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IRBM 29 (2008) 267–271

Original article

How a daily and moderate exercise improves ligament healing

Mécanismes mis en jeu lors de la cicatrisation ligamentaire – effets d’un
exercice quotidien modéré
A. Benani a , P. Pottie a , M. Fauchet b,c , C. Gossard b , P.k Netter a , P. Gillet a , C. Guingamp a,∗
a UMR 7561 CNRS, laboratoire de pharmacologie, faculté de médecine, université Henri-Poincaré de Nancy-I, B.P. 184, 54505 Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy, France
b MECABIO, association de recherche en biomécanique humaine et cinématique articulaire, 38 bis, avenue du Général-de-Gaulle, 02200 Soisson, France
c UMR 6600, laboratoire de biomécanique et génie biomédical, centre de recherche Royallieu, université de technologie de Compiègne,

B.P. 20529, 60205 Compiègne, France

Received 21 December 2007; accepted 3 March 2008
Available online 2 May 2008

Ligaments are strong bands of connective tissue which display high resistance to tension, allowing joint stability. However, sudden twisting
motion and excessive stretching are causes of sprains. Medical managements involve initial symptomatic treatment and secondary rehabilitation
regimen, without beneficial effect regarding the mechanical properties of the tissue. In fact, ligaments never recover their initial resistance to load
tension. In this article, we reviewed the macroscopic and biochemical characteristics of normal and injured ligaments, with a special emphasis on
the role of cytokines and growth factors during the healing process, and on the beneficial effect of a moderate exercise on the scar formation. Indeed,
recent data highlighted: (1) the role of both IL-1 beta and bFGF during the inflammatory state to promote fibroblast and endothelial cell migration
into the wound; (2) VEGF helped capillary growth during the proliferative state; (3) whereas TGF beta expression resulted in the deposition of a
disorganised fibrotic extracellular matrix. In contrast, mechanical stimulation during a moderate exercise inhibited TGF beta expression, improving
the deposition of specific collagen network and the overall ligament healing process.
© 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Comme tout tissu conjonctif, les ligaments présentent des propriétés importantes de résistance aux contraintes mécaniques et contribuent
ainsi largement à la stabilité articulaire. Cependant, des mouvements d’amplitude excessive lors d’une entorse conduisent à une déchirure d’un
ou plusieurs ligament(s). Les traitements actuels consistent d’abord en une prise en charge médicale symptomatique, puis en une rééducation
fonctionnelle, sans que de véritables bénéfices n’aient pu être observés quant aux propriétés mécaniques du ligament atteint. En effet, au terme
de cette prise en charge, un ligament lésé ne retrouve que très rarement ses propriétés mécaniques initiales. Dans cet article, nous décrivons les
caractéristiques macroscopiques et biochimiques des ligaments sains et lésés. Nous accordons une importance particulière aux cytokines et facteurs
de croissance durant le processus de cicatrisation, ainsi qu’aux bénéfices d’un exercice modéré sur le tissu cicatriciel. En effet, des résultats récents
ont mis en évidence, notamment : (1) le rôle de l’IL-1 bêta et du bFGF pendant la phase inflammatoire sur la prolifération des fibroblastes et des
cellules endothéliales et sur leur migration jusqu’au site lésionnel ; (2) le rôle du VEGF sur la croissance capillaire lors de la phase proliférative ;
(3) le rôle du TGF-bêta lors du dépôt d’une matrice extracellulaire fibrotique. À l’inverse, les contraintes mécaniques qui s’exercent sur le ligament
lésé lors d’un exercice modéré s’accompagnent de la disparition de l’expression de TGF-bêta dans le tissu cicatriciel et du dépôt de plusieurs
collagènes dans des proportions plus appropriées. Il s’ensuit la formation d’un réseau de collagènes mieux structuré qui contribue à une meilleure
cicatrisation du ligament lésé.
© 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Growth factors; Cytokines; Mechanical loads; Collagen

Mots clés : Facteurs de croissance ; Cytokines ; Contraintes mécaniques ; Collagène

∗ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (C. Guingamp).

1959-0318/$ – see front matter © 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
268 A. Benani et al. / IRBM 29 (2008) 267–271

1. Introduction genesis, limiting the enlargement of collagen fibers by stearic

bulk. Therefore, the lowest decorin concentration, the largest
Joint function is essential for motion and depends on the diameter collagen fibers display [17]. A large sulphated pro-
integrity of several connective tissues, that is bone, cartilage, teoglycan has also been detected in ligaments, which probably
synovium and ligaments. Each displays specific properties. Bone regulates water flux and hydration level [15]. Water (around 60%
supports the body, cartilage spreads mechanical compression of wet weight tissue) also contributes to the mechanical proper-
and ligaments stabilize the joint and support high tensions. All ties of ligaments [18], by improving ligament creep behaviour.
these tissues which have to resist to mechanical loads are made of In addition, ligament functional length is inversely related to the
a very large extracellular matrix and cells represent a very low hydration.
percentage of the tissue volume only. Resistance to mechan-
ical loads depends on the composition and on the proportion 3. Effect of exercise on normal ligament
of the main components, collagens, proteoglycans, and water
[1]. Cells are responsive to local and systemic factors [2], as Only few studies explored the effects of exercise on lig-
well as to mechanical factors [3,4], so that they adapt their ament biochemistry. Changes in collagen concentration were
metabolism to improve tissue properties according to the situa- usually not observed in tendon or ligament in response to exer-
tions (changes in mechanical loading). In the normal conditions, cise [19–21]. An increased proportion of type III collagen could
the few cells face up the physiological changes. However, in the be noted, reflecting the rapid ability of fibroblasts to chang-
case of joint traumatism, the low cell density reduces the ability ing mechanical loads [14,22]. Indeed, some authors reported a
of the tissue to heal, especially in cartilage [5] and in ligaments simultaneous increase of tendon stiffness (+ 20%) and ultimate
[6]. A degenerative disease called osteoarthritis [7] develops strength (up to 62%) in response to training for some weeks (for
in articular cartilage, whereas ligament never recover its initial a review, see [20]).
resistance to tension [8]. Therefore, current sprains may happen. Local factors have been detected in the ligament during
In addition, the resulting joint laxity may be the cause of shear- exercise [23–26]. Increased deposition of TGF beta has been
ing stresses on cartilage, and early osteoarthritis can develop observed in response to local release of prostaglandins. The pro-
[9]. inflammatory mediator may reflect fibroblast suffering during
the run, and contribute to reinforce the ligament by stimulating
2. Normal ligament organization collagen synthesis to repair the altered fibrils.

Ligaments are bands of a dense connective tissue made of 4. Ligament healing process and organization of healed
a large extracellular matrix and a low cell density [6] (Fig. 1). ligament
Very rare capillaries cross the ligament so that the tissue remains
homogeneous. Indeed, small vessels interrupting the structure Healing in the ligament is the result of three successive and
would make it weaker and lesser resistant to the tensions. The overlapping stages (Fig. 1) lasting from some days to several
connective membrane called epiligament surrounding the lig- months or years [6,8]. The first stage is called the inflammatory
ament supports the neurovasculature, and has a nutritive role phase, and last some days to up to some weeks. The gap between
regarding the unvascular ligament. It also protects it from abra- the interrupted and retracted collagen bundles is invaded by
sion [10]. inflammatory cells which remove the debris of the injured part
Composition of the extracellular matrix is regulated by the of the ligament. In addition, the released cytokines promote the
few stretched fibroblasts inserted between the collagen bundles, capillary growth in the scar tissue, which helps the next prolif-
which therefore control ligament ability to resist to tensions. For erative stage. During this phase lasting some weeks to months,
examples, ultimate tensile stress of patellar ligament in young fibroblasts and endothelial cells migrating from the epiligament
adults is 53.4 ± 7.2 N/mm2 [11], and anterior cruciate ligament proliferate and fill in the gap. The scar tissue is characterized
display an ultimate load around 2160 ± 157 N [12]. by a high cell density in comparison to ligament, collagen fibers
Ligament extracellular matrix consists mainly in collagens randomly oriented, and numerous capillaries. The last long last-
of type I, type III and type V [13]. They arrange to form fibers ing stage (from months to years) is called the remodelling phase.
of large diameter from 150 to 400 nm, which are aligned in a It is characterized by the reduction of cell density, disappearance
parallel fashion to the mechanical forces. Proportions of type I of capillaries, and synthesis of high proportion of type I collagen
and type III collagens can respectively rise up to 85 and 15%, instead of the type III collagen which was laid down during the
depending on the ligament, specie and age [13]. According to previous proliferating phase. However, injured ligaments usu-
Riechtert et al. [14], a large amount of type III collagen repre- ally never recover their initial composition and properties at the
sents the ability of the tissue to adapt to increased mechanical site of the lesion.
loads. Proteoglycans are detected as minor components in the Several abnormalities have been noted in the healing portion
ligaments in comparison to collagens. The sulphated molecules [6]. First, the structure is lesser homogeneous due to persisting
which provide rheologic properties are usually in large amount capillaries which developed during the inflammatory and prolif-
when tissues have to resist to high compression, like articular car- erative phases. These capillaries represent an area of weakness
tilage [15]. In tissues resistant to tension like ligament, decorin in the neosynthesized tissue. Second, collagen bundles form a
is the main proteoglycan [16]. It has a major role in fibrillo- disorganized network with collagen fibers oriented randomly
A. Benani et al. / IRBM 29 (2008) 267–271 269

Fig. 1. Result of three successive and overlapping stages in the healing ligament.

through the scar tissue. Indeed, the healed portion of the lig- ity to adapt their metabolism according to the biomechanical
ament contains a higher proportion of type III collagen [27]. stimulations.
This essential collagen during healing [13] is laid down rapidly
and forms a loosed network which supports the migrating cells, 5. Effect of exercise on healing ligament
that is inflammatory cells, endothelial cells and fibroblasts. Even
after several months or years after ligament injury, the propor- 5.1. Structural changes
tion of type III collagen is still abnormally elevated. Heterotypic
collagen fibers form which do not align parallel to the mechan- Joints are usually immobilized just after sprain to limit pain
ical stretching [28,29]. Lesser cross-links establish between the and to avoid further ligament stretching. However, several stud-
chains [30], and the structure is therefore weaker. Cross sectional ies reported that the absence of joint motion worsened ligament
observations of the collagen fibers showed that their diameter healing [29,33]. Indeed, immobilisation for some weeks may
strongly reduced [31]. This parameter is related to the proportion result in a marked decrease in tissue mass and sectional area
of type V collagen and proteoglycans regarding type I collagen. up to 74%, a reduction of the maximum force of the two third,
Both limit the enlargement of collagen fibers [32]. Therefore, the and bone resorption within the insertion sites. In contrast, pas-
collagen fibers have a lesser ability to resist to tension. These sive or active joint mobilisation resulted in beneficial effects
changes in the healing ligament are probably the result of an [33,34], with reduced pain and earlier return to work, and up to
inappropriate response of the fibroblasts which loose their abil- 50% increase of load to failure when joint was mobilized com-
270 A. Benani et al. / IRBM 29 (2008) 267–271

pared to immobilization. This observation may be related to both if joint motion is totally restrain, ligament fibroblasts cannot
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to microdamages in the scar and reducing the tensile modu- worsened healing process will occur in the injured ligament.
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ones [35,36]. Therefore, additional mechanical stimulations dur- and risk of further ligament stretching is high.
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