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TF (MN-02 7:30-9:00AM)

AGEAS, KIAN E. January 14, 2020


1. From the movie you have just watched, who really ordered for the assassination of
General Antonio Luna? Were you able to glean some relevant conclusion from the
General Antonio Luna, one of the bitterest foes of the Americans in the Philippines, has
been assassinated by order of Aguinaldo. Luna has recently found himself in opposition
to the chiefs views, and has not only disobeyed orders, but at one time stopped
Aguinaldo's Peace Commissioners while on the way to treat with the Americans.
Aguinaldo ordered his death, and these orders were carried out by the Dictator's fanatical

2. Was there a conspiracy that exist between President Emilio Aguinaldo and his
selected cabinet members together with some select presidential soldiers? Kindly
explain in detail how did you arrive at that conclusion?
General Antonio Luna has a lot of does not only the invaders but also his fellow
countrymen. A lot of people despise Antonio Luna specifically the cabinet members and
some Generals for his arrogance. It is said that Luna had become so importunate in his
demands on Aguinaldo for power and increased authority that the Filipino leaders
decided Luna's death was necessary for his personal safety and the Filipino cause. The
major general's commission was merely -a bait to throw Luna off his guard and render
the assassination comparatively easy.

3. From the perspective of the assassins/ slayers, were those people involved for the
slain of General Luna were held responsible for the consequence of their ill-motive
and actions?
Yes, without any reasonable doubt they are held responsible for the consequence of their
ill-motive and actions. A crime is a crime whether you are only a conspirator, the
moment you get involved in a crime, you are held responsible for your actions and must
face the consequences of their deeds. Though if we base it on the "Article 1", the law the
General Luna often says, "anyone who disobeys will be killed without any judicial court
proceedings", basically Aguinaldo has the executive rights to order his execution, since
Luna has disobeyed a lot of orders.
4. Do you believe that the death of General Luna is considered a great loss of the entire
Filipino nation and its people?
General Luna has contributed a lot for our liberation, in military aspect he is a great
General whom has fended off the Americans despite of being technological disadvantage.
Not many Filipinos has the same patriotism and nationalism like General Antonio Luna
has. Though for me, his death, even if it is a great loss to the entire nation it was not in
vain. Filipinos realize that he was a menace to peace and the complete pacification of the
islands could hardly have been accomplished while he was alive and at liberty.

5. In your own perspective, how do you assess and evaluate the political system of
government during the 1st Republic that was governed and under the leadership of
President Emilio Aguinaldo? Do you believe that good governance has reigned over
during that period and practiced by our leaders?
Though short-lived, the First Philippine, nonetheless catapulted the Filipino nation onto
the world’s consciousness carving not only a place among the family of nations but also a
distinct niche as the first republic in Asia. There might be a lot of flaws in the
government and it was oblivious to its birthing, the First Republic proved that Filipinos
were capable of self-rule and deserved their longed-for freedom after more than 300
years of colonial bondage. There is no such thing as a perfect governance, there might be
political misunderstandings and conflicts under Aguinaldo’s leadership, the government
was still a baby and it is still on its way to maturity.

6. In the present situation nowadays, can you make a comparative view and
assessment on any changes you can observed on our present political system of
government, as we are to compare during those period of time?

From a revolutionary government to a democratic government, there has been a lot of

changes. Specifically onto the human rights and equality, the people of the nation now
can enjoy such liberty of electing Government Officials unlike those times. Before there
are a lot of flaws that hampers the decision making of the leaders and holes in the
government. Today our nation has now 3 governing bodies, the executive, legislative and
the judiciary, which governs and protects its people.



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