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Question # 2


Quran Preservation & Compilation


 QURAN PRESERVATION&COMPILATION......................................................................................................... 1


(PBUH)...................................................................... 4
...................................................................................... 5
............................................................. 7
...................................................................................... 12

 COMPILATION................................................................................................................................................................... 1


............................................................... 13
UTMAAN(R.A)..................................... 16
.............................. 20
Quran Preservation & Compilation -1 (Prophet‟s Lifetime )


It is a well-known controversy that Orientalists raised their objections against the Qur'an

to create confusions about the phase ofpreservation.

The inimitability and recitation of the Quran are a universally agreed fact besides,it‟san act of

worship in the five daily prayers of all Muslimssince the time of the Prophet ( ) and still so.

Contrary to the objection raised by Orientalists and their followers,Wesurely believe that there

has been three important stages in the compilation of the Qur‟anic text; that is in the time of the

Prophet( ), following compilation of Abu Bakr (r.a), and standardization byUthmaan(r.a).One

thing that ought to be kept in mind preservation was done much more through memory than

through writing at the time of Prophet ( ).There was a great wisdom in memorization because in

previous Prophets whose teachings were not committed to memory were lost or forgotten. Thus,

Muslims gave special attention to memorization of the Qur'an from the beginning. So, Not only

the Holy Prophet (pbuh) as well as his companions learnt the complete Qur'an by heart with

struggles including Abu Bakr, 'Umar, 'Uthman, 'Ali, 'Abdullah bin Masud, Talha, Sa'd, Huzaifa,

Ubayy bin Ka'b, Abdullah bin Abbas, Abdullah bin Zubar, 'Abdullah bin Sai'b, Zaid bin Thabit,

Abu Hurairah, Abu Darda, Ma'az bin Jabal, Anas bin Malik, Abu Musa Al-'Ashari, Mu'awiyyah,

Sayyidah 'Aisha, Sayyidah Umm Salmah, SayyidahHafsa and many more those whom known as

most pious people among the believers. This assignment will analyze the combination of two

parts before the lifetime of Prophet (pbuh) and after the demise of the Prophet (pbuh).


Memorization By The Prophet ( )

Oral transmission of revelation was basedon Hifz and the Prophet (pbuh) was the first who

memorize it as following verses .

“Move not Thy tongue concerning the (Quran) to make haste therewith.It‟s for Us

to collect it and promulgate it; but when We have promulgated it follow thou its

recital‟ (75:16-19)”

…an apostle from ALLAH, rehearsing scriptures kept pure and holy…‟ (98:2)

The Prophet had a fear on that He may forget when revelation was in process because He (pbuh)

was an Ummi.The reason why he was doing it. He was not able to read and write .Therefore,

after receiving each revelation, he would repeat it to his Companions. They would write it down

and he wouldrecheck by asking them to read what they had written. If there was anymistake, the

Prophet would immediately rechecked and authorized. In this way, the complete Qur‟an was

written down under the personal supervision of the Prophet (pbuh). It is quite intelligible that

there is no any single intervention during the revelation of the Quran even the Prophet (pbuh)

himself as it is quoted by the Quran :

" And if he (Muhammad ) had forged a false saying concerning Us (Allah),We

surely should have seized him by his right hand (or with power and might),And then

certainly should have cut off his life artery (Aorta),And none of you could withhold

Us from (punishing) him.(V-Haqqah-44)

The Prophet ( ) hadthe obligation of delivering the revealed verses to the people among others.

He did it verbally. It shows he used to commit them to memory before reading them to others. It

started with the first revelation and ended only with his death .

Memorization By The Prophet Companions

The Sahabah inspired and encouraged by their beloved leader andimmediately started learning

the Quran by heart. They had got retentive memory power.Before Islam they were memorizing

thousands of poetic lines however when they got the light of Islam what they had better intheir

during pre-Islamic times was preciously maintained.

“A few examples on their memorization :

“Abdullah IbnMasudwho,was early convert ,had once been mercilessly bludgeoned

by the Quraysh for reciting Surah Al- Rahman (55) loudly near the Qabah.He had

voluntarily offered to do it.It occurred in an early period of the Prophet‟s mission in


It was after the migration to Abyssinia of some Sahabah that Abu Bakr , under the

Protection of a non-Qurayshite leader,Ibn al Dugunnah ,earmarked a place outside

his house to pray and read the Quran loudly, prompting his enemies to take

exception to it.

Once the Prophet (Saw) asked Abdullah B Masud to read the Quran to Him.”Me ?

O prophet of Allah,I should read it to you,The Quran Which has been revaled on

you?TheSahabiexpressed his surprise.The Prophet (pbuh) explained “I love to listen

to others reading it” So,IbnMas‟ud started reading the Surah Al-Nisa : When He

reached the Ayah 41,The Prophet asked him to stop and tears were rolling down his

check. “ How T h en ,If we brought each community a witness and We brought

you (O Muhammad )as a witness against these people.” (By Israr Ahmad Khan)

“Huffaz sahabah:

It‟san agreed fact that the Sahabah had memorized the Quran completely.But the reports about

the number of huffaz are not unanimous. Nevertheless Here is a few following examples:

Bukhari has quoted Anas B Malik as saying : “ by the time the Prophet (saw) died

there were only four who had memorized the Quran in full namely: Abu

Darda,Muaz B Jabal, Zaid B Thabit and Abu Zaid.

Abdullah B Masud heard the Prophet as saying”Learn the Quran from

four:Abdullah B Mas‟ud,Salim,Mu‟azz and Ubayy B Ka‟b

Anas B Malik reports that the Prophet (pbuh) dispatched seventy Sahabah who

were called as Qurra (memorizes of the Quran) to teach and they were all

massacred at a place called BirMaunah.

In the battle of Yamamah 70 Muslims were martyred.They were all HUFFAZ of the


Abu Ubaydah in his work kItap Al Qiraah counts the memorizers from among the

Sahabah of the Muhajirun: Abu Bakr,‟Umar, Uthman „Ali ,Talhah, Sa‟d Abdullah

b Masud,Hudayfah,Salim, Abu Hurairah, Abdullah b al sayeb, Abdullah B Amr b

Al As, Abdullah b umar, Abdullah b Al Zubayr Abdullah b Abbas. Ansar :Ubaday

B SamitMuaz, Majma b Jariyah, Fuziah b Ubayd, Muslimah BMukhallad.

What is apparently seen from these reports is that the number of Sahabah who memorized the

Quran was dramatically high.” science of Quran by ahmadisrar khan

Writing During the Prophet‟s ti me

 Materials Used For Writing

During the 7‟th century the conditionswere not as much flexible as our global age. Writing

materials were consist of following features:

Adeem :Leather

Riqa : Piece of animal skin

Asab:Palm-Leaf stalk.

Aqtab:Wooden wide tablet.

Karanif :Palm-steam or branch

Aktaf: camel shoulder bone

Lihkaf:Stone tablets

The second stage for the preservation ofQur'an which also written down was done during the

lifetime of the Holy Prophet ( ) under his supervision. The Prophet ( ) showed the utmost care

to instruct his companions because he wasnot capable of reading and writing as I said above. The

Holy Prophet ( ) had got more approximately 40 companions who‟s names of these companions

have been mentioned in many authentic works.

Here is an evident from the following example on How Qur'an was written and how it was

rechecked by the Prophet ( ) is :

"Zaid bin Thabit, whom was one of the chief scribes relates: "I used to write down

the revelation for the Holy Prophet, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon

him. When the revelation came to him he felt intense heat and drops of perspiration

used to roll down his body like pearls. When this state was over I used to fetch a

shoulder bone or a piece of something else. He used to go on dictating and I used to

write it down. When I finished writing the sheer weight of transcription gave me the

feeling that my leg would break and I would not be able to walk anymore. Anyhow

when I finished writing, he would say, 'Read!' and I would read it back to him. If

there was an omission or error he used to correct it and then let it be brought before

the people."

Here is a definitive proof that Companions used to write down the Qur'an under the authority of

the ProphetMuhammad ( ) and authenticated was madefor every single memorization by

himself and rechecked it before making it publicly. Also, there are proofs that during the life

time of the Holy Prophet the written manuscripts of Qur'an were there.

In general speaking, writing of the Qur'an was in practice from the early days of Islam.

Here is the second evidence from the incident leading to conversion of one of the

closest companions „Umar bin al-Khattab. When he found his sister and brother-in-

law with a parchment on which the verses of Surah Taha (chapter20) were written.

Al-Suyuthi says that the whole Quran was documented during the Prophet‟s period.

It is reported on the authority of Abdullah B Abbas that whenever the revelation

came down the Prophet ( ) called one of His scribes to write it down.

Zaid B Thabit is quoted to have said We used to write the Quran on pieces of

leather (Al-Riqa) in the presence of the Prophet ( ).

Al Bara B Azib reports: When the Ayah (Surah AL Nisa 4;95) came down, the

Prophet ( ) sent for Zayd B Thabit along with the writing tablet or scapula bone

and the ink-stand and when He came the Prophet asked him to write down what

had been revealed to Him.

The Prophet is not only read the verses which was revealed to his heart,but also he dictated to

write it down too. The first verses of Sura et-Tur bears witness to this. 11-14 of surah Abasa be

considered in this context.The Prophet in order to maintain the accuracy and totality of the

Quran, we see two separate additional measures which was taken by the Prophet ( ):

Prophet ( ) was immediately memorize revealed verses and reading constantly in his

daily prayers , residences, trips, troubles, whenever he feel himself at ease and ordered its

recitation to be read loudly when establishing daily prayers.Another consequence arising

from taken measures was that Quran was not attempted to monopolize by those who

labelled as religious.The Prophet ( ) would recite the Quran well-digestedly to His Own

Companions. Companions would give him so much importance. The Prophet would

recheck their reliability in reading.

If anyone wants to learn the Quran,they had been ordered to do with a condition that

under the supervision of a trained teacher.The First Teacher was The Prophet ( )himself,

and then those teacher whom were very well trained on the matters related to Quran.

The Prophet‟s Scribes :

A well-known hadith scholar of the day Muhammad Mustafa azami has in the his book kuttab

Al Nabi identified as many 48 names who had the privilege of having been invited by the

Prophet (pbuh) to write down the revelations. The most prominent ones:

 Abu Bakr

 Umar b Al Hattab
 Utman b Affan
 Ali b EbuTalib
 Zaid b Thabit
 Arqam b Arqam
 Ubayy b Ka‟b
 Khalid b Al Waleed
 Thabit b Qays
 Muaviyah b AbiSufyan
 Aban b Sa‟ed
 handalah b Al-Rabi


The Holy Prophet (pbuh) only coordinated for getting every revelation writtenin front of him and

also encouraged the people to write down the Qur‟an for themselves and leave it after them for

their children besides giving them instructions about the manuscripts. Mark the following


It was narrated that Abu Hurairah said: “The Messenger of Allah said: „The

rewards of the good deeds that will reach a believer after his death are: Knowledge

which he taught and spread; a righteous son whom he leaves behind; a copy of the

Qur‟an that he leaves as a legacy; a mosque that he built; a house that he built for

wayfarers; a canal that he dug; or charity that he gave during his lifetime when he

was in good health. These deeds will reach him after his death.

It is hence comprehensible that Holy Prophet ( ) had the clear motive of not only having the

complete Qur‟an written but also to get the people make and obtain Qur‟anic manuscripts and

leave it behind them as souvenirs. Such an arrangement had beenmade to see what is now

achieved. The following needs to be considered in this ground;

Once a number of companions were with the Holy Prophet (pbuh).One of them reports;

We said:„O Messenger of Allah! Is there anyone greater than us in earning reward,

we believed you and followed you.‟ He said: “And what is there that to stops you

from it while the Messenger of Allah is amongst you and comes to you with the

revelation from the heavens? In fact, there will come a people after you, whom the

book will reach [only] in two bindings. They will believe in it and follow whatever is

in; they are greater in reward than you.”

After The Demise Of The Prophet ( )

First Step By Abu Bakr (R.A)

The Caliph Abu Bakr confronted a number of grave challenges. The most serious challenge was

the wars of apostasy which was done against the non-payers of zakat and the hypocrites and

manifestation of false prophets. During the battle of Yamaamah, Abu Hudayfah encouraged the

Companions by saying: “O possessors of the Qur‟an, decorate the Qur‟an with deeds”.

It‟sgravely awell-knowntragic event of early period of islam. The event of Yamaamah Battle, 70

companions who were Huffazwere killed. Muslims had been suffered a huge number of

casualties .The death of such a large number of Qurraaput Umar al-Hattap(r.a) in a flurry.He

went to Abu Bakr, expressed what He had in His mind by saying that more Qurraa may have

killed in following battles. This may lead to an avoidable loss of the Qur‟an, unless it was

compiled in one book. At first, Abu Bakr had an approach unwilingly to do something which the

Prophet ( ) had not done before, however Umar al-Hattap (r.a) ,later on, accomplished to

convince him that collecting the Qur‟an was of benefit to the Muslim Ummah. The Prophet

formulated for the Qur‟an being-written in order to preserve it; compiling it in one book was

completing what the Prophet (pbuh) had already started.ZaydibnThabbit was a chosen to compile

the Qur‟an due to the following reasons:

Zayd was one of the best reciters of the Qur‟an, and had the most knowledge with

regards to the psalmody of the Quran.

Zaydhad memorized the Qur‟an like a daylight

Zayd became a primary scribe of the Prophet (pbuh)

Zayd witnessed Jibraeel‟s final recitation to the Prophet's final Ramadan

Zayd was young, vigorous, intelligent man

Zayd was best in moral virtues

Zayd was commisioned by Abu Bakr (r.a) : „Sit at the entrance of the masjid. If anyone

brings you a verse of the Book of Allah, along with two witnesses, write it down and

explained for written material to be accepted by Zayd, two witnesses had to witnessed that

it had been written under the supervision of the Prophet ( pbuh). Any written material if

Companions may have privately duplicate vice-versa, would not have accepted.

"Zayd‟sknowledge of the Qur‟an could solely be compared with material of the same standing.

Zayd Bin Thabit also compared the written material submitted to him, against the memories of

the Companions. „So He gathered the Qur‟an from various parchments .

He mentions that: „I found the last two ayahs of Surah al-Bara‟a with Abu Khuzaima al Ansari‟

(Bukhari). These two verses were written in the Mushuf solely based on Abu Khuzaima Ansari‟s

form. However, other companions had memorised it, and confirmed that it was from the Qur‟an.

Even though Zayd and his beloved companions had memorized the last two verses of Surah al-

Bara‟a, and could recall them quite, he was not authorized to record it in the Mushaf, until he

came across it in written form. Hence, ZaydibnThabit had ensured that the Mushuf that he

compiled was indeed the same Book that Allah had revealed to His Messenger, and had pledged

to preserve by relying on written material, backed by witnesses, comparing the written material

against the memories of other Companions, and his own memory. For this initial phase, the

entire Qur‟an was in one Book. This compilation patched up the various polishes of the Arabs.

After the demise of Abu Bakr (r.a), the Mus-hafwas passed on to Umar, then to Hafsah after the

death of Umar al-Hattap.

Standardization ByUthmaan (R.A)

Uthmaan (r.a),In 1 Muharram 24/646, was brought to the caliphate and took over the leadership

of muslim community .the Muslims had conquered plenty of lands while the Islamic Empire was

still growing, fighting on a number of fronts were being struggled. One front was the territories

of Azerjeban and Armenia. Whose native language is foreign to many Muslims were forced to

reading the Koran in Arabic. Contradiction or differences among the Arabs dialect must be add

to this matter as well. The differerences in pronuncing the Quran had turned into mutual

accusations because The people of Damascus admitted to read the style of Ubeyy ,the people of

Qufaaccpeted the reading of IbnMas'ud, the people of Basra admitted a recitation of reading of

Ebu Musa. HudayfahibnYamaan recognized the disagreements on recitation of the Qur‟an had

arised among the armies engaged in battle in the territory of Azerjeban.Huzeyfetu'l-Yeman with

Damascus armies marched on Armenia and Azerbaijan. (25/646).During the Gazve,He saw

many conflicts between Iraqi soldiers recitation andAzerjebanisoldiers recitation. Event

expulsion were about to raise and HudayfahIbnYamaan in urgentreturned to Madinah to inform

Uthmaan (r.a) about this red-flag development by saying: „O Commander of the Faithful, save

this Ummah before it disagrees about the Divine Word like the Christians and Jews did

before it‟. (Bukhari)

Ali bin EbuTalip narrates that Uthmaan (r.a) united the Companions and said to them :„I see that

we bring the people on a single mushaf, so that there is neither division nor discord‟. And

companions responsed: ‟an excellent proposal‟.(ibnAbiDawood).

Uthmaan (r.a) immediately requested the mus-haf from Hafsa, in order to run off copies from it.

A committee of 4 companions were commisioned with the task to run off copies, whom

relatively were:ZaydibnThabit, Abdullah ibnZubayr, Saadibn al Aas, Abdur-


The arising differences in the time of 3.Caliph ,The Caliphate Uthman ordered the

"HafsaMushaf" . He instructed 4 best people to bring in Mushaf under the Supervision of Hafsa

:Zayd, Abdullah ibnZubair, Said ibn As-RahmanibnHarith.

Uthmaan told the committee: „should you (three) and Zayd differ (on how to spell a

word), then spell it in the dialect of Quraysh, for verily it was revealed in their

dialect‟. (Bukhari).

Except Zayd ,three of them were Qurayshi. If they do anything contradiction they were being

ordered to write itdown with the Quraishi dialect. According to the narration of al-Bukhari ,the 3

members commissioned by Uthman (r.a) are Ensar: Muaz, UbeyibnuKa'bveZeydibnuSabit..

For example, It was said in response for a difference of opinion regarding spelling the word

“taboot” must be spelt in the Qurayshireading style; „taboot‟, or the Madanee style of „tabooh‟.

Uthmaan(r.a )ordered it to be written in the Qurayshi style. Sometimes when differences arose

regard to spelling, they would call the scribe who had written the ayah for the Prophet (Pbuh), to

ask him for pronunciation. “Where is the scribe. Precisely how did the Prophet teach him

this verse.” (ibnAbiDawood).

2:248 (taboot)

When the committee had completed run off the copies of the MushafUthmaan(r.a) ordered these

copies to be sent to every major provinces, After the committee completed the duty were given

to them, Uthman (r.a ) arranged that all other copies or fragments of the Qur‟an should be burnt.

Any copy of the Qur‟an, written from now on, would have to conform to the UthmaaniMushaf or

Rasm-I Uthmani. Thus, any abrogated readings would eliminate. The latter existed due to some

companions being unaware of the Prophet‟s final recitation to Jibraeel. Ali ibnTalibsaid: „If I

were in charge when Uthmaan had been, I would have done the same as he did.With every

copy of the Qur‟an, Uthmaan sent a Qari to teach the Divine Word.” This was to emphasize

that the recitation of the Qur‟an had to be learnt orally through well-trained teachers, whom had

an authentic transmission going back to the Prophet (pbuh).

The differences in the compilations

 Abu Bakr compiled the Qur‟an due to the fear The Quran mayget lost or destroyed as

happened previous books, whereas Uthmaan (r.a) patched up it in response to the

inauthentic recitations, and the following differing. BecauseHis primary aim was to unite

the Muslims upon the proper recitation of the Qur‟an. The Prophet ( ) compiled the

Qur‟an in a method both memorizing and writing and encouraged the Companions to

memorize it and teach it, in order to provide the community with the revelation as it


 Abu Bakr (r.a) had compiled into one mus‟haf , Uthmaan(r.a) had run off copies . In the

time of the Prophet, although the entire Qur‟an was in written form, it was not in the form

of a mushaf. Compiling it in a mushaf would have proved impractical, as revelation was

constantly inspiring, right up to a few days before the death of the Prophet (pbuh) had


 Abu Bakr determinedone person (Zayd) by constructing him with Umar al-Hattap to

duty of compilation of the Qur‟an, Uthmaan (r.a) appointed four people. The Prophet

(pbuh) had a large number of scribes,they were ready to write the revelation when


 Uthmaan (r.a) had other copies of the Qur‟an, or portions of the Qur‟an destroyed due

toinauthentic recitations. Abu Bakr faced no such problem.

 Abu Bakr‟s compilation was from various sources; date palm leaves, wood, and the

cheats‟ of men into a singleMushaaf. Uthmaan‟s compilation was directly from the

Mushaf of Hafsa only one source. The quality of the parchments of the

UthmaaniMushaaf was better than Abu Bakr‟smushaf. The Prophet‟s (pbuh) compilation

was directly from revelation from Allah, via Jibraeel.

 The compilation of the Qur‟an in the time of the Prophet (pbuh) and Abu Bakr(r.a)

provided the various ahruf, whereas the compilation in the time of Uthmaanonly

preserved a portion of the seven ahruf.



Verily, We Ourselves have sent down this Exhortation, and most surely We will be its

Guardian, (Al-Hijr, 15:10)

Today‟s Orientalists claim that Qur‟an was not written in full during the lifetime of the Holy

Prophet (pbuh)and Author of that book is He. This is false and the fact is that whole of the

Qur‟an was, indeed, written in the supervision of the Holy Prophet but it was not compiled into

one collection at that time.The wisdom behind the fact that Qur‟an was completely written but

not compiled at one place during the life of the holy Prophet (pbuh) is explained by Al-Khattabi.

He said;

“The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) did not gather the Qur‟an in a mushaf because he had to

wait if there was some abrogation of some commands or recitation but when he died and

the revelation ceased (and thus abrogation as well); Allah, to fulfill his True Commitment

of preservation (of Qur‟an) for this Ummah, put this thought into the hearts of the

Righteous Caliphs. Then this great task was undertaken by Abu Bakr on the advice of

Umar.”Order and sequence of Qur‟an divinely inspired;It's a fact that Qur‟an was not

compiled by the Prophet in the chronological order of revelation.

Second of all,The order and sequence of the Qur‟an also, was Divinely inspired and was

instructed to the Prophet by Allah (swt) through archangel Jibraeel. Whenever a revelation was

conveyed to his companions, the Prophet would also mention in which surah (chapter) and after

which ayat (verse) this new revelation should fit. Every Ramadhaan all the portions of the

Qur‟an that had been revealed, including the order of the verses, were reviwe and reconfirmed by

the Prophet with archangel Jibraeel. During the last Ramadhaan, before the demise of the

Prophet, the Qur‟an was rechecked and reconfirmed twice.It is therefore clearly evident that the

Qur‟an was compiled and authenticated by the Prophet himself during his lifetime, both in the

written form as well as in the memory of several of his Companions.

Truly, there is not even an iota of truth in the loquacity of the missionaries about Qur'an

preservation and compilation during the lifetime of the Holy Prophet (pbuh).

In the fourth year of Hijrah,the event of Bi'ruMaune, number of martyred were

approximately seventy it was 4 months after the battle of Uhud. In Yamamah the

number of martyred whose were 'Kurra and Huffaz" above 450-500 by compared to

some scholars the number was over 700 on the Apostasy wars following the years

the demise of The Prophet.

Another important spot is the process of wahy was keep going during the Prophet's

lifetime till his demise. Some revealed of few sura or verse might be unknown for some.

According to HamidullahWhen the Prophet (pbuh) died 3000 people knew the Koran by

heart. There is no any single differences between the Quran which was written by Zayd B

and the Quran which was revealed to Prophet (pbuh).Because during that time,everyone

memorizes the Qur'an, as well as written it down on parhments or materials.Every day in

prayer and acts upon it the thing is what kind of things could be forgettable which reads

in daily and establishs 5 times.

But the most important discussion on the matter of compilation of the Quran is to refute all

claims of orientalists is to discuss on the issue of hadith compilation. Writing of Hadith was

probihibited by Prophet (pbuh) once..and this issue has been discussed by Orientalists as well.

“Al-Nawawistates in his commentary on Saheeh Muslim:


It was narrated from Abu Sa'eed al-Khudri that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and

blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Do not write anything from me; whoever has

written anything from me other than the Qur'aan, let him erase it and narrate from me,

for there is nothing wrong with that." (Narrated by Muslim) …

It is transmitted in some fames that during the time of the revelation of the Qur'an, when the Prophet

wanted all his companions in full concentrate on writing and memorizing the Qur'an, the Prophet (pbuh)

did not advised people-especially those who were instructed in writing of Divine Words to write

anything other than the Qur'an.That's the reason behind this prohibition. Prophet (pbuh) seems to have

discouraged it only because of the potential danger that such collection and recording required on

account of the recording and following transmission of the Qur'an.

Al-Qaadijustified that there were many controversyamong the Sahaabah and Taabi'een

concerning the writing down of knowledge. Many of them regarded this as being

makrooh, but most of them regarded it as permissible. Thisdispute is no longer an issue

because the permission was given at other times; or that the prohibition applied only to

writing down the things other than Qur'aan with the Qur'aanthat permission was given to

write them separately; of that the prohibition came first and the permission abrogated

that, when there was no longer any fear of confusion.

The verses of the Qur'an descended so harmonious little by little by coming down as much as

anyone can easily memorize. It made easier for the memory power of the believers to

memorize it verses by verse by heart.

 Do not write anything from me, and whoever has written something (he heard)

from me, he should erase it. Narrate to others (what you hear) from me; and

whoever deliberately attributes a lie to me, he should prepare his seat in the Fire."

[Sahih Muslim]

The phrase I underlined clarifies the reason for prohibition on writing hadîth was not on

account of negating its authority. The exact reason was that in the beginning of the

revelation of the Qur'ân, the companions were not accurately familiar with the Qur'ânic

style, nor was the Holy Qur'ân compiled in a seperate book form. In those days some

companions began to write the ahâdîth along with the Qur'ânic text although the

prohibition. Some important explanations of the Holy Qur'ân given by the Holy Prophet

(pbuh) were written by some of them mixed with the Qur'ânic verses without any

distinction between the two. there was thereby the fear that it would lead to confusion of

the Qur'ânic text with the ahâdîth.

During the last pilgrimage of Prophet (pbuh)at the sermon which He gathered Muslims,

and said :I left behind two things if you hold fast to it you will never fall into error-

a plain indication, the Book of Allah (SWT) and the Sunnah of His Prophets.”

According to MuhaddithunsIt definitely reveals that the revelation was available as a

Kitab, Book, (Writing) before the demise of the Prophet (pbuh),otherwise He would

reffered to it other terms. To sum up took care of the actual arrangement of the revelation

when it was written down.

There is a more clear evidence all what I proclaimed above is that :

(We have, without doubt, sent down the Reminder [i.e., the Quran]; and We will

assuredly guard it [from corruption].) (Al-Hijr 15:9)

References :


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