Exploratory Research Paper SAMPLE

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1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this research is to determine if there is an open opportunity to have
delivery service from Feasibility students of SEC Mall to the college students inside the
1.2 Objectives
 To identify if there is a need of students for a delivery service inside the campus
 To ascertain if there is willingness of the Feasibility study students to offer delivery
 To generate hypothesis based on the conducted research
1.3 Research Questions
 Is there a need or demand of college students in Xavier University –Ateneo de
Cagayan for delivery service?
 Are the current Feasibility study groups, participating in SEC Mall, willing to offer
delivery service inside campus?
 For the third objective:
 What are the results of the analysis in the research?
2. Literature Review
There were no existing researches related in particular with this exploratory research study.
3. Research Design
The research design used for this study is an exploratory research design which seeks to
have an idea of the situation or program.
3.1 Types of Data and Research Methods
The types of data that will work best with the study is a qualitative, primary data. The
types of research methods that will be used in the study include the following:
3.1.1 One-on-One Interviews
The researchers had one-on-one interviews with 3 people from each college of
Xavier University – Ateneo de Cagayan. They were asked three interview
questions for the first objective which is to identify if there is a demand for
delivery service inside campus.
3.1.2 Focus Groups
The researchers interviewed each Feasibility study students who are currently
participating in SEC Mall. They had a conversation with each group about three
interview questions for the second objective.
3.2 Sources of Data
The data for this study will come mainly from primary data. For the two research
methods used in this study, all data gathered constitutes a primary data. All results of
the interviews will be used to analyse and achieve the third objective of this study
which is to generate hypothesis from the conducted research.
3.3 Sampling Plan
2.3.1 One-on-One Interviews
In this research method, the researchers interviewed 2 students from the college
of arts and sciences, 3 students from school of business and management, and 3
students from each college of engineering, agriculture, education, and nursing.
These makes up a total of 17 college students interviewed person to person
inside Xavier University – Ateneo de Cagayan.
2.3.2 Focus Groups
In this research method, the researchers interviewed 12 Feasibility study groups
participating inside SEC Mall. Each group constitutes 5 to 7 people who are all
third year and fourth year Business Administration students of Xavier University-
Ateneo de Cagayan.
3.4 Data Collection Techniques
To obtain necessary information needed for this research, the researchers conducted
a one-on-one interview and focus group interviews with students of Xavier University-
Ateneo de Cagayan. For the one-on-one interview, the following questions were asked
to the 17 interviewees: (1) As a student, was there a time that you’ve wished to have a
delivery of food or printed document into your classroom? (2) What type of product
would you want to be delivered to you? (3) At what price are you willing to pay for the
rendered service? For the focus group interview, the following questions were asked to
the 12 groups to lead us to a discussion: (1) Are you pro to a delivery service inside the
campus? (2) Is your product suitable for delivery services? (3) If your customers demand
for a delivery service, at what price will you offer it? These interview questions leads us
to answering the research questions about the need of the students for delivery service
and the opportunity for feasibility study groups who are currently operating to offer a
delivery service.
3.5 Data Analysis
The data were analysed through manual counting of answers. All similar answers
were summed up and all emphasis given by interviewees was highlighted. To get an
accurate percentage of answers, a spreadsheet specifically Microsoft Excel was used to
have the correct percentage of the answers.
The data shows that all interviewees on the one-on-one interview answered yes
when they were asked if they have wished to have delivery service inside campus,
especially into their classrooms. Also, majority of them said they wanted a printed
document and/or food to be delivered to them. However, none of them answered the
third question as to what price are they willing to pay for the service. But this does not
mean they are rejecting the idea, but they were not sure about the price of the delivery
service and so they are willing to pay.
From the focus group interviews, the data shows that out of the 12 groups, 9 said
they are open to offer a delivery service inside campus while 2 rejected the idea and 1
said it depends if customers will demand a large quantity of their product. Out of 12
groups, 10 said their product is suitable for delivery services because the packaging of
their product can be carried everywhere. When they were asked about the quality of
their product, they said they have no problem with it as they know that the quality of
their product is high and does not deteriorate easily. With regards to the delivery
service fee, 10 groups answered they will offer it for free inside campus but 5 of these
groups emphasized they will offer it for free at a minimum purchase. 2 groups,
particularly the Halal Crew and the Happinoy, set their own price. The Halal Crew said
they will charge 3php as delivery fee and Happinoy said the fee will depend on what
building would the product be delivered.
3. Hypothesis
By offering a delivery service inside the campus of Xavier University- Ateneo de Cagayan,
the Feasibility study groups currently participating inside SEC Mall could respond to the
addressed need of the college students for a delivery service into their classrooms.
By the current Feasibility Study groups participating inside SEC Mall offering a delivery
service inside the campus, they could respond to the addressed need of the Xavier college
students for a delivery service into their classrooms.
4. Timetable

July 20, 2016 Literature Review
July 21, 2016 Planning Research Design
Data Collection
Data Analysis
July 22, 2016 Final Written Report and Presentation

5. Budget
No monetary costs were incurred for this exploratory research.
6. References
A. Interview
a. Personal Interview
Abad, Norie B. (July 21, 2016). Personal Interview.
Adao, Angel. (July 21, 2016). Personal Interview.
Agno, Ken. (July 21, 2016). Personal Interview.
Artadi, Van. (July 21, 2016). Personal Interview.
Babalos, Patricia. (July 21, 2016). Personal Interview.
Badal, Justine. (July 21, 2016). Personal Interview.
Bade, Monique B. (July 21, 2016). Personal Interview.
Camona, Fatima. (July 21, 2016). Personal Interview.
Casino, Ronnie. (July 21, 2016). Personal Interview.
Cu, John. (July 21, 2016). Personal Interview.
Dacapio, Anna B. (July 21, 2016). Personal Interview.
Jardinico, Jim. (July 21, 2016). Personal Interview.
Ranile, Colleen. (July 21, 2016). Personal Interview.
Sabelina, Hamas. (July 21, 2016). Personal Interview.
Tejero, Mat. (July 21, 2016). Personal Interview.
Tong, Ellien. (July 21, 2016). Personal Interview.
Vega, Karla. (July 21, 2016). Personal Interview.

b. Focus Group Interview

Bong Silog. (July 21, 2016). Focus Group Interview.
Chilidog. (July 21, 2016). Focus Group Interview.
Cofe Lab. (July 21, 2016). Focus Group Interview.
Frites Co. (July 21, 2016). Focus Group Interview.
Happinoy. (July 21, 2016). Focus Group Interview.
The Halal Crew. (July 21, 2016). Focus Group Interview.
Inkgeables. (July 21, 2016). Focus Group Interview.
King Patty. (July 21, 2016). Focus Group Interview.
Moonstar: Pater. (July 21, 2016). Focus Group Interview.
Panini Republic. (July 21, 2016). Focus Group Interview.
Paster. (July 21, 2016). Focus Group Interview.
Sabc. Co. (July 21, 2016). Focus Group Interview.
Pictures of the Interviews

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