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SUNSOFT® Limited Warranty he gic! seal 5 yrur mature Ft Miereio Fas reviewed the product and ft has rret our suincarts fer eaceerce in workrvanchip, edabihty and eriaraineveri vee Aheays loos for is seal wher Quying Gaines anc ascexsatiea tb eran covphee conepatinily wilt pour Nintendo Eriaraineen Syste, SUNSONT® wwerera. tn tte ong ctaper ony Tad te Games Pak pended we Tvs aaa are Ne sttwns progrart codec cH wi gertors iv accordance wf the deserigtons in Fis reanaal wher ied wilt the soscled equipment, fat a petioe af 0 cays bam tne cate of punctate Ul the anager a found Unlecshve with 90 days al perctew, t wel be report. Sampoycomuan Bee Gere PBC tp SUINGGOET™ (ie matoriree dar seg we 2 donee geoat cl purchase. Rexacervert ol the Garvs Pak, fre of charge to the arpa’ guechose (eacept ‘or bie cost cl nehuring tet carridge) the tl eaten ‘aw nity ‘TwEa WARRANTY 15 IW LIEU OF ALL OTHER WAERANTIES, WHETHER OAL OF WRITTEN, EXPRESS sa OR MPLIED ALL MPLS mMARAMTIES, wc uae THERE OF WENANTAMN IT AD HTT POR 8 PARTICULAR PUIAPDES (F APPUCABLE, AFE LIMMTED DURATION TO 91 0W"5 FROM THE DATE OF FUBDHAGE DF THS PROQUET. SUNSET va or be bane fee eederal andeee coviaquerta ctaraagee tor Ihe breaet oF wry ema oF ETpeC wacTaTy nelLeing AITagE {h pranery are fe eater pert ty lw davages Ir gerscea/onvry, even F EUMSOFT a been advtsnt af the poeaiblny such dorrages Servs stares ct vat alow Ive eeslaskon of irkaber of incicertal or cassccuenta dereages. a bnvitatirs ont how tog at inp \worraly Wats, 90 the abewe bv tations oy eneiniarts upp pa This aarrarty shal ret be sopicatia tp he aecect that arp proven of the waranty is prohibees oy avy Isderal chee ar rrunicga! aa catich carer be ors-errpisd This warrarty pvet pou ‘This game & licensed by its keg gh aad yee cabo (are afer rights vehieh wary from stunt ta shane ——_ = Nintanda? for play’ on the Mote are Mrnerta Emertaivnert Sse are Tacerarc: a! Wirtenda of Anica tne, Entertainment System® P Ofticial (Gintendo) Seal of Quality Thank You . . . for purchasing the SUNSOFT “BATMAN™" Game Pak, Please read this instruction booklet carefully belore starting to play the game. In do'ng =o, you will be able to play the game better and enjoy it even More, Be sure to keep these instructions in a safe places Se : Be sure to turn the power OFF before inserting the game pak or removing it from the unit. This is a high-tech instrument. Do not store it in an area subject to extreme hot or cold temperatures, Never crop it, bump if ar attempt to take it apart, Avoid touching the connectors. Do nat allow them to get wet or dirty, Doing so will damage the unit Page ARISE ee ee rece ae a Summary of Objectives... . . 485 GamePlay Operation... 22s... a imer-Stage Demonstrations . Stages 1-5 ........, Enemies ....... QOSGBE so iee « Weapons... 0.0... 0000s Bat Items Batman's Movernents . On Sereen Display . . Baiman’s Power Lite See Co ‘The citizens of GOTHAM CITY™ are busy planning the city’s 200th Anniversary Festival, but these is not much to celebrate. Crime and violence rule the ibys The only man who can tree the city fram THE JOKER'S™ evil clutchas is the one and only — BATMAN™! With your help, the GAPED CRUSADEA™ can defeat THE JOKER and save the good people of GOTHAM CITY. BATMAN is armed with special weapons and acrobatic strength, He must destroy 15 different types of enemies and 5 Bosses, ‘while traveling throwgh 5 stages. Finally, BATMAN comes face-to-face with THE JOKER! But who will prevail? it's up to you! —“SUNINEMIPOP OS) E125 — Stage 1: GOTHAM CITY » Main Street ® High-Rise Buildings & Front of City Hall » Defeat Kier Moth inter-Stage Demonstration Stage 2 AXIS Chemical Factory ® Liquid Waste Floor & Spark Floor » Conveyer-Belt Floor ® Nerve Genter > Defeat the Machine Intelligence System Inter-Stage Demonstration ——SUTINEW FORO) E¢125—— Stage 3: Underground Conduit ® Underground Conduit | ® Underground Conduit | & Underground Cavern & Defeat The Electrocutioner Inter-Stage Demonstration Stage 4: Ruins of Laboratory ® Research Laboratory ® Storage Boom > Thermal Processing Plant » Destroy the Qual-Container Alarm Inter-Stage Qernonstration Stage 5: Cathedral » Stairway © Balliower ® Defeat Firetug » Final Battlefield of BATMAN and THE JOKER JOYSTICK > Use controller 1 onty » O—Press to jump SELECT START » &—Press to attack/shoot > Slart—Press to select a weapon of preference (bul only when optional weapons aré available) > Select—Press to pause and show the score in the upper latt of the screen & Joystick 1. Press sideways to move BATMAN left and right 2. Press down to. make BATMAN knee) 4. No action-fallows by pressing up HESSD ON desig SLi ae miliarize you with tne me va are Te to play. STAGE 7 CONT BATMAN begins his adventure in GOTHAM CITY. As he investi- ates the “DDID" Nerve Gas Scandal, BATMAN travels through the dark, deserted main street. In the second area he encounters a shopping mall background with skyscrapers at the bottom. There is no sign of life, only the steel skeletons of buildings and the steel structure Of a freeway. Finally, BATMAN reaches City Hall, \ocated in the center of GOTHAM CITY, where he must defeat the boss, Killer Math, to enter Stage 2. SAMS CIENT ENGION RE STAGE 2 THE JOKER'S hideout, the AXIS Chemical Factory, is BATMAN'S next challenge. Here, he must cross a Liquid Waste Floor, the plant for processi waste; the Spark i with operational panels af p for the entire factory; the Conveyer-Balt Floor, where chemical materials are refined; and finally the Nerve Center, the Boss of Stage 2 In this area, BATMAN must out-smart security traps anddestray the entire MACHINE INTELLIGENCE SYSTEM: > GES *YDRAOU WD CONDUIP Even though BATMAN successfully destroyed the Chemical Factory, heis caught ina trap and dropped into an underground conduit. Under- ground Conduits | and Il are a network af sewers connecting all of GOTHAM CITY. Here, BATMAN Must find the secret exit, the underground Cavern. The water flowing through the conduits penerates power for the Undergraund Station in the Cavern, When BATMAN finds the exit, he must deteat The Electrocutioner wha Is wailing, to advance to Stage 4 R'S other hideaul, the ) Ruins, is @ contarni- nated, deserted laboratory. As BATMAN enters the Research Laboratory he sees an array of fuluriste life samples made by genetic engineering, EOE OY FUN = The next area BATMAN searches is the storage room, an almost Bimply warehouse with research Engineering 1001s and aquip- mee, anergy conduits and power driving motors. Finally, BATMAN reaches the Thermal Processing Plant where a hurning hot flame is used to process waste and refuse. The CAPED GAUSADER can now destroy the Dual-Container F Alarm Boss and rea final ati destination. The secret Transmitter leads BATMAN to fis greatest Challeriga. — The Cathedral, Alter climbing the dark narrow staircase to the Beltower, BATMAN is attacked by THE JOKER'S trusted bodyguard, Firebug, the boss of Stape §. After eliminating Firebug. he is greeted by none-other-than ThE JOKER, where he has his final battle, pe Oa Stage Shakedown 1&2 Hush towards BATMAN Heatwave +5 Shoots Fire Gun K.G. Beast 1 Attacks with sword and “Shuriken” The Enforcer 1 Flys with rocket back-pack and attacks with machina gun Deadshat 182 He waits sitting and shoots BATMAN in, siping gal er a er Nightslayer 2b4 Hig movement is Skew, but his nail is sharp. Maxieraus d He rushes at BATMAN Jader 364 JOKER made this biological weapon to jump on BATMAN 14 a Stage Function Mobile Home Mine 1-4 Mowing mine Modile Tracker 1-5 Rushes with accelerating speed at trespasser Javelin 285 Aitacks with jong spear Drop Claw 25 it sticks to the celling and drops bombs Rail Runner 4 ft moves left to right on a rail and attacks EEV 3&5 Shoots like a cannon Gluk 2 This industrial waste is a by-product of "ODI" nerve gas THE JOKER hired this assassin to atlarck BATMAN by shooting fireballs. 3 Targets 1. Electric current controller — when destrayed the movement stops and Machine BATMAN can move freely over the Intelligence otherwise moving pillar. 2. A cannon 3. The Nerve Center is awakened after the first two targets are defeated. This Boss is a salt-electropeni¢e man, the The strongest warripr.onearth, who is capable Elecirocutioner of transmitting a "Moon Atlacker” (a 10 Mega-Giga voll killer beam) out of his arm. 16 Oe Function Oual-Cantainer Alarm This Boss contrals dual-container vehicles that can stop any intruder. In an emergency. he isprogram med to trigger fire bombs. Firebug THE JOKER'S most trusted bodyguard wants revenge on BATMAN for personal reasons. BATMAN defeated his brother, so Firebug wal stop at nothing to kill BATMAN, He can emit G00 million °C fireballs that will Instantly dissolve anything into atomic pietes. He is detinitely BATMAN'S most powerful enemy besides THE JOKER, — SEO al all times, Optional weapons to wine BATMAN is equipped with fis pur Spear Gun To shoot a short pointed spear at the anernies, Used like a boomerang, it is designed Balarang to throw at the enemy and return to BATMAN Birk To shoot in 3 split directions, to beat enemies.inabroad area ‘The player can earn each of the following three items only when he/she has defeated a certain anemy. Bonus Item lem adds bonus points lo score Pellet Item Each pellet item earns 10 additional pellets when a certain enemy is defeated — 1, This pellet is BATMAN'S common offensive source for his three option weapons 2, Without the pellet iter, BATMAN cannot use his weapons 4. The pellet consumption rate varies depending on the optional weapon the player is using. [y] Heart item hem can regenerate 1 increment of BATMAN'S Life Power (see the Life Power Meter under BATMAN'S: Power Life) 19 Normal Jump Tap "A" Button, So BATMAN Jump Press and hold "A" Button Wall Jump A special high jump!) Press “A" Button while BATMAN is in the midst of a normal jump and in contact with a wall 20 STS 1. Adouble-row game-play indicator is provided al ihe upper lett of the sereen. 2. The indicator shows: Row 1: ® Optional weapon(s) with the number of pellets available ® When Punch Weapon Is only available, the indicatar will show BATMAN in blue ® Press START Button to switch weapons > Optional Weapons cannot be used without pellets Row 2; BATMAN'S Power Life ss in 6 increments 2 ~_ SAENES ZONE T= = BATMAN'S Power life is shown on the lower row of the game- play indicator. He has 3 Power Lives, Each Power Life has eight intrements, One increment is hosteach time BATMALNAs injured. ‘When all eight increments are lost, BATMAN loses one of his 3 Power Lives. Number of fives available and score can be seen by pressing the Pause Button. BATMAN, THE JOKER and all characters, phrases and indicia are Trademarks of DC Comics Inc. ® 1989, All Rights Reserved. 22 COMPLIANCE WITH FCC REGULATIONS Tris equipment generates and uses radio frequency energy and it not installed ard used property, thal is, an strict accordance wilh the manufacturer's instructions, may cause inenerance 10 radio and Teawsen Tacepoon. It has been Tyee tested and found tn comply with the limits tor a Class B computing device in Seooedance with the specificatinns in Subpart J of Part 15 of FOC Aula, which are dasigned tn prowede revsnnatie protection against such imersranca in a residential installation. Hienver, there is ro Qearacted That interterance wil nol occur in & particular installahon, If this aquipment does Gauge interference Lo radio or Ieevicion reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and con. the user is enpowraged tn try to correct the intartarence by une or mere of the folowng meawres: — Heorient the receiving antenna ~~ Ariccule the NES with respect to the recaivar — Move tha NES away trom the receiver — Plog the NES into a different outiat so that computer and recever are on ciMerent circuits, H necessary, the user should consul the desier or an experienced radio‘teavsion technician tar adiilional suggestions. The user may find the tollowing bootle! prepared by the Federal Communcations Commission helphul: How to Identity and Rasolve Radio-Ty interference Problems, This booile! is avanlatie from the U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington D.C, 20202, Stoca No, 104-000-D0345-4. Watch for the best arcade titles from the best new ee SUNSOFT. Wood Dale. iL 60181 co) Niptenco ‘Syston? are rogisterest tracenarts of fro. 1980 Bue Corporaton ct Arreasioa.

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