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Chapter # 8

National Integration and


1. Under, which constitution the Senate was established for the first time?
a. 1956 b. 1962
c. 1973 d. 1960

2. What is the basis of representation in National Assembly?

a. Population b. Province
c. Age d. Religion

3. Which sort of powers if given to the provinces can establish a stable political system?
a. Adequate b. Less
c. Unlimited d. Limited

4. What was another name of the practical program of Islamization in the Sub-
a. Pakistan ideology b. Islam
c. Constitution d. Faith

5. Which system of government causes damage to National Integrity?

a. Dictatorial b. Democratic
c. Parliamentary d. Monarchy

6. Who defined the concept of Nationality for the first time?

a. English Historiographer b. Dutch Historiographer
c. Muslim Historiographer d. Greek historiographer
7. What was the racial background of Pakistani Nation?
a- Central Asians, Arabs, Turks b. English. Dutch, Turks
c. Indians, English, Arabs d. Central Asians, Dutch, English

8. Which sort of tendencies is developed among the countries inhabited by

heterogeneous racial and linguistic groups?
a. Centripetal tendencies b. National integration
c. Centrifugal tendencies d. Disintegration

9. What can be a remedy for the ethnic, racial and linguistic discords among Pakistani
a. Islamic culture and values b. Making the society more liberal
c. Giving freedom to media d. Formal education

10. In which form of government powers are divided between the Federal and the
Provincial Governments?
a. Federal b. Dictatorship
c. Mona d. Aristocracy

11. Which Constitution provides adequate safeguards for provincial autonomy?

a. 1956 b. 1962
c. 1973 d. 1977

12. Who used the term Asabia for the sentiments of Nationality?
a. Ibn e Khaldun b. Laski
c. Ibn al-Haytham d. Ibn e Batuta

13. Under which Constitution, the bicameral legislature was introduces fur the first time?
a. 1956 b. 1958
c. 1962 d. 1973

14.Which language is the lingua franca that can serve as a medium of communication
between different areas of the country?
a. Sindhi b. Balochi
c. Urdu d. Punjabi

Short Questions& Answers
Q1: Give Laski’s, definition of Nationality?
Ans: According to Laski,
“the feeling of nationhood marks off those who share in it from the rest of mankind”.

Q2: "Solution of the problems of National Integration, mine yours and your role"
comment. Briefly.
Ans: The measures needed to be taken in order to promote national integration are:
1. Educational and opinion forming measures
2. Administrative measures
3. Political measures

Q3: What is the importance of educating our people about Pakistan Ideology?
1. Two nation theory was a practical program to enable the Muslim of South Asia to
model their lives on Islamic ideals.

2. Pakistan was created to safeguard the spiritual identity and physical existence of the
Muslim is the area.

3. the people of Pakistan must realize that their existence is directly related with the
existence of Pakistan, if Pakistan lives, they live, they have no existence independent
of their national existence.

Q4: Signify role of Urdu with reference to National Solidarity?

1. Our regional languages are spoken and understood in limited areas of the country.
Only Urdu is the Lingua Franca i.e., the language that can serve as a medium of
communication between different areas of the country. This is our national heritage.

2. Urdu served as the symbol of national identity during the days of freedom struggle and
the people from all the parts of India rendered sacrifices for the defense of Urdu.

3. For the promotion of national cohesion and identity Urdu should be adopted as the
medium of the official business.

Q5: Why democratic system of government is essential for the Integration?

1. Democratic system creates a sense of responsibility and participation in the people.
They start to love their country and live for it.

2. Whereas dictatorship creates a sense of deprivation among the people, and they get
alimented from the national and collective affairs. They develop enmity not only
towards the rulers but also towards the province or the class to which the rulers
belong. Their dislike for the rulers may turn into hatred for the country.

3. To prevent this state of affairs from happening we should try to establish a democratic
system based on the principles of Islamic ideology.

Q6: Define the basic concept of Nationality.

Ans: The concept of nationality was first defined in distinct terms by the Muslim
historiographer and socialist Ibn-e-Khaldun. He gave it the name of Asabia and said that the
sentiment of nationhood forms the basis of civil life, and the rise and fall of human groups
greatly depends on this sentiment.

Q7: What are Centrifugal Forces?

Ans: Reasons that separate the members of a civil society from one another, or in other
words, the point of difference, they have are called centrifugal forces. For example,
Provincialism, Sectarianism etc.

Q8: What are centripetal forces in regard to National Integration?

Ans: The forces that attracts the different scattered parts towards one center and creates a
sense of unity among the members of a group are called centripetal forces. For example,
Religion, common aspirations and beliefs etc.

Q9: What is the criterion to judge National Integration?

1. A nation can survive only if the centripetal forces working with in it are more
powerful than the centrifugal forces working on its members.

2. If the binding or cementing forces working on its member are more powerful than the
disintegration factors or centrifugal forces, it means national integration is there.

3. When the position gets vice versa and centrifugal forces start to overpower or
dominate the centripetal forces it is said that the nation has developed, tendency to
disintegrate and it is bound to disintegrate sooner or later.
Q10: How can the national integration be achieved?
1. In order to achieve the ideal national integration presence of all the nation-forming
factors like race, language, geography, religion etc. are not required.

2. The only thing that requires is that the factors that are not common or identical in the
members of the group should develop a habit to make themselves willingly and
voluntarily subservient to common or stronger factors of national integration.

Q11: What is the significance of National Integration in an Islamic democratic state?

1. The people who become part of Pakistani nation belonged to different racial group
spoke different languages and had distinct cultures and traditions.

2. The national integration of Pakistan ignores all the racial differences and unites the
people in a single nation on the basis of Islamic fraternity.

3. All this diversity is like colors of big picture of Pakistan where each color enhances
the beauty of the state. Removing any color from this picture will spoil both picture
and the beauty of the state. Each color should steadfast to its position as a color and
should not try to take the place of the picture.

Q12: Enlist the major obstacles interposed in the Way of National integration of
1. Provincialism and parochialism
2. Linguist differences and laxity in the implementation of the national language Urdu.
3. Racial and group differences
4. Poverty, inequitable distribution of wealth, differences between the living standards of
the people of different areas of the country.
5. Long period of undemocratic rule, which creates discontentment among the deprived
classes of the people.
6. Autocratic behavior of bureaucracy, especially because the bureaucracy is looked at
by the people as the representation of some special classes and areas of the country.
7. Feudal system.
8. Illiteracy
9. Ignorance of the religious and moral values.
10.Negative role of the media.
11.War culture, which is the root cause of poverty and cultural instability, hence the
mother of all evils.
Q13: Enlist the measures which can he adopted for the promotion of National
Solidarity by way of education and opinion forming.
1. By spreading religious education
2. By revival of the national spirit based on two nation theory.
3. By promotion of Islamic culture and tradition
4. By application of media for nation building
5. By promotion of Urdu
Q14: Enlist the Administrative and Political Measures which can be adopted for the
promotion of National Integration.
Administrative Measures:
1. Administration with responsible and patriotic outlook.
2. Restructuring of the provinces to carve out more provinces.

Political Measures:
1. Bi-cameral legislature/powerful upper house.
2. Separation of powers between center and province.
3. Democratic system of government.

Q15: How a Nation is formed?

Ans: Members of any group of people are generally different from each other in many
respects and at the same time they have certain things in common. But for One reason or
another, they are inclined to forget their differences and strengthen their bonds of unity,
when this happens, a nation is formed.

1. Quaid e AVM gave his fourteen points in which year? a. 1932 b. 1931 c. 1930 d. 1929

2. The Cabinet Mission Plan arrived in India in which year?

a. 1946 b. 1942 c. 1949 d. 1950

3. Allama Iqbal presided Muslim League in Allahabad in Which, year? a. 1932 b. 1930 e.
1933 d, 1934

4. In which year Aligarh College rose to the status off' university? a. 1922 b. 1921 c. 1923 d.

5. In which year Chaudhary Rehmat All proposed the name of "Pakistan"? a. 1936 b. 1933
c. 1934 d. 1935

6. Who started Pakistan National Movement? a. Chaudhary Relunat Ali b. Allama Iqbal c.
Quaid e Azani d, Sir Syed Ahmed Khan.

7. When was the "Direct Action Day" observed?. a. 16 August 1946 b. 15 August 1946 c. 17
August 1946 d. 18 August 1946

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