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Antonia Ciare

JJ Wilson
Worl<bool< with key

GRAMMAR 1 the continuous aspect

VOCABULARY 1 names VOCABULARY 1 crime collocations
LISTENING 1 stories of names VOCABULARY PLUS llexical chunks
WRITING 1 a personal profile LISTENING 1 a wrongful conviction

GRAMMAR 1 describing habits GRAMMAR 1 the perfect aspect

VOCABULARY 1 personality VOCABULARY 1 social issues
VOCABULARY PLUS 1 idioms for describing people READING 1 The unknown hero
READING 1 Take that smile off your face WRITING 1 problem/solution essay; parallelism

FUNCTION 1 speculating FUNCTION 1 expressing hypothetical

VOCABULARY 1 images preferences
LEARN TO 1 use vague language VOCABULARY 1 decisions; add emphasis
LEARN TO 1 add emphasis

GRAMMAR 1 conditionals and regrets

VOCABULARY llearning
VOCABULARY PLUS 1 metaphors VOCABULARY 1 idioms: secrets
LISTENING 1 a personal history READING 1 Secrets from times past

GRAMMAR 1 verb patterns

VOCABULARY 1 opinions GRAMMAR 1 the passive
READING 1 Books that blew your mind VOCABULARY 1 truth or myth
WRITING 1 a discursive essay VOCABULARY PLUS 1 multi-word verbs
LISTENING 1 an urban myth
FUNCTION 1 introducing opinions
VOCABULARY 1 idioms of opinion FUNCTION 1 making a point
LEARN TO 1 express doubt VOCABULARY 1 journalism
LEARN TO 1 manage a conversation

Review and Check 1 PAGE 14

VOCABULARY 1 describing places VOCABULARY 1 trends and predictions

LISTENING 1 a guide to París VOCABULARY PLUS 1 prepositional phrases
WRITING 1 a description of a place LISTENING 1 ways of foretelling the future

GRAMMAR 1 relative clauses GRAMMAR 1 concession clauses

VOCABULARY 1 adjectives VOCABULARY llanguage
VOCABULARY PLUS 1 prefixes READING 1 'D'oh!' is our favourite catchphrase
READING 1 Room for a genius? WRITING 1 a report

FUNCTION 1 making a proposal FUNCTION 1 describing cause and effect

VOCABULARY 1 city life VOCABULARY 1 fashion
LEARN TO 1 suggest modifications LEARN TO 1 summarise your views

Review and Check 3 PAGE 42


GRAMMAR 1 cleft sentences GRAMMAR 1 verb tenses for unreal situations

VOCABULARY 1 escape VOCABULARY 1 adjectives
VOCABULARY PLUS 1 suffixes VOCABULARY PLUS 1 three-part multi-word verbs
LISTENING 1 Escape from Alcatraz LISTENING 1 inspiring sports personalities

GRAMMAR 1 participle clauses GRAMMAR 1 adverbials

VOCABULARY 1 idioms: relaxing VOCABULARY 1 ideas
READING 1 The perfect road trip READING 1 Rosa Rodriguez: 'Find your passion '
WRITING 1 a leaflet WRITING 1 a review

FUNCTION 1 exchanging opinions FUNCTION 1 ranting/raving

VOCABULARY 1 risk VOCABULARY 1 express yourself
LEARN TO 1 convince someone LEARN TO 1 use comment adverbials

GRAMMAR 1 inversion
VOCABULARY 1 time expressions VOCABULARY 1 collocations
LISTENING 1 Harriet the tortoise LISTENING 1 amazing journeys

GRAMMAR 1 ellipsis and substitution GRAMMAR 1 comparative structures

VOCABULARY 1 memories VOCABULARY 1 ambition
READING 1 The world of smells READING 1 Life story
WRITING 1 a personal story WRITING 1 a 'for and against' essay

FUNCTION 1 discussing ideas FUNCTION 1 negotiating

VOCABULARY 1 collocations with time VOCABULARY 1 negotiation
LEARN TO 1 solicit more information LEARN TO 1 stall for time





B Read the blog again. Underline seven

examples of the continuous aspect used
1 Complete the puzzle. Then reveal the key word to discover one correctly. Why is the continuous used in these
of the world's most common na mes. examples? Match them with uses a)-e).
a) to describe a background action that was
NI in progress when another (shorter) action
2 happened
b) to talk about something that is incomplete,
S 1 1 l D 1 temporary, or still in progress (often
4 emphasising the length of time)
e) to talk about situations that are in the process
ls 1 IR of changing
6 d) to emphasise repeated actions (that may be
D 1
]7 ~; R e) for plans that may not be definite
3 Underline the correct alternative.
When she saw Jan , she knew immediately that
1 My married name is Lee, but my name is Howarth . he had criedlbeen crying. ·
2 With such famous parents it's hard to live to my name. 2 Dad , 1 wondered/was wondering if 1could
3 All actors who go to Hollywood want to be names. borrow your car this weekend .
4 My grandfather, George, was named the King of England . 3 We'd already eaten/been eating all our food
and we still had two mo re days of travel.
5 Theodorakopoulos? ls that a Greek _ _ __
4 Because of the poor economy, it is getting/ gets
6 My name's Max J. Hart. My name is Joseph .
more difficult to find work.
7 Following the accusation , 1fe lt 1 needed to _ _ _ _ my name.
5 Are you free tomorrow? 1hope/ was hoping
8 Afte r ten years in the job, it's time 1 a name for myself. you might help me with my tax forms .
6 l've owned/ been awning six houses in my
GRAMMAR the continuous aspect lifetime, but this is by far the best.
7 This room is filthy! What have you been doing/
2A Read .the blog. Find and correct seven mistakes with the done all morning?
continuous aspect. 8 At the first signs of trouble, animals always
move/ are a/ways moving to higher ground .
People in the book business are 9 The boss a/ways tells/ is a/ways telling us to
What's in always saying how difficult it is
to think of a great title. There are
work hard , but she does nothing.
a name? so many books published these 1O You should ask Don. He may know/be knowing
days that it's probably getting sorne good restaurants.
harder and harder. Recently, 1 am walking thro ugh the 1 1 Helga and 1 are thinking/ think of moving to
aisles of a bookshop - I was hoping to frnd something for Spain. What do you reckon?
my grandmother's birthday- when 1 was noticing sorne 12 Look at this car. We've tried/ been trying to fix
very odd titles, sorne so clever that I had no idea what the it for weeks!
book was abo ut. If you've been working on your masterpiece
for years, it seems such a shame t hat the book might get
lost beca use of a poor title. Publishers are always telling
wo uld-be authors to keep the title short and descriptive,
but 1 think there's more to it. The title is the first thing the
reader is seeing and it has to be catchy. Jane Austen called
one of her books 'First Impressions'. I wonder if it would
have been as famous if she hadn't been changing the title to
Pride and Prejudice. William Golding wrote a novel called
'Strangers from Within'. That's OK, but I'm pref~rring
what it later beca me- Lord if the Flies. Famously, Paul
McCartney had been working on a melody when he decided
to give it the working title 'Scrambled Eggs'. Fortunately,
The Beatles changed it. Yesterday is now a classic. Anyway,
I think of writ ing a book called 'How toN ame your Book'.
It's something l've planned for at least ten minutes and l'm
expecting it to make me millions.

O Complete the summary with the expressions in the

are absolutely baffled of a compromise

the mists of time now plain old an act of defiance
a mixed blessing

Speaker 1, Felipe, changed his name as 1 ,a

way to rebel against authority. Speaker 2 had a long 'hippy'
name, but is 2 Summer Davies, which is much
simpler. Speaker 3, David Donald, got his name as a result
3 between his parents, who wanted to call him
different names. Speaker 4 says people 4 by
her name because the pronunciation differs from the way it
is spelt, which makes it confusing. Speaker S says his name is
5 - there are good and bad things about being
called James Bond. Speaker 6 says the origins of her surname
have been lost in 6 - she doesn't know when
or how the story of her surname was forgotten.

WRITING a personal profile

SA Read the advertisement and think about the

personal and professional qualities required for thejob.

GST Adventure Camp

Summer-Jgb:.Ontario, Canada
S " .iiib~

lnstructors needed for children 's summer camp,

June 18 - July 22
The mission of GST Adventure Camp is to teach new
skills, develop children's confidence and teach the
value of cooperation . The children are aged 6-16.
Applicants must be proficient in all kinds of outdoor
activities, e.g . camping, fishing, swimming, kayaking,
rock climbing. Please send a CV and personal profile
stating your interests, skills, and experience with
children of all ages. Also tell us about your character.
Applicants must be 18+ .
8 (8 1.1 Listen to six people talking about their names
All camps are held in and around Beaverton, Ontario,
and check your answers.
by Lake Simcoe.
e Answer the questions, then listen again to check.
Why did Speaker 1 'revert to Felipe'? What name is on
his official documents?
2 What did Speaker 2 think of her real name? What did she 8 Read this outline of a personal profile for thejob.
do later? What information is irrelevant? What information is
missing? Read the advertisement again to help you.
3 What did Speaker 3's parents decide todo? What
lnirodudion: m~ background , age
problem did they discover later?
lnieresis: ouidoor living, e.g. fishing, c.ooking,
c.olleding siamps from differeni
4 How do you spell Speaker 4's name? What part of the c.ounir ies
body does it sound like? 5kills: good c.limber and swimmer, sailor,
profic.ieni in Word, bc.el, PowerPoini,
S What is good and bad about Speaker S's name? What eic..
oes he say about his parents? flCperienc.e: worked for Dream Campers,
Jul~ 2011, looking afier fifieen
" Why does Speaker 6 describe her name as 'a nightmare'?
Where is her surname from?
e Write a personal profile for thejob (200 words).

VOCABULARY personality 3 Find and corred the mistake in seven of the sentences.
My mobile phone company keeps call me every day. lt's
1 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. driving me crazy.
You don't need to use all the words. 2 Beatrix is always ask us to come and visit.
thoughtful perceptive obsessive inspirational 3 1'11 always have a coffee as soon as 1 wake up.
over-ambitious conscientious obstinate neurotic 4 My aunt would coming and collect us from school and
open-minded prejudiced apathetic insensitive take us to her house for the weekend .
solitary mature inquisitive 5 As rule, 1 like to try a recipe out on my family first before
1 invite people round to eat it.
Clara has always been particularly _ _ _ _ . She's
6 1 have an incline to be rather disorganised .
always asking questions.
7 1 tend agree with everything they say. lt makes things
2 1 can't believe that he didn 't realise how upset you are.
How of him .
8 1'11 generally read through everything at least twice
3 1 know that we can rely on them to get the job finished
before signing.
on time . They are very _ _ __
9 Nine times of ten , he'll be home by 6.30, but occasionally
4 What lovely flowers! How very of you.
he'll get stuck in traffic .
5 1 was prone to being rather as a child. 1would
1O She's forever leaving the car unlocked- it'll get stolen
regularly refuse to do what 1 was told.
one day.
6 My mother is completely _ _ _ _ . She worries about
the most ridiculous things.
7 l'm not sure that Kevin is really enough to READING
make the right decision. He seems very young for his age.
4A Read the article opposite. Choose the best summary.
8 You mustn't be and take on impossible tasks.
Make sure that your goals are achievable. A People who don't smile enough at work are trying to
conceal their own incompetence.
9 He's about cleanliness. Whenever he walks
into the room, he'll start cleaning the desks or polishing B You can improve your success at work by smiling more to
the bookcases. ingratiate yourself with others.

1O She's obviously very . She knew exactly what C Too much smiling can make you appear incompetent.
we were talking about and made a few comments that
B Read the article again. Are the statements true (T) or
nobody else would have thought of.
false (F)?
1 1 He has wonderfully original ideas. He's _ _ _ _ to
1 The writer smiled to get out of difficult situations in
work wii:h.
previous jobs.
12 l'm not sure what the problem is, but Tomas seems very
2 Smiling at customers to cover up your incompetence can
_ _ _ _ in his work recen ti y. He's just not getting
be a good habit to acquire.
round to doing it.
3 The journalist interviewed successful businesswomen
regarding the key to their success.
GRAMMAR describing habits 4 She was not particularly surprised by what they told her.
5 There is a stereotype which assumes that if you are being
2 Choose the corred option to complete the sentences.
nice to someone, you are probably not very competent at
1 have a _ _ _ _ to get people's names mixed u p.
your job.
a) tendency b) inclined e) prone 6 Using direct language, rather than soft language, in your
2 Aaliya hours in the bathroom getting ready. emails may help to affirm your authority and air of
lt drives me crazy. competence.
a) tend to spend b) will spend e) is spending
3 Grandad is _ _ _ _ to getting lost and being brought
home by the police.
a) prone b) inclined e) tending
4 1 mostly to read when l'm on holiday.
a) have tendency b) tend e) 'm tending .
5 They would keep me to move offices. So, in
the end, 1 left.
a) to ask b) ask e) asking
6 People _ _ _ _ sending me emails asking for advice.
a) always b) always are e) were always

C Complete the sentences with the words/phrases in
bold from the article. Use the definitions in brackets to

your face
help you.
1 1 was completely
. 1 didn't expect it at all.

2 The new manager walked into the room . And without

any at all, he started the meeting. (polite social
3 He took a hammer and smashed the plate into
Are yo u too ni ce for your own good? When 1 had my first
_ _ _ _ . (many very small pieces)
job as a waitress in a restaurant, 1 soon learnt that the
best way to get myself out of trouble was to smile sweetly 4 l've always been afraid to talk to her. She seems very
at every possible opportunity. 'l'm so sorry', 1 beamed, _ _ _ _ . (distant and remete)
when 1 dropped the plate on the floor and it smashed into S lf, at the end of the month, there are any _ _ __
smithereens. 'There must have been a misunderstanding. funds, we can use them to hold a celebration dinner.
1'11 sort it out straight away,' 1smiled, having served chicken
kiev toa strict vegetarían. lt carne naturally. Smiling was
a necessary part of the job, dealing with customers - but 6 1 was rather _ _ _ _ by the suggestion. (shocked)
when 1 look back at the experience now, 1 can see that 7 With his remarkable , l'm sure he will be
what 1 was actually doing was desperately covering up for fantastically successful. (insight into business)
my own inadequacies, my incompetence. 1 had no idea
8 lt was an attempt to reduce the budget _ _ __
what 1was really supposed to be doing, so l'd smile nicely
(the amount by which a su m of money falls short of a
and hope 1 would get through the day alive. And it quickly
reference amount)
became a habit that stuck.

In fact, it's a habit that has stayed with me for nearly

twenty years. Recently, 1 interviewed group of top VOCABULARY PLUS idioms
businesswomen about what they felt was the key factor
in their success. Was it their acute business acumen, S Complete the conversations with the words in the box.
their nerves of steel in the boardroom, their ability to spot
an opportunity when it arose? 1 was completely caught 1 body box horse kid neck sheep soul ways
off guard, and quite taken aback when one woman,
Miriam, a highly successful manager of a top football club, A: Who told you about Ali and Pietro getting married? lt
explained to me how she had survived and prospered in was supposed to be a secret.
a particularly male-dominated environment. 'You have to B: Sorry, Anne told me. She can be a bit of a
learn to stop smiling,' she said . 'You don't need to make bus y_ _ __
people like you all the time. You just have to do your job,
and do it well. And the job isn 't just about being nice.' 2 A: l'm so glad Pilar is coming tonight. She'll get everyone
lt's so simple, but 1 had never really stopped to notice. B: Yes, she tends to be the life and _ _ _ _ of the
You see, by smiling, what you 're really doing is trying to
ingratiate yourself with the other person. lt's a submissive
gesture. And in business, people who appear warm and 3 A: All my family are academics, but 1left school when 1
friendly may be perceived as being less competent, was fifteen.
compared to others who appear cold, hard and aloof. B: Yeah, you've always been the black _ _ _ _ of the
In fact, there have been numerous studies done family.
demonstrating the stereotype that people tend to see
4 A: She hasn't stopped talking for the last two and a half
warmth and competence as inversely related. lf there is an
apparent surplus of one trait, then it is assumed that there hours!
will be a deficit of the other. B: 1know. She's a terrible chatter_ _ __
5 A: l'm not sure how the team will respond to these new
The effect is not just limited to smiling, either. Think
about all the emoticons and soft language we use to
make our emails more 'friendly'. After my meeting with B: Do yo u think they're a bit set in their _ _ __
Miriam, 1frantically searched back through my recent 6 A: You didn't tell me that Andreas was in a rock band!
correspondence and found, to my dismay, that my emails
B: 1didn 't know. He's quite a dark _ _ _ _ , you know.
were littered with apologies and covert requests. 'l'm
terribly sorry to have to ask you .. .' 'Do yo u think yo u 7 A: 1 can 't work out how this computer program works.
could possibly ... ?' '1 wondered if it might be all right to B: Why don 't you ask Dan? He's a whiz when
just ...?' . So, l've taken an executive decision. From now it comes to computers .
.on 1will be more assertive and direct with the people 1
work with . l've removed all niceties from 8 A : He's one of our customers, but he seems to enjoy
my emails- and l've wiped that perman~nt complaining.
smile from my face. B: Are you saying he's a pain in the _ _ __

ThaRI<s fer readiFtg! ©

VOCABULARY images LEARNTO use vague language
1 Underline the correct alternative. 4A ® 1.2 Listen to the conversation. Are the statements
We posed!caricatured for photographs outside the true (T) or false (F)?
entrance to the building. 1 Anna is on her way to visit Francesca.
2 He was aman of great physical f/atteringlpresence. 2 They are planning to go out to eat somewhere.
3 The photograph showed a rather grey, dismal/f/icker of 3 Anna can't stand spicy food .
4 She saw a flatteringlflicker of doubt in his eyes. B Listen again. What exactly do they say? Complete the
S He draws caricatureslpresence of politicians.
1'11 see you here at about _ _ _ _ then.
6 That colour is very flattering/flickered on you.
2 1 need to pickup a of things.
3 l've got plenty of _ _ _ _ to be getting on with here.
FUNCTION speculating 4 l've just got to finish sorne work and sort the kitchen out
and stuff _ _ _ _ _ _ __
2 Match the beginnings of conversations 1-6 with
responses a)-f).
S Do you want me to bring anything, you _ _ __
1 Do you think there's any chance that we'll win the cup? 6 . .. any kind of food or like that?
2 What's that on the horizon? Can you see? 7 Oh, there's one _ ___ 1was going to ask.
3 Have you got the time on you? 8 Are you OK with spicy food? You know, chilli and
____ ?
4 What do yo u think about that hotel over there?
S lt's Mahbek. He wants to know when we'll get there. C Find examples of vague-language in the sentences
6 Have you seen the queue? above and write them in the table below.
vague nouns: (e.g. thing, stuff, bit, something)
a) Yes, it gives me the impression that we might have to wait
for sorne time.
b) l'd say that it's definitely expensive. Look at those quantifiers: (e.g. one or two, a few, a couple of, a lot)
e) No, 1 haven 't. But l'd hazard a guess that it's about lunch vague numbers: (e.g. around, about fifty, more or /ess)
d) lf 1 had to make a guess, l'd say we'll be with him in an
generalisers: (e .g. sort of, kind of, you know)
e) 1 reckon there's a fair chance of it, yeah. We've played

well all season. list completers: (e.g. and stuff, and so on, or something)
f) 1wonder if it could be a fishing boat.

3 Look at the pictures. Make two sentences about each

one using the prompts.
1 guess 1 could 1 be

2 hazard 1 guess 1 that

3 wonder 1 if

4 reckon 1 it

S seems 1 to 1 me

6 gives 1 impression 1 that

7 appears 1 be

8 had 1 make 1 guess 1 say


VOCABULARY learning GRAMMAR conditionals and regrets

1 Write one word in each gap to complete the texts. 2 Choose the correct options to complete the text.

Regrets - just a few

PRESIDENT THEODORE ROOSEVELT once said, 'The only time
you really live fully is from thirty to sixty. The young are slaves
to dreams; the old [are] servants of regrets.' lndeed, it's often
claimed that young people wish they 1_ _ the things they
did, and old people regret not doing the things they didn 't do.
AHMED SAEED WAHABI (POLITICIAN) A very informal poli among friends and acquaintances for this
When 1was growing up, we would column reveals that people generally regret 2_ _ (more)
get five newspapers every day from children, choosing the wrong career, and missing out on
the man or woman of their dreams. Then there are the odd ,
all sides of the political spectrum.
individual cases. A close friend said, '1wish 3 _ _ become
' 1asked my father why we needed
a vegetarian earlier. 4_ _ 1done so, over the years l'd have
five newspapers and he said saved about four hundred chickens, fifty pigs and thirty cows.'
'so we can see everyone's point
Another pal said, 'lf 15_ _ such an idiot when 1was
of view'. This had a profound
1 eighteen, l'd never have had this tattoo done. Imagine
on me. Now, whenever spending your whole life with a picture of your ex-girlfriend
1come 2 attack for my on your ar~. lf only it 6_ _ Mother Teresa or someone who
opinions, 1look at it from the other ' deserves to be there!'
side's point of view and it helps me 1spoke to an ex-professional footballer whose Gareer was cut
understand the issue fully. short by injury. 'lf l'd been smarter, 17_ _ put all my eggs in
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, one basket. 18_ _ at least fin ished school. Aged twenty-
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,111111111111111111111111 seven, 1had no qualifications apart from kicking a ball.'

RICHARD HALLIDAY (INVESTOR) Of my elderly contacts, about half wished 9_ _ followed

their passion instead of taking the safe option. One
When I was 3 the ropes, grandfather-of-fifteen said, '1might 10_ _ a good actor, but
I met a legendary billionaire at the time 1had a big family to support, and acting isn't a
investor. I asked him the secret of secure profession. So 1became a bank clerk and spent the
his success and he said. Tm not a rest of my life cashing other people's cheques.'
smart guy. I just read everything: Asan antidote to all this doom and gloom , another friend
trade magazines. financial news, cheerfully said, 'Regrets? lf only we 11 _ _ how good life
annual reports, even the footnotes is.' Then he told me that people should make lists of all
in annual reports. That's why I the friends they've had, the places they've seen, the things
they've enjoyed . '1 wish everyone 12_ _ the good things in
know more than 98 percent of
life!' he said, and drained his cup of tea in one gulp.
people on Wall Street. · He was
right. Now I read everything. Once
a) hadn 't been doing b) hadn't done
you have all the information. you
e) are doing d) have do ne
can 4 your instincts.
2 a) to have b) of not having e) not having d) not to have
"""""""""""""'"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 3 a) 1was b) 1 am e) l've d) l'd
4 a) lf b) Had e) Have d) Should
5 a) hadn't been b) had been

When 1first became a high-level e) didn't be d) not been
manager, 1was on a steep 6 a) were b) was being e) 's been d) wasn 't
s curve. A colleague
7 a) didn't b) wouldn't e) wouldn 't have
said to me, '1see you in meetings.
d) wo uld have
You 're very intelligent, but you
don't know enough about the 8 a) have b) must have e) would d) 'd have
industry. Don't be too proud to ask 9 a) they'd b) they e) they did d) they'd been
if you don't understand something .· 10 a) have been beeoming b) have become
1followed his advice . lf you believe ' e) had become d) become
6. yourself, you 'll never be 11 a) realise b) can realise e) realised d) are realising
scared to look stupid . lt's better to 12 a) has appreciated b) is appreeiating
ask than to bluff. e) appreciates d) would appreeiate

3 Match 1-8 with a)-h) to make sentences. LISTENING
1 We wouldn't have got here so early had we ...
2 They would ha ve lost the match, but ... 6A Look at the photo. What can you guess about this
woman's lite?
3 Supposing you'd been offered a part in that film, ...
• ls she rich or poor? • Does she have a family?
4 Tom wouldn't be sitting here right now if .. .
• Where is she from? • Do people like her?
S lf only the Johnsons had never . ..
• What did she teach herself to do?
6 Imagine you'd really lost your ticket, how would . ..
7 1 think all of us regret . ..
8 1 really wish 1 ...

a) would you have accepted?

b) yo u have got home?
e) not being nicer to Mandy.
d) hadn 't said those things to Mum.
e) 1 hadn't pulled him through that window.
f) for Thomson's goal at the end.
g) known you weren't going to be here until 6.00.
h) bought that house, they wouldn't be in debt now.

4A ® 2.1 Listen and complete the sentences with the

words you hear. Sorne words are contractions. B ® 2.2 Listen and answer the questions above.
1 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ more when 1was younger.
2 lf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ met that crazy man!
e Write questions for answers 1-6. Then listen again
to check.
3 lf l'd had more talent, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ famous.
4 1wouldn't be here _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to my parents.
When she was six years old .
S lf it wasn't for you , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ about that flat.
6 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the scholarship, would yo u have
He was a tailor.
B Practise saying the sentences to yourself at full speed. Five.
e Write six sentences. lnclude the words you wrote in 4
Exercise 4A. Say your sentences aloud, making su re you One year.
say the contracted forms. 5
1 wish /'d studied English at school because 1 need it for She thought it was a hoax.
Eight hundred .
D Match the underlined words/expressions from the
S Sentences 1-8 each have a word missing. Complete recording with definitions a)-f). Read the transcript on
the sentences with the words in the box. page 74 to help you. ·
1 'she'd sailed to Brazil at the age of six with nothing but the
at downhill for go ideas 1egUI gitate their to
rags on her back'

regurgitate 2 'cars, the new playthings of the wealthy '

1 hate exams in which you just have toÁthe teacher's 3 [She was a] 'prolific producer of babies'
ideas. 4 'She had an iron will'
2 Because experience is vital, mountaineers don't usually S 'she turned into the neighbourhood fairy godmother'
reach peak until their forties. 6 'don't wash your dirty linen in public'
3 My tennis has gone as l've got older.
4 1was a crossroads in my career so 1 had to make a move. a) great determination

5 1find a lot of his theories rather hard swallow. b) laundry

6 When 1 joined the company, my boss said, 'You'll far.' e) imaginary person who makes your dreams come true

7 This report says human cloning is only a few years away. d) material that is in very bad condition (ripped or out
Hmm , that's food thought. of shape)

8 He emails me with these ridiculous half-baked on how to e) toys

improve the business. f) extremely productive
1A Read the blog. Have you read or
..._.. ~ ~


- ~ -.._....

Every once in a while there will be a book that makes you want to

heard of any of the books which are

mentioned? 1 shout out from the rooftops 'Read this book!' They are the books that
just blow your mind . Perhaps they epitomise your spirit of adventure or
challenge sorne long-held perception you have. Maybe they quite simply
B Which type of book is not mentioned?
change your way of thinking forever. Sounds familiar? Then share your
a) a novel about a young gir l ideas with the rest of us!
b) a non-fictional account of an expedition
e) a detailed biography of a scientist Wild Swons: 1remember reading this whilst on holiday with a 1
boyfriend. 1was absolutely gripped by the book,
d) an autobiographical history Three
e) a philosophical memoir Doughters
unable to put it down at the breakfast table,
during our sightseeing trips and well into the 1
2 Which of the books:
of C~ino, 1 night. lt's an autobiographical account of three
: female generations of Chang's family, and 1was
JUNG CHANG so fascinated by the picture it painted of Chinese
1 gave t he reader new insights into a
culture, the things that happened during the
different culture?
1 Cultural Revolution, and how China is changing
now. lt was a truly eye-opening read .
2 inspired the reader to go on a journey? Lori, San Francisco
: We had to read th is at school as one of our set
3 challenges the orthodox views of western To Kili : texts. Until that time, l'd never been particularly
science? o Mocking : interested in reading , but 1remember being so
4 was read by a yo ung reader?
moved by the story of Atticus and his fight for
justice. The story, set in poverty-ridden ~labama
during the depression, is told through the eyes
S describes how the culture of a country
of Atticus' young daughter (Scout) and 1wonder
if it was this that made the story so poignant 1
is changing as seen through the eyes of : for me, reading it as a young schoolgirl myself.
: lnterestingly, although this book won her huge
three women?
: acclaim, Harper Lee never wrote another novel.
: Maxine, Oxford
6 discusses issues o f social justice and 1
: This book has sold more than 5 million copies
poverty? Zen and : worldwide, making it one of the biggest-selling
the Art of : philosophy books ever. In the book, Pirsig
7 describes the struggle of two men trying . Motorcycle : explores cmany themes, and one of them is the
to achieve something which had not been
previously achieved?
·Maintenonce, : whole premisa on which science, and therefore
: western medicine, is based. lt's a book about
ROBERT M. PIRSIG : questioning and the search for true meaning, and
: for me it was quite simply a revelation . lt opened
8 encourages you to re-think scientific values? : my eyes to a new way of thinking. There are sorne
: books you need to read as you're growing up and
: this, for me, was one of them.
3 Find words/phrases in the article : Luke, Sydney

which mean:
: This bookwas quite literally life-changing forme.
to b e a typical example o f som et hing: To the : The book describes the Transglobe Expedition
_ _ _ _ _ (int roduct ion)
1 Ends of : undertaken in 1979 by adventurers Ranulph 1
2 so excited or interested that you are the Earth, :1 Fiennes and Charles R Burton. This 100,000-mile
reluctant to stop:
journey, from pole to pole, took them across the
Sahara, through the swamps and jungles of Mali 1
3 full of poverty: _ _ __ _ (To Kili : and the lvory Coast and ovar unexplored areas
a Mocking Bird)
4, 'i'?~f.i lí' J5'yvu•~~ ~~cd, VT't JII ú. -¡.jtty.
of Antarctica. The book describes how the two
11 men risked death in order to achieve something
: spectacular, and it was this that first inspirad me to

_ _ _ _ _ (To Kili a Mocking Bird) : complete a solo transatlantic sailing trip myself.
S statement or idea o n w hich yo u base
other ideas : (Zen and the
Art of Motorcyc/e Maintenance)
1 ~- _ _ AJex=:U
6 land that is always wet o r covered w ith
water: (To the Ends of
the Earth)

VOCABULARY opinions WRITING a discursive essay
4 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. 6A Choose the correct alternatives to complete the first
draft of a discursive essay.
stereotype eye-opening second thoughts
convincing an open mind perspective
narrow-minded preconceptions Globalisation will eventually
The _ _ _ _ 1 had about life in South Africa were the lead to a complete loss of
same as many people have. cultural identity
2 She doesn 't fit the typical _ _ _ _ of what a good
mother is. People around the world are becoming
3 Originally, he accepted the promotion , but then he had
increasingly similar. 1In fact,/However, / For this
reason they often eat the same food, watch the
4 lt's vital that we keep _ _ _ _ about what might have
same TV programmes and wear the same clothes.
happened . 2 Another problem is/As a result,/Conversely,
S 1found the professors at the university to be incredibly it could be said that cultural identities are in
_ _ _ _ . They weren't prepared to accept new ways
danger of being lost. 3However,/For this reason j
of thinking.
In addition to this cultural identity is about much
6 My travels in South America were an _ _ __
more than the clothes you wear. The foundation
experience. 1 learned so much about the culture of the
people and how it is different to my own.
of cultural identity lies in the values we share
with others.
7 1think we need to look at the situation from a new
4 0n the contrary,jNeYertheless,jWhat is more,
8 The evidence of his guilt was not very _ _ __ as global brands become ever more prominent,
it's easy to imagine how this trend will continue
GRAMMAR verb patterns until, eventually, we lose all traces of our own
cultural identity.
5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
50n the other hand, 1Additionally,1Accordingly,
verbs in brackets.
As a business leader, (make) decisions is one global integration together with improved travel
of the most important things you do. and communication systems mean that it is
2 lt's imp¿rtant _ _ _ _ (have) strong opinions on an becoming increasingly easier for people to learn
issue in order (invite) a healthy debate on and understand more about different cultures
the topic. and to broaden their own cultural horizons.
6Nevertheless,jConsequently,jObviously, cultural
3 However, the fact is that circumstances change all the
time. You may need to contemplate (change) identity continues to play a vital role in people's
your decision. lives, reminding them of their associated history
4 lf the facts and environment change, you need -. _ __ and ancestors.
(be) willing and able to make changes quickly while you
7 0bviously,jHowever,jFurthermore, it has also
still have the chance (do) so.
S The scientists appear _ _ _ _ (steal) their research become apparent that in a significant number of
from another source. countries, people feel that their traditional way
6 The officer in question was reported (change) of life is getting lost as a result of foreign
his account of the events on many occasions. influence ...
7 1 would hate (have to) miss an opportunity
like that. Can't you change the date?
B Look at the essay again. Are the sentences 1-7 for (..')
8 Paula was forever (give) bad advice by her
superiors. or against (,K) the argument?

9 Not (have) the courage of your convictions C Write the final draft of the essay (200-250 words)
can be seen as a weakness. using the first draft as a starting point. Add further
1O The directors seem _ _ _ _ (reach) the same examples to the discursive essay using sorne of the linking
conclusion as we did . devices you discarded in Exercise 6A.


VOCABULARY idioms of opinion 3 Write sentences with the same meaning as the
sentences below. Use the words in brackets.
1A Correct the idioms. In truth , corruption is a huge problem. (reality, is)
a) play devil's attorney
L. 1think cars should be banned from the city centre. (in,
b) sit on the wall humble)

e) speak your thoughts 3 In my view, Kurt is the best candidate. (far, concerned)

d) beat about the garden 4 1hear that the company will merge next year. (from, gather)

e) have a vested motivation 5 Even if no one listens to me, 1want to say 1love your
ideas! (what, worth)

f) have an axe to sharpen

6 In my opinion, his early CDs are much better than the
later stuff. (ask, me)
B Match idioms a)-f) with their definitions below.
have a private motive for doing something 7 The truth? 1don 't like that colour. (want, opinion)
2 avoid talking a lot w ithout directly addressing the most
important point
8 Without beating about the bush , 1think she's a genius.
3 say what you really believe (frankly)
4 be unable to commit yourself to one opinion or one side
5 a special interest in an existing system, arrangement or 9 1know you hate dogs, but think about this: they are great
institution for particular personal reasons guards. (look, way)
6 say something unlikely or unpopular so people w ill think
about the issue more carefully

C Complete the sentences with the correct idioms. LEARNTO express doubt
You can't for ever. At sorne stage you
need to decide whose side you 're on. 4A Put the underlined words in the correct order to
2 He has a in the industry so 1don't complete the conversation.
think he should serve on the regulating board. A: Did you hear about the archaeological findings in Ethiopia?
3 1feel 1must . This proposal is An anthropologist claims to have found 'the missing link'.
absolutely terrible and it makes no sense! B: Really? 1unlikely 1 that 1 find 1 11 highly. Anthropologists
4 l'd like to . What if we lose all our are always saying they 've made these wonderful
clients to our competitor? What happens then? discoveries and mostly it's nonsense.

5 Let's not _______ . This film was a disaster. A: Anyway, this anthropologist found sorne bones which
were unlike anything ever found befo re, and . ..
6 Every time she speaks to me, she mentions last year's
salary cuts. She really has an _ _ _ _ _ __ B: 2don 't 1 that 1 know 1 11 about. Abone is abone is
A: Yes, but these were a different structure. And ...
FUNCTION introducing opinions B: 3really 1 about 1 sure 1 l'm 1 that 1 not. A different
structure? What was it: a human with wings, or something?
2 Cross out the extra word in each statement.
A: No! 4idea 1 you 1 Where 1 that 1 did 1 get? lt was
lf you want for my honest opinion , 1think smoking should
a skeleton that didn 't look like either a human ora
be made illegal.
chimpanzee, but it was over four mili ion years old .
2 There are no miracle diets. Look at it on this way: those
B: 5debatable 1 very 1 That 's. Four million years? How do
diet ads are selling you an impossible dream.
they know?
3 From what that 1can gather, global warming is a very real
A: 1give up. What's on TV?
problem. lf we don 't address it now, it'll be too late.
4 ·By according to the government, immigration is out of B 2.3 Listen and check.
control. The reality is, immigrants bring many skills.
C Listen again and read at the same time. Read
5 For what it's been worth, 1think military service is a great
sentences 1-5 aloud as you hear them. Concentrate on
idea. In my humble opinion , young people today need the
the intonation for expressing doubt (e.g. long vowel
kind of discipline that the army brings.
sounds on rea//yand highly).
6 lf you will ask me, hunting should be banned. In the eyes
of any humane person, it 's an inhumane 'sport '.

GRAMMAR continuous aspect VOCABULARY review

1 Underline the corred alternatives. Sometí mes both 2 Complete the pairs of sentences with the corred
options are possible. word/phrase.
My name's Am anda, and it 1comes 1 's coming 1 live up to 1 make
from the Latin, meaning 'worthy of lo ve .' lt's ' a) lt must have been hard for someone like Ziggy Marley
interesting because 1 2study 1 'm studying Latin to his name.
at the moment, so that gives it sorne extra b) She's working hard trying to a name for
resonance for me. herself in show business.
' 2 put your name forward 1 clear your name
My surname is Russell , though originally, it
was Rosen, which is a German name. My ' a) The lawyers are trying to so that you
grandfather 3changed 1 was changing his name can continue to work in this area.
when he 4moved 1 was moving to the UK just b) lt was good of yo u to _ _ _ _ _ for the role of
before the Second World W ar. chairperson.
My name is Max Ciare, wh ich 1 5found 1 was 3 household name 1 maiden name
finding very difficult as a young boy. At school , a) As a singer, he became a after his
the teachers would call us by our surnames ' hugely successful debut album .
and , as a result, the other kids 6a/ways teased 1 b) My mother's was Glinka.
a/ways were teasing me, and 7 cal/ed 1 cal/ing me 4 perceptive 1 obsessive
' 'Ciare' .
a) He was a fantastic chess player, but he had a rather
1 have a rather unusual surname, and it's made _ _ _ _ _ nature.
worse by the fact that l'm a doctor. l'm Dr b) 1 thought her remarks were most _ _ _ __
Tooth, which always 8makes 1 is making people
S conscientious 1 apathetic
laugh. 1 suppose it could have been worse
9 a) Politically, l'm rather , because 1 don 't
though - at one point 1 planned 1 was planning '
feel that my opinion has any influence.
' to become a dentist. Luckily, 1 changed my
mind. b) He is an extraordinarily worker, and
usually the last person to leave the building.
l've 10thought 1 been thinking about changing
6 prejudiced 1 rebellious
my name for a while now. l've never 11 /iked 1
been liking my name, and it doesn 't hold happy a) He can be rather against minorities.
memories forme. So, now l'm an adult, 1 b) At school he was renowned for having a
thought 1 could choose a name which 1 prefer. _ _ _ _ _ character.
7 solitary 1 inquisitive
W e 12hoped 1 were hoping you could help us
to decide on a name for the company. At the a) Harry would rather spend time alone. He's a
_ _ _ _ _ personality.
moment we 13consider 1 're considering various


' b) They as k questions about everything. They are so

8 obstinate 1 neurotic
a) She can be very about things, so it's
difficult to persuade her to change her mind once she's
b) They worry far too much. They're completely
_ _ _ _ _ about everything.
9 flattering 1 posing
a) The celebrities are for photos outside
the palace.
b) lt's a very portrait. She doesn't actually
look very much like that.
1 O caricatured 1 flicker
a) The politician was _ _ _ _ _ in all the newspapers.
b) He thought he noticed the slight of a
smile appear on her face.


GRAMMAR describing hábits VOCABULARY review 2

3 Correct the sentences by adding, removing or 6 Add vowels to complete the phrases.
changing one word. l'm justa beginner. l'm l_ _ rn_ng the r_p_s.
1 Nine times of ten he'll be right, but that is no guarantee. · 2 When you 're not sure about a decision, you just need to
2 1 was forever have to apologise for his behaviour. tr_st your _nst_nct.
3 Kids are prone for to eat too much junk food. 3 l'm really enjoying my new job, but it's been a st_ -P
4 Greg has tendency to be critica! , which makes him learning c_rv_.
un popular with his co-workers. 4 1 was planning to ha ve a big party to celebrate, but now
5 As a ruler, most students finish their coursework by the l'm having s_c_nd th _ _ ghts.
end of May. 5 We don 't know what is going to happen , so we need to
6 1'11 generally to have justa piece of toast for breakfast. keep an op_n m_ nd about things.

7 She was not inclined get up early on a Sunday morning. 6 Let's try to look at the situation from a wh_l_ new
p_rsp_ct_v_ .
8 When we were younger we would spend for hours just
playing in the garden. 7 1can't stand it when people are so n_rr_w-m_nd_d .
8 Don't worry about me. l'm just playing d_v_l 's
_dv_c_t_ .
VOCABULARY PLUS idioms 9 You can rely on Fernandez to sp _ _ k his m_nd .

4 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. 1O lt's no use b_ _ting _b _ _t th_ b_sh. Just get to
the point.
black busybodies chatterbox
hand kids life neck ways
GRAMMAR conditionals and regrets
1 wouldas k Graham . He's an old _ _ _ _ when it
comes to things like this. 7 Complete the sentences using the prompts. There may
be more than one possible answer.
2 Giada has always been the sheep of the
family. She's such a rebel. 1 lf 1 hadn 't gone to the USA, 1 never 1 meet
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ my husband .
3 To be the and soul of the party you need to
come out of your shell and let go. 2 lf only we'd known about the spare key, we not 1 hove to 1
cal/ the police.
4 Marcos was sixty-five and rather set in his _ _ __
about how to do things. 3 Had we realised that the interview had started, we not 1
just 1 go into the room
5 The city is full of financia! whiz _ _ __
without knocking.
6 My neighbours drive me crazy. They are real _ _ __
4 Supposing you'd been in my shoes, what you 1 do
always poking their noses in your business.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ when he called to say sorry?
7 You 'll have to tell me if l'm talking too much . 1 tend to be
a bit of a _ _ __
5 But for Patrizia, we never 1 find
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the stadium. We'd still be
8 The customs officer refused to let us through. He was a wandering the streets.
real pain in the _ _ __
6 lf she'd stayed in her last job, she probably 1 be
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ successful by now.
FUNCTION speculating 7 He regretted not 1 go to
university when he had the chance to.
S Underline the correct alternative. 8 Of course that's what we should do. lf only we think
/'// hazardous/ /'d hazard a guess that there'll be some kind _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of it before!
of confrontation. 9 1 wouldn 't have booked tickets for the concert if 1rea/ise 1
2 lt make/makes me think that maybe they were right you 1 already 1 do it.
all along. 1O lt's hard to imagine what life would have been like if we
3 1suppose/supposing they've probably finished by now. never 1 hove children.
4 /'d reckoning/1 reckon they're going to win .
5 l'm sure prettylpretty sure they would have asked us, if
we had to leave.
6 · She gives/makes the impression of always being very
cal m.


VOCABULARY PLUS metaphors FUNCTION introducing

8 Cross out the extra word in each sentence.
You've done really well, kid. You 'll go too far. 1OA Put the underlined words in the
2 lt started off well , but quickly went downhill bottom from there. corred order to complete the sentences.
3 Thanks for those comments. lt's given us some food for the thought. a) way 1 at 1 it 1 this 1 look: 1have no
option but to trust him.
4 h was very shocking news. 1 found it hard for to swallow at first.
b) far 1 l'm 1 as 1 concerned 1 as, there is
S lt's no good wasting precious all time worrying about things you
simply no competition.
can't change.
e) what 1 see 1 from 1 can 1 1, this is the
6 After all this time, 1 can't believe that they 've come up with such a
best route to take .
half-baked for idea.
d) honest 1 you 1 my 1 opinion 1 want 1 if,
7 1think he's reached for the peak of his career.
1think you should take up the offer.
8 1found myself ata crossroads decision and wasn 't sure what todo.
e) you 1 if 1 me 1 ask, it's a complete waste
9 We'll need to put off aside some time to discuss this at the end of of time.
the meeting.
f) reality 1 the 1 is, 1think you could get it
1O You just can't afford to spend so much time to watching television. cheaper elsewhere.
1 1 He has an incredible memory- he is forever regurgitating on obscure
facts about things he has learned . B Add the sentences in Exercise lOA to
12 We knew we would have to move out of the house, so it felt like we the conversations below.
were forever living on borrowed money time. A: l'm thinking of signing up for that
course you did last month . Did you
think it was worth it?
GRAMMAR verb patterns
B: --------------------------
9 Complete the text with the corred form of the verbs in brackets.
2 A: Do you really think that you can rely
on Ji m to keep this quiet?
B: ------------------------

3 A: l've been offered a promotion, but l'm

not su re 1really want it. What do you
B: ------------------------

4 A: lt's a lovely coat, but l'm really not

sure 1 can afford it.
B: ------------------------

S A: Are you certain this is the bes~ way to

B: ------------------------

6 A: What about all the other companies

selling similar products?
B: --------------------------

Circle the correct option to complete the sentences. 16 The Prime Minister came under for
1 My mother's name, before she married , introducing the controversia! policy.
was Karadia.
a) review b) attack e) effect
a) married b) maiden e) single
17 You must trust your in business.
2 She has had to work hard to her name
a) instincts b) qualification e) feeling
after the accusations.
18 how strongly they would react, 1simply
a) clean b) repair e) clear
wouldn't have told them .
3 We're planning on getting our own place, but for the
a) Had 1 known b) Did 1 know e) 1 had known
moment, with friends .
19 1wish 1 earlier what was going on, then 1
a) we're staying b) we stay e) we'll be stayed
might have been able to do something about it.
4 1can 't believe how long 1 for someone to
a) would have realised b) didn 't realise
take my call. l'm just listening to music.
e) 'd realised
a) 've been waited b) 've been waiting e) wait
20 lf he hadn 't experienced so many problems in the
S Excuse me, to you? early stages, he _ _ __
a) is this pen belongirig b) does this pen belonged a) might have won b) won e) would win
e) does this pen belong
21 1wanted to confront him about the issue, but then 1
6 l'm _ _ _ _ to take a romantic view of things. had thoughts.
a) prone b) tend e) forever a) first b) second e) third
7 As , 1like to be in charge of these matters 22 1think the problem is that the managers can be very
a) an inclination b) a tendency e) a rule a) perspective b) stereotype e) narrow-minded
8 My fam ily have a _ _ _ _ to exaggerate. 23 _ _ _ _ to appear stupid, he kept quiet.
a) tend b) tendency e) prone a) Not wanting b) Not have wanted
9 She noticed lots of unexpected things, and made e) He was wanting not
some very comments. 24 Sam was always _ _ _ _ by the other children.
a) apathetic b) obstinate e) perceptive a) be picked on b) being picked on
1O Small children are forever asking questions. They ha ve e) been picked on
such minds. 2S They were thought _ ___ by the back door.
a) rebellious b) inquisitive e) over-ambitious a) of having escaped b) to have escaped
11 My father is eighty-six, and he's very in his e) to have escaping
ways. 26 l'm going to play devil's here and say that 1
a) fixed b) set e) settled don 't see why not.
12 She's a lovely girl , but she's an incredible _ _ __ a) advocate b) friend e) partner
a) black sheep b) whiz kid e) chatterbox 27 You were absolutely right to speak your _ _ __
13 1 they must be in their seventies, wouldn't a) words b) ideas e) mind
you say? 28 As far as 1_ _ _ _ , they can do what they like.
a) suppose b) say · e) hazard a) concern b) 'm concerned e) 'm concerning
14 She _ _ _ _ to me to be happy with the situation. 29 Look at it this , we all stand to lose.
a) supposes b) seems e) says a) way b) direction e) how
1S l'd _ _ _ _ a guess that there are problems in the 30 From what 1 , there isn 't a better solution.
a) do see b) can see e) should see
a) reckon b) wonder e) hazard

ll~ii;1JtJII /301

VOCABULARY describing places h) dense, more traditionally lslamic downtown area

1 Underline the correct alternative. i) a day trip to Petra
lt was a very picturesque/bustling place to sit, outside the j) well-organised city
restaurant on the quiet banks of the river. k) many Roman ruins that sprinkle the city
2 The nightclub is in a rather unspoi/tlrun-down inner-city 1) everyone, whatever their tastes
are a.
m) mesmerising city carved into the rock at Wadi Musa
3 The streets were tranquil/bustling with people.
n) slick suburbs to the west, lined with cafés and art
4 We wandered around the beautiful , run-downlancient galleries
walled city trying to imagine what life must have been like
in those days.
S The beaches there are completely deserted /unspoilt by
tourism. lt's wonderful. Or take a trip to the s_ _ of Amman, Jordan,
where old meets new. Split between 9_ _ , and
6 The architecture was simply picturesquelmagnificent. lt
the 1o_ _ , Amman has something to offer
was designed to impress.
11 _ _ . Maybe you could take 12_ _ , the
7 The old mine now stands completely ancient/deserted. 13_ _ , or visit sorne of the 14_ _ .
Nobody has worked there for nearly fifty years.
8 We love the Tuscan countryside. lt's a beautifully tranqui/1
run-down place to be.

GRAMMAR noun phrases

2 Complete the brochure with the phrases in the boxes.

a) stunning landscape
b) before the main tourist season
e) the Aegean light reflecting off the blue and
whitewashed architecture
d) a series of cataclysmic volcanic eruptions
e) a two-week break
f) a thousand other eager tourists
g) spectacular sunsets the island is famous for

Easy trips
hy not visit Santorini, Greece, for 1_ e_
W now? Santorini's 2_ _ was sculpted by
3_ _ • Come and enjoy the 4_ _ . lt pays
to visit 5_ _ , when you can watch 6_ _
without having to battle with 7_ _ keen to
enjoy the scene.
3A 3.1 Listen to the guide to Paris. Which of the ~eu~~~:
topics in the box does the speaker mention?

terraced cafés the smell of bread theatre culture

A midsummer' s trip to
busy restaurants cobbled streets clichés
designer handbags famous department stores
the Swedish island of Blido ~
poodles the Eiffel Tower the Pompidou Centre
flea markets French wine velib bikes he Stockholm archipelago consists of
over 24,000 islands and islets scattered
B Listen again. Are the statements true (T) or false (F)? across the Baltic Sea. The nearest to the

1 The terraced cafés are an important part of the flavour shore are divided by causeways from the
of París. mainland and possess all the amenities
of modem Sweden. Other islands are served by
2 París does not have as much style as you would expect.
free and efficient public ferries. The outer islands are
3 lt's a wonderfully romantic city to spend time in.
reachable only by prívate boat. The rule of thumb
4 París is not at alllike you would expect from the clichés is that the further out, the greater the isolation. First
you hear. plumbing, then electricity disappears until ~nally, out in
S lt's not worth visiting the classic sights like the Eiffel Tower the Baltic Sea, tiny huts share a few metres of exposed
because there are too many tourists. granite with just the wind and seals.
6 The real beauty of París is often hidden from the view of
The archipelago is a place of beauty at any time, but
the tourist.
during Midsummer, it' s the place to be. On the way
7 lt's a good idea to hire a velib bike and cycle round the out to the archipelago from Stockholm, the road winds
streets of París, like a Parisian would .
through the radiant green landscape of a fai,Ytale-
8 There is a lot to do in París, but you shouldn 't try todo forests, timber houses, rye fields, fat cows . Wild flowers
too much . Take your time to enjoy the city. nod in the hedgerows. Road signs warn of rogue moose.

In Norrtalje, the gateway town to the archipelago,

WRITING a description of a place the supermarket is packed with trolleys the day before
Midsummer's Eve. The prescribed Midsummer foods of
4A Read the travel review and answer the questions. strawberries, herring, new potatoes and sour cream are
1 Where is the writer describing? flying off the shelves . A worker complains that they're
2 What is the best way to get there? shifting a tonne of potatoes every hour. Heavily laden
3 What is a good time to visit the area? Why? cars leave the car park for the islands .
4 How does the writer describe the landscape? For my inaugural Midsummer Eve, 1' m heading to the
S What kind of food does he mention? island of Blido. lt' s not remote - just two short ferry trips
6 What does the writer say about the atmosphere of the to cross the bay - but the pace of life soon slows. The
place? What contributes to that atmosphere? air is luminously clear and, scoured by sea breezes, feels
like it' s rejuvenating the lungs. Roe deer skip out of the
B Underline other examples of detailed descriptions, path of bicycles on the roads. •
particularly those involving the senses, that add colour to Adapted lrom Lonely Planet Magazine (May 2011)
the writing.

C Write a description of a place you have visited (200-

250 words). Use the text in Exercise 4A as a model and
include so me of the following:
• lntroduction 1 location
• How to get there
• Landscape 1 flora 1 fauna 1 atmosphere
• Food 1 drink 1 activities
• Description of a typical scene
• P'articular recommendations
---·~·~ Roo:m for a genius? 1•--·
The English painter Francis Bacon may not have been the contained elaborate tapestries, vases, sculptures, potted
greatest artist in history, but he was certainly the messiest. plants, doves in a cage. His near-contemporary Pablo Picasso
His London studio is a bombed-out catastrophe of paint had an altogether different style. His studio was packed full of
brushes jutting out of jars and cans, mouldering champagne his own creations - little pots and clay figures, scribbles and
boxes, books balanced precariously in irregular towers and doodles, and all kinds of junk that he would later assemble into
photos lying on every surface. After his death in 1992, masterpieces - lumps of iron, fragnients of glass, animal bones.
his entire studio - the walls, floorboards, boxes, drops Another genius of Matisse's era, Albert Einstein, kept his office
of paint, dust, everything - was transplanted to an art full of books and paper. His desk was spectacularly cluttered
gallery in Ireland. The studio itself had become a modernist with no space for a typewriter or telephone. Behind his chair
masterpiece, a perfect example of the relationship between was a simple blackboard with mathematical equations scrawled
genius and chaos. Bacon once wrote that he couldn't paint in white chalk. Einstein once said, 'Atable, a chair, a bowl of
in tidy rooms. Few would argue with that. It took a team of fruit and a violin; what else does a man need to be happy?'
ten archaeologists and conservators three years to move and The answer, judging by his office, is a pile of paper.
reassemble the mess.
Ernest Hemingway's workspace in his Florida home was
What types of work area do other creative geniuses need? relatively humble: a few bookshelves, large windows to let in
Should the room be a spare, minimalist shell to allow space the light, and a tall desk made of dark wood. One thing looks
for the mind to wander? Or should it be cluttered with the wrong; the chair is too small for the table. The reason for this
objects of everyday life to spark off ideas and inspiration? Is is that he didn't actually use the chair for working. For much
big better than small? What of the light? Should the room be of his life, Hemingway wrote standing up (he ignored his own
bursting with sunbeams or so dark and cramped that it forces first 'rule' for aspiring writers: 'apply the seat of the pants to
the imagination to fly? the seat of the chair'). Writing masterpieces while standing
The French painter Henri Matisse worked in a famously opulent up might sound strange, but maybe notas odd as the working
studio. The high ceilings led the eye down to his paintings, habits of Mark Twain, Marcel Proust and Woody Allen . All of
which were perfectly arranged on the walls, and the room them wrote in bed.

READING B Circle the correct definition.

jutting (paragraph 1)
1A Read the article and match a) making bright colours b) sticking out
statements 1-14 with people a)-f). 2 precariously (paragraph 1)
1 His wor~space was large. a) beautifully b) likely to fall
2 His desk was technology-free. 3 spare (paragraph 2)
3 He ignored his own advice. a) full of objects b) basic, with nothing unnecessary

4 He worked in bed. 4 spark off (paragraph 2)

a) cause b) destroy something
S He had living creatures in his workspace.
S opulent (paragraph 3)
6 He worked with chaos around him.
a) with expensive decoration b) with a good smell
7 He made art out of things in his studio.
6 doodles (paragraph 3)
8 His workspace was not especially exciting. a) large, completed paintings b) unplanned drawings
9 His studio is on display. 7 scrawled (paragraph 4)
10 He displayed his work in his studio. a) written with great care b) written carelessly

11 There is something strange about the 8 humble (paragraph S)

furniture in his room. a) modest b) large

12 He had expensive things in his workspace.

13 He had a teaching tool in his workspace. VOCABULARY adjectives
14 His workspace was not dark.
2 Underline the correct alternative.
a) Francis Bacon lt was a dark, pokyljokey1gaudy room with a broken door and no windows.
b) Henri Matisse 2 This room is too gaudyl chilly/fiery for my taste. The colours are too bright.
e) Pablo Picasso 3 The house is really shady/roomylspacy. There's lots of space.
d) Albert Einstein 4 The town is very roomylwearyldreary. All the buildings are grey and
e) Ernest Hemingway there's nothing to do.
f) Woody Allen S This flat is nice and pokylbrightlyl airy with big windows.
6 Come and sit under this airylshadowy/shady tree and tal k tome.
7 lt's quite gaudylchillylairy in here. Can you close the window, please?
8 The weather's looking a bit roomy/shadylgloomy. 1think it's going to rain .
GRAMMAR relative clauses VOCABULARY PLUS prefixes
3 Choose the correct options to complete the text. 4 Complete the text with the prefixes in the box.
anti de im ir mal mis non
over post pre pro I:IA under

Hotel ====
••• Rehuilding New Orleans
crawler ··.. When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans in August
2005, to say the city was 1.Jlll.prepared would be an
2_statement. The flood that followed the hurricane was
When Dutchman Vincent van Dijk 1_ _ _ as a
lifestyle trend watcher, moved to Amsterdam for his
completely 3_powering. Clubs, bars, restaurants and
job, he couldn't find a place to live. homes went under. Eighty percent of the city's buildings
He'd been staying in on offer, or letting him dine
were flooded.
hotels for several weeks, for free. He luxuriated in a But it wasn't just the weather that contributed to the
2_ _ _ he hit on a great €3,500-a-night room disaster; politics was involved. Many people, regardless
idea. Carrying nothing 7_ _ _ it took him ten
but the suitcase 3_ __ minutes to switch off all of whether they were 4_-government or
5_-government, thought the crisis in New Orleans was
all his possessions were the lights (he joked in his
contained, he decided to blog). Another room had 6_managed - the response from the federal authorities
stay in a different hotel an en suite bathroom seemed far too slow. A 7_-mortem on the city would
every night for a year and a___ would not be out
blog about his experiences. of place in a royal palace. have said 'completely devastated, but not entirely dueto
He realised that through his But he also stayed in cheap natural causes'.
blogging , each hotel dives, 9 _ _ _ were barely
Such was the damage that when the rebuildjng
4_ _ _ he was staying habitable. He carne across
hotels that smelt of fresh eventually started, the job looked like mission
could gain valuable 8_possible. Gradually, however, New Orleans got
publicity, so he began paint and cigarette smoke,
asking the managers if a room 10_ _ _ was no back on its feet. The residents returned to fix up the
he could stay for free in wider than a toilet, and
curtains covering crumbling
buildings. Several 9_-profit organisations contributed
exchange for a write-up
in his blog . Most of the walls. time and money, and sorne celebrities such as George
managers 5_ _ _ hotels Vincent van Dijk's idea Clooney and Steven Spielberg sent big cheques. Old
were struggling in the wake was an audacious project, neighbourhoods carne back to life and the 10_
of the financia! crisis, were but probably only do-able functioning city began to function again.
delighted with the idea. by someone 11 _ __
The hotels 6_ __ hotels are one of life's great Although many residents returned, the city is still
pleasures. Despite offers 11_populated, with about 70 percent of its 12 _
he wrote varied from
cheap hostels to five- from hotels in London , -Katrina population living there. What has returned,
star luxury spots. Sorne Paris and Rio, van Dijk
stayed put in Holland though, is the city's vibrancy. The musicians are back on
hotel managers treated
him like a king, greeting 12 _ _ _ he plans to write the streets, several movies and TV shows are being filmed
him personally on arrival, a book about Amsterdam 's there and sorne famous local hangouts like The Cat's
preparing the finest suite accommodation .
Meow and Bourbon Street Blues have reopened.
Local entrepreneur Davide Marchionise says, The damage
1 a) , who works b) who works e) that works was terrible, but not 13_reversible. Look around the
2 a) was when b) at which point e) which point city. It's still the biggest party in the country:
3 a) which in b) which e) in which
4 a) that b) where e) which
S a) whom b) whose e), whose
6 a) , about which b) that e) about which
7 a) in which b) which e) in where
8 a) that b) at which e) , that
9 a) which sorne b) sorne which e) sorne of which
10 a) that b) where there e) in which it
11 a) who b) forwhom e) for which
12 a) where b), where e) on which

VOCABULARY city life FUNCTION making a proposal
1 Complete the crossword. 2A Read the proposal and identify one word in each
sentence that needs to be corrected. Change ten words in
total to improve the speech.

Proposal for a cultural centre

To start with, I'm going to talk brief about the
beginnings of the project. ]ust to give a bit of backing
information, we first discussed the idea of a Cultural
Centre two years ago. The ambition of the project is
to create a space for people to see art, listen to music
and watch fllms together. So the maín desire of our
proposal is to provide a community resource. The
long-term blessings include bringing the community
together and promoting the arts .
What we arrange to do is work with local companies
to involve them in al! areas of the project - design,
construction, maíntenance and services. While cost is a
major issue, our resolution is to ask local government
for grant money. In the first instant, tlús would mean
putting together our budget plan and after that, we
would write a grant application.
To close up, we feel tlús is a very worthwlúle project
for our community. Are there any questions or things
that need clearing?

B ® 3.2 Listen and check.

LEARNTO suggest modifications

3 Put B's words in the corred order to make responses.
A: They want to do this and we want to do that.
B: our 1 about 1 we 1 How 1 ideas 1 combine 1 if 1 ?
3 when buildings are left to fall apart, with no one living 2 A: So, as 1 see it, we have a dilemma.
in or using them B: at 1 it 1 look 1 way 1 another 1 Let's
4 basic things that we need, e.g. running water and
3 A: Those are our two options. Does anyone have any
7 the interna! systems of a country1city, e.g. roads and other ideas?
B: compromise 1 l'd 1 propose 1 to 1 a 1 like
8 fees charged for using certain roads or bridges
Down 4 A: The project is going to be very expensive.
see 6
B: can 1 there 1 any 1 costs 1 reduce 1 way 1 the 1 ls 1
2 see S we 1?
S, 2 when the roads are blocked with too many cars (two
S A: lt's going to be difficult to finish on time.
6, 1 the rebuilding and modernisation of parts of a city
B: regarding 1 any 1 there 1 schedule 1 leeway 1 ls 1 the
(two words)

6 A: So, to summarise, this is a tricky problem.

B: with 1 try 1 Let's 1 solution 1 to 1 up 1 a 1 come


VOCABULARY crime collocations 3 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

hard appear appreciate wonder pointless help

1 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
fault amazes
alibi appeal arrest convictions evidence
innocence justice release lt's _ _ _ _ to know if we've done the right thing
or not.
The perpetrators of this horrific crime must be brought 2 Don 't blame Sam. lt's not his _ _ _ _ if he can 't sing.
to _ _ __
3 1 can't it if l'm lucky.
2 A group of high profile human rights activists were being
4 ltwould that the attacker escaped through the
held under last night.
back door.
3 Three businessmen facing a life sentence for fraud protest
their _ _ __ S lt always me how beautiful the sky is at this
time of year.
4 You won 't be considered for early from
6 lt's no you can't see- you 've got the wrong
prison until you have a suitable address.
glasses on!
S The Office of Fair Trading has agreed to reopen the
7 lt's trying to contact him now- he won 't have
inquiry in order to consider fresh of anti-
his phone switched on.
competitive behaviour by the rival company.
8 l'd it if you didn't tell anyone about this
6 There are some companies that will , for a moderate fee ,
fake evidence to provide yo u with a perfect _ _ __
7 The family have made an against the decision, 4 Rewrite the sentences using the prompts and your
which they claim is unjust. own words so that the second sentence has a similar
8 The government has decided that in some cases, the jury meaning to the first.
may be made aware of a defendant's previous _ _ __ 1 The station is a long way from here.
or charges. lt's _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ from here.

GRAMMAR introductory it 2 We bump into each other amazingly often.

lt's _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
2 Add it/it's to the conversations where necessary. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ each other.
A: You seem on edge . ls there something bothering you? 3 1think we're too late.
B: No, nothing really. Just that l'm worried about my lt seems _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
interview tomorrow. late.
2 A: Do you have the time on you? 4 Somebody suggested that they reopen the inquiry.
B: Yes, about nine forty. lt was _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ be
3 A: Are you having trouble with that? reopened .
B: Yes, 1find really hard to close the safe once l've S lt was hard for me to believe he gave me his autograph .
opened it. 1 couldn't _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

4 A: Have you tried Javier's number? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ his autograph.

B: Pointless calling him now. Too late . 6 People letting me down is something 1don't like.
S A: ls there anything else you need me to do? 1 hate _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ me

B: Yes, l'd really appreciate if you could lock up when down.

you go. 7 1 think he deserves to be told the truth.

6 A: l'm absolutely exhausted. We owe _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to tell him the

B: No wonder you 're ti red. You hardly slept last night. truth.
7 A: Have you had a chance to visit Loch Lomond? 8 l'm not sure if we've done the right thing.
B: No, but l've heard that a wonderful place for walking lt's hard if we've done the right
holidays. thing.
8 A: Have you thought about which restaurant would be 9 Getting on with people is not difficult for me.
best for the meeting? 1find _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - -
B: No, l'llleave to you to decide which one is most _ _ _ _ with people.
suitable. O 1think XQ.Y should decide what the best way to deal with
this is.
l'llleave _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
_ _ _ _ the best way to deal with this.
S Complete the text with the lexical chunks in the box. You don't 6A ® 4.1 Listen to the story of Henry
need to use all the phrases. Roberts. Complete the summary notes.

at that time miscarriage of justice Henry Roberts was convicted of a

a surprising number of people unjustly accused crime he . He spent
protested his innocence the true story of ______ in jail. The man
rough justice demanded justice crime committed who was actually guilty of the crime
later ______

FEATURE NEWS B Listen again and circle the correct

Wrongly convicted What crime was Henry Roberts accused of?
Cinema laves a miscarriage of justice story. Whether pu rely a) theft
fictional or based on genuine events, the innocent man who is b) murder
1 appeals to 2 , creating some of the best e) fraud
known cinematic classics, such as Alfred Hitchcock's The Wrong 2 When did the mu rder take place?
Man or Ji m Sheridan's ground- t;>reaking In the Name of the Father. a) five years ago
b) more than ten years ago
e) more than twenty years ago
3 How long was Roberts sent to prison fo r?
a) five years
b) fifteen years
e) fifty years
4 What was the relationship between the
man who died and Henry Roberts?
a) He was his nephew.
b) He was his uncle.
e) He was his friend .
S W as Henry Roberts shot during the
Although Hitchcock generally preferred to work with fictional incident?
stories, The Wrong Man was inspired by 3 Christopher a) Yes, he was.
Emmanuel Balestrero, whose lite fell apart after he.was wrongly b) No, he wasn 't.
sentenced to lite imprisonment for armed robbery, although he e) We don't know.
strongly 4 throughout. 6 What happened to the murder weapon?
a) lt was left at the scene.
b) lt was never found .
e) lt was thrown into a river.
7 Why were the statements taken from
Henry Roberts unreliable?
a) He was under medication when he
made them.
b) He was a habitual liar.
e) Nobody witnessed the shooting.
8 What evidence did the police fail to follow
up on?
a) DNA evidence
b) an anonymous phone call
In the Name of the Father is arguably one of the most high-impact
5 e) eye-witness statements
stories ever. Based on the book Proved lnnocent,
the film tells the story of the Guildford Four- tour yciung men
who were wrongly imprisoned for the 1974 bombing of two pubs
in Guildford and Woolwich, in the UK. During their sentence, the
men endured 6 within the prison system. They later
7 for the way they had been treated and for their
years of false imprisonment, thus exposing the judicial and police
malpractice which they had encountered 8_ _ _ __

GRAMMAR the perfect aspect VOCABULARY social issues
1 Match 1-8, a)-h) and i)-viii) to make 3A Match the quotations with the issues in the box.
complete sentences.
child labour economic development intellectual property
1 l've been 5 When 1 saw her,
capital punishment environmental awareness illegal immigration
2 None of us 6 Wewill civilliberties free trade freedom of speech gun control

3 That girl 7 The house

1 You can cage the singer but not the song. (Harry Belafonte)
4 1 felt happy 8 They'l l have 2 No man is above the law and no man is below it. (Theodore Roosevelt)
3 To take a life when a life has been lost is revenge, not justice.
a) hasn't spoken e) she'd been (Desmond Tutu)
b) because l'd f) seems to have 4 1 did something that challenged the banking world. Conventional
banks look for the rich; we look for the absolutely poor. All people
e) been working here g) had ever heard are entrepreneurs, but many don 't have the opportunity to find that
d) living in the h) probably have out. (Muhammad Yunus)
5 There's no copyright on ideas. They fly on the wind. (Mari lisa Jauregui)
i) to her mother for v) been to Asia this 6 Why do we have to pay the price of poverty? We didn't create
over ten years. time next year. poverty; adults did. (Sultana, 12, Bangladesh)
7 For target shooting, that's OK. Get a license and go to the range.
ii) running and was out vi) for six years
For defence of the home, that's why we ha ve police departments.
of breath. in May.
(James Brady)
iii) got smaller since 1 vii) of that actor before
8 Most of the US's problems stem from the fact that the Native
moved out of it! we saw the film.
Americans didn't have very good border controls five hundred years
iv) same flat since viii) just passed my exam. ago. (Nikola Hertosch)
1 was eighteen. 9 The more we exploit nature, the more our options are reduced until
we have only one: to fight for survival. (Morris K. Udall)
2 Complete the sentences with the correct 1O The most important single central fact about a free market is that no
perfect form of the verbs in brackets. exchange takes place unless both parties benefit. (Milton Friedman)
1 When they found Chris, he said he
_ _ _ _ _ (live) on the streets for years. B 4.2 Listen to the answers and mark the stress in each phrase.
2 (not finish) the project by C Listen again and repeat. Focus on the correct stress.
Monday. 1 still have to do all the research.
3 Congratulations! lt must be great
_ _ _ _ _ (win) two major prizes in
WRITING problem/solution essay; parallelism
two years! 4A Read the introductions from three essays about social
4 Sorry about the delay. _ __ _ _ (wait) problems. How can parallelism improve each paragraph? Rewrite
long? the sentences that need editing using parallelism. The first one has
5 Before he died he told us he _ _ _ __ been done for you.
(bury) the money in the garden. 1 Throughout the world, over 150 mili ion children aged 5-14 work
6 Junko, the garage is a mess! _ _ _ __ regularly. Many find themselves in dangerous conditions. These
(play) with the children in there? include working in places with no san itation, working in mines, being-
7 We asked the neighbours, but they seem employed to vvo1 k working with unsafe machinery or l121vi11g 21job
_ _ _ _ _ (not notice) anything strange. working in a heavily polluted atmosphere.
8 1 hear you're looking for a job. Who 2 1he itdertlet does mat\y wondertu.l tl,itlSS - it brtt\SS Feofle
_ _ _ _ _ (speak to) so far? c.loser together-, it F"omotes t\ew torms ot CYeativity,
9 By 2020, Martha (work) for the etlfet-faÍtlmet\f is fi'OYidecJ olt fhe mfet-t\ef atld fhe mfertlef allows
same company for fifty years. u.s to ac.cess mtormation. qu.ic.k~. ?he tl,ms it does t\ot do well

1O ls Werner OK? He _ _ _ _ _ (hide) in his is fl'oted F=fle 5 ris),ts to tl,eú- fl'orerty.
room all evening. 3 The.. wov-1 d. 's mas+ ind.ustri¡¡l iSe..d. c..ountrie..S ¡¡v-e.. usin') up he..
11 Seeing Liz after twenty years, 1realised she plllne..+ 's v-e..50uv-c..e5. We. d.v-ive.. too mv.n'j ~S-')\J221 in') c..c.Y'S ,
_ _ _ _ _ (not change) at all. v-e..c..'jC-Ie.. too li#le.., t ind. thá we.. ¡¡v-e.. pv-od.uc_in') too rnUC-h
wo.s+e.. tv-orn p¡¡c.k')in') ¡¡nd. too rnuC-h ot ouv- toad. is th
12 Jane looked at me suspiciously. -----,-----
( discover) my secret?
llWll'j. 5ome.. Simple.. hllbi+s c..c.n C-hlln')f.. ouv- 1¡.fe..5~le..5 TCv-
be..#e..v- llnd. c..c.n ¡¡ISO he..l p +o Sil ve.. the.. e..nviv-onrne..n .

B Complete one of the essays a bove (250 words).

SA What is the connection between the man and the flag? Read to find out.

l o nJune
The unknown hero
24th, 1859, thirty- businessman. Even during the early days of remembered. A small museum in Heiden
one-year-old Henri Dunant, the Red Cross, he had ro resign from the remains infrequently visired (che people of
from Switzerland, travelled comminee. His businesses were collapsing Heiden didn't like him much - he refused ro
to Solferino, northern Italy, intending al! around him and the authorities had speak German) and his name is not universally
to discuss his failing business interests ordered his arrest. He fled Geneva, never known. Befo re he died at the age of eighry-
with Napoleon III. Instead of tea and ro return. In the next rwenty years, he went rwo, he stared that he wished to be buried
cakes with the Emperor, he got the from coumry ro country, part-fugitive, in Zurich wirhour a ceremony. But fate had
shock ofhis life. Dunant arrived just in part-businessman, part-rnouthpiece for the the last laugh. In 1944, in the same Heiden
time to see the aftermath of the Battle Red Cross. He once faimed while giving a hospital where Dunant had died thirry-four
of Solferino, a nine-hour bloodbath speech in Plymouth, UK. Apparently, he years previously, a baby was born. That baby
that left tens of thousands dead and hadn't eaten for days. was Jakob Kellenberger, who, in 1998, became
wounded, strewn across 15 kilometres presidem of the Internacional Comminee of
of Italian countryside; he would later 3 He evemually rerurned ro Switzerland and
the Red Cross.
describe the scene as 'chaotic disorder, settled in a srnall rown called Heiden. Six
despair unspeakable and misery of years larer, he became the flrst recipient of
the Nobel Peace Prize. The citation for the
every kind'. The French army had
fewer doctors than vets - horses were award said, 'Without you, the Red Cross,
more valuable in war than men - so, the supreme humanitarian achievernem of
the nineteenth cemury, would probably
abandoning his plans to meet Napoleon,
have never been undertaken' . He asked
Dunant set about mobilising local
that the prize money be adrninistered
people to help care for the wounded.
from Norway so that non e of his creditors
At his insistence, the volunteers did not
discriminare according to the colour of could get their hands on it.
the soldiers' uniforms; medica! care was 4 Today, the Internacional Red Cross and Red
given to all. From this principie arose Crescem Movement has almost 100 million
the organisation that Dunant helped to members, who operare all over the world.
found four years later - the International Its emblem, the inverse of Swirzerland's
Committee of the Red Cross. national flag, is an internacional symbol of
hurnanirarian grace.
2 Dunant ~as an unlikely hero. Born in
Geneva, he was a poor student who 5 If his organisation is a giant force for
~em on ro become an even worse good, Henri Dunam hirnself is barely

B Read the text again. One sentence has been removed from each D Find words in the text to match
paragraph. Add sentences 1-5 to the correct place in the paragraphs. definitions 1-8.
1 The re was little organised medica! care. the period of time after something
2 Time and again he found himself fleeing his debts. (e.g. war, storm) when peo ple are still
dealing with the results. (paragraph 1)
3 He withd rew from the wo rld, but all this changed in 189S when an article
was w ritten about the lnternatio nal Committee of the Red Cross. 2 the violent killing of many people at one
time (parag raph 1)
4 Fro m Dunant 's early solo efforts, the o rganisatio n has grown steadily
over the last ISO years. 3 injured by a weapon such as a gun or a
knife (parag raph 1)
S His wish was granted.
4 scatt ered o r thrown aro und a large area
C Are the statements about the text true (T) or false (F)? (parag raph 1)
Dunant took part in the Battle of So lfe rino. S someone who receives something
2 Dunant discussed business with Napo leon 111. (paragraph 3)
3 Dunant served on the committee of the Red Cross. 6 people, banks or companies that you owe
money to (paragraph 3)
4 Dunant lived in many countries because he wanted his o rganisation to
grow. 7 a picture, shape or object that is used to
represent a country o r organisation
S Dunant was well known until 189S .
(paragraph 4)
6 The emblem of the Red Cross is the same as Switzerland 's natio nal flag.
8 the complete o pposite of something
7 Dunant did not want to be buried in Heiden or Geneva. (paragraph 4)
8 In the hospital where Dunant died , a future president of the Red Cross
was bo rn .
VOCABULARY decisions 3A Read the hypothetical situation below and think
about what you would do.
1 Write one word in each gap to complete the letter and
You are in a hurryto catch a plañe home after a
the Agony Aunt's response.
long trip. You stop briefly to buy a present for your
partner. While you are in the shop, you see someone
shoplifting. If you report the theft, you will probably
miss your p lane. What do you do?

Dear Suki,
B 4.3 listen toa man and woman discussing the
I'rn '- - a tric.k~ predic.arnerrt. Four rnorrlhs situation. Who says the sentences below, the man (M) or
ago a f'riend was f'ired f'rorn the c.ornpan~ the woman (W)? Three of the sentences are not used.
where we both worked. He i& now doing
lf 1 ever found myself in this situation, l'd probably just
c.on&Uiting work f'or a rival c.ornpan~ and 1 ,
ignore it.
think he ha& started giving awa~ our c.ornpan~ &
rec.rets. I'rn now 2.___ with a dilernrna. Do 2 lf it was up to me, l'd turn the shoplifter in to the police.
1 c.onf'ront hirn about this and ri&k losing our 3 Given the choice, l'd just ignore it.
f'riend&hip or, &hould 1 &a~ nothing '? I'rn also 4 No way would 1ignore it.
t~ing to 3_ _ up the pros and c.ons of' S l'd just as soon tell the shopkeeper.
telling rn~ bos&, but 1't dec.ide. 1 h.:r..e to
6 Without a shadow of a doubt l'd tell someone.
't into c.ons,ideration the f'ad that 1
f,.:r..e no proof' again&t rn~ f'riend. 7 My preference would be just to alert someone to what's
going on.
8 Far better to miss your plane.
9 This would be by far the best option.
t:>ecw Mel,
1O l'd sooner do that than let the shoplifter get away with it.
you. 111-eeol to t~ssess 5 _ _ _ s~tu.t~t~o111- fr-oV~-~-
ol~ffer-elll-t v~ewpo~111-ts . ls l::jOu.r- fr-~e~~~-ol br-et~R-~111-g
tl1e Lt~w? M~g11t l::jOU.r- boss t~Lr-e&~ol¡j R-111-ow wl1t~t LEARNTO add emphasis
11e's olo~111-g ? H-ow V~-~-u.cl1 secr-et ~ ~~~-for-V~-~-t~t~o~~~-
oloes 11e 11t~ve? Bet~r- ~~~~- 6 _ _ _ tl1e ft~ct tl1&~t 4A Circle the corred option to complete the
coV~-~-pt~111-~es 11t~ve few r-et~L secr-ets tl1ese ol&~!::js .
SV~-~-plo!::jees te111-ol to V~-~-ove " Lot betwee~~~-
coV~-~-pt~ ~~~-~es "111-ol t&~ R.e soV~-~-e ~~~~-s~ole R-111-owleo!ge A: Smoking should be banned.
w~tl1 tl1eV~-~- . so, befor-e l::jOU. olo &1111-!::jt11~~~~-g, t11~~~~-R. B: 1___ agree.
r _ __ t11r-ou.gl1 ct~r-efu.LL!::j . w~t11ou.t pr-oof, ~s a) incredibly b) completely e) am
tl1er-e &1111-!::j po~111-t ~~~~- tt~LR.~~~~-g to l::jOu.r- boss t~bou.t
~t? Also co~~~-síoler- tl1e be111-e~ts &~111-ol S?_ _ _ of
2 A: 1think you should resign.
C0111-ft-o111-t~111-g !::jOU.t' fr-~e111-ol . W11t~t w~ll 11e S&l!::j? B: That's out of the ___ .
H-e'LL e~t11er- t~o!V~-~-~t ~t, ~~~~- wl1~cl1 ct~se l::jOU.r- a) possibility b) order e) question
fr-~e~~~-olsl1 ~p ~s ove~-; or- 11e'LL ole111-l::j ~t, ~~~~- wl1~cl1
3 A: Why are you leaving?
ct~se !::jOu.r- fr-~e~~~-olsl1~p ~s st~LL over.
Su.R,~, Ago111-l::j Au.111-t B: The ___ is, l'm too old for this job.
a) fact b) way e) certainty
4 A: Will you buy me that laptop?
B: No _ _ .

FUNCTION expressing hypothetical a) possibility b) chance e) chances

preferences S A: Why aren't you coming?
B: The ___ is, l've had enough of parties.
2 Cross out the extra word in seven of the sentences.
a) thought b) idea e) thing
Without a shadow but of a doubt, l'd choose Johnny.
6 A: Can 1borrow your motorbike?
2 My preference would be to have a female president.
B: Not ___ your life.
3 lf it was for up to me, l'd never do that.
a) on b) by e) for
4 No right way would 1do that.
7 A: 1think mobile phones are a good learning tool.
S l'd justas soon stay at home as travel.
B: You're ___ right.
6 Far the better to be a living coward than a brave corpse.
a) really b) incredibly e) absolutely
7 Given to the choice, l'd prefer to go by plane than train.
8 l'd sooner to live here than there. B 4.4 Listen and check.
9 This would be by very far the best option. C listen again and repeat B's sentences. Pay attention to
1O lf 1ever found myself in this situation, 1wouldn 't panic. the intonation.

GRAMMAR noun phrases GRAMMAR relative clauses

1 Add details to the sentences by using the information in 3 Complete the second sentence so that it has a
brackets to make noun phrases. Pay attention to word order. similar meaning to the first. Use the prompts and
1 Bones have been found . (in a cave/apile of/in Ethiopia/ your own words.
prehistoric) 1 She's written two books, but 1haven't read either
A pi/e o[ prehistoric bones hove been [ound in a cave in Ethiopia. of them.
2 lt was a necklace. (that he'd given her/diamond/ IS-carat/with NEITHER.
a gold chain) She's written two books, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
2 lf your meeting is cancelled, you can come to lunch
3 We moved to the town. (where we'd met/small/border/for with me.
the first time) CASE
Your meeting may be cancelled, in _ _ _ _ __
4 They bought her a car. (worth t:SO,OOO/sports/brand new/
red) 3 1spoke to six people and not one had heard of
Justin Bieber.
S He gota tattoo. (multicoloured/on his arm/of his daughter/ NONE
large) 1 spoke to six people, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4 We should be grateful for the fact that no one was
6 Jodie bought a cat. (grey/with a white mark on its face/tiny/ hurt in the accident.
Siamese) WHICH
No one was hurt in the accident, _ _ _ _ _ __
7 She married a teacher. (from Jordan/Science/ charming/but
based in France) S When he got out of the car, 1 realised he was
8 Let's meet in the restaurant. (on the corner/ltalian/same/ POINT
where we ate mussels) He got out of the car, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
6 The majority of the SO,OOO people at the concert
had been fans in the 60s.
There were SO,OOO people at the concert, _ __
2 In each description 1-4 the three underlined words are
jumbled up. Swap them round so they are in the right place. 7 That man's books inspired meto become an
1 The 1congestion was just terrible. The transport system
is especially bad so everyone drives everywhere. BOOKS
which leads to a lot of traffic 2dreary. The downtown He's the writer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
area is quite 3 infrastructure, too - just tall, grey office 8 This is the hotel where that actor died .
2 The landscape was very 4 deserted- snow-capped This is the hotel _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
mountains and little streams. Despite its fame, the place
is completely 5picturesque and untouched by the 9 We arrived at the airport at 6.00, but our plane had
tourist industry. In fact, it was 6 unspoilt we didn't see already left.
anyone else for over an hour. WHICH
We arrived at the airport at 6.00, by _ _ _ __
3 We arrived in a very 7 airy area full of boarded-up
buildings and dogs roaming the streets. Our hotel was
very 8 run-down from the outside- barely lit, walls dark 1O My parents love dancing so they're going to do a
with dirt. But at least the rooms were 9 gloomy, with tango course.
large, high windows and a view of the city. BOTH
4 our hotel was close toa 10ancient market. It was great My parents, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
to wander around. though it got a bit 11 bustling in the
evenings. The other nice thing is that the area is full of
12chilly buildings, sorne dating from the fifteenth century.


4 Complete B's responses with the words in the box plus 6 Join words in A and B to complete the sentences.
the correct prefix.

attl active behaves cooked criminalised historie freedom

moral nourished populated replaceable social early
A: That house is so ugly.
B: Yes, it is rather unattractive
2 A: We'll never find another leader like Sami.
B: Yes, he's absolutely _ _ _ __
3 A: That child is completely out of control.
B: 1know. His parents do nothing when he
1 By copying my essay, they stole my _ __ __

4 A: Lola hates talking to people. 2 You cannot silence someone if your country has
B: 1know. She's very _ _ _ __
3 1had for burglary and theft, but 1was innocent.
5 A: What that banker did was very unethical.
4 The lawyer brought in that proved she was
B: 1agree. 1thought it was completely _ _ _ __
6 A: The city has far too many people.
5 For that kind of erime, 1think _ _ _ _ _ is suitable.
B: Yes, l'd heard it was _ _ __ _
6 We need stricter _ _ _ _ _ laws to prevent criminals
7 A: Many will starve because of the disaster. from buying weapons.
B: Over thirty percent of the children there are already 7 You are for the murder of Bill Hobbs!
8 His lawyer negotiated his from prison .
8 A: The meat tasted almost raw.
9 With the increase in pollution, _ _ _ _ _ becomes
B: Yes, 1thought it was a bit _ _ _ __ even more important.
9 A: lt's not illegal any more. 1O Boys and girls as young as five are involved in _ _ _ __
B: Yes, 1heard it had been _ _ _ __ 11 Even if you clase the border, it won 't stop _ _ _ __
1O A: These paintings were done befo re recorded time. 12 The of poor countries will be helped by
B: So you 're saying they 're _ _ _ __ this trade agreement.

FUNCTION making a proposal

S Read the proposal. Sorne lines have an extra word.
Tick the correct lines and write the extra words.
Just to give over sorne background information, the proposal is based on the Dutch 1 _QYg[_

town of Groningen, which has the highest percentage of bicycle use in Europe. 2 _./_
To start with, l'm going to talk to briefly about the benefits of a 'cycling' city. 3
The strong aim of the project is to reduce the number of cars in the city centre. 4
The main and objective of our proposal is to improve the environment while also 5
providing economic and health boosts for the population. 6
What we are plan to do is create a car-free city centre . 7
We're going to build walkways, cycle lanes and a bus lane. 8
This solution will help us make the city a very better place to live. 9
In the first of instance, this would mean digging up the main roads. 10
The long-term of benefits include healthier lifestyles for citizens, 11
less pollution and an end to traffic congestion . 12
So, basically, what we're for proposing is to completely change our town. 13
ls there anything that needs the clarification? 14

GRAMMAR introductory it GRAMMAR the perfect aspect

7 Complete the text with the phrases in 9 Underline the correct alternatives.
the box. A valuable collection of film posters 1has been discovered 1 had been
discovered in the walls of a Victorian home. Last week, just days after Joseph
find it impossible it always amazes
Winkleman 2has bought 1 had bought the house, a storm hit and rain poured
it appears that it's believed that the
through the roof, damaging the walls. Winkleman 3 has been planning 1 had
it's no it's pointless it will be easier
been planning to reconstruct the walls, but the storm meant he started
love it make it clear it makes
immediately. As workers tore down the plaster, they found thousands of old
film posters. Previously, the house 4 had been belonging 1 had belonged to the
_ _ _ _ _ thieves don't like pink.
son of a man who had been the manager of a local cinema during the 1920s
Reacting to a recent increase in petty theft
and 30s and was thought Sto have been 1 to had been wealthy. lt turns out
from gardens, police are advising people to
that for twenty years, the cinema manager 6had brought 1 had been bringing
paint their garden tools pink. 2_ _ _ __
the posters home and using them as insulation for the walls. So far, the
'Paint it Pink' project will be successful for
posters 7will have been 1 have been valued at $280,000 but the renovation
two reasons: firstly, 3 to
work still isn't finished and there may be more treasures. Winkleman, an
identify the stolen goods and secondly,
ex-boxer who 8will have worked 1 has been working as a counsellor since
4 the re-selling of the stolen
2001, said he was amazed 9to have been coming across 1 to have come across
items more difficult because few buyers want
such treasure. ' 101'd never imagined 1 /'d never been imagining anything like this
pink tools. As everyone knows,
could happen. Next Monday, 11 /'ve been living 1 /'I/ have been living he re two
S trying to retrieve, say, a black
weeks and 12/'// have 'earned' 1 /'d 'earned' 20,000 dollars' worth of antique
metal spade. There are millions of them. But
posters per day. '
a pink one is different.
Gardener Rod Hampson says,
•6 me when people leave their FUNCTION expressing hypothetical preferences
tools lying around in the garden.
7 wonder crime is rising. 1 O Read about a dilemma in a film. Then write one word in each gap to
Thieves 8 when they can just complete the conversation.
jump over a fence and grab something. But
they'd 9 to sell a bright pink
tool.' ~~ Tfl.~.~Q~ ............... ....... ................... .
The poli ce want to 10 that Screen 1 2p.m., 6p.m., 8.30p.m.
people should also use padlocks and sheds, A character is presented with a dilemma: if she pushes a button,
but that 'Paint it Pink' is an additional she will receive a payment of $1 ,000,000, but somewhere in the
measure. • world someone who she doesn't know w ill die.

Rod: lt's an interesting idea, but 1 way would 1sacrifice a

VOCABULARY PLUS lexical human life just for money. Without a shadow of a 2_ _ _ __
chunks l'd refuse to push the button.
Ulrich: 1sort of agree, but there might be exceptional circumstances. For
8A Mat~h 1-5 with a)-e) to make
example, if the million dollars could pay for an operation to save
complete sentences.
a child 's life and it was, say, a very sick hundred-year-old who was
1 Oisgraced politician Mary Klein escaped going to die . . . Obviously, 3 the choice, l'd rather not
2 He decided to take the law into be the person pushing the button, but . . .
3 Children practise rough Rod: No, whatever the circumstances, far better 4_ _ _ _ _ let fate
4 When it comes to catching the bad guys, decide.
it's up Ulrich: Well yes, my preference S be to leave it to fate, but if
S lt was the sheriff's job to uphold 1ever found 6 in this situation, l'd ha veto think hard
about it.
a) justice by fleeing the country. Rod: So what would you have done if it was you in the film?
b) to the police to get the job done. Ulrich: lf it was 7 to me, l'd have asked for more information
e) justice on each other every da y of the about the circumstances of the person's death!
week. Rod: 1 don 't think that was part of the deal!
d) justice, but he was past retirement age. Ulrich: 1 know. What about you?
e) his own hands when he realised he had Rod: l'd just say a straight 'no' and walk away. That would be
no choice. 8 far the best option.

B Underline the lexical chunks in a)-e).

The first one has been done for you.

Circle the correct option to complete the sentences. 16 The accused man _ _ _ _ his innocence, but he
Dad likes noisy towns, but 1 prefer places was convicted.
where you can relax in peace. a) protested b) said e) fought
a) bustling b) ancient e) tranqui l 17 She made _ _ _ _ against her conviction, so there
2 We shouted, but no one replied; the place was was another tri al.
completely _ _ __
a) a complaint b) a protest e) an appeal
a) unspoilt b) deserted e) picturesque 18 1try not to scratch the itch, but 1
3 We lived in a _ _ _ _ village.
a) have it done b) made it e) can't help it
a) little busy fishing b) fishing busy little 19 lf you could help us, we'd
e) busy little fishing
a) appreciate it b) appreciate
4 Mel brought a _ _ _ _ cake to my party.
e) appreciate for it
a) homemade chocolate delicious 20 that a cleaner has won a lottery worth
b) delicious chocolate homemade $45,000,000.
e) delicious homemade chocolate
a) lt seems reported b) lt's been reported
5 She arrived with her John, who we'd e) There's been reported
heard so much about.
21 We need to bring criminals like him _ _ __
a) handsome ex-policeman boyfriend immediately.
b) handsome boyfriend ex-policeman
a) for justice b) to justice e) justice
e) ex-policeman handsome boyfriend
22 Thousands hit the streets justice for the
6 My first apartment was a little place with
accused .
bad lighting and no space.
a) appealing b) protesting e) demanding
a) gaudy b) roomy e) poky
23 You look exhausted. _ _ _ _ all night?
7 This courtyard is nice and . lt'll keep us
out of the sun for a while. a) Had you been working
b) Have you worked
a) dreary b) shady e) ancient
e) Have you been working
8 1 read the list of prize winners, some
24 l'm fed up! By 5.00 1'11 _ _ _ _ in this office for six
names seemed familiar.
a) of whom b) of which e) of whose
a) wait b) have been waiting
9 That's the CD _ _ _ _ my brother played bass e) have waited
25 The missing person seems contacted
a) that b) on whom e) on which anyone for several days.
1O They called my name at 4.00, _ _ _ _ l'd fallen a) to not have b) that he hasn't e) not to have
26 Will this law affect our liberties?
a) by which time b) at that time e) by that time
a) civil b) civilian e) human
1 1 They beat us by playing well and because we'd
_ _ _ _ them . 27 between our countries will benefit
a) overestimated b) underestimated e) estimated
a) Trade free b) Free economics e) Free trade
12 lt was all a terrible _ _ __
28 Without a shadow of , this is the best
a) misunderstanding b) non-understanding thing todo.
e) mal-understanding
a) the doubt b) a doubt e) thought
13 1'11 start by a bit of background
29 lf it was up _ _ _ _ me, l'd go to Hamburg.
information about the idea.
a) to b) for e) by
a) telling b) giving e) making
30 That idea is of the question. lt's too
14 The benefit is that, in fifty years, our
company will still be here .
a) not b) off e) out
a) highest b) short-term e) long-term
15 W e managed to _ _ _ _ a so lution to the pollution
a) come up to b) think up with ··~ii9~11l•• /30 1
e) com~ up with

VOCABULARY idioms: secrets READING

1A Complete the conversations. 4A Read the text opposite and answer
A: Come on! Tell us what happened when you arrived . the questions.
B: Yes, go on. Spill the _ _ __ 1 Where did the writer find the letters?
2 A: Oh dear. That was close. 1 nearly gave the game _ _ __ a) in the eorner of the kitehen

B: Really? What did you say? b) in the eorner of an old dresser

3 A: 1think 1might have let it _ _ _ _ that we're planning a party. e) under a door in the kitehen

B: Davide! That's supposed to be a seeret. 2 Why were the early months in Franee
4 A: Can 1tell you something about the management eommittee?
a) She eouldn 't speak the language.
B: Sure. 1 promise 1'11 sehtum if anyone asks me.
b) She was living in the middle of nowhere.
S A: They are so seeretive.
e) Her husband was dying.
B: 1 know. l'd love to know what goes on behind closed _ _ __
3 What kind of letters were they?
6 A: 1ean't believe 1told him you were planning to leave. l'm sorry.
a) personal family eorrespondenee
B: Yes, you really let the out of the bag.
b) offieialletters from the army
B ® 5 .1 Listen and check. e) love letters from a soldier
4 Why was the mother's letter
GRAMMAR modal verbs and phrases inconsiderate?
a) She seemed unaware of how diffieult
2 Underline the correct alternative. things were for her son.
1 l'm worried about Eva. 1 really think 1 shouldlmust have told her the truth. b) She tells the son private information
2 'Do you know how they got together?' 'Yes, 1think they maylshould have about his wife.
met when they were at eollege.' e) She seemed oblivious to the priee
3 1had tolmust leave my last job beeause 1just eouldn't stand it any more. ehanges that were happening.
4 lf we're going to be late, 1 think we ought/'d better to let the organisers S How does the son reaet to his mother's
know. letter?
S You're ought/supposed to be able to open the box here. a) He writes to tell his mother he wishes
6 You didn 't need/needn't have brought your laptop after all. We've got to have no more eontaet with her.
one 'already. b) He writes to as k his mother to try and
7 Guido's planning on beeoming a tour guide. 1couldn't/shouldn 't do that. be more understanding of the diffieult
l'd hate it. situation.
8 You'd better not/shou/dn't mention that you saw me here. That would e) He writes to his wife complaining
give the game away. about the mother's behaviour.
9 Sometimes telling the truth can/can't get you into more trouble than it's 6 What does the writer plan to do with the
worth. letters?
1O We must/ought leave befo re the poliee get here! a) She would like to return them to the
3 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the b) She plans to publish them as a book.
first. Use the words in the box and any other necessary words. e) She wants to give them to her
banned eompulsory dared foreed permissible grandehildren .

B Complete the sentences with the

All employees must attend these boring weekly meetings.
underlined words from the text.
The boring weekly meetings _ _ _ _ __ _ _ all employees.
She spoke about her
2 Student protests may be disallowed altogether if the violenee eontinues. experienees during the war.
Student protests _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ violenee eontinues. 2 The writing was so small, 1 eould
3 The former policeman was made to retire after nearly thirty-two years of _ _ _ _ see who had written the letter.
serviee. 3 During his life, he has suffered many
The former polieeman _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ thirty-two years of serviee.
4 From then on, nobody had the eourage to ask any more questions. 4 The extremely harsh weather was diffieult
to _ _ __
From then on, any more questions.
S l'm afraid that this kind of behaviour is simply not allowed. S 1couldn't help feeling that 1was
_ _ _ _ on their private eonversation.
l'm afraid that _ _ _ _ _ _ __
6 We wrote to her parents _ _ __
them for their help in the matter.
WRITING a narrative
SA Choose the correct time phrases to
complete the story.

o ni a Go nzalez's parents were

Mexican immigrants who
had moved ro the USA
- - - she was born.
How~ver, 2 _ _ _ things
hadn t wo rked out quite as
. they might have planned.
3 - - , ne1ther of her parents had
learned to speak English, and Sonia's father
Mo+ber often struggled ro find work. Life wasn't
easy and ' 4 -.-- ' So ma . grew up quickly
out of necesSJty. Sonia's morher always
Sec..reis .frorn iirnes seemed .to be pregnan t ' and spent most
We had been in the old French farmhouse barely two months ofher nme lying in bed and watch'
when my husband received the most terrible news. He was television S - - - Soma . was left romg
poorly, and, as it turned out, he had only a few months to live. and tidy the house and look after her
You can imagine then that the following months, living alone yo unger bro thers. 6 - - - , th ere were
in the French countryside, were difficult. When the long winter many rows · 7 - - ' aft er an argument
was over, l decided to clear out the house and re-arrange when Sonia tried to finish her schoolwork
the furniture , putting fresh paint on the walls and re-planting . with the family e h ores, 11er
befo re dealing
the garden. l wanted the house to look as my husband would mother decJded rhat it was time for h
.. h er
[to vJsJt
, er grandmother ¡'n Me.XICO . an d
have liked it.
lt was when l took the heavy wooden doors off the antique .earn the ways of the old world' an d th e
. of ' la familia' . 8- - ,a
dresser in the kitchen that l found a small brown package,
tnp .~as planned and Sonia headed south
tucked up into one of the corners. lt was a handful of letters,
to. VlSJt her cousins· 9· · - - - sh e met h er
sorne hand-written, others typed. They had been wrapped in
WJse grandmother, Sonia knew that here
brown greaseproof paper. l sat at the old kitchen table and
was someone who understood her. The old
carefully unwrapped them one by one. The letters were dated
d could see 10· - - - th at Soma . had
1917 and were the correspondence between a British mother
reams 'that wo uld take her far beyond her
and her soldier son, who had obviously been sent to France
mother s expectations.
during the First World War. As l read the words sent between
the two, l wept.
The first was a letter from the mother, in which she seems
a) eventually b) just before
quite oblivious to the hardships her son is having to endure
on the front line. She complains of the price of coal and vests, e) from the beginning
but most poignantly, she bitterly criticises the behaviour of 2 a) from then on b) in the meantime
the young soldier's wife, now heavily pregnant. She complains e) as soon as
that the young wife did not invite her mother-in-law to spend 3 a) Eventually b) lmmediately
time with them befare the soldier left for France. e) From the beginning
l read the son's reply to his mother, in which he calmly 4 a) in the meantime b) previously
explains his lave for his wife and their desire to spend sorne e) as soon as
time alone now that they are married. He ends by imploring S a) while b) after e) sinee
his mother to have more patience, and be more open-minded
and understanding towards his new wife. He says, 'Now is 6 a) The moment b) Subsequently
not the time for quarrelling. If you were in my position, or my e) Ever sinee
brother's, you would realise more fully what it is to be miles 7 a) Ever sinee b) Afterwards
away from your own fireside , not knowing when death may e) One day

overcome you: 8 a) Eventually b) In the meantime

lt was the most extraordinary feeling to hold the letters in e) Just before
my hands. l felt as if l was intruding on their most private 9 a) lnstantly b) lmme diately
correspondence - secrets from the past - and l so desperately e) As soon as
hoped that the young man had returned safely home to his 1O a) the moment b) instantly
loved ones l have since been trying to contact the family e) ever sinee
l'm hoping that perhaps one of the grandchildren or great
grandchildren will be alive today; and l can pass on the letters, ~ Write a paragraph to end the story
which forro such an intimate part of their family history 100:-150 words) . lnclude two or three of
the time phrases from the text.
GRAMMAR the passive 2 Complete the sentences with suitable words. All the
sentences contain passives or causatives.
1 Choose the correct options to complete the text. 1 What can about the problem of
global warming? 'A lot,' say scientists.
:'' '~\,l\\11/l///~ ;._
2 Today there thought _ _ _ _ --~-
around 400 types of cheese in France.
3 When she was ten, Gracie her wisdom teeth
4 lt said that ghosts have seen in this
For years~a romantic story 1_ about Hollywood
wonder-boy Steven Spielberg. According to legend, the
director managed to infiltrate Universal Pictures when he 5 All bilis must by the first of the
was a High School student. month.
The story goes like this: the precocious 17-year-old was 6 Oh no! My car stolen! 1can't see it
on a tour of the studio when he escaped during a toilet anywhere.
break and 2_ caught by a man who worked there. 7 Dom's never this late. He must _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Spielberg expected 3_ to leave, but the man 4 _ out. _ _ _ _ the wrong directions by Nick.
Instead, he chatted to Spielberg and gave him a pass to get 8 That medicine is to _ _ _ _ _ _ __
into the studio the following day, which Spielberg used.
more than twice a day. lt's very strong.
The day after that, Spielberg had no pass but, determined
9 Hooray! Next Christmas, everyone in the office
to enter the studio again, he put on a black suit, took bis _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ a €1 000 bonus.
father's briefcase and bluffed bis way past the guard. The
briefcase contained nothing but a sandwich and two 1O 1940s legend Joe Louis is often said _ _ __
candy bars. _ ___ _ _ _ _ the greatest boxer in history.
5_ said that Spielberg played the same trick every day 1 1 My mother on by the
for the rest of the summer, wandering around film sets, surgeon right now. lt's a simple procedure.
rubbing shoulders with actors, directors and writers. One 12 He his son to us for the mess, so
day, the story goes, he carne across a room that 6_ . He the kid came over and said 'sorry '.
set up an office, put bis name on the door, went to the
main switchboard, introduced himself and 7_ him an
extension number so he could receive calls. 8_ claimed VOCABULARY truth or myth
that it was two years before he was discovered by the
bosses at Universal Pictures. 3 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar
The story, it turns out, is a wild exaggeration. The meaning to the first. Use three words, including the word
teenaged Spielberg 9_ given a phone extension for given.
two years. In truth, he didn't even have an office. He was 1 Can you prove that this is true?
introduced to Hollywood by a friend of bis father, and VERIFY
rather than wandering around freely, Spielberg 10_
Are you able _ _ _____ _ _ _ __
employed d~>ing paperwork.
2 In the 1950s, people believed that smoking did no harm .
So Spielberg's introduction to the business 11_ as a
myth. But is that surprising or 12_ expected? This, after CONVENTIONAL
all, is Hollywood, the land of myths and heroes. In the 1950s, was that
smoking was harmless.
1 a) is being told b) is telling e) has been told 3 We need to expose that myth .
2 a) was b) had been e) must be DEBUNKING
3 a) to ask b) that he as k e) to be asked That
4 a) didn 't have b) didn 't have e) had him not 4 No one believes that theory any more .
him throw him thrown thrown
5 a) That's b) lt's e) lt
That theory
6 a) wasn 't being b) wasn 't been e) didn 't use
5 The journalist decided to reveal the facts.
used used
7 a) had assigned b) had the e) had the
operator to operator The journalist decided to
assign assign
8 a) lt's also b) lt has al so e) What's also 6 Many people think bats are blind.
9 a) hadn 't b) wasn 't to be e) wasn 't HELD
10 a) was b) was to have e) had The idea that bats are blind is a
11 a) is to recognise b) is now e) is recognising
12 a) it is to be b) is it to be e) is it for being
4A Read the definition of an urban myth.
What urban myth do you think is shown in
the picture?

urban myth (n): a shocking or

sensational story that spreads vía
different media. Many people believe
it is true despite lirtle or no evidence.

B 5.2 Listen toa radio interview to check

your answer.
VOCABULARY PLUS multi-word verbs
C Listen again and circle the correct answers.
Who believes the myth, according to the presenter?
S The pairs of sentences are missing the same
preposition. Decide which preposition is missing and add
a) no one
it to both sentences in the correct place.
b) almost everyone out
e) plenty of intelligent people a) John and the gang are hanging}Jn the car park.
2 What metaphor does the guest speaker mention? out
a) alligators as danger and darkness b) 1 only just foundÁabout your great news.
b) the city asan urban jungle
2 a) She was hurt quite badly, but she soldiered till the end .
e) cities as monsters
b) Don't wait forme- l'm going to be late. You just
3 How did the urban myth start?
a) Baby alligators were found in sewers in Florida.
3 a) The government is planning to crack on antisocial
b) Teenagers put an alligator in the sewers in the 1930s. behaviour.
e) New Yorkers were said to flush their pet alligators b) You'd better slow - that pedestrian hasn 't seen you .
down the toilet.
4 a) She spent hours poring those documents and found
4 Who was Robert Daley? nothing.
a) aman who wrote a book about New York's utilities b) lf you ha ve a problem, you can talk it with me.
b) the superintendent of city sewers S a) On Sundays, we like to lounge at home.
e) a teenager who found an alligator in the sewers b) You can't mess here in the factory - it's too
S Why did Teddy May go into the sewers to investigare dangerous.
a) because he was doing some research for a book 6 a) l'm just going to put these dishes.
b) because he wanted to see alligators b) That concert was amazing. We were completely
e) because his workers said they 'd seen alligators blown.
6 What does the speaker say about Teddy May? 7 a) You're working too slowly. You need to speed.
a) He was quite famous for telling unbelievable stories. b) He added so me avocado and feta cheese to jazz the
b) He was a reliable witness because he worked in the
sewers for a long time. 8 a) 1think they'll pension me next year. 1'11 be seventy by
e) He carried a gun to work in case he saw alligators.
b) The match was called because they couldn 't raise
7 Why do scientists think it's unlikely that alligators live in
a team .
the sewers?
9 a) Seeing you again brings lots of memories of school.
a) Alligators need a more varied diet than they can get in
the sewers. b) Try to think to your childhood; what can you
b) Alligators wouldn't survive the cold, pollution and
darkness. 1O a) James really stands in the crowd, wearing that
enormous hat!
e) Alligators cannot live in the presence of so many rats
and cockroaches. b) You know l'm always prepared to speak against
injustice, wherever 1find it.

VOCABULARY journalism LEARNTO manage a conversation

1 Complete the crossword. 3A Complete the conversation with the words

•• •• in the box.

another don 't feel going

•••• •• •
hold interesting stand
suppose think wanted

• •• •• •• A: So, what do you 1 about the issue of

downloading music from the internet? How do

• •• ••
you 2 about it?
B: Well , it's an3 question to consider.
14 , if you think about it, everyone

• •• should always pay for their music because that's
how the musicians earn their money.

• .

C: That's right. Because if you want to listen to

music which ...
5 on a minute. 16 to
say that the problem is that music companies
charge so much for music sometimes. That 's
why people are tempted to download for free.

4 l've heard from a reliable ___ that the company is in trouble. C: But 7 you think that we should be
allowed to download for free? lt helps the
6 The findings of the report were ___ to the press.
band to become popular and then they can
7 lt was thought that the man had access to ___ information make their money from doing live music gigs
regarding national security. and things like that; or from selling T-shirts and
8 Ajay lost his job when it was discovered he was the source of the other merchandise - coffee mugs and . ..
A: Yes. But 8 back to what you were
Down saying about musicians earning money from
writing songs: surely they should be paid for
The newspaper had a major ___ by publishing the story ahead
that, too? Where do you 9 on that?
of their rivals.
B: Absolutely. 1mean, they can make money in
2 His m!lin interest lay in ___ journalism, where he could work
other ways, but the music is their intellectual
like a detective to uncover the story.
property and they should be paid for it.
3 We can be su re that sooner or later the ___ will out.
C: Sorry, and 10 thing. lf a band is
5 The family is seeking an ___ against the book's publication. popular, so people have downloaded lots of
their music, then they'll be invited to festivals.
There are lots of other ways they can still make
FUNCTION making a point money.
2 Write sentences with the prompts and your own words. B: Yes, but the point l'm trying to make is that they
what 1 basically 1 saying 1 depends 1 final result shouldn 't have to give their music away for free .
C: lt's not something l've thought about before,
but ...
2 point 1 1 1 trying 1 make 1 that 1 we 1 can't afford 1 waste time
B ® 5.3 Listen and check.
3 facts 1 suggest 1 that 1 high prices 1 are 1 consequence 1 C Look at the conversation again and
shortage in demand
underline the expressions used to manage the
4 do 1 think 1 that 1 always 1 case?
O ® 5 .4 Listen and check. Then listen again
and repeat.
5 is 1 any 1 way 1 prove 1 that?

6 if 1 you 1 think 1 about 1 it 1 simply 1 doesn't 1 make 1 sense

7 can 1 we 1 certain 1 this?

8 let 1 put 1 this way 1 the company 1 going 1 out of business


VOCABULARY trends and predictions GRAMMAR future forms

1 Choose the correct options to complete the text. 2 Cross out the option which is not possible.
·1 The government _ _ introduce a new tax on imports
Three predictions about next year.
travel in the next fifty years a) is dueto b) could be to e) is to
By Jeff Smith 1811 October 31 81 17.31 p.m. 1Science 2 We can 't visit them now because it's 12.00, and they'll
The 1_ are that the rising cost of oil will make air bed.
travel all but obsolete except for the super-rich. a) be in b) have been in e) have gone to
Current figures 2_ to the fact that prices may reach 3 We will _ _ there because it's a lot quicker than
€1 0,000 for just a short trip abroad, and the days of driving.
zooming across Europe for the price of a coach ticket a) fly b) be flying e) be to fly
will be nothing but a 3_ memory. 'Staycations' and
4 By the time you next see me, 1'11 _ _ here for six
virtual tours of exotic places will replace vacations, months.
putting a serious dent in the tourist industry.
a) have been living b) have lived e) live
Cars will downsize. Those gas-guzzling monsters that S 1think my team _ _ the Cup this year.
fill the roads today will soon become a 4_ of the
a) is going to win b) is winning e) will win
past. Law-makers are 5_ to intervene in favour of
eco-friendly cars, while people will believe 'smaller 6 This time next week 1 on a beach in Thailand!
is better' as parking spaces fail to grow in proportion a) 'm going to be lying b) am dueto lying
to the population. The development of intelligent e) will be lying
cars will 6_ pace so that, by 2030, they will drive
3 Underline the correct verb forms to complete the text.

The big boom area will be trains. Following the How will your profession hove?
7_ in usable bio-fuels, small , compact trains
will be everywhere, regularly filling up at bio-fuel
changed by 2030 .
stations. The train is also 8_ to be silent. Acoustic
technicians may 9_ have come up with sound- Cooking with organic produces will 1have become 1 be
neutralising frequency waves that mute the carriage. being the norm by 2030. I also think we'll 2 have used 1
The 10_ of being deafened by engines and mobile be using more vegerable produces as society changes its
attirude rowards animals.
phone conversations will be over.
l've heard thar in sorne counrries, schools are
3for introducing 1 to introduce interactive smart boards
in every classroom. This might have an impact, but
teaching 4 /ooks to 1 will be largely the same as it is now
in most subjects.
In 2030 India 5is 1 will d.ue ro surpass C hina as the
world's most populous country. This will be a massively
importam momenr beca use India Gis going 1 could ro
beco me a major poli tical power on the back of its
M y profession 7couldn't 1 won't exist. We will have
8 beendestroying 1 destroyed the fish population and
ruined the industry by over-fishing.
a) opportunities b) truths e) signs (STEPHEN KNOX, FISHERMAN)

2 a) point b) signal e) target By 2030, we'll 9have developed 1 be to develop self-growing

organs that can be used by accident victims or patienrs
3 a) long b) far e) distant
with genetic diseases. In fact, this 10 could be 1 will have
4 a) moment b) thing e) memorial been becoming a reality as early as 2020.
S a) for b) bound e) definite (MARGARITA ORTAL MEDICAL BIOPHYSICIST)

6 a) gain b) get e) gather By 2030, we will 11be 1 have been books in sorne form
for over 4,000 years, so I think their co mplete demise
7 a) explosion b) growing e) popularity
is unlikely. They may get less popular, but they 12aren't going
8 a) ready b) likely e) thought to disappear 1 won't have disappeared any tim e soon.
9 a) right b) well e) but (ROGER LEVINE, PUBLISHER)
10 a) days b) day e) time
B Listen again and complete the sentences with one or two words.
PRONUNCIATION contractions
A canary will choo se a ___ that reveals your fortune.
4A Complete B's answers using the 2 Telling the future by examining the intestines of dead animals began in
prompts. Use future forms and contractions. Babylon and was continued by ___ and Romans.
1 A: How do you think you 'll do in this year's 3 To read the fu tu re, w e have looked at ___ and at the ski es. .
race? 4 The science that tells the future by looking at the stars is called ___ .
B: l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ! (going/win)
5 The technique of examining the face to tell the future began in ___ .
2 A: What will your life be like next year? 6 Physiognomists take ___ to be trained.
B: 1 famous.
7 Palm readers believe that aspects of our lives correspond to the
(become) ___ on our hands.
3 A: How will your work have changed by 8 The mo st famous object associated with fortune telling is the ___ .
B: lt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ much. (not/ e Circle a word in each extract 1-6 which matches one of the
change) definitions a}-f} . Write the correct letter.
4 A : What anniversary are you celebrating 1 A Nepalese ~am~ examines the intestines of a sacr ificed chicken . ..
tomorrow? ~

B: W e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for ten 2 Caesar himself used a seer to predict his own future. _
years. (marry) 3 .. . throughout history, man has always sought to read his future. _
5 A : Wh at t ime does the match start? 4 What will happen to me and my kin ?_
B: W e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ there at 5 Clues t o emot ional and physical health are fo und in the face, as well
1.00. (need/ be) as personality traits. _

B ® 6.1 Listen and check. Pay attention to 6 ... re mnants of past events and signals of events yet to come. _

the use of contractions. a) particul ar qualities in someone's ch ar acter

e Listen again and repeat B's answers, b) small parts of something that remain after the rest has gone
making sure you use contractions in the e) tribal religious leader who talks to spirits and cures illnesses
correct places. d) looked very hard to find something
e) someone who can see into the future and say wh at w ill happen
LISTENING f ) family

SA ® 6.2 Listen to part of a lecture about

ways of foretelling the future. Number the VOCABULARY PLUS prepositional phrases
pictures in the order they are discussed.
l_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5_ 6 Complete the text with the correct prepositions.

Nostradamus: the prophet for all the ''Eiges .:.,

Michel de Nostredame (1503-1566) is 1_ _ _ íerr the world's
most íamous íuturologist. His predictions have been pored
over, debated crr1d interpreted íor centuries. Were the 946
'quatrains' that he wrote the work oí crr1 extraordincrry
prophet who'd predicted everything írom the discovery oí
electricity to the birth oí Hitler crr1d the 200 l attack on the
World Trade Centre? Or was he a íake whose work is.:i- - -
effect. useless? While Nostradamus' writings retain their hold
on our irnagination, much oí his lite remains 3_ _ _ oí sight.
We erre told he was a skilful physicicrrl who treated patients
during the Black Death; other accounts say he íound hirnself
4_ _ _ dcrr1ger during the Inquisition, crr1d, 5_ _ _ risk oí
being tried íor heresy (thouscrrlds were put 6_ _ _ trial for
their beliefs), he fled his lcrr1d. He may have served as crr1
advisor to the King of Frcrr1ce crrld was, allegedly, influential
in 7_ _ _ least three other royal households. Knowing so
little about hirn, after five hundred yeerrs we would expect his
work crr1d reputation to be 8_ _ _ decline. The almcrr1acs he
wrote were for a more gullible age. Surely, 9 _ _ _ nature,
his íame should have dwindled? But it hasn't. l O_ __
present. there erre dozens oí films about hirn, numerous
Nostradamus societies crr1d countless cafés, restaurcrr1ts crr1d
games that beerr his name. It all begs the question: did he
hirnself know that his fame would stretch so ferr into the
VOCABULARY language GRAMMAR concession clauses
1A Complete the crossword. 2 Match 1-6 with a)-f) to make sentences.

Even though there are many advantages to working a night
shift, ...
2 He too k us to the most wonderful restaurant, ...

• •••••
•• • •• •
3 Whilst 1 take your point, .. .
4 Although we had only known each other for a short time, .. .
S Odd though it may seem to the rest of the family, . ..

•• • •• . 6 Des pite the dreadful weather, ...

a) my brother and 1rarely speak.

b) despite not really being able to afford it.

e) we had a fantastic holiday.
d) most people consider that the disadvantages outweigh any
financia! gain.

Across •
2 You should ___ your language, and refrain from
saying things which might offend people.
e) l'm afraid 1 can 't agree with what you're saying.
f) we felt like best friends.

Find and corred the mistake in six of the sentences.
Strange though it may seems, we were the only people left at
4 Where language difficulties cause communication the end of the party.
problems, we can say there is a language ___ . 2 Despite have such a huge influence, he was unable to secure
7 The ___ language of Brazil is Portuguese. the deal.

8 A language used to enable communication between 3 Whichever way you looking at it, it's still a really good deal.
people who do not share a mother tongue is a ___ . 4 In spite the surge in oil prices, ministers have assured us that
(2 words) petrol prices will remain stable.

Down S Whilst they chatted and laughed, we were busy organising

We can call the informal language people use on the
streets ___ language. 6 However we going about things, it's not going to be an easy
3 A language which is no longer spoken is a _ __
language. 7 Even if had we managed to identify the criminal previously,
we would never have been able to trace the jewels.
S A language which is spoken all over the world is a
___ language. 8 Though the slope seemed easy to climb at first, it became
gradually more difficult the higher we went.
6 Your ability to use appropriate language in a variety of
situations is your ___ of language.

8 Find and corred the mistake in each of the

sentences below.
Her lingua of French is fantastic . She can deal with any
kind of situation.
2 1 wouldn't be at all surprised if Mandarin or Farsi soon

become franca languages, spoken all around the world .

3 1 simply don't understand the point of studying a
barrier language, like Latin .
4 When my parents are around we have to command
our language!
S South Africa has eleven global languages, but many
other languages are commonly spoken, too.
6 lt's a really difficult working situation because of
the language mind between those who don't speak
Spanish and those who do.
7 We tend to use English at work as a lingua language
because everyone can understand it.
8 My official Greek is OK for getting around and buying
things in shops and cafés, but 1can't discuss politics or
anyth ing like that .
Consider these . Do yo u know someone who needs to
'take a chill pill ' (a notional pill taken to calm down)?
Wondering how you can afford to pay for your next
holiday? Why not t ry a 'staycation ' (a holiday spent in
one's own country) instead? Can you think of ;;tnyone
you ' d like to ' unfriend' ( or 'defriend'- re m ove someone
is our favourite from a 1ist of friends or contacts on a social networki ng
catchphrase site)? Or have you got any 'frenemies ' (people you are
friendly to despite a fundamental dislike or rivalry)?
Homer Simpson's catchphrase 'D'oh!' has been voted And it's not just cartoon characters who enjoy
the greatest contribution made by the famous yellow catchphrases. President Obama is pretty fond ofhis
cartoon family to the English language, beating other catchphrases, too. 'Make no mistake' is a phrase he
much-loved catchphrases from the long-running sitcom, used no less than 2,900 times during his first two years
including 'eat my shorts' and 'don't have a cow'. of office. Other signature Obama sayings include 'Here's
The exclamation 'D' oh ' , wh ich can be u sed to express the deal' (1,450 times) and ' Let me be clear,' (1 ,066
frustration that things haven 't turned out quite as you times) . And in recognition ofthe tough financia! times
might have liked them to, or that yo u ha ve j ust said or he was facing, his fifth most popular motto was 'lt will
done something foolish, was officially added to the not be easy. '
Oxford English Dictionary in 2001 . Experts say that by looking at the nature of the
lnterestingly, the last decade has seen an increase in catchphrases we adopt, we get an idea about sorne
the adoption of catchphrases, now used ubiquitously ofthe underlying things going on in society at any
in advertising and internet marketing. In fact, particular point. And we can predict how powerful
characters like Homer Simpson andan increase in a catchphrase will be by how strongly it evokes an
communications systems facilitated by the internet, emotion . The longest-lasting catchphrases conjure up
have led to a 'golden age' for the invention and strong feelings and are memorable . There's a good
inclusion of new words in the English language. Not reason why people will remember and use them. One
since Shakespeare's time have we seen so many new thing certainly seems to be true: the catchphrase is here
words and phrases so commonly adopted. to stay.


4A Look at the statements and decide if SA Rewrite the sentences using the prompts in brackets in the correct
they are true (T) or false (F). form and your own words.
1 You can use the exclamation 'D'oh' when 1 There has been a dramatic increase in the number of children outside
you have done something foolish. English-speaking countries who are learning English in primary school.
2 Marketing companies and politicians are (rocket)
reducing the number of catchphrases
they use. 2 The size of English-speaking communities in both China and India has
3 Shakespeare's writing encouraged the increased sharply. (a surge)
adoption of new words and phrases into
the English language.
3 There will be enormous growth in the influence of the English language
4 lf someone is too relaxed and laid-back in on the internet. (due 1 increase 1 dramatically)
their attitude to work, you can say they
need to 'take a chill pill'.
4 There is currently a rapid increase in the amount of information on the
S President Obama used the catchphrase
internet as it doubles its content every ten hours. (soar)
'Make no mistake' nearly 3,000 times in
his first two years of office.
6 The use of catchphrases is a trend which S Until now, most internet content has been in text form. But over the
will soon die out. next ten years, there will be a sharp rise in Voice-over-lnternet Protocol
(VoiP). (become 1 dominant)
B Read the article to check your answers.
6 The amount of written text on the internet will gradually decrease.
(a steady decline)

B Use your sentences to write a report on the factors influencing the

English language (250-280 words).
B Complete the statements about the Katrina's views with the words in
the box.
1 Match 1-8 with a)-h) to make sentences.
attributed lead o riginate origins result stem this traced
That style of footwear became ...
2 That CD spread by ... A lot of trerids in fashion from the street.
3 Sometimes strange ideas capture .. . 2 Some fashion designs can be to celebrities' 'looks'.
4 1think that trend lost .. . 3 A-list celebrities have an image to protect. Because of _ _ _ _ , they
5 Sales of the toy ha ve .. . take few risks with clothes.
6 1don 't know why that style never took .. . 4 Some fashions have their__ _ _ _ in images from films .
7 Her books somehow struck ... 5 Watching other industries, e .g. architecture, can _ _ _ _ in ideas for
fashion designers.
8 This type of phone is just a passing ...
6 Some ideas for designs from images in photography books.
a) word of mouth . 7 Travelling can to inspiration for fashion designers.
b) a chord with the public. 8 Fulllength body suits and oversized jackets can be back to
e) risen since the film came out. the 1980s.
d) the latest thing in UK clubs.
3 Underline the correct alternative.
e) its appeal a while ago.
1 A poor diet can bring abaut/ around various health problems.
f) trend with teenagers.
2 The game takes/has its origins in ancient Egypt.
g) off in ltaly.
3 Such thinking has led far /ta some of the worst excesses of our age.
h) the imagination.
4 The idea is often attributed ta lan the philosopher Nietzsche.
5 My experiences in France gave a rise /rise to a !ove of the c:'untry.
FUNCTION describing cause 6 The company's success can be traced back ta/back its founder.
and effect 7 Some say the technology revolution originated in / an Silicon Valley.
8 Those issues grow/ have their roots in childhood.
2A ® 6 .3 Where do you think fashion
designers get their ideas? Listen to Katrina, a 9 The improvements stem ta / from that brainstorming session in May.
fashion designer, talking about what inspires 1O Her research resulted inlan a great medica! breakthrough.
her. Complete the table with the information
she gives.
LEARNTO summarise your views
Places fash ian shaws,
4 Read the summary of the recording in Exercise 2. Sorne lines have an
extra word. Tick the correct lines and write the extra words.
To sum them up, the fashion designer describes al! the 1

People places where she gets her ideas. What she is really 2
saying about is that there are many sources for her designs. 3
Basically why, fashion designers look at all kinds of images 4
Times including film , photography books and magazines. They 5
also comb the streets and small fashion shows. All in 6
the all, she gives the impression that fashion designers get 7
ideas from normal people on the street. Big stars don't 8
take fashion risks, so to overall, designers are more likely 9
to be inspired by people who aren't famous. She also says 1O

they loo k everywhere, not just in Western culture. In the 11

conclusion, they are extremely inclusive about their ideas. 12

-- -----------------------~-~--~~- ~-,------.,--- ....


GRAMMAR modal verbs + phrases VOCABULARY review

1 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar 3 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
meaning to the first. Use the word given.
beans cat fallacy game injunction intuitively
1 She felt that she had to resign because of the scandal.
leak myth scoop slip verify wisdom
She felt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ because of the scandal. , Lynn gave the away by laughing when Kim
2 He was suspended for using a substance which was not walked in.
allowed. BANNED 2 Oh no! That's let the out of the bag. Now,
He was suspended for using _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ everyone knows.

3 You have to have car insurance. 3 Come on, just spill the and let us know
what's happening.
4 He let it that they were planning to get
Car insurance _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4 Few journalists had enough courage to cover the story.
S She seemed to know what 1 was talking
Few journalists _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the story.
6 lt's a common that a neutered dog will
S As a punishment, he was not allowed to leave the house. become fat and lazy.
FORBIDDEN 7 The computer program will _ _ _ _ _ that the
As a punishment, he was _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ system is working.
6 The hotel wants us to check out by 10.30. 8 As traffic grew, the conventional _ _ _ _ _ was to
SUPPOSED widen the roads.

We're _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of the hotel by 10.30. 9 Fellow academics later debunked the _ _ _ __

7 We didn't need to order so much food. 1O The newspaper generally managed to get a _ _ _ __
before its rivals.
11 The judge refused to grant an preventing
We _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ so much food .
details of the matter being published in the media.
8 They had to land the plane in a field .
12 Civil servants were known to _ _ _ _ information to
FORCE O the press.
The plane _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in a field .

GRAMMAR the passive

2 Read the text. Sorne lines have an extra word. Tick the
corred lines and write the extra words.

The 10% Myth

lt is often be claimed that most people only use about 10% of their brain power. 1 ~
In fact, even neuroscience students, who were asked to specify how much of 2 _.!_
the brain is used in normal everyday activities, were answered 'about 10%'. However, 3 ---
unfortunately, this is be a myth. There is no evidence to suggest that we only use 4 ---
a small part of our brain. In fact, there is now plenty of scientific evidence for to S ---
show that most of the time, when we're thinking, we are using almost all of our brain. 6 ---
So, how was the myth are perpetuated? Firstly, the idea appeals to people. lt's a nice 7 ---
idea to think that our full potential is not being achieved, and therefore there is 8 ---
room for self-improvement. The idea has been for used prolifically by marketing 9 ---
people, who draw on it to help sell their products. Self-help books, for example, 10 - - -
which promise to help you achieve your full potential. No one knows how the myth 11 ---
started, though it may have been originated from a scientific paper written by 12 ---
American psychologist William James in the late nineteenth century. In the paper, James 13 ---
was stated that he doubted that the average human achieved more than 10% of their 14 ---
intellectual potential. Even Albert Einstein is said for to have spoken of the 10% myth 15 --~

with reference to his own brilliant mind; however, careful research into the Einstein 16 --~

archives has been revealed no evidence of him ever making the claim . 17 --~


VOCABULARY PLUS multi-word verbs FUNCTION making a point

4 Complete the adverts with the correct particles. S Complete B's responses with the words
in the box.

case evidence point put that think

your evening 1 1

meals need a little A: Violent criminals deserve to die in

brightening 1_ _ ? prison.
B: 1don 't see how you can say
Don't feel you have to
waste time poring
2_ _ recipe books. Why 2 A: Bullies don't get the punishments they
not just jazz 3_ _ your deserve.
everyday meals with our B: Do you think that's always the
_____ ?
new range of seasonings?
They will surely spice up 3 A: What can we do about it?
your dinner and bring B: The _ _ _ _ _ is that there isn't
4 _ _ sweet memories of anything we can do.
mother's home cooking. 4 A: Can we afford to let her go?
B: lf you about it, we
don 't have a lot of choice.
5 A: There is surely life on other planets.
take time B: ls there any _ _ _ _ _ to suggest
to slow 5 _ _ that is the case?
Do you sometimes wonder 6 A: How long is all this going to take?
how much longer you can B: Let me it this way, we
carry 6 _ _ the way don't have much time.
you are? Think 7_ _ to
the last time you felt truly
relaxed. If it was more than GRAMMAR future forms
a week ago, you need our
help. Spend a day in the 6 Complete the sentences with the
relaxed atmosphere of our correct form of the verbs in brackets.
unique health spa and give Don't worry. l'm sure the plane
yourself time to mull s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (land)
what is really important in
by now.
your lite. Don't hang 9_ _ !
today and book your 2 Have you ever wondered what you
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (do) in
ten years' time?
3 The government (be) to pull
Oo you have something you out troops from all neighbouring
need to get off your chest? countries.
Don't just keep 10_ _ endlessly pestering your friends and 4 They _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (due) to
family. Why not come and find 11 _ _ more about our arrive any minute now.
debating group? We meet 5 The new law (can) spell the
once a week to speak end of freedom of speech as we know it.
12_ _ about concerns we
6 When you get to the station, 1_ _ __
have. from how the police _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (wait) for you
are choosing to crack
13 _ _ on crime. to how
the government plans to 7 There _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
pension 14_ _ elderly _ _ _ _ (be) a huge protest on
citizens. Why not come and Saturday against the suggested cuts.
join us? Let your voice be 8 That's fine . We _ _ _ _ _ _ __
heard. Think it 15- - • (see) you when we get there.
and then give us a call on
0844 623 872.


VOCABULARY review 2 GRAMMAR concession clauses

7 Choose the corred option to complete 8 Find and corred the mistake in six of the sentences.
the sentences. Difficult though it seem, HTML is not difficult to learn .
gathering pace 1 bound 2 Even if l'd warned you about the dangers, you wouldn 't have listen to ~e.
a) Support for the campaign is _ _ __ 3 However minor the problem is, 1'11 always ask for advice.
b) Mistakes are to happen . 4 Strange as if it may seem, l'm actually not very self-confident.
2 are over 1 a distant memory 5 Whichever the method you choose, it will be a difficult operation.
a) Her honeymoon seemed _ _ __ 6 In spite of know her for years, 1 had no idea she was involved in crime.
b) l'm afraid his footballing days 7 Despite be held up in traffic, we arrived on time.
8 Though it took us longer than expected , we managed to agree in the end .
3 are likely 1 the signs are
a) Children living in rural areas
_ _ _ _ to be poor. VOCABULARY PLUS prepositional phrases
b) 1think that there will be an 9 Complete the sentences with the corred preposition.
improvement in the economy.
_ _ _ _ law, seatbelts must be worn by all passengers.
4 dead language 1 language barrier
2 We are _ _ _ _ track to hit all our sales targets.
a) Because of the , it was
3 Numbers of students choosing art subjects are _ _ _ _ decline.
hard for doctors to give good advice
to patients. 4 We are _ _ _ _ danger of having to sell the business.
b) 1don 't see the point in studying a 5 That is far the best idea we've had so far.
6 He is, effect, the only person who can make the decision.
5 command 1 mind 7 The children were risk of abuse.
a) She has a wonderful _ _ _ _ of the 8 of sight, of mind , as the saying goes.
language. 9 least forty people have been injured.
b) 1 had to ask him to _ _ _ _ his 1O The number of drug abusers is soaring _ _ _ _ of control.
6 everyday 1 a global
a) 1 findwatching television useful for FUNCTION describing cause and effect
picking up bits of language.
1O Complete sentences 1..:.5 with phrases a)-e).
b) The spread of Mandarin suggests
that in the future it may become Mobile apps are increasingly concerned with people's emotional
_ _ _ _ language. wellbeing. lt in the launch of a series of 'Happy apps'
which help to improve your mood .
7 a chord 1 the imagination
2 The cashless economy is slowly becoming a reality with the
a) Her books really capture _ _ __
introduction of digital stamps and McDonald's swipe cards. The trend
b) Many of the things she says will strike _ _ _ _ _ _ _ technological advances and the consumer's desire for
_ _ _ _ with other young women . convenience.
8 latest thing 1 passing trend 3 A clothes company in Spain produces a T-shirt every month featuring
a) These long, floral dresses are the consumers' photos or stories. The idea the fact that
stories can help to increase a consumer's emotional attachment to the
b) lnterest in organic food is nota product.
_ _ _ _ ; it's here to stay. 4 Consumers' lives continue to get busier. _ _ _ _ _ _ , a massive
9 lost its appeal 1 risen dramatically opportunity exists in selling products via subscription.
a) The number of people buying e-books 5 Consumers love to feel a sense of excitement and exclusivity. This
has _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ flash sales, where products are offered ata greatly
reduced price without any warning, and only for a very short amount of
b) 1don 't think cinema has ever really
time (sometimes just for a few seconds) .

1O word-of-mouth 1 taking off a) can be attributed to

a) The product has only just hit the b) ·has resulted

market, but it is already. e) has given rise to
b) The best kind of marketing for this d) because of this
kind of thing is _ _ __ e) originated from


Circle the correct option to complete the sentences. 17 Over the _ _ _ _ years, we'll start to see the
1 1don't think 1should have said anything. lt would have benefits.
been better to _ _ __
a) last b) coming e) going
a) let it slip b) stay schtum 18 By 2050, robots like this will _ _ __ the norm.
e) let the cat out of the bag
a) be being b) have been
2 Trust Erica to give and tell everyone in the e) have become
19 This time next year, we on a beach in the
a) up the game b) for the game Caribbean.
e) the game away
a) will celebrating b) '11 be celebrating
3 Children go through eleven years of _ _ __ e) '11 have been celebrated
20 Moon holidays _ _ _ _ a reality later in the
a) compulsory b) compulsion e) compulsive decade.
4 They reached the maximum _ _ _ _ level of a) could be b) would be
radiation. e) could have been
a) forbidden b) permissible e) allowing 21 What is the _ _ _ _ language of Belgium?
S 1enjoyed the party, although 1 probably _ _ __ a) global b) official e) dead
a) wouldn't have gone 22 The language meant 1 didn't know what 1
b) shouldn't go was supposed to do.
e) shouldn't have gone
a) wall b) break e) barrier
6 Detectives worked tirelessly to the truth.
23 _ _ _ _ enjoying the holiday, we were never asked
a) uncover b) disprove e) debunk back.
7 lt's a commonly held that Westerners a) Despite b) In spite e) Even if
don't like spicy food.
24 way you look at it, it won 't be an easy
a) truth b) perception e) intuition decision to make.
8 Verdun _ __ _ to be an important city in Roman a) However b) Whichever e) Whoever
25 , 1 would still prefer to stay in this job.
a) was considered b) is said e) is thought
a) Difficult though it may
9 The drug ove r a five-week period. b) Although 1 enjoy
a) has tested b) is to be test e) was tested e) Strange though it may seem
1O More research needs before we can 26 The trend for wearing massively high heels has really
conclude that the drug is effective. taken _ _ __
a) todo b) being done e) to be done a) up b) off e) on
1 1 1can 't stand the way those youths just hang 27 Reggae music can be to its roots in
_ _ _ _ on the street corner. Jamaican folk music of the 1950s.
a) up b) around e) on a) influenced b) resulted in e) traced back
12 1 was completely blown _ _ __ by their generosity. 28 Kilo fashion, where shops sell clothes by the kilo,
a) up b) away e) for _ _ _ _ in Milan.
13 The l'm trying to make is that we can't be a) all started b) stems e) resulted
su re. 29 Your online presence is increasingly important. This
a) point b) issue e) idea has companies offering their services to
14 The evidence _ _ _ _ that this is not always the maintain your online reputation.
case. a) given rise to b) resulted e) traced back to
a) tells b) seems e) shows 30 lncreasing fees has had a huge on the
15 Do you think this is always the _ _ __ numbers of students applying for places.
a) influenced b) stem e) effect
a) correct b) case e) prove
16 The days of economic prosperity are _ _ __
a) over b) under e) around


1 Underline the corred alternative. 4A Look at the pictures. What do you think happened?
1 He was stranded/trapped in the middle of nowhere.
2 Thirty-three miners spent sixty-nine days trappedlreleased
deep within the San José mine, in Chile.
3 With the guards asleep, he decided to make an escape
plan/a break for the door.
4 The gang f/ed/made a break the scene of the crime.
5 The walkers took refuge/stranded in a local café until the
storm had passed.
6 lt's important to have an escape plan/a break in case
of fire.

GRAMMAR cleft sentences

2 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

it liked only place reason

~on 1etning thing what

Something 1 have always regretted is not having spent

more time with my father.
2 they didn 't appreciate was quite how difficult
the rescue was going to be.
3 lt was when 1 chased him along the corridor
that he reluctantly gave me the half-eaten biscuit.
4 The main why we've called you is to ask for
your opinion on the matter.
5 What 1 about the country was the openness
of its people.
6 The that 1 found most difficult to comprehend
was just how lazy everybody appeared to be.
7 was a miracle that the young boy was found
before he carne to any harm.
8 The where 1 would most like to return to is
a tiny island in the north of Greece.

3 Match 1-6 with a)-f) to make sentences.

1 lt was only when we offered him money .. .
2 The reason we failed to make the grade .. .
3 What made me suspicious of him ...
4 One thing 1 think we should do ...
5 What 1 enjoyed most about the film .. .
6 Something l've always wanted todo .. .

a) is make sure we research the location more thoroughly

next time.
b) was the way that he never looked you straight in the eye.
e) was the humour. lt was hilarious!
d) that he decided to spill the beans.
e) is work for a charity.
f) was that we'd spent more time partying than studying.

lrrml 1rrm1 1rrm1

B ® 7.1 Listen to the story and check your ideas. VOCABULARY PLUS suffixes
C Listen again and choose the corred answers.
6 Complete the sentences with the
Why were the men in prison at Alcatraz? corred form of the words in brackets.
a) They were convicted murderers. The group remained deeply
b) They were convicted bank robbers. _ _ _ _ _ of his motives. (suspect)
e) They were convicted gang criminals. 2 Mobile technology offers amazing
2 How did the men plan to leave the island? _ _ _ _ _ to people in rural areas
who have little access to education.
a) They planned to steal one of the guard boats.
b) The idea was to swim to the mainland using inflatable life vests they'd
3 They undertook a huge _ _ _ __
project on the building. (renovate)
e) They planned to navigate the water using a raft and inflatable life vests.
4 His brother's unexpected _ _ _ __
3 How did they hope to fool the guards? was a shock to the whole family.
a) by using life-like dummies which they'd made (reappear)
b) by getting other inmates to pretend to be them during head counts 5 The inmates were hugely _ _ _ __
e) by using recorded voices using anything they could find to help dig
the escape tunnel. (resource)
4 What tools did they use to dig the tunnels?
6 The younger generation ha ve a
a) a variety of stolen tools, including spoons
_ _ _ _ _ to lack respect for their
b) power tools which they 'd smuggled into the prison elders. (tend)
e) mostly spades stolen from the guards 7 We need to _ _ _ _ _ the sides of
5 Why did West not leave with the other men? the boat, so that we can sit on the edges.
a) He changed his mind at the last minute. (strong)
b) He couldn't swim and was afraid of sharks. 8 With a schedule this busy, it's vital that we
_ _ _ _ _ the tasks. (priority)
e) He couldn't get out of his cell in time.
9 Lack of police intervention meant
6 Was the escape successful?
the family were subjected to years of
a) No. All three men were later re-captured. _ _ _ _ _ . (harass)
b) They escaped from the prison, but it is not known whether they ever 1O His originality as a composer is
reached the shore. _ _ _ _ _ by the following pieces of
e) Yes. The men survived and made a film about it. music. (example)
1 1 Obviously feeling the pressure, he
5 Complete the second sentence as a cleft sentence using the prompts.
gave answers to the
1 The waters around the island were infested with sharks, which was a prosecutor's questions. (evade)
problem for the men.
12 We hope to achieve sorne _ _ _ __
One problem for - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - about the situation later today. (clear)
13 The weather looks as if it might
2 They made a raft and inflatable life vests using stolen raincoats. _ _ _ _ _ up a bit later. (bright)
What they used - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14 1told her l'd hada row with Pete, but she
wasn 't very . (sympathy)
3 West didn't leave with the other men because he hadn't finished digging 15 1 was just one of hundreds of

out his escape route. _ _ _ _ _ for the job, so 1 doubt if 1'11

Thereason _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ get an interview. (apply)

4 They used a system of life-like decoys to fool the guards.

Whattheydidto _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

5 West masterminded the whole escape plan.

ltwas _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

6 The guards didn 't realise that the men had already escaped.
What _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
GRAMMAR participle clauses VOCABULARY idioms: relaxing
1 Tick the correct sentence in each pair. 3A Underline the correct alternative.
a) Standing by the river, 1 noticed a golden fish . Do yo u usually hang off/ out hang/ hang out he re?
b) 1 noticed a golden fish standing by the river. 2 OK, let 's all have a breathl breathingl breather.
2 a) Being not very good with cars, 1asked the mechanic to 3 You should try to take your mind off/mind onlbrain off
take a look. the problem.
b) Not being very good with cars, 1 asked the mechanic 4 Don 't you find it hard to wind uplbe unwindlunwind?
to take a look. 5 Why don 't you take easy/take it easyltake the easy?
3 a) 1wrote the speech, helped considerably by Will. 6 1 find it hard to switch it off/switch off/be switched offat
b) 1 wrote the speech, helping considerably by Will. the end of the day.
4 a) Having taken the medicine, 1 felt much better. 7 Why don't you let some hair down!the hair down lyour
b) Having been taken the medicine, 1felt much better. hair down?
5 a) Exhausting from running, he lay down and slept. B Complete these children's jokes with sentences from
b) Exhausted from running, he lay down and slept. Exercise 3A.
6 a) Not to move a muscle, the insect watches its prey. a) What did one stressed-out clock say to the other
b) Not moving a muscle, the insect watches its prey. stressed-out clock?
7 a) She missed the train , having failed to arrive in time. b) What did one bat say to the other bat?
b) She missed the train , having failing to arrive in time. e) What did one light-bulb say to the other light-bulb?
8 a) The candidate is running for president is an old friend .
b) The candidate running for president is an old friend. WRITING a leaflet
2 Underline the correct alternatives to complete the text. 4A Read about the Freedom Festival. What is its purpose?
Having been brought up 1 Bringing up in an Italian The Freedom Festival takes place next weekend. The festival
household in the USA, Federico (Fred) Bonetti spoke includes music, dancing, local food, children's entertainment and
little English. 2 Having been tied 1 Tied to his roots fireworks . All money made from the festival will go to Amnesty
lnternationat an organisation that prometes freedom and justice
through family stories and language, and keen to
throughout the world .
get away for a short break, Bonetti decided to visir
ltaly. So he boarded a plane to Rome. After flying for
B Match subheadings 1-5 with notes a)-e).
a while, the plane made a fuel stop at JFK Airport,
New York. 3Believing 1 Believed that he had arrived in 1 Location 3 Events 5 Getting there
Rome, Bonetti got off rhe plane. 4 Surprised 1 Having 2 Time 4 Cost
surprised that his cousin wasn't there to meet him as a) €8 for adults, €5 for 12- 16-year-olds, under-12s go free
arranged, Bonetti neverrheless took a taxi to the town
b) Bus 1 6 or 99 from Salmouth Centre
centre. 5Not going 1 Not having been to Ro me before,
he decided to take a look around. He couldn't help e) 2p.m. till midnight
noticing that Rome's famous monumems seemed d) six local bands, including Firedragon; midnight firework
to have been replaced by skyscrapers, and the street
display, and bouncy castle for kids
signs all seemed to be in English. 6Having been e) Penny Park
stopped 1 Stopping to eat at a café, he also noticed that C Read the opening lines of a leaflet to promote the
everyone was speaking in English. This, he supposed,
event. How can you improve on it? Think about the effect
was because so many tourists wem to Rome. Tired on the reader. ls the message clear? Does the writer
of wandering around, Bonetti decided ro make his sound enthusiastic? ls it too formal/informal?
way to his cousin's address. After wandering around
in circles for several hours, he gave up and decided Welcome!
to take a taxi. 7Amazed 1Amazing that a taxi driver We would be grateful if you would attend this year's
in Rome didn't speak ltalian and 8 not wanted 1 not Freedom Festival. It promises to be a nice event that
wanting to waste any more time, he consulted a will help raise money for Amnesty International,
policeman. When 9telling 1 told he was in New York, a good cause. As always, we have a line-up of
Bonetti refused to believe ir. 10Driving 1 Drove to the musicians, lots of food, and fun for all the family.
airport in a police car, he insisted he was in Rome. We are sure the event will be enjoyed.
'This is how ltalians drive!' he said.
D Complete the leaflet (200-250 words) with the
subheadings in Exercise 48 and your own words.
C Find words/phrases in the article that match the
READING following definitions.
SA Read the definition of a road tri p. Have you ever 1 look at something with you r eyes partly closed in order to
been on one? see better (1ntroduction)
2 . vague; not clear or exact (introduction)
road trip n [C}: a long trip that you take in a car
3 in poor condition (paragraph 1)
us ually with friends '
4 travelled many times fro m one side of an area to another
(paragraph 2)
B Read the article and answer the questions. Sorne S huge amounts of empty land (paragraph 2)
questions may have multiple answers.
6 old , but high quality (paragraph S)
1 Who mentions music?
7 with many smooth bends, e.g. a road o r ri ver (paragraph S)
2 Who mentions the weather?
8 surro unded by views of beautifu l co untryside (paragraph S)
3 Who mentions people they travel with?
4 Who mentions people they meet during the trip?
S Who doesn 't mention food?
6 Who plans to sleep outside?
7 W hose road tri p involves reading?
8 Whose road tri ps involve two whee ls, not fou r?

(( perfeclrbact trip }}
Pack up your troubles in a rucksack. Fill the tank with petral. Squint into the distance. Step on the acceJ.erator ...
and go. That wcrs how it used to be . Now the road trip is in danger oí becorning extinct in these days oí super-
cheap flights, rtsing oil prices and shrinkin9 holiday time . But there are still those who ctream oí driving íor weeks
on end to íind an unstructured, hazy kind oí íreedom, and even one or two who have actually done it.

1've. c¡o+ a 1977 Harle.y- /}avtd.son My r a.nd p lan is lo ch've

mofor5tke., h.e.avtly 1've. a.lon!! . lhe of Ut'a.z:t/
1:2 •
be.e.n al/ ove.r H ze. place. - 1've. SI0 f'PUl!J a./ fi/1/e bea_ ' Laftn Ame.rlca, done.
h.uge. ch.unk.s of A.sla and ndde.n
on /he wa.y. 1'11 m.
rod So 1 c.a.n
Y 3
f h.e. f rall f rom Cape. Town fo food d m.y own
Cacro. Th.e.x al/ gre.a+ frtp.s , ' a.n m.y ha.m.m.ock
c.a.n s/ee So 1
e..spe.cially_ 'Afrlca. Th.e. one. place. . f u.nder lt-.e 1
mc.s.scng for me. l.s Au.sf ralla. 1'm ti wou.Jd be . .
a.n a.m.a.z:zn!!
, -" - ._..., fold f h.e. rtdtng l.s c¡ood
' ,down a.s it '.s
\ gof .such. va.s+
\ .space..s' .so +
1 my ne.xf frtp.

tt's 111o0t e,x.Rctll::j R roR~ trí:p, t~oiA.g~
Wt Stt -pltl'\-tl::jóf YOR~. Ml::j ~IA.SbR
R~ t tRiru OIA.Y bLcl::jClts to COYI'\-WRLL,
Ll'\- t~t so~A-t~-wtst óf t~t V\.1<-, oi'\-Ct
R y¡tRr R~ stRl::j Ll'\- R q~A-RLI'\-t
LLttLt b~ R~ brtR~f¡¡st. Wt go for
e,x.cL-trsLol'\-5 ~IA.rL~ t~t ~Rl::j R~
stt RLL t~t sLg~ts LLiru st. tves R~
u~'s e;~. t '~ recoV~o~.VIA.t~ Lt to
Rli\-l::jOI'\-t. W~tli\- Lt rRLI'\-5 wt s Lt Ll'\- R
, -'" - ... c¡¡ft tRtL~ scol'\-tS
~ R~ crtRV~o~.R~
~~E:~~~~tRL~L~ to t~t
LocRLs. Thtrt's
111o0t~L~ to
:><'\.\.,.-oc /-·~~.. btRt Lt.

3A Correct the mistakes in the extracts. There is
sometimes more than one mistake in each extract.
1A Add vowels to complete the words/phrases related A: lf you let him carry on then you 'll .. . then he's going to
to risk. cut himself, or fall into the river or something, isn 't he?
a s_c_r_ty d_L _ 1 B: Oh come off. Surely you think that?
2 r_sk-_v_rs_ c_ILr_ 2 A: 1 mean, he could fall over and hit his head on a rack or
3 ____xp_s_ someone L _nn_c_ss_ry d_ng_r something.
4 _nc _ _ r_g_ng _nd_p_nd_nc_ B: Oh you're ridiculous. There's no real danger. You can't
S m_llyc__ddl_ honest think that.
6 d_l_b_r_Liy 3 A: 1suppose you 've got point about thinking for yourself.
lt's that, as a parent, ora mother, 1just think 1would
7 d_ _ l w_th d_ng_r
just naturally stop him.
8 _ns_p_rv_s_d 4 A: 1couldn 't stand back and watch him hurt himself.
9 _v_r-pr_LcLv_n_ss Where's the logical in that?
1 O LL r__ s_n_bl_ r_sks S B: Well, l'm with 100 percent you on that. But there is
no accident here. lt just doesn't make for sense to me.
B Complete the sentences with phrases from Exercise lA. There is no real danger.
Children aren't allowed outside the classroom ___ .
They must have an adult with them at all times. B ® 7.3 Listen and check.
2 1don't think Toby's behaviour is helped by the fact that
his over-protective parents tend to ___ him. LEARNTO convince someone
3 1can 't believe that she would ___ expose her son to
such an ______ . He was standing right next to 4A Put the words in order to make sentences.
the car. you 1 take 1 just 1 to 1 easy 1 need 1 1 1 things 1 think
4 There's a fine line between ______ , which can
be seen as a good thing, and just leaving children to look 2 we 1 the 1 that 1 always 1 point 1 late 1 are 1 is
after themselves, which is not such a good idea.
S 1 think it's right for children to learn to take _ __
___ so that they learn to ___ with ___ . 3 think 1 you 1 idea 1 good 1 don't 1 a 1 surely 1 that's?

6 People are afraid of litigation and this is what leads us to

live in a ___ - ______ . 4 joking 1 on 1 must 1 come 1 be 1 you 1 oh

S whole 1 the 1 point 1 that's

FUNCTION exchanging opinions

2A Look at the picture. What would you do in this

B Complete the conversations with the sentences above.
situation? Would you stop the child or let him carry on?
A: 1can 't believe you gave him money. He'll just spend it
on junk food.
B: . He needs to learn for
himself how to spend his money.
2 A: Don't worry. We'll only be a few minutes late.
B: - - - - - - - - - -
3 A: 1can 't rest, l've got too many things todo.
B: That's the whole point. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4 A: 1think we should r isk it and go to the beach anyway.
The forecast might be wrong.
B: . lt said heavy rain and
strong winds all along the coast!
B ® 7.2 Listen to two people discussing the situation. S A: We should just turn up on her doorstep and announce
Choose the best summary.
that we're staying for a week.
a) The woman thinks that the boy is being exposed to
unnecessary risk and should be helped . The man argues B: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? Aneta would be furious.
that the boy should learn from his mistakes.
b) The man thinks that we live in a risk-averse society
and children should be allowed more freedom . The
woman agrees, but in this case thinks that the danger is
8.1 TIME

GRAMMAR future in the past VOCABULARY time expressions

1 Rewrite the sentences so that they have a 3 Complete the puzzle. Then discover the key word: an
similar meaning. Use the prompts. element of time.
1 1 forgot my ticket for the concert, so 1 couldn't go!
(supposed/ go/but)
1 1 1 1 1

1was supposed to ~o to a concert but 1for~ot my ticket.

2 l'd nearly left the office. The phone rang. (about/
leave/when) r4

3 You told her the secret! That wasn't the plan! 6

(not/ supposed/tell)
4 We made a mistake- we didn't pay in advance. People w ill be living under these conditions for the _ __
(were 1meant/ pay) future.
2 She was with the company from the ___ ; she was one of the
S 1trained to be a doctor. 1 became a singer instead! founders.
(was/have/become/but) 3 Man has been asking these questions since ___ dawn of t ime.
4 As a nation, we are ___ to entera new era.
6 The plan was for you to be at the checkpoint at S He was on the ___ of a great discovery.
exactly Sa.m. (were) 6 People will remember this achievement for ___
· to come.

2 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the text.

The life and times

ofZamp the Champ In 1943, during World War II, Zamperini's crew went
In 1944, the US War Department announced the death out on a mission. It 6 _ a short flight, but the plane's
of former Olympic runner Lou Zamperini. His mother engines failed and it crash-landed in the Pacific Ocean.
refused to believe it. And if he 1_ to be dead, Lou Lou was trapped 70 feet underwater in a sinking
didn't know about it either. He was over 5,000 miles plane, but he managed to escape. With two other
awey on the other side of the world. survivors, Lou spent forty-seven deys on a life raft.
He knew he 7 _ die there, and he kept the others going
The son of !tallan immigrants, little Lou spoke no with his humour. They lived off chocolate and the birds
English when his family arrived in California. Seeing and fish they caught with their hands.
that life 2 _ be tough for him, his father taught Lou
how to box. He was soon knocking out the local kids. Half-starving and exhausted, they were 8 _ up when
His brother realised that thrill-seeker Lou 3 _ to get they saw an island. Paddling desperately, they reached
into serious trouble so he introduced him to athletics. the shore and were rescued by fishermen. But if they
Zamperini started breaking records immediately, and thought life 9 _ get easier, they were in for a surprise.
the pr~ss nicknamed him 'Zamp the Champ'. He won They spent the next two years in a prison camp.
a scholarship to the University of Southern California Lou was 10_ to a hero's welcome, but haunted by
and then ran in the 1936 Berlín Olympics. He later memories of the war, he began drinking heavily. He
told stories about the boat trip to Europe. He 4 _ to be 11 _ the next few years in despair until he met

in training, but he gorged himself every day on the a Christian Evangelist called Billy Graham. With
free food and put on 12 pounds. He carne eighth in the Graham's help, Zamperini got his life back on track
5,000 metres. Still a teenager, many thought he 5 _ and became an inspirational speaker. In 2010, author
become one of the great runners, but instead he joined Laura Hillenbrand ensured Lou's life 12_ through
the air force . history when she wrote his biography, Unbroken.

a) had been 4 a) meant 7 a) was about 10 a) returning

b) supposed b) was meant b) wasn 't meant to b) to return
e) was supposed e) was meaning e) was on the verge of e) on the point to return
2 a) is going to S a) would 8 a) meant to give 11 a) was spending
b) was on the verge of b) was on t he point of b) about to give b) used to spend
e) was going to e) was supposed e) for giving e) would spend
3 a) had to go 6 a) was being 9 a) was going to 12 a) was meant to remember
b) was going b) would be b) was planning to b) would have remembered
e) was to have gone e) was to have been e) was supposed e) would be remem bered

4A Look at the pictures. What do you think the connection is between 5 Complete the sentences with a word
the pictures and the headline? from A and a word from B.

absence actions built home judge
picture place practice practise safe
sight ventured

o~ ~006 196~~
- B
oo o o / ¡.;;=¡,
¡- ¡¡

,..........____.- 1939-45 ..... ...,.., ! book day gained heart heart

home louder mind perfect preach

sor ry words

The photo on the cover is brilliant.
A is worth a thousand

2 The flat looks poky but it's wonderful

inside. Don 't a by
its cover.
Harriet dies:
the end ofa (very, very slow) stroll
3 Once l'd left school , 1 forgot all my old
friends. Out of , out of
through time
4 Do what you say you'll do, because
_ _ _ _ speak than words.
B ® 8.1 Listen and check. S 1only miss him when l' m away! 1guess
C Choose the correct answers. Then listen again to check. _ _ _ _ makes the grow
What book did Harriet appear in? fonde r.
a) The Guinness Book of World Records 6 1don 't mind if the house takes ten years
to complete. Rome wasn 't in a
b) On the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin
e) S/av~ry in the British Empire
7 Why don't you try starting your own
2 What didn't people know about Harriet for a long time? business? Nothing , nothing
a) that she had a weak heart
b) that she hada connection to Charles Darwin 8 Work at it every day, because _ _ __
makes _ _ __
e) that she was a female
3 What is believed about Harriet and Charles Darwin? 9 1missed my family, my room and my
stuff. 1 guess is where the
a) that he looked after her the whole time she was in Britain _ _ _ _ is.
b) that he took her away to study her as part of his research
1O We decided not to take any risks wit h the
e) that he took her to Australia because the weather was better car. Better than _ _ __
4 What journeys did Harriet make? 1 1 After travelling for years, 1 got back
a) from the Galapagos lslands to Britain to Australia and realised there's no like
b) from Britain to Ecuador to Australia
e) from Australia to Britain 12 You have toseta good example, and
_ _ _ _ what you _ _ __
S What was she like, physically, in later life?
a) she was small, about the size of dinner plate 6A ® 8.2 Listen and check. Are there
b) she was huge two or three stressed words in ea eh
e) she had shrunk because of her age proverb? Listen again and mark the stress.

6 How did Harriet 's longevity compare with Tui Malila's? · B Repeat the proverbs, focusing on the
a) Tui Malila and Harriet lived to the same age. rhythm.
b) Harriet lived toan older age than Tui Malila.
e) Tui Malila lived longer than Harriet by over ten years.

1A Think about the following smells. What do they remind you of?

B Read the text. Were the ideas similar to your own?

Does the smell offreshly cut grass remind you ofanything? 1_ __

lnspired by the idea that smells can evoke childhood memories, ! 've been
asking people to tell me about the smells which have this ejfect for them.

When we lived in Mexico, my From when I was very young, my mother Yo u know rhat smell you get just
fa ther bought a piece of land outside used ro take me to a market in Taipei. after it's been raining? 6_ _._
Mexico City where, as kids, we used fu a treac, she would always bu y me a That's the smell that reminds me
ro go for picnics. I have such happy baked sweet potato to eat from one of the oflreland. We went travelling
memo ries of that place, of everyone market sellers. 4_ _ _ When I held ir around lreland a few years ago
being rogether there, earing, chatting, in my hands, I didn't notice anything else. and almost everywhere we went
playing aro und. Ir was in a pirre forest One day, I was so engrossed in eating my it rained. Now, that rain smell
and ir was fu!! of small, wild flowers of patato, I didn't realise where 1 was going reminds me of laughter and
a rhousand different colours. And the and before 1 knew it, 1 was lost in the music in Dublin's pubs, fish and
ai r was always fresh with che smell of marker. 5_ _ _ In a blind panic, 1 ran chips along the coast and the
pines. 2_ _ _ The sun would peek around the stalls desperacely searching. beautiful views across Galway
down through che trees and rouch Then, not sure whar ro do nex t, I ran back Bay. 7_ _ _ 1 can't wait to go
our faces, and we could feel the cool to the stall where my mother had bought back there agai n, so it's a !ove!y
breeze. The smell of the pines would the sweet potaroes. The kind lady smiled reminder when it's been raining,
stay on our cloches for days. I'm sure at me, and 1 stood there waiting for my and 1 can just dream oflreland.
thac place has changed so m uch now. morher. Eventually, she found me and Cindy Brett
3_ _ _ Whenever I cacch che smell stooped down to pick me up, with tears
of pine trees on the wind, I'm taken in her eyes. Whenever 1 ear sweet patato
straight back chere. now, I'm reminded of that day.
Adriana Flores Garcia Sunny Kung Lee

C Seven sentences have been removed from the article. D Find words/phrases in the completed stories in the
Match sentences A-G with gaps 1-7. article to match definitions 1-7.
A lt was so hot and sweet and delicious, and 1remember it look quickly at something from behind something else
was like one of the most precious things. (story 1)
B 1 remember how me and my brother would run around 2 valuable (story 2)
there, or sometimes just lie on the grass.
3 interested so much that you didn 't notice anything else
C lt reminds me of the excited feeling of adventure 1 had (story 2)
while 1 was there, and the kindness and hospitality we met
4 bent his/her body forward and down (story 2)
along the way.
5 slightly wet (often unpleasant) (story 3)
D The kind of damp but fresh smell; the kind of smell that
makes the worms want to slither out of the ground and 6 slide over a surface, moving from side to side (story 3)
squirm along the pavement? 7 twist from side to side 1 wriggle to get free (story 3)
E lt's probably been built on , and in a way that makes the
memories even more special.
F Or what about one of your favourite childhood dishes?
G My mother had vanished, and all 1 could see were the legs
of a thousand other women.

GRAMMAR ellipsis and VOCABULARY memories
4 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
2A Write one word in each gap 1-6 to
vividly- brings distinctly earliest flooding holds hazy vague
complete the conversation. Ignore the
gaps in square brackets. 1 He vivid/y remembered the day his father left.
A: What's your earliest childhood memory? 2 When 1saw the pictures, the memories carne back.
B: l'm not sure 1have 1 one . Why? 3 Just the smell of that perfume back memories of my grandmother.
What's yours?
4 This is like a trip down memory lane- this place _ _ _ _ so many
A: Oh, l've got 2_ _ __
memories for me.
B: Have you [ ~ot lots of childhood memories ]? S One of my memories is of being in my pram, and leaning out to
What sorts of things can you remember? reach sorne strawberries.
A: U mm .. . [ ] m y father telling 6 My recollection of those early days when 1first moved to the country is
me when my brother was born. 1 can rather _ _ __
remember that very clearly. And
7 1can remember the da y we met.
[ ] when 1 first learned to ride
my bike. 8 1only have a very memory of my grandfather. He died when 1
was young.
B: [ ] Bet you can 't remember all
the kids from school.
A: No, 1 can 't [ ]. 1 can WRITING a personal story
remember a few [ ]. 1 guess
every day was pretty much the same at SA Complete the story with descriptive phrases a)-j).
school, so it's harder to remember.
B: Yeah, 1suppose 3_ _ __
The &weet &mell of c.hildhood
A: How about Ji m Bishop? [.- - - - There are 1_ _ _ srnells t.hat. 1 aS&OC.iat.e wit.h m~ c.hildhood,
Remember him?
but. t.he rnost. int.ense of t.hese is surel~ m~ rnot.her 's perfume.
B: Yes, [ ] course 14_ _ __ She wore t.he same perfume for ~ears, and it.s z___ pervaded
A: [ ] Hear what happened to her c.lot.hes, her jeweller~ and rnuc.h of our home.
We lived in a flat. above a shop overlookins t.he Hish St.reet.
B: No. What [ ]? when 1 was srowins up. The 3_ _ _ and t.he pungent. diesel
A: [ ] Met a girl from Mongolia, srnells frorn t.he engines of old double-dec.ker buses would
fell in love, and moved 5 to 4
_ _ _ , c.hokins out. t.he fresh air. Ma~be it. was bec.ause
live with her. of t.his t.hat. m~ rnot.her, a lad~ of t.he shct.ies, a flower c.hild,
B: You're joking! kept. slass soldfish bowls filled wit.h dried flowers and pot.
A: No, l'm 6 ]. ~ourri around t.he house. Wit.h t.heir rose pdals and
[ ] Absolutely serious. - - - ' t.he~ would add a sent.le perfume t.o t.he 6_ _ _ .
Havins spent. sorne time in, m~ rnot.her had learnt. a
B Look at the conversation again and for t.~ins headsc.arves t.ight.l~ around her head
add the words that were left out to the
washins her ha ir, in order t.o dr~ her hair 7_ _ _ • The ~ouns
spaces in the square brackets.
Braz.ilian wornen had shown her how t.o do it.. And t.hese sc.arves,
3A Cross out one extra word or add one 8_ _ _ , alwa~s held ont.o t.he sweet., into)( srnell of her
missing word in each conversation. perfume. 1 kept. one when 1 moved t.o universit.~. 1 suppose it.
1 A: Having a good time? was a wa~ of t.akins a piec.e of home wit.h me, 9_ _ _ as
B: Not really so. 1 on t.his new advent.ure. Srnell have an inc.redible
2 A: See you later. effec.t. on ~our rnood and in rnornents of insec.urit.~, 1 would
B: Yeah .. . see you on there.
t.o m~ nose and breat.he in t.he reassurins srnell of
3 A: You OK with that?
B: Yes, 1think.
4 A: Been here before? a) hold the silky scarf up f) musky, exotic smell
B: No, never do. b) hefty fumes from the traffic g) as straight as a sheet
S A: Think they'll come back soon? e) slightly unpleasant London air h) with their swirly paisley patterns
B: 1guess it's so. d) a number of different i) sweet-smelling lavender
6 A: Nearly have finished? e) creep in through my open j) to comfort me
bedroom window
B: No, l've still got lots to do.
B Write your own personal story for the competition (250-300 words).
B ® 8.3 Listen and check. Use the story above as a model.
VOCABULARY collocations FUNCTION discussing ideas

with time
2A Read the conversations about wasting time. Find and correct two
1 Underline the correct alternative. mistakes in each conversation.

W hen l'm in a rushlpushed/ A: 1hate being put on hold when you try to phone a company.
crushed for time at work, 1 B: 1know how you mean.
tell my boss, 'you can have it A: They should call you back instead of wasting your time.

done badly today or done well B: Yes, but looking at another way, you could end up waiting for days.
tomorrow.' lt works for me!
2 A: Ad breaks during TV programmes are the biggest waste of time.
2 When you have kids, you B: That's truly.
never have time for itself/the A : They should ha ve alternative versions that don 't have the ads.
se/flyourse/f, so 1get up early
B: Yeah. Minding you, that's how TV companies make their money.
in the morning and read for
3 A: In many companies, meetings are a complete waste of time.

thirty minutes before the family
wakes up. B: No and yes. lt depends who's running them and what they are for.
A: In my company, we have meetings about having meetings. Everything

1used to finish everything
could be done faster and more efficiently by email.
with time to givelspare/relax,
but then 1ended up checking B: That's often the case in my company, too. Although having told that, 1
it again and again. Now 1 think it's better to discuss some things face-to-face.

finish things just before my 4 A: 1hate going through airport security. lt's such a waste of time taking
deadlines. off your shoes and everything.
B: l'm much with you there. lt's a real drag.
My favourite way to pass/use/
overcome the time when l'm A: They should just give everyone a full body X-ray.
bored is to hang out with an B: That's a good idea. That makes the perfect sense.
amusing friend of mine. When
B ® 8.4 Listen and check.

he's around, time always flies
because l'm laughing so much. 3 Read the statement below. Put the underlined words in the correct

1finish everything complete/y/ order to complete the responses.
nearly/just in time. 1find that ' Social networking sites are a waste of time. People should

,. '
the adrenalin of a mini-panic
focus on real friendships. '
keeps me sharp.
1 at 1 wa't. 1 looking 1 another 1 it 1 but, don 't you think they're a good
lf you ever have time on way to meet people?
your hands/mind/day in my
profession, you should tell no 2 that 1 said 1 having, those sites are fun!

one. Go sit in a dark room,
breathe deeply and enjoy it.
3 't.OU 1 mind, they're great if you have friends all over the world .

'7 When under pressure, 1go for

a swim . In the water, 1feel as if
4 hand 1 the 1 on 1 other, social networking sites allow us to keep in touch

1have all the time in the doy!
with real friends.

S that 1 thought 1 11 of 1 never. l'm on Facebook four hours a day.

6 mean 1 11 what 1 know 1 't.OU. 1waste loads of time on those sites.

LEARNTO solicit more information

4 Add or delete a word to correct the expressions in italics.
So, that's all for now. /s anything we've missed?
2 That's a very interesting idea. Can you go into the more detail?
3 These are all good ideas. What of e/se?
4 Thanks, Jack. Anyone managed to come up any other ideas?
S 1like the basic proposition. Can you te// to us more?


GRAMMAR cleft sentences GRAMMAR participle clauses

1 Read the review. Sorne lines have an extra word. Tick the corred 3 Underline the corred alternatives.
lines and write the extra words. 1
Having eaten / Eaten dinner in Beethoven 's,
one of San Francisco's more expensive
Lush Life is about a murder in New York and the subsequent _.!_ restaurants, US Treasury Secretary Michael
investigation. Though much of it the focus is on Matty, the 2 __it_ Blumenthal asked to pay the bill. 2Tellingl
investigating officer, it's to a restaurant manager and aspiring 3 Told that his Visa card had expired , he paid by
cheque. The waiter, 3realising not/ not realising
writer called Eric who is the conscience of the novel. He 4
who he was dealing with , asked for proof of
witnesses the murder. What he doesn 't realise is so that the S Blumenthal's signature. 4 Not having/ Having
police suspect him . 6 any ID on him, Blumenthal produced a dollar
bill , 5told/ telling the waiter that, as Treasury
The book is full of brilliant set-pieces. The one that sticks in 7
Secretary, his signature was in the bottom
the memory is the funeral procession. lt's what the details that 8 corner of the bill. Suitably 6embarrassed/
make the scene so good- the victim's half-crazy father, the 9 embarrassing, the waiter accepted the cheque.
band playing jazz, the 'jungle of cables and cameras'. 10 President Bill Clinton, 7made/ having made a
What that 1like about the book is the dialogue. lt's fast, quick visit to Dolly's Books in Utah , wanted
to pay his bill. After 8handing/ handed over
slangy, and streetwise. Besides this, the thing that something 12 his American Expres·s credit card , he waited
strikes you is the realism. The author obviously knows the 13 patiently, only to be told it had expired the
worlds of the police and the bad guys intimately. All but you 14 day before . He paid the $62.66 in cash . A
can do is admire the prose and go with the relentless pace. similar thing happened to ex-Prime Minister
of Great Britain, Margaret Thatcher. 9Having
Of something that didn't surprise me is that the author, 16 been attempting/ Attempting to pay for so me
Richard Price, w rites screenplays and TV dramas such as 17 groceries, she was surprised to be told that
The Wire . The dialogue and visual imagery that are stunning. her cheque (unsupported by a guarantee
card) had been rejected . 10Aterting/ Alerted to
the fact that the cashier couldn't override the
system for anyone, Mrs Thatcher tore up the
VOCABULARY review cheque and paid in cash .
2 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the
first. Use the word given.
1 The es€:aped prisoner stayed with us until it was safe.
- suffixes
The escaped prisoner _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 4 Underline the incorrect word in each ·
2 We decided to try to escape. sentence and add a suffix to corred it.
The thing we like about text messaging is
its immediate. immediacy
We decided to make - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2 1don 't find his arguments particularly
3 OK, everyone, relax and get your breath back. persuade.
BREATHER 3 A lot of those films tend to glory violence.
OK, everyone, relax and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4 Lonely is not something that only affects
4 l'm going to go wild at this party! the old .
HA IR S Suffering from exhaust, she finally gave up.
l'm going to let - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6 The oldest of the siblings, he was always
S 1find it hard to stop focusing on work in the evenings. the dominate one.
SWITCH 7 Much to my embarrass, 1turned up on
the wrong day.
1find it hard to - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
8 His reappear in London sparked all kinds
6 1 need to be distracted from all these worries.
of debate.
9 We need to strong our domestic policies
1 need
to take my - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - before the election.
7 You should learn to relax. 1O She was deep committed to social justice.
EASY 11 From an early age he'd wanted to become
You should learn to - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - a music.
8 You can gamble with your money, not mine! 12 lt will cost millions to modern the building.
Youcan _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

FUNCTION exchanging opinions GRAMMAR future in the past

S Put the underlined words in the correct order to complete the 7 Write one word in each gap to
conversations. complete the text.
A: 1think mobile phones should be banned!
B: 1oh 1 yo u 1 joking 1 be 1 come 1 must 1 on. Why?
A: Because they cause brain cancer. 1read it.

B: 2that's 1 think 1 honestly 1 can't 1 you 1 true.
2 A: 1think recycling should be made compulsory.

B: 3more 1 11 agree 1 couldn't.
A: And if you don't do it, you go to prison!
B: 4 ridiculous 1 oh 1 that's!
3 A: 1think teachers and nurses should be paid more than politicians.
B: 5
1ogic 1 in 1 the 1 that 1 where's? The country would go bankrupt.
'1111'11111 .....
A: Because their work is just as important.
B: 6you 've 1 a 1 suppose 1 point 1 11 got, but it wouldn't work in practice. Universal Studios was about
1_ _ _ begin filming a crucial
4 A: 1think all business and political leaders should be women.
7 that scene in f. T. the fxtra-Terrestriol.
B: 1 can 1 how 1 say 1 you? Some men are wonderfulleaders.
Elliott, the little boy, 2_ _
A: War would almost disappear. The world would be better.
going to use sweets to lure E.T.
B: 8 me 1 to 1 doesn't 1 just 1 it 1 sense 1 make. into his house. The studio called
S A: 1think cars should be banned from city centres. Mars, lnc. about an opportunity
B: Absolutely! 9that 1 you 1 l'm 1 on 1 with 1 100 percent. for some product placement. They
planned to use M&Ms - a brand
A: This will reduce pollution and traffic congestion.
of chocolate sweets- as E.T.'s
B: 10 right 1 absolutely 1 that's. bait, in return for which Mars,
6 A: 1think all workers should evaluate their bosses. lnc. was 3 _ _ _ pay a fee or do
B: 11
up 1 a 1 11 point 1 to 1 agree 1 you 1 with. some promotional work for the
A: And if the bosses fail their evaluation, they should be sacked. film. The studio 4_ _ hoping to
12practical use M&Ms because of their bright
B: 1 that's 1 you 1 surely 1 think 1 don't?
colours. Rumour has it that Mars,
lnc. was going 5_ _ _ accept
the deal, but then said no. One
theory for the turnaround is that
6 Add the missing letters to complete thejokes. a Mars, lnc. executive believed
that no one 6 _ _ _ want to
An old man finds that he ·has time on his 1h _ _ _ _ so he watch a film about an alíen being
starts meeting a childhood friend every day to talk about their adopted by a child . Whatever the
2ea _ _ _ _ st memories. '1 know we've been friends for eighty
reason. Universal Studios turned
years, and when 1 see you it 3br _ _ _ _ back a lot of memories,
to Mars, lnc.'s rival. the Hershey
but 1 can't remember your name.' His friend glares at him. Five
mirmtes pass and the friend is still glarirlg. Finally he says, 'How Foods Corporation. Hershey's
soon do you need to know?' chose to use its little-known
sweets Reese's Pieces. Although
A couple brings their new baby home. The wife asks the husband to try 7_ _ required to paya fee, the
cha nging the nappy. 'l'm a bit 4 p ____ d for time. 1'11 do the next one,' company was 8_ _ _ spend
he says. The next time the baby's nappy needs changing, she's on the $1 million on advertising the film,
5 v ____ ofdoing itwhen she stopsand saysto her husband. '1 in return for which they could use
distinctly 6 r ______ r yo u saying you'd do it the next time'. He E.T. in advertising Reese's Pieces.
says, '1 didn't mean the next nappy. 1meant the next baby.' What was to 9 _ _ _ been a nice
little deal on a promising film
h 1 7h z recollections of turned out to be an astonishing
An old couple are fmding that theyHave ontyhey should write everything
h · · doctor e says coup. Sales of Reese's Pieces
recent events so t ey v!Slt a . 8 h quietly at home and she
shot through the roof and f. T. the
clown. One day they are pass~ng ,; ,e t-; ~~me 'he says. 'Sorne ice
fxtro-Terrestrio/ 10_ _ _ go on to
says, 'I'd love sorne strawb,er~es. I ~8~ fhe replie~. 'And would you
cream would be nice, too: s e saysul.d be' ~onderful , she agrees, 'but make $800 million and become
top;>' Thatwo ' . I'T ty one of the best-known films of
like some cream ?n. . ;>"Nol I can remember three thmgs. wen
shouldn't you wnte lt ~~wn. ~ to o to the kitchen when he returns all time.
minutes pass, and she s dab - Sh 1g ks at the plate for a moment and
with a plate ofbacon an ~ggs. e oo
says, 'You forgot my toast.

VOCABULARY PLUS proverbs and sayings FUNCTION discussing ideas

8 Match A, B and C to make twelve proverbs and sayings. 1O Underline the correct alternatives.
A B e
Actions a) the heart i) a thousand words.
ii) than sorry.
'You should try taking walks,' said
2 A picture b) a book
3 Rome wasn 't e) is worth iii) out of mind .
4 Better d) nothing iv) heart is. 'That's lthe!a good idea. I never
thought 2of!about that.' Peters shufflecl
S Absence makes e) built v) preach.
in bis chair, a faraway look in bis eye.
6 Practice f) safe vi) in a day.
Jackson continued. 'Having 3toldl
7 Nothing ventured, g) sight, vii) like home.
said that, don't walk too far. The idea
8 Don'tjudge h) makes viii) perfect.
is to get your brain working again, not
9 There's no i) place ~ix) than words. your legs.'
10 Outof j) speak louder x) by its cover.
'That makes perfect sense,' repliecl
11 Home is k) what you xi) gained. Peters. 'I'm 4with/for you there. Tell me
12 Practise 1) where the xii) grow fonder something,' he saicl, leaning forwarcl .
'Have you suffered from writer's block,
Jackson eyed him like a hawk eyes
GRAMMAR ellipsis and substitution
its prey.
9 Choose the correct option to complete the conversations. 'I clon't believe it exists. 5Mindingl
A: Do you think you'll get that job?, yours is nota special case. I
B: 1expect get people coming in here all the time
a) yes b) not e) so d) 1'11 whining about how they are 'blocked'.
2 A: Remember Michael, from school?
The truth is, they are only amateurs .'
B: Yes,l 'But looking 6at!for it another way,
a) will b) can e) am d) do do you not think they are just lacking
in inspiration?'
3 A: Lots of people at the conference this year?
B: No, not Jackson lookecl at Peters again.
a) many b) any e) much d) lot
4 A: Was your hard drive damaged? 'Inspiration.'
B: 1 hope 'Do you mean like someone in your
a) no b) didn 't e) not d) it head, giving you ideas?'
S A: Would you like to sample this drink? 'Yes and no,' said Peters. 'Um, yes, I
B: No thanks, but 1'11 try that mean ideas. Ways of fincling ideas. Or
a) ones b) one e) for d) here on the 7one/other hand, chances to be
6 A: Did you go to the concert yesterday? creative, to use the imagination.'
B: Yes, but 1wish 1 'I know 8that/what you mean,
a) didn't b) won't e) not d) hadn't Peters, but I'm from a clifferent age. In
my day, you simply got things clone or
7 A: l'm not sure the Joneses eat meat.
your family dicln't eat. Now go and take
B: We can cook fish if they your walk.'
a) won't b) haven 't e) don't d) didn't
8 A: You look tired. Why don 't you go to bed?
B: Once 1finish this report, 1
a) will b) do e) did d) can ~ t

9 A: Can you and Heba come over for dinner?

B: We'd love
a) some b) coming e) come d) to
10 A: Don 't talk to strangers when you're there.
B: Don 't worry, we
a) aren't b) won 't e) shouldn 't d) don't


Circle the correct option to complete the sentences. 16 We will remember their sacrifices in years to
1 you don't know about can't hurt you.
a) lf b) What e) That a) go b) be e) come
2 was the butler, not the heiress, who killed 17 1 remember that holiday
him . a) powerfully b) vividly e) strongly
a) lt b) There e) This 18 We got to Copenhagen with time to
3 What you do next up to you . a) save b) go e) spare
a) there's b) that's e) is 19 You were to be here at 7.00.
4 We hatched an plan that couldn 't fail. a) supposed b) meaning e) verging
a) escape b) escaped e) escaping 20 He was on the of a great medica!
5 Old age hasn 't made us slow at al l. breakthrough.
a) down b) to e) much a) time b) moment e) verge
6 1wish you would take easy! 21 After revitalising TechGen, he later
a) you b) this e) it become CEO.
7 Having the song, he immediately called a) was b) would e) is
the band. 22 1 was to call you!
a) been heard b) hearing e) heard a) nearly b) about e) almost •
8 been a pilot, he knew all about planes. 23 Don 't judge a book by its
a) After b) Had e) Having a) cover b) promotion e) author
9 the city on horseback, they were greeted 24 Actions louder than words.
like kings. a) are b) talk e) speak
a) Entering b) Enter e) Entered 25 Will they leave tonight? 1doubt
10 to radiation , he knew he had little time a) not b) so e) it
26 You asked if 1 always do my best. 1 try
a) Having exposed b) Exposed e) Exposing
a) it b) to e) so
11 We couldn 't believe the of the man.
27 Will 1 be fired? 1 hope
a) stupidly b) stupid e) stupidity
a) it isn 't b) not e) that
12 He saw a woman acting so he stopped
28 He's strong. you , he's not very fast.
a) Know b) Listen e) Mind
a) suspect b) suspiciously e) suspicious
29 llike meat. said that, 1 don 't eat it often.
13 1 agree with you toa point.
a) Having b) After e) But
a) up b) far e) through
30 He's old, but looking at it another , he's
14 None of his arguments sense tome.
a) made b) took e) meant
a) light b) time e) way
15 1suppose you 've gota , but l'm not sure.
a) thought b) logic e) point

/30 1

VOCABULARY adjectives GRAMMAR verb tenses for unreal situations

1A Add the missing letters to complete 2 Complete the text with the words in the box.
the adjectives in questions 1-12.
about as did had rather supposing
1 Which Dutch artist's work was unpopular
though time wanted was
in his lifetime, but is now so w _ _ _-
r_ _ _ _v_d that it se lis for millions?
2 Whose sL _k_ __g 19th-century statue
is called The Thinker?
3 Which unc _ _v_ _ _ _ _ _al
Living~; ~tatues
20th-century Spanish artist was known Imagine you 1 to stand stock still all day in 90 degree heat, with
for his brilliant paintings and long, curled pigeons pecking at your feet and small children poking you. And then
2 you did it while wearing full-body make-up and a Charlie Chaplin
suit. Being a living statue cannot be the easiest job in the world. What's more, the
4 Which 2009 film, described by one critic
people under the masks are misunderstood souls.
as 'ov_ _ r_ _ _ d', broke all box office
records? 'It's 3 people realised this is a form of street theatre,' says Zach
Demetri, who plies his trade as a living statue in Los Angeles. 'It dates from
5 Which off_ _ _ t actor has played a
centuries ago.'
pirate, a chocolate factory owner and a
man who has scissors instead of hands? I ask him, 'What are the biggest annoyances?'
'Well, I'd 4_ _ _ _ kids didn't come up and hit me to see if I'm real. And so me
6 Which actress won an Osear playing a
people treat me 5 if I was a dog but, hey, it comes with the territory.
boy and then won another one five years
I'd sooner they 6 that than ignored me. And as long as they put sorne
later for her poi _ _ _ nt performance as
money in the hat, it's fine.'
a doomed boxer?
Raul Castaneda, a half-English, half-Spanish living statue who works on Las
7 Which English band, formed in 1962, has
Ramblas, Barcelona, says, 'The main problem is your friends and family. They're
released over 100 singles and performed always saying, 'Isn't it 7 time you gota proper job?' Well, yeah, I wish
a sL _ _ _ ng concert, completely I8 on Broadway acting with Kevin Spacey and Al Pacino, but it hasn't
free, to 1.5 million people on Copacabana happened yet and !'ve got to eat.'
Beach, Rio de Janeiro in 2006?
I meet another living statue, Paulina Robards, better known as The White Angel,
8 Which iconic Jamaican singer wrote from Camden, London and ask, 'What if I 9 to do your job, what advice
th _ _ _ ht-pr_ _ _ k_ ng songs about would you give me?'
social issues and died at thirty-six? 'Find a character you lave, study make-up and costume, choose a pose you can
9 Which Colombian singer sings in hold easily, and learn to control your breathing. It's notas 10 you
English and Spanish and has sold an have to do much while you're in character, but you need to be in a cal m mental
im_ _ _ _ _ _ ve 50 million albums? state. Almost Zen.'
1O What c_m _ _ ll_ng 2003 thriller by
Dan Brown uses the name of an ltalian 3 Write sentences that have a similar meaning to 1-8. Use the phrases
Renaissance genius in its title?
in the box and your own words.
1 1 Who wrote the bl _ _ k trilogy The Girl
with the Dragan Tattoo , The Girl who Played about time 1 as if she high time they if he imagine
with Fire and The Gir/ who Kicked the rather supposing we wish 1
Homet's Nest?
Going to the Manet exhibition would be better for me .
12 Which eh _ _ _ _ ng doctor in Robert
Louis Stevenson 's story of 1886 turns into
a monstrous murderer at night? 2 llove that painting, but l'm not rich enough to buy it.

B Match the questions with the answers

in the box.
3 You would think he was a famous artist, the way he acts.

Shakira Avatar The Da Vinci Code

4 She looks exhausted. 1 don't think she slept at alllast night.
Hilary Swank Auguste Rodin
Salvador Dalí Bob Marley Johnny Depp
Vincent van Gogh The Rolling Stones 5 · lf we borrowed his car, would he mind?
Stieg Larsson Dr Jekyll
6 This computer's ancient. 1 should buy myself a new one.
e ® 9.1 Listen and check.
7 Picture this: you have twenty-four hours to live. What would you do?

8 The authorities should fix this road. lt's been like this for months.
VOCABULARY PLUS three-part multi-word
S Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar
meaning to the first. Use the correct tense of the verb given.
1 We'll catch you and then we'll punish you!
You won't _ _ _ _ _ ___ this!
2 Few people fight back against her. She has all the power.
Few people _ _ _ _ _ ___ her.
3 We weren 't able to think of any good ideas.
We failed to _ _ _ _ _ __ _ any good ideas.
4 The blame lies with the government.
This has to be _ _ _ _ __ __ government
S l'd rather support her idea than risk another argument.
l'd rather _ _ _ _ ____ her idea than risk another
4A Look at the photos. Why do you think people find
them inspiring?
6 lt'll be great to hear all Jaya's news.
B ®9.2 Listen to two discussions, one about each CATCH
photo. As you listen, complete the notes.
l'm looking foward to _ __ _ _ _ _ _ with Jaya.
_ _ _ _ _, _ f _ I Q..IIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 7 l've been busy, but 1hope to read your work this weekend.
Peo-pLe: Muhammad Ali and Sonny Listan, GET
US boxers 1'11 try to _ _ _ _ _ __ _ reading your work this
sve ~~~vt: world title fight (for Heavyweight Championship weekend .
of the World) 8 lf you believe in something, you must say so.
yecn. : STAND
w~ ~~~v~~~ve r-: You must what you believe in .
"<.~~~v~ to tVIe stor-¡j: In their first fight, ... 9 lt was years before the CIA realised what he was doing.
The CIA didn 't _ _ __ _ _ _ _ what he was doing
fo r years.
1O How on earth do yo u tolerate all that noise?
"P11oto :2. How do you _ _ _ _ __ _ _ all that noise?
Peo-pLe: Bobby Moore and Pelé, English and 1 1 She's never really done outdoor sports like tennis or
Brazilian footballers athletics.
s vell\,t : GO
yea r. She's never _ _ _ _ __ _ _ outdoor sports like
w~ ll\,~r-: tennis or athletics.
"\,cl to t VIe .stoytj : The photographer, john 12 Profits are the most important factor.
Varley, almost ... COME
WVIc;~t Vlc;~-p-pe~ j ~-<.St befo r-e tVIe -p~ct~-<.r-e wc;~s taR.e~~~v: lt all _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ profits.

6A ®
9 .3 Listen to the answers. ls the stress on the
second or third word in multi-word verbs?
'You won 't get away with this.' The stress in on 'away'.

e Listen again to check. B Listen again and repeat the multi-word verbs only.
VOCABULARY ideas 3 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning
to the first. Use the word given.
1 Match 1-10 with a)-j) to complete phrases 1 In all honesty, 1simply can 't tell them apart.
about ideas. HONESTLY
1 Why don't we brainstorm . . .
2 We were toying .. . 2 We have a chance to see Harry's cousins every now and again .
3 What gave yo u . . . WHILE
4 The idea for the song carne ... Once ___________________________________________
5 We've hit . .. 3 We offered to help when we saw that the old lady couldn't cope
6 Whose bright idea . . . alone.
7 He's an absolute genius, always . .. HERSELF
8 1don 't know why, but it seemed like . .. We ________________________________~----------
9 lt's so hard to come up with original ideas . .. 4 lt was probably my own fault.
1O 1can't believe we went along with such a . . . PROBABILITY
In _____________________________________________
a) the idea of writing about your dog?
b) on a new idea for a product. 5 She opened the suspicious package with great care .

e) coming up with novel ideas. CAUTIOUSLY

She _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____
d) a good idea at the time.
e) ridiculous idea. 6 Let's postpone the whole thing until everyone feels better.

f) to me when 1was out walking the dog. RECOVERED

g) sorne ideas and see where that takes us? Let's - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

h) which haven't been thought of before.
i) was it to ask my mother-in-law to stay? READING
j) with the idea of going to Greece, but the flights
are too expensive. 4A Read the interview with New York artist Rosa Rodriguez.
Match the questions below with her answers.
Who inspired you most along your journey, and why?
GRAMMAR adverbials Can you tell us a little bit about a normal day in your life?

2 Complete the sentences with the words/ What inspired you to take the path of an artist?
phrases in the box. What advice would you give to young artists out there?

quite pt5ssibly all in all as far as

enough for the entire duration
in order to likelihood once a fortnight fiOsA RODRIGUEZ: 'FINO YOUR PASSION'
presumably reluctantly I came across the blog of New York artist Rosa Hodriguez earlier
this year and instantly felt a connection. Rosa is living the artist's
The evening event will quite possibly carry on dream of making a living from her art. 1_ I asked her if I could do
until after midnight. an interview, and was delighted when she said 'yes'. So, here are my
2 Strangely , despite the appalling questions and her answers.
weather, the holiday was a great success.
3 _ _ _ _ , we were pleased to ha ve had the
opportunity to express our opinions.
4 We were asked to come early, _ _ __
because there had been sorne kind of problem .
5 We were only invited help boost
the number of guests.
6 , she agreed to answer the
interviewer's more personal questions.
7 Having slept of the film, he wasn't
really in a position to comment.
8 In all , we are headed for war.
9 The committee meet _ _ _ _ to discuss any
issues which arise.
1O They'd travelled _ _ _ _ they could go
without asking for help.
B Read the text again. One sentence has been removed from each
WRITING a review
paragraph. Match sentences A-F with gaps 1-5. There is one extra
sentence. SA Complete the review with sentences
A 1 can't
look at another piece of artwork without taking something from it, a)-d).
something about the use of colour, the shapes, the expression. 14th September
B There was such a vibrancy to the place, that 1 fell in le ve with it.
C Afternoons are usually taken up with visits to galleries or meetings with A breath of blue at
o rganisers and e mails. the Miró retrospective
D Sleep more- people don 't usually get enough sleep, and that saps their
creative energy.
The Joan Miró exhibition crt the Tate
E She also has a mission to inspire others to find their creative talent. Modern in London is the first majar
F Sometimes you have to wo rk really hard to get recognition, and it takes retrospective here for nearly fifty
time. years . 1_ __
Working in a rich variety of sty les,
C Complete the sentences with words/phrases from the text.
Miró was both a painter and a
He moved to Tuscany to paint. He's really l_ __ the 's
sculptor, and the exhibition offers
d _ _ . (paragraph 1)
the opportunity to view more than
2 She sat in the docto r's surgery, idly {_ _ _ th rough the magazines.
150 paintings, drawings, sculptures
(paragraph 2)
and prints taken from over six
3 We were so excited when we g5-- - the eh _ __ to meet the band decades of his lite. 2_ __
backstage. (paragraph 2)
As we travel through each
4 1' 11 see yo u here at twelve n_ __ . (paragraph S)
d ecade, we become witness to

~ --------------
the struggle that Miró experienced
during dictcrtorship rule, which h e
communiccrtes so powerfully in his
Well, when 1 was fifteen years old, 1 got the chance to cometo New York paintings. 3_ _
for an acting competition. Every evening after the competition, 1 would
wander around the city trying to find somewh ere to eat. 2_ lt was so loud, The exhibition is spectacular,
and sca ry, and dirty, and unpredictable, and 1 was justa young girl from informative and quite sirnply
Illinois, walking the streets ofNew York. 1 remember thinking to myself b reath-taking. Prepare to be
'One day I'm going to live here.' shocked, appalled, moved and
then cornforted . As Miró once said
Back at school, flipping through art magazines during art classes, I noticed
himself, 'M y ncrture is actually

they were full of New York artists. So, I made the connection, 'Art = N ew
York', and that was the beginning.

Q2: - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - -- - - - - - - -
pessimistic. When I work, I want to
escape this pessirnism. ' 4 _ __

There are too many people to mentían , really. 1 am inspired every day by a) The works take us on an
the people l meet, the people r see 011 stree t corners, the people cleaning .ex traordirmry journey, allowirlg
the trash. Forme, inspiration is everywhere. You just have to be open to it. us to apprecicrte the artist's own
I guess, professionally, I've been inspired by many other artists. 3_ Ancl the intellectual, political and artistic
people who en joy the work that Ido- they are a huge inspiration tome. If d evelopments.
someone appreciates what you do, it gives you a good reason to carry on .
b) We might have thought thcrt we
Q3: - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - -- - --- already knew Miró the painter, but
r get up early, around five. r love the peace at that time of day, and it's m oving through the galleries, we
when I'm at my most productive. I make tea and sit in my studio with realise thcrt whcrt we knew merely
the windows open. You can hear th e birds, an d the sounds of a few early touches the surface.
starters beginning their da y. This is a good time forme to paint, or work
e) He does, and he takes us with him,
on ideas. I'm fresh and energised, excited about the day. I work most of the
morning, only stopping for more tea. By noon, I'm hungry so I have lunch beautifully'
wi th my husband. 4_ That's the office work. By the evening, I'm usually
d) Ren owned as one of the grecrtest
ti red, so we'll stay in , eat good food and relax.
Surrealist painters, Miró fills his
paintings with bold figurative
Q4: - -- - - - - -- - -- -- -- - - - - - -- --- shapes and exuberant colour.
Find your passion, and follow it. If you do something with passion, then
you will succeed at it sooner or later. So, don't give up. 5_ Remember,
if yo u want to make money out of your art, then you have to look at itas B Write a review for an exhibition or
a business too. Creating art, you can do what you want, but to sell it, you show (200-250 words) . Use the review
might need to take advice from others. above as a model and your own words.

FUNCTION ranting/raving VOCABULARY express yourself
1 A Beth and Mike are completing a questionnaire. 3 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
Correct the mistakes in the underlined phrases/
1 crave fly mind rant rave speak
Beth: OK, Mike. Here's the first question. What's your Do you try to hide your feelings or do you let them
favourite film? _____ ?
Mike: Groundhog Doy is one of my favourites. 1t's all time

2 This blog is a great place to about things that

classic. frustrate you.
Beth: What about your last holiday? Where did you go? 3 l've had enough of him coming home late. l'm going to
Mike: 1went to Turkey with my girlfriend. 2 1t was an idyllic. give him a piece of my when he gets home.
Beth: What's the best concert you've ever been to? 4 1want to travel the world, learn a new language, a new
Mike: 1 went to see Metallica in Moscow. 3That
was one the culture. 1 a fresh perspective.
most incredible concerts l've ever been to. 5 Community leaders their mind about projects
Beth: OK, so what was the last exhibition or gallery yo u which affect their communities.
went to? 6 She did nothing but about the new restaurant
Mike: 1went toa contemporary art exhibition in Barcelona and how exquisite the food was.
recently. 4 1t was the total waste of money. 1 paid
twenty euros for the ticket, but there were hardly any
paintings to see. 5 1f there's one thing 1don 't stand, it 's LEARNTO use comment adverbials
paying lots of money for a ticket to something, and
then finding out it wasn't worth it.
4A Add the missing letters to complete the words.
lt wasn't exactly difficult. We b_s_c_lly played the
Beth: Hmm .. . contemporary art's not my style anyway.
6 1t's not my cup of juice at al l. What about food? Can same tunes every night.
you tell me about one of the worst meals you 've ever 2 She h_n_stl_ believed that she could make life better
eaten? for them by being at home.
Mike: That was something 1cooked last week. 1was 3 He is _nd __ bt_dl_ talented.
experimenting but it went wrong. My girlfriend was 4 l'd c_mpl_t_l_ underestimated his ability.
very polite, but 7 it was awful absolutely. 5 We s_mpl_ cannot just sit here and do nothing!
Beth: Oh dear. And lastly, what's something that really 6 S_rpr_s_ngl_ , they didn't wake anyone up when they
annoys you? came back in the middle of the night.
Mike: Annoys me? 81t stands me up the wall when people 7 lt was a t_t_ll_ unexpected outcome. We had no idea.
chew gum. 1 hate it.
8 We're _ncr_d_bl_ honoured to be able to introduce
B ® 9.4 Listen and check. you to Professor Kubermann .

2 Put the words in order to complete the responses. B Choose one of the prompts and make a suitable
1 A: Did you enjoy the film? adverbial to complete the sentences.
B: of 1 was 1 time 1 it 1 waste 1 a 1 total 1 complete 1 surprise
No, ___________________________________ We understand . lt's really not your fault.
2 A: Don't you just love Charlie Chaplin? 2 incredible 1 simple
B: an 1 classic 1 all 1 he 's 1 time 1 couldn't have managed without your help.
Yes, ___________________________________ 3 doubt 1 complete
3 A: What do you think of this one? He won the competition. His entry was _____ the best.
B: at 1 my 1 of 1 cup 1 it 's 1 all 1 not 1 tea 4 incredible 1 honest
Oh no, ________________________________ We were pleased with the results, which were
even better than expected.
4 A: Do you like their new album?
5 honest 1 surpise
B: absolutely 1 1 /awfu l 1 it's 1 think
No, ___________________________________ We were _____ as surprised as you about it!
6 basic 1 incredible
5 A: Did you enjoy Sardinia?
He didn't have a clue asto what he was
B: think 1 the 1 of 1 ever 1 places 1 it's 1 l've / incredible 1
supposed to be doing.
been 1 11one 1 most
Yes, ___________________________________ 7 surprise 1 total
___ _ _ agree with you. There is no doubt in my mind.
6 A: Unfortunately, we got lost on the way there, and
arrived nearly an hour late. 8 honest 1 surprise
B: getting 1 worse 1 there's 1 lost 1 than 1 nothing _____ they didn 't even ask for any more money, as
we'd expected them to.
Oh dear, -----------------------------


1A Choose the correct alternative. 2A ® 10.1 Listen to the description of three amazingjourneys. Make
More than 9,000 passengers were notes in the table as you listen.
he/d up !he/d down o ver the
weekend at Chengdu Shuangliu
lnternational Airport due to rain storms.
2 He has a compulsion!an obsession with
shoes. He must have more than fifty pairs
in his room .
3 In the late summer, more than a million
wildebeest migrate on this epic/gigantic
journey from Tanzania to the Maasai Mara
in Kenya.
4 lt's a wonderful article about coping with
the expanses!depths of depression.
S He didn 't feel the full effects of the
physical/body privations he had suffered as
a prisoner until after they were over.
6 The family were modest/humbled by
the kindness shown to them after the
7 Have-a-go hero Martin Richardson
battered the gun-wie/dinglgun-swinging
robber to the floor using a chair.

B Complete the sentences with the words

in the box.

held obsession depths epic

privations gun-wielding humbled na me where from/to? how? why?

l've been genuinely by the

Greg Parm ley
response to the album. lt's very flattering.
2 From Madrid to Beijing? That's quite an
_ _ _ _ journey! Pet er Moore

3 Unfortunately, Jim struggles to deal with

the of his depression. Sa rah Outen
4 l'm so sorry we're late. We were
_ _ _ _ up for ages at immigration.
S The hotel owner single-handedly managed B Listen again and complete the sentences.
to fight off three gangsters. Greg Parmley planned to visit more music festival s in _ _ _ _ days
than anyone had ever done before.
6 She's got an with trying to be
perfect all the time. 2 He planned to travel over _ _ _ _ miles and visit _ _ __
7 In sorne ways the physical _ _ __ countries.
weren't the hardest thing they had to deal 3 Peter Mo ore planned to travel from London to _ _ _ _ without
4 His main motivation for the journey was to 'blow his mind and
_ _ _ _ his life'.
S Sarah Outen plans to travel around the world using only _ _ __
6 Her trip has an educational purpose; she wants to inspire young people
to learn more about their _ _ __

3 What can you remember? Answer the questions.

1 What are Greg Parmley's two passions?
2 What did Peter Moore get in trouble for when he was at school?
3 How will the children be able to keep in touch with Sarah?

GRAMMAR inversion VOCABULARY PLUS synonyms

4 Match 1-6 with a)-f) to make sentences. 6A Match words 1-6 with synonyms a)-f).
No sooner had he fínished talking about her .. . gripping
2 Never befo re have 1... 2 highlight
3 Not only do 1love classical music, . .. 3 embark on
4 Not until they had reached the hotel, ... 4 bug
S Had he understood the full complexity of the S master
situation , ... 6 journey
6 At no point did we even ...
a) stress; accentuate
a) but 1 sing in a choir. b) thrilling; exhilarating
b) than she walked in through the door. e) get the hang of; grasp
e) he would never have undertaken to do the job. d) trip; expedition
d) consider turning back. e) undertake; set off on
e) been so insulted. f) irritate; get on (someone's) nerves
f) did he remember to check the booking.
B Rewrite the sentences using synonyms for the words
5 Rewrite the sentences so the second sentence has a in bold.
similar meaning to the first. Start with the given word(s) 1 Hudleston embarked on his voyage to India in 1817.
and use inversion.
1 had never seen anything quite like it before.
2 lt was an epic journey crossing three continents.

2 As soon as they had finished the meal, the waiter brought

3 l've been working at it for weeks, but 1just can't master it.
the bill and asked them to leave.

4 lt was definitely the most thrilling scene in the whole film.

3 lf they nad bothered to check the weather forecast

befo re they left, they might have seen that storms were
predicted . S 1can't highlight enough how important it is to finish the ·
HAO project on time.

4 lt was only when they reached the tiny island that they 6 The sound of the builders next door is really beginning to
realised how basic things were. bug me.


S We never even considered inviting our extended family,

as they don't get on at al l.

6 Arriving late was not the only thing he did wrong; he also
forgot the ring!

VOCABULARY ambition GRAMMAR comparative structures

1 Choose the corred options to complete the text. 2 Tick the option that has a similar meaning to the
first sentence.
How (not) to leave your dream l'm nowhere near as strong as Tim .
job once it becomes a nightmare a) Ti m is infinitely stronger than me.

Actor Stephen Fry is renowned 1_ brilliant comic b) Ti m is a bit stronger than me.
performances in numerous TV programmes and films. 2 The light is barely any better here than in the office.
but in 1995, he was 2_ spotlight for a different a) lt's considerably brighter here than in the office.
reason . Having shot 3_ fame in BBC's 'A Bit of Fry and b) The light is only slightly better here than in the office.
Laurie'. and now living every actor's dream - a starring
3 The exam was decidedly easier this year than last year.
role in a West End play - he walked out of the show
after just three performances. a) lt was significantly easier this year than last year.

He wasn't the first star to have 4 _ an apprenticeship, b) lt was barely any easier this year than last year.
won the fame they'd 5 _ . and then found the dream 4 That car is nothing like as expensive as yours.
to be a nightmare. Seventy years earlier, a young Ernest a) lt's every bit as expensive as yours.
Hemingway, having paid 6_ as ajournalist and short b) lt's nowhere near as expensive as yours.
story writer, found himself tied in to a contract and S The new version of the phone is miles better than the
unable to change his publisher. So he wrote a book, old one.
Torrents of Spring, which he knew was so bad that his
a) The new phone is way better than the old one.
publisher would reject it.
b) The new phone is just better than the old one.
For those 7_ becoming an opera star, here's a
cautionary tale: opera singer Roberto Alagna. 8 _ 6 lt's getting harder and harder to find affordable
esteem by the classical music world, was booed at Milan's housing.
La Scala while performing the opera 'Aida'. and walked a) lt's becoming much more difficult to find
out of the production. His understudy took over for the affordable housing.
rest of the performance wearing street clothes. b) lt's marginally more difficult to find affordable
Then there are the normal people in normaljobs who housing.
end up leaving abnormally. Steven Slater, a flight
3A Look at the following statements about life-
attendant. suddenly beca me the 9_ attention in 201 O
changing events. Three are grammatically corred.
when he left his job by jumping out of the plane on a
Which ones?
slide. Fortunately, the plane was on the ground. YouTube
and 1\vitter helped him to become 10_ success as his 1 had a baby girl two months ago. Being a mother is
story zoomed around the internet. every wonderful as 1thought it would be.

And for those who 11 _ aspirations to become a bus 2 During a stressful time, 1 sat on the North Rim of
driver, don't follow William Cimillo's 1947 example. the Grand Canyon, watching the sun go down,
While on his daily route in The Bronx. New York, Cimillo and realised my troubles were nowhere bad as l'd
clearly hankered 12_ the open road. He took a detour
of 1,300 miles and ended up in Florida. After being 3 lt's becoming more difficult to find work in my area,
arrested for theft of the bus. he was asked why he'd so finally getting a job made a big difference.
done it. He replied , 'The New York traffic gets you . lt's 4 Losing my grandfather ayear ago was traumatic. 1
like driving in a squirrel cage.' Remarkably, he got his was closer to him than 1 am to my parents.
job back.
S 1dropped out of college. The longer 1stayed, 1
realised it wasn 't forme .
a) by b) for e) of
6 1found religion in my fifties and as a result my life
2 a) in b) on the e) in the became a better.
3 a) by b) to e) into
7 1finally had an operation l'd been dreading. lt w as
4 a) served b) made e) acted as bad as l'd feared.
S a) craved b) caved e) craved at 8 1 recently lost 30 lbs, and now 1feel than l've felt
6 a) the dues b) a due e) his dues in years.
7 a) set on b) settled on e) setting on
B Add pairs of words from the box to the
8 a) held in high b) high held in e) held on high
statements above so that they all become (or rema in)
9 a) centred b) centre to e) centre of
grammatically correct.
10 a) overnight b) an overnight e) an over the night
11 a) take a lot bit as good deal more and much better
b) want e) have
near as nothing like the more
12 a) towards b) after e) for

READING e Find words in the poem to match the definitions.

to shake slightly in a way you can't control
4A Read the poem. Whose life story could it be?
2 surrounded by unpleasant things you cannot escape

Life Story
3 shot many times and full of bullets _ _ _ __
I first saw him in Texas 4 to hang down or bend in the middle _ _ _ __
G uns flashing by his side
S to bring honour to something by attending it
An arrow split his heavy heart
He trembl ed, th en he di ed.
6 a film (informal) _ _ _ __
I saw him next in Africa
Besieged by fli es and sweat
He died again in dripping sun WRITING a 'for and against' essay
How coulcl the worlcl forget?
Soon after, in a trenchcoat
SA Read two statements about an issue. Which do
He spied for the CIA yo u agree with?
His bullet-ridden body sagged ' The paparazzi should not be allowed to
But he livecl another clay. photograph celebrities during prívate moments. lt is
Still young and tough , he hit the gym an intrusion of privacy. '
An cl boxecl his way to fame
Ancl breathed his last in a hospital bed ' Celebrities are public figures who rely on the
And saicl , 'It's a loser's game.' public's affection and attention. Therefore, they
cannot complain when the paparazzi follow them
He came back lean and hungry around and photograph them for the public to see. '
A gangster with a knife
Ancl cut his way to riches B Add one word to complete the sentences.
T ill a girl cop took his life. _ _ _ _ could be better than being recognised
Then one day we alllearned at last and adored all over the world?
He'd played his final part 2 One of the benefits of being photographed is that it
The papers saw it coming consolidates your fame, but one of the _ _ __
Ancl they turned his death to art. is that you can 't go shopping or lie on a beach in
'He gracecl the fin est movies' peace.
'ije knew what his looks were for' 3 On the one hand, celebrities need the paparazzi,
'A natural in front of the camera' but on the hand, they also need some
But the cameras rol! no more. privacy.
He'cl killed a thousand, robbed a few 4 Those in of introducing tougher privacy
Hacl over fifty wives laws say that intrusion into private lives has gone
And seen six centuries pass by too far, while those against say that photographers
Ancl livecl a thousand lives have a right to do their jobs.

And all of these reduced now S We need to into consideration the fact
that people around the celebrities, such as their
To a face in a magazine
And Sunday re-nms of his flicks children and spouses, are also affected.
A ghost dancing on screen. 6 On the positive side, the public gets to see
that superstars have problems too, but on the
_ _ _ _ side, such reporting prometes a kind of
unhealthy voyeurism.
B Are the statements true (T) or false (F)?
1 The actor's first role may have been a cowboy. e Look at the sentences again. What is the function
2 In another film his character died in Africa. of the expressions in bold? Do they: (1) show
3 In one role he shot a member of the CIA. contrasting arguments, (2) introduce pros, or (3)
introduce either pros or cons?
4 In another role he trained a famous boxer.
S He played a gangster who killed a policewoman. D Write a 'for and against' essay (250 words) for
6 He may have been ill for a long time before he died. the question below. Use so me of the ideas from
Exercises SA and B to help you.
7 He was probably either handsome or interesting to look at.
ls it time to protect celebrities from the paparazzi?
8 No one remembers him as his films are never shown now.

FUNCTION negotiating VOCABULARY negotiation

1 Underline the corred alternatives to complete the 2 Match questions 1-7 with replies a)-g) .
negotiations. ls the goal of the negotiation to get what we want
1 A: Get in touch if anything needs 1to c/arify 1 c/arifying. without giving anything away?
B: We will. 1think everything seems very clear. 2 What's the first thing 1should do after meeting a new
A: Good. But do let me know 2if
you hove 1 if you're business contact?
having any queries. We're here to help. 3 Why should llearn the native customs and traditions
2 A: 3 What 1 What ifwe supported your idea to host a befare doing business abroad?
conference? 4 Can 1 tell them this is my final offer even if it isn 't?
B: lf you help us with that, 4 we'//
give 1 we give you a 5 What if they want to sell for one price, but 1 want to buy
prime space in the exhibition area. for a lower price?
A: Can you promise us exclusive rights to the images? 6 What if 1 don 't have enough information to make up
B: That 5must be 1 would be difficult for us because of my mind?
existing deals with other clients. 7 Can we accept less than we originally wanted in arder
A: What if you cut them out of this particular event? to clase the deal?

B: l'm not sure 6 / can do 1 1do that. a) Establish common goals between you .
3 A: So, we'll provide food and drink ata cost of € 1 1O per b) You may need to haggle.
head . e) Yes. Making compromises is a normal part of negotiating.
B: That sounds 7acceptable 1 accepting to me. d) Because it's important to be tactful and culturally
A: Great. We've 8taken 1 got a deal. sensitive.

4 A: So, our objectives obviously involve discussing the e) You can defer the decision untillater.
problems with the new building. f) No, it's nevera good idea to bluff.
B: Yes, we want to 9sort this out 1 sort out this as soon as g) No, the idea is to make concessions so both parties
possible. are happy.
A: We feel the same. We want to reso/ute 1 reso/ve this
by the end of the day.
LEARNTO stall for time
B: OK. So what do yo u hove in mind 1 hove in your
mind? 3A Put B's words in the corred order to complete the
A: We want to bring in a new contractor. conversations.
B: Can you 12go to 1 go into mo re detail? A: ls this offer something you 'd consider?
B: to 1 like 1 it 1 think 1 l'd 1 about

2 A: Will the machines be available next month?

B: that 1 have 1 about 1 to 1 as k 1 1'11

3 A: Are you ready to sign the contract?

B: to 1 need 1 it 1 time 1 consider 1 more 1 1

4 A: Will we get a discount?

B: now 1 to 1 can 't 1 you 1 an 1 11 give 1 that 1 right 1

5 A: How long befare yo u can deliver the materials?

B: to 1 can 1 that 1 back 1 get 1 on 1 you 1 1 ?

B ® 10.2 Listen and check.

GRAMMAR verb tenses for unreal situations GRAMMAR adverbials
1 Underline the correct alternative. 3 Complete the story with the adverbials
Supposing you were giving up 1 gave up 1 're giving up your job, would that in the box.
make you feel any better?
for his idea in five months
2 l'd rather you don't 1 didn't 1 wouldn't smoke inside the house. not surprisingly on his own
3 He treats Carolina as if she was 1 could be 1 wou/d be his secretary. quite possibly readily
4 Imagine you wouldn't hove to go 1 didn 't hove to go 1 hadn't gone to work
ever again.
S 1wish they had 1 would hove 1 hove at least consulted me first.
author hits one million
6 They're late- what if they misunderstand 1 're misunderstanding 1
Kindle sales
misunderstood your directions?
When John Locke had the
7 lt's about time they sort 1 sorted 1 are sorting out my computer - the IT
inspiration for his novel, he
department's had it for days!
wasn't sure if a publisher would
8 What if you hadn't 1 you didn 't 1 had you seen them fighting, anything could back him, so he decided to publish
have happened . the book 1 , using
Kindle's direct publishing. He was
soon rewarded 2 ; people
VOCABULARY review 3 bought his novel at
only $0.99 each, making ita
2 Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.
best-seller. Befare he knew it, he
compelling 1 stylish had made the best-seller list at
a) His life makes a _ _ _ _ story. Amazon, having sold more than
b) She is a woman in her forties. one million e-books for Kindle.
4 , this prompted the
2 thought-provoking 1 heart-breaking
publishing of his next title 'How 1
a) lt was a story about a young boy who loses his brother sold a million e-books 5_ _ __
in an accident.
a how-to guide for other would-
b) The article raised sorne important points. lt was very _ _ __ be writers who may have similar
3 charming 1 poignant ideas. lt's a title which could
a) lt was a _ _ _ _ reminder of the perils of war. 6 guarantee the writer
yet another million sales.
b) lt's a sculpture by Donatello.
4 off-beat 1 subtle
a) The pictures are similar. There are only _ _ _ _ differences
between them.
multi-word verbs
b) The humour was a little _ _ _ _ , but it was a wonderful film .
S the idea 1 bright idea 4 Complete the sentences with a suitable
a) lt was then that we hit on of getting a taxi. particle.
b) Whose was it to get to the airport four hours before the 1 1don 't generally go ___ for that kind
flight leaves? of thing.
6 seemed like a good idea 1 gave me the idea for 2 We need to come ___ with a few
good ideas.
a) 1don 't know why we did it, but it at the time .
3 1guess we just have to put it ___ to
b) Seeing her designs _ _ _ _ the project l'm working on.
7 novel 1 ridiculous
4 That's outrageous! 1can't believe he
a) How original! lt's a really idea. thought he would get away ___ the
b) That's the most idea l've ever heard . lt'll never work. crime.
8 mind 1 rave S 1always try to stand ___ for the
a) The show has had _ _ _ _ reviews. underdog.
b) Don 't be afraid to speak your _ _ _ _ . 1want to know what you 6 1 have a long list of things that 1 never
really think. seem to get ___ to doing.
9 crave 1 fly 7 The other boy was nearly twice his height,
but Ji m stood ___ to him all the same.
a) l'm hoping this new course will help to give me the new perspective
l _ _ __ 8 lt all comes ___ to finances in the end.
b) Don't hold back, just let your feelings _ _ __ 9 l'm sorry 1can't make it, but 1 need to
catch ___ with so me work.
1O l'm not going to put ___ with it any
longer. l've had enough.


S Complete the text with the words in the box.

after craved deferred dues esteem epic gun-wielding

haggling held make obsession overnight privations
renowned served set shot spotlight

Max Waller always wanted to travel. As a

child, he hankered 1_ _ the wild plains,
the great deserts and ancient civilisations.
Aged ten, he developed an 2_ _ with
maps. Where other ch ildren had posters of
football stars or singers, maps covered his
bedroom walls, and he became 3_ _
at school for his knowledge of countries
and capitals. His geography teacher, Mrs
Carson, impressed by Max's expertise,
gave him a leather-bound atlas and held
him in such high 4_ _ that she invited
the fourteen-year-old to teach a class
of younger children . Locally, he 5_ _
to fome when he won a geography
competition. Enjoying his moment in the
6_ _ , he told a reporter that he was
7_ _ on becoming either a travel writer having paid his 12_ _ and worked his way up through the
or an anthropologist. company, he became Managing Director. His parents were
But somehow it never happened . After long gone and his siblings were grown up, but he still had his
graduating, Max had to support the family own family to support.
after his father became ill, so he 8_ _ He retired at seventy, and finally managed to embark on the
his plans to travel. He 9_ _ an 13_ _ journey he had been dreaming of all those years.
apprenticeship in a paper mili and took Travelling to thirty countries in one year, he wrote a blog
a job on the factory floor. He 1o_ _ which became an 14_ _ success. lt included accounts
the open road, but with four younger of being 15_ _ up at gunpoint, going on camel rides
siblings to support, he knew he needed to at dawn, sittinp in canvas tents drinking tea with 16_ _
stay. Working life was hard - he had to bandits and 1 _ _ with street vendors. On his return, he
put up with the physica1 11 _ _ of the said, '1 had to 18_ _ compromises in life. lt was my duty.
overheated factory- but he prospered . Ten But this trip was my dream come true. Mrs Carson would
years passed, then twenty, then thirty, and hove been proud of me.'

---------------------------· ---------------------------
FUNCTION ranti ng/ ravi ng GRAMMAR inversion

6 Match 1-6 with a)-f) to make sentences. 7 Tick the correct sentence.
1couldn 't believe my .. . a) No longer they would accept his excuses.
2 lt 's an all-time ... b) No longer would they accept his excuses.
3 The music was just unbelievably .. . 2 a) Not until we'd got far away did we look back.
4 lf there's one thing 1can 't stand .. . b) Not until we'd got far away we did look back.
S l'm afraid it's just not ... 3 a) Had 1 been more alert, would 1 have stopped the thief.
6 lt was one of the most incredible .. . b) Had 1 been more alert, 1would have stopped the thief.
4 a) Never before had they seen such a beautifullake.
a) classic of a film .
b) Never before they had seen such a beautifullake.
b) poor.
S a) Had 1known about the problem, would 1 have come earlier.
e) it's sitting through a really boring film.
b) Had 1 known about the problem, 1would have come earlier.
d) my cup of tea at all.
6 a) No sooner had 1eaten than 1was back on the road .
e) sights l've ever seen.
b) No sooner 1 had eaten than 1was back on the road.
f) luck when the tickets arrived .


VOCABULARY PLUS synonyms GRAMMAR comparative structures

8A Complete B's responses. Use six of the words in the 9 Write one word in each gap to complete the letter.
box and any other words necessary.
Dear Noam,
complete dull excite grasp highlight
1rntate journey overemphasise Thanks for the photo. Sad to say, I look nothing
thrilling tracker train undertake 1 I did in the seventies! I had
considerably 2 hair in those hippy
A: 1 found the film absolutely gripping. days and I'm 3 lot fatter now,
B: Yes, 1 thought it was quite _ __ __ too! But, as you suggested, I'm 4 _ _ _ __
bit as determined as I was then, and I'm still
2 A: These travel delays always bug me.
organising, though I find it a 5 _ _ _ __
B: Me too. They really _ _ _ __
deal harder than it used to be. We tried to put
3 A: The book's about an expedition made in the together a workers' forum last year, but barely
eighteenth century. 6 workers carne. It's just getting
B: Oh, so it's about a _ _ _ __ more and 7 difficult to interest
4 A: 1 want to accentuate the positive. people in political issues. The harder you try,
B: Yes, it's the good things we should _ _ _ __ 8 fewer people show up. Maybe it's
because the younger generation have so much;
5 A: We're about to embark on the trip of our lives.
they are 9 near as engaged as we
B: lt's quite a journey to _ _ _ __ were. To be honest, I'm a 10 fed up
6 A: 1 find it hard to get the hang of the principies behind with banging my head against a brick wall. But
modern art. I guess that's what it takes to change society.
B: Me too. l've never managed to _ _ _ __
Best wishes,

FUNCTION negotiating

1 O Find and correct eight mistakes in the sentences

1 We want to sort out as soon as possible.

2 By the end of the day, we want to resolve this.

3 What do you have on mind?
4 Can you get into more detail?
5 lf you do this for us, we'll give you a better price.
6 lf what we supported your idea?
7 That would be difficult for me because of the cost.
8 l'm not su re 1 can do that.
9 Good . That sounds accepting to me.
B Find words/phrases in the conversations above that O Great. We've taken a deal.
match the definitions below. 11 Let me know when you have any queries.
to get on someone's nerves
12 Get in touch if anything needs clarified.

2 to set off on

3 to stress

4 a trip

5 to master

6 exhilarating

Circle the corred option to complete the sentences. 15 We went to the Glastonbury festival, and it was
1 Among the guests was an array of famous
authors and critics. a) awesome b) the most incredible
a) unconventional b) overrated e) impressive e) not my kind thing
2 lt was a very article about society's 16 He has an obsession cars.
attitude to warfare. a) to b) with e) on
a) stunning b) thought-provoking 17 The doctor was held in esteem.
e) stylish a) high b) good e) top
3 1 really think it's you told your boss the 18 We should alllearn to compromises.
a) take b) make e) do
a) about time b) the about t ime
19 No _ _ _ _ had 1 left the tent than it started
e) about the time
4 l'd rather until the end, if that's OK.
a) longer b) way e) sooner
a) we wou ld wait b) waited e) we waited
20 At no point _ _ _ _ 1 think l'd get the job untill
S Imagine if you could read people's minds, _ _ __ entered the room.
be useful?
a) did b) had e) can
a) that would have b) wouldn 't that have
2 1 Had 1 the instructions, l'd have do(le
e) wouldn 't that
6 We arranged to have a picnic, which a
a) been b) known e) understood
good idea at the time.
a) seems as it b) seemed like e) seemed being
22 We off on this journey ayear ago.
a) took b) went e) set
7 Then we the idea of inviting everyone to
our house. 23 That stupid music is getting on my _ _ __
a) hit on b) hit e) hit around a) ears b) hands e) nerves
8 The live concert wi ll be broadcast _ _ _ _ on 24 That book is every _ _ _ _ as good as yo u said it
television and radio. was.
a) simu ltaneously b) eventually e) readily a) way b) bit e) part
9 The jazz festival is held in Ju ly. 25 The more yo u practise, the _ _ _ _ you become.
a) every years b) all the time e) annually a) better b) more e) best
O We all need to take a break every _ _ __
1 26 There were any people at last night's party.
a) for a while b) once in a while a) seldom b) bare e) hardly
e) once a while 27 l'm nowhere as aggressive as 1 used to be.
11 You just need to be yourself and _ __ _ your a) near b) like e) but
mind . 28 Do you have a particu lar plan in _ _ __
a) say b) talk e) speak a) head b) action e) mind
12 lf it happe ns again, l'm going to give them a 29 This agreement sounds to me.
_ _ _ _ of my mind.
a) accurate b) accepted e) acceptable
a) piece b) slice e) bit
30 in touch if you need any more information .
13 lt's one of the most buildings on earth .
a) Write b) Get e) Be
a) subtle b) spectacular e) poor
14 1can't understand w ho would buy that. lt's just not
my of tea.
a) pot b) mug e) cup

litii;j$.i1JII /30 1
A: All right. Er . .. Do yo u want
IIJIIIII Recording 1
lt's just impossible unless you
know. But once you know, it's me to bring anything, you
My name is Felipe. When 1 easy. You just say knee and put know, any . . . um . .. kind of
started school in Texas in a 'v' on the end . food or anything like that?
1942 my name was promptly 5 My name is Bond. James Bond . F: No, you 're fine. l've got loads
changed to Philip in the way No, it really is. 1would say of food . Just bring yourself.
that all foreign names were it's been a mixed blessing. lt's A: Lovely, l'm really . ..
Americanised in those days. always a good conversation
So, 1was Philip Hernandez F: Oh, there's one thing 1was
starter and people immediately
until 1966. That same year, 1 going to ask.
smile when 1tell them. But then
decided to revert to Felipe. there are other people who A: What's that?
lt was, 1suppose, an act of either don't believe me or think F: Are you OK with spicy food?
defiance, a political act, because 1changed my name as some You know, chilli and stuff?
we Chicanos wanted to be sort of way to attract attention. A: 1love chilli. The hotter, the
recognised for who we were , My parents, Richard and Judith better.
for our ancestry and our roots. Bond , called me James long
So while my identity on all my F: Brilliant. l'm looking forward to
before the character became it.
documents remained as Philip famous, so it really wasn 't
Hernandez, 1insisted on being A: 1'11 see you later then.
their fault. At one point 1did
called Felipe to my face , and 1 momentarily think of just using F: Great. See you later.
still do. my middle name, Terrence, so
2 lf 1told you my name, you
probably wouldn't believe it.
l'd be Terrence Bond, but then IIJIIIIJ Recording 1
1thought, 'no, why should 1?
My parents were hippies, which l'm James Bond '. That 's good 1wish l'd studied more when 1
probably explains why they enough for me. was younger.
called me Starchild Summer 6 My name is Mary Sharf, s-h- 2 lf only 1hadn 't met that crazy
Rainflower Davies. Even by a-r-f, which is a nightmare man!
hippie standards, 1thought that for spell-check. When 1first 3 lf 1'd had more talen t . 1
was pretty extreme. As soon as started using a computer it was would 've been famous.
1left home, 1changed my name. always changing my name to 4 1wouldn 't be here if l'd listened
1am now plain old Summer Shar p o r Share o r even Shark. to my parents.
Davies. 1think the name originates 5 lf it wasn't for you, 1
3 My name is the result of a from Germany or somewhere wouldn 't've known about that
compromise between my in Eastern Europe, but l'm not flat.
parents. My mother wanted sure. lt's been lost in the mists
to call me David and my dad 6 Supposing you 'd won the
of time.
wanted to call me Donald . scholarship, would you have
Apparently, they argued over gone?
it and neither would give way,
QJIIIII Recording 2
so eventually they called me F = Francesca A = Anna IIJIIIIJ Recording 2
David Donald . They soon F: Helio? My grandmother was illiterate
real ised this was too long. Can
A: Hi Francesca. lt's Anna. l'm on until she was twenty-eight. Born
you imagine trying to get a kid's
myway now. in ltaly, one of nine children, she'd
attention by shouting 'David
F: Great. 1'11 see you here at about sailed to Brazil at the age of six
Donald '? So they started calling
sixish then. with nothing but the rags on her
me DD. Now everyone calls
' A: Yeah , or, um, maybe just after. back. Penniless and hungry, she
me DD and no one outside
1need to pickup a couple of went to work in the houses of the
my immediate family actually
things on the way. middle-class. She cleaned things.
knows my real name.
She cleaned kitchens, bathrooms,
4 My name is Niamh. lt's an F: OK. That 's fine. l've got plenty
bedrooms, offices, dogs, horses
lrish name. The thing about it of stuff to be getting on with
and later even cars, the new
is, it's spelled n-i-a-m-h, but he re .
playthings of the wealthy. Thus
pronounced Neeve, which is A: Really? What are you up to? was her childhood spent, making
incredibly confusing for people. F: Oh, you know, l've just got to enough money to feed her family.
They just have no idea how to finish some work and sort the At eighteen, she married a tailor.
pronounce it. They say Nigh kitchen out and stuff like that. At least she didn't have to wear
Am or Knee Am or Nigh Aim.
rags any more, but life wasn 't
much better. She was reduced to B: Really? 1find that highly unlikely. Other things that are must-
being a domestic servant in her Anthropologists are always dos when in Paris have to be,
own home - cook, cleaner and a saying they've made these obviously, the Louvre, the Eiffel
prolific producer of babies - five wonderful discoveries and Tower and the Pompidou Centre.
in all. By her late-twenties, she got mostly it's nonsense. But for me, the true beauty of
fed up with never understanding A: Anyway, this anthropologist Paris is hidden in its back streets,
the letters that dropped on found some bones which were off the beaten track. This is where
the doormat or the stories in unlike anything ever found you can find the true Paris, and
the papers or her children 's befo re, and . .. live it like the Parisians do. Take a
homework, so she taught herself picnic and sit in the Luxembourg
B: 1don 't know about that. A
how toread . lt took her ayear. gardens. Or stroll down one of
bone is a bone is a bone.
She'd sit up by candlelight, poring the old flea markets. Take a velib
over the pages of children 's books, A: Yes, but these were a different bike and cycle through the streets
sounding out the letters. Once she structure. And ... like the Parisians love to. One
lear ned it, her life changed. B: l'm not really sure about that. of the most important things to
She had an iron will and a A different structure? What remember is, don't try and do too
tremendous mistrust of the was it: a human with wings, or much. Take your time. You simply
modern world . She hated TV. something? can't rush Paris.
She was horrified at the idea of A: No! Where did you get that
aeroplanes, thought they would idea? lt was a skeleton that
didn 't look like either a human
QJIIIII Recording 2
drop out of the sky. And she
believed the moon landing was a or a chimpanzee, but it was To start with, l'm going to talk
hoax, that these men in funny suits over four million years old. briefly about the beginnings of
were actors in a studio. the project. Just to give a bit of
B: That's very debatable. Four
background information, we first
As she aged , she turned into the million years? How do they
discussed the idea of a Cultural
neighbourhood fairy godmother, a know?
Centre two years ago. The' aim of
kindly fount of wisdom. Everyone A: 1give up. What 's on TV? the project is to create a space for
went to her for advice, which she
peo ple to see art, listen to music
dispensed from her th rone, an
ancient red armchair with hales
11)11111 Recording 1 and watch films together. So the
main goal of o ur proposal is to
in its sides. She had a saying for Paris is obviously one of the most
provide a comm unity resource.
every situation, a proverb. lf you famous tourist destinations in the
The long-ter m benefits include
started telling family secrets, she'd world . Forme, Paris is quite simply
bringing the community together
say, 'don't wash your dirty linen · the terraced cafés, the smell of
and promoting the arts.
in public! ' Or 'keep your mouth bread , coffee and strong cigarettes.
Paris is such a spectacularly What we planto do is w or k w ith
shut and your eyes open ,' or my
favourite: 'a closed mouth catches beautiful city, and it has such style. local companies to involve them
no flies' . Once, someone started There is a romance to Paris. lt's in all areas of the project - design,
telling her a long, elaborate lie. a wonderful place to dine out in construction, maintenance and
She stopped them in the middle one of its busy restaurants, watch services. While cost is a majar
and said, 'Aiways tell the truth. lt's the sunset on the river, and just do issue, our solution is to ask local
easier to remember.' romantic things. Wander along the government for grant money. In
cobbled streets in springtime, visit the first instance, this would mean
Everybody loved her. She didn 't
the markets. putting together our budget plan
have much in the way of material
and after that, we would write a
things but she gave people what 1think one of the first things you
grant application.
she did have: time, affection, need to do to get a flavour of
attention, words of wisdom , the atmosphere of Paris is just To su m up, we feel this is a
love. And so it was with my to sit at one of the pavement very worthwhile project for
grandmother. She died in her sleep cafés and watch the world go our community. Are there any
by. You'll be amazed at just how questions or things that need
aged ninety. Eight hundred people
came to the funeral. Not bad for a many of the classic clichés about clarifying?
washerwoman who hadn't learned Paris are actually true. You really
to read until she was twenty-eight. do see the most stylishly dressed QJIIIII Recording 1
women walking through the parks
Wrong man imprisoned - delayed
QJIIIfJ Recording 3 with their designer handbags and
sunglasses, carrying poodles. And
justice is not justice at al l.
A : Did you hear about the old men on their rickety bicycles Prosecutors in the USA have
archaeological findings in weaving through the streets with been forced to admit that they
Ethiopia? An anthropologist baguettes tucked under their arms. imprisoned the wrong man
claims to have found 'the for a murder committed more
missing link'.
than twenty years ago. Another
man recently pleaded guilty to
IIJ@IIII Recording 2 and say 'excuse me, that man
is shoplifting.' And then l'd let
the crime and has now been 1 freedom of speech them deal with it. 1mean, in
imprisoned. Henry Roberts, the 2 civil liberties practica! terms, it's not going
man falsely convicted of the 3 capital punishment to cost you much time.
murder and sentenced to fifty B: Yeah, fair enough. 1suppose
4 economic development
years in 1992, always asserted his l'd sooner do that than let the
innocence. S intellectual property
shoplifter get away with it,
In 1992, prosecutors charged 6 child labour but, really, l'd hate to miss my
Roberts, a 63-year-old retired 7 gun control plane.
steelworker, with shooting and 8 illegal immigration
killing his 21-year-old nephew.
The nephew had been spending
9 environmental awareness IIJ@IIII Recording 4
the night with Roberts to try to 10 free trade
prevent any more burglaries at A : Smoking should be banned .
Roberts's house. Prosecutors IIJ@IIII Recording 3 B: 1completely agree.
claimed that after shooting his
nephew, Roberts then shot
A =man B =woman 2
and critically wounded himself. A: So what would you do? A: 1think you should resign .
Prosecutors also claimed that B: lt depends, but if 1ever found B: That's out of the question.
despite serious wounds, Roberts myself in this situation, l'd 3
had somehow managed to throw probably just ignore it and go
A: Why are you leaving?
the murder weapon into the creek and catch my plane.
B: The fact is, l'm too old for this
behind his house. A: Really?
Police based their case against B: Well, it depends how
Roberts on conflicting statements 4
desperate 1am to get home.
he made in the days immediately Because if you stop the A: Will you buy me that laptop?
following the murder, when person, then the police are B: No chance.
he was in hospital under heavy going to be involved and then S
medication, recovering from his you 've gota long process of A: Why aren't you coming?
own wounds. A nurse said she asking questions and whatnot.
heard something that sounded like B: The thing is, l've had enough of
So, yeah , given the choice, l'd
a confession. parties.
just ignore it. What about you?
After Roberts's conviction, police 6
A: Well, no way would 1ignore
got an anonymous telephone tip it. 1don't think 1could just A: Can 1borrow your motorbike?
naming the man who has now watch a crime taking place and B: Not on your life.
been imprisoned for breaking into not do anything, even if it's 7
Roberts's house, shooting Roberts just shoplifting. No, without
and then murdering Roberts's A: 1think mobile phones are a
a shadow of a doubt l'd tell
nephew. Police now admit that good learning tool.
someone, maybe someone
they did receive this telephone call working in the Duty Free shop. B: You're absolutely right.
but, at the time, did nothing about
B: But then you're going to
miss your plane because of a I!J@IIII Recording 1
Although the case against criminal who's maybe taken 1
Roberts was weak, nobody was something very small.
prepared to admita mistake until A: Come on! Tell us what
A: lt doesn't matter how small it happened when you arrived.
the guilty man himself admitted
is. lt's the principie.
to the murder, and provided B: Yes, go on. Spill the beans.
corroborating evidence. Had he B: Right.
not done this, the truth would A: My preference would be just
A: Oh dear. That was close. 1
never have come to light. to alert someone to what's
nearly gave the game away.
Baltimore's current chief going on and then just get out
of there. B: Really? What did you say?
prosecutor, State's Attorney
Patricia Jessamy, recently B: Oh 1see. 3
commented on the case, A: This would be by far the best A: 1think 1might have let it slip
'Sometimes justice is delayed.' option rather than having that we're planning a party.
In this case, a delay was equivalent to deal with the police and B: Davide! That's supposed to be
to the death sentence. Henry everything, so 1think l'd just go a secret.
Roberts died in prison in 1996. up to someone working there
4 But once the owners got tired P: But no one believes it now?
A: Can 1tell you something about of looking after the alligators, E: Oh , plenty of people still
the management committee? they flushed them down the believe it, but scientists aren't
toilet. And this is where the among them . Alligators live in
B: Sure. 1promise 1'11 stay schtum
legend was born that alligators warm climates, and scientists
if anyone asks me.
were living in the sewers. are pretty much in agreement
P: So there's no evidence at all? that alligators wouldn't survive
A: They are so secretive. the cold New York winters.
E: Well, there is one true story. A
B: 1know. l'd love to know what fully-grown alligator was found There's also the pollution and
goes on behind closed doors. in a New York sewer back in lack of light. The only creatures
6 1935. A group of teenagers that really thrive under these
heard it thrashing around under circumstances are rats and
A: 1can't believe 1told him you
a manhole cover and managed cockroaches. You aren 't going
were planning to leave. l'm
to get a rope around it and pull to find big reptiles in these
it out. environments.
B: Yes, you really let the cat out of
P: So alligators or at least one P: Do you think this urban myth
the bag.
alligator was living in the sewer? will ever disappear?
E: 1don 't know. People seem to
IIJ@IIIj Recording 2 E: Well no, no one actually
assumed the creature lived like it. New York's Department
P =Presenter E =Ed Winter there. lt was thought to have of Environmental Protection
P: ... it's the best urban myth escaped from somewhere sells T-shirts with a picture of
. of all. lt's !asted eighty years and ended up there, which is an alligator. lt's also very hard
and there are plel}ty of different. But anyway, that was to disprove the myth, unless
smart people out there who a well-documented case. But you comb every inch of the
still believe it. They say that the myth really grew wings New Yo rk sewer, but who's
beneath the streets of New when a man called Robert going to do that?
York, the sewers are teeming Daley wrote a book called The P: lndeed . Thank you very much,
with a super-race of monstrous World Beneath the City in 1959. Ed Winter.
alligators. They've never seen P: And this was about the sewers? E: Than k you.
the light of day and they live off
E: lt was about New York's public
human waste. Well, Ed Winter
is someone who has been
utilities. So Daley interviewed IIJ@IIIj Recording 3
the former superintendent of
doing some research into this, A : So, what do you think about
city sewers, aman called Teddy
and he's here with us today. the issue of downloading music
May. May claimed his workers
Ed, what about these alligators? from the internet? How do you
had seen alligators but he didn't
Could it possibly be true? feel about it?
believe them. So May himself
E: Absolutely not. lt's one of went down there to investigate. B: Well, it's an interesting
those ideas that captured the And what he saw, according question to consider. 1suppose,
imagination but has barely a to the book, was 'alligators if you think about it, everyone
grain of truth to it. serenely paddling around in his should always pay for their
P: Why do you think people sewers'. He described a whole music because that's how the
bought into it? colony of them living happily musicians earn their money.
E: Many reasons. Alligators living under the streets of the world's C: That's right. Because if you want
in the sewers is a very vivid busiest city. And then he gave to listen to music which ...
image, for a start. Also, it his workers permission to go B: Hold on a minute. 1wanted
accords with a certain idea of down there with guns and do to say that the problem is that
city life. There's this metaphor as much alligator hunting as music companies charge so
of the city as an urban jungle, they wished. That's what he much for music sometimes.
this kind of darkness and claimed anyway. Now Teddy That's why people are tempted
danger, and the idea of some May, it turns out, was quite a to download for free.
kind of subterranean monster storyteller. He was almost as
C: But don 't you think that we
fits with that. biga legend as the alligators.
should be allowed to download
Apparently, they used to call
P: Where did the idea come for free? lt helps the band to
him 'The King of the Sewers'.
from? ls it pure fiction? become popular and then they
But, anyway, the writer Robert
E: Strangely enough, no. Back in can make their money from
Daley believed every word he
the 1930s, there was a trend doing live music gigs and things
said and so once the idea was
for wealthy New Yorkers to like that; or from selling T-shirts
in print, it took hold in people's
bring back baby alligators from and other merchandise - coffee
imagination .
their holidays in Florida as pets. mugs and .. .
A : Yes. But going back to what you 3 physiognomy is deeply respected,
were saying about musicians A: How will your work have and physiognomists are trained
earning money from writing changed by 2020? over many years. Their field is
songs: surely they should be considered an adjunct of medicine.
B: lt won't've changed much.
paid for that, too? Erm . . . Another part of the body that
Where do you stand on that? 4
can tell our story is the palm of
B: Absolutely. 1mean, they can A: What anniversary are you the hand. The idea behind palm
make money in other ways, but celebrating tomorrow? reading is that the lines on our
the music is their intellectual B: We'll've been married for ten hands correspond to different
property and they should be years. aspects of our lives - family,
paid for it. S friendship, longevity, and wealth.
C: Sorry, and another thing. lf A: What t ime does the match Some claim they can foretell
a band is popular, so people start? the events of a person 's life by
have downloaded lots of their interpreting these lines.
B: We'll need to be there at 1.00.
music, then they 'll be invited Besides the body, there are also
to festivals. There are lots of symbolic objects that foretell the
other ways they can still make IIJ@IIQ Recording 2 future. These include Tarot cards,
money. For a few pesos on a street cerner bamboo sticks and even tea leaves.
B: Yes, but the point l'm trying in Mexico City, a trained canary But the most famous is the crystal
to make is that they shouldn 't bird will select, at random , a card ball. In it, a seer watches images
have to give thei r music away that reveals your fortune. On that represent future events.
for free. the other side of the world , a Appearing in a thousand B-movies,
Nepalese shaman examines the the ball is associated with the wise
C: lt's not something l've thought
intestines of a sacrificed chicken gypsy woman in a darkened room .
about befare, but . . .
and sees the future - a technique lt's a clichéd image now, yet it
that began thousands of years somehow retains its magical hold
IIJ@IIII Recording 4 ago in ancient Babylon and was over us.
A: So, what do you think about continued by the Ancient Greeks
the issue of downloading and Romans. Julius Caesar himself I!J@IIQ Recording 3
music? used a seer to predict his own
future . lt's said that, one day. the A =Andy K =Katrina
A: How do you feel about it?
seer read the organs of a sacrificed A: So, can you tell us where the
B: Well, it's an interesting ideas, the inspiration, comes
bull and warned Caesar that his life
question to consider. from?
was in danger. Caesar ignored him
B: 1suppose, if you think about and was murdered days later. K: Going to fashion shows
it o o o
and, 1mean, out-of-the-way
Across the world , throughout
B: Hold on a minute. 1wanted to history, man has always sought fashion shows, not just the
say that .. . to read his future , to answer the big ones, going to clubs and
C: But don't you think that we elemental questions: what will gigs, seeing what 's happening
should be allowed to download happen to me and my kin? How on the street. This is where
for free? long have 1got? Where will 1find a lot of the ideas originate
A: Yes. But going back to what you salvation? We 've turned to animals from. Kids on skateboards on
were saying about musicians and we've examined the heavens the Embankment in London,
earning money .. . for signs, namely in the discipline factory workers in Philadelphia,
known as astrology, a science that fishermen off the coast
A: Where do you stand on that? of Genoa in ltaly. Anyone
calculates the position of the stars
C: Sorry, and another thing ... and planets in conjunction with the anywhere can inspire a fashion
C: lt's not something l've thought birth dates of men and women designer.
about befare. and through this, forecasts life's big A: Right.
events. K: Just looking around you.
IIJ@IIQ Recording 1 We've also turned to images Looking at certain celebrities,
closer to home: our own faces. usually B-listers.
Dating from ancient China, the A: And presumably the big names,
A : How do you think you'll do in technique of face-reading tells us too?
this year's race? that one's fortune can be seen in
K: Actually, A -list celebrities don't
B: l'm gonna win! one 's features. Clues to emotional
take risks with what they wear
2 and physical health are found in
so you're not going to learn
the face, as well as personality
A : What will your life be like in much from, say, seeing George
traits, remnants of past events
2020? Clooney in a suit or Julia
and signals of events yet to come.
B: l'll've become famous. Roberts in an A-line skirt.
In modern China, the science of
A: Right. And what about films,
Francisco Bay, despite the fact
that it was renowned for its high
I!J@IIII Recording 2
K: Oh they're great- watching level of security. A fellow inmate, A: Have you seen this picture?
films, magazines, and also Allan West, helped the three men Look. What do you think?
looking at other fields is useful. to devise an ingenious plan, which B: What do you mean, what do 1
For example, we keep our eye involved constructing a raft and think?
on the synthetics industry. We inflatable life vests to navigate A: Well , would you tell him to
look at styles in architecture the freezing cold , shark-infested stop, or would you let him just
and furniture design because Bay waters, and using a series of carry on?
you never know when an human dummies to fool the guards
B: 1wouldn 't tell him to stop, no.
angle, a look, or a use of fabric during the numerous routine head
Why? Why would 1 tell him to
might catch your eye. Basically, counts in the prison.
we keep our eyes peeled for Over the course of several
A: Well, because, you know, if
everything! months, the inmates worked
you, if you let him carry on
A: Are there any other sources? together using tools, including
then you'll , then he's going to
Maybe books? spoons, which they stole from the
cut himself, or fall into the river
prison work sites to chip away
K: Photography books are great or something, isn't he?
at the ventilation covers in their
sources. Travel- a combination B: Oh come on. Surely you don't
cells, and also on the prison roof.
of colours on a sari worn by think that?
They used paint kits and soap and
a washerwoman in a small
concrete powder to create life- A: Why not? There's water there,
village in India may find its way
like heads, which they decorated and he's holding an axe, you
onto the catwalks of Milan or
with hair collected from the prison know, quite a dangerous-
Paris. An earring design from
barbershop and left in their beds looking axe, actually. 1 mean, he
rural Cambodia may end up
as decoys. lt's thought that the could fall over and hit his head
on a film star at a big event
preparations took over six months on a rack or something.
and suddenly it's in demand .
of planning and prefabrication . B: Oh that's ridiculous. There's no
lnspiration comes from
everywhere. On the night of 1 1th June 1962, real danger. You can't honestly
conditions were right and Morris think that. Let him fall in the
A: And presumably also the past?
and the two Anglin brothers began water if he doesn 't work it out
K: The one place where all their escape, leaving their cells for himself first. And that way
designers look is the past. via the dug-out ventilation shafts. he'll learn, hopefully, from his
Fashion moves in circles, However, West had spent so mistakes so next time , he'll be
and even the gaudiest, most much time working on the decoys more careful. lf you tell him
hideous looks always come and other aspects of the plan, that what to do or what not to do
back in an altered form . The he hadn't managed to free his own all the time then he'll never
1980s, for example, is often vent shaft yet. On the evening of learn to think for himself.
considered the decade that the escape, despite help from the A: Hmm. 1 suppose you've got
fashion forgot, but look on any Anglin brothers, West wasn 't able a point about thinking for
catwalk or in any photo shoot to free the escape tunnel in time yourself. lt's just that, as a
thirty years later and you 'll see and the other men were forced parent, or a mother, 1just think
full length body suits, oversized to leave him behind. They left the 1would just naturally stop him.
jackets, high-waisted jeans, island on a system of rafts and
all products of that dreadful B: That's just mollycoddling.
inflatable life vests, which they
decade and all given a twenty- had made from more than fifty A: No, it isn't. 1couldn't stand
first century twist. stolen raincoats sewn together. back and watch him hurt
West did later manage to free his himself. Where's the logic
I!JIIIII Recording 1 own vent and climb to the roof in that? You can't wait for
accidents to happen and then
of the prison, but it was too late.
One of the most famous prison think about what you should've
The other men had already left
escapes must be that of three done to stop it, prevent it. You
and West had no choice but to
highly dangerous criminals from have to be pro-active.
return to his cell. Morris and the
California's Alcatraz prison. Frank B: Well, l'm with you 100 percent
Anglin brothers were never seen
Lee Morris and two brothers on that. But there is no
again. However, it's not known
Clarence and John Anglin, ' accident he re. lt just doesn 't
if the men succeeded in their
escaped from Alcatraz in 1962. make sense to me. There's no
escape plan or died during their
The prisoners, all of whom had real danger. The worst thing
attempt. The story of the escape
been convicted of bank robbery, that's going to happen is that
was dramatised in several books
and had previous prison escape he's going to fall in the stream
and in the famous film Escape from
charges, managed to escape from and get wet, which is hardly a
Alcatraz, starring Clint Eastwood.
the notorious island prison in San disaster is it?
IIJ@IIIJ Recording 3 Galapagos lslands off Ecuador.
Darwin transported them and
1O Better safe than sorry.
1 1 There 's no place like home.
numerous other animals and
12 Practise what you preach.
A: ... if you let him carry on then plants to Britain on his ship, the
you'll, then he's going to cut HMS Beagle, in order to study
himself, or fall into the river or them. Harriet spent a few years IIJ@III:I Recording 3
something, isn't he? in Britain but was then moved to
B: Oh come on. Surely you don't a friendlier climate - Brisbane,
A: Having a good time?
think that? Australia- in the mid-1800s. She
was allowed to roam freely in the B: Not really.
Botanic Gardens. In the 1980s, 2
A: 1 mean, he could fall over when she was over ISO, Harriet A: See you later.
and hit his head on a rock or was moved again to Australia Zoo,
something. B: Yeah ... see you there.
Queensland .
B: Oh that's ridiculous. There's no 3
By now she was a giant. Weighing
real danger. You can't honestly one hundred and fifty kilograms, A: You OK with that?
think that. Harriet was about the size of a B: Yes, 1think so.
3 large dinner table, and like most 4
A: 1suppose you've gota point tortoises, she led a relaxing life, A: Been here before?
about thinking for yourself. eating, sleeping and being stared
B: No, never.
lt's just that, as a parent, ora at by the public. She was, of
mother, 1just think 1would just course, completely unaware of 5
naturally stop him. all the developments that took A: Think they'll come back soon?
place during her lifetime; cars, B: 1guess so.
aeroplanes, rockets, TV, modern
A: 1couldn 't stand back and watch 6
warfare, the Russian Revolution
him hurt himself. Where's the and two World Wars; it all passed A: Nearly finished?
logic in that? her by. B: No, l've still got lots todo.
5 Although Harriet was the world 's
B: Well, l'm with yo u 100 percent
on that. But there is no accident
oldest living creature for many IIJ@III:I Recording 4
years, there has been at least one
he re. lt just doesn 't make sense tortoise, and maybe two, that
to me. There's no real danger. lived longer. An lndian tortoise A: 1 hate being put on hold when
is rumoured to have died at the you try to phone a company.
IIJ@III:I Recording 1 age of 255, although there are no
documents to prove this. And Tui
B: 1 know what you mean.
A: They should call you back
When she was born, the country Malila, a tortoise from Madagascar, instead of wasting your time.
of ltaly did not yet exist, and slavery was said to be a gift to Tonga from
was stilllegal in the British Empire. B: Yes, but looking at it another
British explorer Captain James
She lived on three continents, way, you could end up waiting
Cook. Born in the 1770s, the
appeared in the Guinness Book of for days.
tortoise died in 1965 aged 188.
World Records and some say she 2
helped Charles Darwin develop his A: Ad breaks during TV
theory of evolution. IIJ@III:I Recording 2 programmes are the biggest
Who was she? Her name was A picture is worth a thousand waste of time.
Harriet and she was the world 's words. B: That's true.
oldest living tortoise. Born in 1830, 2 Don't judge a book by its A: They should have alternative
Harriet died in 2006 of a heart cover. versions that don't have the
attack. Something of a celebrity, 3 Out of sight, out of mind. ads.
her death made headlines all over
the world. lt wasn't always like
4 Actions speak louder than B: Yeah. Mind you, that's how
words. the TV companies make their
that. In fact, for the first hundred
years of her life, Harriet was 5 Absence makes the heart grow money.
thought to be a male and was fonder. · 3
given the name Harry. 6 Rome wasn 't built in a day. A: In many companies, meetings
lt's believed that in 1835, when 7 Nothing ventured, nothing are a complete waste of time.
Harriet was five years old and gained. B: Yes and no. lt depends who's
no bigger than a dinner plate, 8 Practice makes perfect. running them and what they're
she was one of three tortoises for.
9 Home is where the heart is.
taken by Charles Darwin from the
A: In my company, we have Right then , question number five: Fire, and The Girl who Kidced rhe
meetings about having Which offbeat actor has played a Hornet's Nest be ore his ea a
meetings. Everything could be pirate, a chocolate factory owner, the age of fifty? lt 's S ·eg La.rsso
done faster and more efficiently and a man who has scissors instead - what a shame he didn't live to
by email. of hands? All being well , you have relish his fame .
B: That 's often the case in my Johnny Depp as your answer. And to round up this week's quiz,
company, too. Although having And last but not least, (for this our last question was: Which
said that, 1think it's better to section at any rate) : Whith actress charming doctor in Robert Louis
discuss some things face-to- won an Osear playing a boy and then Stevenson's story of 1886 turns
face. won another five years later for her into a monstrous murderer at
4 poignant performance as a doomed night? You should have Dr Jekyll
boxer? Now with a bit of luck, you'll for your answer and hopefully a
A : 1hate going through airport
have the lovely Hilary Swank . .. full twelve points.
security. lt's such a waste of
time taking off your shoes and How many points do you have Right then , let's see who our
everything. now? lf you have all of them winner is .. .
correct and managed to send your And the first email we had in with
B: l'm with you there. lt's a real
answers in to us in time, you could all the correct answers is from
be up for this week's star prize! Maud Gimmons. Well done Maud!
A: They should just give everyone Let's move on to the music round. This week's hamper is being sent
a full body X -ray.
Question seven: Which English out to you!
B: That's a good idea. That makes band, formed in 1962, has released
perfect sense. over 100 singles and performed
a stunning concert, completely
I!J@IIQ Recording 2
I!J@IIU Recording 1 free , to 1.5 million people on Discussion 1
Copacabana Beach, Rio de Janeiro A Muhammad Ali? The best.
And the answers to this week's
in 2006? lt's The Rolling Stones! O h, B: The greatest of all time:
quiz are ... hope you're feeling
1wish l'd been there- the reviews
confident! Are you ready? OK, C Ali? Numero uno, no questions
of the event sound amazing!
here we go . .. asked .
Fortunately l'm far too young .. .
Number one is a nice, gentle start A: Listan went down and Ali was
OK, question eight: Which iconic
to things: Which Dutch artist's screaming at him, 'Get up and
Jamaican singer wrote thought-
work was unpopular in his lifetime, fight! Get up and fight! '
provoking songs about social
but is now so well-received that it C: lt was unbelievable.
issues and died at thirty-six? 1
sells for millions? 1imagine most of
expect you all got th is one right, as A: May 25th 1965. 1remember it
you got this right as, of course, the
it is the one and only Bob Marley. like it was yesterday.
answer is Vincent van Gogh.
And finally, befare we move on B: lt's one of those photos that
Moving straight on to number two:
to the quieter round of literature: you just never forget.
Whose striking nineteenth-century
Which Colombian singer sings in A: 'Fioat like a butterfly, sting like a
statue is called 'The Thinker'? A
English and Spanish and has sold bee. Your hands can't hit what
bit tricky if you haven't seen it, so
an impressive 50 million albums? lf your eyes can 't see.'
1hope you got the answer- it's
you don't know her, you soon will,
Rodin, Auguste Rodin. B: The thing 1love about the
as 1'11 be playing her latest track
And the last one in this section is: photo is that it's got everything
after the news .. . lt's Shakira!
Which unconventional twentieth- - the anger, the athleticism, the
In the meantime, let's check the physical dominance, the pure
century Spanish artist was known
answers to our final section on brutality of boxing. One man 's
for his brilliant paintings and long,
literature starting with question up, the other one's down.
curled moustache? Hopefully you
number ten: What compelling
have the infamous Salvador Dalí to C: What yo u 've gotta remember
2003 thriller by Dan Brown uses
bring you up to three points. is, in their first fight, no one
the name of an ltalian Renaissance
Now don't worry if you haven't gave Ali a chance. Listan
genius in its title? lt was actually
got them all right, let's see if you was this monster, this ogre,
turned into a film which was quite
can pick up some points in our unbeatable. The boxing writers
exciting ... do you know it now?
film section . So, the first question all said beforehand that Ali was
Yes, it's The Da Vinci Code.
to start off with is: Which 2009 gonna get killed in the ring. The
Now, the answer to the next Los Angeles Times said the
film , described by one critic as
question should be easier as it has only thing Ali can beat Listan at
'overrated ', broke all box office
been in the news this week- the is reading the dictionary. Befare
records? 1' 11 give you a clue, the
trilogy has just topped the best- the fight, there were rumours
film had a blue tinge. Have you
sellers! Who wrote the bleak that Ali had run away to Mexico
got it? Yup, it's Avatar. A most
trilogy The Girl with the Dragan because he was so scared.
excellent film, 1thought!
Tattoo, The Girl who Played with
A: Never in a million years did D: lt's the sportsmanship that we M: 1went to a contemporary
anyone think Ali was going to lave about it. art exhibition in Barcelona
win. F: The thing 1always think of recently. lt was a total waste
C: Only Ali thought he was gonna when 1see that picture is the of money. 1paid twenty euros
beat him. respect, the camaraderie, and for the ticket, but there were
the meeting of two icons. hardly any paintings to see. lf
B: And then, of course, Ali did
Never will we see anything like there's one thing 1can't stand,
beat him.
it again . it's paying lots of money for a
A: lt shocked the world. And then ticket to something, and then
carne the re-match . finding out it wasn't worth it.
C: The photo is of their second I!J@IIQ Recording 3 B: Hmm ... contemporary art's
world title fight in 1965. lt's You won't get away with this! not my style anyway. lt's not
the first round and, suddenly, my cup of tea at all. What
2 Few people stand up to her.
Listen goes down and no one about food? Can you tell me
even sees the punch. 3 We failed to come up with any
good ideas. about one of the worst meals
A: Even Ali doesn't see it. He you've ever eaten?
goes up to his trainers in the
4 This has to be put down to
government incompetence. M: That was something 1cooked
cerner and asks, 'Did 1hit him? last week. 1was experimenting
Did 1hit him?' And it becomes S l'd rather go along with her idea
but it went wrong. My girlfriend
known as 'the phantom punch '. than risk another argument.
was very polite, but it was
B: The photo is one of the great 6 l'm looking forward to catching absolutely awful.
iconic images of all sport. lt up with Jaya.
B: Oh dear. And lastly, what's
shows the century's greatest 7 1'11 try to get round to reading something that really annoys
athlete at his peak. Fantastic. your work this weekend. you?
Discussion 2 8 You must stand up for what M: Annoys me? lt drives me up the
D: What 1love about this photo is you believe in. wall when people chew gum. 1
the friendship and respect. 9 The CIA didn't catch on to hate it.
E: lt's what sport's all about. what he was doing for years.
F: Two legends of the game 10 How do you put up with all UNIT 10 Recording 1
swapping shirts on a hot that noise?
summer's day. Magic! 11 She's never gane in for outdoor
sports like tennis or athletics. Greg Parmley, a thirty-eight-year-
D: lt's justa great photo.
old music journalist, has two great
F: Of course, there's a story 12 lt all comes down to profits.
passions: music and motorbikes.
behind the picture. lt was the So, as the summer music festival
World Cup in Mexico in 1970,
and not many people had
I!J@IIQ Recording 4 season approached, and he
was sitting trying to think of an
colour film in those days. B = Beth M = Mike
excuse to get out of the office,
E: lt was all black and white B: OK, Mike. Here's the first he suddenly had an idea. Why
photos until then. question. What's your favourite not combine the two? He marked
film? all of the festivals he wanted to
F: Yeah, and the photographer, a
guy called John Varley, nearly M: Groundhog Doy is one of my visit on a map of Europe and
didn't make it to the game. His favourites. lt's an all-time joined the dots. Befare long, he
car broke down and he had classic. had formulated a plan. He was
to hitch-hike his way to the B: What about your last holiday? going to attempt a world record
stadium. Unbelievable. Brazil Where did you go? for the most festivals visited in
won, as usual, and at the final M: 1went to Turkey with my a thirty-day period. Travelling
whistle, John Varley's hanging girlfriend. lt was idyllic. over 5,500 miles across thirteen
around. He's waiting there with countries, his aim was to bike
B: What's the best concert you've
his camera round his neck and around Europe attending twenty-
ever been to?
he's hoping, just hoping, Pelé six festivals and enjoying music by
and Bobby Moore, the greatest M: 1went to see Metallica in bands as diverse as Death Angel
players in their country's history, Moscow. That was one of the and Trollfest, to Sting and Carlos
most .incredible concerts l've Santana. He decided to write a
both World Cup winners, will
meet on the pitch. And they do ever been to. blog as he travelled and sent in
meet on the pitch. And Varley's B: OK, so what was the last weekly updates and reports to a
right there. Right place, right exhibition or gallery you went newspaper as well.
time. Click click. History! to?
E: lt's a beautiful, beautiful picture.
2 UNIT 10 Recording 2
Ever since he was a kid getting
into trouble at school for drawing
moustaches on his classmates' A: ls this offer something you'd
school work, people have been consider?
asking Peter Moore 'Why?' and B: l'd like to think about it.
'What did you do that for?'. 2
People have always struggled to
A: Will the machines be available
understand why he does things,
next month?
and it's been no different with his
latest adventure - travelling from B: 1'11 have to ask about that.
London to Sydney without flying. 3
lnspired by the Hippie Trail of the A: Are you ready to sign the
late 1960s when there was a trend contract?
for travelling East in order to find
B: 1need more time to consider it.
yourself, Peter's main motive for
the journey was simply to 'blow his 4
mind and enrich his life'. He was A: Will we get a discount?
sure to encounter a few problems B: 1can't give you an answer to
on the way. For a start, he didn't that right now.
really have enough money for S
the journey and, secondly, there
A: How long befare you can
were several borders that were
deliver the materials?
likely to be problematic. However,
unfazed by these issues, he set off B: Can 1get back to you on that?
from London Victoria. The book
he wrote, The Wrong Way Home,
describes what happened next.
'London2London via the World'.
This is what Sarah Outen has
chosen to call her latest adventure.
The idea? To travel around the
world using only human power.
Only travelling either on her pedal
bike or paddling in her kayak, she
aims to travel around the world
on an epic journey, crossing two
oceans and three continents. By
writing for her blog and sending
regular phone, video and Twitter
updates, Sarah hopes to inspire
young people back home in the
UK to learn more about the
world , science, geography and the
environment. People can follow
her journey and interact with
her along the route. Children at
school can send Sarah questions
or videos, and there are regular
educational updates on the blog,
llllllil 4 N -i-a-m-h. lt sounds like 'knee'.
S His name is a good 'conversation
1.1 starter' and people smile when he tells
them. But sorne people don't believe
him, or think he changed his name as IT2T3T4FST6T
maiden S surname a way to attract attention. His parents
called him James befare the name
2 up 6 middle
became famous so it wasn't their fault. 1 caught off guard S surplus
3 household 7 clear
6 Because when she uses a computer, 2 niceties 6 taken aback
4 after 8 made
spell-check always wants to change 3 smithereens 7 business acumen
The key word is Muhammad.
it. Her surname is probably from 4 aloof 8 deficit
2A Germany or Eastern Europe.
Recently 1 ar rr walking was walkin¡¡
D 1 body S ways
through the aisles of a bookshop
1 an act of defiance
when 1 vva~ rroticirrg noticed 2 soul 6 horse
2 now plain old
The title is the first thing the reader ~ 3 sheep 7 kid
3 of a compromise
seefng sees 4 box 8 neck
4 are absolutely baffled
lf she hadn't been changi11g chan¡¡ed
S a mixed blessing 1.3
That's OK, but l'nr p1 eferr i11g 1 prefer
6 the mists of time
t-think l'm thinkin¡¡ of writing a book
lt's something l've plarnred l've been SB 1 posed 4 flicker
planning lrrelevant informatio n: collecting stamps 2 presence S caricatures
from different countries and being 3 dismal 6 flattering
proficient in Word, Excel, PowerPoint,
a) Paul McCartney had been working 2
b) you've been working 1 e) 2 f) 3 e) 4 b) S d) 6 a)
Missing information: no information
e) it's probably getting about character 3
d) People in the book business are always 1guess it could be ...
saying, Publishers are always telling 1.2 2 l'd hazard a guess that .. .
e) 1was hoping, l'm expecting 3 1wonder if . . .
3 1 inquisitive 2 insensitive 3 conscientious 4 1 reckon it .. .
1 been crying 2 was wondering 3 eaten 4 thoughtful S obstinate 6 neurotic S lt seems to me that ...
4 is getting S was hoping 6 owned 7 mature 8 over-ambitious 9 obsessive 6 lt gives the impression that . ..
7 been doing 8 always move 1O perceptive 1 1 inspirational
7 lt appears to be .. .
9 is always telling 1O know 12 apathetic
8 lf 1 had to make a guess, l'd say ...
1 1 are thinking 12 been trying 2
4A and B 1 a) 2 b) 3 a) 4 b) S e) 6 e)
1 T 2 F (They 're eating at Francesca's
As a schoolboy, Felipe was forced to 3 house.) 3 F (Anna laves spicy food.)
change his name to Philip. My mobile phone company keeps
2 Her parents were hippies. B
calli.og me every day. lt's driving me
3 His mother wanted to call him David, crazy. 6-ish/sixish S know
but his father wanted to call him 2 Beatrix is always asking us to come 2 couple 6 anything
Donald. and visit. 3 stuff 7 thing
4 Her name is d ifficult to read or say 3 .! 4 like that 8 stuff
because of the spelling.
S His name is James Bond .
4 My aunt would coming come a nd e
collect us from school and take us to vague nouns: (3) l've got plenty of stuff
6 Her surname- Sharf- is always being her house for the weekend. to be getting on with here; (7) Oh,
changed by spell-check. ª
S As rule, 1 like to try a recipe out on there's one thing 1was going to ask.
e my family first, befare 1 invite people
round to eat it.
quantifiers: (2) 1 need to pick up a couple
He reverted to Felipe as 'an act of of things . . .
defiance, a political act', because 6 1 have an indine inclination to be vague numbers: ( 1) 1'11 see you here at
Chicanos wanted to be recognised for rather disorganised. about sixish then.
their ancestry and their roots. ' Philip' 7 1 tend to agree with everything they generalisers: (S) Do you want me to bring
is on his official documents. say. lt makes things easier. anything, you know, ...
2 She thought it was 'pretty extreme'. 8 .! list completers: (4) l've just got to finish
She changed her name to Summer 9 Nine times out of ten, he'll be home so me work and sort the kitchen out and
Davies when she left home. by 6.30, but occasionally he'll get stuck stuff like that; ( 6) any kind of food or or
3 They compromised by calling him in traffic. anything like that? (8) Are you OK with
David Donald, but realised it was too 10 .! spicy food, you know, chilli and stuff?
i!JIIIIj 2 To the Ends of the Eorth 6 lf you wHt ask me, all hunting should j
3 Zen and the Art of Motorcycle be banned. In the eyes of any humane
2.1 Maintenance person, it's an inhumane 'sport' .
4 To /(j/1 a Mocking Bird 3
S Wild Swans The reality is (that) corruption is a en
1 effect 2 under 3 learning 4 trust
S learning 6 in
6 To Kili a Mocking Bird huge problem. e
7 To the Ends of the Earth 2 In my humble opinion, cars should be
banned from the city centre.
8 Zen and the Art of Motorcycle
1 b) 2 e) 3 d) 4 b) S a) 6 a) 7 e) 8 d) Maintenance 3 A s far as l'm concerned, Kurt is the
9 a) 1O b) 1 1 e) 12 d) best candidate.
3 4 From what 1can gather, the company
1 epitomise 2 gripped 3 poverty-ridden
will merge next year.
1 g) 2 f) 3 a) 4 e) S h) 6 b) 7 e) 8 d) 4 poignant S premise 6 swamps
S For what it's worth, 1want to say 1
4A 4 love your ideas!
1 wish l'd studied 1 preconceptions 2 stereotype 6 lf you ask me, his early CDs are much
2 only 1hadn't 3 second thoughts 4 an open mind better than the later stuff.
3 1 would've been S narrow-minded 6 eye-opening 7 lf you want my opinion, 1don't like
4 if l'd listened 7 perspective 8 convincing that colour.
S 1wouldn't've known 5 8 Quite frankly, 1think she's a genius.
6 Supposing you 'd won 1 making 2 to have, to invite 9 1know you hate dogs, but loo k at it
3 changing 4 to be, to do this way: they are great guards.
S to have stolen 6 to have changed 4A
2 Because experience is vital,
7 to have to 8 being given 9 having
mountaineers don't usually reach their 1find that highly unlikely.
1Oto ha ve reached
peak until their forties. 2 1don't know about that.
3 My tennis has gone downhill as l've 6A 3 l'm not really sure about that/l'm
got older. 1 In fact 2 As a result 3 However really not su re about that.
4 1 was at a crossroads in m y career so 1 4 Nevertheless S On the other hand, 4 Where did you get that ide~ ?
had to make a move. 6 Consequently, 7 However, S That's very debatable.
S 1find a lot of his theories rather hard B
to swallow.
1./ 2./ 3X 4./ SX 6X 7./ REVIEW & CHECK 1
6 When 1 joined the company, my boss
said, 'You'll go far.' 2.3
7 This report says human cloning is only 1 comes 2 'm studying 3 changed
a few years away. Hmm, that's food 4 moved S found 6 always teased
a) play devil's advocate
for thought. 7 called 8 makes 9 planned 1 w as planning
b) sit on the fence
8 He emails me with these ridiculous 1O been thinking 11 liked 12 hoped 1
half-baked ideas on how to improve e) speak your mind were hoping 13 're considering
the business. d) beat about the bush
e) have a vested interest
6B 1 a) live up to b) make
f) have an axe to grind
She is poor; Yes. she has a large family; 2 a) clear your name
She is from ltaly; Yes, people like her a B b) put your name forward
lot; She taught herself to read. 1 f) 2 d) 3 e) 4 b) S e) 6 a) 3 a) household name
e e b) maiden name

When did she move/ go to Brazil?

4 a) obsessive b) perceptive
1 sit on the fence 2 vested interest
2 What did her husband do? /What was 3 speak my mind 4 play devil's advocate S a) apathetic b) conscientious
her husband's job? S beat about the bush 6 axe to grind 6 a) prejudiced b) rebellious
3 How many children did she have? 7 a) solitary b) inquisitive
4 How long did it take her to learn to 8 a) obstínate b) neurotic
lf you want for my honest opinion, 1
read? 9 a) posing b) flattering
think smoking should be made illegal. .
S What did she think about the moon 10 a) caricatured b) flicker
2 There are no miracle diets. Look at it
landing? on this way: those diet ads are selling 3
6 How many people came/went to her you an impossible dream. Nine times out of ten he'll be right,
funeral? 3 From what that 1can gather, global but that is no guarantee.
D warming is a very real problem. lf we 2 1was forever having to apologise for
don't address it now, it'll be too late. his behaviour.
1 d) 2 e) 3 f) 4 a) S e) 6 b)
4 By according to the government, 3 Kids are prone for to eat too much
2.2 immigration is out of control. The junk food.
reality is immigrants bring many skills.
lB 4 Greg has a tendency to be critical,
S For what it's been worth, 1think which makes him unpopular with his
e) a detailed biography of a scientist
military service is a great idea. In my co-workers.
2 humble opinion, young people today S As a rule, most students finish their
Wild Swans need the kind of discipline that the coursework by the end of May.
army brings.

6 1'11 general! y to have just a piece of 9 private boat. The rule of thumb is that
toast for breakfast. 1 Talking 2 Having spent 3 being 4 to be the further out, the greater the isolation.
7 She was not inclined to get up early on 5 spending 6 returning 7 to look after First plumbing, then electricity disappears
a Sunday morning. 8 to lead 9 winning 1O to hand over until finally, out in the Baltic Sea, tiny huts
8 When we were younger we would 1 1 (to) visit 12 not being allowed share a few metres of exposed granite
spend for hours just playing in the with just the wind and seals.
lOA The archipelago is a place of beauty
a) Look at it this way b) As far as l'm at any time, but during Midsummer,
4 concerned e) From what 1can see it's the place to be. On the way out to
1 hand 2 black 3 life 4 ways 5 kids d) lf you want my honest opinion the archipelago from Stockholm, the
6 busybodies 7 chatterbox 8 neck e) lf you ask me f) The reality is road winds through the radiant green

S B landscape of a fairytale- forests, timber
1 l'd hazard a 2 makes 3 suppose houses, rye fields, fat cows. Wild flowers
1 e) 2 a) 3d) 4 f) 5 e) 6 b)
4 1 reckon 5 pretty sure 6 gives nod in the hedgerows. Road signs warn
of rogue moose .
6 In Norrtalje, the gateway town to the
1 learning the ropes 2 trust your instinct 1 b) 2 e) 3 a) 4 b) 5 e) 6 a) 7 e) 8 b) archipelago, the supermarket is packed
3 steep learning curve 4 second thoughts 9 e) 1O b) 11 b) 12 e) 13 a) 14 b) with trolleys the day before Midsummer's
5 open mind 6 whole new perspective 15c) 16b) 17a) 18a) 19c) 20a) Eve. The prescribed Midsummer foods
7 narrow-minded 8 devil 's advocate 21 b) 22 e) 23 a) 24 b) 25 b) 26 a) of strawberries, herring, new potatoes
9 speak his mind 1O beating about the 27 e) 28 b) 29 a) 30 b) and sour cream are flying off the shelves.
bush A worker complains that they 're shifting
a tonne of potatoes every hour. Heavily
would never have met
llllllll laden cars lea ve the car park for the
2 wouldn't have had to call 3.1 For my inaugural Midsummer Eve, l'm
3 wouldn't have just gone heading to the island of Blido. lt's not
4 would you have done 1 picturesque 2 run -down 3 bustling remote - just two short ferry trips to
5 would never have found 4 ancient 5 unspoilt 6 magnificent cross the bay- but the pace of life soon
6 would probably be 1 would probably 7 deserted 8 tranquil slows. The air is luminously clear and,
have been scoured by sea breezes, feels like it's
2 rejuvenating the lungs. Roe deer skip out
7 not going 1 not having gone
2 a) 3d) 4 g) 5 b) 6 e) 7 f) 8 j) 9 n) / h) of the path of bicycles on the roads.
8 'd thought
IOh) / n) 111) 12i) 13m) 14k)
9 'd realised you'd already done 3.2
1O 'd never had 3A
terraced cafés, the smell of bread, busy lA
8 restaurants, cobbled streets, clichés, 1 b) 2 d) 3 e) 4 f) 5 b) 6 a) 7 e) 8 e)
You've done really well, kid. You ' ll go des igner handbags, poodles, the Eiffel 9a) IOb) lle) 12b) 13d) 14e)
too far. • Tower, the Pompidou Centre, flea
2 lt started off well, but quickl y went markets, velib bi ke(s)
1 b) 2 b) 3 b) 4 a) 5 a) 6 b) 7 b) 8 a)
downhill bottom from there.
3 Thanks for those comments. lt's given 2
us some food for the thought. 1 poky 2 gaudy 3 room y 4 dreary
4 lt was very shocking news. 1found it 4A 5 airy 6 shady 7 chilly 8 gloomy
hard for to swallow at first. the Swedish island of Blido, in the
5 lt's no good wasting precious a\1 Stockholm archipelago
1 a) 2 b) 3 e) 4 b) 5 e) 6 e) 7 a) 8 a)
time worrying about things you can 't 2 by boat
9c) lOa) 11 b) 12b)
change. 3 Midsummer is a good time to visit
6 After all this time, 1 can't believe that because it is beautiful then. 4
they 've come up with such a half- 4 radiant green like a fairytale 1 unprepared 2 understatement
baked for idea. 5 strawberries, herring, new potatoes 3 overpowering 4 pro/anti-government
7 1think he's reached for the peak of his and sour cream 5 anti/pro-government 6 mismanaged
career. 7 post-mortem 8 impossible
6 The atmosphere is tranquil and
8 1found myself at a crossroads decisiort 9 non-profit 1O malfunctioning
relaxed . He says, 'the pace of life
and wasn 't sure what todo. 1 1 depopulated 12 pre-Katrina
soon slows' . The beautiful scenery
9 We'll need to put off aside so me 13 irreversible
and naturallandscape (with deer)
time to discuss this at the end of the contribute to the tranquil atmosphere.
1O You just can't afford to spend so much
time to watching television. The Stockholm archipelago consists of 1 regeneration 2 congestion
over 24,000 islands and islets scattered 3 abandonment 4 amenities 5 traffic
1 1 He has an incredible memory - he is
across the Baltic Sea. The nearest to the 6 urban 7 infrastructure 8 tolls
forever regurgitating on obscure facts
shore are divided by causeways from the
about things he has learned.
mainland and possess all the amenities
12 We knew we would have to move out
of modern Sweden. Other islands are
of the house, so it felt like we were
served by free and efficient public ferries.
forever living on borrowed money
The outer islands are reachable only by
2A 4 3 The world 's most industrialised
To start with, l'm going to talk brief lt's a long way to the station from countries are using up the planet's
briefly about the beginnings of the he re. resources. We drive too many gas-
project. Just to give a bit of baeking guzzling cars, recycle too little, find-
2 lt's amazing how often we bump into
background information. we first tllat v.e a1 e p1 oduc:i11g produce too
each other.
discussed the idea of a Cultural Centre much waste from packaging and too-
3 lt seems as if we're too late.
liiUd 1 Of OUI food is ti 11 OYVII avvay
two years ago. The a111biti011 aim of the
4 lt was suggested that the inquiry be
project is to create a space for people throw away too much food. Some
to see art, listen to music, and watch simple habits can change our lifestyles
S 1couldn't believe it when he gave me for the better and can also help to
films together. So the main ~goal of
his autograph. save the environment.
our proposal is to provide a community
6 1hate it when people let me down.
resource. The long-term blessi11gs SA
benefits include bringing the community 7 We owe it to him to tell him the truth.
He helped to found the Red Cross,
together and promoting the arts. 8 lt's hard to know if we've done the
whose flag is shown.
What we arrange plan to do is work with right thing.
local companies to involve them in all 9 1find it easy to get on with people. B
areas of the project: design, construction, 1O 1'11 leave it to you to decide the best .. . He would la ter describe the
maintenance, and services. While cost is a way to deal with this. scene as 'chaotic disorder, despair
major issue, our 1esolution solution is to unspeakable and misery of every
ask local government for grant money. In
S kind'. There was little organised
the first imtant instance, this would mean 1 unjustly accused 2 a surprising number medica! care. The French army had
putting together our budget plan, and after of people 3 the true story of fewer doctors than vets - horses
that we would write a grant application. 4 protested his innocence were more valuable in war than
5 miscarriage of justice 6 rough justice men- so, abandoning his plans to
To dose sum up, we feel this is a very
7 demanded justice 8 at that time meet Napoleon, Dunant set about
worthwhile project for our community.
Are there any questions or things that 6A mobilising local people to help care for
need clearing clarifying? the wounded . ...
Henry Roberts w as convi cted of a crime
he had not committed . He spent four 2 Dunant w as an unlikely hero. Born in
years 1 the rest of his life in jail. T he man Geneva. he w as a poor student who
How about if we combine our ideas?
w ho was actuall y guilty of th e crime later w ent on to beco me an evert worse
2 Let's look at it another way. bu sinessman . Time and again he found
3 l'd like to propose a compromise. himself fleeing his debts. Even during
4 ls there any way we can reduce the B the earl y days of the Red Cross he
costs? 1 b) 2 e) 3 e) 4 a) S a) 6 e) 7 a) 8 b) had t o resign from th e committee ....
S ls there any leeway regarding the 3 He eventuall y returned to Sw itzerland
4.2 and settled in a small town called
6 Let's try to come up with a solution. Heiden . He withdrew from the
2 g) vii) 3 a) i) 4 b) viii) S e) ii) 6 h) v) world, but all this changed in 1895

IIJOIIII 7 f) iii) 8 e) vi)

when an article was written about
The lnternational Committee of the
Red Cross. Six years later, he became
4.1 1 had been living 2 won 't have finished the first recipient of the Nobel Peace
3 to have won 4 Have yo u been waiting Prize ....
1 justice 2 arrest 3 innocence 4 release S had buried 6 Have you been playing
4 From Dunant's early solo efforts,
S evidence 6 alibi 7 appeal 8 convictions 7 not to have noticed 8 have you spoken
the organisation has grown steadily
to 9 will have been working 1O has been
2 over the last 150 years. Today the
hiding 11 hadn't changed 12 Had she
lnternational Committee of the
B: No, its nothing really. lt's just that discovered
Red Cross has almost 100 mi ilion
l'm worried about my interview
3A and B members, who operate in war zones
1 freedom of speech 2 civilliberties all over the world. lts emblem, the
2 B: Yes, it's about nine forty.
3 !&j2ital P!!!J.ishment 4 economic inverse of Switzerland's national
3 B: Yes, 1find it really hard to close flag, is an international symbol of
development S intellectual ¡¿rn¡¿erty
the safe once l've opened it. humanitarian grace.
6 child labour 7 g\!0. control 8 il~al
4 B: lt's pointless calling him now. lt's immig@!;ion 9 environmental awareness S .. . Befo re he died at the age of 82, he
too late. 1O free trade stated that he wished to be buried in
S B: Yes, l'd really appreciate it if you Zurich without a ceremony. His wish
could lock up when you go. 4A
was granted. But fate had the last
6 B: lt's no wonder you're ti red . You 2 The internet does many wonderful
laugh ... .
hardly slept last night. things - it brings people closer

7 B: No, but l've heard that it's a

together, it promotes new forms e
of creativity, e11te1 tai1 1111el1t is IF2F3T4FSF6F7T8T
wonderful place for walking
p1 ovided 011 tl1e 11 1te111et it provides
holidays. D
entertainment and the 11 1te111et allov.s
8 B: No, 1'11 leave it to you to decide 1 aftermath 2 bloodbath 3 wounded
it allows us to access information
which one is most suitable. 4 strewn S recipient 6 creditors
quickly. One thing it does riot do
3 well is protect people's right to their 7 emblem 8 inverse
1 hard 2 fault 3 help 4 appear intellectual property.
S amazes 6 wonder 7 pointless
8 appreciate
4.3 7 whose books inspired me to become
an anthropologist
8 in which that actor died 5.1
1 in 2 faced 3 weigh 4 take S the
9 which time our plane had already left
6 mind 7 things/it 8 drawbacks lA
1O both of whom love dancing, are going
2 to do a tango course 1beans 2 away 3 slip 4 stay S doors
6 cat
Without a shadow bttt of a doubt, l'd
choose Johnny. 2
2 irreplaceable 3 misbehaves
2 ./ 1 should 2 may 3 had to 4 ought
4 antisocial S immoral 6 overpopulated
3 lf it was for up to me, l'd never do 7 malnourished 8 undercooked S supposed 6 needn't 7 couldn't
that. 9 decriminalised 1O prehistoric 8 better not 9 can 1O must
4 No right way would 1 do that.
5 3
S ./ The boring weekly meetings are
6 Far the better to be a living coward 3 to (to talk to) 4 strong S and 6 ./ 7
are 8 ./ 9 very 1O of 1 1 of 12 ./ 13 compulsory for all employees.
than a brave corpse.
for 14 the 2 Student protests may be banned if the
7 Given to the choice, l'd prefer to go violence continues.
by plane than train. 6 3 The former policeman was forced to
8 l'd sooner to live here than there. 1 intellectual property retire after nearly thirty-two years of
9 This would be by very far the best 2 freedom of speech 3 previous service.
option. convictions 4 fresh evidence 4 From then on, nobody dared to ask
10 ./ S capital punishment 6 gun control any more questions.
7 under arrest 8 early release
3B S l'm afraid that this kind of behaviour is
9 environmental awareness
simply not permissible.
1 W 2 Not used 3 W 4 M S Not used 1O child labour 1 1 illegal immigration
6 M 7 M 8 Not used 9 M 1O W 12 economic development 4A
4A 1 b) 2c) 3a) 4a) Sb) 6a)
1 b) 2 e) 3 a) 4 b) S e) 6 a) 7 e) 1 lt appears that B
2 lt's believed that the 3 it will be easier 1 poignantly 2 barely 3 hardships
4 it makes S it's pointless 6 lt always
REVIEW & CHECK 2 4 endure S intruding 6 imploring
amazes 7 lt's no 8 love it
9 find it impossible 1O make it clear SA
2 lt was a IS-carat diamond necklace 1 b) 2 a) 3 e) 4 a) S a) 6 b) 7 e) 8 a)
SA 9c) IOb)
with a gold chain that he'd given her.
1 a) 2 e) 3 e) 4 b) S d)
3 We moved to the small border town 5.2
where we'd met for the first time. B
4 They bought her a brand new red a) justice by fleeing the country.
sports c~r worth t:SO,OOO. 1 e) 2 a) 3 e) 4 b) S b) 6 a) 7 e) 8 a)
b) to the police to get the job done.
S He gota large multicolou red tattoo of 9c) lO a) 11 b) 12b)
e) justice on each other every day of the
his daughter on his arm. week. 2
6 jodie bought a tiny grey Siamese cat d) justice, but he was past retirement age. What can be done about the problem
with a white mark on its face . e) his own hands when he realised ~ of global warming?
7 She married a charming Science had no choice. 2 Today there are thought to be around
teacher from Jordan but based in 400 types of cheese in France.
3 When she was ten, Gracie had her
1 has been discovered 2 had bought
8 Let's meet in the same ltalian wisdom teeth taken out.
3 had been planning 4 had belonged
restaurant on the corner where we 4 lt is said that ghosts have been seen in
S to have been 6 had been bringing
ate mussels. this castle.
7 have been 8 has been working
2 9 to have come across 1O l'd never S All bilis must be paid by the first of the
1 infrastructure 2 congestion 3 dreary imagined 1 1 1'11 have been living month.
4 picturesque S unspoilt 6 deserted 12 1'11 have 'earned ' 6 Oh no! My car has been stolen!
7 run-down 8 gloomy 9 airy 1O bustling 7 He must have been given the wrong
1 1 chilly 12 ancient directions by Nick.

1 no 2 doubt 3 given 4 to S would
8 That medicine is not to be taken more
3 6 myself 7 up 8 by
than twice a day.
1 neither of which l've read
9 Next Christmas, everyone in the office
2 which case you can come to lunch
will be given a € 1000 bonus.
with me
1 e) 2 b) 3 e). 4 e) S a) 6 e) 7 b) 8 e) 1O 1940s legend Joe Louis is often said
3 none of whom had heard of Justin
9c) lOa) 11 b) 12a) 13 b) 14c) to have been the greatest boxer in
ISc) 16a) 17c) 18c) 19a) 20b) history.
4 for which we should be grateful
21 b) 22 e) 23 e) 24 b) 2S e) 26 a) 11 My mother is being operated on by
S at which point 1 realised he was 27 e) 28 b) 29 a) 30 e) the surgeon right now.
12 He made his son apologise to us for
6 most of whom had been fans in the 60s the mess, so the kid carne over and
said 'sorry '.
3 2 B
Are you able to verify this? What !'m basically saying is that it 1 card 2 the Greeks 3 animals
2 In the 19SOs, the conventional depends on the final result. 4 astrology S (ancient) China
wisdom was that smoking was 2 The point l'm trying to make is that 6 many years 7 lines 8 crystal ball
harmless. we can't afford to waste time.
3 That myth needs debunking. 3 The facts suggest that (the) high pri~es
2 seer (e) 3 sought (d) 4 kin (f)
4 That theory has been disproved. are a consequence of a shortage in
S traits (a) 6 remnants (b)
S The journalist decided to uncover the demand .
facts. 4 Do you think that is always the case? 6
6 The idea that bats are blind is a S ls there any way we can prove that? 1 1 by 2 in 3 out 4 in S at 6 on 7 at
commonly held perception. ls there any way to prove that? 8 in 9 by 10 At
6 lf you think about it, it simply doesn't
4A and B make (any) sense.
the myth that alligators live in the sewers lA
7 Can we be certain of/about this?
of NewYork
8 Let me put it this way: the company is 1 everyday 2 mind 3 dead 4 barrier
e going out of business. S global 6 command 7 official
1 e) 2 b) 3 e) 4 a) S e) 6 a) 7 b) 8 lingua franca
S 1 think 2 feel 3 interesting 4 suppose B
2 a) She was hurt quite badly, but she S hold 6 wanted 7 don't 8 going Her lingtta command of French is
soldiered on ti!! the end. 9 stand 1O another fantastic. She candeal with any kind of
b) Don't wait forme - !'m going to
be late. You just carry on.
e 2 1wouldn 't be at al! surprised if
So, what do you think about the issue of Mandarín or Farsi soon become franca
3 a) The government is planning downloading music?
to crack down on antisocial globallanguages, spoken al! around the
How do you feel about it? world.
Well, it's an interesting question to 3 1 simply don't understand the point of
b) You'd better slow down- that
consider. studying a barrier dead language, like
pedestrian hasn't seen you.
1 suppose, if yo u think about it ... Latín .
4 a) She spent hours poring over those
Hold on a minute. 1wanted to say that .. . 4 When my parents are around we have
documents and found nothing.
But don 't you think that we should be to co1' 1n 1and mind our language!
b) lf you have a problem, you can talk
allowed to download for free? S South Africa has eleven global official
it over with me.
Yes, but going back to what you were languages, but many other languages
S a) On Sundays, we like to lounge
saying about musicians earning money . . . are commonly spoken , too.
around at home.
Where do you stand on that? 6 lt is a really difficult working situation
b) You can't mess around here in the
Sorry, and another thing .. . because of the language mind barrier
factory- it's too dangerous.
lt's not something !'ve thought about between those who don't speak
6 a) l' m just going to put away these
before. Spanish and those who do.
dishes 1 put these dishes away.
7 We tend to use English at work as
b) That concert was amazing. We
a lingua 1angt:Jage franca because
were completely blown away.
7 a) You're working too slowly. You
IIJOIIU everyone can understand it.
8 My official everyday Greek is OK for
need to speed up. 6.1 getting around and buying things in
b) He added so me avocado and feta shops and cafés, but 1 can 't discuss
cheese to jazz up the salad. politics or anything like that.
1 e) 2 a) 3 e) 4 b) S b) 6 e) 7 a) 8 b)
8 a) 1 think they 'll pension me off next 9 b) 1O a)
year. 1'11 be seventy by then. 2
b) The match was called off because 2 1 d) 2 b) 3 e) 4 f) S a) 6 e)
they couldn 't raise a team. 1 b) 2 b) 3 e) 4 e) S b) 6 b)
9 a) Seeing you again brings back lots 3 Strange though it may seem, we were
of memories of school. 1 have become 2 be using the only people left at the end of the
b) Try to think back to your 3 to introduce 4 will S is 6 is going party.
childhood; what can you 7 won't 8 destroyed 9 have developed 2 Despite having such a huge influence,
remember? 1O could be 1 1 ha ve been he was unable to secure the deal.
1O a) James real! y stands out in the 12 aren't going to disappear 3 Whichever way you look at it, it's still
crowd, wearing that enormous autism.
hat 1 4A
4 In spite of the surge in oil prices,
b) You know l'm always prepared 1 !'m gonna win!
ministers have assured us that petrol
to speak out against injustice, 2 l'll've become famous.
prices will remain stable.
wherever 1 find it. 3 lt won't've changed much.
S .1
4 We'll 've been married for ten years.
5.3 S We'll need to be there at 1.00.
6 However we go about things, it's not
going to be an easy assignment.
SA 7 Even if we had managed to identify the
1 scoop 2 investigative 3 truth 4 source criminal previously, we would never
S injunction 6 leaked 7 sensitive have been able to trace the jewels.
8 whistle-blowing
8 .1

4A 2 4 Strange as it may seem, l'm actually
IT2F3T4FST6F 3 were 4 be S for 6 .1 7 ¡ 8 .1 9 for not very self-confident.
1O .1 1 1 .1 12 been 13 .1 14 was S Whichever method you choose, it will
SA 1S for 16 .1 17 been be a difficult operation.
The number of children outside 6 In spite of knowing her for years, 1 had
English-speaking countries who are 3 no idea she was involved in crime.
learning English in primary school has 1 game 2 cat 3 beans 4 slip S intuitively
7 Despite being held up in traffic, we
rocketed. 6 fallacy 7 verify 8 wisdom 9 myth
arrived on time.
2 There has been a surge in the size of 1O scoop 1 1 injunction 12 leak
8 .1
English-speaking communities in both
China and India. 9
1 up 2 over 3 up 4 back S down 6 on
3 The influence of the internet on the 1 By 2 on 3 in 4 in S by 6 in 7 at
7 back 8 over 9 around 1O on 1 1 out
English language is due to increase 8 out, out 9 At, 1O out
12 out 13 down 14 off IS over
4 The amount of information on the S
1 b) 2 a) 3 e) 4 d) S e)
Internet is soaring as it doubles its 1 that 2 case 3 point 4 think S evidence
content every ten hours. 6 put
S Until now, most of the internet's
content has been in text form, but
6 ··~,.
1 b) 2c) 3a) 4b) Se) 6a) 7b) 8a)
Don't worry. l'm su re the plane will
over the next ten years the Voice- 9c) lOe) 11 b) 12b) 13a) 14c)
have landed by now.
over-lnternet Protocol (VoiP) will ISb) 16a) 17b) 18c) 19b) 20a)
become dominant. 2 Ha ve you ever wondered what you
will be doing in ten years' time? 21 b) 22c) 23a) 24b) 2Sc) 26b)
6 There will be a steady decline in the 27 e) 28 a) 29 a) 30 e)
amount of written text on the internet. 3 The government is to pull out troops
from all neighbouring countries.
6.3 4 They are due to arrive any minute
S The new law could spell the end of 7.1
1 d) 2 a) 3 h) 4 e) S e) 6 g) 7 b) 8 f)
freedom of speech as we know it.
2A 6 When you get to the station, 1'11 1 will 1 stranded 2 trapped 3 a break 4 fled
Places: fashion shows, clubs, gigs, the street be waiting fo r you outside. S took refuge 6 an escape plan
(the Embankment, London) , Philadelphia, 7 There is going to be a huge protest on
Genoa in ltaly, India, Cambodia Saturday against the suggested cuts.
People: kids on skateboards, factory 2 What 3 only 4 reason
8 That's fine. We '11 see 1 will see you
workers, fishermen, B-list celebrities, S liked 6 thing 7 lt 8 place
when we get there.
washerwoman 3
Times: the past, 1980s 1 d) 2 f) 3 b) 4 a) S e) 6 e)
a) gathering pace
B b) bound 4B
1 originate 2 attributed 3 this 4 origins 2 a) a distant memory Four prison inmates planned an escape
S result 6 stem 7 lead 8 traced b) are over from Alcatraz prison using tools to dig
3 3 a) are likely tunnels, life-like dummies and a raft
made from raincoats. One man was left
1 about 2 has 3 to 4 to S rise b) the signs are
behind because he hadn 't finished digging
6 back to 7 in 8 ha ve 9 from 1O in 4 a) language barrier
the tunnel out of his cell in time, so the
b) dead language
4 others left without him.
1 them 2 .1 3 about 4 why S .1 6 .1 S a) command
7 the (the all) 8 .1 9 to 1O .1 1 1 the b) mind e
6 a) everyday 1 b) 2 e) 3 a) 4 a) S e) 6 b)
b) a global S
REVIEW & CHECK 3 7 a) the imagination One problem for the men was that
b) a chord the waters around the island were
8 a) latest thing infested with sharks.
She felt compelled to resign because b) passing trend 2 What they used to make the raft
of the scandal. 9 a) risen dramatically and inflatable life vests were stolen
2 He was suspended for using a banned raincoats.
b) lost its appeal
substance. 3 The reason West didn 't leave with
10 a) taking off
3 Car insurance is compulsory. the other men was because he hadn't
b) word-of-mouth
4 Few journalists dared (to) cover the finished digging out his escape route.
story. 8 4 What they did to fool the guards was
S As a punishment, he was forbidden to Difficult though it may seem 1 it use a system of life-like decoys.
leave/from leaving the house. seems, HTML is not difficult to learn. S lt was West who masterminded the
6 We're supposed to check out of the 2 Even if l'd warned you about the whole escape plan.
hotel by 10.30. dangers, you wouldn't have listened to 6 What the guards didn't realise was
7 We needn't have ordered so much me. that the men had already escaped.
food . 3 .1
8 The plane was forced to land in a field .
6 2B 3
1 suspicious 2 opportunities b) 1 foreseeable 2 outset 3 the 4 about
3 renovation 4 reappearance S verge 6 years
S resourceful 6 tendency 7 strengthen
The key word is future.
8 prioritise 9 harassment 1O exemplified 1 A: lf you let him carry on, then you'll
1 1 evasive 12 clarity 13 brighten . .. then he's going to cut himself, 4A
14 sympathetic IS applicants or fall into the river or something, The connection between the pictures
isn't he? and the headline is that a tortoise lived
7.2 B: Oh come on. Surely you don't through all of the events in the pictures.
think that?
1 a) 2 b) 3 a) 4 a) S b) 6 b) 7 a) 8 b) 2 A: 1 mean he could fall over and hit 1 a) 2 e) 3 b) 4 a) S b) 6 e)
his head on a rock or something.
2 5
B: Oh that's ridiculous. There's no
1Having been brought up 2 Tied 1 picture, words 2 judge, book
real danger. You can't honestly
3 Believing 4 Surprised 3 sight, mind 4 actions, louder
think that.
S Not having been 6 Stopping 7 Amazed S absence, heart 6 built, day
8 not wanting 9 told 1O Driving 3 A: 1suppose you've gota point about
7 ventured, gained 8 practice, perfect
thinking for yourself. lt's just that,
3A 9 home, heart 1O safe, sorry
as a parent, or a mother, 1just
1 1 place, home 12 practise, preach
1 hang out 2 breather 3 mind off think 1would just naturally stop
4 unwind S take it easy 6 switch off him. 6A
7 your hair down 4 A: 1couldn't stand back and watch 1 A picture is worth a thousand words
B him hurt himself. Where's the logic 2 Don't judge a book by its cover
a) 4 b) 1 e) 6 in that? 3 Out of sight, out of mind
S B: l'm with you 100 percent on that. 4 Actionsspeaklouderthanwords
4A But there is no accident here. lt S Absence makes the heart grow fonder
The purpose of the festival is to raise just doesn 't make sense for tome. 6 Rome wasn 't built in a -ºªX
money for Amnesty lnternational. There is no real danger.
7 Nothing ventured, nothing gained
B 4A 8 Practice makes perfect
1 e) 2 e) 3 d) 4 a) S b) 1just think you need to take things 9 Home is where the heart is
e easy. (OR 1think you just need to take 10 Better safe than sorry
The first line is too formal. lt would be things easy.) 11 There's no place like home
better to use an informal expression 2 The point is that we are always late. 12 Practise what yo u preach
like Come to 1 Come and enjoy this year's 3 Surely you don 't think that's a good
Freedom Festival'. Also, the paragraph idea? 8.2
does not sound enthusiastic enough: the 4 Oh, come on, you must be joking. le
word nice in 'a nice event' is weak, as is S That's the whole point. IF2B3E4ASG6D7C
the word good in 'a good cause' . There is
an unnecessary passive ('we are sure the B D
event will be enjoyed') where an active That's the whole point. 1 peek 2 precious 3 engrossed
would be better ('we know you will enjoy 2 The point is that we are always late. 4 stooped S damp 6 slither 7 squirm
this exciting event'). 3 1just think you need to take things
2A and B
easy. (OR 1 think you just need to take
SB A: What's your earliest childhood
things easy.)
1 Mike 2 Serge, Elizabeth memory?
4 Oh, come on, yo u must be joking.
3 Elizabeth, Mike 4 Elizabeth S Dieter B: l'm not sure 1have 1one. Why? What's
6 Regina 7 Serge 8 Dieter, Elizabeth S Surely you don 't think that's a good
e A: Oh l've got 2/ots.
B: Have you [got lots of childhood
1 squint 2 hazy 3 beaten-up
4 criss-crossed S vast open spaces
lllllll:l memories]? What sorts of things can
6 vintage 7 windi ng 8 scenic you remember?
8.1 A: U mm . . . [1 can remember] my father
7.3 telling me when my brother was born.
2 1 was about to leave the office when 1 can remember that very clearly. And
the phone rang. [1 can remember] when 1first learned
1 security detail 2 risk-averse culture
3 You weren't supposed to tell her the to ride my bike.
3 expose someone to unnecessary
secret 1 B: [1] Bet you can't remember all the kids
danger 4 encouraging independence
4 We were meant to pay in advance . from school.
. S mollycoddle 6 de liberately 7 deal
with danger 8 unsupervised 9 over- S 1 was to have become a doctor, but 1
A: No, 1 can't [remember all the kids
protectiveness 1O take reaso nable risks became a singer instead! from school]. 1 can remember a few
[of the kids from school]. 1guess
B 6 You were to be at the checkpoint at
every day was pretty much the same
exactly Sa.m.
1 unsupervised 2 mollycoddle at school, so it's harder to remember.
3 deliberately, unnecessary danger 2 B: Yeah, 1suppose 3so.
4 encouraging independence 1 e) 2 e) 3 b) 4 b) S a) 6 e) 7 b) 8 b) A: How aboutJim Bishop? [Do you]
S reasonable risks, deal with danger 9a) IOb) 11 e) 12c) Remember him?
6 risk-averse culture
B: Yes, [of] course 14do.
A: [Did you] Hear what happened to him? 4 8
B: No. What [happened to him]? 1 ls there anything we've missed? 2 Can 2 e) i) 3 e) vi) 4 f) ii) 5 a) xii) 6 h) viii)
A: [He] meta girl from Mongolia, fell in you go into the more detail? 3 What of 7 d) xi) 8 b) x) 9 i) vii) 1O g) iii) 11 1) iv)
love, and moved 5there to live with else? 4 Anyone managed to come up 12 k) v)
her. with any other ideas? 5 Can you tell to
us more?
B: You're joking!
1 e) 2 d) 3 a) 4 e) 5 b) 6 d) 7 e) 8 a)
A: No, l'm 6not uoking]. [l'm] Absolutely
9 d) 1o b)
serious. REVIEW & CHECK 4

1 a 2 of 3 said 4 with 5 Mind 6 at
A: Having a good time? 3 to 4 ./ 5 so 6 ./ 7 ./ 8 what 7 other 8 what
B: Not really so. 9 ./ 1O ./ 1 1 that 12 something 13 ./
2 A: See you later. 14 but 15 ./ 16 Of 17 ./ 18 that

B: Yeah . .. see you on there. 2 1 b) 2 a) 3 e) 4 a) 5 a) 6 e) 7 e) 8 e)

3 A: You OK with that? The escaped prisoner took refuge 9a) IOb) llc) 12b) 13a) 14a)
B: Yes, 1think so. with us until it was safe. 15c) 16c) 17b) 18c) 19a) 20c)
2 We decided to make a break for it. 21 b) 22b) 23a) 24c) 25c) 26b)
4 A: Been here before?
3 OK, everyone, relax and take a 27b) 28c) 29a) 30c)
B: No, never do.
5 A: Think they 'll come back soon?
B: 1guess~ so.
4 l'm going to let my hair down at this
6 A: Nearly have finished? 5 1find it hard to switch off in the 9.1
B: No, l've still got lots to do. evenings.
6 1 need to take my mind off all these
4 worries. 1 well-received 2 striking
2 flooding 3 brings 4 holds 5 earliest 3 unconventional 4 overrated
7 You should learn to take it easy.
6 hazy/vague 7 distinctly 8 vague/hazy 5 offbeat 6 poignant 7 stunning
8 You can take risks with your money,
8 thought-provoking 9 impressive
SA not mine!
1O compelling 1 1 bleak 12 charming
1 d) 2 f) 3 b) 4 e) 5 i) 6 e) 7 g) 8 h) 3
9 j) 1O a)
1 Having eaten 2 Told 3 not realising
1 Vincent van Gogh 2 Auguste Rodin
4 Not having 5 telling 6 embarrassed
8.3 7 having made 8 handing 9 Attempting
3 Salvador Dalí 4 Avatar 5 Johnny Depp
6 Hilary Swank 7 The Rolling Stones
10 Alerted
8 Bob Marley 9 Shakira 1O The Da Vinci
1 pushed 2 yourself 3 spare 4 pass Code 1 1 Stieg Larsson 12 Dr Jekyll
5 just 6 hands 7 world
2 persuasive 3 glorify 4 Loneli ness 2
2A 5 exhaustion 6 dominant
1 had 2 supposing 3 time 4 rather
7 embarrassment 8 reappearance
5 as 6 did 7 about 8 was 9 wanted
B: 1 know how what yo u mean. 9 strengthen 1O deeply 1 1 musician
10 though
12 modernise
B: Yes, but looking at it another way, you
could end up waiting for days.
l'd rather go to the Manet exhibition.
2 Oh come on, you must be joking.
2 1wish 1was/were rich enough to buy
B: That's tn:tly true.
2 You can't honestly think that's true. that painting.
B: Yeah. Minding you, that's how the TV
2 3 1couldn't agree more. 3 He acts as if he was/were a famous
companies make their money.
4 Oh, that 's ridiculous! artist.
3 5 Where's the logic in that? 4 She looks as if she didn't sleep at all
B: ~~oa11d yes Yes and no. lt depends
last night.
who's running them and what they are 6 1 suppose you've gota point.
5 Supposing we borrowed his car, would
for. 4 7 How can yo u say that? he mind?
B: That's often the case in my company,
8 lt just doesn 't make sen se to me. 6 This computer's ancient. lt's about
too. Although having told said that, 1
5 9 l'm with you 100 percent on that. time 1 bought myself a new one.
think it's better to discuss some things
face-to-face. 1O That's absolutely right. 7 Imagine you had 24 hours to live.
What would you do?
4 6 1 1 1agree with you up to a point.
8 lt's high time they fixed this road. lt's
B: l'm mtleh with you there. lt's a real 12 Surely you don 't think that's been like this for months.
drag. practica!?
B: That's a good idea. That makes the 4B
perfect sense. 6 Photo 1
1 hands 2 earliest 3 brings 4 pushed People: Muhammad Ali and Sonny Listan,
3 5 verge 6 remember 7 hazy 8 time US boxers
1 But looking at it another way 2 Having 9 about
said that 3 Mind you 4 On the other Event: world title fight (for Heavyweight
hand 5 1 never thought of that 6 1 know 7 Championship of the World)
what you mean 1 to 2 was 3 to 4 was 5 to 6 would Year: 1965
7 not 8 to 9 have 1O would Winner: Muhammad Ali
Background to the story: In their first fight, 6 Let's postpone the who le thing until 2A
no one thought Ali would win but he did . everyone has recovered. Greg Parmley: around Europe; on his
What happened just before the picture motorbike; he wanted to break the world
was taken: Liston fell down, but no one record for the number of music festivals
Q 1: What inspired you to take the path of
saw the punch. visited in 30 days
an artist?
Photo 2 Peter Moore: London to Sydney; w ithout
Q2: Who inspired you most along your
People: Bobby Moore and Pelé, English and flying (by land); to 'blow his mind and
journey, and why?
Brazilian footbal/ers enrich his life'
Q3 : Can you te// usa little bit about a
Event: World Cup in Mexico Sarah Outen: around the world; only on
normal da y in your life?
Year: 1970 her pedal bike or kayak; to inspire young
Q4: What advice would you give to young
children to learn more about the world
Winner: Brazil artists out there?
Background to the story: The B
photographer, John Varley, almost missed
1 30 2 5,500 miles, 13 countries
the game because his car broke down. IE2B3A4C5 F
3 Sydney, flying 4 enrich 5 human
What happened just before the picture e 6 world
was taken: the final whistle went and the 1 living the artist's dream 2 flipping
photographer Varley hung around hoping
3 got the chance 4 noon
Moore and Pelé would meet on the pitch. 1 music and motorbikes 2 drawing
5A moustaches on his classmates ' work
5 1 d) 2 a) 3 b) 4 e) 3 she will send blog updates, videos and
1 You won't get away with this! Twitter messages (Tweets)
2 Few people stand up to her. 9.3 4
3 We fai led to come up with any good lA 1 b) 2 e) 3 a) 4 f) 5 e) 6 d)
1 lt's an all time classic. 2 lt was an idyllic.
4 This has to be put down to 3 Th at was one of the most incred ible
government incompetence. concerts l've ever been to. Never before had 1seen anything
5 l'd rather go along with her idea than 4 lt was a total waste of money. quite like it.
risk another argument. 5 lf there's one thing 1can 't stand .. . 2 No sooner had they finished the meal
6 l'm looking forward to catch ing up 6 lt's not my cup of jt:tiee tea at al l. than the waiter brought the bill and
withjaya. 7 it was absolutely avvful. 8 lt stands asked them to leave.
7 1'11 try to get round to reading your drives me up the wall .. . 3 Had they bothered to check the
work this weekend. weather forecast befo re they left, they
2 might have seen that storms were
8 You must stand up fo r what you
1 No, it was a total waste of time. predicted.
believe in.
2 Yes, he's an all time classic. 3 Oh no,
9 The CIA didn 't catch on to what he 4 Not until they reached the tiny island
it's not my cup of tea at all. 4 No, 1think
was doing for years. did they realise how basic things were.
it's absolutely avvfu l! 5 Yes, 1think it's one
10 How do you put up with all that 5 At no point did we even consider
of the most incredible places l've ever
noise? inviting our extended famil y, as they
been. 6 Oh dear, there's nothing worse
don 't get on at all.
11 She's never gone in for outdoor than getting lost.
sports like tennis or athletics. 6 Not only did he arrive late, but he also
3 forgot the ring!
12 lt all comes down to profits.
1 fly 2 rant 3 mind 4 crave 5 speak
6 6 rave
The stress is on the second word in the 1 b) 2 a) 3 e) 4 f) 5 e) 6 d)
multi-word verb.
1 basically 2 honestly 3 undoubtedly
Hudleston set off on his voyage to
9.2 4 comp letely 5 simply 6 surprisingly
lndiain 1817.
7 totally 8 incredibly
2 lt was an epic trip crossing three
1 g) 2 j) 3 a) 4 f) 5 b) 6 i) 7 e) 8 d) B continents.
9 h) 1O e) 1 complete ly 2 simply 3 undoubtedly
3 l've been working at it for weeks, but 1
4 incredibly 5 honestly 6 basically just can 't get t he hang of it.
2 7 totally 8 surprisingly
2 enough 3 All in al l 4 presumably 4 lt was definitely the most exh ilarating
scene in the whole fi lm.
5 in order to 6 Reluctantly
7 for the·entire duration 8 likelihood IIJ@IIIIel 5 1can't emphasise enough how
9 once a fortnight 1O as far as important it is to finish the project on
10.1 time.
3 6 The sound of the builders next door is
) 1honestly can't tell them apart. beginning to really irrita te me.
1 held up 2 an obsession 3 epic
2 Once in a while, we have a chance to
4 depths 5 physical 6 humbled
see Harry's cousins. 10.2
7 gun-w ielding
3 We offered to help when we saw that
the old lady couldn't cope by herself. B 1 b) 2 e) 3 b) 4 a) 5 a) 6 e) 7 a) 8 a)
4 In all probability, it was my own fault. 1 humbled 2 epic 3 depths 4 held
9c) IOb) llc) 12b)
5 She cautiously opened the suspicious 5 gun-wielding 6 obsession 7 privations
package. 2
1 a) 2b) 3 a) 4b) 5a) 6a)
3A 3A B
3, 4 and 7 are grammatically correct. l'd like to think about it. 1 irritate
2 1'11 ha ve to ask about that. 2 undertake
3 1 need more time to consider it. 3 highl ight
1 had a baby girl two months ago.
Being a mother is every bit as 4 1 can't give you an answer to that right 4 journey
wonderful as 1 thought it would be. now. S grasp
2 During a stressful time, 1 sat on the S Can 1get back to you on that? 6 thrilling
North Rim of the Grand Canyon,
watching the sun go down and realised REVIEW & CHECK S 1 like 2 more 3 a 4 ev~ry S great/ good
my troubles were nowhere near as
6 any 7 more 8 the 9 nowhere
bad as l'd thought.
1O bit/little
3 lt's becoming more and more difficult 1 gave up 2 didn't 3 was 4 didn't have
to find work in my area, so finally to go S had 6 misunderstood 10
getting a job made a big difference. 7 sorted 8 you hadn't We want to sort this/it out as soon as
4 Losing my grandfather a year ago was 2 possible.
traumatic. 1was a lot closer to him 2 .!
a) compelling
than 1 am to my parents. 3 What do you have in mind?
b) stylish
S 1dropped out of college. The longer 4 Can you go into more detail?
1stayed, the more 1 realised it wasn 't 2 a) heart-breaking
b) thought-provoking S .!
forme .
3 a) poignant 6 What if we supported your idea?
6 1found religion in my fifties and as
b) charming
7 .!
a result my life became a good deal
better. 4 a) subtle 8 .!
7 1 finallyhad an operation l'd been b) off-beat 9 Good. That sounds acceptable to me.
dreading. lt was nothing like as bad as 1OGreat. We've gota deal.
S a) the idea
l'd feared . b) bright idea 1 1 Let me know if yo u ha ve any queries.

8 1 recently lost 30 lbs, and now 1feel 12 Get in touch if anything needs
6 a) seemed like a good idea
much better than l've felt in years. clarifyi ng.
b) gave me the idea for
4A 7 a) novel
The poem is the life story of an actor. b) ridiculous
8 a) rave 1 e) 2 b) 3 a) 4 e) S e) 6 b) 7 a) 8 a)
b) mind 9 e) 10 b) 11 e) 12 a) 13 b) 14 e)
9 a) crave IS a) 16 b) 17 a) 18 b) 19 e) 20 a)
e b) fl y 21 e) 22 e) 23 e) 24 b) 2S a) 26 e)
1 tremble 2 besieged 3 bullet-ridden 27 a) 28 e) 29 e) 30 b)
4 sag S grace 6 flick 3
1 on his own 2 for his idea 3 readily
58 4 Not surprisingly S in five months
1 What 2 drawbacks 3 other 4 favour 6 quite possibly
S take 6 negative
e 1 in 2 up 3 down 4 with S up 6 around
contrasting arguments: 7 up 8 down 9 up 1O up
One of the benefits ... one of the
drawbacks; on the one hand . .. on the 5
other hand; those in favour .. . those 1 after 2 obsession 3 renowned
against; on the positive si de ... on the 4 esteem S shot 6 spotlight 7 set
negative side; 8 deferred 9 served 1O era ved
2 introduce a pro: 1 1 privations 12 dues 13 epic
14 overnight IS held 16 gun-wielding
What could be better than .. .
17 haggling 18 make
3 introduce pros or cons:
We need to take into consideration 6
the fact that ... 1 f) 2 a) 3 b) 4 e) S d) 6 e)

10.3 7
1 b) 2 a) 3 b) 4 a) S b) 6 a)

1 clarifying 2 if you have 3 What if 8A

4 we'll give S would be 6 1can do 1 thrilling
7 acceptable 8 got 9 sort this out 2 irritate me
1O resolve 1 1 ha ve in mind 12 go into 3 journey
2 4 highlight
1 g) 2 a) 3 d) 4 f) S b) 6 e) 7 e) S undertake
6 grasp them
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SpeakOUt Advanced
Speakout has been developed in association with BBC
Worldwide and BBC Learning English.
Speakout is a comprehensive six-level general English course for adults that builds
confidence in speaking, listening, reading and writing using authentic materials from the
BBC. With its wide range of support material, it meets the diverse needs of learners
in a variety of teaching situations and helps to bridge the gap between the classroom
and the real world.

The Speakout Workbook contains a wide variety of practice exercises that review all
the language areas studied in the Students' Book:
111• Grammar, vocabulary and functionallanguage exercises help to consolidate and
extend new language.
111,. Extra practice in reading, writing and listening extends learners' skills.
111,. Regular review and check sections as well as mini tests allow students to check
their progress.

ISBN 978-1-4082-5956-6

9 ~]JmlL>

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