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______________ 2. ______________ 3. March 20th, 2020

names: Date:

Pronombre Personal Adjectivo Posesivo Significado

I My Mi -Mis
Son usados para mostrar pertenencia. He His Su - Sus
Encontramos 7 adjetivos posesivos. She Her Su - Sus
EXAMPLES: It Its Su - Sus
His name is Peter.  Su nombre es Pedro
We Our Nuestr@ - Nuestr@s
Her book is new.  Su libro es nuevo.
Our dog is small. Nuestro perro es pequeño. You Your Tu - Tus
They Their Su - Sus

Completa los espacios con los pronombres posesivos: 2. Escribe sus nombres.
EJEMPLO: I - Magda
a) You have a young teacher. _______ teacher is young. * My name is Magda.

b) London has beautiful parks. _______ parks are big. b) We- Tom and Karen
c) Giraffes have long neck. _______ neck is long. c) He- Bob
d) We have a big apartment. _______ apartment is big. d) She- Jane
e) Pinocchio has a big nose. _______ nose is big. e) It- Bingo
f) Angelina has a pretty face. _______ face is pretty. f) I- Tomas

3. Marca con una X la mejor alternativa para

completar las oraciones. 4. Escribe oraciones em ingles:

a) Betty and Paul have big eyes. ________ eyes are Ejemplo: My new friend is Mary.
big. A( ) Her B( ) Their C( ) Its Our house is small.
My _______________________.
b) My mother is from Bahia. _________ state is His _______________________.
Bahia. A( ) My B( ) Her C( ) Our Her _______________________.
c) My grandpa is Italian. _______ nationality is Its ________________________.
American. A( ) Our B( ) Their C( ) His Our _______________________.
Your ______________________.

6. Escribe 4 oraciones en ingles usando

5. Cambia los pronombres personales por los los adjetivos posesivos.
He - Motorcycle – His motorcycle _____________________________
She – Book - ___________________________ _____________________________
They – schoolbags- ______________________
We – test - _____________________________ _____________________________
You – Brother- __________________________ _____________________________

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