
decided to goits own way. The state cults to bluff their way into the cult in order
even provide a limited amount of guest
were renounced and replaced with the to get a look around the temple. They
accommodation, as Brother Stefan will be able to join the cult, sure enough,
pointed out back in the capital. Leonid cult of the Ancient Allies. A few
emissaries came with official protests but things will not work out exactly as
Barismann, a leading priest of the cult, they planned. The cult has had enough
will be happy to talk to the PCs and tell and veiled threats, and we received them
politely, listened politely and sent them time and experience to be on the look­
them anything they want to know. out for infiltrators and to have developed
politely back to the capital.
However, non-members are not allowed means of dealing with them.
in the inner parts of the temple, and they · 'There have been various threats since
then, but so fur no action. W hich is fair A PC who expresses an interest in joining
are not allowed to be present when the cult will be given a one-to-one
enough - they told us to look after
services are in progress. And Barismann interview by Leonid Barismann, usually
ourselves, and that's just what we're
will be very selective about the kind of doing. They might not like bow we're the following day. Barismann explains
information that he passes on to non­ doing it, but that's not our problem. And about the oath of secrecy and the oath­
members. So in order to gain any useful what would they gain by sending an curse, and tells the PC that there will be
information about the cult and the army here? Nothing but the weakening a further interview in two days' time, at
temple, the PCs will have to do one of of their own forces and the destruction which the candidate is given a truth
two things: either join the cult, or break of a useful buffer. potion and questioned about his motives
into the inner temple. Both these options for joining the cult.
are dealt with below. "In 2488, Alexis III led an expedition
across the river on a Chaos-hunt. Yes, he Most characters will realise that they will
actually went out looking for them, never pass the interview, and will look
Leonid Barismann (p119) which is more than the lsar ever did. A for other ways to enter the remple. Some,
Barismann is in his early fifties, a tall and stack of Beastman skulls was displayed however, may be rash enough to go
in the town, as witnessed by a number through with the second interview. The
strongly-built man with bushy grey hair, truth potion compels the candidate to
an impressive beard and startlingly blue of visiting merchants. Later, it came out
that part of Alexis' force was undead. answer all questions with the truth, the
eyes. He is always pleasant and whole truth and nothing but the truth,
courteous, and is happy to talk to This caused a certain amount of
confusion and worry - after all, it's a so the game will be up. It's up to you
newcomers about Bolgasgrad and the whether you simply say that the
cult of the Ancient Allies. However, the shock to find your Prince doing business
with necromancers - but the people character has confessed to being a spy
information be will give is limited to that or whether you play the second
given below; if the PCs ask more probing realised that he had their interests at
heart. And it had worked. interview out in full, asking questions as
questions, he will reply simply that they Barismann and giving the player a
can find out more by joining the cult, ''Also, we began to have a great deal of chance to answer - truthfully, mind you
which always welcomes new members. success in treating mutations among our - for his character.
people - again, something no-one had
In theory, any character who is foolish
The History of Bolgasgrad managed under the old regime. enough to submit to the truth potion will
"As far as I'm aware, the site goes back "We know that a lot of outsiders don't not be able to help giving the game away.
about six hundred years - there was an like what we're doing. But it's working. However, we all know that players -
old t rading post, which gradually And we were left to fend for ourselves especially those who realise they are
expanded in10 the current town. There - some would say we were abandoned faced with a 'this is clearly impossible'
used to be a hermitage of Shallya on the - so really n0-0ne can complain. Besides, statement - can be a fiendishly inventive

site of the temple - it grew into a shrine while Bolgasgrad stands, then Kislev has lot. So we can't discount the possibility
and hospital over time, and some of the a certain amount of protection from that a player will discover a hitherto
older parts of the temple are the remains Chaos. People have a habit of forgetting unsuspected way of getting past this fail­
of those buildings . that fact when it suits them. safe system.
Getting into the Temple

When the oath curse operates, the

afflicted character suffers a sudden
siezure. If you are dealing with minor
NPCs, then they die. Eyes bulging, red­
faced, thrashing and twitching at the feet
of the PC who led them to break the
oath. Wring out every bit of guilt
you can.
When you're dealing with PCs and major
NPCs who might be useful later on, then
perhaps you ought to allow them some
chance of survival. If you really, really
want to. If you are feeling mean, have the
character roll on the Sudden Dea t h
Cri tical Table, using a D6 to decide
which column to use. Even if the
character survives, he or she will be
suffering the effects of a Steal Mind spell
(with no Magic test), until a Remove
Curse spell can be cast on him or her by
a spellcaster of 4th level. If you are
feeling lenient, you might simply smite
the character with the Steal Mind effect
and leave it at that. Either way, a
character who survives the effects of the
oath curse gains 2D6 Insanity Points
from the experience, permanently.
Barismann can lift the curse from a
surviving character automatically, but
he'd need a very good reason, such as
wanting to question the character. In
such an event, the character would wake
up in the Holding Cell (see The Game
is Up above), the worse by 2D6 Insanity
Points, disarmed and chained to the wall
as Barismann begins his questioning.
Eventually Barismann will go away,
leaving the character in the cell, and
Of course, Barismann will be prepared Getting Away With It ..? escapes can be arranged to get the
for all the usual ruses. His eyes will not In the unlikely event that a character adventure back on track.
leave the character as he takes the potion; manages to come through the second
he will watch for the character to interview without revealing his or her Forcing a Way In
swallow and he will make sure that the true intentions, Barismannn will This may not be the smart way to get into
goblet is empty before continuing. His administer the oath and bind it with the the temple, but it may be in character for
scrutiny will prevent any attempts to curse as usual. The character may have your adventurers.
switch the potion for something been able to fool Barismann, but fooling You'll have to play this one out as a
harmless. The character is not permitted the curse is another matter, and it will standard roleplaying combat. Review the
a Poison test, and Immunity to Poison take immediate effect. Once Barismann Temple Defence Tactics Chart, and be
spells and skills will not reduce the realises what has happened, the prepared to improvise responses if the
potion's effects. Barismann will use his character will be taken to the Holding PCs pull something wacky, like setting
Magical Sense skill to determine Cell as above. fire to the temple, or smashing a hole in
whether the candidate is under any a roof, or herding a crowd of local
enchantment before the potion is The Oath Curse hostages in front of them.
administered, and this will detect things Obviously, the Petty Magic spell Curse Using their own resources well, taking
like pre-cast Ca m o uflage Illusi on is going to be scant deterrent when it full advantage of the element of surprise,
spells. After the potion has been comes to an oath as weighty as this. And and armed with Olvaga's map, an
administered, he will use his Magical we've already seen what it might or organised party has a good chance to
Sense skill to determine whether the might not have done to Julius Olvaga. So blast their way past the undead and
candidate is indeed under the influence we need a special, custom-made curse living guards and into the Catacombs.
of the potion. here, something people can rightly be A less well-organised party may be
The Game is Up afraid of.
delayed long enough for Barismann,
If, as seems most likely, a character is Now in a perfect world, you would never Alexis III and undead reinforcements to
revealed as a spy by the second interview, need to use the oath curse. We've already arrive - ten rounds after the first alarm
he is taken prisoner and locked up in dealt with poor oldJulius, and the other is given. Such a conflict is likely to result
Holding Cell in the Catacombs (see p cult members are far too scared of the in a stalemate, which will last at least the
104). The Holding Cell is the standard curse to even think about breaking their ten minutes necessary for the Militia and
place to send characters who have been oath. This fear would even override all other townspeople will respond to the

caught sneaking into the temple, and the normal forms of magical compulsion. alarm. Then the PCs must either stage
place from which they may be permitted But it's not a perfect world, and there a fighting retreat, die fighting or be
to escape in order to continue is always the ghost of a chance that you captured and imprisoned in the
the adventure. might need to invoke the curse after all. Holding Cell.
Getting into the Temple

well-known member would be

The Temple Defence Tuctics Chart extremely difficult; he is nearly always
(Defenders' Profiles on pp119-120) accompanied by one or more initiates
Arriv.al at while within the Temple, and it will be
Alann Site 'Iactics/Orders obvious almost straight away if an
imposter lacks his skills.
Undead Guards (D4) Immediate Don't leave post without
orders. Grab life and don't Local farmers and traders make regular
let it move. visits to the kitchen door, but business
is conducted outside. Other members
Live Guards (D4) Immediate Don't leave post without may make occasional visits to see sick
orders. Sound alarm and relatives and friends or to seek the
attack intruders. counsel of the abbot or Barismann, but
Undead Servants (10) Roll D20: When summoned by an such visitors are always escorted by
1-3 - round 4 initiate, move to grab life initiates or the abbot, who would be
4-6 - round 6 and hold it. quick to notice any irregularities.
7-20 - round 8
The Secret Door
Initiate 1 round 2 Go to alarm and summon
undead servants. If the PCs have Olvaga's map, this is the
obvious way in. Though they don't
Initiates 2-S round 6 Follow abbot's orders. know the route is unguarded, they will
Abbot round 6 Improvise defence using probably have realised that the secret
initiates to command door will give them access to the areas
undead. they are most interested in visiting - the
library, and a likely entrance to the
Barismann round 10 Command undead bears; Dwarven Catacombs that Olvaga
take charge of defence. suspects lie under the temple.
Undead Bears (2) round 10 Rip life apart.
Temple Security
Alexis III round 18 Leave undead reserve to The entrance and kitchen doors are kept
block passage to Catacombs; locked and barred (T 4 , D 10). A 6" x
wade into intruders and kill! 6'' shuttered window permits the guard
10 Undead Reserve round 18 Grab life; keep it from to identify visitors, shining a lantern out
moving past into Catacombs. if necessary. Visitors who are unwilling
to show their faces clearly will
arouse suspicion.
The abbot's official objective is to Ploys and Ruses
capture or kill any intruders, but he will The guards are encouraged to check with
be content to pin them down with It is quite probable that the PCs will the abbot if in doubt; they have been
zombies until Barismann and Alexis III spend a lot of time thinking up fiendishly warned that magic and disguises may
arrive. Ifhe is convinced that the temple cunning tricks to get them into the mask a visitor's identity. During the
is in real danger - for example, if the PCs Temple and/or the Catacombs without night, when visits are rare, guards are
waltz in and start throwing zombies having to fight. It is even more probable extremely cautious ( + 50 to Observe
around like daisies - he hesitates for two that they will come up with s ome tests), but during the day they are more
rounds, and then throws allhis resources extremely obvious tricks. likely to accept appearances
into the battle. The abbot's own most (no modifier).
Posing as a cult member is one
effective tactic is using his Wind Blast possibility, but won't work because the If summoned to examine a visitor, the
spell to delay and disorganise intruders. members all know each other by sight. abbot asks questions that only the real
And disguising six people is much harder person could answer (eg, "When was the
None of the initiates has had any formal than disguising one. last time you saw me?"). If still in doubt
combat training, but they have all he summons Barismann, who uses his
participated in Alexis III's Chaos-hunts, Another approach might be to enter for
Magical Sense to check if any spells
and they know how to command their a service, hoping to pass unnoticed in
are operating.
undead to pin the enemy until the real the crowd. There are only two services
force arrives (namely Barismann, the for lay members during the week. At If a visitor is found to be an imposter, the
undead Bears and Alexis III). The Abbot noon on Festag, there is an hour-long guard or the abbot s talls while
may send initiates to the Shrine of service to Necoho. At midnight on Barismann is summoned. He then
Zuvassin to pray for a blessing - namely, Backertag is the much-less-popular decides whether to take the visitor for
a Daemon or two to protect his temple. service to Zuvassin. At the beginning and interrogation, or whether to refuse entry
This has a 1% chance of success per end of these services, the main entrance and have a guard follow him and
initiate (unless you decide otherwise, is open, but members come bareheaded, determine his identity.
naturally...), and - if successful - it will and initiates greet each member
personally at the door. The secret door to the Conventricle
provide a single Lesser Daemon (equal
chance Khome or Slaanesh), which will Chambers is locked by a massive bolt
A third alternative is to find some lay mechanism. To unlock the secret door,
act as it sees fit in the defence of
the temple. member who makes regular visits to the two stones six feet to the right of the
Temple, and work on a really good door at knee height must be pressed
Full details of the profiles and skills of impersonation. There is only one such simultaneously. The door and locking
the Temple's inhabitants can be found on character - the surgeon Aldcsandr Gapon mechanism are rarely used, and there is

pages 119- 120. Detailed information (see p86), who comes once or twice a a -50 penalty to spot footprints or other
about the Cult's two Renegade Chaos day to examine patients in the Sanitarium signs of use unless Olvaga's map is
Gods (Zuvassin and Nechoho) appear on or make repairs on corpses in available; this has both door and
pages 97-98. Quarantine. Impersonating such a mechanism clearly marked.
Map Key - Locations I 6 2

MAP KEY (see Map 10)

General Notes
on the Temple
Characters who desecrate shrines, altars
or magical vessels dedicated toZuvassin
(by vandalising the silver foil of the
Cleansing Fire ofZuvassinin location 7,
for example) are visited by a distinctly
hostile Daemonette of Slaanesh.
Zuvassin doesn't have many Daemons of
his own, but he's talked a surprising array
of other people's Daemons into working
for him on an occasional basis.
Necoho, on the other hand, is not
terribly upset when PCs desecrate his
shrines or altars. He appears personally
to the culprit: Necoho is supremely calm and Eavesdropping
reasonable ashe delivers this threat, and Observers stationed on the roof near the
"Hello there. Now, I must say you've put you should use his calm, friendly domes might eavesdrop on a service. Of
me in an interesting position here. manner to unnerve players as much as course, this won't be entirely without
Normally, nothing makes me happier you can. Actually, Necoho cares as little risk - any clumsiness in getting to
than to see mortals running around for his own sanctuaries as he does for or from the dome could result in a
desecrating altars and throwing temples those of other deities, and there is only probably-fatal 30-yard fall, and at the
down. After all, what is religion but a a 10% chance that he'll bother to come very least will reveal the eavesdropper
mechanism to oppress ordinary people, and check that the work has been done. to the assembled faithful.
and thereby give priests a fat and easy If anything bas been done at all, the odds
living? What are deities, in that case, but are he'll criticise it a little and then say If a character does succeed in
patsies for their mortal priests? Sooner overhearing a service, and manages to
that he supposes it will do; if nothing has
or later, you mortals are going to wise been done, he might tum the PCs into get away undetected, the PCs may be able
up and see that the whole business to work out the basic precepts of the Cult
earwigs - all the time explaining very
simply isn't worth it. And that day can't of the Ancient Allies. An lnt test ( + 10
reasonably that he doesn't really mind
come soon enough, believe me. for Theology skill) will give the
himself, and they must understand that
eavesdropper the information contained
"However, what to do when it's my altar he's not doing this for spite - or he might
in Handout 10. Even if the test is failed,
that's desecr:ited? That's different. Well, laugh out loud, congratulate them on not the character shouldn't go unrewarded
as a Chaos God, I suppose I'm entitled being bullied by a deity, and give them for all that hard work and foolhardy
to my little contradictions_ And I had to a blessing each. As GM, you should courage - at least the names of the two
put a lot of thought into that altar. It's decide what he'll do, according to what deities and their basic doctrines might
been centuries - if not millennia - since you think would be most entertaining, be discovered.
I had to tell people what to put on an and then roll a lot of dice secretly so the
altar. Not that it matters in practical players are happy.
terms, but people are so disappointed if 2. The Shrine of Zuvassin
you don't give them a design you
thought up yourself.
1. The Hall of the This hall is a smaller version of the Great
Ancient Allies Hall. Under the dome is a sandstone altar,
whose top is carved into Zuvassin's
''Anyway, the long and the short of it is The hall is dominated by a great wooden
this; you have one week to build a double-Y symbol. Each fork of the Y
dome, rising almost 90 feet above floor surrounds a depression cut into the
suitable replacement for the sanctuary level; elsewhere, the ceiling is 35 feet
you ruined. I understand you may not sandstone - thereby rendering the
high. Benches are arranged in a T-shape symbol imperfect - each of which is
have the skill or talent that went into the centred on the dome, beneath which
one you wrecked, but do your best. In stained dark with blood and ashes,
stands the main altar. where those warriors dedicated to
one week, I'll come and have a look, and
ifl don't like what you've done, I'll peel The altar is shaped like an inverted V and Zuvassin bum trophies hacked from
you like an onion. decorated with simple geometric their Chaos victims in tribute to the
carvings and inlays, similar in design to Renegade God.
"Now you must understand, I'm not those on the wooden altars of Ulric,
doing this out of spite. As Isay, normally Though a number of cult members have
Taal and Rhya in Kislevite temples, made offerings of Chaos victims here to
I'd applaud your action. But you know but simpler.
how it is - these people decided to acknowledge the healing of loved ones
worship me as part of the ...Old Friends? The dome is supported by sweeping stricken by Chaos plague, or to give
Ancient Allies, that's right, yes, thank arched beams of dark-stained, highly­ thanks for good bunting on anti-Chaos
you. So you see, I have to do this for polished wood. The dome itself is a expeditions, only Alexis III, a Chaos
them. Personally, I don't give a hemisphere of louvred wood that Warrior dedicated to Zuvassin, is a
Nipponese coin with a hole in the permits sunlight and moonlight to filter regular visitor to this shrine. Any person
down onto the altar. who stands before this altar, makes a
middle, but you know how these things
are. Or rather, you don't. I'm sure you'll token offering of his blood and pledges
Both the Festag noon service to Necoho himself to serve Zuvassin and destroy
take my word for it.

and the Backcrtag midnight service to Chaos may be accepted as a follower of
"See you soon. 'fry to take this in the Zuvassin, as well as many of the private Zuvassin. Even if not accepted as a follower,
proper spirit, and enjoy your work. meditations of the temple's priests and a sincere Chaos fighter may receive the
Good luck." initiates, take place in this hall. blessing of Zuvassin (see p98).
Locations 3 - 5

3. The Shrine of Necoho 3. The subst:mce of the body is preserved Anything that touches the altar­
Like the shrine to Zuvassin, this hall is with enchantments. runestonc itself is instantly transformed
a smaller version of the Great Hall. There 4. The contacts with the undead's into pure magical energy. Most of this is
is no altar here, only a single octagonal controllers (clerics, wearers of the Militia absorbed by the stone, but a fraction is
block of wood under the dome, with the emblems and other necromantic adepts) released as light. Viewers are instantly
symbol of the star and crescent moon are strengthened and linked to sustaining blinded; eyesight returns in a few
inlaid in silver. magical power sources. minutes, but Magical Sense and Magical
Awareness do not return to normal for
Nccoho only gives his blessings to those The procedure varies considerably in hours. Characters may not be able to
who mock the gods. Since such details and duration according to the distinguish bet ween magical and
disrespectful treatment of the gods condition of the corpse, the period of
mundane objects, and may completely
generally brings bad luck, Nccoho separation of the body from the spirit,
whether the corpse's original spirit is misinterpret the details and significance
doesn't have many dedicated followers. of the blurred and distorted impressions
And that's just the way Necoho wants it. available for the animation and other
considerations. Generally, within two or they receive.
But any person who's suffered at the three weeks, the undcad guardian is The altar-runestonc is magically
hands of the righteous is likely to cam ready for service. engraved with an incredible profusion
Necoho's sympathy. An appropriate of runes and extensive inscriptions in
blessing might be automatic success for W hen the PCs arrive, a middle-aged
man (cause of death undea:rmincd) and Magick, Arcane Elf, an obscure form of
one Magic test against any clerical magic Old World Classical and an unfamiliar
effect, or automatic success in any Fear a young woman (drowning) are being
raised. Both are animated. The man has language similar to Daemonic Magick.
or Terror test induced by a divine or
proved to be a strong manipulator of Characters with good memories or
daemonic power.
spirit power, and is being given special sketches may recognise several runes
attention to achieve the greatest similar to those worked into the walls
The Hospital and Lower Hall exploitation of his potential. The young of Chemozavtra.
The massive sandstone walls of this woman is not a pretty corpse, and the
original spirit is resisting binding into its The Magick inscriptions include many
building date back 400 years to the Necromantic and Elemental spells, as
construction of the shrine and hospital old body; apparently, her death was
quite traumatic. well as dozens of other spells unfamiliar
of Shallya. The crudely-shaped stones of to the PCs, but phrased in a strange and
these walls contr:ist sharply with the
more durable, finely-crafted stones used 5. Necromium unfamiliar way. The Arcane Elf
The power source, governors and inscriptions (other ancient Elven spells)
in the Temple Staff Quarters and the cannot be read by the PCs. The obscure
Library. Gutted by fire in the Chaos magical paraphernalia for producing
Bolgasgrad's undead is located in this Old Worlder Classical dedicates the altar
incursions two centuries ago, the roof
combination shrine and magical to Necoho and invokes his aid and
and interior of the building were restored
workshop. The principle source of protection for those employing the
by Alexis I in the 24I0's.
power and enchantment is the altar­ magicks in this room; PCs with Secret
runestone. Blessed by Nccoho and Language - Classical skill recognise the
4. Quarantine Zuvassin, and worked with Sulring word 'Nccoho' if they've seen or heard
This chamber is painted white, and Durgul's enchantments and rune it before, and understand the basic
consists of a shelflike walkway around inscriptions, this is a magical locus of purpose of the inscription. The language
a rectangular central pit. The dead are exceptional power and complexity. resembling Daemonic Magick is a form
brought here for animation; most are The altar-runestonc is made of a of Chaos tongue, and dedicates the altar
members of the cult, though a few substance resembling white marble with to Zuvassin; PCs with Arcane Language
corpses of travellers, adventurers, and red and green impurities, but it is a liquid - Daemon ic Maglck language skill
superficially normal mutants, and at room temperatures, and is held in understand this, but nothing of the
occasional skeletons of older burials, are shape by enchantments. Personnel are details of the dedication.
also raised and animated here. protected against accidental exposure to A huge brazier stands to the right of the
this substance by a durable force field. altar-runestonc, burning brightly but
Corpses suitable for raising as undead However, the force field only restrains
guardians range from the young but full­ organic material (like the PCs); metals, without heat. An assortment of rounded,
grown to elderly people in moderately for example, go right through. knobby metal bars shaped like flattened
good physical condition. The physically dumb-bells or bulbous spanners rest in
less capable - decrepit geriatrics, victims the cold fire. The handles of these
of wasting diseases, victims of violent objects are worked with a variety of
death, and so on - are either animated unfamiliar runes. These tools are used
as guardian reserves or stored as spirit in the various rituals and procedures
power reservoirs. involved in raising, preserving and
powering the undead. Though their
The process of raising the dead follows purpose and function are obscure to the
the following sequence: characters, any initiates could explain
how they are used. Unless the tools are
I. The corpse's spirit (or another suitable
used in conjunction with the altar­
spirit) is magically summoned, then runestone, as the initiates might further
bound in. At this point, the corpse is
explain, they don't work - or they melt,
technically a zombie.
or suck the magical energy from all
2. The binding of the spirit to the magical items in a two-mile radius, or

corpse is strengthened and refined whatever strikes your fancy. PCs have
by enchantments, then linked to more important things to do than fooling
magical power sources with around with this stuff, so don't be afraid
further enchantments. to make them pay for wasting time.
l.ocations 6 - 17

6. Sanitarium Daemonic Magick - any chancter with If the players get inside and start asking
This is a small hospitu for cult members. the skill can make out, on a successful where all the staff membet5 arc, have the
Originally intended for the treatment of Int test, that the barrel is dedicated to initiates get out and wander around a bit,
Chaos-derived mutations and diseases, Zuvassin, and that it undoes the doings polishing the silver foil in the Cleansing
it is also available for the victims of other of Chaos. Fire or saying prayers in the Great Hall.
afflictions when the surgeon feels that To cleanse a victim of Chaos taint,
regular care and nursing is necessary. disease, or mutation, the victim is placed
It is also used for patients recovering inside the barrel, the lid is sealed and the 9. The Refectory
from the effects of the Oeansing Fire Cleansing Fire of Zuvassin is invoked by This is little more than a large room with
of Zuvassin (7). a short ritual (see below). a series of tables and benches. When the
Infants of cult members arc brought to PCs arrive, the only occupant is a little
the temple, where the parent accepts the 8. The Lower Hall mouse huntq for scraps. In a mdee, the
oath curse in the infant's name, thereby This is the temple's entrance hall. A trestle tables and benches are good to run
making the child a cult member. Then zombie and an initiate arc always on duty around or overturn. Sneaky PCs can
the child is brought before the Shrine of here to receive members and protect the crawl under them and hide.
Zuvassin (3), where any taint of Chaos temple from intruders.
is revealed after a short ritual. If the child The initiate sits at a table where he may
bears a Chaos taint, it is aposed to the read, write or attend to bookkeeping or 10. The Kitchen
Cleansing Fire of Zuvassin. Likewise, any other duties. The zombie stands at the At various times of the day initiates
member of the cult suspected of a Chaos­ door. When it senses life through the prepare vegetables, cook meals, bake
related mutation or disease is brought door, it shuffles to a position where it bread, wash dishes and attend to other
before the Shrine of Zuvassin, where the can grab any being that enters. Its motion kitchen duties. One initiate is always
taint is revealed, then exposed to the warns the initiate that a visitor has here, day or night, keeping the ovens
Cleansing Fire- approached the door. going and Wlltching the kitchen door. A
At present, the Sanitarium is zombie stands at the kitchen door to
Normally the visitor is a member, who 'announce' visitors through its sense life
unoccupied. knocks, idettifies himself and states his ability (see 8 above).
business. If the visitor does not knock
7. The Cleansing Fire or identify himself, the initiate is to
of Zuvassin assume the visitor is an intruder, and
11. The Abbot's Room
The door to this room is locked at all report to the abbot or sound the alarm,
whichever seems appropriate. The abbot (Viktor Stragoff, p119) is
times. It has T 4, D 10. always found in his quarteis, because it's
The room is completely unlit - there arc The Temple Staff Quarters easier to stage that way, but you can have
no windows, light slits or provisions for him wander around attending to duties,
The south and east walls were built as supervising the meal preparation or
lamps or torches. Set in a stone plinth part of a temple to Shallya (,()() years ago.
is what appears to be a giatt barrel, seven yelling at the initiates if it suits you.
The builders used fine-crafted, durable
feet deep and five feet wide. A wooden sandstone blocks salvaged from the
beam over the barrel carries a rope sling Dwarven ruins on the site. These
and winding mechanism for lowering buildings were gutted by fire during the 12-16. Initiate Quarters
people into the barrel and getting them last Chaos Incursion and reconstructed Two initiates bunk in each cubicle, but
out again. The interior of the barrel is by Alexis I almost a century ago. one of the pair is often on guard duty,
covered with thick, hammered silver doing chores or attending to other
foil, and there is a lid, also covered in General Routine temple business.
silver foil, which seals the barrel almost When the PCs arrive, two initiates arc on
- but not quite - perfectly. guard duty at the doors and the rest arc
Around the lip of the barrel, inscribed in their cubicles, medi� or sleeping. 17. Leonid Barismann's
into the silver foil, is a series of words This isn't very realistic, but it's simpler Quarters
in a language which resembles Arcane than worrying about where everyone is.
When the PCs arrive, Barismann is in the
Catacombs, meditating in the Spirit
Reservoir Gallery (see plOO). The door
to this room is locked (T 3, D 7). The
The Cleansing Fire is not gettlc:_ The barrel is som� like a magical microwave room is smaller than the abbot's quarters,
oven that causes the stuff of Chaos to overheat and boil away. It might even since the abbot is the nominal head of
be able to destroy Warpstone, although no-one has tried this. The more Chaos the temple, even though Barismann is
there is in the victim, the greater the heat and the greater the stress. The heat senior to him in the cult. The following
leaves no physical burns or other marks, but works inwardly, causing a high will be seen in the room:
fever with dderium, aching joints and acute weakness.
The Cleansq Fire causes D6 W (regardless of T, armour or other considerations) Rapid Glance: The room is not
for each mutation it bums away. If the Fire is treating a creature or follower occupied. There is a single bed, neatly
of Chaos, such as a Chaos Warrior, Beastman or Harpy, it causes an additional made, a table and bench. An unlit lamp
4D6 W. This additional damage docs not apply to members of the cult of the and an open book arc on the table_ There
Ancient Allies. Victims taken below zero W must roll on the Sudden Death is a bear-skin rug on the floor. Two trunks
Critical Hit Table (WFRP, p 125). Survivors gain one Insanity Point for every stand near the bed.
W point they lose to the Oeansing Fire_
Careful look: (2 minutes) The trunks

After the Cleansing Fire h� taken effect, what is left - be it dead or alive - is contain clothes. The book is actually a
completely ftte of Chaos. Even a Beastman will be completely Human after the notebook full of disorganized, scribbled
Fire has cleansed it. notes in tiny script. Magical Sense: No
magic in the room.
Locations 18 -21

Rapid Search: (10 minutes) The notes Dumb PCs are standing there with the For those who prefer the less subtle
concern the history of Bolgasgrad, but secret door still open when the initiate approach, each panel is T 2, D 6.
are personal notes, not prepared for a peeks out. The initiate sounds the alarm,
reader, and difficult to follow. and the game is afoot.
20. The Library
Full Search: (30 minutes) The walls, Careful Look: (requires light, takes 2 The door to the library is unlocked.
floor, and ceiling are apparently solid. minutes) The air is stale and musty. The
The notebook belongs to a Leonid crates contain stacks of paper, apparently The following presumes 2-4 people with
Barismann, curate of the temple, and daily logs dating from the 2480s and Read/Write skill are doing the searching.
apparently a second level Cleric or '90s. The opposite wooden door is Various skills or shrewd guesses may
higher. One section of the notebook is closed. Eight chairs are stacked carelessly speed the process.
a summary chart ofBolgasgrad's history. atop a table pushed against a wall. A cloth Rapid Glance: The room is lined with
GM: Give the player handout 11. covers a pile of objects in the northwest bookshelves; there contents appear to be
corner. Magical Sense: The cloth­ as follows: west wall - several hundred
covered pile contains something with a bound books; south wall - folios and
18. The Conventricle faint magical aura, and the room itself large manuscripts; east and north walls
The secret door to the Conventricle is feels as though it has been used as a
locked by a massive bolt mechanism. To - stacks of parchment and paper and
magician's workshop or a shrine. small, manuscript-sized boxes tied with
unlock the secret door, two stones six
Rapid Search: (5 minutes) The wooden ribbon. In the centre is a desk with a
feet from the door at knee height must
door has no lock, and there is no light chair, and there are two smaller tables
be pressed simultaneously. These are
or sound from beyond it. The objects in the north-west and south-west
marked on the temple map. The door
and locking mechanism are rarely used, covered by the cloth are apparently old corners. There are a few papers on
and there is a -50 penalty to spot altar gear, including t wo small carved the desk.
footprints or other signs of use unless figures: one a kind of spanner-shape, the Careful Look: (2 minutes) None of the
Olvaga's map is available; this has both other a dark wooden cylinder inlaid folios or manuscripts is labelled, but
door and mechanism clearly marked. with a crescent moon and star in a lighter
each bears a catalogue number. Most of
wood. Magical Sense: These are the
In this secret room, the original members the books concern the state cults,
source of the faint magical aura. They
of the Conventricle of Chaos met to farming and animal care, engineering
feel like holy objects, but the aura is
discuss heresy and rebellion. The room very weak. and health care. Two smaller collections
was also used -as a shrine for the have historical and theological themes.
invocation and worship of Zuvassin and These items were originally used to Magical Sense: Nothing.
invoke and worship Zuvassin and
Necoho before the offical break with the Rapid Search: (10 minutes) All but five
state cult. Necoho, but they have been replaced
with the more elaborate Shrines (2-3). or six bound books are at least fifty years
There are no lamps or torch holders in The objects might still be used to old. A catalogue of manuscripts sits
the room, so the PCs must provide their communicate with the two Renegade under one copy desk. Observe test: The
own light . Several wooden vegetable Gods, but the chance of a response is handw riting matches Olvaga's
crates containing old temple chronicles almost nil. annotations on his map.
are stacked against the wall by the Full Search: (30 minutes) The objects Full Search: (30 minutes) The catalogue
secret door. lists no references to magical or
are either so tediously mundane, or so
If the PCs provide their own light, or if hopelessly obscure because you know necromantic references, nor are there
they enter the temple in daylight, use the so little about the cults, that you can get any mentions of a Sulring Durgul. The
first Rapid Glance description. If they almost nothing from them. The name state cult references haven't been
can't see what they're dealing with, read 'Zuvassin' recurs - characters with touched in years. Two catalogue
the second Rapid Glance description. Theology skill are permitted an Int test references, labelled 'Local History' and
to recognise the name as belonging to 'Cult References ', lead you to two
Rapid Glance 1: When the key stones an obscure Renegade Chaos God. interesting sheafs of manuscript. GM:
are pressed, the secret door slides open Give the players handouts JO and 11.
with a loud squeal. A chest-high stack
of vegetable cartons totters, then tumbles
away from you. Declare intents for this 21. Storage
round. Passed Initiative tests let the PCs (Entry to the Catacombs)
grab the cartons before they fall. The floor is covered with crates and
Otherwise, the cartons crash and shatter; chests full of old state cult gear - wall
proceed as below. hangings with Ulric and Taal-Rhya
motifs, vestments, altar dressings, old
Rapid Glance 2: When the key stones
19. Secret Passage melted candles, stale incense, holy
are pressed, the secret door slides open emblems and so forth. Four chests filled
with a loud squeal. Something moves in Since the walls of the passage are old with lace hangings and other light gear
the darkness. Declare intents for stone, even an Ore might guess that the
this round. sit in the western half of the room; these
two wooden panels are secret doors. To are bolted to the trapdoor beneath. The
Unless someone makes a lucky guess and unlock a panel, feel around for a trapdoor lock is released by opening the
responds, the crates tip over into the depression in the floor at the base, stick south-west chest lid and pressing a
room, shattering and spilling their a finger in, push down on a thin metal button in the bottom of the chest. The
rod, and the latch at one side of the panel trapdoor swings upwards, and is hinged
contents. The initiate in the kitchen hears
the crash, ponders for two rounds, then is released. Now the panel can be pushed along its southern edge.
gets up and peeks out of the back door. 18" into a recess, permitting characters
to squeeze through into the cupboard You can make the PCs search around for

Smart PCs jump into the room and close beyond. To dose a panel, slide it back the trapdoor and its locking mechanism,
the secret door behind them. The initiate until you hear a click. Opening a panel or, if you can't wait to get them into the
sees nothing interesting, shrugs, and takes three rounds the first time, and two catacombs, the last clown through left
goes back inside. rounds thereafter. the trapdoor ajar. Up to you.
The Cult of the Ancient Allies


Faced with the ever-present threat from Control Undead Alignment: Chaos.
the Chaos Wastes and the apparent This skill simply allows a character to
indifference of the Tsar, Alexis Chokin control the undead in the temple and Symbol
I and other Bolgasgrad luminaries catacombs as if he or she were a Zuvassin's symbol is a double-ended Y­
formed the Conventricle, a secret society Necromancer - see WFRP, pp 175-176. shape, normally incomplete or
which met to consider remedies for the incorrectly drawn in some way; a part
town's problems. may be missing, or something may have
The culmination of their meetings was THE RENEGADE GODS been added.
a bold and drastic step, which has served It is in the nature of Chaos to carry the
seeds of its own destruction among its Area of Worship
Bolgasgrad well so far. First, a pact was
concluded with a Renegade Chaos God unending possibilities. The group of While his chief success to date has been
named Zuvassin the Undoer, who Chaos Gods known as the Renegade in Bolgasgrad, Zuvassin has a handful of
Gods are all opposed to the spread of cults worshipping him throughout the
undertook to undo any influence of
Chaos - some because the victory of Old World. Wherever people want
Chaos in Bolgasgrad and its environs. To things to go wrong, he is there to offer
counter any threat of corruption from Chaos would in itself lead to a state of
affairs which was constant, and therefore his services - and to make their plans go
the alliance with Zuvassin, a pact was wrong in the process. He has even been
concluded with another Renegade God not truly of Chaos, and others for various
other reasons. In order to protect itself known to take over cults which think
called Necoho the Doubter. Together, they are worshipping other Chaos Gods,
these two gods are worshipped as the from Chaos, Bolgasgrad has allied itself
to two Renegade Gods: Zuvassin the in order to revel in the confusion and
Ancient Allies. misery of letting them down.
Undoer and Necoho the Doubter.
Zuvassin is content to allow Sulring
Durgul's necromantic practices, as they Temples
undo the laws of death to a limited ZUVASSIN THE Like most of the other Chaos Gods,
extent, and has allowed the cult the use Zuvassin is worshipped secretly for the
of the Fire of Zuvassin, a magical process UNDOER - RENEGADE most part, in makeshift temples hidden
which undoes the effects of Chaos in
those tainted by it. Necoho, for his part,
CHAOS GOD in cellars or woodland clearings. The
Te mple of the Ancient Allies in
acts to prevent Zuvassin from gaining a Bolgasgrad is the only known temple to
dangerous amount of influence over the Description him in the Old World, but - as always -
cult members. Zuvassin is a spoiler, constantly striving this does not means that there are others
to undo the things which others have as yet undiscovered.
done and to spoil the things which
Special Skills and Spells others seek to do. His brand of Chaos Friends and Enemies
Barismann, the abbot and the initiates leads him to ensure that nothing turns Zuvassin is nominally an enemy of all
of the cult of the Ancient Allies have out as expected, and that plans always Chaos, including the other Renegade
some non-standard spells and skills go awry. He does not confine his Gods, but he has been known to ally
among their abilities as shown on pll9. sabotage to Chaos, but will quite himself with other Gods of Chaos in
These are as follows: cheerfully spoil anything for anyone; order to spoil plans elsewhere; for
however, because he is a Chaos God who instance, he might decide to help Khorne
Invoke Cleansing Fire of Zuvassin acts against Chaos, he has been classified thwart Slaanesh (or vice-versa), if one of
Spell Level: 1 by Human scholars as a Renegade God. the Chaos Gods has a scheme which
Magic Points: 1 He may appear to his followers in a looks like it can't fail.
Range: must be in the room with the variety of forms, often choosing the
apparatus (7 on temple map) form of the thing they fear most, or a Holy Days
Duration: special member of their own race who is Zuvassin has no holy days as such,
Ingredients: sec p95 hideously deformed. In any form he although in Bolgasgrad a regular service
takes, he is always laughing. to him is held on Backertag.
This spell calls down the Oeansing Fire
of Zuvassin to undo the effects of Chaos,
as explained on p95. Before the spell is
cast, the patient must be inside the
apparatus and the lid must be closed.
Detect Chaos Taint
Spell Level: 1
Magic Points: 1
Range: touch
Duration: permanent
Ingredients: none
When this spell is cast , the caster
instantly becomes aware of each and
every effect that Chaos has had upon a
single creature. This includes all

mutations, all psychological effects (such
as Insanity points gained from
encounters with Chaos), and the effects
of Radici's potions (see plOl). l r.:i.
Necoho the Doubter

Cult Requirements
Like most Chaos Gods, Zuvassin will
never refuse anyone who is foolish
enough to offer him their loyalty; even
the most exhaustive of terms will not
worry him, as he is confident of being
able to make things go wrong if it suits
him to do so.

Zuvassin imposes no strictures upon his
followers, since any character who is
truly imbued with his spirit would be
able to make any instruction misfire.

Spell Use
Spellcasters following Zuvassin may use
spells of any kind, but whenever one of
his followers casts a spell there is a 5 %
chance that he may cause it to go wrong
in some way. In such a case, roll on the
following table:

D6 roll Result
1-2 Nothing
3-4 Reversed
5-6 Different

Nothing: Nothing happens, but the

spellcaster loses Magic Points as if the
spell had been cast successfully.

Reversed: The spell is cast, but its effect

is reversed in some way. For example, a
Fire Ball spell will go off in the caster's
face, a Cure Wounds spell will cause
wounds instead, or a summoning spell NECOHO THE Temples
will produce a summoned creature with As far as is known, the Temple of the
an abiding hatred for its summoner. DOUBTER - RENEGADE Ancient Allies in Bolgasgrad is the only

Different: A different spell, randomly CHAOS GOD one. Certainly it seems (from what little
is known) that Necoho is as opposed to
selected from the same level and type of the idea of temples as he is to the idea
magic, is cast instead of the intended one. Description of deities.
This need not be a spell which the caster Necoho's Chaotic nature manifests itself
actually knows, and Magic Points are in a contradiction which should logically Friends and Enemies
expended as if the intended spell had make his existence impossible: he is a Necoho is generally opposed to all other
been cast. deity who stands against the whole idea cults of all kinds, although it is suspected
of gods and religion. Needless to say, this that from time to time he may help one
Skills means that his following is extremely cult or hinder another if doing so would
There are no special skills associated small, even for an obscure Renegade undermine the cult's credibility or status
with Zuvassin. Instead, whenever one of Chaos God, and his name is only found among its mortal followers.
his followers advances a level, they must in the oldest and most obscure of
lose one skill, selected at random. forbidden tomes. No doubt, this is the Holy Days
way Necoho likes it. As might be None. Every day is equally non-holy in
Trials expected, Necoho almost never Necoho's eyes.
Zuvassin does not set tr ials for his manifests himself in the physical world;
followers. When a trial is indicated by if he does so in this adventure, he will Cult Requirements and Strictures
a roll on the Cleric Advance Table, the take the form of a short slightly plump Necoho requires nothing from his
result should be treated as a roll of 06-10. old Human man, with a permanent followers; indeed, it sometimes seems
expression of ironic amusement. that he would rather not have any at all.
Zuvassin hardly ever gives blessings to Alignment: Chaotic. Spell Use
his followers. On the rare occasions Necoho certainly wouldn't give spells to
when blessing are given, they generally Symbol his followers, although he doesn't
take the form of the blessed character's Necoho has no known symbol. appear to object to their using spells that
enemies automatically failing all tests for they already know.

one hour. Sometimes, the blessed Area of Worship
character may automatically fail all tests As far as is known, Bolgasgrad is the only Skills, Trials and Blessings
for the same hour, or for the hour place in the whole of the Old World Again, Necoho offers nothing to his
directly afterwards . where Necoho is worshipped. followers, and asks nothing of them.
The Catacombs

THE CATACOMBS If the PCs manage to get themselves The bear has been directed to attack and
captured and put in the Holding Cell, pursue all living int ruders, but it
Long buried by rubble, the ancient everyone goes back to their normal recognises Alexis III and Barismann, and
Catacombs entrance was revealed to the activities, confident that Alexis III will does not attack them.
Conventricle by Necoho, and excavated keep an eye on his prisoners, while
by initiates in 2464. The doors remained negligent Alexis III is casually examining Engraved magical inscriptions on the
sealed by ancient rune magics until the the PCs' gear in his ancient gallery, iron doors in Arcane Dwarf were
arrival of Durgul, who broke the thereby faciliating their escape and the intended to seal the doors against
enchantments. The entrance chamber is continuation of the adventure. intruders and to curse those who would
now guarded by an exceptionally disturb the Catacomb sanctuaries.
powerful and durable undead bear Sulring broke the enchantments - the
- just the thing to give the PCs a nice CATACOMBS inscriptions are worn and charred as if
workout before they enter the lower they have been sandblasted, and then
dungeon levds. MAP KEY (Maps 11 and 12) subjected to intense heat. The perfectly­
Originally a series of sanctuaries and balanced doors swing open at a touch,
sacred galleries, the upper level is revealing a spiral staircase carved into the
currently occupied by the Spirit Entrance Chamber sandstone. This staircase leads down to
Reservoir Gallery, the Chaos Herb and The foundations of the modern temple the upper level of the Catacombs.
Vegetable Garden, and the laboratory of rest on the ruins of the ancient Dwarven
Radici the Alchemist . When the PCs temple. The excavated stone walls and
arrive at the temple, Barismann is iron doors of the Entrance Chamber The Galleries
meditating in the Spirit Reservoir itself are of classic High Dwarven design The corridors between the large rooms
Gallery, and Radici is busily engaged in and craftsmanship, contrasting sharply are galleries, with the low ceilings
weird science in his laboratory. The only with the cruder stonework of the supported by squat columns. The walls
guardians are ancient dwarven skdetons, modern temple foundations. and columns were once apparently
animated primarily for use as gardeners, covered with carved and painted panels
but also directed to detain intruders. The Chamber is unlit, and guarded by
a dead black bear - cheap to feed, very and designs, but the soft sandstone has
The lower level - the former Catacombs obedient and a bit tougher than a crumbled over the years, and all details
proper - now includes an improvised have been lost. Sound is muffled by the
living bear.
Holding Cell for prisoners, an ancient soft sandstone walls and it is difficult to
gallery now used by Alexis III for his Don't tell the players that it is an undead understand speakers only a short
meditations and studies, a cosy niche for bear. Just say they see a bear and need
distance away. All Listen tests are made
Creetox, Surling Durgul's pet Midget to make their Fear checks. Thereafter,
at -20.
Dragon, and the private residences and occasionally mention the smell, and
study of Sulring Durgul. From this level, how odd it is that the bear doesn't grunt
there are secret exits leading to the or growl or cry out if they wound it. If Entering the Upper Level
sandstone cliffs overlooking the river, PCs get a close look in good light, they When the PCsarrive on the Upper Level,
permitting Sulring and Creetox to come may notice that flaps of skin are torn and down the gallery to their right they can
and go as they please, without attracting hanging loose, or that the creature is
the notice of the locals. When the PCs see flickering reflected light from
not breathing. Barismann's candle in the Spirit
arrive at the temple, Sulring and Creetox
are out on an expedition, the Holding If they do realize the bear is undead, they Reservoir, and they can hear an echoing
Cell is occupied by an undead Witch can save themselves a lot of trouble by and indistinct murmuring from Radici's
Hunter (yes, that's what I said ...), using necromantic spells or magical labs to the kft. Magical Awareness
and Alexis III is meditating in the devices to ward off or destroy the reveals strong sources of enchantment
central sanctuary. undead beast. in both directions.

If the PCs enter the Catacombs without
alerting the temple staff, they can
waltz right in and surprise the
Catacombs' denizens.
On the other hand, if an alarm has been
sounded, the Catacomb folk will be on
the move as indicated in the Temple
Defence Tactics Chart (page 92).
Depending on how many rounds have
dapsed since the alarm was sounded, the
PCs may meet Barismann and the
undead bears, or Alexis and the undead
reserve along the way. Don't be too fussy
about where and when their paths cross;

just make sure Barismann and the bears
are encountered first, then Alexis and his
shambling second-stringers five-to-ten
rounds later. ........""--L:...'------'rm
Map 11 - Catacombs Upper Level

The Spirit Reservoir

The ceiling here is a dome supported by
sandstone columns, ten feet at its highest
in the centre. Around the outer edge of
the room are arranged over 75 elongated
bundles, 4-6 feet long, wound in long
0 0 strips of white linen. The linen is coated
THE SPIRIT RESERVOIR with laquer, then densely imcribed with
0 O repetitive phrases of magical runes.
Magical Awareness reveals poweful and
complex enchantments on each bundle.
0 O

These are the undead remains of those

found to have magical talent, enchanted
as magical storage engines and power
boosters and transmitters. When

Bolgasgrad's undead armies leave the
town on Chaos hunts, this spirit
reservoir provides the magical energy to
preserve and power the undead, and to
maintain control over them.

N Destroying these bundles will deprive

Bolgasgrad at least temporarily of its
ability to campaign against Chaos
outside the town walls. Shattering or
burning the laquered, inscribed linen

MAP 11 breaks the enchantment and causes the

bundles to putrify abruptly. All
characters in the chamber must make a
standard Toughness test or become
lcATACOMBs nauseous (-10 to all percentage
-------1:?� UPPER LEVEL characteristics). Those who fail by 30
points are violently ill, and their Cl is
temporarily halved, until you feel
they've had time to recover from the
shock and horror.

Barismann (p119) is seated on a portable

stool here, using the surplu<i power in the
atmosphere to intensify his mystical
visions. While in a trance, he is unlikely
to notice the PCs' presence unless they
make a lot of noise or touch him. What
a perfect opportunity for them to
capture and question the priest!

But don't worry - Barismann is a tough,

loyal fanatic and he won't reveal
anything to aid invaders. This is a good
opportunity to make a sympathetic case
for the practice of necromancy in
Bolgasgrad through the mouth of a
0 0
practical, plau<iible and honourable man.
If you haven't already used Barismann's
speech from p90, you can do so now.

0 0

0 0 Barismann tries to persuade the PCs that

they are tampering with forces they
RADICI'S LABORATORY don't understand, and are threatening
0 0 the security of hundreds of innocent
townspeople. He'll explain the tenets
0 0 and objectives of the Ancient Allies
cult and try to convince the party

that he and his fellow cultists are not
O -PIIL'.R � evil, just desperate people fighting

�.__----------------------------� Rdcr to text for room dcscriptioos � evil with practices forbidden by
ancient superstitions.
The Catacombs - Upper Level

The Chaos Garden Staging Skdcton Combat: Everybody Radici's laboratory

makes fear tests; those who fail are This chamber is Radici's combination
paralysed with fear. Thereafter, any apartment/alchemical laboratory.
fearful character touched by a Skeleton Because Radici is so engrossed in his
(automatic hit, but no damage) turns and work, the PCs get a good look at the
flees in terror - running right through a room before they enter.
section of the Chaos garden. Since plots
1 and 2 are right in the fleeing PC's path, The west side of the chamber is tastefully
you can roll randomly to choose either, and luxuriously decorated. The
or use common sense - or, if you're really sandstone walls are hung with superb
a rat, have the victim run around in Tilean tapestries and expensive
Radici uses this chamber to cultivate the circles through all ten plots. Don't furniture, and bric-a-brac from all over
Chaos-tainted plants he uses in his overdo it, though. The PCs can con the Old World is jammed in every
alchemical potions. Radici into giving them antidotes, if they available space. The stone floors are
Foreshadowing: As the PCs approach have a satisfactory encounter with him, carpeted with several layers of beautiful
the set of columns just north of the but too much Chaos-plant-exposure rugs imported from distant Araby. GM:
garden, they still cannot see clearly into could cripple the party in short order. Durgul keeps Radici happy partly by
the chamber, but - between periods of The skeletons have been directed to regularly bringing him these exotic
murmurings coming from Radici's lab attack intruders, but - given the frailty furnishings for bis aparlment.
beyond - cautious, quiet PCs might of their ancient bones - they are hardly The east side of the chamber is
notice occasional rustling noises inside a crack fighting force. Treat as standard splendidly outfitted with first-class
the chamber, like persons periodically Skeletons, fighting unarmed (-20 to hit, alchemical apparatus. The library is
moving about (Soft noise; 30% chance -2 to damage), and ignore wounds.
to hear). small, but the bindings look expensive.
Instead, whenever a Dwarven skeleton Several overflowing notebooks are
At this point, visitors notice a tickle in is hit in combat (or grappled), roll for hit stacked on shelves near the books. GM:
their throats, and must make a successful location, and that location is pulverized, These are Radici's own scribblings.
Toughness test or have a brief fit of shattered or popped off.
coughing. If players express curiosity, Cauldrons are bubbling merrily away,
Use common sense to decide when the fluids are flowing through complex
say "Well, it could be dust ..." Passing a
Toughness test in a subsequent round lets skeleton is no longer a threat to the PCs. labyrinths of glass tubing, and collecting
the character control his coughing, or a For example, if one has lost its arms, but in various beakers and sealed jars.
drink or dampcloth held over the mouth still has a skull with nasty teeth, it still
attacks - but if a leg gets whacked, it may One tall cabinet is filled with tiny
will also stop the throat irritation. drawers with hand-scrawled labels
have a hard time keeping up with a
The PCs have just been exposed to some mobile PC. In any case, the parts keep (dried specimens and potion
very interesting spores broadcast by one moving around until each bit is smashed ingredients). Samples of plants from the
of the plants in the Chaos garden. Full - when Durgul animates a skeleton, he garden are drying in tall wall racks. GM:
details are given below, but - for your does a thorough job. Only samples of plants l-9arebanging
information - the PCs have been exposed on wall racks; samples ofplant JO are
to Undeath Plague. Don't tell anyone yet Fortunately, unless the PCs howl or fire drying in a lead-lined compartment in
- all will be revealed in the fullness pistols or something, the sound is so the tall cabinet.
of time... muffled here that Radici won't be alerted
to their presence. A low cabinet with double doors sits
Rapid Glance: The chamber is not next to the large cabinet . GM: T his
illuminated. lb see, the PCs must provide Once the PCs have destroyed all the
skeletons, they can continue their tour contains Radici's supply of
their own light. The plants in the Chaos prepared potions
Garden seem to need no light at all. of the garden.
Brief Search (10 minutes): The plot In the midst of this a man dressed in a
The floor is divided up into ten garden
plots, each containing its own weird, labels are in the Tilean dialect of Old white lab coat and cap (Radici) is
unfamiliar variety of plant. Each plot is Worlder; unless someone can read whistling and singing to himself as he
marked with a hand-scrawled label. Tilean, the scrawled labels are bustles about, working with the
unintelligible Refer to page 102. alchemical apparatus.
C areful Look: As you enter the
chamber, six short skeletons emerge If the PCs touch or otherwise disturb any Radici is working on a batch of Anaclea
from the darkness to the south and attack of the plants, check for additional details potion for Durgul, who hopes that
- profiles on pl20. or possible untoward consequences. Radici will eventually develop an
Anaclea-based potion that will suppress
For details on the contents of the garden To the south, the PCs can hear someone mutations entirely. Radici's present
and the natures of the individual Chaos singing and speaking, apparently to potions reduce incidence of mutation by
plants, see page 102. himself. The accent is Tilean, but it's around 75%.
Radici's garden is tended by six ancient impossible to make out the words at
this distance. Radici's other main project is developing
Dwarven skeletons animated by Durgul.
They are directed to follow Radici's a hardy strain of Protorbis minor.
Magical Awareness reveals all the plants, Unfortunately, Protorbis requires exactly
orders - keeping plots separate, plucking and any moving Skeleton bits to
out mutants for Radici's inspection, the right soil, temperature and feeding,
be magical. or it refuses to germinate or dies within
making cuttings, feeding bits of meat and
bone meal to the more aggressive plants, Thorough Examination (30 hours. With a hardier strain of Protorbis,
and so forth. W hen the PCs first minutes): The Skeletons are apparently Durgul could revolutionise the

approach the room, the skeletons are dwarven, and of great antiquity. Tracks necromantic arts. For details of Durgul's
hidden in darkness in the southern part around the plant plots reveal that the plans for Protorbis and the Undeath
of the chamber, but they pop out and Skeletons probably served as gardeners P lague, see T he Holding Cell and
attack when the PCs start to look around. as well as guardians. Handout 12 page 104 .
The Ciucombs • Ridici's uboutory

'killed' or overcome; thereafter he 2. Giraluna minor. These pulpy, grey,

refuses to speak or cooperate, no matter fungoid cylinders have clusters of pea­
Staging the Encounter

Picture Radici babbling cheerily in Tilean what the PCs do to him. Since his sized, jelly-coated spores in a shallow
with Radici:
as he stirs bubbling goo with glass rods services are valuable to Durgul, Radici depression at the top of the cylinder.
and peers into swirled beakers full of might make a nice hostage, but he's Skin contact with these spores causes
steaming, violet substances. He's so nothing but trouble as a captive, a nerve-poison to seep through the skin,
engrossed in his work that he doesn't struggling and cursing and generally entering the bloodstream and affecting
even notice the PCs until they do kicking up a fuss, until the PCs knock the whole body (Poison test or develop
something obtrusive, like poke him, him out or 'kill' him. stage I Palsy, see WFRP, p138).
address him loudly or push over a couple So why do we put quotations around the
of racks of glass beakers. word 'kill'? �II. remember, Radici has
Characterize Radici as a cross between been exposed to Undeath Plague. If he's
a cheery mad scientist and an eccentric roasted, that finishes off him and his
Italian chef. Radici speaks Old Worlder disease, but if he's just killed in some
with a very thick Tilean accent, which other fashion, he goes on making a fuss
you can conveniently portray as a thick just like he wasn't dead. Which he isn't
Italian accent. • 'Say, whatta you do here? - in a way.
You a looka for little Alexis, he'sa The PCs will have to draw their own
downstairs, I tink." conclusions, since Radici isn't going to
Radici works for Durgul because Durgul explain anything to them. Maybe they'll
pays well and gives Radici almost decide he was never really alive, or that The prepared potion is a thick, clear
complete freedom to work on his own he's immortal, or that he's Durgul in liquid with a slight scent of rotting plant
pet projects. Radici couldn't care less disguise or something. Hardened PCs matter. The drinker becomes subject to
what Durgul does with the products of may experiment with the undead Radici, frenzy.
Radici's craft • "Thatsa not my problem, chopping off limbs or using necromantic
I'ma justa doin' ma job, sec?" Sure, it's spells on him. For details on how 3. Strangler tirils. Contact causes the
dark and lonely down here in the Undeath Plague victims handle this sort delicate, curling tendrils of this plant to
Catacombs, but that suits him fine - of thing, see the Holding Cell section wrap around nearby objects
"Who needsa lotta company ? (p104), where Undeath Plague and its (Constriction attack at S 2 - see WFRP,
Yattatayattata alla time, talk about wifes more charming features are explained p214). In process of removing the
in detail. tendrils, the subject may (Dex test) prick
and kiddies, phooey. Here, I getta lotta himself on the poisonous spines hidden
work done, sure." in the hairs coating the tendrils. The
poison causes depression (see WFRP,
Radici isn't at all security-conscious. He's Notes on Chaos Plants
a little puzzled by the PCs' presence, but
fast talk easily distracts him. If the PCs
and Potions
These plants are found growing in
show interest in his work, he'll chat labelled plots in the Chaos Victory
merrily. If the PCs have gotten into any Garden. Radici also has specimens
trouble fooling around with the Chaos drying on labelled racks in his lab.
vegetables, Radici will bustle about
looking for antidotes, chiding the PCs' The potions made from these plants are
for their ignorance - "Whattsa matta for stored in the short cabinet. Three of each
you, you don't know trembleseed when potion are found in glass bottles, labelled
you see it? Easy, easy, we take-a care-a with the proper and common name of
you right-a way." If the PCs wander in, the plant, and stoppered with corks
look around, chat for a bit, then walk sealed with wax. Unless stated otherwise
out, Radici will go right back to work below, treat these potions as indicated
and never give the incident a in WFRP, pl86, with durations of ID6
second thought. x 10 turns.
The prepared potion is watery, odourless
If the PCs enter aggressively, or try to get 1. Sigurya natans. When disturbed, fluid. It causes immunity to all
these bulbous yellow floating plants psychological effects.
tough, Radici explodes indignantly.
"Whatsa matta for you? Get outta here, yield fine spores, which, if they are
inhaled or are in skin contact, cause a 4. "Cumbumbra" germinants. These
you hoodlums, or I blow you to kingdom parasites are transmitted to the host plant
strong allergic reaction (T test or all
come!" He goes to the potion cabinet, (usually vegetables like cucumbers) by
characteristics halved until D6x10
grabs a few Tirlllus potions, and throws rounds after exposure ceases). spores which tunnel into the vegetable's
them at the PCs. Splatters from the first surface then bloom, sending out root
potion set the luxurious furnishing on The prepared potion is a thick, soupy feelers and bulb-like protuberances.
fire, and in seconds the room is a blazing green, smelling like water hyacinths. It Contact with the plant itself has no
inferno. Radici (and anyone one else left gives a + 30 bonus to all magic tests. unusual effects.
behind) gets roasted to death, and the
contents of the room are utterly
destroyed. Nobody else in the
Catacombs notices anything out of the
ordinary - thick smoke and horrible
odors frequently issue forth from
Radici's lab, and everyone knows to
stay clear.

Otherwise, if prevented from reaching
the cabinet, Radici fights unarmed until
The Catacombs - lower L:vcl

The potion is a clear, odourless liquid. The prepared potion is a thin, watery, 10. Anaclea taludensls: The shiny black
To be effective, the potion must be t:lken sweet-smelling-and-tasting clear fluid. It flowers of this plant emit a radiation
internally, but it is indetectable when causes dementia (WFRP, p84). similar to that of warpstonc. Contact has
mixed with most beverages. It causes no effect, but prolonged exposure (24
sleep as the Petty Magic spell of that hours or more within 5-10 yards,
name. B. Proturbls minor. Contact with these regardless of any shielding organic
delicate mushroom-like vegetables material between the flowers and the
5. Arttsia. The slimy, pulpy surface of relases a shower of tiny spores. In contact subject) may cause mutations (5 %
the curling white-grey-mottled fronds of with mouth or nasal tissues, the spores chance - check once per week of
this fern-like plant is repulsive, but release an oily, toxic substance which exposure). Stone and metal enclosures
harmless. causes immediate and profound of l" or thicker block the dangerous
depression of the nervous system, radiation. The specimens drying in
leading the vistim to contract the Radici's lab are kept in a special lead­
Undeath Plague (see pl04). lined box in the tall cabinet.
The prepared potion is an odourless,
shimmering, silver-black substance like
mercury. Radici and Durgul are hoping
to use it as the basis of a medicine to cure
Chaos mutation, but at present it has no
detectable effect on the drinker.

The prepared potion is odourless, but

has an intensely nauseating taste. After
drinking the potion, the subject makes
a Toughness test each round; until the
test is passed, the subject can t:lke no
action other than gagging and making
horrible faces. As soon as a test is passed,
the drinker's Mand A scores are doubled
for the duration of the potion's effect.
6. Camporana. Tiny hairs on the thick
leaves of this plant are covered with a
highly-toxic oil that acts as a single dose
of Manbane (WFRP, p82). The prepared potion is a bit ter,
odourless, clear, watery liquid. It has the
same effect as inhaling the spores.

9. Tlrlllus mtmeticus. This plant has the

ability to mimic rocks. Visual inspection
cannot distinguish between the plant
and neighbouring rocks, but the plants LOWER LEVEL (Map 12)
are soft and pliable like sponges. The
surface of the plants is covered with a The rooms on this level were originally
highly volatile oil that bursts into flame burial vaults for the ancient Dwarfs. One
on contact (treat as burning oil - WFRP, of these rooms has been adapted as a cell
p80). The flame does no harm to the for prisoners. Durgul lives and works in
The prepared potion is a thick, brown, three others, while another is the
plant, and disappears in seconds. After
tarry substance smelling like lamp oil. residence of Creetox, Durgul's pet
flaming, a plant requires 7-10 days to
When used as a blade venom, it has the Midget Dragon. The central sanctuary
build up the necessary reservoir of oil
effect of two doses of Manbane (see chamber currently serves as a warehouse
to flame again.
WFRP, p82). for several score ancient Dwarven
7. Tubolara. Drinking the fluid that skeletons and as a private retreat for
collects in the bottom of the tubular Alexis III, the Chaos Warrior.
stems of these rubbery white plants has When the PCs arrive, the cell has an
the same effect as the prepared potion. interesting prisoner, and Alexis is
Other contact with the plant has no studying his notes in the central
effect. sanctuary. Sulring and Creetox are out
on a little excursion, but the PCs will
have an opportunity to meet the
necromancer and his pet if they wait
a while.

The prepared potion is a colorless liquid Burial Vaults

like water, but removing the stopper or Each room has forty burial niches, once

shattering the bottle causes the potion occupied by the ancient Dwarfs whose
to ignite instantly like a Fire Ball spell animated skeletons now stand in the
so much for sniffing or tasting this central sanctuary as a frail reserve
potion. Heh, heh. against intruders.
Mip 12 - The Catacombs Lower Level

Of the treasure that was interred with the
ancient Dwarfs, none remains here in the
Catacombs. Most of the gold and silver
has been melted down and used to fund
the cult's activities and the expensive
0 0
researches of Radici and Durgul. The
few remaining valuables have been
removed by Durgul and Creetox for
0 0 ''safe-keeping''.

0 0 The Holding Cell

The entrance to this vault has been
0 0 blocked by a wooden door with a small
barred window, and serves as a prison
0 0
for Mikhail Lementov (see pl20), a
Witch-Hunter advanced somewhat

beyond middle age. Mikhail is deader
0 0 than a door nail, but you'd never know
it to see him pacing about.
0 0
Mikhail is a victim of Undeath Plague.
He managed to sneak into the temple,
0 0 and - once he had discovered the various
N secret doors - he made his way into the
0 0
Catacombs. There he came into contact
0 2 ◄ yds
with Protorbls spores. He was finally
discovered by Alex.is III, who ran him
through with his two-handed sword.
0 Alex.is dragged Mikhail offto the Holding
Cell before he had a chance to recover

MAP 12
from the shock of surviving his own
death, and he has been imprisoned for
0 0 about three months.
0 0
Radici and Durgul stop by regularly
to study Mikhail's physical and
THE CENTRAL SANCTUARY psychological reaction to being dead.
From their conversations, Mikhail has a
0 0 shrewd idea of what has happened
0 to him.
During his imprisonment, Mikhail has
begun to decompose -albeit slowly in the
0 cool, dry air. His flesh has pretty much
dried out, but the flesh hangs loosely on
his bones, and there are spots -
particularly where Alex.is III chopped
0 0 and skewered him - where he's having
trouble keeping everything held
0 0 together. He uses his clothing and bits
of cloth torn from his cloak to bind
himself up as best he can, but you
0 0
wouldn't invite him to dinner in his
present condition.
0 0
Mikhail has mixed feelings about the fact
that he did not die from this traumatic
0 0 wound. "It's not that I object to
surviving, you understand- not in itself.
0 0 But this has to be some kind of
necromancy, and it's - well,
• 0
embarrassing, to say the least. Early on,
I considered committing suicide, but
then I thought, what if I couldn't? What

___ __
0 0 if I stayed alive and just kept pulling
bits off myself?"
,.;_, ...,,,.....,..

10 haddu CXJI

ICMldi fotk of nva 0 - PILI.AR

Refer to text for room descri ptions �
The Catacombs - Holding Cell

Mikhail has been unable to break this woman. Of course I'm sure! No, no, not the other hand, if precautions were taken
mental deadlock, and has pretty much an Elf - perfectly normal ears, at least. and appropriate skill tests passed, PCs
lost interest in the whole business. He "As I was saying, the Tilean and the old might approach, look around and
hasn't got a very fertile imagination or woman were talking about spores of withdraw without being noticed.
much of a sense of humour, so he can't some protuberance plant or something. Carefu l Look: The Skeletons are
appreciate the more philosophically Said I must have breathed them in Dwarven, and standing on their own,
stimulating or bizarrely amusing upstairs, in the room with all the strange but do not appear to be animated or
elements of his fate. He just sits around plants. The Tilean said I had the plague, aware of the PCs' presence.
waiting for something different to all right, and burst into a fit of giggles.
happen to him, with no expectation that Alexis Att2cks: If the PCs have not been
Strange fellow. noticed, they may withdraw or continue
the something different is going to be
pleasant or interesting. "I asked them, what kind of plague lets observing. After an hour - unless the PCs
you wander about with a hole like this make their presence known before -
St2ging Mikh2il in your chest? And without breathing? Alexis apparently senses something. He
the Undead Witch-Hunter The Durgul woman said I wasn't attacks as soon as he becomes aware of
Mikhail is an all-purpose NPC informant. breathing because I was dead. the PCs' presence.
Anything interesting the PCs have missed
"I needed a little time to take that in. As soon as he becomes aware of the PCs,
in Bolgasgrad, the temple or the upper
level of the Catacombs? Use Mikhail to When I came right out and charged the Alexis reaches into a drawer in the table
fill them in. For example, the PCs may pair of them with necromancy, the and pulls out two potion bottles. He
Durgul woman just smiled, but the downs the first in one gulp and rises
not have had a chance to study the
Tilean seemed a little put out and from his chair. In the second round, he
fascinating magical stuff in the
informed me rather sharply that he was draws his sword, shatters the remaining
Quarantine, Necromium, Sanitarium and
an alchemist. Then it struck me that I bottle and pours its contents on the
Cleansing Fire of Zuvassin - here's your blade. In the third, round he charges
chance to describe it in the person of was a Zombie.
Mikhail, eye-witness and first-hand "They were very nice about that, I must the PCs.
reporter. If you've ever had a bunch of say. Apparently I'm not a Zombie at all Alexis wants to destroy the intruders,
PCs stroll unwittingly straight past your - although I am undead as a result of this and he's superbly qualified to do it. The
greatest design masterpieces without a plague thing. A Zombie, according to Artisia potion will ensure that he can
second glance, you'll appreciate an Durgul, is a lump of meat with some catch any PCs who try to run away, and
opportunity like this. magical force keeping it going - she he will simply keep hacking away until
seemed very contemptuous of what she there is no more resistance.
Mikhail is also the PCs' prime informant
(and illustrative exhibit) on the Undeath called the lower forms of necromancy This is a battle to the death - and beyond.
Plague. See below for a sample Mikhail - whereas/ am a dead body still inhabited Alexis has contracted Undeath Plague
monologue on the topic. He has had by its original spirit. I suppose you could (see above), and so, in all probability,
plenty of time to speculate on the say I'm haunting myself. have the PCs. So the combat continues
significance of this disease and Durgul 's "They're still trying to work out why I until one side or the other is disabled.
interest in it, and - if the PCs are slow can't feel anything - not that I mind not Review the critical effects as they are
to recognise the potential uses and being able to feel ragged great holes like received, and use common sense to
misuses of the disease - Mikhail notes this one in my chest, I can tell you - but judge how they will affect the
how it can be used to create instant apparently it's quite normal. Everyone participant's ability to continue the
undead armies or to make a solid exposed to the spores loses feeling, taste combat. For example, if one arm is
promise of immortality for the faithful. and smell, and can't eat or breathe or chopped off, the character can keep
heal any more, but keeps on moving and fighting with the other, but if the skull
W hen it comes to helping the PCs, is pulverised, loss of vision will cause the
Mikhail is pretty apathetic. He hasn't got speaking and seeing and thinking just as
if they were alive. character to wander around, swinging
much to look forward to personally wildly. Note also that the Undeath Plague
other than watching himself fall to "Pardon? Contagious? Damned if I robs its victims of feeling, so that they
pieces, and he's no longer convinced that know. But, chances are, if you were will never be disabled by the pain of a
the Ancient Allies and Durgul are evil - upstairs near the funny plants, you'll critical hit.
in fact, he recognises that they may have have caught it all by yourselves already.
a very effective plan for dealing with the Well, I don't suppose there's any help for Magic spells or potions stolen from
Chaos menace. Mikhail doesn't mind it now - and at least you know there Radici might alter the balance of the
talking to the PCs - he hasn't got any won't be any pain..." combat significantly; a Sleep or Steal
other pressing business - but he doesn't Mind spell might let the PCs take Alexis
feel like doing anything. "Ah," he shrugs, The Central Sanctuary captive, or finish him off, and a couple
"what's the point?" of Tirlllus fireballs might cook him once
As the PCs approach from the north, and for all. Tactics will also play a great
If the PCs have been captured and they can see a dim light flickering from part - for example, all the PCs might
imprisoned here, Mikhail will stir the eastern part of the chamber, and hear grapple him at once and concentrate on
himself to help them escape. If they can't an occasional rustling of paper. separating him from his sword.
figure out a better way, Mikhail suggests First Glance: To the right, hundreds of
that if they pull off one of his hands, it On the other hand, if the PCs are less­
Skeletons stand close together near the than-inspired in their tactics or dice rolls
might be able to crawl out of the barred wall. To the left , a man in full plate
window and get the keys which are they could be mincemeat in no time a�
armour - including the helmet - sits at all. In which case, Alexis drags the still
hanging on a hook on the wall next to a table, looking through some papers.
the door. Given Mikhail 's unique twitching remains off and locks them up
The armour's heavy construction and in the Holding Cell. Fortunately, since
perspective on his body as a resource, multiple flanges makes him look like a
there are a lot of unusual jailbreak tricks the PCs are only mangled, and not
Chaos Warrior. unconscious, the scenario continues.

they could try. If the PCs were careless in their approach There's a chance that they'll last long
Mikhail on Undeath Plague or made a lot of noise, Alexis III turns enough to chat with Durgul and perhaps
· 'I overheard some babbling Tilean guy around immediately, and the PCs have even escape, even though they're
and the Durgul woman - yes, she's a no chance to withdraw unobserved. On technically dead .
The Catacombs - DurJ!ul's Ouutcrs

Sulring's Residence and Labs

When the PCs arrive, Suiting and
Crcetox arc out on an cxcwsion, so once
they have dealt with Alexis ill - they're
free to poke around in Sulring's quarters
to their heart's content.
But Crcctox and Durgul arc coming right
back. If the PCs aren't dead already,
fooling around with their private
possessions is a good way to get
dead quick.
So the PCs can look around, then run
away if they're afraid of messing wirh
an ancient and incredibly powerful
Anybody who touches a piece of The table is set for two, one scat for
s orcerer. That's what sensible folk
furniture or stuff on the bookshelf Durgul, the other for Crcctox. Crectox's
would do.
releases the appropriate Daemon to chair looks like it was designed to hold
When the PCs have bad a chance 10 attack. The books are Lesser Daemons, an 800-pound mJdget Dragon.
wander around, look in the rooms and the fumJture arc Greater Daemons.
get themselves into trouble, Durgul and The only IDllgical objects in the room a.re
Crcetox will come back from their Forgive us if we don't take up a page or the lamb joints. Hopefully, the PCs won't
outing.. two detailing these Daemons. Don't get mistake these for magic wands or
Sec Anyone for Tea? below. caught up in the details - use the standard something.
descriptions (WFRP, pp255-257) and
Durgul's Quarters
get on with the rest of the adventure. Creetox's Lair
The Office: This where Durgul works. The Treasllf'Y/Bedroom: ln the centre Imagine the PCs' surprise when they
The interior of the room looks like a of the room is Durgul's favorite bed. He find a heap of treasure of the floor of this
giaol organJc balloon was inflated until got it in Cathay two centuries ago. room. Since they haven't heard anything
it filled the room, then billions of long, Anybody who messes around with it mentioned about a Dragon, they may
stringy leech/slug/earthworm-type is in serious trouble when Durgul just naturally assume the treasure
creatures crawled inside, consumed the gets back. belongs to Durgul. However, the walls
contents of a couple of paint stores, Around the bed are shelves holding an and ceiling have little patches of soot -
wiggled up on the Inside of the inflated assortment of odd items of various sizes, Crectox snores. popping little puffs of
balloon, tied themselves in knots, then shapes, and colours. These arc Durgul's fl2me - and the room smelJs vaguely of
exploded. Oddly, it smells wonderful trophies and momentos of centuries of sulphur and brimstone. Remember,
inside, like the essence of a spring day, travels and adventures. Their value is though, that Undead Plague may have
and a soothing hum - like the murmuring personal, not monetary - most of this robbed the PCs of their sense of smell.
of bees - fills the room. is the kind of junk you keep about Also, there is a nice, comfortable
The only furnishings in the room are the place, and just can't force yourself depression in the mJddle of the treasure
Daemons. They form themselves into to throw out. Nothing in this room heap, right where a Dragon would sleep.
whatever shapes Durgul requires on is magical. Also, when the PCs examine the treasure
command. At the moment the demons So where arc all Durgul 's magical hoard closely, they may justifiably doubt
arc in the form of a marble table, a chair, treasures? Hidden somewhere safe whether such would interest a sorcerer
a m2SSive lectern and the huge tome it where the PCs will never find them . of Durgul's stature.
bears, an armchair the size of a farm
tractor, and a six-foot-tall bookcase with T he Kitchen/Dining Room: If Creecox·s inferiority complex Impels
feet like a millipede. Durgul's bedroom is a testament to all him co demand the perquisites of full­
the old, familiar things be Ukes to keep scale Dragons, including a hoard of
On the shelves of the bookcase are an around him as stable elements in his life, treasure. Fortunately, Creetox is not too
assortment of several hundred pint-sized the Kitchen/Dining Room is a testament bright, and Durgul has IDllnage to satisfy
Daemons. These Daemons have co Durgul's obsessive need for novelty the needs of Crcctox's bruised ego at a
memorized all the texts, manuscripts, in cuisine. bargain price.
notes, maps and other sources of
information that Durgul has collected In One wall is covered with mundane The floor of Crcctox's lair is heaped with
the past few thousand years. Durgul shelves holding innumerable little 24,000 brass pennies (about 400 GC),
keeps them hidden in little caches all bottles and boxes of spices and sprinkled liberally with chips of tin,
over the world. All Durgul has 10 do is condiments. Durgul tried Daemon chunks of quartz and glass, some
reach out, squeeze a Daemon and ask shelves, but they kept sampling the costume jewelery, and twenty or so
for the information he wants. The wares. Another wall is covered with gaudy but cheap weapon and armor
Daemon can recite, or materialise cookbooks of all nations. Along another pieces. The whole thing cost Durgul
lavishly-illustrated bardcopy in any wall are lined several cupboards holding about 500 GC to provide. From a
known language. elegant glass, china and silverware. distance and in the poor light, it looks
On the marble tables are a few notes In one comer is an ordinary, ancient pretty impressive, but a casual inspection
in Arcane Elvish - shopping lists for charcoal stove, with an abundant supply should cool the ardour of the ecstatic
Crcctox and Barismann - and some of charcoal to band. Durgul swears by treasure hunter.
incomprehensible doodles. this stove and won't use any other. By the way, disparaging remarks about
Anyone using Magical Awareness? This Scattered around the room a.re racks and the hoard in Creetox's p�ence could
room thrums with magical power. The cupboards holding fresh and dried fruits cause some trouble. Durgul will quickly

PC tests for Fear, overloaded by the sheer and vegetables, and - on a chopping explain that the PCs must be p0werful
volume of maglc. Even if he passes, he board - sits tonlght's dinner, a couple of magicians who have transformed
stutters for the rest of the adventure joints of lamb magically kept cool to Creetox's treasure into worthless junk,
maybe the rest 'of his life. preserve their fresh flavour. and then the PCs arc in deep trouble.
The Catacombs - Dur gul's Quarters

St2ging the Encounter Get as much information as they can, Join the Ancient Allies in their attempt
then leave? to Save the '\lorld from Chaos through
After the PCs have looked around in Enlightened Necromancy?
Durgul and Creetox's rooms and had 1l"y to persuade Durgul (by logic or force)
time to discuss what to do next, the to stop practising necromancy in The opportunity to look around in
necromancer and Dragon return, Durgul and Creetox's rooms should
Bolgasgrad? function as a tension-releaser. It's time
carrying a small sack of fresh mint. to take stock of their objectives and
Leave everything alone, rather than mess
Time to Think: We're coming up to the with something they can't judge or resources, and decide how they're going
understand? to resolve this mission to Bolgasgrad.
climactic encounter in the adventure.
The PCs need some time to figure out Don't be shy about calling this to your
what they're going to do: Go back to Kislev with the truth, the players' attention in your GM persona.
partial truth, or a pack of lies - or not "Okay, folks. It looks like Durgul isn't
Attack Durgul? go back at all? in right now. W hat a lucky break. This


The Catacombs - Our gul's Quarters

gives you a chance to think over what Durgul with it (although this may at any time, Durgul may be provoked to
you've seen and learned since you got precipitate The Final Conflict), but since attack. However, he remains patient and
yourselves involved in this little mission. he is not in an Elven body at the moment, persuasive as long as he has some hope
Maybe it's pretty clear what you have to the rune will have no effect. of convincing the PCs to do as he wants,
do. Maybe it's not so clear, and you ought and as long as it doesn't compromise his
We'll carry on referring to Durgul as be defensive position. For example, he will
to discuss it while you've got a chance.
But, whatever you do, don't forget you and him - he certainly still thinks of not let the PCs sneak up on him from
himself as male, despite the gender of his
have no idea when Durgul might show behind. Any time they draw weapons,
current body, and it's less confusing than
up, and you'd better have everything begin casting a spell or produce an item
changing things at this stage.
sorted out if and when he does." that might conceivably be a magical
weapon, Durgul goes to battle stations.
Durgul's Return Anyone for Tea?
When Durgul and Creetox appear in Step One: What Are You Doing Here?
After you've given the PCs time to think After retiring to the kitchen, boiling
their rooms, Creetox will be all for killing
about where they are and what they 're them there and then - "Look! Burglars! water with a wave of the hand,
doing, and after they've had time to poke telekinetically laying out the tea service,
Can I rip 'em to bits, Sulring? Can I?"
around in Durgul's apartments and get and setting the tea to brew, Durgul
into all sorts of trouble, Sulring Durgul Durgul smiles and shakes his head. politely inquires as to the PCs'
and Creetox return from their little business here.
"Now calm down, Creetox," he says
outing. The exact timing of this is with a smile. ''And I think we should call
completely up to you - they might return Durgul will accept any of three
them visitors rather than burglars. At presentations - the truth (after 5000
just as the PCs are doing something least until we've found out what they're
incriminating or embarrassing, years' experience, Durgul recognizes the
doing here." (turning to the PCs) "Do truth when he hears it), an exceptionally
before they have a chance to indulge excuse Creetox. He does get a little
in any vandalism or at any other clever and plausible lie, or a
excitable at times. Now - why don't I transparently false but polite and
opportune moment. make us all some tea, and we can sit diplomatic lie. Durgul prefers the truth
Durgul and Creetox enter the complex down and talk it all over. Hmrnm?" - he likes to deal with honest folk - but
from the concealed entrance on the cliffs he recognizes that fearful Humans are
Durgul is never less than calm and
above the south fork of the river and reasonable, and it is clear that he doesn't taught to misrepresent themselves in
stroll back to their apartments, chatting difficult situations.
feel threatened or endangered by the
happily as they go. The sound of this is PCs. Have a look at the section headed
somewhat muffled by the soft sandstone, Durgul will not accept a clumsy lie or
The Final Conflict if you want to know a refusal to explain. A clumsy lie insults
so PCs who are engrossed in something
why. Durgul 's calmness should begin to his intelligence, and refusal to explain is
else will only have a 10% chance of worry the players.
hearing the two coming. PCs who are an inexcusable lapse of manners. Durgul
actively listening have a 25% chance of If the PCs have made a mess of his will gently chide the PCs, explain why
hearing them, and PCs who are on watch apartments, Durgul looks around sadly their response is unacceptable and give
in the passage have a 25% chance of and tells them in gently chiding tones them a second chance. If the PCs fail to
seeing them coming. that he really wishes they'd shown better satisfy Durgul after a direct threat and
manners. He waves his hand in a suitably a third chance, hostilities commence.
Durgul and Creetox are allowed normal wizardly manner. Everything that has
Listen tests to hear the PCs moving about
been broken pieces itself back together.
in their rooms. As soon as Durgul notices Some of the items of furniture begin to
that there are strangers wandering about move around the room, picking up the
his home, he will turn both himself and objects that belong on or in them. The
Creetox invisible and surround them
room generally sets itself straight in a
with a Zone of Silence. They will
flashily magical manner.
suddenly appear in the room which has
the most PCs in it. If a PC is doing something he doesn't
like, Durgul will ask him to stop. He will
be very patient and courteous, saying
You're Durgul? please and thank you and not raising his
At this point, there is something you voice. If this doesn't work, Durgul will
must know about Sulring Durgul. He's repeat the request with a little more
no longer an Elf, and he's no longer male. force. Failing this, he will slap a Stand
Because of creeping mutation from his Still spell (level 4 Battle Magic) on the
experiments with Chaos, he is obliged offending character, expending an
to move into a new body every so often extra 20 Magic Points to make sure it
(see Handout 12), and his present abode works (see Spell/Test Enhancements,
is the body of a robustly-built Human WFRP, p 135).
woman in her early sixties. This may
come as something of a surprise to the Durgul's patience is not inexhaustible,
PCs, although Mikhail the Witch-Hunter however. If it becomes clear that reason
(p105) has been primed to break this is not going to get him anywhere with
news to them gently. the PCs, he will proceed to The Final
Conflict (pH)()).
Despite the outward appearance of his
present body, Durgul still has the accent,
mannerisms and attitudes of an Talking It Over

incredibly ancient male High Elf, which The discussion and negotiations
the PCs may find a little disconcerting. between the PCs and Durgul proceed in
If they still have the Black Dagger (see three steps. If the PCs become
p76), they can certainly try to kill persistently uncooperative or aggressive @
The Final Conflict

Step Two: What Would You Like

t o Know?
Deciding the PCs' Destinies
If Durgul is generally satisfied with the
Once satisfied by the PCs' explanation PCs' proposals, he offers to sit down and CONFLICT
of their presence here, Dutgul asks them work out the details - if the PCs agree And so, Our Heroes have decided to take
if there is anything they'd like him to on an incredibly ancient master sorcerer
explain to them. He is sincerely willing to join his team and the Ancient
Allies cult. and his pet Dragon, on their own
to tell them the truth about everything, home ground.
including his abilities and true motives, If Durgul is only partially satisfied with
because he doesn't plan to allow the PCs This really isn't very bright. However,
the PCs' proposals, but he feels they
to leave alive unless they've sworn a PCs sometimes try the most
might be open to persuasion, he offers spectacularly stupid thin�. so we have
binding oath of secrecy. He'll tell them
to discuss the issues further - if the PCs to allow for the possibility.
this, too, if they ask. The information
which Durgul has to pass on is agree to join his team and the cult.
Now, we could take up several pages
contained in Handout 12- which is for IfDurgul is completely dissatisfied with detailing precisely what Durgul can do,
your eyes only!. the PCs' proposals, if he is unable to what magical equipment he has, what
On one level, this is an intelligence test. come to a compromise with with them, spells he knows and so on. But it would
If the PCs ask intelligent questions, or if they refuse to join his team and the all boil down to the fact that he's a super­
Durgul is further inclined to spare their Ancient Allies cult, he says regretfully, powerful NPC, and you should have
lives and convince them to join his team. ''I'm sorry, but our objectives appear to picked up that impression already. So
If the PCs ask stupid questions or don't should the PCs, but if they can't take a
be mutually incompatible. I'm afraid the
ask questions at all, Durgul is inclined hint, that's thdr problem.
best I can offer you is the choice between
to consider them dull and expendable. death or staying here for good. As I'm
On another level, this is the PCs' first sure you'll understand, I can't let you go STAGING SUPER­
chance to persuade Durgul to do what
they want him to do. If they ask
now, with everything you've found out.
Would you like a few minutes to discusss POWERFUL NPCS
questions that show that they might have the choice among yoursdves?" The following notes should be useful
some good ideas for achieving his own when dealing with those outrageously
goals more effectively, Dutgul is inclined This is likely to lead directly into The powerful NPCs - the type that needs the
to take the PCs seriously. Final Conflict. whole of a small notebook instead of just
For example, the PCs may ask why a character sheet. But only use this
What is an Acceptable Proposal? method on really special occasions - like
Durgul hasn't posed as an evil
necromancer living in the wilderness. Any proposal that ensures the security this one - or you '11 end up with a wipe­
That way he could use his undead army of Bolgasgrad against Chaos invaders, out every time.
to protect Bolgasgrad, yet Bolgasgrad acknowledges the right of the Ancient Firstly, don't worry over details like
wouldn't suffer the displeasure of Kislev Allies to remain as Bolgasgrad's official profiles, spell lists and Magic Points.
and the Tsar. Perhaps Zuvassin and cult, permits Durgul to remain true to
Necoho prefer a confrontation with the his contract with Zuvassin and Necoho Durgul isn't going to use much of his
Tsar, but the idea has merit, and shows (thereby protecting him against profile in this little skirmish anyway, as
the PCs are sympathetic with Durgul and mutations), and ensures that the PCs you'll see.
Bolgasgrad's needs. reveal nothing of what they've learned,
Step Three: What Do You Expect Mc is satisfactory to Durgul.
To Do? Ideally, Durgul hopes the PCs will join
This is Durgul's indirect way of letting the Ancient Allies and work for him. If
the PCs explain why he shouldn't kill
they have some ideas about how he can
achieve his objectives without openly
"You've put me in a difficult position. supp orting necromancy, Durgul is
I'm responsible to Zuvassin, Necoho, willing to listen.
Bolgasgrad and - not least - to myself. I
wouldn't mind being helpful to you - as At the minimum, Durgul doesn't care
long as it doesn't conflict with my other whether the PCs agree with him or offer
interests. What is it that you want me to to work for him, as long as they agree
do, and why should I do it?" to join the Ancient Allies cult, swearing
Durgul listens to the presentations for not to reveal its secrets on pain of the
five or ten minutes, then he interrupts oath curse. As long as the security of
apol ogetically. "I'm sorry. I'm a bit Bolgasgrad, the Ancient Allies and
pressed for time. Could you each - one Durgul can be assured, the PCs are free
after the other - make a brief statement to leave.
about what you'd like me to do, and
explain why it is in my best interest to If the PCs refuse to join the Ancient Allies
cooperate with you?" (Glances at the and swear the oath curse, Durgul must
stupidest-looking PC) "Could we start destroy them.
with you, please?"
If Durgul judges that the PCs may be
The players should realise that this is the allowed to live, go to Swearing the

critical moment. Prompt each player in Oath plll.
turn for his presentation. When they are
finished, Durgul considers their If Durgul decides that the PCs must be
statements, and makes his decision. destroyed, go to The Final Conflict. .....___...J__...._____....:.:........:...__;,;...i@
Setting ;i Tone for the Deb;icle

If he wants to use a spell, he'll use it; if Snuff 'em With Style When each PC is finished off, the player
it's not one he knows himself, then he'll If your players appear to realise that their is permitted to return to sit with his
either have it in a spell jewel or one of actions are suicidal, but they are fellows, but is told not to divulge the
his Daemon furnishings will supply it for cheerfully embracing their fate as a details of the encounter, since it occurred
him. One way or another, he has access gesture of supreme roleplaying, let them out of the other PCs' presence.
to all the spells in the WFRP rulebook. go down fighting in a final battle of epic
If you 're prepared to do a little
conversion work, he also has access to
Life in Prison
Durgul teleports from spot to spot and If your players are resigned to attacking
any spells you fancy from any other
ambushes the characters one by one, Durgul because they feel it is in character
games you happen to own.
using a different magical effect each time for their PCs, but clearly don't want to
He doesn't need to worry about Magic to isolate one of the PCs from the rest lose their characters in a hopeless battle,
Points, either. He has a stock of his own, of the group and finish him off. you may want to soften their defeat.
of course, but between his extensive For example:
collection of energy jewels and the In this case, the plot basically follows the
various Daemonic minions at his •Ping• Durgul disappears. sequence described above, but everyone
command, he's not going to run out in finally ends up in the Holding Cell
The PCs wander around, looking for (p104) where Mikhail the Undead Witch
a hurr y. As a matter of course, he'll Durgul, or for a way out. Hunter is resting.
expend an extra 20 Magic Points on each
spell he casts, thereby reducing the •Ping• Durgul appears in the midst of For example:
victim's Magic test significantly (see them and grabs a PC from behind.
WFRP, pl35). He'll also spend enough •Ping• Durgul appears and takes a
•Ping• Durgul and the PC both victim off to a remote burial chamber.
Magic Points each round to raise his own disappear.
Magic test to 105. Sulring Durgul is a Durgul summons a horde of Lesser
professional - he's going to deal with the At this point, take the relevant player into Daemons, then directs them to take the
troublesome PCs quickly and efficiently, another room, along with the rulebook, PC prisoner, striking only to stun. After
with no messing about. his character sheet and a few dice. Oh, a chorus of groans and whining protests
You should be very careful not to let the
and take this book as well. No disrespect ('�w, c'mon, can't we rip his lungs out?
to your players, but some people just Can't we, please, please?"), the
players know how shamelessly you're can't be trusted.
fudging this combat - you know how Daemons resentfully surround the PC
humourless and sulky they can get in Durgul and the hapless PC materialise in and half-heartedly try to avoid killing
situations like this. ·so - before the a sealed burial vault, where Durgul him while they take him prisoner.
combat - you should make sure that you arranges for thir t y or so ancient After Durgul gives the helpless PC a good
have an enormous stock of dice, at least Dwarven Skeletons with a Summon thrashing or a good talking-to, •ping•
one notebook and several pencils. And Skeleton Horde spell. The Skeletons leap the PC is suddenly in the Holding Cell
a pocket calculator. When things start on the PC in a mass, and soon he is (pl04).
cooking, do a little roleplaying yourself. immobilised and disarmed. If the player
protests, have him make thirty or so tests Thus, after each player is taken into a
Furrow your brow as if you're under based on the average of SxlO and I, one separate room for his character's
immense mental strain. Roll dice to avoid each grapple - if by some freak thrashing, he is sent into a third room,
frequently and in great handfuls. Keep of chance he makes all of them, he has where he may confer with the victims
scribbling unintelligent notes and about half a round to do something who preceded him into the Holding Cell.
punching numbers into your calculator. before the Skeletons leap on him again. Doubtless, they will begin to plan their
Occasionally, repeat a calculation, curse And again. escape at once.
softly under your breath, cross one of
Of course, when Durgul grabbed the When all the PCs have been disabled and
your scribblings out and write character in the first place, he activated
something else. And, above all, keep conveyed to the Holding Cell, Durgul
a special spell jewel which has knocked appears as a projected illusion in the air
leafing hurriedly back and forth through out all the PC's magic items for 24 hours
both this book and the WFRP rulebook. before them. 'Tm ever so sorry about
- so undead-repelling magic items should this little misunderstanding. I'll have to
It's important that you do this make no difference.
convincingly, so the players have the ask you to accept my hospitality for an
comforting impression that the Durgul now has the option to kill the indefinite period. I have some pressing
shredding they're going through is being pinned and helpless PC - he'd probably business to attend to, but I'll return as
run according to some kind of rules. You, use something like repeated applications soon as possible to see if you have
of course, know different ... of Hand of Dust - or give him a good reconsidered my offer of acceptance into
talking to, or simply leave him there the cult of Ancient Allies. If you '11 excuse
while he sorts the rest of the party out. me. . ..'' And Durgul turns, with a gesture
SELECTING A TONE FOR Don't worry about taking some time
sealing the Holding Cell by summoning
a wall of magic-proof stone. Then he
THE DEBACLE over this. The other players will be sitting
there in the other room, wondering
•pings • out, leaving the PCs to cool
their heels for a few eons.
Here are some suggestions for staging the what 's going on and convincing
final conflict. We give you a brief review themselves that it's not good, which will Ask your players to make up new
of the kinds of-tactics Durgul might use, put them in just the right frame of mind characters for the next game session.
with options for how you feel at the for whatever you do to them next. They ''Oh, your characters are just fine - they
time: kind, mean or downright horrible. may even be doing a little thinking. They get plenty of medical attention - if they
Finally, we encourage you to develop may even be coming to the conclusion need it - and lots of food and some
your own ideas for this final scene, that this isn't going to be as easy as they Daemons to play with. But Durgul isn't

because this is an opportunity you won't thought. They might go so far as to letting anyone out without joining the
get too often, to present a spellcaster consider surrendering. Don't be afraid Ancient Allies.'' If anyone wants to plot
with almost unlimited power. Make the to give common sense a little time an escape, fine, but such a futile gesture
most of it. to work. is the mark of an incurable optimist .
Swearing the O.ith

Battering Into Submission Useful defensive spe lls: Aura of SWEARING THE OATH
Whether you snuff 'em with style or give Invulnerability • (Level 4 Battle Magic);
them life in prison, you '11 end up with Aura of Protection • (Level 2 Battle PCs who wish to avoid the
a series of one-on-one battles between Magic; Camouflage Illusion (Level I unpleasantness we've just detailed have
Durgul and each PC. In the examples Illusion); Clone Image (Level I Illusion); to accept the oath curse and be accepted
above Durgul summons Daemons or Zone of Life (Level I Necromantic; a as members of the Cult of the Ancient
Skeletons to do his dirty work. Here are great crock if a PC has contacted the Allies before any further discussions
four ways for Durgul to slaughter or Undeath Plague). with Durgul.
subdue a hapless PC personally. • Note: Auras are dispelled by other auras, Since Durgul is on a first name basis with
magical weapons and Dispel Aura, so Zuvassin and Necoho, there's no fuss
1: Animate d Swords
they may not be useful against some about swearing before the shrines of the
Best against warr ior-types. Durgul better-prepared PCs. two Gods, as most cult members must.
animates four or more swords in as many From among the objects in his bedroom
rounds (see the Level 3 Battle Magic spell Arm our, e tc: Durgul could be wearing
Durgul takes a miniature - and slightly
Animate Sword). The profligate robes embellished with Armour Runes,
imperfect - double-Y shaped ebony
expenditure of Magic Points implied is or carrying a magical weapon with the
plaque inlaid with an ivory crescent
an instructive display of Durgul 's power, Protection special ability.
moon and star. Holding it to his chest,
and the melee with four or more Healing: If things look tough, he he simply invokes the two Chaos gods
animated swords can be a prolonged, teleports out and swigs a couple of by name. He then hands it to each
colourful and ult imately hopeless Potions of Healing or casts Cure Severe character in turn and requires them to
gladitorial event in the tradition of Wound (Level 4 Battle Magic) before pledge the following oath:
Christians vs lions. To subdue rather than returning to the fray.
slaughter, Durgul directs the swords to Should I by any means whatever reveal
strike to stun. In addition, Durgul can always summon the mysteries of the cult of the Ancient
up Daemons or Elementals to run Allies, may my soul suffer in
2: Fireball Fricasse interference for him, or use a lllusionary retribution. I so swear by the names of
Durgul alternates between ground-zero Enemy (Level 3 Illusion) to summon up Zuvassin and Necoho. Thus may I be
Fire Balls (Level I Battle Magic), Hand some bogus minions. ever hereafter and henceforth
of Fire (Level I Elemental), and Breathe numbered among the elect of the
Fire (Level 3 Elemental) to roast his Creetox (pl20) Ancient Allies.
victim. Needless to say, he has a warding The fate of those who transgress against
ring which keeps him completely safe Durgul will probably prefer to keep
Creetox out of the final conflict, since this oath depends on who's on Oath­
from magical fire. Breaking-Punishment-Duty at the time.
the hot-headed young Dragon is just as
3: "Ele m entally, My Dear Watson" likely to foul things up as he is to actually Zuvassin tends to devise hideous,
Durgul summons four Elementals - one do any good. However, Durgul won't painful, but swift deaths; Necoho prefers
of each variety - sets them loose in the hesitate to use Creetox as a distraction long, lingering afflictions with relatively
same room as the PC, then becomes if he needs to. mild symptoms, but complete disruption
ethereal so he can watch the of normal mental activities (strokes,
Creetox himself will be beside himself amnesia, dementia, senility, etc). See The
proceedings. Review the panoply of with glee if any trouble starts. He will
Elemental Magic Spells for details and Oath Curse, p91, for some ideas.
launch himself at the nearest PC,
flourishes. laughing at Durgul and yelling "Shoulda
4: Shape chaoge let me kill 'em! I told you!" Making Peace with Durgul
This routine is pretty flashy magic-wise, Once the PCs have sworn the oath,
Creetox is not a subtle fighter - he simply
but not particularly awesome visually. Durgul is content to let them go on their
selects a PC and rips into him with every
It's best for dealing with weedier PCs attack form he can use. Once he gets way, without further ado. However,
who wouldn't last long under the other started, Creetox will keep fighting until Durgul says that if the PCs have nothing
three routines. he is dead, the PCs are dead or out of else to do, he can probably find some
reach, or Durgul teleports him out of interesting and well-paying errands for
After applying one of the defensive them. "How about a little hike into the
harm's way.
magical effects listed below, Durgul uses Chaos Wastes? Are any of you folk
the Level 2 Druidic spell Shapechange One final note: if the PCs manage to kill familiar with Dwarven ruins of Karak­
to change into one of the following nasty Creetox, they are in big trouble Kadrin? I have a spell-component­
critters: bear, boar, dog (war), horse (war) with Durgul. collection concern down in Araby that
or wolf (great). See the Bestiary for stats. could use some looking after. And I'm
For example, Durgul might cast an Aura really not up on events in Lustria, and
of Invulnerability (Level Four Battle can't afford the time to pop over and
Magic) on himself, then shapechange have a look around myself. Anyone
into a warhorse. Trample, trample, interested?"
trample. As far as payment goes, Durgul can offer
Defensive Routines cash or magical treasure - "I have quite
To keep Durgul from being embarrassed a little stash hidden away. What strikes
by a shrewd or lucky PC, take any of the your fancy?" - and he can offer training
following defensive precautions you feel in any magical discipline from alchemy
appropriate. Remember that since to Daemonology.
Durgul can teleport, he can •ping• off, This can provide a smooth transition to
cast a defensive spell or two, put on your next WFRP campaign sequence.

mithril armour, then pull out a magical Durgul has business and contacts all over
weapon and give it explicit instructions
to parry all attacks. He's far too shrewd \ '· 'Jlf ,.:.,
i' the globe, a perfect rationale for sending
the PCs to the Warhammer Fantasy
to be less than fully prepared. � ' 1 '.-1 \/ 1 • setting of your choice.
This adventure can end in various pumped every last drop of information avaricious visions of monetary rewards
ways, according to what has from them . He may even go so far as to to start building up in players'
actually happened: use hypnosis and truth potions, imaginations - before a lackey enters with
explaining all the while that they won't a small, silver-inlaid wooden box, about
The PCs may have gathered what do any harm, and they might help the the size of this book but slightly thicker.
information they can from Bolgasgrad, PCs to recall vital details that had slipped The lackey gives the box to the advisor,
avoided a confrontation with Durgul, their memories. who opens it and holds it in front of the
and returned to Kislev post-haste Tsar - just high enough so that the PCs
to report; After Bogdanov has finished with them,
can't see what is in it . The Tsar
the various temples from whom the PCs
They may have met Durgul, joined the speaks again.
begged information at the start of
Ancient Allies, and then returned to the adventure (pp77-80) will send
Kislev having accepted the oath curse; "The highest honour that Kislev can
representatives crowding round,
bestow is investiture in the Order of the
They may have met Durgul, refused to wanting to know all about the cult of the
Star of Kislev. This honour bas never
join the cult, and escaped back to Kislev Ancient Allies, the chances of re­
before been extended toforeigners. It is
by some means; establishing the state cults in Bolgasgrad
my great pleasure to invest you each
and what the PCs have done towards this
They may have met Durgul, joined the with the Order of the Silver Star of
goal already. And, of course, the temples
cult, and decided to work for him. Kislev, by which you shall be known
will expect the return of any magical
throughout the states of Kislev as Heroes
equipment that they lent to the PCs.
These endin� assume that the adventure of the People. Second Class."
has been played as a part of the Enemy After about a week of non -stop
W ithin campaign or the Kislev questioning, the PCs will be given Then, the PCs are motioned to advance
campaign. If it has been played as an expensive court clothes - doublets, one at a time to the foot of the dais on
isolated adventure, certain details may breeches, hose and jerkins for male which the throne stands, and to bow
need changing slightly to take account characters, dresses for female characters their heads while the Tsar places a silver
of the means by which the PCs were - told to put them on immediately, and star medal on a brightly-coloured ribbon
introduced to the adventure (see p75) bustled into the throne hall of the place, around the neck of each.
However, this shouldn't be too difficult into the presence of Tsar Radii Bokha.
for the averagely brilliant GM. As always in the palace complex, they
will be escorted by a doz.en Knights of
the W hite Wolf and stripped of weapons
MISSION and spell components before they are
ACCOMPLISHED... allowed into the Tsar's presence.

IN A FASHION The Tsar rises, and pulls a roll of

parchment from a sleeve of his robe.
If the PCs used their common sense and Everyone in the throne hall bows; the
left the temple before the showdown PCs are encouraged to bow, if necessary,
with Durgul - or if they met Durgul and by a sword-pommel in the pit of the
somehow managed to escape without stomach. There is a respectful - and
taking the oath and subjecting ruthlessly enforced - silence as the Tsar
addresses the PCs. He reads from the In addition to this honour, PCs may gain
themselves to the curse - they will be able other advantages, according to their
to return to Kislev and report on what parchment, and his Old Worlder is
understandable despite his heavy career or career class:
they found in Bolgasgrad.
Kislevite accent.
Since the authorities in Kislev know
almost nothing about the cult of the "Honoured Knights Panther:
Ancient Allies and events in Bolgasgrad Warrior-type PCs will be invited to
since the secession, anything the PCs ''Kislev is greatly in your debt, for you become honorary members of the
decide to tell them will be greeted with have achieved great things on our Kislevite Order of the White Wolf, with
great enthusiasm. Go to the section behalf. Our brother of Middenbeim the honorary rank of Nachalnik
headed Return of the Heroes. shall bear of tbe valuable services you Kavalyerov or Knight Commander.
have rendered our country. He has
Being an honorary rank, this confers no
If the PCs met Durgul, joined the cult of cause to be proud of those who
actual powers or privileges, but it allows
the Ancient Allies, and took the oath serve him.
with the curse, things will be a little the honorar y officer and any
different. Go to the section headed We "We are now faced with the difficult companions to stay at the White Wolf
Have Ways... (p114). task of adequately expressing our barracks free of charge at any time, to
gratitude for your services. While, no train with the Knights and to draw
doubt, you may protest that you were equipment for himself only from the
Return of the Heroes doing no more than your duty, we have Order's armoury at any time. The
On their arrival in Kislev, the PCs will decided nonetheless that we must training opportunities will allow
be pounced upon by Bogdanov and a express our gratitude and satisfaction any warrior-class character to enter the
large squad of Knights of the White Wolf, with your service in some way." career of Free Lance, gaining all the
taken to a suite of rooms in the palace trappings and as many skills and
and exhaustively debriefed over a period The Tsar gestures to an advisor, who advances as the character can purchase

of several days. They will be treated well, gestures to a lackey, who gestures to a with his current experience points total.
and allowed almost anything they desire, door-guard, who opens his door and At your discretion, other skills may also
but they will not be permitted to leave gestures down a corridor. There is a be available, from such careers as
until Bogdanov is convinced that he has slight pause - just long enough for Mercenary Captain and lemplar.
Concluding the Adventure

The Star of Kislev All academics will have the opportunity

The highest honour which Kislev can to train as Alchemists, Physicians or
bestow on military personnel, the Star Scholars, while spellcasters will have the
ofKislev was instituted by Tsar Alexis in opportunity to advance one level, or to
2303 to honour the many heroes who reach level l in a new specialisation -
helped turn back the tide of Chaos. Tsar either Elemental Magic or Illusion. The
Radii Bokha is mistaken in saying that it University can provide tuition up to level
has never before been bestowed on 4 in Battle Magic and up to level 3 in
foreigners, since it was among many either of the two specialisations. As
honours heaped upon Magnus the Pious al ways, a character must spend
after the Battle of Grovod Forest. experience points normally in the course
of this training.
The order of the Star of Kislev has three
levels - Gold, Silver and Bronze - and is In addition, honorary doctors of the
represented by a star-shaped medal of the University of Kislev gain the following
appropriate metal, hung on a modifiers to Fel tests:
multicoloured ribbon. The Gold Star has + 30 when dealing with a member
only rarely been awarded since the Rangers of the University of Kislev;
Incursion of Chaos, and is generally Ranger PCs will be invited to join the + 15 when dealing with a member
reserved for members of the 1sar's family Brotherhood of the Bear, with the of another university or
who distinguish themselves in military honorary rank of Kapitan Broydag or college;
careers. The Silver Star is given more Ranger Captain. Again, the honorary + 5 when dealing with NPC
frequently, in recognition of outstanding rank confers no powers or privileges, but academics of any other type;
gallantry and valuable military service. it offers the same residential and training These modifiers are not cumulative; use
Kislevite generals are invariably awarded opportunities as membership of the the most advantageous modifier in
the Silver Star on retirement. The Bronze Order of the W hite Wolf, and allows any case.
Star is much more common, being characters to gain additional skills from
awarded to long-ser ving military the Ranger Skill Table and from careers Clerics
personnel of all ranks, Kislevite such as Scout. Clerics of Ulric, Morr, Verena, Taal and
ambassadors to other nations, even to Rhya will be offered all the necessary
mercenaries and militia captains with In addition, honorary members of the facilities to advance one level (to a
outstanding records of service. Brotherhood of the Bear will gain the maximum level of 4 in all cases), subject
following modifiers to Fel tests: to normal experience point expenditure.
Holders of the Star ofKislev gain a bonus Rolls on the Cleric Advance Table are
to Fel when dealing with members of the + 30 when dealing with full made as normal.
Kislevite military classes: + 50 for the members of the order;
Gold Star, +25 for the Silver Star and Clerics of other deities will be allowed
+ 40 when dealing with non­ (if they think of asking - this will not be
+ 10 for the Bronze Star. This bonus military, non-noble followers of
applies only if the decoration is actually offered!) to found a shrine to their deity
Taal and/or Rhya anywhere; in the city ofKislev. Note, this does not
worn, or if the NPC knows of it by some + 20 when dealing with NPC rangers
other means, when any tests are made. apply to followers of Chaos Gods
of any type; (including the Ancient Allies) and other
+ 10 when dealing with followers of proscribed religions. Kislev will not pay
the Old Faith; towards the founding of such a shrine
+5 when dealing with Knights of - permission to found it is enough of a
any Old World order; boon - and the founding character must
+ 15 when dealing with the nobility tend the shrine himself until a priest can
of Kislev; be sent to take it over. The first time the
+ 5 when dealing with other Old founding character prays for a blessing
In addition, honorary members of the World nobility; at the new shrine, the chance of success
Kislevite Order of the White Wolf will is 10%; on the second occasion, this is
gain the following modifiers to FeI tests: Again, these modifiers are not reduced to 9%, on the third occasion
cumulative and should only be applied 8%, and so on. In addition, you may
+ 30 when dealing with Kislevite with NPCs who might reasonably decide to reward the founding of the
Knights of the White Wolf; be expected to have heard of shrine with a few experience points.
+20 when dealing with Imperial the Brotherhood.
Knights of the White Wolf;
+ 40 when dealing with non­ Academics
military, non-noble followers Academic characters will be granted
of Ulric anywhere; honorary doctorates from the University
+ 10 when dealing with Knights of of Kislev. This institution is small
any Old World order; compared to those of Nuln and Altdorf
+ 15 when dealing with the nobility or to the Collegium Theologica in
of Kislev; Middenheim, but this is an honour
+ 10 when dealing with other Old
nonetheless. The character is entitled to Rogues
World nobility; accommodation in the University
No particular honours (beyond
whenever he wishes, and unrestricted
These modifiers are not cumulative; use investiture with the Star of Kislev) will
use of its small library. be extended to rogue characters,
the most advantageous in any case.
If you are looking for an excuse to put although for a period of one month after

At your discretion, characters following an adventure hook in front of your the investiture you should give rogues
the more martial ranger careers may be players, you could do worse than use the a + 20 bonus to all Fel tests when dealing
invited to join the Order of the White library. Who knows what obscure tomes, with the authorities in the city of Kislev
Wolf as well. maps, and son on, it might contain. - but don't tell the players this.
Concluding the Adventure

After the Ball and Warbammer Siege, you might be The effects of the oath curse are detailed
After a week or t wo, all the fuss able to develop some interesting and on p91, and the wording of the oath
surrounding the PCs' return will die enjoyable tabletop action from this idea. itself is on plll. You may find it handy
down, leaving you with the question of to copy both pieces of information out
what happens next. There are three A Couple More Things ... for ease of reference.
basic options: It is quite possible that the Tsar will
decide that the PCs can help him out
Going Home with a few more little problems, leading
This option is only available if you have on to more adventures in Kislev. In this
been following the campaign sequence way, you can develop a longer-running
in this book, either on its own or as part campaign in Kislev, or extend the PCs'
of the Enemy Within campaign. stay there before continuing with
Empire in Flames.
The Tsar sends the PCs back to Non-classified Data
Middenheim, with letters for Graf Boris We Have Ways... One early approach will be to ask a PC
Todbringer saying how happy he is with to tell everything he thinks he can tell
the service he has received from the The PCs met Durgul, submitted to the without invoking the curse.
Knights Panther Graf Boris sent him. oath curse and joined the cult of the
Ancient Allies, and then returned to The PCs can explain about the existence
Like the outward journey, the journey of the curse, and what they think it did
Kislev, they are going to run into a
home can be handled abstractly, played to Julius Olvaga, without any danger to
few problems.
out in full, painstaking detail, or any themselves. It's only when the topic of
blend of the two. They may be able to convince the Tsar conversation shifts to the cult of the
What happens when the PCs return to and his advisors that they had no choice Ancient Allies that things may become
Middenheim, though, is another matter, but to submit to the curse, but as a little sticky. As explained on p91, the
and one which is dealt with in Empire members of the cult of the Ancient Allies oath curse prevents a member of the
in Flames, the final part of the Enemy
themselves, they will now be under Ancient Allies cult from revealing any
Within campaign. Of course, you can
deep suspicion.
information about the cult to a non­
insert some adventures of your own The PCs will be disarmed and member. That still leaves some useful
between the end of this adventure and imprisoned while the Tsar and his information which the PCs can pass on
the start of Empire in Flames if advisors try to come up with some way without bringing the curse down
you want to. of getting hold of the vital information on themselves.
which is locked away in their memories.
Stop the Rot This will satisfy Bogdanov and friends
They won't give up easily, so the PCs can
for a little while, but not for long.
The PCs are, of course, Kislev's leading look forward to a hair-raising few days
authority on what is happening in as they become unwilling guinea-pigs for By the way, you should be prepared to
Bolgasgrad, so it might be natural for the a series of experiments in magical bomb be an Utterly Ruthless and Nasty GM
Tuar to attach them to a massive punitive disposal. They will be split up for while playing out these questioning
force sent out to destroy the cult of the questioning, so that if - regrettably - one sessions. If a player says something, then
Ancient Allies and raze the rebel colony line of endeavour should prove to have his character said it, and if it's out
to the ground. If you are familiar with fatal shortcomings, the loss of valuable of line, then down comes the curse - no
the Warhammer Fantasy Battle rules informants will be minimised. second chances.

Concluding the Adventure

The Off Switch "Tricky one, that," he says, "Very tricky.

One of the first things the players might I'd like to meet whoever designed this
think of is to have the oath curse lifted little beauty. Or... maybe I wouldn't.
by the most powerful wizard in Kislev. There's what looks like a very nasty little
Unfortunately, the most powerful wizard sub-curse in there, which takes any
in Kislev is Sulring Durgul. attempt to lift the main curse as intention
to break the oath, so the curse goes off
The oath curse can be lifted by a Remove right away. Now, normally, I could take
Curse cast by a level 4 spellcaster. How the sub-curse out, and then proceed to
difficult you make it to find a level 4 the main curse. However, there are three
spellcaster in Kislev is up to you. Of the of these sub-curses in position, and - as
Clerics with whom the PCs might have well as keeping an eye on the main curse
had dealings at the start of the adventure, - they're all watching each other. So, at
Grigoriy Smertovitch Moryevitch of the the least sign of any tinkering, down it
temple of M6rr is level 3, as is Magda all comes - wallop! It's a very, very nice
Irenovna of the temple of 'Illal and Rhya. piece of design. Damned if I know how
The PCs have not met the head of the to shift it."
cult of Ulric in Kislev, who might be level
4, and Brother Stefan of the temple of So how are the PCs going to get out from
Verena is certainly venerable and wise, under the curse? Durgul, of course, could Another Little Problem
and might conceivably be level 4 as well. turn it off like turning out a light, but
If the PCs ventured into the Catacombs
There might possibly be a level 4 wizard actually persuading him to do so could before returning to Kislev, then there is
attached to the Tsar's court or to the prove a little tricky. a fair chance that they will have
University of Kislev. Annandil is the only person the PCs contracted the Undeath Plague (see
It all depends on how easily you want know who understands anything about pl04). If so, they will probably be
to let the PCs off the hook. If you want Durgul and his magical methods, so they looking for some kind of cure. As with
to bring things to a swift conclusion, might trek all the way back to the oath curse, you can play this out for
Chernozavtra, braving Dolgans and as long as you like.
then Bogdanov will have no difficulty
in rustling up a level 4 spellcaster from Hobgoblins on the way. Then they'd Convincing the authorities that the
somewhere, who can lift the curse. have to persuade Annandil to lift the plague is not contagious will probably
Then, simply and painlessly, the PCs are curse - assuming he knows how. call for a good deal of fast talking; the
given an intensive course of hypnosis Or, you could sent them on a desperate PCs' knowledge will keep them alive -
and truth potions and tell Bogdanov but strictly quarantined - for a while, but
quest somewhere else to get the curse
everything he wants to know, and that's after that things might become
lifted - perhaps Ar-Ulric back in somewhat difficult.
it. If anyone expresses surprise at how Middenheim could do it, or maybe it
easy it's all been, simply point out that would take the Grand Theogonist The first problem, of course, will be to
the oath curse is adequate to keep the himself, or perhaps only the head of the find out exactly how to get rid of the
citizens of Bolgasgrad under control, cult of Verena in the Old World has the disease. No mortal physician has ever
which is all Durgul intended it for; when necessary knowledge. If you want to encountered the Undeath Plague before
the full might of Imperial Kislev comes send the PCs somewhere - anywhere - - apart from Sulring Durgul, who can't
into play, it's a different matter. If people here's an easy way to do it . be described as mortal in the strictest
persist in questioning the logic of this, sense of the word - so some kind of
helpfully offer to reinstate the curse Alternatively, you might decide that it is divination will be necessary. And it will
on their characters. That should stop fairly easy to get the curse lifted, but that be necessary to interpret the results of
their griping. something goes wrong in the process - the divination and - perhaps -
after all, the oath was taken under the experiment a little with various cures.
If, on the other hand, you want to play auspices of Zuvassin the Undoer. In such
the oath curse up to its full potential, As with the oath curse, the PCs could
a case, the oath curse can be lifted by a always try to persuade Sulring Durgul to
then a whole world of possibilities level 4 spellcaster using the Remove
opens itself up to you. If you like, you lift the Undeath Plague from them -
Curse spell, but it is not completely although even he doesn't know
can have the curse hanging over the PCs lifted. Unknown to the PCs, in each case
for years - or at least, for several more everything about it, which is why he's
there is one trigger word remaining, and keeping Mikhail the Witch-Hunter for
playing sessions. every time the character says his or her study. Annandil might be able to make
For one thing, level 4 spellcasters aren't word, a remnant of the curse descends, a fair stab at curing the disease, if the PCs
exactly crowding the pavements, even in striking the character deaf, dumb, blind can get to Chernozavtra without falling
Middenheim, so finding one in the and paralysed for a week. Interesting foul of Dolgans, Hobgoblins or
comparative backwater of Kislev might words to use include Bolgasgrad, decomposition along the way, and if he's
prove to be impossible. Remember, level Durgul, Zuvassin, zombie, Chaos and still there when they get there.
4 is as high as spellcasters go, and NPC temple-or if you're feeling really mean,
level 4s are few and far between. try and, but, the, yes, no and him. If you Mundane Cures
like fancy GMing tricks, you might obtain There are two mundane avenues which
If you're not happy with making level can be explored here; herbalism and
a small gong or bell, to use whenever a
4 spellcasters as rare as gold dust, then medicine. In either case, the PCs will
perhaps the oath curse has a few tricks player uses his character's trigger word.
have to find someone to diagnose and
and dodges in its magical wiring that When (if?) the PCs finally sort the curse treat the plague. The NPC must have

make it a bit of a devil to turn off; a level out and tell Bogdanov everything he Cure Disease skill in order to diagnose
4 spellcaster examines the PCs using wants to know, you can proceed with the plague, and all Int tests are made at
Magical Sense, furrows his brow a lot, the happy ending detailed in the last a -20 penalty because of the plague's rare
mutters to himself, then shakes his head. few pages. and exotic nature.
Concluding the Adventure

As with drug treatments, it may turn out Prayers at the Shrine of Shallya have
that the plague - or at least the a base success chance of 1-10%
decomposition it causes - can be kept depending on your estimation of ho�
under control by magical means, but that well the PCs have served her purposes
the PCs will have to get regular treatment in the course of this mission.Although
for it; say every month or so. Again, Shallya was not formally a patron of the
though, you have to be careful that this mission and has no especial interest in
dependence does not become too much necromancy and undead, it should be
of a handicap. obvious that she will be less than willing
to grant miracles to characters who have
Or it might be that there is some fabled spent most of their time acting directly
artefact somewhere which will be the against her interests.
answer to all the PCs' problems. This
might make an interesting quest-type As in the temple of Shallya, the base
adventure, since it has the added tension chance is subject to a set of modifiers.
of a time limit - the PCs need to find the Most of these are similar to those given
cure before they decompose away to above for the temple of M6rr; the shrine
nothing.Of course, the less enlightened has three attendant Clerics of Shallya
(one level 2 and two level l}, as well as
people they run into along the way might four initiates.Further modifiers - which
mistake them for r ea l undead and apply only to prayers to Shallya - are
Next, the herbalist or physician must subject them to all kinds of unfair and as follows:
decide on a course of treatment .A course bigoted attacks.
of drugs is probably the most promising, For each 1% of the PCs' total personal
but there could be the need for Divine Cures wealth given for the relief of the poor
expensive and/or exotic ingredients, It may seem to the PCs that only a and sick: ...................+1%
which will have to be obtained from miracle can free them of the Undeath For each day the PCs pledge to
somewhere - giving you another Plague, and certainly there's nothing to working for the relief of the poor
opportunity to send the PCs off on a stop them praying for a miracle if the and sick: ...................+1%
desperate quest.And the treatment itself players think of it. The two deities to For each character who has followed, or
might be almost as bad as the disease - approach are M6rr, who has a large is following, a career as a herbalist or
for example, it might involve near-fatal temple in Kislev, and Shallya, who has physician: ................. +5%
doses ofGraveroot (WFRP, pp 81-82) to a shrine in a side chapel of the temple For each character who swears to
counteract the undead-ness in the to her mother Verena. become a follower of Shallya and train
patient's system. for the priesthood: ......... +10%
Of course, it may be that the Undeath Prayers at the temple of M6rr have Note that characters who break promises
Plague can never truly be cured, and the a base success chance of 1-10%, t o Shallya may find themselves
only thing to do is to suppress it with depending on your estimation of how facing The Wrath of the Gods (WFRP,
drugs.In which case, the PCs are going well the PCs served him in the course ppl95-195).
to need a supply of these drugs for the of this mission. This is modified as
rest of their lives.If the supply ever runs follows:
out for some reason - or if they miss a Character is a follower of M6rr:
dose - then there could be a tendency to .......................... +1%
go a bit crumbly round the edges.So they
can never go too far from a herbalist or Character is an Initiate of M6rr:
pharmacist who can maintain their +2%
supply, and if they get captured or Character is a Cleric of M6rr:
otherwise separated from their ............. +2%, +1% per level
equipment, things could get a little
sticky.You can use this option to make Others are praying with/for the PCs:
their lives hell for some time to come. Initiate of M6rr ........... +2%
Cleric of M6rr, level I ...... + 3 %
Magical Cures level 2 .................. +4%
As with the oath curse, you can decide level 3 .................. +5%
how easy it is to get rid of the Undeath level 4 .................. +6%
Plague by magical means, and how easy
it will be to find NPCs who can pull it Hours spent in prayer:
off.It all depends on how long you want .......... +1 per person per hour,
to play things out for. maximum +10% per person.
The first thing is to decide what it will Thus, if there are 6 PCs, and they have
actually take to cure the Undeath Plague. done well enough in M6rr's eyes to merit

For example, Cause Instability to loosen a 10% base chance, and they then
the undead-ness followed by Cure Severe persuade Grigoriy Smertovitch (level 3
Wound, 'l'reat Illness or Heal Injury to
get things back to proper working order. Cleric of M6rr) to pray with them for 10
Or it may be necessary for a character hours, their total chance of success is
to wear an Amulet of Enchanted Jade calculated as follows:
while being struck repeatedly with

Annihilate Undead spells or an Undead Base chance 10
Bane magic weapon.The PCs will need 7 people praying for 10 hours: + 70
to assembl e all the equipm ent and Level 3 Cleric of M6rr + 5
personnel they need, and give it a try. total 85 % �=------" (i;)
Selling Out

If a blessing is obtained, it will be the SELLING OUT Some GMs might get really excited at
complete and permanent removal of the the prospect of running adventures
Undeath Plague from every character in Of course, if the PCs have decided to for a bunch of PC zombies who are
the temple who is smitten with it. Others accept Durgul's offer of employment bound in service to a mega-powerful
will be cured only if the PCs mention instead, this adventure will end quite Necromancer. And, as we've already
them by name in their prayers. differently. They will stay in Bolgasgrad said, it's certainly a great excuse for
doing various odd jobs, and will have the sending them all over the globe - to
If a blessing is not obtained, but you want chance to train up to level 4 in any wizard Lustria in search of Old Slann
to get things sorted out quickly and specialisation. Durgul might even send artifacts, across the Steppes to Cathay
neatly - or if the blessing was so nearly them on errands around and about to re-open the land trade routes, to
obtained that you feel guilty about Bolgasgrad, and they might even still be Araby for obscure magical para­
withholding it - then M6rr or Shallya there when the Tsar gets round to phenalia, and so on. So, feel free. Be
might grant one of the PCs or one of their sending a military expedition to raze it creative. Unfortunately, there's just
own followers access to a non-divine to the ground. However, as far as no way we can cover all these
means of curing or suppressing the adventuring goes, the PCs will be firmly possibilities in future adventure
plague, in a dream or by some other tied to Durgul as a patron -although they supplements, so you're on your own if
means (see Oracles and Other Marvels, may get the chance to escape back to you try anything this ambitious - but
WFRP p 194). In return, of course, they Kislev at some time. we're sure you can cope!
might well ask/demand for a small

Other Cures
Players can always be relied upon to
come up with solutions to problems
which no-one else would think of in a
thousand years, so this section cannot
hope to be exhaustive. However, here are
a couple of other things they might try,
with some notes for the beleaguered GM.

The Cleansing Fire of Zuvassin

(p95) will certainly get rid of the
Undeath Plague in the same way as it gets
rid of all other influences of Chaos. Treat
the plague as a single mutation. Of
course, the PCs will probably have some
difficulty in persuading Sulring Durgul,
Leonid Barismann or the Abbot of the
temple of the Ancient Allies - the only
people who know the correct ritual - to
administer the treatment to them.
Durgul knows that he can keep the
plague under control for as long as the
PCs work for him, and he's astute
enough not to fall for any fast talk unless
it is particularly inspired. The other two
will always seek clearance from him
before treating the PCs, if they know of
his interest in them.

Prayer in the temple of the Ancient

Allies might produce a favourable result,
if the PCs can make out a good case for
curing them of the plague. Zuvassin
might be swayed by suggestions that the
plague is a product of Chaos, and one
which might serve Nurgle, the Plague
God, particularly well, or by promises
from the PCs to dedicate their lives to
eradicating Chaos from the world.
Necoho, on the other hand, will be
almost impossible to stir into any godlike

action; he will almost certainly not
believe any promises which will involve
the PCs in spending the rest of their lives
destroying temples and suchlike. ._________________________________,@
Experience Point Awards

EXPERIENCE Getting into the catacombs without

raising the alarm - 50EPs each
Reconnoitcring Durgul's apartments -20
EPs each
POINT AWARDS Cutting a way into the catacombs lalking to Durgul and finding out what
through the temple's defenders - is going on - 50 EPs each
20EPs each
Roleplaying Attacking Durgul at any time - 5EPseach
As always, you should reward good Getting locked up in the holding cell and
escaping all by themselves - 20EPs each Being defeated by Durgul - JOEPs to
roleplaying and bright ideas - an average each survivor
character should get about 30 points per Getting locked up in the holding cell and
session for good roleplaying, going needing Mikhail 's help to escape - Meeting Durgul and escaping without
down to zero for bad or uninspired play joining the cult - 100 points each
5EPs each
and up to 100 for excellent play. Meeting Durgul, joining the cult and
Finding out about the Undeath Plague
escaping - 50 points each
from Mikhail - 20EPs each
Meeting Durgul, joining the cult and
Defeating Alexis III - 50EPs for each
character involved in the combat
staying with him - 25 points each
Getting the oath curse lifted -
Not defeating Alexis lll- J0EPsfor each
50 points each
character involved in the combat
Getting the Undeath Plague cured - 50
Avoiding the Undeath Plague - 50EPsfor points each
each character who does so
Getting samples of Chaos-warped plant Final Awards
life from Radici's lab or the Chaos
Garden - 20 EPs per sample for each If the PCs have managed to bring back
information to Kislev which will result
character who does so
in the overthrow of the cult of the
Stopping the Spirit Reservoir working - Ancient Allies, they may each receive
JO EPs each 200 EPs and I Fate Point.

Plot Objectives
Concocting a CC2Sonable cover story -
10-50 EPs each, depending on your
estimation of the story.
Getting Olvaga's map without help from
the GM and without causing any
unpleasantness - 50 EPs each
Getting Olvaga's map without help from
the GM, but causing trouble in the
process - 20EPs each
Needing help to get Olvaga's map, and/or
making a real mess of things in that
direction- - 5EPs each
Getting locked up in the barracks cellar
and escaping all by themselves -
20EPs each
Getting locked up in the barracks cellar
and needing to be rescued by Vladimir
Slepov - 5EPs each
Getting an audience with the Prince and
behaving well - 20EPs each
Getting an audience with the Prince and
disgracing themselves - 5EPs each
Getting into the temple of the Ancient
Allies by means of some brilliant ruse -
50EPs each
Getting into the temple of the Ancient
Allies by violent means - 20EPs each
Recovering documents from the temple

- 20EPs for each character who thinks
to do so
Finding out about the cult of the Ancient
Allies - 20 EPs each L----======= __________________Jm,
The Temple of the Ancient Allies - NPCs


30 40 40 40 30
NPCs and Creatures
Skills: Control Undead, Read/Write, Scroll Lore, Secret
Language - Classical, Theology.
Leonid Barismann - Level 3 Cleric
Possessions: Robes, Staff, Dagger.

4 43 35 4 4 11 50 67 55 51 62 60
Undead Guards
T hese are identical to the Zombies of Chernozavtra - see p61.
Skills: Arcane Language - Magick, Cast Spells - see below,
Control Undead (see p97), Identify Undead, Magical
Awareness, Magical Sense, Manufacture Scrolls, Meditate, Public
Speaking, Read/Write, Scroll Lore, Secret Language - Classical, Undead Bear
MWS8SS T W 1·A tdintdWPFe1
Possessions: Robes, spell components. 4 33 0 4 5 15 10 2 10 10 10 10 -
Magic Points: 32 Psychological Traits: Not subject to Frenzy. Causes Fear
because of its bear nature (no extra Fear check for being
Spells undead, unless you're a really evil-hearted GM).
Petty Magic: Curse, Glowing Light, Magic Lock, Marsh Lights,
Reinforce Door, Remove Curse, Sleep, Sounds, Zone of Silence.
Battle Magic, level 1: Aura of Resistance, Cure Light Injury,
Fire Ball, Hammerhand, Steal Mind, Wmd Blast. Alexis Chokin III, Chaos Warrior of Zuvassin
Battle Magic, level 2: Aura of Protection, Cause Panic, Hold
Flight, Lightning Bolt, Smash. M .\V'SBS
Battle Magic, level 3: Arrow Invulnerability, Cause Cowardly 4 59 49 4
Flight, Cause Fear, Cause Stupidity, Dispel Aura .
Ancient Allies Special Magic: Invoke Cleansing Fire of
Zuvassin, Detect Chaos Taint (see p97). Mutations: Skull Face and Very Resilient•.

Equipment: Chaos Armour - 2 AP to every location, no

encumbrance, + 10 bonus to all Magic tests.
Chaos 1\vo-handed Sword - made of a mass of fused Human
bone, and enchanted by Sulring Durgul with help from
Zuvassin, this sword gives its wielder the following advantages:
cause Fear in all living creatures; immune to all psychological
effects; immune to all poisons except Graveroot (WFRP, p 82),
which affects the wielder as if he or she were undead.
Artisia potion - (taken) doubles Attacks and Movement.
Comporana blade venom (applied to sword) - works as a
double dose of Manbane (see WFRP, p 82) for the first
blow only.

Viktor Stragoff, Abbot, Cleric Level 1

M WS. BS s T /\f . I A
4 33 25 3 3

Skills: Arcane Language - Magick, Cast Spells - see below,

Control Undead (see p97}, Meditate, Read/Write, Secret
Language - Classical, T heology.

Possessions: Robes, Staff, Dagger, Spell components.

Magic Points: 11

Petty Magic: Curse, Glowing Light, Magic Lock, Marsh Lights,
Reinforce Door, Remove Curse, Sleep, Sounds, Zone of Silence.

Battle Magic: Aura of Resistance, Cure Light Injury, Steal Mind,
Wind Blast.
Ancient Allies Special Magic: Invoke Cleansing Fire of
Zuvassin, Detect Chaos Taint (see p97).
The Temple of the Ancient Allies - NPCs

S'sississ'ex - Daemonette of Slaanesh Dwarf Skeletons

MSW BS S, T W I A 14 1nt a ·WP Fel MSW BS S T W I A 14 lDt O W P Fel
4 57 42 4 3 5 60 3 89 89 89 89 89 4 25 17 3 3 5 20 18 18 18 18

Special Rules: lwo claw attacks and one tail-lash. Subject Psychological Traits: cause Fear in living creatures, immune
to instability outside the shrine. Causes/ear in living creatures to all psychology rules.
under 10 feet tall. Immune to psychological effects except
when caused by deities or Greater Daemons, cannot be forced Special Rules: while in the temple and catacombs, the
to leave combat except by such beings. Skeletons are not subject to Instability and do not need
a controller.
Sulring Durgul
Refer to Staging Sup er-Powerful NPCs, pl09.
Creetox the miniature Dragon
5 59 0 6 6 20 60 6

Blood-Letter - Lesser Daemon of Khorne
MWSBSS T W I A 14 lnt . Cl WP Fel
4 50 42 4 3 5 60 2 89 89 89 89 01

Special Rules: Invulnerable to non-magical attacks; its own

attacks count as magical. It automatically passes all Magic tests Chaos Attributes: Creetox has the Chaos attribute Shrink,
required as a result of spells cast at it. making him one-third the size of most Dragons. His other
attributes are Fast, raising his M to 5, and Strong, which raises
Subject to Instability and Frenzy. Hates creatures and hisS score to near that of a full-size Dragon.
followers of Slaanesh. Immune to all other psychological
effects except those caused by greater Daemons and deities; PsychologicalTraits: Creetox's diminutive stature makes him
it has a + 10 bonus to all Fear and Terror tests, except those less frightening than his full-sized cousins, and as a result he
caused by Khorne's greater Daemons, the Blood-Thirsters. It causes Fear rather than terror. Creatures larger than Human­
causes Fear in living creatures. size gain a + 10 bonus to their Fear tests.
Regenerates in the same way as a Troll (WFRP, p 229). Creetox is very sensitive to comments about his size. When
Attacks with weaponklaw or claw/bite. Bite is poisonous, and someone brings up this subject, he becomes subject to Frenzy.
it can spit poison up to 10 yards. The poison affects all creatures
as the most appropriate toxin (WFRP, p 82); the bite carries Special Rules: Like a full-sized dragon, Creetox attacks with
D6 doses and the spit D3. A separate Poison test is allowed four claws, one bite and one tail-lash per round. His scales
for each dose. Claw attacks have a 25% chance of causing are just as hard as those of a full-sized Dragon, and give him
infected wounds.
2AP on each body location. He has Night Vision to 20 yards
and flies as a swooper, owing to his reduced weight.
Armed with a Hellblade; a razor-edged magical short sword
with a + 10 'to hit' bonus. This terrible weapon does quadruple Creetox can breathe fire once per turn as a normal Dragon
normal damage; on a successful hit, roll 4D6 instead of one. · covering a cone-shaped area 24 yards long and 8 yards wide
When used against followers of Slaanesh, a Hellblade drains as the far end. All creatures within this area take 2D6 automatic
2D6 Magic Points or Daemonic Power Points (as appropriate) Wounds at S 7 (ie, 2D6 + 7 damage, minus victim's Toughness).
from its victim on a successful hit. When the bearer of a Armour only counts if it provides magical protection against
Hellblade is slain, the weapon dissolves into a reddish slime, fire. A successful I test allows a victim to dodge the worst of
evaporates, and is gone. the blast, halving the damage. Flammable targets will take
additional damage (WFRP, p 80). Creetox cannot breathe if
Mikhail l.ementov, undead Witch Hunter he is being attacked hand-to-hand on either flank, and cannot
bite and breathe fire in the same round.
MWSBS S T W I A Creetox is completely immune to normal fire. He only suffers
4 65 57 4 5 15 67 3 half normal damage from magical fires.

Magical Equipment: Among the various cheap and shiny

Skills: Ambidextrous, Cryptography, Demon Lore, Identify
bit and pieces Creetox has been given by Durgul are some
Undead, Law, Magical Awareness, Magical Sense, Manufacture things which actually work; thus, Creetox wears a garnet-and­
Scrolls, Marksmanship, Meditate, Public Speaking, Read/Write,
silver amulet around his neck, which functions as a Ring of
Ride horse, Scroll Lore, Secret Language - Classical, Silent Move
Protection (WFRP, p 187). While wearing this, Creetox takes
Rural, Silent Move Urban, Sixth Sense, Specialist Weapon - Net,
Specialist Weapon - Lasso, Specialist Weapon - Crossbow Pistol, half normal damage from all edged and pointed weapons, and
has a + 10 bonus to any relevant tests (including parries and
Specialist Weapon - Throwing Wea pon, Str ike Mighty
the like).
Blow, Torture.
Durgul gave the amulet to Creetox because ''some people only

Possessions: none. have to see a Dragon and they fall prey to a strange kind of
psychosis. They just have to kill it. Bearing the mark of Chaos
Special Rules: Mikhail is suffering from Undeath Plague - makes things doubly dangerous for Creetox, especially since
see pl04, he's so sensitive and tends to fly off the handle sometimes.''

PERSONALITY: "Krogar's all rlgbt really. Good to bave at your back In a figbt. 'lrouble
Is, be's Impulsive. Especially wben be's bored. And be tends to get bored wben be's notfigbtlng.
Sometimes, bis Impulses get blm In trouble. Tben tblngs tend to get a bit unfortunate for botb
of us.
"But I've bad some good times wltb blm - rarely dull, I'll say tbat. I'd never give It up- I mean
wbat else Is tbere? Regular army's too mucb like bard work - and can you ImaginehJm square­
basblng or peeling potatoes? No, tbank you very mucb, I can do wltbout tbat."

Jim has all the skills to be a first-class soldier, but he's too independent, and too bright to follow
stupid orders. He's well travelled, speaks scvcral languages, and is familiar with the customs of
many Old World cultures, by apcrience as well as hearsay.

Jim has an insatiable curiosity, and once he starts on a subject, he becomes obsessive. A quick
and unconventional thinker. he's seldom inlCttStcd in the orthodox method, always preferring
tricky or clever solutions. When a choice of tactics is necessary, he always chooses the off-beat
and unexpected over the direct and conventional.
Jim would make a good officer, but his social station makes it unlikely that a commission will
be offered him, and he is too Impatient with fools and procedures 10 work his way up through
the ranks. His dream is 10 make a name for himself as an adventurer, and somehow conven that
into an opponunity 10 command a patron's mercenary force.

&ifi•iil•iii■ +1 13HC11ffl TAAL �



PERSONALITY: ''Tbere bas been some dreadful mistake. Surely tbere Is no crime In serving
tbe spiritual needs of tbose too wretcbed and too bewildered by tbe obscure cant of callous
eccleslasts toperceive tbe simple message ofcomfort, tbe soul-«mng release ofgenerous cbarlty?
And wbat crime Is tbere In providing for tbe modest pbyslcal needs of a faltbful servant of
tbe gods?
"I will not stoop to discuss tbe vile calumnies beaped upon me by tbosejealous of my erudition.
It Is, of course, untnu tbat I was cast outfrom tbe Brotberbood. I wltbdrew of my own accord
to separate myselffrom tbe oresses and corruptions of tbe fat priests."

Rolland maruigcd to gnduatc from the University of Ahdod, but only by the skin of his ICClh,
and not without numerous allegations of Impropriety from tutors and colleagues.
Rolland is a man of obscure principles. On one hand, he waxes eloquent over the attitudes of
fat and high-ranking priests, but he is not above bending the precepts of his own faith to suit
his ends. At the same time, he has a powerful sense of justice and a strong belief in the essential
goodness of all living things. He even troubles himself over the plight of mutants, Bcasuncn,
and Goblins - although he ls not overly solicitous when his own personal safety is Involved.
At bean, he is a rootless and empty man, in search of a cause, something he can put his bean,
soul and intellect into. In the meantime, he must continue to live by his wits, to do good as best
as he can, and to seek 'Ihlth in all Its obscure and paradoxical manifestations.

au,11■ui■ + 3 •mHtifM VERENA �

\1 WS BS s T w I :\ On Ld lnt Cl \\'P Fd
STARTER PROm.E 5• 30 30 3 3 45• 1 25 30 30 30 30 35
ADVANCE SOIEME +20• +20• +1 +1• +4· +10' +20 +1· +10 +10• +10• +10• +10• +10
CURRENT PROm.E 5 50 50 3 4 10 55 2 25 40 40 40 40 35
\10\f\tf",T R \H )O�
Ill sEC�
\1 PH
SWORD CAlTl'IOUS 10 60 2¼
DAGGER +10 -2 -20
120 4¼
80 480 18








\1 WS BS s T w I .\ DC\ Ld lnt Cl WP Fd
STARTER PROFILE 4 25 25 3 3 6 28 1 35 35 38 30 40 32
ADVANCE SCHEME +10· +10 1 +1• +1* +3* +20• +10 +10• +10· +10· +20• +10•
CURRENT PROflLE 4 35 25 4 4 9 48 1 35 45 48 40 60 42
H\"-0 TO H\SO \10\'£\IEST R \TI YDS YOS
I \\S O py \1 PH
\\'£\POSS Ill SECS '-11",
KNIFE +10 -2 -20 CAIJTIOUS 8 48 1¾
STANDAID 16 96 3½
IUNNJNC 64 384 14¼



PERSONAI.Il'Y: "Indeed, I baw b«n lmoumtoproctta tben«rOmanllc am- qul"a 1tnacll

for II, you /mow· l,ut I gaw II all up. Saw tbe llgbl. lffml stralgbt, found a proper arena for
my laknls - research amstantfor L«tu,w Hocbzauber al tbe Colkg{um.
"How was Ito /mow tbe old boy was getting tUlld 'uns on tbe sly and setttng tbem up to run
around tbe labs al nlgbl? Bats In tbebelfry all rlgbl, ,,,,, no OM el# nottced ellbe,; and Icertainly
wouldn't baw bad anytblng to do wltb It. l'w learned my lesson, sure enougb.
"Tbe old boy does a l,unll, tbe leclors can't find anyone el# to � so Ibey plcll � a
conwnlenl scapegoat, former ,u,cromancer, and wltbout a friend In tbe world."

Lucky Is a pr:actlcal fellow, hardly a haughty sorceror-typc. He views sorcery the way a gifted
mccbanlc views machlnery • obvious, rcally, If you think about It. He never fancied adventuring,
and has never bad any particularly burning ambitions, except necromancy, which he gavc up
In the Interests of continued survival.
He did not so much want to be a necromancer, but the subject always &sclnatcd him. He always
loved ghost stories and lurid popubr entcn:linmcnts featuring ghouls and shambllng corpses.
He's even tried his band at penning gothlc l:lles, but he never bad much free time to work on
them. The Idea of an adventure with apc:ricnccs he could aploit In golhic l:lles... well, ii would
be just IOO good IO be true.

PERSONALITY: ''Tbatsa rlgbt. I wasn't noplace nearwbere tbey says. ltsa completeframa­
Job. Dambetcba.
''Tbat rat Emilio, be ft= de wbole ting. Wbat lmma gonna do wltb sl.ra bunert sboes? I got
sl.rabunert legs, ltmaJresenM!, but no, sol gotojallanyways-you tblnlla Guardgonna b'llellf!
a Tllean, bub! Nobody screw Guido Mwmlulll and llw to "II bis lttds about It."

Guido Is a stereotypical Tilcan lmmlgr:ant In the Empire - mcrcurial, emotionally Intense, and
(he may hint occasionally) a many-times-removed relative of the don of a famous Tilcan
underworld f:unily. He has been r:aiscd to mistrust the snobbish Imperial citizens and the laws
Ibey seem to have fr:uncd specifically for the persecution of innocent Tilcans. He has sccmingly
endless lists of Injustices, aploitUions, and bctr:ayals of the lower classes by merchants and
>J long as he's not r:aving about some personal insult or social Injustice, Guido Is a shrewd and
Ingenious engineer of the social processes of lower-class urban life. He Is not a thief, but not
above theft. He Is not an assassin, but he would not necessarily feel honour-bound to warn a
victim before striking from behind, as long as 'the r:at had It coming to him.' On the other hand,
Guido has a queer and romantic notion of honour which occasionally Impels him to heroic
behavior • usually where a fair rcprcscnt:1tlvc of the opposite sex Is Involved. Guido Is a sucker

for pretty women, and easily dlsttactcd. When he makes the effort, he's rcally quite a charmer.

O •iii■MM RANALD �

STARTER PROflLE 4 2931 3 3 6 33 1 26 30 38 33 27 34
ADVANCE SCHEME + 10 + 10 + 1 + 1 • + • +3 +IO' +20 +10• +10• +20• +10• +10· +10
CURRENT PROflLE 4 29 31 3 4 8 43 1 36 30 58 43 37 34
I \l.S D py \10\'E\IEST R \TI \1 PH
\\'£\POSS lU SECS ,1r.-.
DAGGER +10 -2 -20 CAUTIOUS 8 48 1¾
STANDARD 16 96 3½
RUNNINC 64 384 14¼






M WS BS s T \V I De, Ld lnt Cl WP Fel

STARTER PROflLE 4 35 25 3 3 6 30 1 25 25 30 35 35 35
ADVANCE SCHEME +10• + I* +10· +10· I
CURRENT PROflLE 4 55 45 3 3 10 50 2 25 25 40 45 35 45
\l.S �t PH
\l.'f,\POSS 10 SECS \IJS
DAGGER +10 -2 -20
STANDARD 16 96 3½
RUNNINC 64 384 14¼




PERSONALITY: ''Wbatsa matterwttb dtggtng up old dead bodies offolk wbat'.sgotnofurder

usefor 'em? Nu/fin' but meat, yer /mow. Stone� you'd tbtnk I llllled 'em wttb me own 'ands
"I dunno- tbelT'.s bleedtn' mercbants and lawyers robbtn' tbepoorfolll blind, an' you go ptclttn'
on tbe /Utes of mewbo's only trying to make a ltvtn'. H>u want to catcb some real criminals,
you do - sort out someo' tbemfat boys! Hab! Not bleedtn' /tltely, Is It? fill, wotcber standln'
gawptn' at, yerpasty-faced llcltsptnle toady?Alntcbergotsome Important boots ter be llcldn r

Ruby bdlcvcs finnly, if so�hat incohttmtly, in the principle of class strul!lllc and the libcr.won
of the lower classes from the tyranny of the rich. Her pragmatic, down-� sensibilities arc
unfettered by Inhibiting notions of decorum and good taste. There is link she will not take in
band for the Cause. Wbcrc others fear to tread, Ruby w:adcs in - if thctt's an honest job to be done.
Sadly, Ruby's notions arc not often in accord with those of the est:lblisbmcnt. Ruby fancies bcnclf
quite tidy and smartly turned out in her black leather cloak and flamboyant, mulll-<:olouttd
spiky bain:ut - regardless of the soil, grime and other subs12nces which cling here and there.
Ruby's simple ambition in life is to 'get on' - a notion which includes clctnents of bard work,
fair wages, slow, steady accumulation of savings, and a pleasant place to tttltt in her old age.
She's never travelled outside Middcnhclm, but she'd have little trouble applying her simple
wisdoms to foreign cultures. "Hahl What else d'y'cxpcct from furrincrs? Prissy gits!"

IJifi•&il•UiM -l •ili■MM RA NA LD :]




PERSONALITY: "Krogar need borse. Horse cost plenty. So Krogar talte borse. Man on borse
try bit Krogar. Stupid. Krogar pull bead off. Men come. Many, many, wltb long pointy a.,ces.
PblleKrogar,yelllots. 1rytalteborse. Krogarftgbt. Frlendjlm blde. Goodfriend, clever, butwc,ak.
''Goodflgbt. Men tougb. Krogar bave to bit some twice. Tben more men come. Bring net. Catcb
Krogar /Ute badger. DragKrogar tbrougb street. Say bang Krogar. (Spits In contempt.) Fat cbana
Fat ned. HAR-HAR-HAR! Krogar make jolte. Good, bub?" (Peers threateningly).
,1..__.___..,.::-.LI Krogar is simple-minded and cheerful. Easily befriended, be is generous and loyal to companions,

though instinctively homicidal when betrayed or cheated. Careless with money and possessions,
he has yet to accumulate the cash to pwcbasc a horse, the basic malCrial need of the steppe nonwl.

Krogar and bis companion Dolgan Jim have been wandering around the northern Old 'llbrld,
working as mcrccnmes and seeing the sights. Krogar recently decided to sec bow he'd like being
a bodyguard. He didn't. Now he's back with Jim, and they were looking for mcrccnary employment

when a misundcrs12nding over a gcntlctnan's horse got them both thrown in the dungeon.
Krogar wants to go everywhere and sec everything. He likes food and physical challenges -

especially man-to-man combat. He trusts Jim completely, and relics on him more than be would
ever admit. Krogar's word is bis bond, and having accepted a task or obligation, be honours

it without question or restraint.

I IJiiiMMl•UiM 0 ljlHrjffi TAAL :]
\f WS BS s T w I :\ De, Lei lnt Cl WP Fd
STARTER PROffl.E 3 45 20 3 5• 8 20 1 30 50 35 53 55 26
ADVANCE SCHEME +10• +10• +2• +10• +10• +10
CURRENT PROffl.E 3 55 30 3 5 10 30 1 30 60 35 63 55 26
H ,,ll T<> H \'-ll I \t<J\ f,n,r R ,n YD� ) ()�
\\ l
\J;� I) P)
1,, �F C� 'I"- \I PH

DAGGER +10 -20 CAl1TlOUS 6 36 l¼

STANDAID 12 72 2¾
IUNNINC 48 288 10¾




\f \\'S RS s T '-'" I .\ On Lei lnt Cl WP �cl

STARTER PROffl.E 4 38 25 4 4 7 25 1 31 34 22 37 40 26
ADVANCE SCHEME +20• +t• +2• +10 +t•
CURRENT PROflLE 4 58 25 5 4 9 25 2 31 34 22 47 40 26
\fll\f\!f,T k,fl 'n, '(), \1 PH
I '\ll_� ,11,
2-HANDED AXE -J O +2 CAl1110US 8 48 l¾
DAGGER +10 -2 -20
IUNNINC 64 384 14¼


EOL'IP\tE'.',,;T TR:\PPl�GS
LOJNCLOllf, BOOTS, ROPE (10 yds)
ANCIENT SPIRITS Spirit of the Hearth
('Grandfather Spark')
The Domovoy (plw:al Domovlyc) IJ the

Spirit of the Fottst

('Lord of the Fottst')
Lcshy IJ the cgomantacal IOVCt'tlgn or the
spirit woc:lated wlththe homcandf.unlly. forctt and Ill bcattl · the lln>l18CII of the
Summoning and dealing with the ancient spirits of the hearth. ham, field. wood He llvcs In the ,rove In ho111Choldo tlw ancient 1plr111. Sometime, neJahbourtns
still pay their respccu, even accepting an Lcshy wW ba<tlc one another for territory,
and water is similar to the practice of demonology. In fact, Demons and spirits unc:uy coalllcncc with theohr1nc to 'l?aal­ with the contest appearing u violent
Rhya round In 1h01c hou1chold1 that thundcnrormt and whlrlwlndo.
arc both products of the influence of Chaos. although the spirits arc not allied obocrve the ltatc-cllabllJhcd culll. The
Lcshy 11 generally accompanied by hlJ
primary occupation or the Domovoy IJ
to Chaos in any way. protecting the mcmbcn ofhlJ ho111Chold
patient servant, Falhcr Bear, an cnormout
brown bear.
from pcm, mlJfortunc and evil 1plrl11. A
Generally. and despite their similar origins. the spirits differ in personality from happy Domovoy IJ Rlppoocd to brlns hlJ
hoUIChold good fortune.
Alway, atk pcrmlJllon to brlns domcttlc
Demons. Where Demons arc uniformly malevolent and evil. the spirits arc as The Domovoy can al10 come to anlmaltlnto hll domaln(cg, UIC Offorest
hou1choldcn In dream,, warning of clcar1np at pastwag<, or brinslna dop on
often neutral or positively inclined toward the fates of intelligent races. Impending dangct. Thclt abWty to ICC the huntlna apcdltlom). WIJc men •peak
rur:un, u umortunaldy llmltcd ID negative loudly and effusively In terms that flatter
hl1 power and wladom. For e:u.mplc,
Nonetheless. as with the practice of demonology. spirit summoning has a cvcnll, and IJ alway, couched In rlddlct
or ooocun, cl=m syrmolJ. The Domovoy "Loni, permit your ocrvant pauagc on an
errand or Utile lmportanec. Your power
destructive effect on the practitioner. and the risks arc considerable. Spirit warlocks alto mourn the dyiJ11, an Important 1lgn
ortovc and respect that IJNpp01Cd 1Dcuc IJ acceded only by your gcnaotlty and
graclout hoopltallty.'' Lay It on thick If you
arc increasingly drawn into the incomprehensible world of the spirits they summon. the dying one'• puagc from the world.
know what'• good for you.
losing touch with this reality. developing various symptoms of eccentricity and Ol>Rnanceo
Keep the stove warm and clean. The hnonallty
Vain, fond or flattery and cheerfully
insanity, and occasionally lapsing into full-blown lunacy. Pyotr is an unusually customary greeting ii •' Welcome,
Grandfather, ro our home," and h0111 .,., pcr venc. He like• to lead people Into
1wamp1 where they Harvc, sink In
sane representative of his class. but - fearing the personality changes he saw al way, 1uppoocd ro uk ''Aff our vuIron
welcome?" (Jn 1ome cuc1, thJa 11 an qulcuand or wander tW they drop. He hat
no nodon or compaalon ai ail. Hit moodl
in himself - he voluntarily abandoned the practice of spirit summoning years ago. opportunity for the Domovoy ID warn the
houacholdcr or the evil Intention, or the .,., whimsical; he 10)'1 with humam and
suppoocd gunt). A proper gift IJ a bowl hll forctt 1ubjccll u a child 10)'1 with anti
or stewed grain left by the 11ove ac night, and earthworm,. He 11 a mlni•dclty •
but the moot Important gift IJ the love and caprlcloua, pcrvenc and vain.
SPIRIT WORSHIP IN KISLEV rctpcct or thehoUICholdcn, dcmonstratcd
by keeping the-.. and COW'l<OUI
He halCI the cult &odo • "Presump<UOUI
upstarts!" • and mere mention of them
speech. lhrowt him Into a tantrum or 1ulk. The
Through the workings of the official state cults of llw-Rhya and Ulric, the practice of spirit worship tnpplnp of wonhlpof other ddtlcl caute
and summoning has been discouraged for centuries. Wherever the more powerful gods arc Appeanace him ID m:oil and 1park hlJ Ire.
worshipped, the spirits withdraw from the sacred ground consecrated to the major cults. Thus, An aged human figure, a few lnchn 1211;
wean a white cloak tlw may now with HII one predictable wcaknc11 11 hl1
In most urban and civilised areas, the only accessible spiritual entitles arc those of the major coloun or name, pcrmlttll18 him to be fondllal for gambling and con1e111. He
established cults. lnvlJlblc In a Ott. Often teen In the fire, never tumt down a bet, though he often
If you look 10118 and clote. abUICI hlJ power ro wclch on a 1011 bet,
However, spirits still abound In rural and wilderness areas, and - In many cases • their worship unle11 the winner has the perfect balance
continues, though In a much reduced and secretive form. Educated and civilised Clerics regard of Oati,ry and cbldlng In hlJ mDOllltnnCel,
these practices as primitive superstition, but the peasants and other rural dwellers retain a healthy Wum and friendly, the tint 1plrl1 friend He alto Ukcl to drink. Getting him drunk
or man. He fccdt on human paulon, or IJ an epic wk - about ten gallon, or wine
respect for the ancient beliefs.
love, 1CCUrlty and respect for tldm. The to act him mildly tlply • but, under the
Spirit warlocks arc rarely encountered In settled regions ofKlslcv, and keep the old spirit observances Domovlyc an, taddcned by the 1011 or tnnucncc, be IJ 01'1,n lmpulllv,ly gcncrout.
human faith In 1plrit1, and the
and rituals In secrecy. The spread of the cult of llw-Rhya has dramatically diminished the Influence
replacement of the hearth by the cult
of the old traditions. Many surviving spirit warlocks arc old men, unable to Interest the younger shrine. Like a bear with_. hair. r.ct and
generation In preserving the old ways. As these old men die, much of the lore of the ancient spirits horn,, a 1ln1tc eye, no cycla1hc1 or
dies with them. eyebrow,, and ..... c1.... IJke • srtzz!y
bear, wcartns a 1hccp1kln cloak with a
On the other hand, spirit worship Is still alive among nomadic peoples like the Dolgans. Spirit great bark belt; he can be any 1tu he
warlocks, known as shamans among the nomads, still command the spiritual respect of the steppes chOOICI to be, but bit &vourlte form IJ u
a twcnry-to-forty-foot creature toWttln8
clans, and cults of the established pantheons have been largely unsuccessful In converting them
over the trees.
through monasteries, mission settlements, and Itinerant missionaries..
COll'(rlght �20I8 a-· Wort<ahop Ltd. P9rmlulon 11 grantld to photocopy fO< -•I UN only.
Spirit of Man's Beasts Spirit of the Soll and Scythe Spirit of the Watcn
('Grand&ther Barn') ('Grandfather Graln') ('Grandfather Drowner')
The Maclcw Uva In barns and pastures, The Polcvlld arc bloodthlnty communal A truly nl2118"ant entity, the 'll>dyanoy
and walCbel OYU the domestic bcull, He 1plrl11 thu feed on the 1lau&hter or plan11 (plural 'lbdyanlyc)dc:Ushll ln attractln& hil
&Iva no affcctlon and apec11 none, but (the harvau) • and which may confer victims by charm and senile murmur1n&o,
ii always treated with proper re1pect; bcncfi11 u, those who offer them blood then shoves them In the water, holdln&
up,e111n& a Maclcw can lead "' a oeria or 1acrificcs. Their only Interest Js in the thdr heads under u he revels In the aaony
practical jokes and minor acciden11, u 'harvest' • the blood sacrifice which or thdr drownfns. Alternatlvdy, he ,111 by
well II affecting the welfare of the nourllhct the toll; but they arc always the watenlde In the form of an old man,
UvaU>Ck. The Maclew ii respected and prepared to trade moun and IICl'Vlccs for with a large club decorated with gay
placated rather than bcln& tfflll<d with any the &1h or blood. rlbbom. When 10mconc draws near out
11enulnc affcctlon. or curl01lty, he clubo them to dcuh and
Obec:rftllcea hurls them In the water.
The Polcvlld require a blood sacrifice to
Kttp the IW>lCI clean and the anlnl211 conoec:rate the ,cythc blade and blCII the ObKl'ftllCH
well-fed. He llkcl 11!ft1 of tobacco and harvest. They al10 have: been known to Leave hi1 victims to drown, or the
but1eml porrld&c. He moot particularly blc11 the lmprov ltcd weapons of the Vodyanoy cboo1c1 another victim
llka lnvlatlonl 10<1-=c In the lJaht of the pcuant • 11cncra11y f.ann lmplemen11 • In perhaps you, or someone you love, 10 he
moon -10 much 10 that he wW CYffl rorcso their occulonal bloody uprilln&I a,almt can savour your horror. The offerings he
his favourite pastime (play1n& practical the muten and thdrOYUICcrl, 1etv1n& u favoun arc black pip, oil and honey· each
jokes on Humans) fa, ouch an offer. The the peasant spirits of murder, war and to be thrown into ponds or riven.
proper phrase ii "S- me your tricks, treachery.
Grandfather, and ...,.,U •In& and dance a, Nffff wear the traPPln&I or other deities
the moon." 1b 1ummon the 1piriU, call their name at when you swim.
the wu of the dark moon. Face the moon
Appearance and chant the nune of the 1plrlt, 1aytns, When dcaUn& with \bdyanoy, keep a hand
An aaed human fisure, Ions and lean, a ''Muter, stand before me u the leaf before ruu or dry canh 1n )Our pocket. u thil 11
Hctlc under a foot tall; can u1umc the the sru•, neither black or pttn, but Just thrown 1n hil rac,, It may distract him Io ns
appearance of a ,tat of ,uaw. like me. I have brou&ht you a red harvest." cnou&h for you to run out of •l&ht or the
Then human blood 1111111 be poured on the water, where you arc oak• until you come
Penooallly IOU, the quantity dcpcnd1ns on the mour In 1l&ht of water apln.
Ml1chlcvou1, prefer mild bca,u to asked.
humans, u they arc cuter butt, of their Penonallty
Jokes; fundamentally unplcannt and Penonallty The 'll>dyanoy ii oo::cptlonally evil • the
mean, but only modestly 10. Cruel, like Khornc on a modest scale; archetypal mad vlllaln who dell&hll In
more a paraola: than a friend u, man; likely tonurc and auffcrtna for its own aakc. He
to punish the 1ummoncr If not well docs noth1ns but what IUIII hil purpotel,
rewarded. Always whispering among and his purpolCI arc death and horror,
thcr,uclve,, and lrucrcsted only In blood. partlcu12rly throu&h the medium or water
and drownlns.
He only rcspcct1 crnturcs more evil than
himself, and chccrfully Jolnl In the fun
when munlcr ii proposed. He ii a little
afraid or the 'official' dcltla, and avoids
confrontat1on with them or thdr ocrvantl,
thou&h he often 11rlke1 lmpul1lvcly at
their followcn when cnrased.
A fat, naked old man with pallid, water•
puckered skin and a puffy face• the lma,e
of the drowned corpac. Can a11umc a
more attractive form at will, though his
shirMall1 always arc dripping wet, a
givcaway to hl1 real Identity. He can
also a11ume the form of any fish or
water creature.
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THE UGLY ELFLING combination of Dwarvcn blood and Elven

upbringins might have given him unusual talents.
Annandil travelled cast, seeking a secure place
to continue his research and his desperate quest
to restore his lost love to life. At last he heard
Sevcnl centuries ago. in the uurclom forest, Annandil proved an exceptional student. After
of Chcmozavtra, and took up residence there.
a kindly but childless Elven couple discovered learning everything he could from his master,
Annandil continued his necromantic researches
an infant abandoned in the woods. They adopted he set out on his OWD. In less than a decade.
- and has done so for the last twenty years.
the foundling. and determined to raise him he was the owner of several shops, with
as their own. They named him A.naaadil - contacts among the nobility and valuable trade After such a life. it is hardly surprising that
"Beloved Gift''. in rue and ucanc substances from all comers Annandi1. DOW self-styled Curthgano Corthaudh
of the world. ("Death Commander of Dread Mound" in the
But as the infant matured. he appeucd to be
Elven tongue) is only half-sane. His deranged
malformed. His back was short and bowed, his Annandil used 90mc of his wealth to pay for
put is relatively benign. however; he sincerely
limbs thick and unlovely. In time. the true state his apprenticeship to a physician in Tabbhcim. believes that the walking dead he animates
of affairs was revealed - the foundling was and once more proved a quick lcamer. Rapidly benefit by this added longevity. He sees his
actually a Dwarf! Despite the horror of this surpassing his teacher, he went on to poach a soulless zombies as alive in every sense. talking
revelation. the couple kept the child, and raised number of his more lucrative patients. to them and personalising them much as a
him as an Elf.
In his 85th year, a prominent physician and madmaa might treat a collcction of rocks as pets.
Annandil's youth was something of a trial wealthy businessman. Annandil fell in love with Annandi1 retains many Elven traits from his early
for all concerned. He never could get the a patient, a young Elven entertainer employed life. He is obsessively fussy about dress. colour
hang of folk dancing. and his stubby little finscrs by one of the noble houses of Talabhcim. sense. music. and the uts - although he prefers
were not at home on the lute. However. Annandi1 Despite his tender - and eventually frantic - the loud and guish over the subtle and muted.
was a quick hand with a hammer, and even ministrations. the beautiful Elf-maid died of He is not at all materialistic, despite his
quicker to tum it upon those playmates who gradual wasting in a matter of months. instinctive business sense: he loves giving
made sport of him. Finally. at the tender age presents. His memory is almost supernaturally
Deranged by grief. Annandi1 prcscrvcd her body
of 48. the youth was caught digging with an sharp. though it tends to focus on the twin
in secret and sought the forbidden knowledge
improvised shovel. Without further ado, obsessions of his life - his love and necromancy.
of necromancy. He became a recluse. discussed
Annandil was exiled.
in whispers by the people of Talabhcim. Tales His prominent Dwarvcn traits include his
His pucnts took him to the Spring Fair at a began to spread of his dead love walking with tinkering instinct and love of experimenting with
Humaa village a few days' travel away, in the him in the gudcn at night. and Annandil came machines and processes. He is certain that
hope of apprenticing him to a aaft and providing to his senses just as the Witch-Hunters were sooner or later his researches will bring his love
with some means of surviving in exile. He was poised to swoop. He escaped from Talabheim back to life. He is impulsive. and occasionally
eventually apprenticed to a pharmacist and by some unknown means. taking the body of violent, but his age makes him little of a physical
alchemist from Salzcnmund. who was impre§Cd his love with him along with a small, but easily threat, and his skills do not include Battle Magic
with his strength and shrewdly judged that his portable part of his fortune. or any other combat-oriented spells.


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� VOVR �01 c�N1 OE, CRalS Tttt �\�t� lE..tS- '1/E \...e� �E. l
Co�1 'l'c:.. WVN By.SUN FE \\Ill 1\-\1\1 N\t;t\JN'\ Po(...Q-e.N!- -W �;:., c.Ross
7 PL\/> YR �N ,4\\.L.�f). QOSS'8o'YL S'�E.Rz \\10 t,\01\F.: �4Yt>ll' q�E.E-)lgoyz ,Ii

�A.���VANZ. ,.> I j
0l).. �E c.A-� Sfof>T»E.� ,4N S' fARV s i
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{- 'I- --- Faced with the ever-present threat from
the Chaos Wastes and the apparent
indifference of the Tsar. Alexis Chokin I
and other Bolgasgrad luminaries formed
the Convcn1ridc:. a sc:crct society which met

to consider remedies for the town's
� problems.

T he culmination of their meetings was a
bold and drastic step. which has served
Bolgasgrad well so far. First. a pact was
concluded with a Renegade Chaos God
named Zuvusin the Undocr. who undertook
M?�"' \
Temr'k }ld(,>lio to undo any influence of Chaos in

-� -- , Bolgasgrad and its environs. To counter any

threat of corruption from the alliance with
7.uvassin. a pact was concluded with another

Renegade God c:allcd Nccoho the Doubter.

Together. these: two gods arc wonhippcd
as the Ancient Allies.
7.uvassin is COlltCllt to aJJow Sulring l>msufs
necromantic practices. as they undo the laws
of death to a limited extent. and has allowed
the cuh the use of the Fire of Zuvassin.
a magical process which undoes the effects
of Chaos in those tainted by it. Nccoho.
for his part. acts to prevent Zuvassin from
gaining a dangerous amount of influcnce cnu
the cult members.
Bolgugnd wua trading post u far back u tbc 19th After the Tsar threatened military actioa in 2◄86, The Chokin Princes
CClltllry, bvt it WU wiped out in the Chaos lDcmsioa the three Chokim. Alexis I. U. md ID. formally
Bolgugnd has been ruled by three genentioas of
of 2302. The Tsar ud his aDies achieved a glorious renoanced their allegicnce to tbc Tsar md to Mother
Kislcv. declaring tbcmseM. md Bolpgnas peoples
the Chokin family, the Princes Alexis I. U ud m.
victory ave, the invading Chao. horrors in 23()'1, but They are bon to have employed a number of
Boigugnd WU 110t rCOCC11pied, U citizens of Ill independent, free city. competent IOfCCICn. alchemists md scientists during
In 2◄88 reports of necromancy were added to the the CCDtllry of Chokin reign in Bolgugnd. None
In 2◄11 a fortress wu built oa the site u put of
list of the Chokins' aimes. Traders reported zombie of those whose names reached The Tsar. however.
tbe Tsar'• Chaos Forts programme. Prince Alexis seemed to have the stature or accomplishment
Chokin L a young lmperw officer. wu placed in guards at the bridge md gates to the city. Undead
neeessary to work magic oa such a wiie scale: u wu
charge of tbc project. were CYCll reported labourins in the fields md inside
witnessed in Bolgugracl.
the ton.
Alexis I wu a distinguished bight ud a brilliant Alexis I is reported to have died md been buried
Tbe following year an lmperi,1 commission visited in 2◄87, two years after Bolgasgrad's anarchist
leader of men. but also rash, conceited and
disrespectful He wu usiglied to the 4'mk Forks
Bolgugrad. demanding that the Chokiu and
Bolgusrad's ci1UJells end their rebdlioa md reaffirm
fort u a punishment for insvbordinati011, bv t turned
their loyalty to the Tsar. The Chokins refused. Alexis n styled himself u a democratic leader.
tbc di9pce into a accomplishmc:at He is penomlly claiming to have been chosen by the people of
responsible for the rebirth of Bolgugnd. md its The Tsar has prudently abstained from sendas IIOops Bolgugnd. He lacked his father's energy md flair.
subsequent eCODOmic success. until tbe 1011ree cl. evil has been isolated. Conflicting but wu more moderate md ddibeiate in his policies.
reports suggested that either an ancient necromancer .After his father's death. he did 110thing to provoke
In 2◄51. the Tsar saw fit to withdraw the garrison. - possibly the shadowy figure eal1ed Sulring l>argul further respoase from the Tsar. and seemed eager
Bolgugnd. like many colonies before ud since. - or a Chaos Daemoa or sorcerous senut achieved to be left alone. h wu thought that he might have
protested lllloll8IY at having lo look to its on defence. dominioa over the souls of the Chokin family ud been amenable to reu011, given a pictext for retuming
the citizens of Bolgugnd. to the fold with 110 lea of face and 110 reprisals against
In 2◄75. at the instigation of Alexis ll. the temples Bolgugnd.
of Ulric and Tul-Rhya were defiled and a new
daemonic cv1t established. Tbe Tsar withdrew his Alexis m is something of Ill enigma. He is never
seen in public. but tbc proclamatioas ud pamphlets
support from the coloay and demanded that II!-, sacred
he hu had published confirm him u an anarchist
cv1tl be reinstated immediately. ud that daemoa
in his grudfather's image. He clearly would accept
worship be forbidden according lo the laws of the 110 compromise with the Mother c.ountty or the Tsar.
lud. Tbe Chokins refnsed but 110 action wu taken He goes so far u to recommend that other colonies
against them owing to pressure ·011 other froats. follow Bolgugnd's example.








t,melme of s,re c. 2000 IC Bona 1s now a
OCCul?_at,on at
the f__oRks of the ly_nsk, as stocka0€0 fORt PROt€Ctm(i
known to SulRmc;, Qa�1c1, moll€ than 40 stooo OW€llm(is
dleKJs II M>b Ill, m� memBERS o[ on th€ saoostooo RIS€aBOVe th€
the COnVEntRIClE. f{>Rks. Ul€ � Roab IS th€
PRlnCIPl€ ROUt€ fOR tRaV€l
-25th eenrwzy IC noRSe O�f 8€tW€al th€ noRSe pmnC€0oms
holy (iQOUOO ano catacomss m anO th€ Un(iOl aOmmstRatlV€
th€ san0ston€ hill. OwaRV€n capital, 0oQOCiO (lalm k1sl€V).
tRaOm<i post (t1mB€R, now
BURIOO BY Rl\1€R-�m maRSh).
c. 2100 IC th€ €R€11(illab Roao
ano Bona 01mm1sh m
lnt€Rm 1tt€nt occupation,
1 mp0Rtanc€ as focus or
asanoonoo m -16th CE:ntURY 1c.
0€\'€lopment Shl�S to l(iOR th€
c. 1900 IC h€Rmlt;aG€ of Shallya t€RR1Bl€'s lmPE:Rlal k1sl€V ano
€staBl1sh€0 on Sit€ of 0� th€ URskoy RIV€R R€(ilOn. a
holy (iROUnO, USIO(i salva(i€0 hospital IS BUllt On th€ Sit€ Of
StOn€ anO 8Ull0m(i on th€ th€ t€mpl€ to Shallya.
founOat1ons Of th€ RUm€0 2302 IC Ul€ lnCURSIOn Of Chaos.

OwaRV€Tlt€mple. �t€mpl€ Som€ 8Ull0m(iS all€ (iUtt€0, th€
anO catacoms E:ntRanC€ RE:mam population 01sapp€aRs, s ut
h100€n BY RUBBl€. most stRuctURE:s RE:mam mtact:
a noRS€ tRaOm(i post call€0 2411 IC al€XIS Chokm
Bona 0€V€lops mto a small €sta8l1Sh€S a µ)Rt on th€ Sit€,
a(iRICUltuRal SEttl€ment on th€ RE:fuRBIShl n(i anO R€0CCupy m(i
south sank of th€ South f(>Rk. many ORl(ilnal 8Ull01n(iS.

DURGUI:S STORY His mother contracted a wastins disease and. after

a prolonscd illness. sbc died, leavins a surprisinsJy
In the past few CClllurics Durgu1 bas become intcrcstcd
in tbc Human nccs. Of cour,c, they lack tbc culture
Durgul Lu no hesitation about sharing any of this larsc inhcritanu. This death affected Sulring. tbousb and sopbisticatiOG of tbc Hisb Elves. but they have
information with tbc PCs if they express curiosity, be was too hardened to express bis pain. Sulrins Lu a certain primitive encrsY and arrogance that DursuJ
since be plans either to kill them or to recruit them spent the rest of bis ctccplioml lifespan in conquering finds appcalins-
with a binding oath of secrecy. However. don't give tbc force that stoic bis mother from him.
them information unless they show an interest. They Tbe Touch of Ouos: In tbc past. Sulrins declined
SulrmtJ the Muter So«acr. Necrommar ml Wodd to traffic with deities for extended periods. unreliable
may wcl1 be plamiiag Oil a wilcnt showdown. in which
7nve1Jcr: SuJrins is considerably less powerful in an and self-interested entities that they arc. He preferred
case a long-winded exposition will diffuse the tcmion
absolute sense than most Greater Daemons. but bis to pay bis ritual oblisations for whatever power or
of tbc moment. If tbc players enjoy satbcrins
knowledsc of tbc various disciplines and practices information be needed at the momcnt. then II<> merrily
information. they11 ask questions.
of ncaomancy is matched by few morbl or Dacmoaic 011 bis way. Now. however. SuJrins is confronted with
Personal Background intdlipccs. Master of alcbcmy, SOR:Cr)', rune IDl(!ics. a desperate threat to bis survival. and be Lu yet to
Sulrins Durgul was born in tbc latter years of tbc ritual. an:anc laosuascs. lore and history. few projects find the means to deal with the threat without rccoursc
Great Elven Civil War. in the year 3425 as reckoned arc beyond bis capacity. to divine aid.
by tbc Hisb Elves. SuJrins's father. a scholar and
&.d what Lu this fellow been doms for tbc last few After centuries upon centuries. tbc taint of Chaos
philosopher of modest achievements and unpopular
dozen centuries? Lu finaDy touched SuJrins Durgul. Protected by bis
political leanings. was banished to tbc New Wodcl.
SuJrins's mother. dausbter of an aristocratic family. Amons bis contributions to history may be listed SOR:CrY and bis natunlly-fCSiswrt Elven blood. SuJrins
manased to avoid deportation. but in an atmosphere active roles in tbc decline and fall of tbc Old World Lu believed himself immune to tbc effect of Chaos.
of hatred and bitterness. sbc and her son surmied Elven culture. tbc Elf-Dwarf War. and most of tbc When bis skin bcsan to srow bornyscalcs. be rcaliscd
meanly at tbc sufferance of seomful relatives. other misfortunes visited upon tbc Elves of tbc Old be bad been cardcss.

SuJrins bated bis father for abandoning him. bated and New Worlds in the past five millennia. Of course. After a discoungins review of tbc possible remedies
bis mother for failing to provide comfort and security, Durgul didn't cnsmcer these cvcnts sinslc-bandcdly. milab1c tbrousb aon:crous and medical tccbnologics.
and bated Elven society for its unlovins contempt but be played a sisnificant part in each. Durgul devoted himself to a study of tbc divine
for bim. Called "Dark Elf spawn· by contemptuous Fortunately, Durgul Lu mcllowed in tbc last few remedies. None but tbc CbaJs Gods offered a
rclatnocs. Su1ring witbdrc,, into the IIUdy of bis chosen thousand years. wbicb be Lu spent primarily in suarantced ability to control tbc effects of Chaos.
profession - sorcery. &. apt and obsessive student, traveJins the length and breadth of tbc world. His and Durgul was none too sure of tbc rcliability of
Sulrins sousbt power in any form. rcsardlcss of tbc personal 'YClldcttaasamstthe Elven DCC W dissipated their promises. & a stOMIP measure. be bad been
conscqucnccs to himself and others. into a pbiloeopbial nostalgia for a Hish Elven cu1turc sbiftins to a new body each time a mutation
Growms tired of the sbort-sisbtcd. unimaginative in the .Age of tbc Siano - a period known to him appeared. Unfortunately, sbiftins bodies was
strictures of the academics. and of the spiteful. jealous only in romantic legends collcctcd in bis travels IID0II(! apparently insufficient to bait tbc spread of tbc
censure of bis tutors. SuJrins continued bis studies tbc dcscneratc descendants of the Siano on tbc taint: each subsequent body seemed to succumb
in private. Lnstrian continent. more quickly.


2427IC6o�ISdlalltEREO 2475 IC the state cu lts aRe 2513 IC the pRESent. alex1s 111s
as a colony. the state cults of Renounceb, anb the Cult of the still an arove soc1atanb politic.al
Uhuc anb taal-Rhya aRe ancient allies 1s estasl1sheb as flGURE, BUt RUmOUREb to BE
estaBllsheb m the REBU llt the orr 1c1al cult, with the moRtally ill. a1ex1s Ill has
suppoRt of most temple staff bROppeb out of pUBl1c VIEW, But
tanple anb hospital.
anb a suBstant1al mm oR1ty of c ontmues to Be an active
2451 IC the tsaR WlthbRaws PREsence m BOlGaSGRab
Respecteb c1t1zens, mclubmG
the GaRRISOn anb b lRECtS the Chokm PRmces. thROUGh his WRlttnGS . the
the town to look to its own maJoR1ty of c1t1zens aRe
befence. the ConventR1cle 2486 IC BoJ.GasGRab IS beciaReb memBeRs of the Cult of the
IS foRmeb. an mbepenbent anb SOVEREIGn ancient allies. most b1ssenteRs
City-State unbeR alEXJS Chokm I. have left, thOUGh a small BUt
c. 2455 IC a1ex1s I fORGES a vocal mmORlty still b1sappROVES
pact with the ReneGabe 2487 IC a1ex1s Chokm I b1es. of the Rablcal ChanGES of the
Chaos (job zu vassm the a1ex1s II 1s chosen BY the last sevERal becabes.
UnbOER, aGamst the fORCES 1t1zens of BolGaSGRab as � J)ROSJ)ERS, OOnttnUIOG
of Chaos. a1ex1s II neGOt1ates hlS SUCCESSOR. to encouRaGe 1nbepenbent
a conmact with nechoho, the 2488 IC a1ex1s III leabs a mavel anb tRabe m its secuRe
OoustmG (job, to Balance the m1xeb fORCE of llVtnG anb env1Rons, while ReJEcttnG all
RISk of CORRuptlOn REl)R€SEl1tEb unooab tROOps on a Chaos-hunt b1plomat1c OVERtURES anb
thReats fRom the lmpeR1al
BY the pact with zuvassm. m the foREsts to the noRth of
GOVERnment. as the towns­
toGetheR, these two GObS the town. he RetuRns with people secome accustomeb to
aRe WORShlppeb as the numeRous tRoph1es anb the PRES€tlC€ of unooab, they
ancient an1es. new cult assuRances that no suBstantlal aRE useb mcREasmc,ly as cheap,
memBERS aRe RECRU lteb fORCE of Chaos CREatURES tlReless lasoUR. the RESUlttnG
SECREtly amonG the temple Remams w1thm 25 miles of lEISURE IS GR£atty appREClatOO BY
staff anb toWnpeople. the town. 8olGasGRab's CltlZEnRY.

Durgu1 bad become quite dcspcnte wbcn be decided T/Je UDdc,th Plasuc Pro;ect: This project has ·oh. ywi! Sa who?"
to contact Zunssin and see what kind of terms he potential for revolutionising the practice of -Ywi! You md •hit mnyT
coold get. Zunssin and Ncchoho made the most nccromanc:y. Undcath Plague not only produces first. ·shut up ro SIIUck you so 1wd that ,rhea yor,
attractive offer - in fact. the only rdativdy coherent class zombies without the ag ency of a skilled lmd, your dothcs11 be or,tta ushioD."

0DC that <Gdn't entail scmclcss slaughter. In principle. ncaomanc:cr. it also produc:cs a rcmarbbly intclligcnt
Solrillg has particolar objection to slaughter - it
DO and sophisticated zombie. In fact. refinements of the Actually. Crcctox is more mouth than action - he
WU the scmclcancss that bothered him. process may even hold promise of making a form just doesn"t have much sclf-amfidcnc:c. But whcncvcr
of immortality easily and cheaply available. someone makes a reference to his size iSay. you"re
pretty small for a Dragon. arcn't you?"). Crcctox goes
Durgol has agreed to serve u muter sorcacr aiid Of course. social attitudes to ncaomanc:y need to crazy. Give the offending PC one round to make
ncaomanccr for the colt of the Ancient Allies. and change radic:ally before this remarkable scienrific ac:cptionally lavish and sincere apologies or acuscs.
to tutor the priests of Zuvusin and Nccoho in the advance will be g enerally accepted. but new Then, if you figure Creetox isn"t satisfied. he is
ncaomantic arts. He has clay-to-day management
DO technologies often precipitate profoODd cultural subject to frcrJzy and attacks the offending party. H
rcsponsiblities in supervising the colt priests; how revolution& '"We'll cross that bridge when we come Dorgul is 10 disposed. he WI hit Creetox with the
they apply their skills is a matter of lit11c c:onscqocncc to it." says Dorgul 4th level Battle Magic spell Stmd StiO to give him
to him. u long u Zuvusin and Nccoho fulfil their a chance to cool dOWD. but Dorgul may shrug his
bargain to prcscr,,c him from mutations u long u shoulders and pretend to be hdplcss if the PCs have
he continues in the SctYice of the Ancient Allies. CREETox·s STORY hccn rude or boring.
Durgul"s Other Projects Crcctox is an offspring of an ancient mountain Dngoa What is Crcctox doing here with Dorgol?
In addition to fulfilling his contract with lu'YUSUI named Mordax. Several thousand years ago. Mordax Wdl. for Crcctox's part. he's hopime that Dorgul will
and Necoho. Dorgul is working on two other wu the victim of a Chaos-spell that affected his come up with some potion that will cure him of the
important projects with his hireling and collahorator generative organs. and his offspring have been born Chaos taint that restricts his growth. Dorgul says
Radici the Alchemist: warped and Chaos-tainted ever since. he WI do it. and Crcctox - after watching Dorgul
T/Je SurdJ for , Cluos-Mutatioa VacciDc: The Crcctox is a midget - though the use of the word at work - bdicvcs he might he able to d!J it. Crcctox
also regards Dorgul u a sort of father-figure. since
magia1 properties of Aaaclea tJudmsis hold promise •midget" to dcsaihc a creature weighing nearly half Do ul seems 10 old. wise and powerful and treats
for providing partial or complete protection from a ton may seem a bit odd. At 329 years of age. c.cctm: himrgkindly.
is only eight feet from snout to tail. When he stands
Chaos mutation. At present. the process of refining erect on his haunches. he's about five feet tall For Durgul'• part. it"s hccn ccntmics since High Elves
the potion is expensive and timc-<onsuming. and it have ridden Dragons. and Dorgul is quite prond to
is only modestly effective. Howau. if Dorgul and Being a midget has given Crcctox a bit of an inferiority ride around on a Dngon - albeit a small one. Further.
R,dici IIC succcssfol in de,doping m cffectn,e potion. complex. and he has dcvdopcd an exceptionally Crcctox has become Durgul's combination favourite
Durgol WI terminate his contract with the Ancient a88fcssivc and truculcnt personality: given that he offspring/spoilc pet. DorgufI hccn lonely for most
Allies and become a free agent again - something is little more than a toddler in Dngon terms. his of his life. and it"s kind of nice to have someone
he greatly desires. a88fcssion manifests itself in rather juvcnilc ways. to cat dinner with and to laugh at your corny jokes.

Copyright �2018 a..... Wotkahop Ud. -- lo granted to photocopy flY per90nal UN only.
During the course of their adventures, characters will meet
a variety of minor NPCs. T hese profiles cover a number of
frequently encountered NPCs and can be referred to whenever

required. Animal Care; Charm Animal; Musician - Wind Instruments;
Specialist Weapon - Sling; Very Resilient•
Sword; Pan-pipes; Sling(Range: 24/36/150; ES 3); Staff(D -1);

D3 Silver Shillings

I Skills

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Drive Cart; 25% chance of Very Resilient; 25% chance of Very HUNTER
Strong; lrade-related skill
I Possessions

I Knife; Hand Weapon; Tools of lrade; 2D10 Silver Shillings


Concealment - Rural; Follow Trial; Game Hunting; Secret
Language - Ranger; Secret Signs - Woodsman; Silent Move -


Bow (Range: 24/48/250; ES 3); Sword; D3 Gold Crowns

I Skills
I Begging; Concealment Urban; Secret Language - T hieves'
Tongue; Secret Signs - T hieves' Signs; Silent Move Urban

Begging Bowl; 'nattered Clothes; Stick; Knife; Fleas;

I Skills
Consume Alcohol; Drive Cart; Sale Sheer Surface; Sing; Very
I BODYGUARD (Ex-Labourer)

I Possessions
Sling bag with packed lunch; Flask of Herbal lea; LeatherJask
I (0/1 AP, body/arms); D3 Silver Shillings

Carpentry; Drive Cart; Disarm; Specialist Weapon - Fist

Weapon; Street Fighter; Strike Mighty Blow; Strike to Stun.
Leather Jerkin (0/1 AP, body); Knuckledusters; Dagger ( +10
I I, -2 Dmg, -20 Pry) or Club; 50% chance D6 Gold Crowns;
D20 Silver Shillings
Disarm; Dodge Blow; Etiquette; Heraldry; Ride - Horse; Secret
Language - Battle Tongue; Specialist Weapon - Fencing
FISHERMAN Weapons, Two-Handed Weapons; Strike Mighty Blow; Strike
to Injure; Strike to Stun;

Sleeved Mail Coat(I AP, body/legs/arms); Mail Coif(1 AP, head);
Skills Helmet (1 AP, head); Shield (carried on back: 1 AP, all
Boat Building; Fishing; Sailing; Swim; River Lore locations); Rapier(! +20, D -1); Dagger(I +10, D-2, P-20);
Bastard Sword (I -10, D +I)
Leather jacket (0/1 AP, body/arms); River Boat; Dl0 Silver
KNIGHT OF WHITE WOLF (Full Cavalry Knight)

Disarm; Dodge Blow; Etiquette; Heraldry; Read/Write; Ride
- Horse; Secret Language- Battle Tongue; Specialist Weapon
Skills - Fencing Weapons, Lance, Two-Handed Weapons; Strike
Concelament - Rural; Marksmanship; Secret Language - Ranger; Mighty Blow; Strike to Injure; Strike to Stun
Set lrap; Silent Move - Rural; Spot Trap
Possessions Sleeved Mail Coat (1 AP, body/arms/legs); Breastplate (1 AP,
Bow (Range: 24/48/250; ES 3); Sword; Leather Jack (0/1 AP, body); Mail Coif(1 AP, head); Helmet(I AP, head); Two-Handed
body/arms); Assorted snares; D6 Silver Shillings Sword (I -10, D +2);
Coovriaht ©2018 GemH Weruhoo Ltd. Pwnniuion la aranted "' nhatncnrN ftv ,_,,,,.,_, ,_ nn1v
Skills Skills
Arcane Language - Magick; Cartography; Linguistics; Evaluate; Haggle; 33% chance of an Artisan-related skill. I
Read/Write; Speak Additional Language

Possessions Dagger ( + 10 I, -2 Dmg, -20 Pry); Purse with D6 Gold Crowns
Knife or Dagger ( + 10 I, -2 Dmg, -20 Pry); Writing Equipment; and D10 Silver Shillings; 50% chance of Bag of Shopping
Pouch with D6 Gold Crowns


Skills I
Evaluate; Haggle; 50% chance of Etiquette
Cook; Etiquette; Heraldry

Possessions Dagger ( + 10 I, -2 Dmg, -20 Pry); Purse with 2D10 Gold Crowns

lDlO Silver Shillings; Others at GM's discretion. and 2D10 Silver Shillings; 25% chance of Flunky

Skills Skills
Concealment Urban; Secret Language - T hieves' Tongue; Secret
Signs - T hieves' Signs; 25% chance of Fleet Footed; 25%
Concealment Rural; Follow 1Hal; Identify Plants; Secret Signs I
- Woodsman's; Set lhip; Silent Move - Rural; Specialist Weapon
chance of Evaluate. - 2-handed weapons; Spot Trap
Dagger ( + 10 I, -2 Dmg, -20 Pry) or Short Sword (equal chance
LeatherJack (0/1 AP, body/arms); 1\vo-handed axe (1-10, D + 2).
of either); D6 Silk Handkerchiefs, D10 + 5 Silver Shillings, 1-2
Stolen Trinkets.

Skills I
Begging; Consume Alcohol; Drive Cart; Sing; Story Telling
Animal Care; Animal Training; Di;>dge Blow; Etiquette;
Heraldry; Ride - Horse; Strike Mighty Blow
Rustic Clothing; Pitchfork (or similar agricultural implement); I
50% chance of pet mongrel dog/cat; D6 Brass Pennies
Mail Shirt (1 AP, body); Shield (1 AP, all); Pony with saddle
and harness; 2D6 Gold Crowns. I
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