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A Research Paper Presented to

Mr. Rio S. Aburido
Humanities, Social Sciences, and Communications Department
FEU Institute of Technology

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

Introduction to Research
Term 2, 2019-2020

James Michiko B. Tiongson
March 2020

In partial fulfillment of the requirement for Introduction to Research, this Paper title


CUSTOMERS” which has been prepared and submitted by MR. JAMES MICHIKO B.

TIONGSON is hereby recommended for acceptance.

__________________ Prof. RIO S. ABURIDO

Date Adviser

Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Introduction to Research.

__________________ Prof. SHANE T. VERDE

Date Asst. Director, HSC Department

__________________ Prof. MA. RUTH S. QUE

Date Academic Director, HSC Department

It is with the most heartfelt gratitude and deepest appreciation that this researcher wishes

to express to the following:

Our heavenly father who always answers the researcher’s prayers especially for the

strength and boundless knowledge he has given him to finish this project:

His adviser, Professor Rio S. Aburido the researcher will forever be grateful for all his

intellectual advice, patience, guidance, understanding and kindness.


In this research paper, Effects of Subliminal Messages in Print Advertisements to

Customers, trying to search out an answer on how effective subliminal messages are in print
advertising. The goal of this research is to answer the question if subliminal messages can
influence the customers decision in selecting a brand or making a purchase based on hidden
messages. Furthermore, looking at the positive or negative effect of print advertising and
subliminal messaging are investigated. Subliminal stimuli seem to possess great potential for this
matter, since there's much similarity between the factors that make subliminal stimuli
effective and therefore general market environment Concluding, factors influencing the
effectiveness of both domains are being linked to search out whether and to what extend
subliminal advertising will be implemented to influence the effectiveness of print
advertisements. because of the talents of marketers to focus on their ads more accurate,
subliminal stimuli will be considered as a valuable marketing tool. the benefits for print
advertisement applications using subliminal stimuli to the message’s complexity but within
the other two factors influencing subliminal effectiveness: familiarity and goal relevance.

Content Page

Approval Sheet i

Acknowledgment ii

Abstract iii

Chapter I: Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study 1

1.2 Statement of the Problem 6

1.3 Theoretical Framework 6

1.4 Significance of the Study 6

1.5 Scope and Limitation 7

1.6 Definition of Terms 7

Chapter II: Materials and Methods

2.1 Research Method 8

2.2 Data Analysis 8

2.3 Participants of the Study 8

Chapter III: Results 9

Chapter IV: Discussion

4.1 Findings and Conclusion 16

4.2 Recommendations 19

References 20

Appendices 22


Advertising is a technique including paying for space to advance an item, organization, or

cause. The genuine constrained time messages are called notification, or ads for short. The goal

of elevating is to contact individuals well on the way to be eager to pay for an association's items

or organizations and entice them to buy. And, Subliminal messaging can be characterized as a

thought or message that is intended to be imperceptible to the conscious mind and go into a more

profound level or intuitive psyche. Numerous subliminal messages are pictures that are

transmitted quickly and, in this way, not be seen deliberately, yet still, discover their way into the

subconscious mind. These messages can be imparted through notices on boards, in magazines,

and even the papers. Subliminal messages everywhere regardless of whether they are difficult to


The introduction of subliminal advertising as we most likely know dates to (1957), when

a financial researcher named James Vicary, installed the words "Eat Popcorn" and "Drink Coca-

Cola" into a movie. The words appeared for a solitary edge, apparently long enough for the

intuitive to get, yet nonsensically short for the watcher to think about it.

The researcher picked this topic since it is extremely pervasive in the present society. We

are constantly bombarded with advertisements wherever we go. We can see these promotions

when we drive not far off, going to the mall, reading magazines, and read the paper. The

researcher feels that a considerable lot of these subliminal messages on promotions work for a lot

of organizations. We can perceive how subliminal messages have gotten significantly more

powerful by utilizing colors, images, and even various shapes. Numerous individuals will pick a

brand dependent on their logo.

The researcher feels that a portion of these messages are unethical. One case of this is an

advertisement for an alcoholic beverage, "Nakatikim kana ba ng kinse anyos" the researcher sees

this as an unethical advertisement using subliminal messaging in a way that was playing with the

idea that people would know the taste of a well-aged alcohol beverage and yet the ad itself shows

a sexy model in a bikini and the drink in her hand could be barely seen. By examining subliminal

messages in advertisements, we can turn out to be progressively mindful of the promotions and

settle on better choices as customers.

Almost every company selling a good or service uses some form of advertising. Advertising

is "impersonal, one-way mass communication about a product or organization that is paid for by

a marketer" (Lamb, Hair, McDaniel, 2000). Organizations promote to educate purchasers about

the organizations' items or administrations and convince shoppers to buy the organizations'

items. There is a wide range of media structures organizations use to communicate as the need

should arise to the shoppers. More conventional techniques for promoting incorporate billboards

ads, paper and magazine advertisements, direct mailings, and announcements. In any case,

advertisers are finding better approaches to communicate as the need should arise. They are

presently utilizing electronic means, for example, the web, PC modems, and fax machines. A

large portion of these techniques are utilized so an enormous objective market can be come to at

once. The reason for promoting is to convince, remind, and make individuals mindful of the

items and administrations organizations can offer.

One extremely disputable subject inside promoting is subliminal publicizing. There are

numerous examinations about the subject of subliminal messages and their effects (Trappey,

1996). This kind of publicizing utilizes subliminal stimuli, messages introduced so quickly or

softly or hidden by different messages that one doesn't know about "seeing" or "hearing" them
(Hawkins, Best, Coney, 1995). At the point when advertisers put subliminal messages in

publicizing, they make subliminal advertising. Along these lines, includes the utilization of

words, pictures, and shapes that are deliberately embedded into promoting materials with the

goal that the watchers of the material see the symbolism at an intuitive level, instead of at a

cognizant level (Rogers and Seiler, 1994).

Pratkanis and Greenwald (1988), distinguished four distinct sorts of subliminal boosts that an

advertiser could utilize. They are subthreshold, conceal, unattended, and figurately changed

boosts. Subthreshold upgrades are introduced at energy levels too weak to be identified by the

crowd. A model could be a calm voice rehashing words on a tape that was playing music or

glimmering words onto a screen so rapidly that the crowd doesn't know about them. Covered

improvements are hidden from the crowd by the introduction of some other superseding

improvements. This happens when a message is promptly followed by a brilliant blaze of light or

noisy clamor. Unattended boosts are exhibited so that the inserted figure is probably not going to

be recognized from its unlikely setting. An example would be blending an image in ice blocks,

clouds or mists. figural changed boosts are words or pictures obscured or mutilated to the point

that they are unrecognizable. This sort of message happens when directions are recorded in

reverse or embedded into mainstream music. Strangely, in the fourth classification as in the

primary, the boost stays unidentifiable in any event, when central consideration is coordinated

toward it.

As referenced before, subliminal advertising is a questionable subject. Truth be told, 75-80%

of the US population accepts that promoting offices and the organizations they speak to

intentionally utilize subliminal publicizing (Rogers and Seiler, 1994). One of the questions many

individuals inquire as to whether subliminal promoting is moral. There are numerous

assessments regarding this matter, yet one basic and vital inquiry is, "Does subliminal

publicizing even work?" If the subliminal insert in a promotion doesn't have any impact on the

shopper, conversations about the morals of subliminal advertisements become for the most part


A study by Iftekhar, Ayub, Razzaq and Aslam (2013), contemplates the impacts of

subliminal utilization of messages on buying market. The papers express that since the customer

is uninformed and naive, the advertisers take advantage in their fixation to help their deals and

benefits. While their interest in income and brand loyalty expands each day, customers are

obviously obscure about the mystery incorporation of subliminal notes in the brands they nearly

purchase day by day. Without any doubt, brands are presently anxiously expecting to have total

impact on the purchasing conduct and examples of their objective market, through subliminal

control that is named as the preeminent method for purchaser misuse (Iftekhar et al., 2013).

There was a time when promoters were allowed for changing feelings and sentiments

through a method of promotion. Now they also trigger and control conduct and feelings through

messages that can straightforwardly impact the subliminal mind (Rahman, 2013). Different

investigations and papers have broken down the truth of mind control done by means of

subliminal ads. The underlying investigations were led to guarantee whether traces of such

shrouded messages could really be seen by the subconscious mind. Today, the analyst intends to

discover what impacts of such messages on human personality and purchaser conduct. This idea

went under conversation for the absolute first time when an American advertising official James

Vicary in 1957 uncovered the utilization of subliminal control on the purchaser mind. Broad

investigation and research led by Vicary uncovered that shrouded messages like "Eat Popcorn"

and "Drink Coke".

Advertising of various types is one of the principal exercises performed by all organizations.

Be that as it may, one can't disregard the way that the impacts of various kinds of advertisements

on enormous degree from each other. With regards to subliminal advertising it had consistently

been conflicting and there is no reasonable proof to clarify or foresee as how this idea really

functions and to what degree people are influenced (Hussin et al., 2013).

Tunali (2013), uncovered in study that publicists are abusing the information gained from the

persuasive examination about the hidden wants of the human personality and relaying behavior

to move the client into purchasing an item. The researcher’s opinion is that utilization of

subliminal ads is deceptive and misleading. Since the one seeing such advertisements doesn't

recognize the messages at a customary awareness level, the right to settle on a decision of

acknowledgment or expulsion of the message naturally taken from the buyer. It is just

information on such ads that can protect the customers from sinking in the pools of such helpless

deception. Customers must question themselves on why they are purchasing a specific item and

not fall prey to its appealing packaging or interesting brand name. It is the value, taste or nature

of the item that should be the elements of a buy choice (Tunali, 2013).

Sexual content in advertising can shift which includes a boost embedded inside the

advertisement which customers interpret as sexual. Men and Women respond in a totally unique

way relying upon the level of how they understand and perceive the ads. The thought of

incorporating sexual content is the most widely recognized and famous utilized weapon in ads.

In any case, advertisers are continually searching for subliminal styles to be embed in their ads

and to advance their items in promotion promote the message in a buyer mind effectively

without the shopper realizing it. The point to think about is that advertisers must think about the

measure and force of all minor and significant impacts commercial causes to the human
personality. Ads are simply not only essential to sponsors but rather to the customers too in this

way certain viewpoints like the degree of erotic entertainment, sexual moves ought to be made in

to thought Accordingly, this central point can't be disregard in any type of promotion. (Sofi and

Nika, 2013).

“Over the years there have been literally hundreds of studies"..."these studies show that

considerable information capable of informing decisions and guiding actions is perceived even

when observers do not experience any awareness of perceiving". (Philip Merikle, 2015).


The main purpose of the study was to determine if subliminal messages in print

advertisements affect decisions in picking a brand or buying a product. Specifically, this study

aimed to enlighten the readers on how subliminal messages in advertisements work. And to

identify and better understand how subliminal messages affect our decisions.


This research was anchored on the study of Sofi and Nika (2013) where they stated that

men and women respond differently relying only on how we see and understand the ads and the

thought of incorporating sexual content is now widely used as a weapon in advertisements.


The researcher hoped that results of this study would help the following:

 Companies, to better understand and utilize subliminal messages.

 Customers, in making decisions based on the quality and value and not by appeal.

 Consumers, to be more careful and aware of deceiving ads.

 Future researchers, to advance sales in utilizing better made ads via subliminal.



In this study, the researcher focused on print advertisements that can be seen in

billboards, magazines, and brand logos by the students of Far Eastern University Manila. And

data gathered with use of a survey that will include an ad that utilized some aspects of subliminal

messaging. With the given time frame of 1 week and locale of Far Eastern University Manila.


To help the reader a good grasp of this study, the following terms are defined:

 Ad’s refer to an advertisement

 Brands are types of products manufactured by a company under particular name

 Stimuli something that arouses activity or energy in someone

 Subliminal Messages are messages passed below its normal limits of perception

that are no perceived by the conscious mind. Philipe Merikle (2015)

 Product is an article or substance that is manufactured or refined for sale



The researcher used quantitative method by conducting a survey questionnaire to see how

the participants will react to the advertisements with subliminal messages within the survey

questionnaire and determine if those subliminal messages affect their decisions and choices for

their answers. And a quantitative method through an interview of an expert is also employed.


A survey will be conducted using qualitative method where the questionnaire will be

asking to rate their behavior and decisions based on the ad that will be provided to see how the

participants will fair and make their decisions in choosing and to determine if it will be affected

by the stimuli of subliminal messaging that they will see with the provided ad in the survey. The

goals and techniques associated with the method samples. We'll explore those interesting

objectives and strategies later.


The participants of the study will be 30 college students from Far Eastern University

Manila and Far Eastern University Institute of Technology Manila. The survey will not be

limited to a certain age, gender or year level in order for the researcher to mimic the real life

scenario of advertising where in customers of brands and companies include everyone who has
the capability to make a reasonable decision in choosing or purchasing a product. In addition,

there will also be a professional that will be interviewed to see his views and opinions about

subliminal messaging.



How often do you pick a brand based on its logo

Most of the Time



Figure 1
As can be seen from (figure 1), 27% of the respondents does not pick a brand based on its

logo, 36% sometimes does, 20% average, and only 17% for most of the time and 0% for Always.
How often do you pick a brand based on its advertisement

Most of the time


Figure 2

As can be seen in (figure 2), 6% of the respondents never pick a brand based on its

advertisement, 50% of them sometimes, 27% average and 17% most of the time while 0% for

Indicate on a scale of 1-5 the extent of which you experienced
the feelings below
Neutral 13
Moved 10
Sentimental 6
Satisfied 16

Sad 3
Interested 10
Bored 4
Happy 8
Aroused 8
Amused 12
0 5 10 15 20 25 30

No Feeling Slight Feeling Average Strong Very Strong

Figure 3

Referring to (figure 3), we can see the feelings that were experienced by the respondents

when they were shown the ad that was included in the survey that was provided by the

researcher. Half of the respondents selected a slight feeling to average on all the options.
How well does each item describe the add

Plain 11
Unique 7
Ridiculous 6
Phony 8
Informative 13
Imaginative 12
Humorous 12
Gentle 4
Believable 6
Bad 5
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

Does not describe Slightly describes Average Describes it well Describes it very well

Figure 4

Referring to (figure 4), we can see how the respondents described the ad that was

included in the survey that was provided by the researcher. Majority of the respondents selected

slightly describes and does not describe out of the 10 options.

Indicate your attitude towards the add

Good 10

Favorable 7

Likable 7

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Figure 5

As seen in (figure 5), we can see how the respondent’s attitude towards the ad was during

the time of the survey. We can see that out of the 30 respondents 2 rated a 6, 6 rated 5, 10 for 4.

For favorable its 3 for 6, 8 for 5, and 7 for 4. And last was Likable scored 2 for 7, 4 for 6, 7 for 5

and 7 for 4.

Likely 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Unlikely 2 3 Average 5 6 Likely

Figure 7

Referring to (figure 6), here we can see how likely the respondents are going to purchase

the product based on the ad. Out of the 30 respondents, 6 were likely to buy, 6 were also close to

likely buying and 8 are above average in the likelihood of buying.

Figure 7


These findings in (figure 1) can be considered normal since the customers in general does

not really pick a brand because of its logo. It would be more on the quality of the product or the

current trend in fashion that might influence the customers in selecting what brand would be the

best fit for their personal choice.

These findings in (figure 2) are interesting because as you can see from the figure above

majority of the respondents are more likely to choose a brand because of its advertisement where

in if you look at (figure 1) 27% of the respondents stated that they never pick a brand based on

the logo. With these results we can see that subliminal messages might have an impact in the

advertisements and might be a factor when customers decide when selecting a brand or a


From the survey (figure 3), it was found that the most notable feelings that the

respondents felt were interested, happy, amused, satisfied and aroused. These finding would be

in line with the study of (Sofi and Nika, 2013), wherein they stated that advertisements that

incorporate sexual content affect the way customers perceive and understand the true nature of

the advertisement and using the stimuli boosts embedded inside the ad to persuade customers in

buying based on the ad rather than the value of the product. As can be seen in (figure 3) the

notable feelings that were felt of the respondents were more about the ad rather than the product

itself which is “Century Tuna”. Now you would wonder why they would feel that way about

canned tuna when the advertisement only shows a model posing with the product and not giving
us much information about the product. Sofi and Nika’s (2013), paper included that the thought

of incorporating sexual content is the most widely recognized and famous utilized weapon in

ads. In any case, advertisers are continually searching for subliminal styles to be embed in their

ads and to advance their items in promotion and promote the message in the buyers mind

effectively without the shopper realizing it.

From the survey (figure 4), it was found that the most notable description that the

respondents selected were gentle, imaginative and unique. These results agree with the study of

Pratkanis and Greenwald (1988), where in the advertisement utilized 2 aspects of the 4 stimuli

boosts for enhancing subliminal messaging which are subthreshold stimuli and concealed

stimuli. Subthreshold stimuli are introduced which are unnoticeable or too weak to be identified

by the customers, referring to the ad in (figure 7) the readers will see that the highlight of the

advertisement is not the product but the model that is endorsing the brand. It gives little to no

connection to the product without knowing the content of the advertisement and yet marketers

use these techniques to gain the customers interest without them really paying attention. The

concealed stimuli are improvements which is hidden from the crowd by the introduction of some

other entity within the advertisement. When you linger in looking at the advertisement you will

get an idea of what the true message of the ad might be, as shown in (figure 7), investigating

more on the ad will allow you to perceive what it might be trying to say in this case the ad will

give you the idea where in if you eat “century tuna” you can get the same physic as the models

who are endorsing the ad if you include the product in you meal diet. We all know that for us to

achieve such feats it will not just be by eating “century tuna”, a well-disciplined work regiment

and food diet is also needed accompanied by a lot of hard work. In this manner the marketers
used those stimuli to persuade customers that if you buy and eat their product there will be a

chance that you could get in the same state as the one’s endorsing the products.

Interestingly given the data that was gathered prior to (figure 5) it shows a positive

feedback from the respondents, 20 of the 30 respondents Liked the advertisement, 18 were in

favor of how the ad was presented and 19 thought that the ad was good. Regardless of what

brand or company who did the advertisement if more that 50% of the respondents show positive

results that would mean its more likely to get a sale from the respondents rather than them not

buying. And this would mean the ad was successful in pre-selling the product although this does

not guarantee a sale. But still positive results are always welcome.

Here we can see that 15 out of the 30 respondents are likely to purchase the product

because of the advertisement unlike the one in (figure 5), where in the respondents only

expressed how they feel towards the add without any acknowledgment if they are going to make

the purchase. A study by Iftekhar, Ayub, Razzaq and Aslam (2013), contemplates the effects of

subliminal stimulus on the customers. The papers express that since the customer is clueless and

unaware, the advertisers take advantage in their fixation to help them close the sale. While the

number of consumers increase continuously, customers are in the dark about the mystery of

incorporation of subliminal notes in the brands they nearly purchase day by day. Without any

doubt, brands are presently anxiously expecting to have total impact on the purchasing conduct

and examples of their objective market, through subliminal control that is named as the

preeminent method for purchaser misuse.


With all the gathered data in addition to the experts opinion the researcher would have

gained enough evidence to support that subliminal messages in print advertising does affect its

customers, in such a way that it makes them feel more interested in the brand or product with the

use of subliminal stimuli, Pratkanis and Greenwald (1988), it has then evolved into a more

conventional way for advertisers to make their product to be more appealing to the consumer

market by incorporating certain aspects of a ones personality and on how they perceive and

understand the hidden messages, although the scope and limitation of this research were limited

to college students in Far Eastern University of Manila and Far Eastern University of Manila

Institute of Technology, it does not mean that it is unreliable due to the limit of respondent. Since

the consumer market composes of all the people within a specific area. Basing it on the facts

gathered the researcher can safely assume that it was a success on trying to prove if there were

any effects at all which is getting the customers to get hooked in a product by using subliminal

messages in print advertisements. In future researches making the scope much larger and trying

it with more respondents, also not limited to college students would make the statement more

accurate and believable. Also, researchers can try to make the scale larger and not limit to print

advertisements since we are now going into a digital age and mas multimedia ads are now


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James: Are you aware of what subliminal messages in advertising is?

Euven: These are discreet notes or information that are included in the ad but are rarely noticed.

You would most likely spend a lot of time looking at the advert, before you find and or

understand what the true meaning of the ad is. But of course, that won’t always be the case, since

the people who make the ad do their best to keep those details well-hidden and unnoticed to gain

the interest of viewers and customers.

 Subliminal messaging in advertising utilize messages that are introduced so fast, soft,

or hidden that they are barely noticed (Trappey, 1996).

James: How do you think subliminal messages in advertisements affect customers?

Euven: This is one way for us in the industry try to make a connection to the customers, since

our main goal is for the product to get accepted by the public and once we have their interest we

use those hidden keys and notes to make sure that they keep wanting more. Advertisements make

or break a product, so they say. The success of the product depends on how it has been presented

to the market.
 “Advertising is an impersonal, one-way mass communication about the product of

organization that is paid by the marketer.” (Lamb, Hair, McDaniel, 2000). One use of

advertisements to promote products and services where marketers always try to

improve strategies to ensure that they are able to answer the demand and compete

with other brands. Rahman’s (2013), studies and investigation stated that traces

subliminal messages could be seen in the subconscious and this helped customers get

attached to the brand.

James: What are the known positive effects of subliminal messages in advertisements?

Euven: There are a lot of positive effects of subliminal messages in advertisements. One is that

your product will have more impact to your consumers if your subliminal message is made

controversial. Meaning, you will have more curious customers compared with the one not having

no subliminal message. Translating this form, a business sense. Your sales will increase. A very

good example of this is Popcorn. Why is it that Popcorn are very expensive in cinemas? I guess

in doing your research you came across on how subliminal messages in advertisements started.

 Tunali (2013), uncovered that over the course of time companies and organizations

utilize subliminal messages in advertisement to their advantage, so much that some

say they are abusing the positive effects and must have a higher standard for the

utilization of subliminal messages.

James: How does subliminal messages help marketers in the industry?

Euven: Like I mentioned in your previous question they help the marketers gain more customers

and in return get more revenue. Well honestly speaking we can’t say that incorporating

subliminal messages is a 100% sure way for marketers to increase their sales. There are also
times that ads that have subliminal messages does not make any impact on the sales of the

product but based from my experience in the industry it often helps.

 As stated from the previous lines and the answer provided by our expert subliminal

messages help marketers to gain the customers interest in order to help them in

choosing to be a part of a brand or company

James: Do you think there are negative effects coming from subliminal messages?

Euven: It depends on the perspective, like they say there are always 2 sides to a story. From a

marketer’s point of view, we can say that the negative effects coming from subliminal messages

would be dependent on how the customers see and understand the ad. If the public sees it as a

good and positive ad, then it would have been a success for us. But whenever people get the

wrong idea, or the hidden message of the ad gets misinterpreted this will have a big impact on

the product. let’s just say that there have been instances were a product got discontinued,

companies fined all because of a misunderstood advertisement. (for client privacy reasons we

cannot disclose the names and nature of the products)

Euven: Now from a customer’s point of view, one thing I could probably say on the negative

side of subliminal messages to customers is sometimes we try to make sense of something even

if there is nothing. This is when people overthink and give false ideas about the add that are not

meant by the advertisers. we can’t really say that subliminal messages have a negative effect on

us since at the end of the day we are still the one who is in control of our decisions and these ads

just gives us an exaggerated idea of what we like in the product.

 Tunali (2013), stated that there are instances were in the utilization of subliminal

messages in advertisements are deceptive and misleading. Pointing out that we are

being robbed of making a choice because marketers are using techniques that play

with our personality and behavior unconsciously leading us to their side.

Euven Raymund Balcueva

Sales Head Integrates Sales


53 Greenland, Greenview Executive Village, West Fairview
Quezon City, Philippines
Mobile Phone: 0997- 602-1408

To work in a stimulating environment where I can apply & enhance my knowledge, skill to serve
the company to the best of my efforts.

October’17 – Present Far Eastern University Institute of Technology Manila
June’11 – March ’12 Certificate in Hotel and Restaurant Operations with Professional Cooking
Asian School of Hospitality Arts (ASHA)
Kamias Campus
June’07 – March’10 University of Santo Tomas
BS Fine Arts Major in Advertising
June’96 – March’07 Claret School of Quezon City
Elementary Education – High School Education
Quezon City

May’05 – June’07 Assistant Manager, Cyber loaf Internet Cafe
Nov’10 – May’11 Gym and Spa Receptionist, Famas Gym and Spa Fairview
Oct’11 – Oct’12 Customer Service Sales/Account Consultant (AFNI Philippines)
Feb’13 – Feb’14 Customer Service Support (TeleTech Techno Hub)
May’14 – Present Engineering Aide / Timekeeper (FNR Constructions)

Registered Safety Officer (SO1), Registered Autodesk Operator (AUTOCAD), Computer literate (MS Office

Date of Birth: September 1, 1989
Age: 30

Provided upon request

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