2010 September

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September 2010

„ nd the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and
The Creation - The earth is
breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a witness
living soul.“ (Gen 2:7) This 70 min. film (german)
delivers a final speech that
„... for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him, yea, I have
mankind did not come into
made him.“ (Isa 43:7)
existence by chance, but bears
What an awesome moment it must have been when God touched man.
the genious handwriting of a
The almighty God condescended to form man with His very own hand
loving Creator. A breathtaking
of the dust of the ground, to shape his bones and muscles, to join all cells
experience of the variety of life
together into a perfect body, and then to breathe into his nostrils the breath
in sea, sky, and on the earth.
of life, thus creating man in His own image, and after His own likeness –
Trailer: www.dieSchoepfung.eu
for His glory. “... and man became a living soul.”
“And the Lord God On tour now in Ger-
commanded the many (entrance free):
man, saying, Of ev- September
ery tree of the garden 12. Eisenach
thou mayest freely 19:30 Bürgerhaus
eat, but of the tree 13. Oschatz
of the knowledge of 19:30 Stadthalle
good and evil, thou 14. Riesa
shalt not eat of it: for 19:30 Stadthalle
in the day that thou 15. Bremen
19:00 Konzerthaus
eatest thereof thou
shalt surely die.”
(Gen 2:16,17) 16. Uelzen
Man needed not to 19:00 Stadthalle
know evil. He knew 17. Neustadt i.H.
good already, for “God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it 19:00 Kino-Center
was very good.” (Gen 1:31). Why would man desire to know evil? 18. Neustadt i.H.
19:00 Kino-Center
But the tempted man ate, 19. Aurich - 19:30 Stadthalle
And the first dying leaf,
And was sorry to late, 20. Hannoversch Münden
Brought a great wave of grief
For the garden was lost, 19:30 Kino Schiller-
To the man and his wife, Lichtspiele
Such his error had cost. Who had forfeited life. 23. Wesel
19:30 Niederrheinhalle
And thus the curse settled down upon the beautiful world God had cre- 24. Bendorf - 19:00 Stadthalle
ated, and sin and death with all its woes entered in. Man had lost the glory 26. Stadtroda
God had crowned him with. (Ps 8:4.5) 19:00 Schützenhaus
„For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.“ (Rom 3:23) 27. Magdeburg - 19:30
But the very „instant man accepted the temptations of Satan, and did the Universität (Hörsaal 36)
very things God had said he should not do, Christ, the Son of God, stood 30. Rostock - 19:30 Stadthalle
between the living and the dead, saying, Let the punishment fall on Me.
Prayer Corner
I will stand in man’s place. He shall have another chance.“ (Lt. 22, Feb.
Please remember in 13,1900)
„For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that
your prayers:
whosoever believeth in Him, should not perish, but have everlasting
- The cities Emmerich life.“ (Jh 3:16)
& Neuwied And as God first touched man when He created him, so God now
touched man once more in the person of Jesus Christ to redeem him,
- The new translation of
and to restore unto him the life and the glory he had lost through his sin.
the Great Controversy The blood of Christ now bestows life eternal upon every one that would
- The colporteur work receive it.
in Germany „For the life of the flesh is in the blood... it is the blood that maketh an
There are hardly any colporteurs atonement for the soul.“ (Lev 17:11)
in Germany due to adverse cir-
„I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more
cumstances e.g. a lack of literature
which they could sell to thus earn abundantly.“ (Jh 10:10)
their livelihood. The colporteur „... God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. He that
work has to be re-builded, that an hath the Son hath life, and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.“
army of gospel-bearers might go (1 Jh 5:11.12)
forth for Jesus. „... Christ in you, the hope of glory...“ (Col 1:27)
- The flood victims in „Whereunto he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of
Pakistan our Lord Jesus Christ.“ (2 Thess 2:14)
God is calling you by the gospel to obtain the eternal life and glory that
is offered to you in the person of Jesus Christ. Will you receive Him? Or
will you be ashamed of Him and turn away?
As for me, „I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every
one that believeth... for therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith, as it is written, The
just shall live by faith.“ (Rom 1:16.17)
“And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations, and then
shall the end come.” (Mt 24:14)
This gospel, the power of God unto salvation, the good news of Jesus giving eternal life unto everyone
that believeth, „shall be preached in all the world ... and then shall the end come.“ The Scriptures clearly
reveal that we are already living in the time of the end. And in this time, in this dying world, where we see
the signs of decay on every side in natural disasters, economic crises and po-
litical turmoil; where violence, immorality and bloodshed are increasing
wherever the eye turns, this gospel is more needed than ever before –
a message of hope and of life and of glory to a perishing world.
And that is the reason why Yasar Eden – Jesus gives life was
founded. Yasar Eden is a health and gospel ministry based upon
the Bible, whose aim it is to supply every household in Germany
with the everlasting gospel in its specific application for this time
of the end, the hour of His judgment, as it is shown in the message
of the three angels portrayed in Revelation 14:6-12:
„And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the ever-
lasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every
nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, saying with a loud voice, Fear
God, and give glory to Him, for the hour of His judgement is come, and worship Him that made heaven,
and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters ...“ (Rev 14:6.7)
The message of the three angels is a most solemn and serious warning to mankind now living in the 21.
Century; yet it is a message full of hope. We will expound more on it in our following newsletters. In this
edition we want to share a little about the wonderful guidance of the Lord in the backgrounds of this min-
istry, for “this is the Lord’s doing, it is marvellous in our eyes.” (Ps 118:23)
The First Beginnings
It was a long and wearisome journey through some painful experiences that eventually led to the starting
up of Yasar Eden – Jesus gives life. But all these sorrows had a then yet unknown purpose: experiencing
and then sharing the true gospel of Jesus Christ.
In this time of trials these things were not yet concerned and understood, and often the question was asked:
Why does all this happen?
And the Lord answered these questions many times, encouraging to hold on and even to rejoice: “But re-
joice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ’s sufferings, that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be
glad also with exceeding joy.” (1 Pt 4:13)
“Every one has his individual tests and trials in the drama of life, but the very same trial seldom comes
twice. Each has his own experience, peculiar in its character and circumstances, to accomplish a certain
work. God has a work, a purpose, in the life of each and all of us.” (RH, June 22, 1886)
All these trials were the means by which the Lord molded and formed character in preparation for a certain
work and purpose.
Understanding this now we can truly say: “Thou hast turned for me my mourning into dancing: thou hast
put off my sackcloth, and girded me with gladness; to the end that my glory may sing praise to thee, and
not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give thanks unto thee for ever.” (Ps 30:11.12)

The Name
The name Yasar Eden originates from the ancient Hebrew as found in the Scriptures. It was given in an-
swer to prayer even before concrete ideas about the ministry existed. Yet it is a projection of the purposes
of the ministry, while it is also a reflection of the experience that led to this ministry.
The word “Yasar” means “to mold” or “to fashion”, it can also mean “to press, to be in distress, to be
straitened” and “to determine or form a resolution”. By distress a determination and resolution was formed
in regards to the ministry. It is this word also that is used in Genesis 2:7 where it says: “And the Lord God
formed man...” And this is the actual purpose of Yasar Eden, to reach people wherever they are and to
show them the possibility of being formed or created anew into the image of God, thus experiencing a new
life, moreover to find the actual meaning of life.
“Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are
become new.” (2 Cor 5:17). And this new life is the working of God’s marvellous grace, which is revealed to
us in Jesus Christ - Jesus gives life.
The word „Eden“ means „delight“ or „pleasure“ and is the epitome of paradise.
Man was driven out of paradise, a curse was pronounced upon this world, and Cherubims with flaming
swords kept the way of the tree of life as a result of sin, of eating of the tree of knowledge of good and
evil. “...Cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree.” (Gal 3:13) Jesus hanging on the tree bore the curse
on our behalf. And now “the cross of Christ openeth the gates of heaven, and shutteth the gates of hell.”
(Levefre, in History of the Reformation by D’ Aubigne, p. 746) If a man therefore experiences the new life that Jesus
offers to him through the merits of his death, Jesus will mold his character and restore the image of God in
him that he might enter paradise again. “Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have
right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.” (Rev 22:14)
Thus the workings of grace in the character will prepare the human agent to eventually experience the
heavenly kingdom of glory. Jesus truly gives life – everlasting life.

The project
„The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it.“ (Ps. 68:11)
As already stated above Yasar Eden – Jesus gives life aims to systematically supply every household in
Germany with the everlasting gospel as specified for our time in the message of the three angels in Revela-
tion 14:6-12.
We will use the magazine “The coming New World Order and the role of the falsified Ten Command-
ments” for this purpose, which is a profound presentation of the the message of the three angels. Enclosed
with the magazine will be a flyer, by which interested parties can order more literature both free and
purchasable. If you haven’t heard of this magazine yet, and you would like to receive a copy, just send us
an email requesting your copy with your postal address, and we will mail it to you.
Of course there are many diligent hands needed in order to accomplish
this vast undertaking. If you have a burden to share the everlasting gospel
and bring hope into hearts darkened by despair and unbelief while warning We sincerely hope you
them about the things which are coming on the earth, your help to distribute have been blessed by
the above magazine from house-to-house in your own community within reading this newsletter,
Germany would be greatly appreciated. Even by which we intended to
if you only have very little time – an hour per introduce you to Yasar
week would be great – you would so let your
light shine before men. Please let us know
Eden – Jesus gives life.
via email (including your contact details and In following newslet-
phone number) if you would like to help dis- ters of our ministry you
tributing the magazine, so we can provide you will find different articles
with the neccessary material and instructions, about biblical topics
so that the project can be done orderly and and current events, as
organized. If you decide to help sharing the
gospel this way, there is no costs involved for
well as experiences and
you, you would only invest your time. We are updates of the project
looking forward to hear from you! and a lot more spiritual,
While those busy hands are diligently spread- faith-building material. It
ing the gospel, the enemy will not be lazy to thwart their plans and discour- is our joy and privilege
age them. Therefore prayerful lips are needed, that those hands might not to share those thoughts
sink in despair. For this reason we ask you, our readers, to keep this project
in your prayers continually. Your prayer does make a difference, which
and studies with you that
will be noticed by the bearers of the gospel truth on the front line! We will the Lord has blessed us
let you know in our newsletters what areas we are working in, so you can with.
specifically pray for these areas and rejoice together with us when you then Our newsletter will be is-
read about the experiences God granted in answer to your prayers. sued monthly. It is avail-
Since the gift of God cannot be purchased by money (Acts 8:20), we are shar- able free of charge and
ing the magazine „The coming New World Order“ for free. But of course it
still requires means to print a magazine, apart from several other expenses
non-binding. If you wish
that are occuring in a project like this. If the Lord has blessed you with to be added or taken off
earthly means and it is your sincere desire to further the gospel work in our mailing list, please
Germany, our ministry would appreciate your financial support. There are let us know via email.
different possibilities of support in these lines: „The grace of our Lord
Community-Sponsor: As a community-sponsor you bear all the expenses Jesus Christ be with you
of distributing this magazine to a community of your choice. We will take
care of the actual distributing work and keep you up-to-date regarding the
all. Amen.“ (Phil 4:23)
Literature-Sponsor: Your financial contributions in this line will be used Elisabeth Teuber and
for the magazine and to make other free literature available to interested Kezia Deichsel
General donations: These means will be used for any other expenses aris- Postbox 10 03 04
ing in our ministry. 46423 Emmerich
Please contact us if the Lord is impressing you to support our ministry in Germany
these lines. „Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him
give, not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.“ (2 Cor Phone: +49 (0)6192 4701701
9:7) (9 am - 2 pm local time)
“For yet a little while, and He that shall come will come, and will not tarry.” Web: www.yasar-eden.org
(Heb 10:37) Email: yasareden@ymail.com

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