Murali Mankhala Lesson Plan

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Name of the Teacher Date Level of the class Length of lesson

Mr. Murali Mankhala Jan 2nd 2020 Upper Intermediate level (B2): A 60 minutes
class of 12 students. The
students are aged between 11
and 12 from countries including
Russia, France and Italy
Lesson Type: Grammar: Teach Future Perfect Tense

Lesson Topic: Future Perfect Tense

Lesson Aims: Lesson Outcomes:

- By the end of the lesson, students will be better able to By the end of the lesson, students will have had a good
learn the future perfect tense and some of the related conversation about what they learnt and speak using the new
Tenses. Use the correct form and pronunciation and be able tense.
to understand further contexts of this tense and use it
appropriately. Learners will Read a text, Form sentences
using the future perfect and Describe their future plan

Secondary Aim: The Ss will develop their ability to identify the

different kind of sentences when they use it in daily routine, to be
able to understand and be able to answer the questions related to
Future perfect tense. Ex : “By 10PM tonight , I will have finished
this report”
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Anticipated difficulties: Suggested solutions:
1. T to make sure that the students clearly understand the
1. The Ss might speak different tenses at the stage of purpose of the activity and how it helps for them
speaking. 2. T to make sure that the Ss will actively participate and
2. The Ss might not understand teacher’s instruction. engaged,
3. The Ss might not understand each other 3. T will call the students name randomly during the
4. The Ss might be noisy during speaking time. video/activity time, making every Ss to be quiet and for
5. The Ss might be copying each other’s answer during the them to listen to Video
written activity because of language barrier 4. T will call each student and ask them to repeat the
6. The Ss might lose interest as they are from different cultures sentences with T and show them the details with timelines
and examples
5. T will allocate some time for the Ss to prepare their
speaking task, in cases, that the Ss cannot speak, the T can
lead him by giving questions allowing the Ss to be able to
say something.
To avoid Ss copying each other during written activity, the T will
give different worksheet to each student sitting beside each other.
T must maintain eye contacts to students.
Target language analysis:

1. What is the use or function of this Most of the complex tenses, are best understood when we place events within a timeline.
language? (include a timeline if And this is precisely the case with the future perfect. We use this tense to say an action will
be finished at a certain time in the future.
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Mark these events in your timeline in the right order. Say, “By the end of this year,
John will have finished  his project. He will have taken some exams. He will have
planned a ski trip to Aspen.”

Make sure students understand these actions will be finished by a specific time (the end of
the year). Illustrate how the future perfect tense is formed: will + have + past
participle (for all persons)
2. In which context are you introducing In order to make sure students understand these actions will be finished by a specific time,
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the language? Discussions will be around what they will do and how Illustrate how the future perfect
tense is formed: will + have + past participle (for all persons)
3. Which concept checking questions will In order to make sure students understand these actions I will be performing some concept
you ask to ensure students understand checking questions
the meaning?
1. By 10 PM tonight, I will have finished this report
2. I am sorry, by next week, I won’t have finished this report
3. When will you have finished?
4. Will you have finished the report by the deadline?
4. What is the form of the target In order to make sure students understand the form of the target with multiple situations
language? (include positive, negative like positive negative and question forms , I will be describing the below with some
and question forms if appropriate)
examples and also some exercises for the students and also will have discussion

First :

Form: Will + have + past participle  or Going to + have + past participle

Usage: To say an action will be completed before a given future time

Example :

1. By this time next year, I will have done my SAT test.

2. We will have finished the work by 10pm.

3. They are going to have built the new road before the winter.

4 i-to-i LOVE TEFL Lesson Plan

4. They are going to have completed the program two weeks before the deadline.

Second :
Form: Will + have + past participle  or Going to + have + past participle

Usage: Duration before a future time with non-continuous verbs

Example :

1. I will have been in Portugal for two years by 2013

2. They will have known each other for exactly five years before they get engaged
next week.

Third :
Form: Will + not + have + past participle   or Not + going to + have + past participle

Usage: To say an action will not be completed before a given future time

Example :

1. They will not have been asleep for long enough to stop feeling tired.

2. They are not going to have completed the program in time.

3. By this time next year, I will not have done my SAT test.

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4. We will not have finished the work by 10pm

5. How will your students work out the In order to make sure students understand these actions I will be doing a dialog or a
rules for the structure? conversation and then provide a worksheet to solve so that they will understand better.

We form the Future Perfect using “will have” + a past participle.

To form negative sentences, we use “will not have” (or “won’t have”) + a past participle.

Look at the following dialogue between Christine (C) and James (J) to see how it’s used:

C: I can’t believe that by May this year we will have been to thirty different countries.
J: I know. It’s crazy! We will have done so many different things and I’m sure we will have
met loads of new people too.
C: Will we have learnt any new languages by then?
J: No, I don’t think we will have learnt any new languages; we’re too lazy!
C: Speak for yourself!

Work sheet

Cathy Do you think you'll still be ……………. here ten years from now?
Bob I hope not! I don't think I'll be able to stand it here for that long! I think I'll have quit by
then. I hope I'll be ……………. my own company by then. How about you?
Cathy Well, in ten years, I'll have ……………. my student loans. I think I'll still be here, but
with any luck, I'll have transferred to the European office.
6 i-to-i LOVE TEFL Lesson Plan
Bob It's scary to think of the future, isn't it? Who knows – we could both be…………….. with
lots of kids by then!
Cathy Ha!

Missing Words

paid off
6. What will you teach about the In order to make sure students understand these actions I will be doing multiple things ,
pronunciation of the structure? one give an example as below how to pronounce when it comes to Future perfect and also
will show them a video to make sure they understand the pronunciation and will ask the
class to repeat .

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1. – Future Perfect Examples
2. – Future Perfect Pronunciation

Stage Name Stage Aim Time Interaction Teacher’s procedure Students will…
Greetings and To establish a positive climate in 5 T-S Good morning, how are you today? Students will switch into English
the classroom and to make Minute T asks the date and write it on the Start thinking about the topic of
warmer connections to Ss. s board. the lesson and start getting into
the subject and will interact each
Giving them simple questions T asks few questions what they will do other
related to the topic will help Ss to this weekend
be motivated in class. Use their responses to determine their
ability to describe how they planned
the activities this weekend and how
they use.

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T stick the Timeline on the board
showing Tense he is going to teach

Introduction Set the students to see the target 5 T-S T will stick the timeline poster on the Repetition is for the learners to
language Context and read Minute board and check some concept be responsive and to give them
to Language s questions fun learning.
T and Ss drill pronunciation correcting To develop fluency in each
mistakes as necessary. student.
Spell the sentences out loud by group
and individually.
Show a video on Timeline
Presentation Present the meaning of the 10 T-S T will Describe and show the meaning Students will understand the
Grammar minute of the sentences and concept Meaning of the Sentence and
Meaning s checking questions with posters and how to form the sentence for
videos and gestures future perfect
Presentation Give the Written form of the 5 T-S T will hand over the Document of Students will understand the
sentences in a Handout Minute sentences in Positive, Negative and meaning and start reading the
form s Mixed questions and ask Ss to Read sentences and try to match to
for 5 Minutes their regular daily activity
Presentation Ability to pronounce the sentences 10 S-S As a review and practice of Students should be able to
exactly and learn Minute pronunciation and spelling, the T hand pronounce the target language
Pronunciatio s T-S
out the Poster of pronunciation to effectively
each Ss to look at the word and ask
them to close their eyes while they
pronounce and spell the sentence and
words properly. Teacher will also
show the video for the Pronunciation

After it, the teacher will ask to split

them into pairs and ask one S to ask
another S and T will monitor
9 i-to-i LOVE TEFL Lesson Plan
Controlled Ability to make the Students do the 10 S-S T will make 2 Tasks. Students will enjoy the activity
practice the Sentences and Minute as a ice breaker and also will be
Practice understand effectively s 1. Separate teams into two teams able to break the language
and arrange a Looking into the barriers as the pains are from
Future activity with 2 people different countries and will be
doing the conversation and
also do the exercises
able to think
individually and discuss in
team .
2. Team will be made into pair of
2 each and have to solve the
Future Perfect Questions fill in
the blanks
Production Ability to use the future perfect 10 S-S T will Create two tasks. Students will think, talk and
words and sentences and meaning Minute 1. Separate into two teams and understand the meaning of the
effectively s conduct quiz to make them feel sentences and apply effectively
the meaning of sentences for at right places
future perfect. T will monitor
Students and provide the
Feedback later
2. Worksheets to fill in the Blanks
for Positive and Negative
Cooler To Recap what we have learnt and 5 T-S T will ask Students to shout the End the lesson with positive note
check if students were able to get Minute sentences for each positive, Negative,
the knowledge out of the class s mixed and question form 3 times and
end the class by giving Homework

Lesson Rationale (700-1000 words):

10 i-to-i LOVE TEFL Lesson Plan

This Lesson is about learning the grammar with tenses especially the Future perfect tense. I have structured this lesson into PPP
structure and have created enough activities for the Students to make sure that understand practice, pronounce and write. The
activities involved are starting with the Posters which will be pasted to the board and will have the timeline examples to describe and
have some concept questions for checking the students. This way students can corelate the pictures with their daily activity routines
and try to understand. There are videos to explain the Tense and how the sentence need to be formed and with the real-life
examples which makes students to understand the meaning and structure of the sentence. I have also created a handout of the
future perfect which includes the Positive, Negative, Question and Mixed with grammar, Pronunciation and meaning for the students
to go though and read. There is a group Pronunciation session which will make students to practice the pronunciation. I also have a
Video which will teach the Students how to pronounce. There is a quiz activity in which we form 2 teams and will ask questions and
the teams need to answer the right future perfect grammar. There is a Looking into the Future activity where I give one worksheet to
each student. Students should ask the opening question to their partner. Elicit a couple of answers from the group. This should be
brief: the main speaking activities are at the end. Set the scene for the conversation. Tell the students that two co-workers are talking
about the future. Students should read the conversation silently and fill in the spaces with the words in the box on the left. Go
through the answers, and let the students practice the conversation twice, changing roles. This exercise checks students'
understanding of the future perfect simple. Students can discuss this in pairs. Depending on your students' understanding, you may
need to do a brief presentation on the use of the two tenses. Exercises four to six provide controlled practice of the future perfect
simple and the future continuous. Students can work on these exercises alone, and check in pairs. If you have smaller groups or just
one or two students, you can finish this worksheet with discussion. Give the students time to read the statements, and circle true or
false. Students can then form questions for these statements, and ask each other, using follow-up questions, where appropriate.
Monitor, and make notes on relevant errors. These errors can be corrected when the discussion ends. Students should try to talk to
as many people as possible in this exercise. This exercise can make students think and answer the questions. If this does not work
out, I can make them to have as pairs and answer them so that at least they can discuss and come up with the answer.

There is a Worksheet for Future Perfect Questions activity where students should make the Future perfect statement and make that
as a Question statement which will make them to understand how they can convert a sentence into a Question sentences. This
11 i-to-i LOVE TEFL Lesson Plan
makes them to learn how to convert the sentence of Future perfect into a question .If they are not able to solve this independently
again, I will be able to make them do this in pairs so that they can talk because the students are for different languages and cultures.

There is a quiz game in which I will make the class into two teams and build the competition between the teams and they can learn
the sentences, meaning, pronounce in this and this creates the Team environment and quick learning. If this is not going to work then
I will Divide the teams in to multiple smaller teams and give this as exercise and ask them to write and explain to teacher in groups
and Teacher can ask questions to re verify if they have learnt the words or not. This quiz can give them multiple things Especially they
will be able to talk to each other and can pronounce the sentences and words well.

There is a Worksheet for Future Perfect Positive , Negative activity where students should make the Future perfect statement and
make that as a Positive and Negative Future perfect sentences and fill in the blanks with appropriate words which will form the right
positive and negative statement which will make them to understand how they can identify the positive and negative sentences for
Future perfect tense. If they are not able to solve this independently again, I will be able to make them do this in pairs so that they
can talk because the students are for different languages and cultures.

I have considered to play a small activity planned for class as they are 12 years age. However, I have thought that the time may not
be enough for this to explain. I have also thought to show the lesson in you-tube and explain them. Later I did not find that necessary.

In the class we have multiple lingual people and I have considered other options to make them as teams of different regions then
they might talk in their own language. I have created another activity where we can divide the team into two teams where they can
make sure they understand and learn the Sentences for Future Perfect. This I found is most effective way to conduct the session.

I have also thought, if we do not have time to do all exercises, I will give some of the tasks as homework and ask them to do it so that
I can effectively manage the timing of the class .
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If we observe the way I have structure the class, it is in this order which gives them a warmer to kick start and then slowly ask them
to understand the grammar and then forming the sentences, pronounce and practice . Then they will fall into PPP (Presentation
which includes (Presenting Meaning, Presenting Form, Presenting Pronouncement) , Controlled Practice and Production )

Over all by the end of the class , all the students will have an ability to understand Grammar , speak, form sentences , pronounce,
Write and identify the differences in the Tenses and especially the Future Perfect is been taught in the class and in the next class this
would be a warm up session .

Bibliography (if needed):

1. Images were taken from google

2. Videos were collected from YouTube
3. Exercises were modified and collected from Internet some of them
4. Some of the sentences are collected from the Course material “i-to-i”
Materials (include all the materials you plan to use in your lesson, referenced):

1. Paper
2. Pencil, Pen
3. Posters
4. Videos
5. Marker
6. Computer
7. Handouts for meaning

13 i-to-i LOVE TEFL Lesson Plan

8. Handout’s for Exercises and Quiz
9. Handout for Homework
10.Looking into the future

1. – Future Perfect Examples

2. – Future Perfect Pronunciation
3. – Future Perfect Example
4. – Future Perfect Timeline Example

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Work sheet

Cathy Do you think you'll still be ……………. here ten years from now?
Bob I hope not! I don't think I'll be able to stand it here for that long! I think I'll have quit by then. I hope I'll be ……………. my own
company by then. How about you?
Cathy Well, in ten years, I'll have ……………. my student loans. I think I'll still be here, but with any luck, I'll have transferred to the
European office.
Bob It's scary to think of the future, isn't it? Who knows – we could both be…………….. with lots of kids by then!
Cathy Ha!

Missing Words

paid off

Future Perfect Future Perfect Future Perfect Future Perfect Future Perfect Future Perfect Looking into the
Handout.docx Homework.docx Negitive.docx Positive.docx Questions.docx Quiz.docx Future.docx

16 i-to-i LOVE TEFL Lesson Plan

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