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2020 focus and Performance


HR and India Management

Jan ‘2020

1 1
• Readiness to deliver large / complex Delivery Excellence
transformational programs - a) Efficient implementation model
for cloud (estimation, templatization, reusability, post go-live stabilization/
transition) b) Build practice assets - implementation accelerators, configurable
solutions and standard reports c) Delivery quality d) staff and deliver projects Managed Services Continue to innovate
efficiently using pyramid structure Delivery Ownership / develop solutions

• Continue to Innovate – a) Idea generation, build customer specific

solutions and IP. b) Enhance product development and support plans -
Independent of contractors, bring support in-house
• Continue to drive operational excellence: Utilization - 75%, Talent Development &
Employee Engagement
adoption – 65%, manage cost, and a smooth resource mgmt., & accounting
operations (billing, collection and reporting)
• Managed Services – a) Improve sales support and delivery ownership (implementation transition, responsiveness,
SLA, ticketing system, POD structure, coverage model etc.,), b) Customer success – CSAT, governance and reporting, customer
connect c) Grow managed services business by 25%, d) Improve margin e) Continue to Innovate – Test Automation part of all
upgrades, sell it as a service and f) Targets for renewals / change requests
• Retain and nurture talent base - Attain fungible talent pool with cross / upskilling
• Enhance learning & development and employee engagement & experience

Performance Delivery Learning & Company / Practice

Utilization Other KPIs
Metrics by Role performance Development Performance
Delivery quality, Practice Utilization, Global Contribution to innovation (Solutions /
Based on
Utilization Timeliness of the practice revenue / margin, IP), Client/PM feedback, sales
earned learning
Details / Targets target of deliverables, Sales Support / Revenue support, CR/ AC renewal, practice
credits and one
75% customer generation / CR / contract management, people management
team approach
references renewal and admin compliance
❖ Bi-yearly Bonus pay-out plan
❖ 1st Half: (Jan – Jun) – payable along with Jul payroll (July 31st)
❖ 75% of the accrued amount for the first half of the year – pay-out recommendation to be based on utilization
and delivery performance metric during the period.
❖ 2nd Half (July – Dec) – payable along with the Jan payroll of the succeeding year
Process ❖100% of the accrued amount of the second half plus the 25% of the accrued amount carried over from the
accrual of the first half pay-out. Recommendation to be based on utilization and delivery performance of 2nd
half, plus the L&D, Company / practice performance and other KPI’s of the entire year.
❖ Employee needs to be active on the payroll during the period for which the bonus applies and at the time of the
processing the payroll, i.e. Jul 31st for the 1st Half and in Jan 31st of the succeeding year for the 2nd half.
❖ Annual bonus pay-out is a function of Inspirage meeting /exceeding financial target and performance.

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4 © Copyright 2007-2018 Inspirage. All rights reserved.

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