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Int. J. Engg. Res. & Sci. & Tech. 2014 Arunesh Kumar et al.

, 2014

ISSN 2319-5991

Vol. 3, No. 4, November 2014
© 2014 IJERST. All Rights Reserved

Research Paper
Arunesh Kumar1*, Abhishek Arya2 and Rahul Kumar Singh3

*Corresponding Author: Arunesh Kumar 

The main motive of this study is to identify maximum energy loss areas in any thermal power
stations and generate a plan to reduce them using energy and exergy analysis as the tools. The
energy sources are decreasing down day by day around the world due to the growing demand
and sometimes due to ageing of machinery. Most of the power plants are designed by the
energetic performance criteria based not only on the first law of thermodynamics, but the real
useful energy loss cannot be justified by the fist law of thermodynamics, because it does not
differentiate between the quality and quantity of energy. The main objective of this paper is to
survey the technical options for waste heat capture and consider in greater depth of Waste heat
capture method through the use of real life examples. Present study deals with the comparison
of energy and exergy analysis of thermal power plants stimulated by coal. Our national electricity
requirement is about 2100 MW against 1615 MW supply; this is evident of about 21% deficit in
terms of power requirements. In view of this situation, greater need of efficiency improvement of
a thermal power plants

Keywords: Energy, Exergy, Heat balance sheet, Thermal Power Station, Fuel

INTRODUCTION generation. The role of efficiency monitoring lies

Power plant is assembly of systems or in maximizing generation from power plants. It
subsystems to generate electricity. Power plant enhances energy efficiency of the power plant. In
generates the electricity result of combustion of order to keep maximum output from a given input,
fuel into mechanical work and is thermal energy. the units must run at the maximum possible
The availability of electricity and its per capita efficiency. Power sector is one of the key sectors
consumption shows index of national standard contributing significantly to the growth of country’s
of living in the present day and flourishing power economy. Power sector needs a more useful role
M.Tech Scholar (Thermal Engineering), Department of Mechanical Engineering, SCOPE Engineering College, Bhopal, India.
Assistant Professor, Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, SCOPE Engineering College, Bhopal, India.
M.Tech Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, SCOPE Engineering College, Bhopal, India.

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Int. J. Engg. Res. & Sci. & Tech. 2014 Arunesh Kumar et al., 2014

to be played in defining, formulating and to be come f rom renewable sources by

implementing the research projects with close governmental as well as various private
involvement of all utilities like solar energy and participation.
other various non conventional sources. The
Process of Thermal Power Plants
increase in energy consumption, particularly in
The whole process comprises of generating heat
the past several decades, has raised fears of
energy in the boiler and then converting heat
exhausting the globes reserves of coal, petroleum
energy generated in the boiler into mechanical
and other resources in the future. The huge
energy in the turbine and further converting this
consumption of fossil fuels has caused visible
mechanical energy generated in the turbine into
damage to the environment in various forms.
electrical energy in the alternator. Coal will be
Every year human activity dumps roughly 8 billion
used as fuel in the boiler. The combustion of the
metric tons of carbon into the atmosphere, 6.5
fuel generates the heat energy in the boiler. The
billion tons from fossil fuels and 1.5 billion from
heat energy transfer to heat transfer area provided
deforestation At present India is sixth largest
in the different area like (bed coils, water wall,
country in the world in electricity generation,
steam drawn /mud drum economizer super
having aggregate capacity of 177 GWs out of
heater, air pre heater. This will be transferred to
which 65% is from thermal, 21% from hydro, 3%
the water which will pass through and steam is
from nuclear and the rest about 11% is from
generated and this steam will be further
renewable energy sources. Although over the
superheated in the super heater so that dry
years, Indian power sector has experienced a five-
superheated steam will be generated. This steam
time increased in its installed capacity—a jump
will be fed into the turbine and this steam expands
from 30,000 MW in 1981 to over 176,990.40 MW
in the turbine and generates mechanical energy
by 30 June 2014 but still there is a huge gap in
will be converted in to electrical energy. The whole
generation and demand in India hence need to
process is comprises in Figure 1.
be establish more generation plants preferably

Figure 1: General Layout of Thermal Power

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Int. J. Engg. Res. & Sci. & Tech. 2014 Arunesh Kumar et al., 2014

Aim of the it’s thermal energy is converted into

The main analysis of the study is to find out those mechanical energy which is further used for
areas where energy losses are occurring generation electric power. The steam coming out
maximum and modified them for efficient and of the steam turbine is condensed in the
effective improvement in thermal power station. condenser and condensate is supplied back to
the boiler with the help of the feed pump and cycle
Objectives is repeated.
The object to satisfy this are The function of the boiler is to generate the
• To conduct energy calculation of the overall steam .The function of condenser is to condense
plant and determine the efficiencies and energy the steam coming out of steam turbine at low
losses of all the major components on the pressure. The function of the steam turbine is to
power station. convert part of heat energy of steam into
mechanical energy. The function of feed pump is
• Select and modified the areas where energy
to raise the pressure of the condensate from the
losses are being experienced.
condenser pressure (0.015 bar ) to boiler
• Determine the costs and payback periods for pressure (200 bar). The other components like
the new technologies suggested for efficiency economizer, super heater and steam feed
improvements. heaters are used in the primary circuit to increase
Types of Fuel Used in Boiler the overall efficiency of the thermal power plant.

There are many type of fuel used in boiler to Figure 2: working of Thermal Power Plant
generate necessary heat (Table 1).
Table 1: Various Types of Fuels Used in Boiler
Fuel GCV(Kcal/kg)


a) Bituminous 4,500 to 6,500

b) Anthracite 6,500 to 7,700

c) Lignite 3,500 to 4500

Furnace oil 10,500 to 11,700

Natural Gas 8,200 to 8,600 KCal/Nm3 HISTORICAL PROSPECTIVE

Agro fuels 3,100 to 4,500 The scenario of energy in thermal power plant
Kerosene 11,100 11,100 are discussed that fossil fuels contribute 80%,
LPG 11,600 to 11,700 KCal/Kg
renewable Energy resources contribute 14% and
nuclear 6% of world annual energy use. These
Working of Thermal Power Plant numbers will soon change as the world’s
Steam is generated in the boiler of the thermal population grows, energy demand rises,
power plant using the heat of the fuel burned in inexpensive oil and gas deplete, global warming.
the combustion chamber. The steam generated Effects continue to rise and urban pollution
is passed through steam turbine where the part worsens the living conditions. The development

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Int. J. Engg. Res. & Sci. & Tech. 2014 Arunesh Kumar et al., 2014

Table 2: Heat Balance Sheet

Steam G ross
Theoretical Excess Total air oxygen
S.No. Bioler Generation Calorific Boiler Fuel air air req.@0% @0%
Load TPH Value Efficiency Consumption Requirement req.@ ex ce ss ex ce ss
Kcal/kg. kg /s kg 0% air air
1 60 81 3300 80.6 19.44 4.58 0 4.58 0

2 65 87.75 3300 81.7 20.77 4.58 0 4.58 0

3 70 94.5 3300 82.3 22.21 4.58 0 4.58 0

Table 3: Standard Values Table 4: Efficiency Of Boiler With Different

Boiler Loads And 0% Excess Air
Grass calorific value of coal 3300 kcal/kg

Feed water temperature 180oc

% of oxygen in flue gases 5.5

% of co2 in flue gases 11

Flue gas temperature 1400C

% Hydrogen in fuel 1.2

Ambient air temperature 350C

Humidity of air 0.018 kg/kg of dry air

Theoretical air required for boiler 4.58 kg/kg of coal

Actual mass of air supplied 5.95 kg/kg of coal

Specific heat of superheated steam 0.45k cal/kg,k

Boiler pressure 96 bar

Steam temperature 3800c

Enthalpy of steam 3060 kj/kg

Enthalpy of feed water temperature 763.22kj/kg

Table 5: Efficiency of Boiler With Different Boiler Loads and 20% Excess Air

Steam G ross
Theoretical Excess Total air oxygen
S.No. Bioler Generation Calorific Boiler Fuel air air req.@0% @0%
Load TPH Value Efficiency Consumption Requirement req.@ ex ce ss ex ce ss
Kcal/kg. kg /s kg 0% air air
1 60 81 3300 80.12 19.44 4.58 0.91 5.49 0.209

2 65 87.75 3300 81.2 20.77 4.58 0.91 5.49 0.209

3 70 94.5 3300 81.82 22.21 4.58 0.91 5.49 0.209

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Table 6: Efficiency of Boiler With Different Boiler Loads and 30% Excess Air

Steam G ross
Theoretical Excess Total air oxygen
S.No. Bioler Generation Calorific Boiler Fuel air air req.@0% @0%
Load TPH Value Efficiency Consumption Requirement req.@ ex ce ss ex ce ss
Kcal/kg. kg /s kg 0% air air
1 60 81 3300 79.82 19.44 4.58 1.37 5.95 0.31

2 65 87.75 3300 81.02 20.77 4.58 1.37 5.95 0.31

3 70 94.5 3300 81.62 22.21 4.58 1.37 5.95 0.31

Table 7: Efficiency of Boiler With Different Boiler Loads and 40% Excess Air

Steam G ross
Theoretical Excess Total air oxygen
S.No. Bioler Generation Calorific Boiler Fuel air air req.@0% @0%
Load TPH Value Efficiency Consumption Requirement req.@ ex ce ss ex ce ss
Kcal/kg. kg /s kg 0% air air
1 60 81 3300 79.52 19.44 4.58 1.83 6.41 0.42

2 65 87.75 3300 80.72 20.77 4.58 1.83 6.41 0.42

3 70 94.5 3300 81.32 22.21 4.58 1.83 6.41 0.42

of alternative energy sources and devices will hour is called the evaporation rate. It is expressed
emerge more rapidly to address the world’s
as kg of steam/h, or kg of steam/h/m2 of heating
energy and Environmental situation. Thus, the
surface, or kg of steam/h/m3 of furnace volume,
establishment of a sustainable energy Is one of
the most pressing tasks of humanity? With the or kg of steam/kg of fuel fired.
exhaustion of Fossil resources, the energy Equivalent Evaporation
economy will change to a chemical and an
It is the equivalent of the evaporation of 1 kg of
Electrical base. Mahindra Lalwani and Mool Singh
water at 100oC to steam at 100 oC, it requires
revealed that, India consumes 7% of coal of the
2256.9 kJ = 2260 kJ.
world where as China, US, Japan and Rest of
the world consumes 43%, 9%, 4% and 20%, Factor of Evaporation
respectively. 68% of World’s consumption of coal The ratio of actual heat absorption above feed
for the generation of electricity. Coal-fired
water temperature for transformation to steam
Generation increases by an annual average of
(wet, dry, or superheated), to the latent heat of
2.3%, making coal the second fastest-growing
steam at atmospheric pressure (1.01325 bar) is
source for electricity generation.
known as factor of evaporation.
METHODOLOGY AND Then equivalent evaporation = Actual
FORMULAE USED evaporation × Factor of evaporation
Performance of Steam Generator where
Evaporation Rate
me = [ (h1 – hf ) / hfg ]× ms = F × ms
The quantity of water evaporated into steam per

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Heat Losses in a Boiler Plant C = fraction of carbon in 1 kg of fuel

1. Heat used to generate steam, Q= ms (h1– hf ) Heat lost due to incomplete combustion of
2. Heat lost to flue gases. carbon per kg of fuel,

The flue gases contain dry products of CO  C

combustion and the steam generated due to the Q3    35, 000  10, 200 
CO  CO2
combustion of hydrogen in the fuel.
CO  C
Heat lost to dry flue gases, Q3    24,800  ki / kg of fuel
CO  CO2
Q1= mg cpg(Tg – Ta )
mg = Mass of gases formed per kg of fuel 5. Heat lost due to unburnt fuel
cpg = Specific heat of gases Q4 = mf1× C.V
Tg = Temperature of gases, oC mf1= Mass of unburnt fuel per kg of fuel burnt
T a = Temperature of air entering the 6. Heat unaccounted
combustion chamber of the boiler, oC
Q6= Q– (Q1+Q2+Q3+Q4+Q5)
3. Heat carried by steam in flue gases-
Q = mf ×C.V
Q2= ms1(hs1– hf1)
= Heat released per kg of fuel
ms1 = Mass of steam formed per kg of fuel
due to combustion of H2 in fuel Boiler Trial and Heat Balance Sheet

h f1 = Enthalpy of water at boiler house There are three purposes of conducting the boiler
temperature trial.

hs1= Enthalpy of steam at the gas temperature 1. To determine and check the specified
and at the partial pressure of the vapor in the flue generating capacity. Of the boiler when
gas working at full load conditions.

4. Heat loss due to incomplete combustion 2. To determine the thermal efficiency of the
If carbon burns to CO instead of CO2 then it is
known as incomplete combustion. 3. To draw up the heat balance sheet so that
suitable corrective measures may be taken
1 kg of C releases 10,200 kJ/kg of heat if it
to improve the efficiency.
burns to CO whereas it releases 35,000 kJ/kg if
it burns to CO2. if the percentages of CO and The following measurements should be
CO2 in flue gases by volume are known, then observed during the boiler trial.
1. The fuel supplied and its analysis.
CO  C
Mass of C burnt to CO  2. Steam generated and its quality or superheat.
CO  CO2
3. Flue gases formed from exhaust analysis.
CO, CO2 = % by volume of CO and CO2 in 4. Air inlet temperature and gases exhaust
flue gases temperature.

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5. Volumetric analysis of exhaust gases. Figure 4: Efficiency Vesus Excess Air

6. Mass of fuel left unburnt in ash.

7. Feed water temperature.
The Heat balance sheet is a symmetric
representation of heat released from burning of
fuel and heat distribution on minute, hour or per
kg of fuel basis.


Vardhman Group is a leading textile conglomerate
in India having a turnover of $1009 mn. Spanning
over 25 manufacturing facilities in five states Figure 5: Efficiency Vesus Excess Air
across India, the Group business portfolio
includes Yarn, Greige and Processed Fabric,
Sewing Thread, Acrylic Fiber and Alloy Steel.
Vardhman has evolved through history from a
small beginning in 1965 into a modern textile major
under the dynamic leadership of its chairman, S
P Oswal. His vision and insight has given
Vardhman an enviable position in the textile
industry. Under his leadership, Vardhman is
efficiently using resources to innovate, diversify,
integrate and build its diverse operations into a
dynamic modern enterprise.
Figure 6: Efficiency Vesus Excess Air
Figure 3: Efficiency Versus Excess Air

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Figure 7: Efficiency Vesus Excess Air steam generation also varies at different boiler
4. In this study show the variation of excess air
with fuel consumption and basically 40%
excess air use to reduce the loses and improve
boiler efficiency
5. In this study the calculation of efficiency based
on 20%, 30%, 40% excess air which gives the
excellent variation in boiler efficiency.
6. In this study we see that at minimum boiler
load the efficiency of boiler is minimum in range
which is show in graph and with the variation
CONCLUSION of boiler load efficiency of boiler range also vary
which is clearly show in graph.
The following conclusions have been drawn from
the experimental results: 7. Boiler load and excess air variation help to
show the variation in the boiler efficiency. In
This paper show the enervative ideas to
graph 1.1 we are see that at 0% excess air
reduce losses of boiler and improve boiler the boiler efficiency range is maximum and at
efficiency by using the variation of boiler load and 40% excess air the boiler efficiency range is
also percentage of excess air minimum
We conclude the following point which points
show in paper and by using of heat balance sheet
clearly indicate unnecessary loss of heat. Give 1. Bejan (2002), “Fundamentals of Exergy
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