Christmas in Mexico

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Christmas in Mexico = La Navidad

The Mexican celebration of Christmas is called las posadas and begins on

December 16. Las Posadas is a religious procession that reenacts the search for
shelter by Joseph and Mary before the birth of Jesus. During the procession, the
celebrants go from house to house carrying the images of Mary and Joseph
looking for shelter and singing carols. They are turned away at many houses to
represent the struggle Mary & Joseph had to find shelter and finally someone lets
them in and they celebrate with lots of food and piñatas. The pinata is a large
clay or papier-mache figure shaped like a star, an animal, or some other object
and covered with colorful paper streamers. The pinata is filled with candy or
small gifts and hung from the ceiling. The blindfolded children are spun around
and given a big stick. They take turns trying to break open the pinata with the
stick while the pinata is raised and lowered. Everybody scrambles for the gifts
and treats when the pinata shatters and spills its treasure.

The ninth evening of las posadas is Buena Noche, Christmas Eve. The
children lead a procession to the church and place a figure of the Christ Child in
the nacimiento or nativity scene there. Then everyone attends midnight mass.

After mass, the church bells ring out and fireworks light up the skies. Many
Mexican children receive gifts from Santa Claus on this night, but others do not
believe in Santa Clause because this is an American invention. In parts of
Mexico where they do not believe in Santa Claus, the baby Jesus brings the
presents. The children help to set up the family's nacimiento in the best room in
the house. The scene includes a little hillside, the stable, and painted clay figures
of the Holy Family, shepherds, the Three Kings, and animals. The children bring
moss, rocks, and flowers to complete the scene.

Christmas Day is a time for church and family. After church services, Christmas
dinner begins with oxtail soup with beans and hot chili, followed by roasted turkey
and a special salad of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Many children receive gifts on the eve of Twelfth Night, January 5, from the
Reyes Magos, the Three Kings who pass through on their way to Bethlehem.
Children leave their shoes on the windowsill and find them filled with gifts the
next morning. At a special Twelfth Night supper on January 6, families and
friends enjoy hot chocolate flavored with vanilla and cinnamon, and a ring-
shaped cake. Inside the cake, a tiny figure of the baby Jesus is hidden. Whoever
gets the slice of cake containing the tiny figure of jesus will give a tamale party on
February 2, Candlemas Day.

The whole family helps to prepare the tamales, which are a meat or chicken
filling wrapped in corn dough. The tamale is then wrapped in corn husks and
steamed. A religious service held on Candlemas marks the end of the Christmas
season in Mexico.
Comparar/Contrasta Christmas La Navidad
When it begins

When it ends



Who brings the


1. What is your favorite part about Christmas here?

2. What is the coolest thing about Christmas in Mexico?

3. Name 2 big differences between Christmas here and in Mexico:



4. Name 2 big similarities between Christmas here and in Mexico:



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