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Name: ________________________________ Date Taken: _____________________

Section: ___________ Final Examination

Electrical Circuits 3. Read instructions mindfully please. Solve the following problems with complete solution. BOX
your final answer.
1. The three current vectors of a 3-phase, four-wire system have the following values; IA = 7 + j0,
IB = – 12 – j13 and IC = – 2 + j3. Find the symmetrical components. The phase sequence is A, B, C.
Express your answers in rectangular form (NOT POLAR) in the format: A + jB or A – jB

2. Three equal impedances of (8 + j6) are connected in star across a 3-phase, 3-wire supply. The
phase voltages are VA = (220 + j0), VB = (– j220) and VC = (– 100 + j220) V. If there is no
connection between the load neutral and the supply neutral, calculate the symmetrical
components of A-phase current and the three line currents. Express your answers in rectangular
form (NOT POLAR) in the format: A + jB or A – jB

3. For the power distribution system shown, find the following:

a. total apparent power
b. power factor
c. total current without the
capacitor in the system
d. the capacitive kVARs that
must be supplied by C to
raise the power factor of
the system to unity
e. the capacitance C necessary to achieve the power correction (from b to d)
f. total apparent power after the power factor correction.
g. total supply current after the power factor correction.

4. A 440-V, 50-Hz induction motor takes a line current of 45 A at a power factor of 0.8 (lagging).
Three Δ-connected capacitors are installed to improve the power factor to 0.95 (lagging).
Calculate the kVA of the capacitor bank and the capacitance of each capacitor.

5. Express your answers in rectangular form (NOT POLAR) in the format: A + jB or A – jB. Find the
positive, negative and zero sequence components of a 3-phase system with the following line
currents: IA = 10 - j2 ; IB = -2 – j4 ; IC = -8 + j6

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