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SEMESTER 4 / 2015



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It is difficult to make changes in one’s life. Do you agree with this statement? State your

As to my point of view, I agree that making change in one’s life can be difficult but that
does not mean it is impossible to be done. One’s life has to be altered if there was difference in
their usual life style or if it was the right thing to do which can bring one individual towards their
life goal. Changing one’s life can be difficult as one who makes up mind to change had to
overcome challenges that life throws at them. Overcoming these challenges is the process of
changing is the most difficult part. The main difficulties one would experience when one decides
to change their lifestyle but being tied to poor finance level they are unable to do so. As an
example, a mother from low income family wants to provide good education for her kids but this
can’t be done by her as most of the money obtained is just enough for the bills. The balance
money is merely not enough for their food expenses. Therefore, this clearly shows that having
tight financial situation is the first challenge one would experience when deciding to alter their
life. Moreover, when one alters their life, people surrounding the person will judge the particular
person mostly negatively. They also would not be supporting the effort of the person towards

As an example, when an obese woman decides to change her life by becoming more
active and leading healthy life style, society frames her with negative perceptions that obese
woman had changed her life style just to get attention or have been diagnosed with serious
disease. Thus, very fast judgemental society also one of the difficulties that will be faced by one
who makes changes in life. The next difficulty is finding the courage to change one’s life.
Normally, one who decides not to change is because they are very comfortable with current
situation although their current situation does not bring them towards their life goal. A paralysed
man decides to be bounded to his wheelchair although it has been years he had his
physiotherapies. He decides not to try to walk. In this situation, the man does not have the
courage to try walking. Thus, not having courage to undergo change in life is one of the
challenges faced by one’s life. Therefore, for those who wants a change in their life can succeed
in doing so by overcoming the challenges that have been stated above. The very first challenge
that one had to overcome is oneself. This can be challenging as one had to alter not only their life
but mainly their perception towards their own life but this process rewards in the end. The quote
one had to keep in mind is, the most difficult first step is to change one’s life in the right
direction. Lastly, if one is smart and brave enough to work hard and constantly towards changing
their life the fruit of success can be plucked by one at the end.

The role of education is to prepare children for the modern world. Schools should have art
and music curriculum so that children can be diverse in their talents. To what extent do
you agree?

I agree that schools should have art and music curriculum, so that children can be diverse
potential, not only to achieve good results in their studies. Art is considered by some basic
biological needs, needs that define our existence and the human condition (Dissanayake, 1992).
Those who think this encourages children to appreciate the beauty and aesthetics of their
environment. Art should be valued "for the arts", because it is considered an important means of
spontaneous self-expression, imagination, play, experiment, and lack of inhibition is desirable
components to create works of art and act of freedom of expression. In addition, the art is also
regarded as the communication of emotions unconscious way, is said (Feldman, 1996) and to add
a "healthy" personality. Art also improves children's cognitive process, which the children of
problem solving, thinking, and symbols to record their thoughts, ideas and feelings. In many
ways, the art also offers a kind of spiritual awareness, reveals itself through the heart and
intuition (Barthes, 1972), as well as the means contained or somatic learning. Teaching art it
applies to either a critical lens thoughts of art and education. In many ways, to use critical
analysis is the same as the incoming grip on postmodern art.

Post Modern Art describes the confusion and fragmentation of life and conquer the rest of
us, it makes us see again, so that ordinary strange. Working with young children is about ways to
look at as well. Like many children think any art kept the truth, and each has implications for
how best to learn the art. Therefore, the teaching of art should also be considered in relation to
how we see the importance of teachers and. Although the music program shows the impact of
student motivation. This is due to the fact that students tend to enjoy the music and feel a sense
of accomplishment when they become adept at musical instruments and ensemble performances;
and maybe get people to work in a group show capability; and also cultural pride and identity,
which may be due to increased awareness of cultural traditions embedded music. And in recent
years, cognitive neuroscientists have discovered how our brains see, respond to, and help to
make music. It also includes the relationship between the study of music and the emotion
experience, and between the visual and auditory systems. While serving in the neural networks
involved in a lot of what people experience and create music group showed clearly visible and
unique impact on us. Therefore, the conclusion, the school must have art and music curriculum.
But the measures have to be taken prior art and music are included in the curriculum. Before the
arrival arts curriculum, materials have been developed. Teachers should also be trained in
various aspects of art. In addition to the music program included in the curricula must be handled
professional music teachers and modules are fixed, while teaching a variety of musical

What has been the happiest day of your life so far? In your essay tell what happened that
made it so wonderful. Use your experience.

All my life, I have experienced many days of happiness; they all have a unique ingredient
that sets them apart as a different experience. There however, today I remember with warmth
addition, the day that meet more space in my heart, the day of my eighteenth birthday. I think I
can say this is probably the happiest day of my life so far. The three factors that will make this
day so special about it: a birthday cake, my friends, my girlfriend and the train station. The first
factor is the birthday cake. There is something usual, but handmade moist chocolate cake, best
cake in my place, and probably the reason why so many people come to my birthday party. It
was not a birthday without a cake, but a moist chocolate cake is the best of the best really is. This
is due to the fact that it is certain. My mother was the toast of the most talented territory and he
knew exactly is to get the right ingredients. Secondly, my friend. They came early that day
because I had left the country in the afternoon. Strangely enough, they do not bring any gift as
they always did in the past. It does not matter, they all come, because it is the last birthday I've
ever spent time with them, as time went by, I said goodbye and left me to the train station. I have
a train ticket to travel in Europe a month. At the end of the month I will not go back, it was on its
way to freedom.

To my surprise, when I got to the platform to all my friends and family were there, their
hands full of gifts and other moist chocolate cake. It was a birthday party going away turned PM.
Anyone out there old friends, new friends, and their families. Today I am also very fortunate to
ride the train together with my girlfriend. She is so beautiful and sweet. When I see her smile, I
forget every pain and problems. I held her hand and she smiled. I touched her cheek and she
smiled. When the train moves slowly leaving the station, a strong emotional farewell still lingers
within me as I saw my friends, family waving, fun and journey towards self-reliance made me
the happiest day of my life. If I had my way, I would like to rewind the days where I feel the
warmth of love, especially my girlfriend, my family and my friends. In fact, up to now, I have
been careful to keep the wrapper of my friends and family members handed me a farewell
ceremony. My mother had become customary for him to bake a delicious, juicy and soft moist
chocolate cake for my birthday and went to my office always celebrate my birthday with my

At this time, there are many cases of child abuse by parents or guardians. Do you think
parents and guardians should receive parenting lessons? Discuss.

With the parenting classes, parents will be better prepared for the job of parenting.
Decades of research in psychology, child development, medicine, family studies and human
behavior clearly shows that there are, without doubt, the right ways and wrong to raise a child. If
the family is different and there is a great freedom to the values, culture and tradition. However,
having a basic knowledge of child development, child care, and behavioral techniques are
important to families and society. The fact that a man can have sex and give birth does not mean
that the person is ready to be a mother; the most important work on earth. Apart from raising
children to be productive, parents need to know more than what most are taught. Some parents
are adults injured, with no idea how to best raise children. I saw in the shop where I work,
talking to a small child as if it will never happen to talk to my dog! Emotional abuse is still alive
and well in Greene County, PA. However, abuse of all kinds are dotted across the United States
child protection services we have in place do little or nothing to the actual protection and balance
family members what better than people. I have seen in my own family. Luckily, I was raised by
two very different families, where there is love and affection of parents. The other three are
vulgar and a half, and have little idea how to take care of themselves, let alone their children. As
many have said, child abuse costs the amount is too high.
This is not only about financial costs, but the destruction of mankind, pouring poison in
society. Parents need support and they need to know how to talk with their children without
hostile. They need to know the face of skills. They need to understand the price of what they do.
In addition, this class will become even more important for parents of teenagers cannot just
expect that adolescents who have knowledge about how to raise a child. Teenagers should not be
dependent on their mother or father all the time. They made the decision to have sex, which can
take the consequences. Teens also need knowledge to give your baby the best life that you can
get so they can raise their children carefully. In addition, it also teaches parents about what to do
and what not to control children. Many parents allow their child or teen using the Internet in their
rooms, not in the open. This can lead to cyber bullying predator Internet pornography relations,
publishing nude photos online and see the children. Parents should not allow young internet in
the rooms and their children, or taken away if they do. , There is no good reason for children or
teens to have internet in their rooms. Parenting class will give parents tips on Internet security.
Therefore, it is a class for parents and guardians to parents.

As a Malaysian citizen who has gone through school days, share your opinions on how best
teachers and students can work together in classroom teaching.

In conventional classrooms, the predominant allegory for educating is the educator as

data supplier; information streams one and only route from instructor to understudy.
Interestingly, the allegory for community classrooms is shared information. The educator has
imperative learning about substance, aptitudes, and direction, and still gives that data to
understudies. In any case, synergistic educators additionally esteem and expand upon the
information, individual encounters, dialect, methodologies, and society that understudies convey
to the learning circumstance. Assume, for instance, the understudies have recently perused a
section on provincial America and are required to set up an item on the point. While a more
customary educator may request that all understudies compose a ten-page exposition, the
community instructor may request that understudies characterize the item themselves. Some
could arrange a tape; some could perform occasions in provincial America; others could examine
unique sources that backing or don't bolster the course book part and draw correlations among
them; and some could compose a ten-page paper. Understudies plan for learning from multiple
points of view. Objective setting is a basic procedure that aides numerous other before, amid, and
in the wake of learning exercises. In spite of the fact that educators still set objectives for
understudies, they regularly furnish understudies with decisions. At the point when understudies
team up, they ought to discuss their objectives.

For instance, one educator approached understudies to set objectives for a unit on
rubbish. In one gathering, an understudy needed to see whether junk is an issue, another needed
to recognize what happens to rubbish, a third needed to comprehend what is being done to take
care of the issue of trash. The fourth part couldn't think about an objective, however concurred
that the initial three were critical and embraced them. These understudies turned out to be all the
more effectively required in the unit after their discourse about objectives, and toward the end of
the unit, could better assess whether they had accomplished them. Instructors may structure the
assets in the classroom to give a differences of types and points of view, to utilize and expand
upon social ancient rarities from the understudies' homes and groups, and to sort out different
learning exercises. Hence, a collective classroom frequently has a variety of tasks or action
focuses utilizing regular items for speaking to numerical data in significant routes and for leading
investigations that take care of genuine issues. These classrooms additionally gloat a rich
assortment of magazines, diaries, daily papers, audiotapes, and recordings which permit
understudies to experience and utilize differing media for imparting thoughts. Consider a lesson
on creepy crawly eating plants, for instance. Couple of understudies, and maybe couple of
instructors, are prone to have direct information about such plants. Subsequently, when those
understudies who do have important encounters are given a chance to share them, the entire class
is enhanced. Besides, when understudies see that their encounters and information are esteemed,
they are spurred to listen and learn in new ways, and they will probably make imperative
associations between their own particular learning and "school" learning. Along these lines,
above section expounds more on cooperation classroom.



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