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3rd International Conference on Translational Medicine and Health Sciences (ICTMHS)

“New Direction in Management of Cardiovascular Disease and Comprehensive Approach to Obesity”
Semarang, 12 – 13 October 2019

07.30 – 09.00 Registration
08.45 – 09.00 Coffee break
09.00 – 10.00 Opening Ceremony
10.00 – 10.30 Keynote Speech :
dr. Siswanto, MHP, DTM
“The Magnitude of CVD and Obesity : Result of Basic Health Research 2018”
10.30 – 11.00 “Ethics and Medical Law”
dr. Djoko Handojo, Sp.B Onk (K), FICS
11.00 – 12.00 Poster Presentation I
12.00 – 13.00 Lunch Break & Pray Time
13.00 - 14.30 Plenary Session I
“Current Issue on CVD and Obesity”
1. Prof. Rozzano C Locsin, RN, PhD, FAAN
Robots and Intelligence Machines: Human Caring Science and Nursing
2. dr. Achmad Zulfa Juniarto, M.Si.Med, Sp.And, Ph.D
Obesity and Infertility
Sri Padma Sari, S.Kep., MNS
14.30 – 14.45 Coffee Break
14.45 – 16.45 Concurrent Session I
Room 1 : Community Health & Nutrition
Moderator : Megah Andriany, S.Kp., Sp.Kom.,M.Kep., Ph.D
Speaker : Sri Padma Sari, S.Kep., MNS

Room 2 : Psychology/Critical Care

Moderator : Ns. Nana Rochana, S.Kep, MN
Speaker : Ns. Yuni Dwi Atuti. S.Kep., M.Kep

Room 3 : Inflammation/Infection
Moderator : dr. Muflihatul Muniroh, M.Si. Med, Ph.D
Speaker : Dr. dr. Anindita Soetadji, Sp.A(K)
Room 4 : Diabetes, Neuro, Cancer
Moderator : Dr. dr. I. Edward Kurnia Setiawan L, MM, MHKes, Sp.PK
Speaker : Prof. Dr. dr. Banundari Rachmawati, Sp.PK(K)
19.00 – 21.00 DINNER


07.30 – 08.00 Registration
08.00 – 10.00 Plenary Session II
“Comprehensive Therapy on CVD and Obesity”
1. Prof. Dr. dr. Bambang Budi S, Sp. JP(K), FISHR, FasCC
Translational Research on Heart Failure Therapy
2. Dr. Rita Sekarsari SKp., Sp.KV., MHSM
Cognitive Behavior Therapy in Cardiovascular Diseases
3. Prof. Jeong Hwan Kim, Ph.D
Fibrinolytic Enzyme for Cardiovascular Health
dr. Nani Maharani, M.Si.Med, Ph.D
10.00 – 11.00 Poster Presentation II
10.30 – 12.00 Concurrent Session II
Room 1 : Nutrition Intervention 1
Moderator: Choirun Nissa, S.Gz, M.Gizi
Speaker : Ninik Rustanti, STP, M.Si

Room 2 : Nutrition Intervention 2

Moderator : Deny Yudi F, S.Gz, M.Si
Speaker : Dr. Etika Ratna Noer, S.Gz, M.Si

Room 3 : Cardiovascular
Moderator : dr. Endang Mahati, Ph.D
Speaker : dr. Sodiqur Rifqi, Sp.JP, FIHA

Room 4 : Reproduction, Neonatus

Moderator : Faizah Fulyani, S.Si, M.Sc, Ph.D
Speaker : Dr.dr. Mexitalia Setiawati,Sp.A(K)
12.00 – 13.00 Lunch Break & Pray Time
13.00 – 14.30 Concurrent Session III
Room 1 : Functional Food
Moderator: Dewi Marfu’ah K, S.Gz, M.Gizi
Speaker : Nuryanto, S.Gz, M.Gizi

Room 2 : Obesity
Moderator: Dra. Ani Margawati, M.Kes, Ph.D
Speaker : Ahmad Syauqy, S.Gz, MPH, Ph.D

Room 3 : Pregnancy
Moderator : Ns. Fatikhu Yatuni Asmara, M.Sc
Speaker : Ns. Nana Rochana, S.Kep, MN

Room 4 : Elderly
Moderator : Ns. Artika Nurrahima, M.Kep
Speaker : Megah Andriany, S.Kp., Sp.Kom, M.Kep., Ph.D
14.30 – 16.00 Plenary Session III
“Prevention & Rehabilitation Aspects of CVD and Obesity”
1. Asst. Pof. Dr. Umaporn Boonyasopun
Health Promotion for Cardiovascular Diseases
2. Prof. Ahmad Alkhatib, R.Nutr, M.Sc, Ph.D, CISSN, FHEA, FRSM
Weight Management for Patients with Obesity and Cardiovascular Diseases
Gemala Anjani, SP, M.Si, Ph.D
16.00 – 16.15 Coffee break
16.00 – 16.30 Closing ceremony

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