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Title: Activity: Part: No.:

INTRODUCTION Classification of General Directions I-01

Approved by:
by: Replaces: Date:
Olav Nortun IS I-01 of 2006-04-15 2006-10-15


1. Introduction............................................................... 1 6. IS structure ............................................................... 2

1.1 General.........................................................................1 6.1 Classification of Ships................................................. 2
2. Scope .......................................................................... 1 6.2 Classification of Mobile Offshore Units ..................... 2
2.1 Instructions to Surveyors .............................................1 6.3 Statutory Surveys ........................................................ 2
2.2 Nauticus Production System (NPS) -
User Guide (UG)..........................................................1 6.4 Certification................................................................. 2
3. Standard layout for writing Instructions to 7. Numbering ................................................................ 3
Surveyors ................................................................... 1 8. List of valid instructions .......................................... 3
4. How IS are published ............................................... 2
5. Updating – description of changes .......................... 2 Appendix A.
5.1 Updating ......................................................................2 A generic “Table of Contents” for
5.2 Description of changes ................................................2 writing an IS (template) ...................................................... 4

Amendments and Corrections 2.2 Nauticus Production System (NPS) - User Guide
The main changes are:
Nauticus Production System - User Guidedescribes how to:
— A new Section 3 has been added, giving guidance on how to write
Instructions to Surveyors. In addition a new Appendix A has been — record data and information uniformly into the NPS - i.e.
added showing the recommended structure to be used for an IS. thus enhancing quality of data
— Some editorial corrections have been made. — perform work processes in accordance with requirements
laid down by DNV’s governing documents, primarily the
Instructions to Surveyors supported by the NPS tools.
1. Introduction Should there be any contradiction between the UG and the IS,
1.1 General the text of the IS shall prevail.
This instruction describes the following: Note:
A new procedure, or amendments to an existing procedure, may
— scope of Instructions to Surveyors (IS) and NPS User occasionally need to be implemented prior to updating of the IS.
Guide (UG) In such case, the change shall be flagged in the UG, and other-
— how IS are published wise informed to the users properly e.g. by management memo.
— updating and where an overview of changes may be found ---e-n-d---of---N-o-t-e---
— structure and numbering

2. Scope 3. Standard layout for writing Instructions

to Surveyors
2.1 Instructions to Surveyors With reference to the DNV Management system (CGM G13-2
Instructions to Surveyors describe work processes that detail Writing instructions and procedures, DMM-2-8 and OP
requirements for survey and reporting. Guidance concerning MTP-2-1 Allocation of responsibility [for engineering topic
administrative and technical matters is also given, as are in- and or parts of service documents] ), the following standard for
structions with respect to reference documents, such as rules, text making of IS is recommended. It is, however, not consid-
regulations and standards. ered mandatory and may be deviated from whenever assessed
necessary by responsible authors:


Classification of Ships/MOU, IS - I-01, 2006-10-15
Page 2

1. Introduction 5. Updating – description of changes

May be used as a collective heading for "objectives" and "ap-
plicability". Under this (or if preferred ) these headings explain 5.1 Updating
why a particular IS is written. What is the aim ? If there is any Amendments may be undertaken at any time, but main issue
reason beyond the general ("in order to improve quality or our dates are 15 April and 15 October. Amendments will be under-
work and secure a uniform standard throughout") , it should be taken by re-issuing the complete booklet in question with a
highlighted here. new date. The related booklet Valid Instructions will also be
"Who" shall follow the IS, and as part of "what or which"
Work process. 5.2 Description of changes
There may be sub-headings "responsibilities", as well as "ter- A document containing an overview of changes will be pre-
minology and definitions" for abbreviations not widely used pared when an updating has taken place. This document is
found as online information and as a printable file in the same
nor commonly known. manner as the IS booklets, see item 4.
2. Scope
Giving an overview of the Work-process as described by the 6. IS structure
particular IS, e.g. appraisal, approval, survey and or testing
may all be relevant topics addressed. The IS are published in four collections:
The "input" and "output" of the Work process may be another I Classification of Ships
way of describing scope for a process already charted and thus I Classification of Mobile Offshore Units
visually available (diagrammatically determined). II Statutory Surveys
III Certification
3. Procedures
6.1 Classification of Ships
"How" the work shall be performed shall be described in this
part of the IS. This is often the main instructive text in an IS. This collection covers the following parts:
Depending upon the complexity and volume of the description, 0 General Directions
sub-headings may beneficially be introduced, e.g. "preparation/ A Approval
planning", "service documentation references" relevant e.g. B Newbuildings
rules, regulations and standards, "performing the work", "re- C Ships in Operation
porting" and "handling findings", as well as "invoicing / fees" D Safety Management Certification
and "filing / archiving" what has resulted from the performed E ISPS Code Certification
work, are all examples of relevant sub-headings or topics.
6.2 Classification of Mobile Offshore Units
4. Guidance This collection covers the following parts:
Practical hints on how to perform the described work under 3.
0 General Directions
above effectively and efficiently; methods used, accuracy re-
quired, calibration of equipment used , testing (if any), smart A Approval
verification "milestones", acceptance criteria, are all possible B Units under Construction
sub-headings. C Units in Operation
D Safety Management Certification
If even further detailed elaboration on any one of the above
topics is found necessary, one or more "Appendices" may be 6.3 Statutory Surveys
made. This collection covers the following parts:

See Appendix A: A generic “Table of Contents” for writing an 1 General Directions for Statutory Surveys
IS (template). 2 Load Line
3 SOLAS and Protocol
4 MARPOL and Protocol
4. How IS are published 5 Stability
6 Tonnage Measurement
Print versions of IS are no longer distributed. Online and print- 7 Various Statutory Surveys
able (pdf) versions are available on the intranet from the menu
of as follows: 6.4 Certification
Online and Printable versions: This collection covers the following parts:
DNV maritime, Rules and governing documents, Instructions 0 General Directions
to Surveyors. A Certification Principles
A printable version of IS is also found on the DNV Maritime B Qualification of Firms and Personnel
Surveyor’s CD. Subscription to this CD may be obtained by C Design Quality
contacting the distribution department. D Manufactured Quality


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7. Numbering 8. List of valid instructions

The booklets are numbered according to the related activity For each collection of IS there is a Valid Instructions booklet
and parts. which is always updated when any IS within that collection is
revised. Typically, the Valid Instructions booklet for ship clas-
sification is numbered I-X.
The Valid Instructions booklets serve as electronic tables of
contents from which any IS can be accessed by clicking on the
included links, see item 4.


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Page 4

Appendix A
A generic “Table of Contents” for writing an IS (template)
(Please follow this link to open the template as a Word document)

1 Introduction
1.1 Objectives
Explain the aim of this Instruction to Surveyors.
1.2 Applicability
Explain what object(s) this Instruction to Surveyors will be applicable for.

2 Scope
2.1 What to be covered
Explain the job elements that the Instruction to Surveyors shall cover. This may include job elements related to appraisal, ap-
proval, survey and or testing.

3 Procedures
3.1 Preparation / planning
Explain as applicable the necessary preparations that are required, both from the surveyor and manufacturer.
3.2 Service documents
List as applicable necessary service documents as background information for the scope of work that shall be undertaken.
3.3 Work performance
Provide a description on how the survey works shall be undertaken. How shall the inspection be carried out and what shall be
3.4 Reporting
Provide instructions for how surveys shall be reported. To the owner as well as to the DNV line.
3.5 Handling of findings
Provide as applicable guidance for how finding(s) shall be handled.
3.6 Invoicing / Fees
Provide as applicable guidance on invoicing/fees.
3.7 Filing / Archiving
Provide as applicable guidance on filing/archiving.

4 Guidance
When required guidance on how to carry out the survey shall be given under this section as specified in the following subsections.
4.1 Methods used
Provide advice to the surveyor for methods used to demonstrate or assess compliance with relevant requirements.
4.2 Accuracy required
Provide guidance to the surveyor on accuracy required in the assessment techniques applied.
4.3 Calibrations
Provide guidance on how calibration of measuring equipments used to demonstrate compliance can be assessed.
4.4 Testing
Provide guidance on applicable test methods and how they shall be assessed.
4.5 Verification "milestones"
Provide guidance on verification milestones to be scheduled in cooperation with the manufacturer.
4.6 Acceptance criteria
Provide practical guidance on acceptable tolerances.


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