Global Citizenship Essay

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Global Citizenship Essay

Becoming a global citizen has been the focus of the entire time I have spent in ASGL, the last

four years have proved that time and time again. The significance of being a global learner and citizen in

the twenty-first century is abundant, one must always stay up to date on what’s going on around the world

and especially with the most recent issues like the Australia wildfires and the new virus that has spread

worldwide; the Coronavirus. The Ambassador School of Global Leadership’s mission of the students

having a commitment to the global performance outcomes and raising awareness of global issues through

exposure and discourse focuses on developing global learners. Likewise, the vision is to prepare the

students to become college and career ready as well as globally competent. The essential qualities of a

global learner and citizen are they have to be a wide reader, open-minded and be willing to get involved

with the community around them.

It is essential to be a global learner because the world has a vast list of issues and so many ways

we can help make it a better place. Greta Thunberg is an example of a global citizen and can best be

described as respectable, determined, and innovating. This young girl’s greatest achievement was getting

the Ambassador of Conscience Award which shows her commitment to global citizenship. The reason

being is that this award is only given to those individuals and groups who have furthered the cause of

human rights by showing exceptional courage standing up to injustice and who have used their talents to

inspire others. In an ever-developing global world learning in a global manner is critical as it allows us to

stay up to date with everything going on in the world.

Becoming a global learner and citizen was crucial to my academic and professional life because

the world around me was transitioning to global citizenship. I believe I have mastered the global

performance outcomes best through my community service experience and some of my classes. The

experience of mastering the global performance outcomes has helped me to understand the world around

me to a much deeper level. It has also assisted me in being able to communicate better with those around
me, being able to accept others points of view and has also pushed me towards making differences happen

when I think things aren’t the way they should be. It is undeniable that achieving these qualities of a

global learner has improved my overall being because I used to be a semi-close minded person when I

first got to ASGL and was just a brat, but now I feel I have a new perspective and I hope to have grown

into man those I care about can be proud of.

The global learner and citizen can best contribute to society as he or she is able to understand

what it takes to make the community a better place, they’re able to make changes and work towards

making what’s around them into something better for future generations. One who hasn’t achieved global

competency isn’t as competitive because they don’t have the qualities necessary to be globally competent.

I will contribute more effectively to society because I have learned how to properly do research into

what’s going on in the world, understand and other respect others perspectives, be honest with myself and

others as well as seek positive solutions, I feel like I do take action when necessary. Doing all this is

critical to the world because staying ignorant would only affect those around you and make you one more

of the ignorant masses. Therefore, becoming global citizenship is one of the most important missions for a

student of ASGL and one that I would like to think I have done exceptionally well.

A global citizen is a person that is well rounded, up to date with the world and isn’t afraid to

make changes for the betterment of the community they’re a part of. They stay honest with everyone but

mainly themselves, are respectful of others and their opinions and can always talk with others to

communicate their ideas and thoughts. Becoming a global learner is essential to all students no matter

where they are because these are the qualities of a competent human being. I will never forget what I have

learned in my time at ASGL and having a new sense of responsibility and knowing what I can do to make

the community better for me and those around me is a new sense of responsibility. Global learning is the

process of diverse people collaboratively analyzing and addressing complex problems that transcend
borders and after the time I have spent in this academy I have learned how to do this and became a better

being because of it. Being a global citizen is something that everyone should strive to be.

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