Social Studies 2020

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1. What is the oldest street in the Philippines?

A. Quezon Blvd.

B. Kalaw Ave.

C. Colon St. 😇

D. Legarda St.

RATIO:Colon Street, Cebu City is a historical street in downtown Cebu City that is often called the oldest and the
shortest national road in the Philippines. It is named after Cristóbal Colón

2. What is the "Science City" of the Philippines?

A. Victoria, Tarlac

B. Alaminos, Pangasinan

C. Coron, Palawan

D. Muñoz, Nueva Ecija 😇

RATIO: the first and onlyUIHGUG science city in the Philippines and a productive resource city of the United
Nations Millennium Development Goals

Science City of Muñoz has metamorphosed into its present stature as a recognized center of exL Vcellence
infgfufuasussfdqqdsafsp1q1! the field of agricultural science and technology with the presenceGGUu of renowned
Research and Development Institutions that continue to produce relevant innovations and breakthroughs.

3. The official name of ABACA in the world market?

A. Manila Hemp 😇

B. Musa Textilis (scientific name of abaca)

C. abaca

D. fabric

RATIO: Manila hemp is a type of buff-colored fiber obtained from Musa textilis, a relative of edible bananas, which
is also called Manila hemp as well as abacá. It is mostly used for pulping for a range of uses, including speciality

4. The world's biggest pearl found in the Philippines?

A. Akoya Pearl

B. Pearl of Allah 😇

C. Pearl harbor

D. Pisidium (World's smallest Shell found in the Philippines)

RATIO: The 14-kilogramme "Pearl of Allah", also known as the "Pearl of Lao Tzu", is often referred to as the
world's largest. It was also found off Palawan, in the 1930s, and has been appraised by gemmologists at tens of
millions of dollars

5. Export product of the country known as "White Gold"

A. Rice

B. Cotton

C. Salt

D. Sugar 😇

RATIO: Sugar became the most important agricultural export of the Philippines between the late eighteenth century
and the mid-1970s basically because of two reasons: 1) foreign exchange earned and 2) it was the basis of wealth
accumulation of some Filipino elite at that time.

6. Province famous for its "Moriones Festival"

A. Marinduque 😇

B. Aklan (Ati-Atihan Festival)

C. Quezon (Pahiyas Festival)

D. Antique (Biniyaran Festival)

RATIO: Moriones Festival a folk-religious event held annually during Holy Week on the island of Marinduque.

7. Local term given to the monsoon season in the country when wind direction is NORTHEAST?

A. Amihan 😇

B. Habagat

C. halumigmig

D. Pag-ulan

RATIO: Amihan refers to the season dominated by the trade winds, which are experienced in the Philippines as a
cool northeast wind. ... Throughout the rest of the year, the Philippines experiences the west or southwest wind;

SOUTH WEST monsoon, which in turn is referred to as the HABAGAT.

8. The great anthropologist who made a lot of studies about pre-historic Philippines?

A. Charles Darwin (apes and through evolution the ape became human)

B. Dr. Otley Beyer 😇

C. Dr. Robert B. Fox (Tabon Man)

D. F. Landa Jocano (evolution theory)

RATIO: Beyer's wave migration theory (Theory of Waves of Migration)

The first, and most widely known theory of the prehistoric peopling of the Philippines is that of H. Otley Beyer,
founder of the Anthropology Department of the University of the Philippines. According to Dr. Beyer, the ancestors
of the Filipinos came to the islands first via land bridges which would occur during times when the sea level was
low, and then later in seagoing vessels such as the balangay. Thus he differentiated these ancestors as arriving in
different "waves of migration", as follows:

1. "Dawn Man", a cave-man type who was similar to Java man, Peking Man, and other Asian homo erectus of
250,000 years ago.

2. The aboriginal pygmy group, the Negritos, who arrived between 25,000 and 30,000 years ago.

3. The seafaring tool-using Indonesian group who arrived about 5,000 to 6,000 years ago and were the first
immigrants to reach the Philippines by sea.

4.The seafaring, more civilized Malays who brought the Iron age culture and were the real colonizers and dominant
cultural group in the pre-Hispanic Philippines.

9. The name given by Chau Ju-Kua to the country?

A. Shenzhou

B. Huaxia

C. Ma-I 😇

D. Jiuzhou

RATIO: The Sung Chinese called the Philippines Ma-i. MINDORO had been known to the ancients as Ma-i, and
was formally called Mait.

10. The romantic name of the Philippines?

A. Pearl of the Orient 😇

B. City of Smile (Iloilo)

C. land of rising sun (Japan)

D. Calm Morning (korea)

RATIO: Vernacular corruption of Las islas Felipenas; irrevocably became the archipelago's name. Pearl of the
Orient/Pearl of the Orient Seas (Spanish: Perla de oriente/Perla del mar de oriente) is the sobriquet of the
Philippines. The term originated from the idea of Spanish Jesuit missionary Fr. Juan J. Delgado in 1751.

11. another name for Bohol's "Chocolate Hill"

A. Signal Hill (South Africa)

B. Haycoch Hills 😇

C. Nagarkot hills (Nepal)

D. Susunia Hills (India)

RATIO: The Chocolate Hills are considered haycock hills due to their symmetrical, conical shapes and vary from
between 100 and 400 feet high.

12. The name of eagle who was born in captivity?

A. Paasa
B. pagkakaisa

C. haribon (Monkey-eating Eagle)

D. Pag-asa 😇

RATIO: Pag-asa (hatched January 15, 1992) is a male Philippine eagle and the first of its species to be bred and
hatched in captivity

13. The container or URN used by our forefathers where the remains of their dead were placed__

A. Manunggul Jar 😇

B. Citânia de Briteiros

C. Ovis

D. Quipo of Caral

RATIO: The Manunggul jar was one of the numerous jars found in a cave believed to be a burial site (Manunggul,
was part of the archaeologically significant Tabon Cave Complex in Lipuun Point, Quezon, Palawan).

14. The oldest and wisest of the Bornean datus who colonized the country and author of Maragtas Code?

A. Datu Sumakwel 😇

B. Datu Marikudo

C. Sultan Makatuna

D. Datu Puti

RATIO: Leader of the 10 Bornean Datus. The Maragtas Code which was written by Datu Sumaktel of Panay in
1250 in an example of awritten law. This is the first law ever written which focuses on the penalty for those who are

15. who was the Gog of agriculture of the early filipinos

A. Anemoi (wind)

B. Idianale 😇

C. Eros (God of Love)

D. Hephaestus (Fire)

RATIO: Idianale - goddess of good deeds and hard work, might also be the goddess of death (most claim her
identity to Hukloban), also said to be goddess of agriculture and animal husbandry.

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