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July, 1971 S'l' 7

J ournal of the
Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers


By Dudley Charles Kent 1 and Robert Park2


In the limit design of reinforced concrete frames it is necessary to consider

the ductility available from members in the post-e las tic range when determining
the distributions of bending moments throughout the frame which could be used
indesign. Also, in countries subjected to earthquakes it is important that struc-
tures are capable of deforming in a ductile manner when in the post-elastic
range under the action of severe seismic motions. The satisfactory behavior
of frames at the ultimate load for both of these aspects is dependent on the
shape of the moment-curvature curves for the members.
If the compression zone of a concrete beam or column is confined by closely
spaced steel stirrup ties, hoops or spirals the ductility of the concrete is en-
hanced and large ultimate curvatures may be reached. Tests reported by Base
and Read (3), Betero and Felippa (4), Nawy, Denesiand Grosko (17) and others
ha ve indicated qualitatively the beneficial effect of such confining steel. Baker
(1), Corley (11), Soliman and Yu (26), Blume, Newmark and Corning (7) and
others h¡¡.ve proposed methods for estimating the ultimate moment and curva-
ture taking the action of confining reinforcement into account. However there
has been little attempt made to trace theoretically the moment-curvature re-
lationships of flexural members with confined compression zones in the range
of far advanced curvatures.
Existing experimental evidence for the compressive stress-strain curve
for concrete confined by tran,sverse steel hoops or spirals is examined herein
and used to determine the properties of the compressive stress block of flex-
ural members with confined concrete at various strain levels. The stress
block parameters"sd found are used to determine the moment-curvature char-
Note.-Discussionopen until December 1, 1971. To extend the closing date one month,
a written request must be filed with the Executive Director, ASCE. This paper is part
of the copyrighted Journal of the Structural Division, Proceedings of the American So-
ciety of Civil Engineers, Vol. 97, No. ST7, July, 1971. Manuscriptwas submitted for re-
View for possible publication' on November 12, 1970. '
1 Programmer Analyst, Systems and Programmes Ltd, Lower Hutt, New Zealand.
2 Prof. ·of Civ. Engrg., Univ. of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand.

1970 July, 1971
acteristics and the ductility of flexural members. The results reported her .
may be seen in detail in Ref. 14. e1n · Confined Concrete.-Concrete whichis restrained in the directionsat r!_gh!.._
angles to the applied stress will be referred to as confined concrete. Active
confinement is when the transverse stress is from sorne externally applied' ac-
PROPERTIES OF CONCRETE COMPRESSIVE STRESS BLOCK tiOn, for example anaxially loaded cylinder subjected to lateral fluid pressure.
The tests conducted by Richart, Brandtzaeg and Brown (19) on test specimens
The properties of .the compressive stress block of a concrete flexural m with lateral fluid pressure showed that both the strength and ductility of the
ber may be defined by pa;ameters ku k2 , and k 3 as shown in Fig. i. . T:e~~ concrete are greatly increased by such pressure. . . . ___
paramete~s depend .on the shape of the s tress-strain curve for the concrete In practice concrete may b¡i confined by transverse reinforcement in the
Unconfined Concrete.-Many equations for the stress-strain curve· of c · for m of closely spaced steel spirals or hoops. Such confinement is passive . .
crete unde~ uniaxial compression have beenproposed in past years. Proba~~­ iü low levels of axial concrete stress the transverse reinforcement is hardly
t~e most w1dely accepted curve is that proposed by Hognestad (12) which con: str essed and thus the concrete is unconfined. The concrete becomes confined
s1sts of a second order parabola up to the maximum stress!" at a strai wlietl at stresses approaching the uniaxial strength it commences to increase
and then a linear falling branch. Hognestad 's curve was obtaÍned from t:s~º in volume due to progressive internal fracturing and bears out against the
º,~ ~hort e~centrically loaded column~ and for these specimens he found tha~ tr!i.nsverse reinforcement which then applies a confining reaction to the con-
fe - 0.85fc: A recent paper by Popov1cs (18) summarizes several other' pr _ crete. Tests by many investigators in the past, e.g. , (4,10,20,21,24,26), have
posed equat10ns. . o
. ' ' shown that such confinement can considerably improve the stress-strain char-

acteristics of concrete oncé the concrete reaches the stage of commencing to
k, f~ increase in. volume. However, the tests showed .that rectangular or square

Ecm k,kd
centroid • C=k k f' bkd
' , e

Section Strain · Stress
Oistribution Oistribution
FIG. 1.-CONCRETE COMPRESSIVE STRESS BLOCK PARAMETERS · (a)Cha n's Curve,(101 (b)Sotiman & Yu's Curve,(261
' (e) Roy & Sozen's Curv~,(211
Tests have also been conducted in the past to obtain the stress block pa-
rameters directly fr.?m flexural tests. For example, Hognestad, Hanson and FIG. 2. ...::soME SUGGESTED STRESS-STRAIN CURVES FOR CONCRETE CONFINED
~cHenry (13) and Rusch (22) have determined the stress block parameters BY RECTANGULAR HOOPS
dlrectly f~om tests on eccentrically loaded specimens which simulated the .
com?ress1on zone of concrete flexura! members. The ku k 2 , k 3 values and the 1 hoops do not confine the concrete as effoctively as circular spirals. This is
stra~n at the extreme compression fiber found by Hognestad, et al. (13), at because the confining reaction can only be applied in the corner regions of the
max1mum strength were given as a function of the cylinder strength /,' and hoops since the bending resistance of the transverse steel between the corners
have since become widely used. ' e• is insufficient to restrain the expansion of the concrete along the who'le length
From tir~1e to time there has been questions as to whether the shape of the of bar. Therefore, the concrete is only effectively confined in the corner and
stress-strarn curve for concrete is affected by the presence of a strain gradient. central regions of the cross section and a' disrU:pÚon of a considerable portion
For example~ Sturman, Shah and Winter (28) conducted tests on e_c centrically of the coré area occurs. :&'éve;the ess, rectangular hoops do produce a sig-
3Jld concentnc~lly lo~ded specimens and concluded that the peak ofthe curve- nificant increa~e in the ductility of the concrete core as a ~'lt8le.
fQ_r t.he eccentric spec1mens occurred ata 20 % higher stress and a 50 %higher Sorne stress-strain curves proposed for concrete confined by rectangular
~ram than for the concentric specimens. This is in conflict with the findings· hoops are shown in Fig. 2. In Chan's (10) trilinear curve range OAB approx-
of H~gnestad, et al. (13), who found a striking similarity between the stress- imates the curve for unconfined concrete and slope BC depends on the lateral
strain curve~ found from their eccentrically loaded prismatic test specimens confinement. The curve of Soliman and Yu (26) consists of a parabola and two
~d concentrically loaded cylinders. Therefore, the presence of a strain gra- straight lines. Values for the stresses and strains at the critical points were
dient may ~ot have a significant effect but, if anything, it will result in an im· related to the properties found from tests on eccentrically: loaded prisms. Roy
provement m the properties of the compressive stress block. There is no doubt and Sozen (21) conducted tests on axially loadeGl.
'-ª'))(\_, .
prisms and suggested that the
'3-(._ r , __

hov:ever that _the ?resence of a strain gradient delays the appearance of longi- descending oranch of the stress-strain curve· could be replaced by a stra1ght
tudinal cracking in the compression zone. ..,_. ' line. The strain at 50 % of maximum stress on the falling branch E 50 c was lin-
early related to the volumetric ratio of tpe transverse steel. lt is also of in-
1972 July, 1971 FLEXURAL MEMBERS 1973

terest to note that the tests of Roy and Sozen indicated that confinement by
rectangular hoops did not increase the concrete strength. Other investi¡¡;ators,
e,g., Chan (10), Soliman and Yu (26), Bertero and Felippa (4), and Rüsch and
siockl (24,27), however, have observed an increase in strength dueto closely
paced rectangular hoops.
pyoposed Stress-Strain Curve for Unconfined and Confined Concrete.-On
the basis of the existing experimental evidence it is proposed that the curve
shown in Fig. 3 gives a good representation of the stress-strain relationship
¡or unconfined or confined concrete. The proposed curve combines many of
Confined concrete
the features of previously proposed curves. The features of the assumed curve
are as follows. '
0.2fé e D Region AB.--The ascending portian of the curve will be represented by a
second degree parabola, in common with Hognestad (12) and others. For con-
crete with confining steel this assumes that such steel has no effect Qn the
shape of this part of the curve. This is a reasonable assumption because many
¡nv estigators, e.g., (13), ha ve shown that lateral strains which would cause the
FIG. 3.-PROPOSED STRESS-STRAIN RELATIONSHIP FOR UNCONFINED OR CON hoops to be significantly stressed occur only when the maximum concrete stress
is almost reached.
aL .:t•

e; ,
.oo 7

8\ 1 • 1

1 ~1

Tested at slow loading rate




·¡¡ - -- --- -{
~ X 1 s 1 W!lh Spalled
+ ~E5 = 3 +0.002fé
ou r¿ -1000


2000 3000 4000 5000

f~, Maximum 'stress !psi!

X ---7000
It will also be assumed that the maximum flexural stress reached by both
unconfined and confined concrete is the same and that this stress is the cyl-
inder strength/¿, i.e., k 3 = 1 in Fig. l. The following reasons are listed for

8 u.s. Bureau Reclam. :-

Blanks & />ICHenry ~Concentrical/y /oaded cy/inders (6)
" " " 112)
l. The f~' = 0.85/¿ used by Hognestad (12) was based .on column tests.
2. Examination of the test results obtained by Hognestad, e tal. .(1.3L9cl1rcom-
+ Hognestad et al ~ Ecc1mtrical/y loaded prisms (13) pression zones with a strain gradient shows that k 3 = 1 appears fo fit their
• Kriz & Lee :-Ana/ytical (15) experimental results for f¿ > 2, 500 psi justas well as their empirical expres-
* Brock :-conctmlr/cal/y loaded pr/sms (8) sion which gives k 3 in the range 0.92 to 0.97.
x Bertero & Fe//pp~ (4)
3. On the basis of the observations of Sturman, Shah,and Winter (28) on the 1
FIG. 4.-FALLING BRANCH PROPERTY OF UNCONFINED CONCRETE effect of strain gradient the use of k 3 = 1 is conser\rative.
4. There is evidence to show that confiJlíng steel in the form of rectangular
hoops may cause an increase in strehgth, but as this increase in strength may
be small [in Roy and Sozen's tests (21) it was found to be zero] it will be as-
s umed conservatively that k 3 = 1 in all cases.
1974 July, 1971 ST ?

Cross fJ, in
Hoops --

Ac/2Ag Es oc Esou Esoh

Specimen Section pounds p" b" /s P" fb"Ts
Source Nominal Spacing
number b" X d", per square Number
diameter, s, in
in inches in ch bunched (12) (13) (14)
in inches inches (9) (10) (11)
(1) (8)
(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
0.0074 0.0039 0.0035
0.475 0.00242 0.46
0.0035 0.0096 0.0037 0.0059
So liman 2 4 X 6 3,660 3/16 1 8 0.633 0.00366 0.46
0.0046 0.0121 0.0040 0.0081
and Yu 3 4 X 6 3,980 3/16 1 6 0.950 0.00672 0.46
0.0069 0.0147 0.0043 0.0104
(26) 4 4 X 6 3,460 3/16 1 4 0.01643 0.45
0.0171 0.925 0.0038 0.0114
10 4 X 6 3,190 5/16 1 4 0.02130 0.26 0.0152
0.0187 1.300
16 4 X 6 3,840 3/16 2
0.038 0.0044 0.0336
2.375 0.0319 0.45
0.0207 0.019 0.0045 0.0145
Roy and Al 5 X 5 3,080 1/4 2 2.375 0.0319 0.45
0.0207 0.031 0.0039 0.0271
So zen A2 5 X 5 2,980 1/4 1 2 0.0319 0.45
0.0207 2.375 0.0040 0.0200
(21) A3 5 X 5 3,700 1/4 1 2 0.0226 0.45 0.024
0.0207 1.188 0.0040 0.0160
Bl 5 X 5 3,480 1/4 2 4 0.0226 0.45 0.020
0.0207 1.188 0.0041 0.0179
B2 5 X 5 3,480 1/4 2 4 0.0226 0.45 0.022
0.0207 1.188 0.0042 0.0188
B3 5 X 5 3,370 1/4 2 4 0.0257 0.428 0.023
0.0239 1.156 0.0040 0.0240
Cl 5 X 5 3,320 3/8 1 4 0.0257 0.428 0.028
0.0239 1.156 0.0041 0.0169
C2 5 X 5 3,440 3/8 1 4 0.0257 0.428 0.021
0.0239 1.156 0.027 0.0043 0.0227
C3 5 X 5 3,390 3/8 1 4 0.0184 0.45
0.0207 0.792 0.0043 0.0137
D1 5 X 5 3,150 1/4 3 6 0.0184 0.45 0.018
0.0207 0.792 0.0041 0.0139
D2 5 X 5 3,200 1/4 3 6 0.0184 0.45 0.018
0.0207 0.792 0.0041 0.0039
D3 5 X 5 3,380 1/4 3 6 0.0160 0.45 0.008
0.02 07 0.594 0.0041 0.0129
El 5 X 5 3,330 1/4 4 8 0.0160 0.45 0.017
0.02 07 0.594 0.014 0.0040 0.0100
E2 5 X 5 3,410 1/4 4 8 0.0160 0.45
0.0207 0.594
E3 5 X 5 3,460 1/4 4 8
0.0075 0.0027 0.0048
5 X 5 0.0167 0.44
0.0157 1.13 0.0027 0.0164
Bertero and 3 X 3 8,600 3/16 1 2-1/2 0.0298 0.46 0.0191
0.0181 2.71 0.0027 0.0070
Felippa (4) 4-1/4 X 4-1/4 8,600 3/16 1 1-1/2 0.0140 0.46 0.0097
0.0109 1.63
7,800 3/16 2-1/2
neutral ~axis held near tension side of specimen. Cover to. hoops was zero for specimens 2,
Note: For tests of Soliman and Yu (26)· .
3, 4 and 10, and O. 7 in. for specime 16 . ~ec1mens were eccentrically loaded with the 5/ 16 in. diam hoops, respectively. fJ in table is the 12 in. x 6 in. diam cylinder strength.
For tests of Roy and Sozen (21)· S n . . Íy - 51, 700 and 47,100 psi for 3/16 in. diam and !y was about 50,000 psi. f ¿ in table is the 12 in. x 6 in. diam cylinder strength. Only spec-
· . • pec1mens were axial! ¡ d d imens were axially loaded. Cover to hoops was zero. A432 bars were used. f¿ in table is
imens wlthout longitudinal steel Y oa e · Cover to hoops was ze ro
the maximum stress reached b ªt~e ana1y.zed. For tests of_ Bertero and Felippa (4): Sp ec- are analyzed.
y e spec1mens. Only spec1mens without longitudinal steel

(21). The results of other investigators will be used to determine the slope of
The strain at maximum stress will b
a commonly accepted assum tion f e ~ssumed to be Ea = 0.002. This is this part of the curve.
presence of a strain gradie~t m o~ unconfmed conc~ete. Confinement and the It is well known that for unconfin d cQUCr-ets the slope of the falling branch
as this may be accompanied b
strain curve will pass close toyth

s1~~~~~se the st~am at maximum stress but
mcrease m stress the actual stress-
increases rapidly with increase in concrete strength. Fig. 4 shows a plot of
the maximum stress, f~, and the strain at 0.5f~ on the falling branch for un-
e assumed point confined concrete, E w obtained fi:om the results of a number of investigators.
Therefore for region AB · 50
Where cylinder strengths were not quoted it was assumed that the prism strength
equaled the cylinder strength. For short-term loading rates the experimental
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1) points conform reasonably closely to

_ 3 + 0.0021¿ .......... . ............ . (2)

}n whic.h Eo = 0.002. E 50U - F' _ 1 000
Reg10n BC.--The falling branch of th .
and its slope will be specifi d b d t e ~~rve will be assumed to be linear
Je '

stress has fallen to 0.5 of m:xirJume ermmmg the strain when the concrete in which f~ is expressed in pounds per square ~ch. The implication of this rela-
stress, as suggested by Roy and Sozen

1976 July, 1971 ST 7 FLEXURAL MEMBERS 1977

sr 7
tionship is that a truly dim ensionless plot off elf~ versus E€ cannot be aé'hieved - TABLE 2.-Z VALUES
because high strength concretes have considerably lower values for E 50 u, i .e.,
they are more brittle. Note that a slow rate of loading tends to lift the fall ing
,,..- f ~. in pounds per square inch
branch, as shown by Rüsch (23), and thus results in larger values for É5au ·
For concrete confined by rectangular hoops the slope of the falling bran Ch b"/s P" 4 ,000 5 , 000 6,000 7 ,000
is reduced, and the following variables are relevant: (1) Cross-sectional ar ea (4) (5) (6) (7)
of hoop bar A'~; (2) center to center spacing of hoops, s; (3) ratio of hoop spae- '
(1) (2)
400 500 600
ing to minimum dimension of the confined core, s / b" in which b" ,,; d "; (4) . 0.5 0.01 200 300
64 72 76 79
ratio of hoop bar diameter to cor e dimensions, D / b '' and D / d'' ; ( 5) hoop yi eld 0.01
43 44
38 41 42
Stress, f y; (6) longitudinal reinforcement content; (7) strength of concre te , 0.02
28 29 30 30
0.03 27
f¿; (8) strain gradient, and (9) rate of loading. The effect of the first and s ec- · -
ond variables are usually expressed by the volumetric ratio of confining hoops: 61 65 67 68
' 0.75 0.01 56
34 35 36 36
- 0.02 32
_ 2(b" + d")A's 24 24 24 25
0.03 23 '
p - b"d"s · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · (3)
55 57 59 60
in which b" and d" = the width and depth of the confined cor e, respective ly. 1.00 0.01 50
30 31 31 32
0.02 29
The significance of the third variable is shown in Fig. 5. The confinemen t Of 20 21 21 21 21
concrete between hoops telies on the archihg action developed between the
52 53 54
hoops . Clearly the confinement in Fig. 5(b) is better than that in Fig. 5(a), al- 1.25 0.01 46 50
27 28 28 28
though thevolumetric ratiomay be thesame for both cases. Beca'use thE;! c ore 0.02 26
19 19 19 19
area of the confined concrete will be considered to be that area of concr·ete 0.03 18
within the outside dimensions .of the hoops it is clear that a large s / b" ra tio 43 46 48 49 50
1.50 0.01
will lead to a smaller mean concrete stress over the core area. Thus the s/ b 11 0.02 24 25 25 26 26
18 18
ratio is a means of expressing the efficiency of various arrangements of ho ops i' 0.03 17 17 17
with the same p ''. The hoop diameter D will also ha ve 'a n effect on the efficie-ncy 46 46
0.01 40 43 45
of confinement by rectangular hoops. If the hoops ha ve a small D / b'' or D / d" 1.75 24 24 24
0.02 22 23
ratio they will act merely as Ües between the corners because the flexu ral 15 16 16 16 16
~~~ff,ness of the hoop bar will be so small that the hoops will bow outwa rds
rather than laterally restrain the concrete in the regions between the corne rs. 41 42 43 44
2.00 0.01 38
22 22 23 23
With large D /b'' and D / d '' ratios the ar ea of effective confinement will beco me 0.02 ' 21
larger. However, no attempt will be made to take hoop diameter into acco unt . 0.03 . 15 15 .
15 15 15

herein because there is very little experimental data available and it is c on·
sidered tha.t the relative sizes of D, b ", and d" of practical sections are"!' \lCh
that the confinement of the hoops will be mainly in the corners. At first s1'ght , 0.04 ,,,,. /
eSol1man & Yu(26)
it may appear that the hoop yield stress will be n important variable as it 1· GRoy & Sozen (21)
indica tes the limit' of the ava".lable confining force. Howevér, there is no guar· x Bertero & Felippa (4)
antee that the hoops wi11 1téa'.étf the yield stress, for example as . in Ref. 5. Thus, 0.03 L_::_::=-:.::~::.-r_:_:__ __+----t----:::;:;;1''- - -¡
although itis contmonly assumed that/y isan important parameter, this study
will make no such assumption. Also, sorne studies ha ve included the longitudinal
reinfo'rcement content in the quantity p ", for example Cor ley (11), but thiS 0.02
study will conservatively only consider confinement from the hoop stee l. The
effect of concrete strength is taken into account in Eq. 2 for Esou and the ef·
fect of strain gradient will be examined in the derivation to follow. This study
will only apply to short-term loading. · '
Experimental r.esults from fhe tests of So liman and Yu (26), Roy and Sozen X
(21) and Bertero and Felippa (4) are shown analyzed in Table l. In the calc u-
0 k'.:::::_ ___.l,-----.0~2=--------.~073--~::=.::--:;.o~~~---~.;05
lationof E 50 c it wasassumed that by the ti~e th~ ~train E 50 c is reached all the
concrete outside the core has spalled ;away. On this basis, if the maximurn .P,, - -
load carried by a specimeq is P m, the maximum stress will be P m /A g• and
when the stress in the concrete core is reduced to 50 % of the maximum stress ,
the load on the specimen is given by · F'IG. 6·.-INFLUENCE OF HOOPS ON FALLING BRANCH OF STRESS-STRAIN CURVE
1978 July, 1971 ~7 ~
S'l' ?
. . (29)
d Barnard (2) has shown that concrete can sustain
. . . . . . . . . . .• (4) 0
1a::s~~:~:n:t s::~:finit~l~ large strains . .F~ilure cif
the member will occur
s th ete strain becomes unreallshc.
6ef';.e 7es~~~~r the influence of steel hoop~ on the stress-stra_in curve of con-
Eq. 4 was Úsed to determine the load .when the stress had reduced to 50 %of 1g.. . ength of 3 500 psi when b"/ s = 1 as g1ven by the pro-
the maximum stress in the above tests _artd enabled the values shown in Table
1 for the strain E;. 50 c corresponding to tñis stress to be obtained from the pub- cr:~~ ::!~s~~~~~~~rr:~:tionship. Jt
is evident that is \he{~ agr~~~ i~~;o~~:~
lished load-strain and stress-str.ain curves. UnfortÜnately only..five of the 15 Pº the falling branch behavior for small content.s o oops, dded
stres~-stra_in curves·pµblished by Soliman and Yu could be analyzed because pro
in vement becomes progressively less signüicant asr more hoops are a •
. ,.. '" . ..
the others were not . continued· to high .enough. strain levels towallow E soc to be
estimated. The strain E 50 u shown iri Table 1 was calculated using .Eq. 2. A
rñeasúre of the additional strain at 50 % of the maximum stress on the fa lling
. branch is then given by · '· 3500
E50h = E50C - E5ou •••••• . .•.•••••.••• . . . . . . . . . . · .. (5)
and these values are also tabulated. Values for P" and b"/ s ¡ire also shown
in the table. To relate. E 50h t9P" and b"/ s the data were subjected to a least
_s quares analysis. In view of the scatter of experimental results it was con-
sidered that fitting a complicatecl expression was unwarranted and the simple
exp.ression proposed was
b")1/a 2 ,
Esoh = a1P" ( s • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • (6)
in which a 1 and a 2 were constants to be determined from the least square'S anal- 0.004 o.ooe 0.012
ysis. The possible valués of a 2 considered were 1, 2, 3 and 4 because it was
evident that b " / s was not the major variable. The analyses gave a 1 = O. 73 and FIG. 7.-IN:FLUENCE OF VOLUME ?F HOOPS ON STRESS-STRAIN CURVE FOR
a2 = 2 as the best"1i'f with a standard deviation for E 50 h of 0.0048. The stan- CONCRETE WHEN b" /s = 1 AND/v = 3,500 PSI
dard deviations obtai.n ed with the best values for a 1 _ with a 2 = 1 and 3 were
0.0061 and 0.0049, resp.e ctively. Fig. 6 shows E 50h plotted against p "v'O"IS.
·considerable scatter of the experimental results is evident, evenfor sÜppos edly
.identical specimens such as the groups of three of Roy and Sozen. The following
expression was finally chosen to represent the relationship within the range of
experimental evidence: kd

3 -~ .......
Esoh = 4P"1s '
. . . . . ' . . . . . • (7)
_ _ Neutra(_ _ _ _ _
Note that the effect of strain gradient is not marked in Fig. 6 and therefore axis
has been ignored in Eq. 7. Ecm ~ Eo
Examination of the coordinates of points on the _line shows that the equation St~ss
for the falling branch BC of Fig. 3 may be written as , - Block 1 -

fe =Ji: [1 - Z (Ec ._ E0)] • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••••••• (8) ., '.Fm. s.-P~ssIBLE _coNCRETE coMPRESSIVE STRESS BLOCKS
in which z = ---º-·- ---- .••.•.••• . •....•••• (9) .
Compressive : Stress Block Para~eters.
-The compressive stress block
in E in the extreme com-
parameters for a flexura! member w1th f any s!ra whe~;1f' is the nf~:fn stress .
E 0 = 0.002, and Esoh and Esou are given by Eq. 7 and 2, respectively. Table 2 shows
the Z values calculated from Eq. 9 for a variety of concrete strengths, b''/s Pression fiber may be define_d in ter~s o Ci. an h~ centroid of the stress block
ratios and P" values. , , 1
in the stress block and ydk ~s th~ d1sta;~:-~!et ot Ci. anct .,, "ratlier than klks anct
from the extreme compresswn flber · ' . lly taken as the parameters at
It is apparent that more tests are necessary in the future to enable account
to be taken of more variables in Eq. 7 and to provide more data for statistical k2 is necessal'y because klks ~d :\:re g~;~::d stress-strain curve for con-
analysis. · ultimate moment. On the basis 0 e pr "ble shapes for the compressive
crete shown in Fig. 3 _the~e are thhre~ poss~lockparameters Ci. and yfor any .
Region CD.-It will be assumed that the concrete can sustain a stress of 0.2 stress block as shown m Fig. 8. T e s ...ress
f~ from E:!oc to infinity (see Fig. 3). This has been assumed pteviously by
,. 1981
1980 July, 1971 · . ST 7
be found from either Eq. 9 or Table 2. Note that the values of a = 0.728 and
stra~n Ecm at the extreme compression fiber can be determined for rectan -
sectwns from the stress-strain relationships as follows: gular a'" o.425 given when n
= 4,ooo psi and P" = o compare well with the com-
1110nlY used values of a = 0.723 and y = 0.425 from the building code of the
~!llerican Concrete Institute. The improved characteristics of flexural mem-

~ fe df.c bers with confined concrete is evident in Table 3. These tables may be used
a= . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (10) determine the flexural capacity and curvatures of members with far advanced
f~ Ecm 10
€ strains;
y =1 - _ _.,_
º -~€---­ (11)
f.cm Jo fe df.c
Basic Asslf,mptions.-In the analysis of sections for flexure the following
assumptions will be made:
_Table 3 shows values of a and y computed for stress blocks 2 and 3 ('
where . ct·icat e th e variation of these parameters withi.e.
. . E cm .-> O· 002) , and m th' l. The longitudinal strain in the steel and concrete at the various section
variatwn of these parameters with the strain Ecm and The value of z ma; z. tevels is directly proportional to the distance from the neutral axis.
2. The stress-strain curve for the steel has the general shape including
TABLE 3.-VALUES OFa ANDy strain hardening shown in Fig. 9.
3. The tensile stress of concrete is neglected.
4. The stress-strain curve far the whole of the compressed concrete fol-

z 1
tows the proposed shape shown in Fig. 3 for confined concrete but the uncon-
10 30 50 70 100 140 200 300 400 fined concrete makes no contribution at strains greater than 0.004.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) '
The first and lhird assumptions are normally made in reinforced concrete
, (a) Values of a theory. The second assumption means that the effect of strain hardening of
0.002 0.667 0.667 0.667 0.667 0.667 0.667 0.667 0.667 0.667 the steel will be included as is necessary when far advanced strains are being
0.003 0.776 0.773 0.769 0.766 0.761 0.754 0.744 0.728 0.711 considered. It should be noted though that the possibility of buckling of the
0.004 0.828 0.818 0.808 0.798 0.783 0.763 0.733 0,683 0.633
0,005 0.858 0.840 0,822 0.804 0.777 0.741 0,687 0.600 0.547
0.008 0.894 0.849 0.804 0.759 0.692 0.602 0.517 0.450 0.417 1
0.009 0.899 0.844 0.790 0.735 0.654 0.558 0.481 0.422 0.393 fsu
0.010 0,901 0,837 0.773 0.709. 0.613 0,522 0.453 0.400 0.373
0.011 0.903 0.829 0.755 0.682 0.576 0,493 0.430 0.382 0,358
0.012 0.903 0.819 0.736 0.653 0.544 0.468 0.411 0.367 0.344
0.013 0.902 0.809 0.716 0.623 b.518 0.448 0.395 0.354 0.333
0.014 0.901 0.798 0.695 0.593 0.495 0.430 0.381 0.34:3' 0.324
0.015 0.899 0.787 0.674 0.567 0.476 0.415 0.369 0.333 0.316

(b) Va!ues of y .
0.002 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375 Esu Es
0.375 0.375 0.375 Ey Esh
0.003 0.405 0.407 0.408 0.409 0.411 0.414 0.418 0.425 0.432
0.004 0.427 0.430 0.433 0.436 0.441 0.449 0.460 0.482 0.507
0.005 0.441 0.446 0.452 0.457 0.568 FIG. 9 . ..:>.STRESS-STRAIN CURVE FOR STEEL REINFORCEMENT
0.466 0.479 0.501 0.543
0.006 0.451 0.459 0.466 0.474 0.488 0.508 0.545 0.586 0.602
0.007 0.459 0.469 0.479 0.490 0.508 0.538 0.582 0.611 0.622 compression steel will be ignored. The buckling load of steel reinforcement
0.008 0.466 0.477 0.490 0.504 0.529 0.570 0.607 0.627 0.633 ' ln bea~s is difficult to estímate áccurately because sorne lateral restraint
0.009 0.471 0.484 0.500 . 0.518 0.550 0.595 0.623 0.636 .0.638 from the surrounding concrete will exist even after the cover has spalled away.
0.010 0.475 0.491 0,509 0.531 0.573 0.613 0.634 0.641' 0.641 Also, the .c urvature of the bar must change sign to bl.lckle because it will have
0.011 0.479 0.497 0.519 0.546 0.594 0.626 0.641 0.644 0.642
0.012 0.482 0.503 0.528
followed the curvature of the member. The fourth assumption means that the
0.560 0.610 0.641
cover éoncrete has the same stress~strain curve as the confined core at strains
0.635 0.645 0.645
0,013 0.485 0.508 0.538 0.576 0.622 0.642 0.648 0.645 0.640 \
0 .014 0.488 0.514 0.547 0.592 0.631 0.646 0.649 0.644 0.638 Óf less than 0.004. The tak.i ng of different stress-strain curves for the cover
0.015 0.490 0.519 0.557 0.606 0.638 0.650 0.649 0.642 0.635 - concrete and the confined_core at strains less than 0.004 is not thought to be
1982 July, 1971 FLEXURAL MEMBERS
ST 7
warranted. It is also assumed th t · . ¡ high intensity loading (for. example, earthquake type loading). Also note that
0.004 spalls and does not carry a:y ~t~::: c~~~rete w1th a strain greater than ¡tie
0 fourth assumption implies that the proposed stress-strain curve for con-
ness of the cover concrete at high t . . h is assumpt10n of the ineffective, ¡¡ned concrete applies regardless of the position of the neutral axis within the
A s rams as also been made b B k
marakone ( 1) (at strains greater than O 0035) . d Bl Y a er anc1 ops although this curve was derived from tests in which all of the concrete
greater than 0.004). However others f. an ume, eta~, (7) (atstrains 110
within the hoops was compressed. This is considered to be reasonable be-
' or example Corley (1 1 ), have ignoreq
cause the proposed equations will be conservative in cases where kd < d be-
cause of the effect of the higher strain gradient and also the lateral restraint
r¡ k.f00Dp•i Z=10 Z=100
Ce,. r0.004 ¡ the lowly stressed concrete beneath the neutra! a,xis .
fy r 40,000pai
N2 P''r/'é P'r/'é '""'"/'/ bd2 N2 P''rl'c' P'r/'é """'/'t •d2 0 Method of Analysis far Rectangular Sections.. -The equations for the com-
R1 .250 .375 .341 R2 .250 ,375 .34 1
'•u rll;OOOpai R3 .125 .375 .328 R4 .125 .375 .327 pressive force in the concrete and the distance of. the concrete compressive
R5 O .375 .302 R6 O ,375 .299 ¡orce from the centroid of the tension steel may be obtained using the a and
R7 .125 .250 .229 R8 .125 .250 .229
R9 O .250 .218 R10 O .250 .2115 r values given by Eqs. 10 and 11. The steel forces may aiso be found from the
R11 .125 . 125 .133 R12 .125 .125 .133
-ns.fil.!!- R13 O .125 .117 R14 O .125 .1115

' T-¡-¡--~----¡-----.---.-- - - - Experiment(16l - -
M 1.0
yCtesth_ C2 C3 • C2A
8 C1 -

0.8 CI.

il ..... ..........
R14/ - '-R13 R 1~2=9
0.001 in"'



. 01·mens1·on° 2n0 ---J.:------=-~--l_

00~--.~0~04-;¡---'~.ao08"58----:ao1~2--~0~1~15--rod ·º24 -028 .032
_ _ .J0315 stress-strain equations for the steel when the strain in the steel is known. To
obtain the theoretical moment-curvature relationship for a given section with
ess curvature, ~ d ·
flexure and axial load the strain in the extreme compression fiber Ecrn is in-
cremented. For each value of Ecm the neutral axis position is determined by
an iter ative process to make the sum of the interna! forces determined from
spalling of cover concrete at hi h t . , the strain profile equal to the externa! axial load. The moment and the curva-
where between these two bounJs. sl;~ns: The actual behav_ior '!Vill lie som~ ture ( Ecm/kd) corresponding to that particular concrete strain Ecm can then
strain at which spalling of th . dlfhcult to determine accurately the
e cover concrete co · be determined. '
process occurs gradually. Howe e t th mmences smce the spalling Fig. 10 s hows sorne theoretical moment-curvature curves obtained for rec-
of steel hooping has be en observ~d rtono: c. a~ the presence of a high quantity ~ tangular conc r et e beam sections with different amounts of longitudinal steel
that cover concrete will very soon b P e. ipitate. spallmg (5). Also, it is felt and two amounts of confining steel (reflected by the two values for Z). In de-
ecome meffective under .several reversals
1984 July, 1971 ST 7 S'f 7
riving these curves as a simplification the cover to the top of the hoops was -
assumed to be O, ld. Also, the stress-strain curve for the steel was ass u
to ha ve the gene1al shape sjlown in Fig. 9 with the relationship between st rnec1 (6) (7.) ., (8) (9) (10) (11)
(2) (3) (4) (5)
and st ram· m
· th es t ram
· h ardening
· region given by an expression similar to rth
ess (1)
used by Bums and Siess (9! which compared well wiUi experiment (14). T~
- 0.818 2.46 -ª 5.25
o.4o o 0.3100 0.003333 25 1.021 -ª 2.31 1.70 2.58
125 0.992 1.011 0. 812
curves of F1g. 1? s.how a d1scontmmty at the first yield of the tension steel 2.16 1.00 2.42
225 0.960 1.001 0.773
The next d1scontmuity occurs when crushing the concrete at the top fiber e ·
menees and this results in a sudden reduction in the moment carried º~­ 0.25 0.3304 0.002905 25 1.031 -ª 0.822 3.65 -ª 20.90
1 o.4o 1.024 0.815 3.43 2.52 5.60
125 1.017
further curvature until the confined concrete commences to become effec;' h 0.800 3.22 1.48 4.22
~ red~:~
225 0.995 1.019
1:hen small increase in moment occurs followed usually by a gradual 1.131 0.904 5,64 58.00 261.00
0.50 0.3392 0.002650 25 1.051
o.4o 1.050 0.834 5.34 3.9Ó 10.39
hon with further curvature. Eventually strain hardening of the tension steet 125 1.043
1.037 1.048 0.820 5.01 2.31
225 _b
1.711 _b 11. 77 107.30
Q,40 1.0 0.3504 0.002406 25 1.125
125 1.120
1.224 0.952 11. 61 16.17 19.83
225 1.114

Pf/f~ P'IP My/(f~bd )

</Jyd z Mcr/My M,,./My Mu/My </Jcrl</ly </lm/</ly </Ju!~,. ªMaximum moment occurs at crushing.
(2) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) bFails by tension steel fracture.
(1) (3)

0.10 o . 0.0886 0.002049 25 1.182 1.317 1.050 14.4 42.0 67.7 may cause an increase in the moment capacity. The curves of Fig. 10 show
125 1.149 -ª 0.917 13.8 -ª 21.1
, that the pres ene e of confining steel makes little difference to moderately rein-
225 1.110 -ª 0.900 13.3 -ª 1 6. 2
forced beams (for example, p = 1.25 %) and to more heavily reinforced beams
0.10 0.25 0.0890 0.001973 25 1.234 1.430 1.430 16.2 57.5 263.0
125 1.211 -ª 0.974 15. 7 -ª 26.0 with high compression steel contents (for example, p = 2.5 %, P' = 1.25 % or
225 1.182 -ª 0.936 15.2 -ª 19.9 p = 3.75 o/o, P' = 2.50 %). However with high tension steel contents and low
_b _b
0.10 0.5 0.0895 0.002001 25 1.263 1.545 16. 7 78.5 compression steel contents the effect is significant (for example, p = 3. 75 %,
125 1.240 1.304 1.034 16.4 26,6 30.3
225 1.222 1. 270 0.966 16.0 18.3 2Ú P' = O).
0.10 1.0 0.0902 0.002023 25 1.280 1.650 _b 17.4 111.1 _b Comparison of Theory With Experiment. - Very few authors have published
125 1.270 1.530 1.210 17.2 40.6 46.0 experimentally obtained moment-curvature results in sufficient detail to sub-
225 1.25Ó 1.470 1.160 17.0 32.9 35,9 .ject the theory to a rigorous test. However Mattock ( 16), has reported sorne
beam tests in detail and these are shown compared with the writers' theory
0.20 o 0.1687 0.002470 25 1.065 -ª 0.850 6,65 -ª 29, 60 and with. Mattock's theory in Fig. 11. It can be seen that the writers' theory
125 1.050 -ª 0.812 6.25 -ª 9.74
predicts lów moment capacities for beams Cl, C2, C3, C4, C5 and C6 at large
225 1.035 -ª o. 777 5.85 -ª . 7.43
curvatures. This may be dueto the fact that these beams were tested with a
0.20 0.25 0.1719 0.002387 25 1.064 1.146 0.919 8.85 29.80 66.40
125 1.058 -ª 0.839 8.32 -ª .14.27 central point load and that the resulting confinement afforded the c,ompressed
225 1.048 -ª 0.805 7.80 -ª 10.28 concrete could have delayed the spalling of the concrete and Mi.ahl~d the beams
0.20 0.50 0.1742 0.002324 25 1.110 1.345 1.072 11.61 41.50 306.00 to carry an increased moment at large strains. The writers' theory compares
125 1.092 1.075 0.871 11.40 15. 76 18. 80 well with beams C2A and C5A and these were both subjected to two point loading
225 1.065 -ª 0.794
11.07 -ª 15. 20
_b giving a constant moment region with no additional concrete confinement. For
0.20 1.00 0.1767 0.002124 25 1.192 1.690 14.50 114. 70
125 1.185 1.398 1.115 14.36 27.20 31.90 the seven beams tested by Mattock with two point loading, the average ratio of
225 1.175 1.341 1.071 14.23 22.60 26.00 maximum theoretical moment to maximum experimental moment was 0.97 by
'3.81 Mattock's theory.
0.30 o 0.2427 0.002875 25 1.043 -ª 0.836 -ª 11.30 Maximum and mtimate Moments and Curvatures.-Frequently ,the terms
125 1.021 1.033 0.808 3.57 2.64 4. 99
maximum and ultimate are used synonymously. This may be reasonab1aJn con-
225 0.997 1.028 o. 780 3.34 1.54
- a 34. 50 siderations of strerigth when only the greatest loading capacity is of interest.
0.30 0.25 o. 2518 0.002673 25 1.056 -ª 0.842 5.29
However., when considering the capacity of sections for plastic rotation a dis-
125 1.040 1.049 0.836 4.96 3.65 8. 12
225 1.029 1.048 0.832 4.66 2.15 6.12 tinction must be made between these two t!lrms because many sections have a
0.30 0.50 0.2572 0.002503 25 1.059 1.201 0.961 7.94 49.40 278.00 considerable capacity for plastic rotation beyond the peak of the moment-cur-
125 1.056 1.058 0.844 7.47 5.51 14.32 vature curve. Therefore the commonly specified maximum values (for example,
225 1.048 1.056 0.825 7.00 5.39 10. 10
0.30 0.50 0.2637 0.002347 25 1.150 1. 700 _b 12.41 107.80 b - based on a conc;rete strain in the extreme compression fiber of 0.003) do not
125 ¡.142 1.312 1.053 12.34 '21.00 25.65 give a true inilication of the ductility of the sec'tion beyond maximum moment.
225 1.135 1.269 0.955 12.25 18.21 21.50 This point is of importance in seismic design where the energy absorption by
1986 July, 1971 ~ 7 .
• . . d that energy is absorbed bypost-elashc
plastic deformation is of considerable interest. Therefore when describillt i~ seismi_c desig_rt where it i~~=t~::emain use of the stress block par~meters
moment and curvature the word maximum will be used to describe those valu" deformahon. It is_ probable t ·t of the confining steel required in remforced
corresponding to the greatest moment reached and the word ultimate to dee.. aY be to determine the quan i ~ . t curvatures required in seis-
cribe those values corresponding to when either the tension steel fractures ~ ~oncrete column se~t~ons ~o ~~h.1ev~:::1u~t:~~a:e a considerable effect on the
the moment is reduced to 80 % of the maximum moment. The preceding defll, ¡e design for duchhty. _on i~m~ . ial loads because of the large neu-
nition of the ultimate condition is arbitrary but it gives an indication of tbe ~uc}ility of columns carrym~ ~1~~g~a~~~ (25) expression for the quantity of
ductility available in the post-elastic range. tral axis depth. . The pres en . ced concrete columns is based on
Table 4 gives the moment-curvature characteristics for rectangular con. steel hoops required in the ends of re1~~C:crete has spalled A detailed study
crete beam sections for a variety of ¡¿ values, Z values and reinforcernént con. tlle axial load strength after the cover h . could result i~ a better assess-
tents. In all cases the constant quantities are f y = 40,000 psi; f su = 68, 00ll using the stress blockparameters fgivend ~\~~n for the more realistic case of
psi; Es = 30 x 10 6 psi; Es h = 16 Ey; Esu = Esh + 0.14; the steel stress hi !llent of the ho.oping steel needed or uc i l Y
the strain-hardening range is as used previously; b" = O.Bb; d' = O.ld; a114 eccentric loadmg.
the cover to the top of the hoops = O. ld. The table shows the dirnensionleaa
Myif¿bd 2 and q¡yd, and the ratio of M/My and q¡/q¡y, for conditions correspond• .
ing to the crushing, rnaximum and ultimate mornents. The beneficia! effect Of New Zealand University Grants Committee
The financia! assistance of the
confinement on the ultimate curvature is evident. It should be ernphasized that
no allowance has been made for the possibility of buckling of the compression is gratefully acknowledged. . d t of that executed in the Civil Engi-
steel and that in real bearns this may occur before sorne of the extrernely high The work described herem ~orm~t p:t
Canterbury New· Zealand, by Kent
curvatures are reached. neering Departrnent ofd~he fUm~er~~gy ree of Doctor of' Philosophy' supervised
duringpostgraduate stu ies or e
by Park.
A study of previously proposed stress-strain curves for cornpressed con-
crete confined by rectangular steel hoops and of existing experimental evidence APPENDIX I. -REFERENCES
showed that curve may be represented by a second degree parabola up to max-
imum stress, a linear falling branch anda horizontal linear portion with stress
constant at 0.2 of the maximum stress. The Slope of the linear falling branch A M N "lnelastic H yperstat1c · F rames A na lysis ·" Proceed-
was found to depend on the concrete cylinder strength, the ratio of width of 1. B'aker, A. L. L., and Amarakone.' . . h .FI xural M echanics of Reinforced Concrece. ASCE-
ings of che Internacional Sympos 1um on c e e
confined concrete to spacing of hoops and the ratio of volume of hoop steel to
AC I, Miami, Nov., 1964, pp. 8.5- 142h C l te Stress-Strain Curve !or Concrete," Magazine
volume of concrete core. The experimental evidence which was used to deter- 2. Barnard, P . R., "Researches mto t e omp e 203- 210
mine the slope of the falling branch showed considerable scatter and, although •
of Concrece R esearc h · Vol · 16 • No · 49. ' Dec. ' 1964,pp.
f H r 1 Binding· in the Compress1on
· z one o !Con•
a simple relationship was found, it is evident that further experimental work 3. Base, G. D., and Read, J. B. , "E~fect~enes:~e In;t:~~te Proceedings Vol. 62, No. 7, July , 1965 ,
may be required to determine the effect of more variables (particularly the crete Beams," Journal of A menean oncr .
effect of the strain gradient) and to provide more data for statistical analysia. pp. 763- 781. . . . of "Ductility o! Concrete," by Roy, H. E. H . and
On the basis of the proposed stress-strain relationship the cornpréssive 4. Bertero, V. V., and Felippa, C., d1scuss1on . IS ·mposium on Flexura/ Mechanics of Rein-
M A Proceedings of che Internau ona
sozen, . ., J
stress block parameters for concrete flexura! rnernbers have been found for M. . N vember 1964, pp . 227- 234.
different levels of strain in the extreme cornpression fiber and degrees of con- jorced Concrece. ASCE-ACI , iam.'., .º . R '. tance of Prestressed Concrete Beam-Column
5 Blakeley R . W. G., and Park , R., Se1sm1c es1s 1971
finernent from steel hoops.
. Assemblies," Journal of American s~~cr~:: ~~~c~i~rConc;ete Relieves High-Load Stress Con-
The calculated stress block pararneters allow the mornent-curvature char- 6. Blanks, R. F ., and Me.Henry , D., as Ma 1949 pp . 320- 322.
acteristics of rnembers with confined concrete to be traced into regions of far centrations ," Civil Engineenng. Vol. 19 , No: 5, L ~ "Designo! Multistorey Rein!orced Con-
advanced concrete strain well beyond maximurn rnornent. In bearns the quantity N mark N M and Cornmg, · ., 961 318
7. Blume, J . A ., ew ' · ·• . ,, Porcland Cernen/ Association. l 'P· ·
of confining steel was found to have a significant effect on the rnoment-curvature crete Buildings for Earthquake Motlons, S . C es" Engineering. Vol. 193, May, 1962, pp.
characteristics of rnembers with a high tension stee~ content, but if the tension 8. Brock, G., "Concrete: Complete Stress- trato urv ,
steel content was low or the cornpression steel content was high the quantity 606-607. ~ "Load-Deformation C)laracteristics o! Beam-Column Connec-
of confining steel hada negligible effect on the rnornent-curvature relations hip. 9. Burns, N. H. , and S1ess, C. P ~, . . . . St dies Struccural R esearch Senes No. 234.
. . Reinforced Concrete,' C1v1l Engmeenng u '
The large effect of coµipression steel on ductility was apparent. Comparison uons JO . . . 962 261 . .
University of Ilhno1s, Jan. , l ' p. . D f rmation of Plastia Hinges m Rem!orced Con-
of the calculated moment-curvature curves with sorne existing experimental 10 Chao W. L. "The Ulumate Strength and e o h Vol 7 No 21 Nov 1955 pp. 121 - 132.
data for bearns showed reasonable agreern'ent but indicated that the theory . ' 'k"M ·eoJConcreceResearc . . , . ' ., '.r5 I
crete Framewor s, agaz1n . f Rein!orced Concrete Beams," Journal O; cruccura
probably gives a lower bound to the strength because the concrete cover is as" 11. Corley, W. G., "Rotat1onal Capac1ty o 4939 October 1966 pp. 121 - 146
sumed to spall and become ineffective at strains greater' than 0.004. · Division . ASCE, Vol. 92, ST5, Proc: P~p~r d . ' nd Axi~l Lo~d in Reinforced Concrete Mem-
The behavior of members at large deformations is of particular irnportance 12. Hognestad, E., "A Study o! Combme en mg :
1988 July, 1971
S'l'? g'l' 7 FLEXURAL MEMBERS 1989
bers, " University of Illinois Engineering Experimental Station, Bulletin No. 399, 195 J, p. 128
13. Hognestad, E., Hanson, N. W., and McHenry, D., "Concrete Stress Distribution in U!tirnat Ag = gross concrete area;
Strength Design," Journa/ aj the American Concrete !nstitu1e, Proceedings Vol. 52, No. 4, Dec e As area of tension steel;
1955 , pp. 455- 480. ., Al area of compression steel;
14. Kent, D. C., " lnelastic Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Members With Cyclic Loading,, A~' area of one leg of hoop steel;
thesis presented to the University of Canterbury, at Christchurch, New Zealand, in 1969, in Pa~. a 1, ª2 constants in Eq. 6;
tia! fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
b width of member;
15. Kritz, L. B., and Lee, S. L., "Ultimate Strength of Over-Reinforced Beams," Journa/ aj Eng;.
b" width of confined core measured to outside of hoops;
neering Mechanics Division. ASCE, Vol. 86, No. EM3, Proc. Paper 2502, June 1960, pp. 95_
105 . . D diameter of hoop bar;
16. Mattock, A . H., "Rotational Capacity of Hinging Regions in Reinforced Concrete Bea rns" d = distance from ex t reme Compressl·on f1'ber to centroid of tension
Proceedings aj the lnternationa/ Srmposium on Flexura/ Mechanics of R einforced Concret~ steel; .
ASCE-ACI, Miami, Nov., 1964, pp . 143- 18 1. . d'= distance from extreme compression fiber to centro1d of compres-
17. Nawy , E. G., Denesi, R. F., and Grosko, J. J., "Rectangular Spiral Binders Effect on Piastic sion steel;
Hinge Rotation Capacity in Reinforced Concrete Beams," Journa/ oj American Concrete l nst;. d" depth of confined core measured to outside of hoops;
tute. Proceedings, Vol. 65, No. 12, Dec., 1968 , pp. 1001 - 1010.
Es modulus of elasticity of steel;
18. Popovics, S., "A Review of Stress-Strain Rel ationships for Concrete," Journa/ oj the American
Concrete lnstitute. Proceedings , Vol. 67 , No. 3, March, 1970, pp. 243 - 248. f c concrete stress;
19. Richart , F. E., Brandtzaeg, A., and Brown, R. L., "A Study of the Failure of Concrete Under ¡~· compressive strength of concrete in mem.ber; . .
Combined Compressive Stresses," University of lllinois Engineering Experimental Station, Ji:' compressive strength of 6 in. diam x 12 m. concrete cylmder,
Bulletin No. 185. 1928 , p. 104.
f s steel stress;
20. Richart , F. E., Brandtzaeg, A., a nd Brown, R. L., " The Failure of Plain and Spirally Reinfo rced f su ultimate stress of steel;
Concrete in Compression," University of lllinoi s Engineering Experimental Station, Bulletin No. yield stress of steel;
190. 1929, p. 74. fk neutral axis depth/d;
21. Roy, H. E. H , and Sozen, M. A., "Ductility of Concrete," Proceedings aj the lnternationa/
compressive stress blockparameters at maximum strength as de-
Svmposium on Flexura/ Mechanics aj R einjorced Concrete. ASCE-ACI, Miami , Nov., 1964,
pp. 213.'.:. 224. fined in Fig. 1;
22. Rüsch , H ., "Versuche zur Festigkeit der Biegedruckzone," Bulletin No. 120. Deu tscher M moment;
A ussch uss für Stahlbetonbau, Berlin, 1955, p. 94. Mcr moment at commencement of crushing of concrete;
23. Rüsch, H., "Researches Towards a General Flexura! Theory for Structural Concrete," Jour- Mm maximum moment capacity;
nal aj American Concrete lnstitute , Proceedings, Vol. 57, No. 1, July , 1960, pp. 1- 28. My moment at commencement of yielding of tension steel;
24. Rüsch, H., and Stock!, S., " Der Einfluss vo n Buge!n and Druckstaben auf das Verhalten der Mu ultimate moment;
Biegedruckzone von Stahlbetonbalken," Bul!etin No. 148. Deutscher Ausschuss für Stah!beton-
ba u, Berlin, 1963 , p. 75. Pm = maximum load carried by specimen; . .
25. Seismolog1• Committee oj Structural Engineers Association of California. "Recommended Lat·
eral Force Requirements and Commentary," 1967, p. 90.
Fso = load when stress in concrete core has reduced to O. 5 of max1mum
26. Soliman, M. T. M., and Yu, C. W ., "The F lexura! Stress -Strain Re!ationship of Concrete Con· p As/bd;
fined by Rectangular Transverse Reinforcement," Magazine oj Concrete Research. Vol. 19, No.
61, Dec., 1967, pp. 223 - 238. ·
P' = A;/bd; d to
P" = ratio of volume of hoops to volume of concrete core measure
27. Stock!, S., discussion of "Ductility of Concrete," by Roy , H . E. H. and Sozen, M. A., Pro· outside of hoops;
ceedings of the lnternational Srmposium on Flexura/ Mechanics of Reinforced Concrete. ASCE· s hoop spacing;
ACI , Miami , November 1964, pp. 225 - 227. . .
28. Sturman, G. M ., Shah, S . P., and Winter, G ., "Effect of Flexura! Strain Gradients on Micro·
z constant defined by Eq. 9; . '·
cracking and Stress-Strain Behavio r of Concrete," Jo urna/ oj rhe American Concrete l nstitute.
(JI average stress in concrete compress1ve stres~ block fe,
Proceedings, Vol. 62, No . 7, July, 1965 , pp. 805 - 822. y distance from centroid of concrete compress1ve stress block to
29. Yamashiro, R., and Siess, C. P., "Moment-Rotation Characteristics of Reinforced Concrete extreme compression fiber /kd;
Members Subjected to Bending, Shear and Axial Load ," Civil Engineering Stutlies, Strucrural concrete strain;
Research Series No. 260, Univers ity of Illinois, Dec ., 1962. strain in concrete at extreme compression fiber of flexural mem-
' in concrete at spallmg;
strain .'

APPENDIX II.-NOTATION Eo strain in concrete at stress!~';

Es strain in steel; .
Esh steel strain at commencement of strain hardemng;
Esu steel strain at ultimate steel stre~s;
The following symbols are used in this paper: steel strain at commencement of' yielding; .
Ac = area of concrete core measured -to outside of hoops; ~oc strainat 0.2 of maximum stress on falling branch of stress-stram
curve for confined concrete; ,
1990 July, 1971
S'l'? July, 1971 ST 7
strain at O. 5 of maximum stress on falling branch of stress-st
curve for confined concrete; ra111
€5oc - Esou;
J ournal of the
strainat 0.5 of maximum stress on falling branchof stress-str
curve for unconfined concrete· atn STRUCTURAL DIVISION
rp curvature; '
<Pcr = curvature at commencement of crushing of concrete;
<Pm curvatúre at maximum moment· Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers
<Py curvature at commencement of 'yielding of tesnion steel· and
<Pu curvature at ultimate moment. '


By Don S. Wolford,1 F. ASCE


Widespread use of automobiles, buses and trucks has led to the creation of
highway systems of great sophistication in less than 100 yr. To build lasting
roads, swamps must be drained, obstructions overcome, hills cut, ravines
filled, slides stabilized, ballast placed and grades established.
Bridges, overpasses and underpasses, ramps and interchanges are impor -
tant adjuncts to today ' s super-roads. Moreover, the complete roadway must
be provided with culverts, retaining walls, guardrails, signs, and lights where
needed. Successful highway accessory structures must: (1) Perform intended
functions; (2) withstand corros ion effects; and (3) conform to safety objectives .
A nu~er of structural design specifications are applicable in the rational
design of highway accessory structures of cold-formed steel (4,11) and of
r olled steel shapes and steel plates (12,16). However, performance in use
r emains the chief measure of innovations and modüications of highway ac -
cessory structures.
Principal highway accessory structures may be classed as follows: culverts
and subdrains; retaining walls ; bridge flooring ; bridge deck forms; barrier
systems; signs and supports; and lighting poles.
This paper is concerned with highway accessory structures fabricated of
steels in various forms. The chemistry and mechanical properties of the
steels, and surface coatings when used, are related to controlling specüications
that exist. Such specifications have been developed jointly between representa-
tives of the stee1 industry and of highway organizations.
Culverts and Subdrains.-Road surfaces and embankments must be well-
Note .-Discussion open until December 1, 1971. To extend the closing date one month,
a written request must be filed with the Executive Director, ASCE. This paper is part
of the copyrighted Journal of the Structural Division, Proceedings of the American So-
Ciety of Civil Engineers, Vol. 97, No. ST7, July, 1971. Manuscript was s ubmitted for
r eview for possible publication on August 7, 1970. '
ªPresented at the July 13-17, 1970, ASCE. ·National Transportation Engineering
Meeting, held at Boston, Mass.
Principal Research Assoc., Research & Technology, Armco Steel Corp., Middle-
town, Ohio.


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