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Pros and Cons of Online Marketing

New and old businesses are turning to Internet marketing to improve sales, brand awareness
and online presence. Still, as with anything, online marketing has some downsides to consider.
Here’s a closer look at the pros and cons of online marketing for your business.

Advantages of Internet Marketing

Low-cost promotion strategy. There’s no doubt that Internet marketing requires no large

capital investment and there is no physical capital to worry about, as everything is online.

Each a global market. Online marketing also lets your business reach customers around the
world. Because your business isn’t limited to a particular geographic location, you can reach a
much wider target audience and have a higher chance of success.

Reach your target market easily. Online marketing can also help you reach your target
market immediately and potential customers will be able to find you with a quick search.

Convenient payment collections. With e-commerce enabled on your website, you’ll also be

able to collect payment easily and conveniently.

24/7 advertising. Your online marketing will be available and visible 24 hours a day, 7 days a

Affiliate marketing. You can earn passive income from affiliate marketing combined with
your Internet marketing.

Disadvantages of Online Marketing

No instant trust. Because online advertising is everywhere, there is no way for potential

customers to tell if the marketing is good or bad. It can take some time for a business
marketing online to gain the trust of users.

Competition. One of the biggest downsides to online marketing is the stiff competition. It can
be very difficult to make your business and information stand out with companies around the
world competing.

Skill and knowledge required. Online marketing today also requires a great deal of
knowledge and skill to be successful.

Many businesses find it helpful to consult with or hire an advertising firm or design company
to help them with their marketing strategy.

Because online marketing comes with so much competition, it’s worth a second thought
before you jump in and try to market your own business online.

Internet marketing offers so many benefits when done properly and helps you connect with a
broader customer base.
Avoid wasting your time and money and consider a web design and marketing company to
help you stand out and see better sales.

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Internet Fraud. You may experience unethical and fraudulent practices in internet

marketing. Fake trademarks and logos can be used unchecked. This may defame your
Ads Placement. It may clutter on a web page and this may turn the customer down.
Requires Special Expertise. Along with the fundamental marketing, it needs
understanding of search engine technology, advertising techniques, content creation, and
logics to master the internet marketing.
Inaccessible. It may not be available for rural areas. Also, elderly and illiterates rarely
relish the benefits of shopping online.
Negative feedbacks about Products. They can turn your business down drastically.

Commerce and Mobile Marketing

To exploit the opportunity created by high growth of cellular phones and other wireless
devices such as PDA, pagers, Bluetooth, companies around the globe are integrating m-
commerce technology in their business model.

Mobile commerce can be define as delivery of electronic commerce (e- commerce)

capabilities directly into the consumer’s hands via wireless technology and the placement
of a retail outlet into the customer’s hands anywhere. This type of e-commerce makes it
possible for businesses to reach end-users directly, irrespective of their location. Through
mobile commerce end-users can make purchases, download cash, do banking, and buy
ticket through mobile phone. The recent increase of interest in mobile commerce is as a
result of high degree of interest shown by consumers on how to access business service
and information or to communicate anywhere is also motivated by desire of business
community to reach out to end- users at all time and at all places.

Mobile marketing is a very recent, but promising industry created by the emergence and
widespread adoption of wireless data networks, which enable the convergence of the
Internet, e- business and the wireless world.

Mobile marketing can be defined as the use of mobile channel to provide end-users with
location and time sensitive, personalized information that promotes goods, service and
ideas, for the benefits of the stakeholders. Some of the mode of delivering mobile
marketing includes (Short Message Service) (SMS, Multimedia Message Service (MMS),
Wireless Application Protocol (WAP), Java, SyncML and video and audio messaging.

According Marla et al. (2005) there is evidence that interactive marketing such as
marketing website, internet advertising, and permission e-mail, mobile and other new
media is the fastest growing area within advertising community and companies have long
term reasons for adopting it Research suggests that 65 percent of mobile phone
subscribers will welcome marketing alerts and promotion by 2008, this figure has been
exceeded within the youth market. Mobile devices, as channels for advertising, have
many new features and therefore opportunities in comparison with traditional media and
many players are looking to benefit from them.

Mobile advertising (M-advertising)

Mobile advertising can be defined as marketing and advertising activities that deliver
advertisements to mobile devices using wireless network and mobile advertising solutions
to promote goods and services and build brand awareness. Mobile advertising hold strong
promises to become the best targeted advertising medium delivering new means of
reaching users with message other than traditional channels (e.g. radio, television, print,
and mail). M-advertising provides consumers with personalized information based on
their location, time of the day and interest. By the year 2008, mobile advertising market is
expected to grow from US$ 16 billion to 17 US $ billion and US$ 23 Billion by 2009.
There has been rapid growth of m-advertising especially in Europe and Asia.

A key component of marketing communication is advertising which can be: pull or push
mode after obtaining customer’s permission. Mobile Marketing Association (MMA,
2005) define Push advertising as any content sent by or on behalf of advertisers and
marketers to a wireless mobile device at a time other than when the subscriber requests it.
Push Messaging includes audio, short message service (SMS) messages, e-mail,
multimedia messaging, cell broadcast, picture messages, surveys, or any other pushed
advertising or content. Another mode of mobile advertising is term as called pull
advertising which can be define as any content sent to the wireless subscriber upon
request shortly thereafter on a one time basis (MMA 2005). In this case advertiser
provides a wireless means for customers to respond to advertiser’s message, thus it is
kind of advertising that the end-user request for advertisement instead of the company
pushing it on the consumer.

Mobile advertising provides end-users with personalized information based on their time
of the day, location and interests. As a result various factors need to be considered in
mobile advertising concept. Time and location have impact on individual’s behavior and
receptiveness to adverts. Knowing the location of the customer enable geographically
targeted advertising message via GPS. Sending message at appropriate time increases the
success of advertising campaign. Personalization of the content of an advert is possible by
tracking personal identity and capturing customer data. Moreover, Advertisers need to be
cautious about the content and the information when planning mobile advertisements in
order to get end-user’s attention. Mobile adverts should be entertaining, emotional and
interactive and provide incentive to customers in order for them to pay attention to the

In conclusion mobile advertising may be seen as part of mobile commerce and mobile
marketing, one basic requirement of mobile advertising is to be permission-based, it can
be categorized into push and pull, however in future mobile advertising will be in the
form of dialogue campaign. Furthermore, factors such time and location, personal nature
of customers and content and information of mobile advertisement should be taking into
consideration when delivering mobile advertisement.
Problem Statement

Marketers stand to gain more as a result of rise in mobile communication with regards to
messaging and other non-voice technologies. The convergence of the mobile phone and
the Internet promise to change all our lives forever – the way we work, the way we buy
goods, the way in which we communicate with each other. Mobile devices, still used
almost exclusively for voice, are on the threshold of a wave of new service opportunities
for businesses and for customers. The appeal of the mobile device as a business tool is not
hard to understand.

Mobile advertising is still at an early stage and different players are still experimenting
with various formats. However research and practice suggest that much can be achieved
using simple mobile technology that is already well established (Barwise & Strong,

According to Haig (2002) marketers see synergy between text messaging and internet
most often difficult to resist. One common example where web and SMS compliment
each other is when a text message directs recipients to a web site for more information,
such a method has a practical purpose since it is impossible and impractical to express
much information via text. Furthermore, marketers are able to direct each recipient to a
point of purchase on e-commerce site, and it increases the chances of brand recall. Mobile
technology together with the Internet and to lesser degree digital television has change the
way marketers can get their message across. In the past, advertisers have limited media
options such as print, television and radio. Even though newspapers, radio stations and
television programs are still in use, targeting audiences through media campaigns are still
risky. Evaluating the success of a campaign is mainly guesswork since broadcast media
tend to be one way communication (marketer to consumer and not vice versa) and most
often cross section of the targeted population is reached.

However, the emergence of new media forms, together with changes in the old ones has
given rise to micro-media age which in turn leads to micro-marketing. Theoretically
companies can now narrow cast their messages to smaller targeted audience, instead of
broadcasting their messages. Additionally marketers can interact with their customers in a
manner that was before then impossible. Every message sent can be monitored responses
accounted for provided there is call to action. Marketers who failed to acknowledge
mobile technology are in effect ignoring one of the most powerful means of actively
engaging and reaching customers.

According to Okazaki (2005) companies will consider the following factors when
adopting mobile advertising: branding strategy, Location based service and service cost as
the most important managerial factors, whilst facilitating condition, cultural barrier and
regulatory as environments factors. The predictions of future growth and the benefit of
mobile advertising make companies see the need to adopt mobile advertising. In order to
adopt mobile advertising it is necessary for the company to look at the factors influencing

However because of perceived limitation of mobile terminals and failure of WAP

functionality some companies are reluctant to adopt mobile advertising. In addition,
cultural issue has been a big obstacle to mobile advertising; therefore any company which
fails to adopt appropriate mobile advertising strategy will have negative advertisements
response and will have their brand strategy damaged. Also Limitation in mobile
infrastructure and cellular phone such as slow deployment of 3G infrastructure, high
power consumption require by handset, deficiencies in mobile browsers, shortage and
high cost of Third Generation (3G) and General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) handsets
among others hinder mobile advertising adoption by companies (Wallage et al., 2005).

According to Cowllet (2002) one thing is assured the youth always have their phone with
them and consider SMS as part of their lifestyle because it allows them to stay in touch
with peers in a cost-effective and entertainment manner. Because of limitation of mobile
device regarding handling, sound and size it is not suitable for stand alone campaigns,
instead it should be use to promote the presence of a company or product into additional
channels, and companies which decide to depend solely on M-commerce will have much
deeper challenge.

According to Will Harris (2004) the personal natures of mobile phones present one of the
main challenge and opportunities to mobile advertising companies, because advertising
campaigns carried via mobile phones are very sensitive and companies which adopt this
type of advertising campaigns need to be careful not to offend users.

According to Haig, (2002) when companies launch a new product or looking for extra
revenue from mobile advertising they should considers these types of forms for their
campaigns because not every choice available on the mobile advertising tools will be
suitable for every brand and business.

SMS marketing: It is true that a SMS is checked by a user in less time. So,
SMS is a perfect way to contact a customer for their requirement and for

MMS marketing: Text, video, audio, and image slideshow can be delivered

via MMS to users for advertise your business or products. Mobile marketing
helps you to understand nature of your customer. You can verify about service
requirements of a user and you can help them via MMS.

Push notification: It is a flash text to notify users to advertise products and

services. It is easily visible to user instead of SMS.

App-based marketing: Mobile platform based App of an  ecommerce

website can be effectively used in a business promotion. You just have to
maintain search ranking of app in a store to make it visible.

In-game mobile marketing: Marketers used to provide promoting messages

within games. This is called mobile advergaming or ad-funded mobile game.

QR codes: QR code is an alternative of URL typing. One can go to a page by

scanning a 2D image instead of typing a URL.

Bluetooth: Some marketers use hotspot to deliver  Content Marketing. It is a

permission based and a radio-based technology and free of cost. It is an
effective way of advertising products. Greatly effective, in case user has
activated DND for such advertisements. It works on fact that whenever a
customer will comes in range with activated Bluetooth, starts getting
notification and ads.

Proximity service: Proximity systems or marketing based on GSM also called

SMS-CB (Short message Service- Cell Broadcast. This will help in broadcast
of messages to all users in a specific geographical area.

Location-based services: Location based services are specially conducted

through cell phone networks. It is used to send advertise or other messages to
user based on location.

Voice mail: Marketers can send a voice SMS or a prerecorded message

without making any ring for advertising their business.

1. Your customers spend most of their time on Facebook

Let’s start with the facts. 80% of all Internet users use Facebook. Even 65% of adults over
the age of 65 use Facebook. It has billions of users and most of them check their
Facebook page multiple times per day. Regardless of who your customers are, they are
using Facebook. And, they use it every day. Therefore, one of the most important benefits
of Facebook advertising is that your customers use it daily.

2. Facebook advertising is the most targeted form of advertising

A major benefit of Facebook advertising is its ability to reach your exact audience.
Facebook is the most targeted form of advertising. You can advertise to people by
age, interests, behavior, and location. If you really know your customers, you can
use Facebook advertising to engage them.
3. Facebook Advertising is the cheapest form of advertising

Another major benefit of Facebook advertising is that it is one of the cheapest

forms of advertising. You can literally spend $5 and reach 1,000 people. It does
not make sense to spend more in radio ads, television commercials, billboards,
and other traditional media to reach the same audience.

4. Facebook advertising is fast

Facebook advertising is fast. It drives immediate results. You can start reaching thousands
of people today. So if you are looking for a fast way to drive traffic and conversions,
Facebook advertising is the best solution.

5. Facebook advertising increases brand awareness

Facebook advertising will significantly build your brand awareness. It is a great way to

make people aware of what you have to offer. The more familiar people are with your
brand, the more likely they will purchase your products when it is time to make a

6. Facebook advertising increases website traffic

Facebook advertising will boost your website traffic. You can run a website click
campaign to target your audience and send them to your website. While you can increase
your website traffic through multiple sources, the precision and cost-effectiveness of
Facebook advertising makes it more beneficial than other sources.

7. Facebook advertising increases revenue, sales, and leads

Facebook advertising is not a myth. It actually drives revenue, sales, and

leads. Below is a screenshot of a business that spent $519.87 in Facebook ads and
generated $1,557.50 in sales. On average, they spent $3.42 per conversion. Read
how social media can increase sales here. 
Looks good right? The unfortunate part is that it is not easy to increase sales through
Facebook advertising. It takes time and experience. You could easily waste thousands of
dollars and not see any return on your investment. Because of this, we strongly
recommend investing in a social media advertising service or hire a Facebook advertising
specialist. Social media advertising costs for professional management normally ranges
from $400-$800/month. Therefore, it is more cost-effective to hire a professional agency
than to hire an employee.

8. Facebook advertising is measurable

There is no guessing with Facebook advertising. The results are measurable. And, the
numbers will speak for itself. You will be able to see how many impressions, clicks, and
conversions you are receiving. In order to track conversions, you will need to install
conversion pixels on your website to track the activity. This is something that
your Facebook advertising specialist will help you with.

9. Facebook advertising increases your customer attribution

Facebook advertising will increase your customer attribution. Attribution is a number of

times your audience sees your brand. The more times they interact with your business, the
more likely they will convert. Facebook advertising will help you increase your touch
points with your audience and leads to more conversions in the future.

10. Facebook advertising can lower your cost per acquisition

If you can get Facebook advertising to work for your business, it will likely
decrease your acquisition costs. Because Facebook advertising is so cheap, you
can cut out some of the other expensive advertising campaigns you are invested

11. Facebook advertising can drive off-line sales

Facebook advertising can also drive offline sales. Many of our clients who are running
Facebook ads see higher in-store traffic after working with us. Some of your customers
will likely see your ads on Facebook, visit your website, and visit your location if they
trust your solution.

12. Facebook advertising can engage your website visitors

Have you ever visited a website and saw their Facebook ad shortly after? This is
an advertising tactic called remarketing. Remarketing allows you to advertise to
recent website visitors. This means that if someone visits your website, and does
not purchase or contact you, you can re-engage them with Facebook advertising.
This is a huge benefit that can dramatically boost your conversions.

13. Facebook advertising can drive repeat business

Facebook advertising can drive repeat business from customers who have purchased from
you in the past. Using their audiences feature, you can import your customer emails into
your Facebook advertising campaign. This will allow you to advertise directly to the
audience that is most likely to buy from you.

14. Facebook advertising builds engagement

Facebook advertising builds engagement with your target audience. Engagement consists
of the likes, comments, and interactions on your advertisements. Engagement is important
because it signifies a stronger connection with your target audience. As people engage
with your brand, an indirect connection is being developed. The more engaged your
audience is, the stronger your connection is with them. The more connected they are to
your business, the more likely they will convert. Investing into social media
management can also dramatically increase your engagement.

15. Facebook advertising increases word-of-mouth and referrals

The social aspect of Facebook advertising makes it better than any other form of
advertising that exists. Facebook advertisements can go viral. If your ads are reaching the
right people, they will likely share it with a friend. The ability to spread word-of-mouth
and referrals will be a significant benefit your business can capitalize on by using
Facebook advertising.

16. Facebook advertising can help you build your email list

Facebook advertising can fuel your email marketing efforts. You can utilize Facebook’s
“lead ad” forms to capture email contacts through Facebook ads. You can also direct
traffic to an external form on your website to build your email list.
17. Facebook advertising can grow your blog traffic

A blog moves nowhere without traffic.  You can use Facebook advertising to
expose your blog to the masses and generate instant traffic. Through advertising
your blog, you can gain more trust and credibility with your audience. Blogs are a
great way to build a deeper connection with your audience. And, you can use
Facebook advertising to bridge the connection between your blog and traffic.

18. Facebook advertising can increase your SEO rankings

Search engines rely on social signals to rank websites. Social signals consist of the
activity on your social media content. This activity includes shares, likes, and comments
on your posts. Facebook advertising can help you increase your social signals, which will
indirectly influence your SEO rankings.

19. Facebook advertising can help you break into new markets

Facebook advertising can help you expand into new markets. If you are bringing a new
product or service to market, you can use Facebook advertising to increase its exposure.
Facebook advertising will help you test the market, at your own pace.

20. Facebook advertising is real-time

Facebook advertising is real-time. You can look at your campaign real-time. And, if you
are unhappy with the results, you can make adjustments to your campaign immediately.

This is not possible with other forms of advertising. If you invest in radio ads,
television ads, or print media, you are unable to change your ad immediately if
you do not see results. You will have to bite the bullet and take the loss. Facebook
advertising can help you cut your losses immediately and make adjustments to
gain more conversions.

21. Your competitors are using Facebook advertising

Your competitors are using Facebook advertising to grow their business. You are making
it easier for them by not using Facebook advertising to reach your audience. If you are not
using online advertising to grow your business, you will not have a business soon. If your
customers spend most of their time on social media, you need to make sure you are using
it to grow your business.

22. Facebook advertising can give you an edge on larger businesses

Facebook advertising can be the backdoor you use to crush the larger competition. You
don’t have to worry about large competitors driving up the cost of advertising as you
would with Google AdWords. It is just you and your audience. As long as your ads are
relevant, your ads will likely perform efficiently with Facebook advertising.

23. Facebook advertising is mobile.

Mobile is the future of online. 50% of all Internet users are mobile. Over 84% of
Facebook users access Facebook from a mobile device. In fact, Facebook is one of
the largest mobile applications that exist today. If you are following the trends of
advertising, Facebook advertising will not fail you. You are able to advertise to
your audience on the devices they use every day.

According to the latest figures released this last quarter of 2019, it has been
announced that Facebook has again achieved another milestone. This giant social
media network has now over 2.7 billion monthly users.

And do you know what’s more interesting than these numbers? It’s the fact that
half of these users log in with their mobile phones. Yes, that’s more than a billion
potential audience and buyers for your business.
24. Facebook advertising is more effective than organic (organic Facebook is almost

The days of organic Facebook marketing are over. There is no such thing as
organicFacebook marketing. To be successful, you will have to use Facebook advertising.
Even if you are building a community of followers, you will likely have to use Facebook
advertising to grow your community. If you are posting content, you will likely use
promoted posts to reach more people. Facebook advertising is a must if your business
plans to adapt a social strategy.

25. Facebook advertising is budget-friendly (set your own budget)

Facebook advertising is budget-friendly. You are in control of your destiny. You can set a
daily or lifetime budget. You can easily increase or decrease it at any time.

However, sometimes this free will can come back to haunt you. If you under spend, you
may not get enough exposure to actually spend. If you overspend on the wrong ad
campaign, you can waste thousands of dollars. Use a Facebook advertising service to
avoid wasting precious money and time to gain more sales.

26. Facebook advertising is most cost-effective advertising investment you can make

Facebook is the most cost-effective advertising investment any business can make. The
benefits of Facebook advertising are endless. You can double, triple, or quadruple your
business growth with Facebook advertising. It is cheaper than almost every alternative
source of advertising. The targeting options are more precise than the rest. You can target
previous customers, website visitors, and specific demographics. You can increase your
touch points with your audience, ramp up awareness, and attribute to conversions in the

Social network advertising

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Social network advertising, also social media targeting, is a group of terms that are
used to describe forms of online advertising that focus on social networking services. One
of the major benefits of this type of advertising is that advertisers can take advantage of
the users' demographic information and target their ads appropriately.
Social media targeting combines current targeting options (such
as geotargeting, behavioral targeting, socio-psychographic targeting, etc.), to make
detailed target group identification possible. With social media targeting, advertisements
are distributed to users based on information gathered from target group profiles.
Social network advertising is not necessarily the same as social media targeting. Social
media targeting is a method of optimizing social media advertising by using profile data
to deliver advertisements directly to individual users. Social network advertising refers to
the process of matching social network users to target groups that have been specified by
the advertiser.






2.2Types of advertising


4See also



People who use social networking sites get their various information about themselves,
including their age, gender, interests, and location stored on the servers of the social
media companies. This stored information allows advertisers to create specific target
groups and individualize their advertisements. The advantage for advertisers is that their
ads can reach to a specific set of audience who are interested in the product or service.
The advantage for users is that they can see ads that are relevant to their interest.
Facebook, the most popular social network, has developed a targeting technology which
allows advertisements to reach a specific audience. This is within the Facebook product
called Facebook Ads, which is available to users and businesses alike. While posting an
ad through the Facebook Ad Manager, an advertiser is provided a set of characteristics
that will define his target market. Facebook calls this audience targeting. These traits
include geographical location, gender, age, work, relationship status, and interests such as
music, among others.[1] Facebook claims that advertisers can even customize their target
audience based on their behavior such as purchasing patterns, device usage, and other
activities. This is why Facebook users see advertisements on their profile page that are
relevant to their preferences and interests. This allows the ads to be less intrusive and
more successful in delivering the appropriate content to the right audience. The
advertisement algorithm is also capable of monitoring performance so that advertisers or
Facebook marketers are able to modify their audience as well as the nature, budget, and
duration of the ads based on its performance.
Within social communities users provide demographic information, interests, and images.
This information is accessed by social media targeting software and enables advertisers to
create display ads with characteristics that match those of social network users. The
important component of social media targeting is the provision of the users' socio-
demographic and interest information. By using this information, social media targeting
makes it possible for users to see advertisements that might actually interest them. The
availability of user data allows for detailed analysis and reporting, which is a big part of
social media targeting and what makes it more effective than statistical projections alone.
About three-quarters of Internet users are members of at least one social network. 49% of
U.S. adult women visit social media sites a few times a day, whereas only 34% of men
visit them. The fastest-growing age group on Twitter is 55- to 64-year-old, up 79% since
2012. And the 45-54 age group is the fastest-growing on Facebook and Google+. Social
media use is still more common among the 89% of Internet users aged 18–29, versus 43%
of those who are 65 and older.
Types of advertising
Popular social media sites, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, offer different ways to
advertise brands. Facebook gives advertisers options such as promoted posts, sponsored
stories, page post ads, Facebook object (like) ads, and external website (standard) ads. To
advertise on Twitter there are promoter tweets, trends, and promoted accounts that show
up on users newsfeed. For advertising on YouTube there are branded channels, promoted
videos, an in video advertising.[3]
In July 2015, during their Q2 earnings call, Facebook revealed that it has achieved $2.9B
in mobile revenue, amounting to over 76% of its overall quarterly revenue.[4] A large
portion of this revenue was from app install ads, of which developers buy on a Cost per
Install basis.
Another type of advertising is using a tool called "buy buttons". Some networks are
already getting involved with "buy buttons', or being direct marketers for various products
a business wishes to promote on their social media platform. Social networks like
Facebook and Twitter are already involved with such partnerships, and this is still just the
beginning. The "buy button" is the gateway to impulsive online shopping. These
advertisements pop up in the news feed of social media interfaces and also give you the
option to click a button and purchase the item right then and there. These account for just
under 2% of online sales.[5] The "buy button", which can be traced back to the system
being patented by Amazon in 1997[6], plays not only a circumstantial part in internet sales
but internet life.
Even though the realm of social media advertising can be used for sales, it can be for
more than just that. For example, social media played a significant role in the 2008
presidential race. Videos that involved both Obama and McCain were able to garner 1.45
billion views[7]. Some of those views and videos could have wavered one's voting
decision. Social media advertising also plays a huge role in a brand's or company's
reputation and reception. The way a company presents itself can determine its popularity
and audience. This tactic is even proven in some studies to be played out on a global

Advertisers can reach users who are interested in their products[citation needed]

Allows for detailed analysis and reporting (including business intelligence)[how?]

The information gathered is real, not from statistical projections

Does not access IP-addresses of the users[citation needed][dubious  –  discuss]

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