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Republic of the Philippines

Polytechnic University of the Philippines

College of Architecture and Fine Arts
PUP-NDC Compound, Anonas Street corner Pureza Street
Sta. Mesa, Manila


Submitted by:
Escaro, Rosemarie
Saguilot, Aaron John

Submitted to:
Ar. Rey S. Gabitan
Section 5 – Relations with Contractor
The Contractor depends upon the Architect to safeguard fairly the Contractor’s interests as
well as those of the client; and, accordingly he or she
5.1 shall give the Contractor every reasonable assistance to enable him/her to fully
understand the contents of the Contract Documents by furnishing clear, definite, and
consistent information on all pertinent contract documents to avoid unnecessary mistakes
that may involve extra costs to either the Contractor or the Client.
 The architect should help or assist the contractor in understanding the details on the
contract documents by giving the precise information to avoid mishaps which will
require additional payment to the Client or the contractor.
5.2 shall not knowingly call upon the Contractor or remedy oversights or error in the Contract
Documents to the Contractor’s or the Owner’s financial disadvantage.
 The architect should not find fault nor errors in the contract documents in order to
take advantage financially to the owner or the contractor.
5.3 shall, immediately upon his/her personal knowledge and inspection, reject or condemn
material, equipment, or workmanship which is not in conformity with the Contract
Documents in order not to cause unnecessary delay and additional expense to the
 The architect, based on his/her knowledge, should refuse or reject materials/works
that does not correspond in the contract documents to avoid additional expenditure
and unnecessary delays.

5.4 shall reject any offer of free professional engineering or allied design service/s, or
receive any substantial aid, gifts, commissions, or favors from any Contractor or Sub-
contractor which will tend to place him/her any kind of obligation to return such favors.
 As an architect you should refuse any offers of free services from contractors or any
services that will place you in a responsibility which you also have to return another
service for them.

5.5 shall promptly inspect each phase of the work completed and if found according to the
terms of the Documents, issue the corresponding Certificates of Payment and final
Certificate of Completion, respectively to the Contractor.
 As an architect you should always check each progress of the work, and if it follows
in the contract then you should now issue payment for the contractor.


Section 6 – Relation with Manufactures, Dealers, and Agents
An exchange of technical information between the Architect and those who manufacture,
supply, and handle building materials or equipment is necessary and, therefore, encouraged
and commended, provided that: he/she
6.1 shall not solicit free professional engineering/allied design or other technical services
from manufactures or suppliers of building materials or equipment when these are
accompanied by an obligation detrimental to the best interest of the Client or which may
adversely affect the Architect’s professional opinion.
 The architect should not ask for free technical services from suppliers of building
materials or equipment certainly when this will cause damage or harm to the client
and will affect even the architect’s professional opinion.

6.2 shall not seek commissions, discounts, fees, gifts, or favors from agents or firms
handling building materials or equipment which may place him/her in a reciprocal frame of
mind. All market discounts shall be credited to the Client.
 As an architect you should not have transaction in getting discounts from
manufacturers etc. unless the discounts will be credited to the Client only.


Section 7 – Relations with his/her colleagues and subordinates (his/her big and small
The Architect has moral responsibilities towards his/her profession, his/her colleagues, and
his/her subordinates; and, accordingly, he or she
7.1 shall not render professional services without a professional service agreement. He/she
neither offer nor provide preliminary services on a conditional basis prior to definite
agreement with the Client for the commission of the project.
 The architect should not give professional services without a professional service
agreement. And he/she should not provide preliminary services before having a
definite agreement with the client for the commission of the project.
7.2 shall abide by the Basic Minimum Fee prescribed under the “Standards of Professional
Practice”. He/she shall not use donation of professional services as a device for obtaining
competitive advantage except for worthy civic or religious projects. Neither shall he/she
submit solicited or unsolicited sketches or drawings in competition with other Architects
unless such competitive arrangements are conducted substantially under the terms of the
Architectural Competition Code.
 The architect shall obey the Basic Minimum Fee laid by the “Standards of
Professional Practice”. He/she should not use other professional service’s donation
in order to gain advantage, nor submit solicited/unsolicited drawings competitively
unless conducted under Architectural Competition Code.
7.3 shall not, in any case, enter as competitor in any Architectural Competition when he/she
has direct involvement in the formulation of the Program thereof, or when he/she has been
engaged to act as Professional Adviser or Juror for such competition. Neither shall the
Architect accept and act as professional adviser or juror in any architectural competition
when he/she has had information or has reviewed or assisted in the preparation of such
competition. Nor shall be retained as a professional adviser in a competition, accept
employment as an Architect for that competition project, except as Consulting Architect.
 As an Architect you should be fair with your colleagues and subordinates. If you, an
architect, have already know any information about the competition because you’ve
been part of organizing it then you shall not be a contestant, nor be a professional
adviser because it is an advantage for you to win the competition project.

7.4 shall not, under any circumstances or through any means, solicit any project already
known to him/her previously committed to another Architect, whether such a commitment is
still in the process of negotiation or has already been definitely agreed upon.
 If someone is already committed in any project or even still in negotiation, do not
make petition or request to have that project.

7.5 shall not undertake a commission for which he/she knows that another Architect has
been previously employed unless he/she notifies the other Architect of the fact in writing and
has conclusively determined that the original employment has been terminated and duly
compensated for.
 With respect to your colleagues, you shall not take any project which is still under
another architect unless they are notified that he/she has been terminated.
Because if without any legal and something
7.6 shall not undertake a commission for additions, rehabilitation, or remodeling of any
erected structure undertaken previously by another Architect without duly notifying him of
the contemplated project even when the Client/Owner is no longer the same. When the
greater mass, area, or design of the original structure is substantially maintained, the new
Architect should limit his/her advertisement or claim only to the extent of the specific work
he/she has done to the structure. Whenever the nature of work involved examples of our
architectural heritage, the Architect must look at all possibilities of restoration.
 The architect should not accept commission for any building/structure to remodel,
rehabilitate or add something to its design which is already undertaken previously by
another architect without telling him/her even when the owner is no longer the same.
When the design of the original structure is maintained, the new architect should only
claim the scope of his work and limit his/her advertisement.
7.7 shall not maliciously or unfairly criticize, or discredit another Architect or the latter’s work.
 The architect should not make judgements towards other architect.
7.8 shall refrain from associating himself/herself with, or allowing the use of his/ her name by
any enterprise that may negatively affect himself/herself or the architectural profession.
 Do not allow your name to be used by anyone if it’s risky or something suspicious
that can affect your profession.
7.9 shall not affix his/her signature and seal to any plans or professional documents
prepared or entities and not done under his/her direct personal supervision.
 The architect should not attach his/her signature or even seal to any plans /
professional documents not concluded under his/her personal care.
7.10 shall provide employees and subordinates with suitable work environment, compensate
them fairly, and facilitate their professional advancement. He/she shall tutor and mentor the
young aspirants towards the ideals, functions, duties, and responsibilities leading to the
ethical practice of the architectural profession.
 Your employees and subordinates are your family, providing them with a good
environment will make them more inspired working. As an architect you should help
them by teaching about the profession, ethical practice and such for them to grow
and by that you can build not just a strong work environment but also a strong
7.11 shall unselfishly give his/her share in the transfer of technical knowledge and
experience to his/her colleagues and young aspirants and do his/her part in fostering unity in
the furtherance of the profession.
 The architect should selflessly share his/her technical knowledge and experience to
young aspirant architects and to his/her colleagues by cultivating for the
advancement of the profession.
7.12 shall unselfishly give his/her time and effort to the advancement of the profession thru
his/her active and personal commitment and involvement with the Integral and Accredited
Professional Organization of Architects (IAPOA) and undertaking specific advocacy work to
ultimate benefit the architectural profession.
 Passing the board exam is another commitment to have, there are organizations of
architects that needs involvement like the IAPOA, and as an architect he/she should
involve him/herself to this organization. And to uplift the architectural profession and
you as an architect, you should undertake specific advocacy.
7.13 shall ensure that the conduct of his/her professional practice abides by appropriate and
effective internal procedures, including monitoring and review processes, as well as
sufficient qualified and supervised staff to enable the firm to function efficiently.
 The architect should assure that all his/her professional practice continues the
internal procedures such as the monitoring and review process, also to be in charge
in qualified and sufficient staff to allow to function effectively.

7.14 shall neither appropriate the intellectual property of, nor unduly take advantage of the
ideas of another architect without express authority from the originating architect.
 As showing respect to the originating architect, do not use his ideas or work for your
personal gain unless he/she authorize you to do so.
7.15 shall build his/her professional reputation on the merits of his/her own service and
performance and shall strive to continuously update his/her professional know how. He/she
shall recognize and give credit to others for professional work performed.
 The architect should build his/her own professional reputation results in his/her
excellency. He/she should give acknowledgement and appreciation to the works of
other professional as well.
7.16 shall not, when offering services as an independent consultant, quote a fee without first
receiving an official invitation for him/her to do so. The Architect must have sufficient
information on services covered by the fee in order to protect the Client and public from
under-resourcing or underpricing by some unscrupulous parties.
 Wait for the invitation from the client before stating the fee. And you an architect to
protect your client and the public from underpricing by other parties you should have
enough information on what services covered by your fee.
7.17 shall not undertake professional work unless the parties shall have clearly agreed in
writing to the terms of the architectural commission, to wit:
7.17.1 scope of work,
7.17.2 delineation of responsibilities,
7.17.3 any limitation of responsibilities,
7.17.4 fee or method of calculating it,
7.17.5 mode of alternative dispute resolution, and
7.17.6 any provision for termination. UAP Document 200 : Code of Ethical Conduct
 The architect should not undertake other professional work unless the parties
corresponds in writing the terms of the architectural commission, to come to know
the scope of work, to show responsibilities, to limit responsibilities, to have fee or
method of calculating , mode of alternative resolution and any provision for
7.18 shall continue to raise the standards of aesthetic excellence, functional logic,
architectural education, research, training, and practice.
 Being an architect is a privilege to have and so it should be protected and enrich the
profession, the architect should always seek to raise the standards of aesthetic
excellence; which is designing, functional logic; which considers the needs of the
clients, and architectural education, research, training, and practice.
7.19 shall, as appropriate, promote the allied arts and contribute to the knowledge and
capability of the construction and industry.
 The architect should continuously promote arts and contribute to the growth,
knowledge and potentials of the construction and industry.

7.20 if he/she possesses substantial information which leads to a reasonable belief that
another Architect has committed a violation of this code, shall file a formal complaint with the
designed body.
 With respect to your colleagues, to prevent issues spreading around, you should not
tell anyone about the issue and just file a formal complaint to the authorized people
for them to take action of the violation that has been committed by another architect.
7.21 if he/she is leaving his/her Architect-Employer shall not, without the permission of the
latter, take with him/her designs, drawings, data, or other relevant materials even if
personally performed by him/her. On the other hand, the Architect-Employer shall not
unreasonably withhold such permission, except when some confidentiality of any such
documents should not hold protected.
 if an architect is leaving his/her Architect-Employer, he should not take with her/him
his own designs, drawings or other relevant materials. The Archi-Employer should
not disapprove permission, unless some privacy of any documents is not protected.

7.22 shall not discriminate on grounds of race, national origin, age, gender, marital status,
religion, or any disability which hinder the performance of his/her professional work.
 As an architect, he/she may not talk about personal life issues of his/her colleagues
of such things that will make his/her colleague be affected and would tend to have a
bad performance.

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