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10/2 Types of Speech

Impromptu Speaking

 On the fly.
 Advantages: ability to adjust to crowd, sincerity, natural, no need to prepare
 Disadvantages: bigger chance to not speak well, not speak enough, scary

Extemporaneous Speech

 Speaking with minimum support of notes

 Advantages: time to prepare
 Disadvantages: need to prepare
 All presentations are extemporaneous

Manuscript Speech

 When reading what’s written

 For award announcement, extremely important speeches which require NO mistakes

Memorized Speech

 Often like an extemporaneous speech

 Disadvantages: you can’t change or react to anything, you have to memorize. Content is empty
because you memorize shape, not meaning.

Two types of language: Oral and Written.

 Written speech is more complex. Oral is simpler

o Memorized speeches are a mix of the two – often they sound boring. Don’t recommend
writing the way you speak or vice-versa.

Speech Structure

 Introduction. Give listeners a sense of your credibility, topic of speech, get their attention!
o Give them a story, stats, something vivid
o Tell them what you’re going to be talking about
o Quote
o Demonstration/visual aid/etc
 Discussion
o If speech is long, here’s where you lose the audience: wake them up from time to time
o Have absolutely clear clarity and structure – moving from one point to the next.
o Logical: what isn’t logical is a mess. If you are logical, you are clear
 Always memorize your first and last few lines. The last few lines should be the most eloquent,
meaningful, short thoughts that will remain in the audience for a while.
Voice Power

 Emphasizing words – pitch goes up/ up and down

 Lack of filler words – ‘like, um, you know’
 Raised pitch = attention!
 Pauses and emphasis give power to words

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