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Jan Christian Arguedo


Kundiman We ransack the sand in our frolic;

through the caves and the thickets we
Tunay ngayong umid yaring dila't puso ramble;
Sinta'y umiilag, tuwa'y lumalayo, our houses are built upon rocks;
Bayan palibhasa'y lupig at sumuko our arms reach far and wide.
Sa kapabayaan ng nagturong puno. No darkness, and no dark night,
that we fear, no savage tempest;
Datapuwa't muling sisikat ang araw, if the devil himself comes forward,
Pilit maliligtas ang inaping bayan, we shall catch him, dead or alive!
Magbabalik mandin at muling iiral
Ang ngalang Tagalog sa sandaigdigan. Talisayon, the people call us:
a great soul in a little body;
Ibubuhos namin ang dugo't babaha in Dapitan and all its region
Matubos nga lamang ang sa amang lupa Talisay has no match!
Habang di ninilang panahong tadhana, Our reservoir is unequalled;
Sinta'y tatahimik, iidlip ang nasa.
our precipice is a deep chasm;
and when we go rowing, our bancas
no banca in the world can catch!

Hymn To Talisay We study the problems of science

Hail, Talisay, and the history of the nation.
firm and faithful, We speak some three or four languages;
ever forward faith and reason we span.
march elate! Our hands can wield at the same time
You, victorious, the knife, the pen and the spade,
the elements the picket, the rifle, the sword—
—land, sea and air— companions of a brave man.
shall dominate!
Long live luxuriant Talisay!
The sandy beach of Dapitan Our voices exalt you in chorus,
and the rocks of its lofty mountain clear star, dear treasure of childhood,
are your throne. O sacred asylum a childhood you guide and please.
where I passed my childhood days! In the struggles that await the grown man,
In your valley covered with flowers subject to pain and sorrow,
and shaded by fruitful orchards, your memory shall be his amulet;
our minds received their formation, and your name, in the tomb, his peace.
both body and soul, by your grace.

We are children, children born late,

but our spirits are fresh and healthy;
strong men shall we be tomorrow
that can guard a family right.
We are children that nothing frightens,
not the waves, nor the storm, nor the
the arm ready, the young face tranquil,
in a fix we shall know how to fight. Jan Christian Arguedo
Evils of the Spanish Colonization contributed to the widespread Filipino
aversion to physical labor, which has
Encomienda System only recently been overcome by
 was a labor system instituted by the attractive wages overseas.
Spanish crown in the American The conditions for forced labor were:
colonies. In this system, a Spanish
encomendero was granted a number  That it should be used only for
of native laborers who would pay necessary public works and
tributes to him in exchange for his constructions intended to improve the
protection. community;
 That the workers were to be paid in
The Tribute
full for their work;
 the Filipinos were compelled to  That the alcaldes mayor should
pay tribute called TRIBUTO, to the consider the physical condition of each
colonial government. The tributo was laborer, that is, the weak should not
imposed as a sign of the Filipinos be overworked;
loyalty to the king of Spain. ...  That the laborers should not be sent to
DIEZMOS PREDIALES or TITHESThe work in distant lands;
diezmos prediales was a tax consisting  That the giving of service should be
of one-tenth (1/10) of the produce of timed so as not to interfere with the
ones land planting or harvest seasons.
The Polo (Forces Labor) However, all of this was only good in
paper, the laws of forced labor were
 During Spanish times, all male often violated. Polistas were seldom
Filipinos from 16 to 60 years old were paid their wages. They were separated
forced to work for the government for from their families by being made to
a few weeks a year. This forced labor work in distant areas. They were not
was called polo. At first they lasted for given food, as required by law; they
40 days. But in 1884, it was reduced had to provide their own food instead.
to 15 days. The polistas (forced Moreover, they were shamefully
laborers) were worked for various overworked, and thousands of Filipino
public works, like building roads and laborers died at the worksites as a
bridges, cutting timber in the forest, or result.
serving as sailors and soldiers in
military expeditions. Bandala

The members of the principalia (town  Bandala System was a system

aristocracy) were exempt from the implemented by Spanish authorities in
polo. Only the Filipinos who are rich the Philippines that required native
enough annually paid the falla, a sum Filipino farmers to sell their goods to
amounting to seven pesos, in order to the government. They like it or not,
be exempt from forced labor. The local they need it or not. They have to sell
officials (former and incumbent them to the government, in exchange
gobernadorcillos, cabezas de for a piece of paper containing a
barangay, etc.) and schoolteachers promise to pay (promissory note). The
were also exempted by law from the thing is, the government officials
polio because of their services to the doesn't have any palabra de honor
state. even though we inherited that trait
from them. Even with a promissory
Evidently, only the poor Filipinos who
note, they wouldn't pay the farmers in
had no social or political standing in
the end.
the community were made to give
forced labor. This practice greatly
 So, the poor farmers will someday be  In the Philippines, the Guardia
needing their crops back, so that they Civil was introduced by the Spanish
could survive hunger. They would buy colonial government in 1868, during
back their products from the the term of Governor-General of the
government, but the government Philippines Carlos María de la Torre y
officials, being so greedy of money, Nava Cerrada.The organization began
will set the price of the products at a with a size of one division or around
higher price, even though the farmers 1,200 men. By 1880, and this size was
sold their agricultural products to maintained until 1897, the Guardia
them at a cheap price. Civil in the Philippines had a size of
 When Spain began to colonize the three divisions or more than 3,600
Philippines, the land was split into men. Two were stationed in Luzon and
parcels and divided among dignitaries the third in the Visayas.
and distinguished officers of the
Corrupt Spanish Official
military. Parcel owners were required
to care for the native inhabitants of his  Corrupt Spanish
land, providing for their well-being and Officialdom Corrupt Officialdom was
protection. Within a short time, abuses another evil of the
became apparent and it was Spanish Colonial System.
discontinued in favor of a new system Many colonial officials became rich by
in which the natives were required to illegal means or by marrying the
pay taxes, or a “tribute”, to the heiresses of rich Filipino families.
government.  With few exceptions, the colonial
officials sent by Spain to the
Divide & Rule
Philippines in the 19thcentury were a
  in politics and sociology is gaining far cry from their able and dedicated
and maintaining power by breaking up predecessor of the 16th, 17thand
larger concentrations of power into 18thcenturies.
pieces that individually have less  General Rafael de Izquierdo (1875-
power than the one implementing the 1883)
strategy. A boastful and ruthless governor
general, aroused the anger of the
 was a strategy used by the British to
Filipinos by executing the innocent
weaken the Indian powers by creating Fathers Mariano Gomes, Jose Burgos,
a gulf between the different and Jacinto Zamora.
communities in India. When the  Gen. Primo de Rivera
different groups of populace fought Accepted bribes from gambling casino
each other and weakened themselves which he permitted to operate.
they could easily be taken over by  Gen. Valeriano Weyler (1888-1891)
the British Cruel and corrupt received huge
bribes, gifts and diamonds from
The Guardia Civil
wealthy Chinese who evaded anti-
 "Civil Guard in the Philippines" was the Chinese law; persecuted Calamba
branch of the Civil Guard organised tenants particularly the family of Dr.
under the Spanish colonial Jose Rizal.
government in the Philippines and a
component of the Spanish Army. It Denial of Human Rights & Inequality before
was disbanded after the Spanish– the Law
American War. After the Philippine–  No freedom of expression
American War, it was eventually  Unequal access to legal advice,
replaced by the American colonial representation and other legal
government under the facilities, which may or may not be
name Philippine Constabulary written into the law, acts as a special
restriction on the rights of certain  Paciano and several brothers-in-law
sections of the community. were exiled without due process
 Spanish missionaries thought that ALL
Racial Discrimination
MEN irrespective of color and race are
children of God and as such they are  is any discrimination against
brothers, equal before God and not individuals on the basis of their skin
before the law…not in practice. colour, or racial or ethnic origin.
Laws of the Indies Individuals can discriminate by
refusing to do business with, socialize
 are the entire body of laws issued by with, or share resources with people
the Spanish Crown for of a certain group. Governments can
the American and the Philippine discriminate in a de facto fashion or
possessions of its empire. They explicitly in law, for example through
regulated social, political, religious, policies of racial segregation,
and economic life in these areas. The disparate enforcement of laws, or
laws are composed of myriad decrees disproportionate allocation of
issued over the centuries and the resources. Some jurisdictions
important laws of the 16th century, have anti-discrimination laws which
which attempted to regulate the
prohibit the government or individuals
interactions between the settlers and
from discriminating based on race
natives, such as the Laws of
(and sometimes other factors) in
Burgos (1512) and the New
Laws (1542). various circumstances. Some
institutions and laws use affirmative
 Throughout the 400 years of Spanish action to attempt to overcome or
presence in these parts of the world, compensate for the effects of racial
the laws were compiled several times, discrimination. In some cases, this is
most notably in 1680 under Charles simply enhanced recruitment of
II in the Recopilación de las Leyes de members of underrepresented
los Reinos de las Indias (Compilation groups; in other cases there are
of the Laws of the Kingdoms of the
firm racial quotas. Opponents of
Indies). This became considered the
strong remedies like quotas
classic collection of the laws, although
later laws superseded parts of it, and characterize them as reverse
other compilations were issued. discrimination, where members of a
dominant or majority group are
 The Spanish attempted to control the discriminated against.
Natives to force their labor. At the  Filipinos were called brown-skinned
same time, conflicts on policy and and flat nosed Indois.
implementation occurred between
 Lack opportunities for educated
the encomenderos and the Crown.
young Filipinos to rise in the service of
God and Country
 Spain introduced Christianity’s
Maladministration of Justice
egalitarian concept of the
 Court were notoriously corrupt, BROTHERHOOD OF ALL MEN under
Judges, fiscals and court officials-inept, GOD THE FATHER, but Filipinos were
venal and oftentimes ignorant at the regarded as inferior beings
law. undeserving of rights enjoyed by the
 Justice-coslty, partial and slow. Poor Spaniards.
Filipinos has no access to the court.
 Dona Teodora Rizal was jailed on
flimsy ground in 1871;  A government by Friars.
 Dr. Jose Rizal was deported in July  A notorious invisible government
1892 without trials; existed in Spanish Philippines
 During the last decades of the 19th
century the Spanish friars were so
influential and powerful that they
practically ruled the Philippines.
During this period the Filipinos were
agonizing beneath the yoke of Spanish
misrule. Dr. Rizal, an eyewitness of
their sufferings, realized that if their
grievances would not be heeded by
Spain, they would, in despair, rise in
arms and fight for freedom's sake.
Early in 1890, while Rizal was in
Brussels, capital of Belgium, he
received letters from home, which
worried him.
The Calamba agrarian trouble was
getting worse. The management of the
Dominican Hacienda continually raised
the land rents until such time that
Rizal's father refused to pay his rent.
Other tenants inspired by Don
Francisco's courage, also refused to
pay their rents.
The Dominican Order filed a suit in
court to dispossess the Rizal family of
their lands in Calamba.
Meanwhile, the tenants, including the
Rizal family, were persecuted and
ejected from their lands.
Paciano and the brothers-in-law
Antonio Lopez (husband of Narcisa)
and Silvestre Ubaldo (husband of
Olympia) were deported to Mindoro.
Another brother-in-law, Manuel T.
Hidalgo (husband of Saturnina) was
banished for a second time to Bohol.

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