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Exploring investment opportunities stateside and worldwide

As countries become more interdependent and interconnected due to advances in

technology, greater opportunities could exist for your financial portfolio. EverTrade®

Direct Brokerage prepared this Guide to Global Investing to help you understand

these opportunities and how you can you participate in the global market.

After you review this guide, call EverTrade Direct Brokerage (888.882.3837, Option 2) if

you have any questions—our specialists can help you get started with your trades today.
EverTrade Direct Brokerage Guide to Global Investing MEMBER FINRA/SIPC PAGE 2 OF 8

the interest paid and the principal due

when the bond matures or is sold. On
Inside If you’re thinking about bonds,
the other hand, with foreign bonds, you
why not a bond ladder?
also need to consider the value of the
foreign currency when you convert it back
2 Foreign and Domestic Bonds to U.S. dollars. Sometimes the performance
101—The Basics of foreign and domestic bonds move in A bond ladder is an investment
3 Foreign and Domestic Bonds opposite directions, sometimes in the same strategy where you would divide
201—The Opportunity direction, for better or worse, or sometimes your investment dollars among
they have a net effect of zero. various bonds that mature at set
4 Online Investing 101—
intervals. For example, if you want
Types of Investments
Also, if you invest in a bond that pays to establish a steady income stream
5 Online Investing 102— interest, then the interest paid (called but not try to peak in rate cycles,
The Basics interest income) can cushion a possible you might consider purchasing a
6 Frequently Asked Questions fall in value—or it can improve your profits 5-year bond every quarter which
8 How to Contact Us with a rise in value. would create a ladder through
reinvestment. Then you would have
a bond coming due and paying
So why buy foreign bonds?
interest every quarter.
Foreign and Domestic Bonds The real question is: What and where
should you invest your money? This, when combined with your
101—The Basics other investment vehicles, such as
What is a bond? First, determine your comfort level. Do CDs, can be a useful investment
you prefer U.S. investment products or strategy. For additional strategies,
It’s one of the simplest principals of finance—
do you feel comfortable diversifying your please contact one of our Foreign
when you take out a loan, you pay it back
portfolio with foreign currencies or securities Bond Specialists from the Foreign
with interest. Bonds are loans with interest,
denominated in foreign currencies? (For Bond Desk at 888.882.EVER
only they are between individual investors like
more information on foreign currencies, (3837), option 2.
you and large institutions or governments.
They are a way for you to earn interest, and we recommend reading the EverBank
a way for a “borrower” to generate capital. Guide to Currency Investing.)
curve (see “What is a yield curve?”) for the
(A borrower is the institution or government
In either case, if you’re investing in bonds, country you’d like to buy the bonds from.
issuing the bond.) In return for your “loan”
you need to consider the shape of the yield
(the amount you invested into the bond), the
In Example A (next page), if the U.S. yield
borrower promises to pay you interest on the
curve for bonds was 6 months at 5.15% at
principal amount at specified times. Bonds
one end and 2 years at 4.74% at the other,
range in duration from six months up to 30 What is a yield curve?
and you expect there to be inflation, you’d
years or more. Unlike equity investments, you
buy the bond with the shortest maturity.
don’t have ownership of the institution—in
essence, you become a creditor. A yield curve is a line on a graph If there were a steep yield curve, say from
showing the relationship between 6 months at 4% (Example B), 2 years at 5%,
The difference between a foreign interest rates and maturity dates of and 5 years at 6%—and you expect inflation
and domestic bond bonds with the same credit quality. to remain the same or lower—you’d want to
A foreign bond is simply a bond issued This line helps forecast what eco- invest as far out as you’d feel comfortable
in a country other than the U.S. and nomic activity and interest rates will based on your risk tolerance. Don’t just
denominated in that foreign country's be like in the future. However, past choose the highest yield, since you may not
currency. A domestic bond is issued in the performance is not a guarantee of want to hold the bond that long.
U.S. in U.S. dollars. With domestic bonds, future results.
you need to be concerned primarily about

EverBank is a FDIC insured savings bank. EverTrade Direct Brokerage, Inc. is a separate, but affiliated company of EverBank. Investment products and services are
provided by EverTrade Direct Brokerage, Inc. and are: NOT insured by the FDIC and may lose value, NOT deposits of EverBank, NOT guaranteed by EverBank or
guaranteed by the federal government. EverTrade Direct Brokerage, Inc. is registered as a broker/dealer with the Securities and Exchange Commission and is a
member of the FINRA/SIPC.
EverTrade Direct Brokerage Guide to Global Investing MEMBER FINRA/SIPC PAGE 3 OF 8

Remember, too, that the longer the maturity, 2) One year passes, and you exchange your Essentially, when the U.S dollar is weak
the more price volatility you may experience. 16,000 euros back into USD at the then against a foreign currency, by definition that
For example, if there’s a 10-basis point move prevailing currency conversion rates currency has gained against the U.S. dollar.
on a 2-year bond, it moves the price of the offered by EverTrade Direct Brokerage. If you own that currency then the value of
bond by .25 of a point. The same 10-basis a) If the euro increased in value over the your investment will increase. When the U.S.
point move on a 30-year bond would move U.S. dollar since you first exchanged dollar is strong, a foreign currency can lose
the price of the bond by more than 1.5 them, the increase in value adds to value, and you may lose money. What causes
points. So picking the right part of the your earnings. So if we are able to a strong or weak currency? Experts feel there
curve is important. convert each of your euros at 1.35 are various influencers, including the country’s
USD (after our fees), you would receive economic growth, trade deficits, budget
deficits, stock performance, interest rates
How foreign bonds work $21,600 (16,000 x 1.35), or a profit
of $1,600 resulting. and politics.
One way to understand what foreign bonds
can do for your portfolio is to consider a b) If the euro decreased in value over the
hypothetical case like this:
U.S. dollar since A
Example you
of first
a U.S.exchanged them,
Yield Curve Foreign and Domestic Bonds
1) Let’s say you have $20,000 in U.S. dollars the decrease in value is what you would 201—The Opportunity
(USD) and you use it to open a one-year lose. So if we can only convert your euros
Examine global performance

foreign bond in the euro at an exchange at a rate of 1.15 USD, you would receive
rate of4.80%
$1.25/euro—so this would result $18,400 (16,000 x 1.15 = $18,400) or a In addition to looking at the yield curve,
in 20,000 divided by 1.25 = 16,000 euros. loss of $1,600 resulting. it’s a good idea to also consider the past
4.50% performance of bonds (although past
6 mo. 1 yr. 2 yr. performance is not a guarantee of future
Example A of a U.S. Yield Curve results), both domestic and foreign. The
domestic bond market has seen sizeable
5.20% Example A of a U.S. Yield Curve
5.15% returns in the past few years. But when
compared to the top 10 major bond
markets, the U.S. dollar total returns have

only been in the top spot once since 1986.

4.50% Other reasons to consider

6 mo. 1 yr. 2 yr. foreign bonds
1) Possible Depreciation of U.S. dollar.
Example B of a U.S. Yield Curve Foreign assets owned by U.S. investors may
increase in value when the U.S. dollar is weak.
Example B of a U.S. Yield Curve
6.00% 2) Possible Higher yields. Some foreign
5.00% bond markets do occasionally move in the

4.00% same direction as domestic bond markets,
2.00% but long-term similarities are not common.
So higher yields may be available in other
0.00% countries when domestic yields are weaker.
6 mo. 2 yr. 5 yr.

3) Capital gains. There may be conditions

Important factors to consider when buying: Example B of a U.S. Yield Curve in other countries’ economies that increase
6.00% Foreign Bonds Domestic Bonds the possibility for capital gains resulting
Interest paid • • from falling interest rates.

Principal due 4.00% • •
4) Diversification. When you diversify your
Value of currency upon conversion
2.00% •
portfolio by including foreign bonds, you
may reduce your overall portfolio risk and
The above examples are intended
6 mo.for illustrative purposes only,
2 not represent an actual investment
5 yr. and are
volatility over time. Strong returns from
not a guarantee of an investment return. Past performance, including performance due to extraordinary market
conditions, is not an indication of future results. some markets may ease weaker returns
from other markets.
EverTrade Direct Brokerage Guide to Global Investing MEMBER FINRA/SIPC PAGE 4 OF 8

Foreign Bonds offered Online Investing 101— Why options?

through EverTrade Direct Types of Investments Options can be a little confusing. With
options, you enter into a contract, which
Brokerage It’s now easier than ever—and inexpensive—
gives you the “right” or “obligation” to buy
Now that you understand how foreign to research, invest and trade online. In most
or sell a set amount of assets at a set price
and domestic bonds work, and how they cases, it’s as easy as pressing a button. (See
within a set amount of time. But what
can be an important part of your the next section for online investing basics.) The
exactly does that mean and what do you
investment portfolio, here are ways that difficult part is deciding in what to invest.
stand to gain?
you can buy them.
As an investor, one of the best strategies to
But first, we’d like to offer you six strong use is one of diversification. Don’t put all of
reasons why you should consider buying your eggs in one basket, as the saying goes. Equities

them from EverTrade Direct Brokerage over Don’t simply invest in one area. Invest in
other firms: several, so when the performance of one
investment or asset class isn’t doing so well, Property
1) Control how you profit from a foreign
one of your other investments will hopefully
currency: You can buy, sell or receive
pick up the slack. By reducing your overall Bonds
interest in foreign currency, but your principal
portfolio risk, you help minimize your chances
and interest aren’t converted into U.S. dollars
of losing money. Cash
until you sell your bond. In most cases this
will allow you to sell the bond and convert RISK
So when you diversify what investments
back to U.S. dollars when the market should you own? Consider equities, options Source:
conditions are right. and bonds. A Guide to Understanding Risk
2) Wide range of bonds and maturities:
Consider the following: Let’s say you’ve had
We offer a very wide variety of bond types.
Why equities? your eye on a piece of land, but won’t have
You can buy foreign-denominated government
Want to say you own a piece of Microsoft the necessary funds to purchase it for six
and supranational bonds (those backed by
or Apple? Then consider buying equity (or months. So you negotiate with the
foreign governments or cross-border entities
shares) in the companies. Also known as landowner, who gives you the option to buy
such as the World Bank) through us, including
stocks, equities are investments that give the land within six months at $100,000. But
emerging-market and exotic bonds. You can
you ownership in a company. How many to enter into this arrangement, you must
also buy domestic fixed-income investments,
shares you own in the company determines pay $1,000.
including corporate, government, and
the amount of ownership you have. Your
state/local municipal bonds. Then choose the
cut of company income comes after the Within that time, the city decides they want
maturity that best matches your investment
debts of the company have been paid. With to build a strip mall on that same land, so
needs—from 6 months up to 30 years.
equities, you not only enjoy these dividends the land value jumps to $1 million. Since
These bonds can be sold before maturity
(Note: not all companies pay dividends), but the landowner agreed to sell you the land
without penalty of interest to lock in gains
the value of the equities can increase over for $100,000, you then could earn
or change positions.
time if company profits increase. $899,000 after paying the landowner and
3) Specialization in trading bonds—our selling the land to the city. Now assume
area of expertise: Our Foreign Bond Desk There is generally a higher risk with investing that the land becomes labeled as a flood
specializes in trading liquid, high-credit quality in equities because of, among other things, plain during this period, lowering the value
bonds, whether they are government, the volatility of companies today, but there’s of the land. Fortunately you’re not obligated
corporate or supranational bonds. And our also greater potential to make money from to purchase the land; however you would
specialists have decades of bond, currency them. Because of this, equities may be more still lose the $1,000.
and risk-management experience. appropriate for medium or long-term investing.
4) Very competitive conversion rates: (Note: If you want to invest in equities but Using options in the stock market is similar
When you do decide to convert your foreign are looking for a less volatile route, you can to buying land in the example above. If you
currencies, you’ll find that our conversion buy an interesting diverse group of equities, believe the price of a stock will go up or
rates are quite competitive in the industry. bonds and other securities through an down, you can “take an option” on the
investment in mutual funds.) future performance of the stock. Let’s say
5) Superior rates for U.S. bonds: We buy
you believe the trading price of Microsoft
and sell bonds directly, which often results in
stock will go up at a certain future point in
better execution and rates than brokerage
time (options are generally available in a
firms that execute bonds through a third party.
EverTrade Direct Brokerage Guide to Global Investing MEMBER FINRA/SIPC PAGE 5 OF 8

series of timeframes). You can purchase one

or multiple options based on this assumption, Investment terms to know
and you will either make a profit or lose
your initial investment depending on the American Depository Receipt (ADR)—ADR’s were one of the primary ways that
trading price of Microsoft at the point in U.S. customers invested globally in the past. Some still invest this way. U.S banks issue
time you selected. a certificate, or ADR, that represents a set amount of shares in foreign stock, which are
traded on stock exchanges in the U.S.
The big benefit of options comes from the
potential to make a profit both when the Over the Counter (OTC)—Securities and other investments that trade in the OTC
market is doing well and not so well. Options market are generally traded directly between broker/dealers via phone or online, and
can also be used as a hedge, protecting are monitored by the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD). These tend to
against rapid price fluctuations in an investment. be riskier investments because they may not meet the requirements for listing on the
Note: There are certain risks associated with major exchanges. Research is also difficult to find about these investments.
option trading and therefore require an option
American Trading Symbols (ATS)—ATS’s are foreign securities that have a five-letter
agreement with acknowledgement of the
symbol ending in the letter f, which in most cases come from a Canadian company,
risk disclosures provided by the Options
and that trade in the U.S. with U.S. dollars. They’re often unregulated and unreported,
Clearing Corporation (OCC).
but have the potential to offer a better trading value.

Why bonds? For bond basics, see page 2.

In addition to foreign and domestic bonds, How to invest • Isolate stocks based on criteria you set
bonds can further be broken down into two When you invest online, you’ll access a set with special screening tools
other categories: government and corporate of online investing tools to make trades and • Access extensive quote and market information
bonds. Government bonds are used to raise also track your portfolio. These tools will vary • Follow equity indices
money for administration purposes and are from institution to institution, but they should
guaranteed by the issuing government. be easy to use.† For example, EverTrade Direct Some companies also provide materials to
Corporate bonds are issued by businesses Brokerage offers tools such as Portfolio Tracker, help you research your investment options
to fund research, expansion and other to track your investments or investments and place your trades.†
activities. These bonds are not guaranteed. you are interested in holding, and Account
Management Reports, which show balances,
Investing in bonds is generally not as risky as positions, order status, executions and What you’ll pay
investing in equities or options, depending account history. When trading online, you’ll pay a fee per
on the type of bond you buy. But they can trade. Fees for online investing are generally
Most companies will also give you the
be more profitable than simply keeping lower no matter if you’re investing online or
ability to invest by phone and/or with
your money in a bank account that earns over the phone.†
the assistance of a broker.†
interest. Bonds can be used for short-term
(six months) to long-term (30 years) investing.
How you’ll be protected
How to research
The brokerage firm you choose should offer
Online Investing 102— You should also have at your disposal
Securities Investors Protection Corporation
research tools to help you make informed
The Basics investment decisions. Some companies
(SIPC) insurance.†† This will protect securities,
Companies that provide the ability to invest or those investments that represent ownership
include research tools as part of the service,
online often offer the same types of services. or debt stake in companies, up to $500,000,
while others charge an additional fee for
The differences generally come in the com- of which $100,000 can be cash.
this service.
pany’s background and expertise in specific
EverTrade Direct Brokerage’s clearing firm,
areas. (See the following section for the EverTrade Direct Brokerage offers professional-
has also purchased additional insurance that
benefits of investing with EverTrade Direct level research tools available to you online
may insure the full value of your account.
Brokerage over other financial institutions.) for free. These tools make it easy for you to:
• Read breaking economic and company
news, profiles, charts and research

†EverTrade Direct Brokerage offers this/these service(s).

††Account protection insures against theft or loss, but not market declines, and does not cover market risks associated with investing or credit risks associated with an issuer.
EverTrade Direct Brokerage Guide to Global Investing MEMBER FINRA/SIPC PAGE 6 OF 8

What else you should receive 5) Execution promise: If for any reason—
Most brokerage firms should also send you whether from your end or our end—you
Common Misconceptions
monthly statements and confirmations after cannot reach us online, you can call us to
about Foreign Equities
each trade, whether they’re mailed to you make a trade through one of our Investment
or available online.† (At EverTrade Direct Specialists at the lower Internet rate.
‡ Market volatility and volume may delay system access
Brokerage, inactive accounts receive and trade execution. Up to the first 2,000 shares
quarterly statements.) $10.00 and then just 1 cent per share for all additional The same security—with the same
shares in the same online trade, regardless of the price or similar symbol—traded on sepa-
per share. For broker-assisted trades, the cost is just
†EverTrade Direct Brokerage offers this/these service(s). $29.95 for the first 2,000 shares, and then just 2 cents rate exchanges won’t necessarily
per share in the same trade. For a complete listing of fees, cost the same to trade and may
visit As with other forms of trading,
not have the same value. Different
EverTrade Direct Brokerage trades placed through EverTrade Direct Brokerage involves
investment risk, including the potential for loss of principal. costs may result from the different
Online Investing Products values of currency on each market
So why not invest online through EverTrade Five Ways EverTrade Direct as well as additional fees such as
Direct Brokerage? Here are five reasons to duty fees, which are import/export
invest with us over other brokerage firms:
Brokerage Offers You More fees, or accessing fees, (which are
Whether you’re interested in foreign bonds, fees from clearing companies). The
1) Lead in foreign exchanges/equity foreign equities or more traditional investments difference in values may come from
trades: We’ve been on the forefront of like mutual funds, EverTrade Direct Brokerage the fact that some equities may be
global equity investing since 1999. You’ll provides you with value, a number of choices more popular in their home countries
find that we offer high quality execution— and easy access. than abroad, which may increase
and some of the best pricing—for foreign 1) Personal attention: Many brokerage its value in its home exchange.
equity trades. And we offer them in every firms say they provide personal attention and
major equity exchange, including London, service, but how many actually remember
Paris, Toronto, Hong Kong, Tokyo and you—and your needs—after just several
Frankfurt.‡ points of contact? We do.
Frequently Asked Questions;
2) Both global and domestic access: 2) Global range of investments: We offer
Foreign and Domestic Bonds
We provide access to traditional domestic a wide variety of bonds, mutual funds, Q. Can I trade foreign bonds myself?
equities, and thousands of mutual funds, as equities and options, with access to the A. Foreign bonds can be complex to trade,
well as access to exchanges in foreign markets. major global markets. so a professional foreign bond specialist
We even give you access to pink-sheet
3) Low trading minimums: Research must make the trade for you. EverTrade
securities. You can go where you see the
other companies and you’ll find that has Foreign Bond Specialists available to
greatest opportunity.
we offer very competitive trading mini- make trades between 8:30 A.M. and 5:30
3) No need to convert currencies: If mums—only $20,000 for bonds in P.M. EST, Monday through Friday. To speak
you invest in foreign currencies through common currencies, and $50,000 for bonds with a Specialist, call 888.882.EVER (3837),
EverBank World Markets, you can easily in exotic/emerging markets. (Higher mini- option 2.
move your foreign currencies into a foreign mums are for the higher degree of risk and
stock or bond of the same currency. So return potential.) Q. How much does it cost to trade
there’s no need to convert. For example,
4) No account fees for active personal and foreign bonds?
if you have foreign currency in a money
business accounts (An account is considered A. The cost of trading foreign bonds is built
market account, say in Australian dollars,
active if it is open on our system of record into the price of the foreign bonds themselves.
you can use the currency in your money
and has a balance greater than ‘$0.00’.); The price of each bond is affected by many
market account without converting to trade
however, there is a $25.00 annual fee for factors, including, but not limited to:
on the Sydney exchange.
Individual Retirement Accounts. Transaction
• Size of the investment
4) Free online transfers: You can transfer fees may apply to all accounts.
funds between an FDIC-insured EverBank • Country of origin
5) One site, one password: Full online
deposit account and your non-FDIC insured – Current interest rates
account viewing, history and access at your
EverTrade Direct Brokerage Account at no
convenience, and all in one site at the – Market conditions
cost. That way, you can have access to your
award winning financial management site, – Actual/expected inflation
funds while earning high yields on cash
the EverBank Online Financial Center.
reserves and enjoy free online banking – Pace of economic growth
between trades.
EverTrade Direct Brokerage Guide to Global Investing MEMBER FINRA/SIPC PAGE 7 OF 8

• Currency term may affect the market value of the A3. Mutual funds—no. A comprehensive
• Characteristics of the bond bond, or that investors may consider the mutual fund platform is currently being
bond to have less value. Inflation risk is the designed to provide more robust access and
– Credit quality
risk that the interest rate on the bond will tools to thousands of mutual funds available
– Maturity not provide a positive return as compared in the EverTrade Direct Brokerage Fund
– Supply/demand to the rate of inflation while you hold the Marketplace. In the meantime, you may
bond. contact our investment professionals to assist
• Availability or liquidity
you with your trading and researching needs.
Q. What options do I have after a bond
Q. What factors affect how much I’ll matures? A4. Bonds—no. We only accept bond
earn through foreign bonds? A. You have three options: trades over the phone. Please call our
A. Some of the same factors affecting price 1) You can choose to have the principal and Investment Professionals, who would be
affect your returns. They include: any interest earned converted back to U.S. happy to execute bond trades for you.
• Economic policies dollars and deposited as cash in your
EverTrade Direct Brokerage account. A5. Margin trading—yes. To apply for a
• Growth rates
margin account, contact the trading desk
2) You usually can receive the foreign
• Inflation for a margin agreement and appropriate
currency amount and keep it in the base
• Interest rates disclosure forms including Truth in Lending,
or local currency to avoid conversion costs.
or print these required forms from the
• Currency values See the WorldMarkets Account Terms
Customer Service section of our website
• Investor perceptions in EverBank's Terms and Conditions
under Find a Form.
Agreement for information on foreign
currency conversions and limitations.
Q. What are the risks of investing in A6. Options—yes. To apply for option
foreign bonds? 3) You can purchase another bond. trading, follow the directions directly above
A. There are various political and economic for margin trading, but use the option
You’ll receive a notice before your bond agreement and related risk disclosure form.
risks. For example:
matures, reminding you of these options.
• You could lose money if the currency
depreciates. Q. How will I know if my trade has
Online Investing FAQs been executed?
• Foreign governments may impose
exchange controls on their currency. Q. How do I start investing online? A. You’ll receive confirmation of your trades
by mail or online. You can also monitor the
• Foreign governments may also impose A. Simply sign on to the EverBank Online
status of your transactions online with the
taxes on interest and gains. Financial Center with your User ID and
‘ORDER STATUS’ tab, which will show you
Password. Once logged in, you’ll have full
• One of the best ways to minimize risk that your trade request has been received
access to investment trading and can see
is to invest in markets that are well by a broker and is awaiting execution. Once
an overview of your account(s). It couldn’t
established and maintain strict regulations your trade is cleared or approved, your online
be easier.
on investments. records will reflect the transaction. In most
Q. What can I trade online? cases, your foreign bond transactions will
Q. What are other risks of investing in A1. Foreign stocks—yes. Our Equity Trading settle within three business days after the
any bonds? includes many foreign securities traded with trade is made, but some may settle as early
A. All bonds are subject to risk. Some of an American Trading Symbol (five-letter symbol as the next day.
those risks include credit risk, prepayment ending in the letter f.) Also, we plan to offer
Q. Will I automatically receive my
risk, market risk, and inflation risk. Credit online foreign equity trading to limited global
confirmations by mail or online?
risk is the risk that the issuer will not be exchanges (e.g. Toronto, Vancouver and
A. You’ll automatically get a confirmation
able to repay the principal at maturity, Montreal) in the near future.
by mail to begin with, but if you prefer to
causing you to lose money. Prepayment risk
receive them online, be sure to sign up for
is the risk that the issuer will repay the bond A2. American Depository Receipts—yes.
E-Documents on our site. It’ll give you easy
before its scheduled maturity, so you would Call the trading desk to find out minimum
access to these confirmations, as well as
not earn as much interest on the bond as trading amounts and applicable commission
online access to your monthly statements.
you would have if you held the bond until rates.
maturity. Market risk includes the risk that
changes in interest rates during the bond
EverTrade Direct Brokerage Guide to Global Investing MEMBER FINRA/SIPC PAGE 8 OF 8

General FAQs Q. Do you accept wired funds?

A. Yes—if you have an account number. How to contact us
Q. Who is EverTrade Direct Brokerage?
Have your bank send the funds to:
A. EverTrade Direct Brokerage is a broker-
JP Morgan Chase
age affiliate of EverBank (an FDIC-insured,
277 Park Ave Phone:
diversified financial service provider) that
New York, NY 10172 888.882.EVER (3837); Option 2
provides investors with a wide range of
ABA: 021000021 Monday–Thursday,
secure online and offline trading services,
Acct: 066600030 8:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. EST
specializing in foreign bond trading.
FBO: Penson Financial Services Friday,
EverTrade Direct Brokerage is a member
FFC: Customer Name 8:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. EST
of the Financial Industry Regulatory
Customer Acct Number
Authority (FINRA) and the Securities Web:
(For non-domestic wires, use SWIFT Code
Investors Protection Corporation (SIPC).
CHASUS33 for the ABA noted above)
Investments offered by EverTrade Direct
Brokerage have no bank guarantee, are not
FDIC insured and may lose value. Securities Q. Will I receive confirmation after I
held in EverTrade Direct Brokerage accounts, open my account? Fax:
however, are insured against bankruptcy for A. Yes—you’ll receive both a welcome 888.882.0073
up to $500,000 (including $100,000 for e-mail and mailed letter, notifying you that
Mailing Address:
cash claims), and also receive additional pro- you can begin trading. You’ll receive these
EverTrade Direct Brokerage
tection from our clearing agent. confirmations after we:
8300 Eager Rd, Suite 700
1) Receive your signed account application St. Louis, MO 63144
Q. Where do I mail my initial deposit? and initial deposit or Automatic Clearing
A. For personal or business accounts, please House (ACH) agreement, and then
mail your check, made payable to the 2) Approve and open your account.
appropriate address below. Please write
your account number or Social Security
Q. How do I transfer other securities
number in the memo line.
and cash balances to my account?
A. To transfer any securities or cash
Personal and Business Accounts balances from another firm, please complete
Make checks payable to EverBank and an Account Transfer Form (ACAT), which is
send to: available online in the Customer Service
EverBank section of our website under Find a Form.
11 Oval Drive, Suite 105 You can also request this form by calling us.
Islandia, NY 11749-1416 After we receive your completed form, the
transfer normally takes three weeks. Please
IRAs make sure to include a copy of your most
recent statement from the firm that’s holding
Make checks payable to Penson Financial
your securities or cash balances.
Services, Inc. and send to:
EverTrade Direct Brokerage
8300 Eager Rd, Suite 700
St. Louis, MO 63144

EverBank is a FDIC insured savings bank. EverTrade Direct Brokerage, Inc. is a separate, but affiliated company of EverBank. Investment products and services are
provided by EverTrade Direct Brokerage, Inc. and are: NOT insured by the FDIC and may lose value, NOT deposits of EverBank, NOT guaranteed by EverBank or
guaranteed by the federal government. EverTrade Direct Brokerage, Inc. is registered as a broker/dealer with the Securities and Exchange Commission and is a
member of the FINRA/SIPC.
EverTrade and the EverBank Infinity Sphere are proprietary service marks of EverBank. © 2010 EverBank. All rights reserved. 10ACQ0048

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