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The Internet and other advances in communication technology have helped make the
spreading of globalization even quicker. For developing countries, access to technology
can have many benefits — one such improvement being the boost of a nation’s
economy. Other ways that technology is helping economies in developing countries is by
reducing the costs of production, encouraging growth of new business and advancing

An issue that developing countries must bypass is prioritizing technology innovation, not
just adapting to technology. Another issue is that the distribution of technology needs
to be equal across a country; so far the poor have not been able to have the same
amount of access to technology. It is important for organizations to monitor technology
and to encourage innovations and job creation in order to solve these issues.

One organization that works to do just that is Broadband for Good, a group that gives
internet access to rural areas and encourages programs to utilize the technology in
creating progress in communities.

When technology is used correctly it can be extremely helpful in furthering the

prosperity of economies. One such example of technology creating a positive impact to
the economy is in regard to India — the Self-Employed Women’s Association uses SMS
to send agricultural workers messages about commodity prices. This information helps
farmers determine best places to sell their produce. Farmers who participated in this
program have said that they have been able to sell their products over wider areas,
which has increased their incomes.

Another example, also in India, is the Hand in Hand Partnership (HIHP). The HIHP is an
organization that provides women with mobile devices so that they can launch their
own tech-driven businesses. The HIHP helps train and provide technical support for
these women. By encouraging women to innovate ideas instead of just giving them
technology, HIHP is helping to better the economy in a sustainable and long-term way.

Other countries successful in creating businesses are Nigeria, Egypt and Indonesia.
Thirty eight percent of these countries’ gross domestic product (GDP) was generated by
micro-entrepreneurs. In a 2011 World Bank report, figures showed that small businesses
like these create new jobs and generate new ideas — both of which are great for
helping economies.

– Deanna Wetmore

Reaction Paper on How Technology is Helping Economies in Developing Countries

Technology serves a number of purposes and means various things to
different people. Technology in its technical term is a science or information positioned
into realistic use to solve problems or invent useful and beneficial tools. Technology
consists the use of materials, equipment, techniques, and sources of power to make life
bearable or more pleasant and work more productive. Whereas science is pertinent
with however and why things happen, or means it is the knowledge while technology
focuses on making things happen or the process. There’s no doubt that technology has
end up vital part of our lives for better or worse used in the aspects of education,
communication, safety, components and space.

Technology can affect life both positively and negatively. New technology
always changes our life to the extent and takes it to a brand new level. It is like the new
way of wondering or doing the normal things differently, better and much more faster
with less problem and hassle and at a much affordable rate. Imagine life before the
existence of electricity, automobile, telephone, computer, and the iPhone. Before those
technologies life was much less complex however it was at the same time very hard to
get many stuffs to be done with just the twelve hours of the day that were given on a
daily basis.

Innovation is really about responding to rapid change in an innovative

way. The manner of translating an idea or invention unto a good or service that creates
value or for which consumer will pay. To be called an innovation, a concept need to be
replicable at any economical cost and should fulfill a specific need. Innovation involves
used of knowledge, imagination and initiative in coming up with bigger or unique values
from resources, and consists all processes by new concepts are generated and convert
to a new one and into useful and beneficial products. In business, innovation often
results when ideas are applied by the company so one can further satisfy the needs and
desires and expectancies of the consumer.

According to McKinsey, 84% of executives say that their future success

depends on innovation. In addition to the reality that innovation allows organizations to
stay applicable in the competitive market, it also performs crucial role in economic
growth and development. Such capability to resolve critical problems depends on new
innovations and especially developing countries need it more than ever.

Technovation’s success in ever-changing point of view of the world

concerning technology and innovation really rely on native country product. So as to
practice, countries come up with a creative thinking plan, conduct user research, create
a business plan, and build the world of innovation. Countries that lead from the
technology and business innovation help other countries that are much less with
technology to learn from them and as a result it reaches many area of the world. Some
of them are the multinational companies who have the rare opportunities to transfer
the new technology to the developing countries. Generally speaking it is both beneficial
to the multinational companies as well as the developing countries.

To promote technological advances, countries have to make investment

for the quality of education for the youth, and continuous skills training for workers and
manager. Moreover, local countries must coordinate with its subordinates with all their
means because a country can be successful to innovate and learn by doing what must
be done. They should focus not only on one issue but rather they must look at the
bigger picture and that is what it's own people need. There must be adequate
coordination between different sector of the society to avoid the failure to develop it's
potential for technological innovation. Failure to know the problems and issues of a
specific country most especially those which are developing countries; and merely
focussing on adapting technology is useless. It is useless because inability to adopt and
adapting inappropriate technologies will only lead to lower productivity.

In this world which informations are ubiquitous what the developing

countries need is the ability to use knowledge intelligently. Even when knowledge is
shared as widely as possible across the society if not used purposefully and intelligently
in a complex and demanding world it's ineffectual. Rather than giving only your people
technologies, let them nor encourage them to innovate ideas. The more your people
aim to innovate the more your country will succeed and as a result make substantial
advances in reducing poverty and inequality.

Looking at it's bright side, technology at the same time plays a vital role in
shaping and developing world's growth. The rapid spread of technology fueled by the
internet has led to positive changes in developing countries. For some instance, easier
and faster communication has contributed to the rise of democracy as well as the
alleviation of poverty. Technology by its self isn't harmful to the society, however the
manner society uses technology to attain specific goals is what results into negative
impacts of technology on the society. And there are some instances on how society
achieve there goals.

The Ethiopia exchange Program (ECEP) has helped entrepreneurs expand

their markets. Before 2008, ninety fifth of farmers oversubscribed their product in local
markets and weren't able to access different areas. Transaction costs were high and that
they had issues obtaining fair costs due to the lack of market competition. With the
appearance of the ECEP, agricultural producers gained access to external buyers and
were able to negotiate better prices. This boosted their incomes and improved the
standard of food product.

The India-based Hand in Hand Partnership (HIHP) allows women to use

mobile devices to launch businesses within the technology area. It provides mentorship,
training, credit, and technical support.

In Kenya, the Farmers useful Network (FHN) provides agricultural

producers access to the newest research through their mobile phones. Farmers will
raise queries of experts regarding crop rotation, artificial insemination, and crop
insurance. This helps them improve their agricultural production and promoting, and
increase their overall income.

On the other hand, there are also some negative impacts of technology
on society. First submission, resource depletion. The more demand for new
technologies and advancement of current technologies, the more pressure we put on
earth’s natural resources. Second submission, increase population. Technology has
helped us live longer by the improvement of health facilities and aiding in the research
for solutions for most health problems which affect humans. Third submission, increase
pollution. Pollution affects the land we crops grows on, the water we drink and the air
we breathe. As people strive so hard to create the best technologies for both society
and business, they release harmful chemicals and gasses which have polluted our
environment and this has resulted in climate changes (global warming).

Technology has helped in the growth and development of the mankind as

a whole. Technology certainly has given way to an improved lifestyle and contributed
towards the growth of economies; however, the amount of damage it has done to the
environment as well as the mankind is a cause of serious concern.

As a citizen of the world, we have to be responsible enough in all aspects

with regards to technology. If you cannot, you should at least try. Think of what may be
the outcomes of our deeds before doing. Think of the future, of what it might have been
if technology were used for unnecessary work. While this may be true, technology can
become a reason for self-destruction if not used decisively. Thus, it becomes very
important to strike a balance between technology and nature, as technology knows no
limit and can turn disparaging. As a result, a lot of people will be affected, no not only
people, all would be suffering from the vulgar used of technology and imperious leaders.

If you look to the history of technology over a couple hundred of years

advancement happens like a speed of lightning. At the end of the day what will be mark
in our minds and will never be forgotten just like the words Albert Einstein left "I fear
the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a
generation of idiots". It is really tricky expression left by the famous Einstein. It has
implicit meaning that no one can explain, justlike technology no one can predict when
will techology be vanished nor replaced by what. To decide whether technology is a
friend to the mankind or an enemy solely depends upon the user. Technology is indeed
the present and future of this era.

Wetmore, Deanna. (November 2017). How Technology is Helping Economies in
Developing Countries. Retrieved from

Crane, Diana. (October 1977). Technological innovation in developing countries: a

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Essays, UK. (November 2018). Technology Contribution Importance To Developing

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Ramey, Karehka. (November 2012). Technology and Society - Impact of Technology on

Society. Retrieved from

Chetty, Lee- Roy. (May 2013). The Importance of Technology in Economic and Social
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